Changes to Hosting Realities (COVID-19 Edition) - cloudfront ...

Page created by Julie Oliver
Changes to Hosting Realities (COVID-19 Edition)

AFS Spain-06/10/2020

INFORMATION                     QUESTIONS                                    PARTNER ANSWERS

                                                                             All students must get a COVID-19 (a PCR test) test
ARRIVAL INFORMATION             Will participants need to provide any        shortly before their arrival to Spain. The test should be
                                COVID-19 RELATED TESTING? If yes, or         from the last 7 days and all partners must send the
Please provide information on                                                certificate that proves participants have negative results
                                yes, depending on their country of origin,
current requirements for                                                     to
                                please note to which sending countries
entering the country beyond                                                  Those positive won’t be allowed to enter Spain.
                                this applies. Please be specific as to test
those related to visa
                                type) and the time frame required (before    We kindly ask all the participants to observe safety
procedures.                                                                  measures and limit social interactions before the
                                or after arrival).
                                                                             departure and we recommend the same after arrival for
                                                                             at least the next 7 days..

                                                                             No at this moment.
                                VISA - Are there specific changes to the      There may be changes on how to request an
                                visa process?                                appointment. Each consulate will have its own

                                Will there be a QUARANTINE period? If        No, so far for EU countries. Restrictions or not for EU
                                yes, or yes, depending on their country of   countries could be found in this link:
                                origin, please provide information to
                                which sending countries this applies,
place, duration and those responsible for
                                                 However, quarantine could be established for those
the supervision of students during this
                                                 outside the EU., depending on the country. Please, check
period as well as consequences students
                                                 with your consulates.
will face if they do not abide as expected
during this period. What are expected            All travellers will have to fill a health control form (FCS)
costs? Has it been included in the transfer      and sign it electronically before travelling to Spain. Your
price or will there be a separate charge?        students can access the form and sign it via the Spain
                                                 Travel Health website or apps for Android or iOS devices.
                                                 After they sign it, they will receive a QR code which they
                                                 must present when they arrive in Spain (it is valid in both
                                                 digital and printed formats)

                                                 Please, check with the airlines if travellers would have to
                                                 fill up something else.

Provide info on what to expect in                We would like stus to arrive either to Madrid or
LOGISTICS / ORIENTATION which may                Barcelona, (MAD airport or BCN airport) depending on
change due to COVID-19 precautions, e.g.         their placement. We will confirm to partners who is
will all orientations be virtual? If there are   travelling where when we transfer each hostfamily
group gatherings, will there be special          information.
                                                 This year all flights must arrive before 14.00h (Madrid
                                                 time), so all students could travel on that same day to
                                                 their host families region.

                                                 Also, due to the current situation, the Arrival Orientation
will be via online within their firsts weeks on the
                                                                                  program. (TR- 17th October - YP: 7th november)

                                                                                  For all the YP programs, we are preparing additional
                                                                                  online content that students could do during the weeks
                                                                                  previous to their departure. We expect them to be 3
                                                                                  modules of 90minuts each. The form with more
                                                                                  information is also available on the program sheet.

                                                                                  In case of group gatherings, they will have to follow up
                                                                                  the recommendations and instructions related to Covid
                                                                                  19 provided by our administrations.

                                    What are current plans? Will classes meet     Schools are open although each region or school could
SCHOOL REALITIES                                                                  impose different guidelines and rules. It is very important
                                    in-person every day? Are hours reduced?
Provide information on how                                                        stus keep themselves informed about the rules and
                                    Will there be classes online? What tools
schools will be impacted by                                                       regulations applied in their school.
                                    will be needed, e.g. laptops?                 Some schools may impose person in person classes
COVID-19 guidelines in the
                                                                                  combined with digital-online classes.
host country.
                                                                                  The number of students per class is reduced and
                                                                                  students will have to keep the security health distance.

                                    What will be the possibilities to meet with   It is mandatory the use of masks in all public places
DAILY LIFE ACTIVITIES                                                             (streets, shops, buses…). Some regions have established
                                    friends, do sports, use public
Provide information about                                                         gatherings up to a maximum of 6 people.
                                    transportation, etc. Include information
daily life (possibilities to meet                                                 For cities above 100.000 habitants, the national
                                    on any new guidelines within your             government could impose further restrictions on
with friends, do sports...).
                                    country about such activities.                mobility, for less inhabitants the community government
                                                                                  is the one deciding depending on the area situation.
                                                                                  Since 4th October, some cities in the Madrid community
                                                                                  have more mobility restrictions in their area. We will be
informing partners when any further restriction applies
                                                                                to their pax.

                                                                            The participant should bring a sufficient supply of masks
PACKING LIST                     What should the participant consider       for the first days and some hydroalcoholic gel.
Provide recommendations for      packing especially in regards to masks and We highly recommended bringing a laptop for school.
packing lists taking into        other items recommended for safety?
consideration the                Will a laptop be required for school for
recommendations of local and     example?
national authorities.

                                 Will independent travel be allowed?            Yes, independent travel would be allowed following our
INDEPENDENT TRAVEL                                                              rules and responsibility document.
                                    a) Yes, as outlined in our Country
Please indicate how this might                                                  But AFS approval is mandatory and we will monitor the
                                         Information booklet
be affected.                                                                    situation of the place they would like to travel to.
                                    b) Yes, with some new restrictions
                                    c) No
                                 If ‘Yes, with some new restrictions’, please
                                 comment on the new restrictions. For
                                 example, will it be allowed within the host
                                 country? Outside of the host country

                                                                                Yes, visits could be allowed following our rules and
NATURAL FAMILY VISITS            Will visits from natural family and friends    responsibility document. But AFS approval is mandatory
Please indicate how this might   be allowed?                                    and we will monitor the situation case by case.
be affected.
                                    a)   Yes, as outlined in our Country
                                         Information booklet
                                    b) Yes, with some new restrictions
c) No

                                 If ‘Yes, with some new restrictions’, please
                                 comment on the new restrictions. For
                                 example, will the decision be made on a
                                 case by case basis? Will visits only be
                                 allowed at the end of the program?

                                                                                Yes, but program termination should be required before
PROGRAM TERMINATION              Will Program Releases be allowed at the        May 15th 2021.
Please indicate how this might   end of the program?                            We have a condition to approve the PR, a student’s
be affected.                                                                    relative should pick him/her up, as is explained in the
                                     a) Yes, as outlined in the Country         rules and responsibilities booklet.
                                         information booklet
                                     b) Yes, with certain restrictions
                                     c) No

                                 If ‘Yes, with some new restrictions’, please
                                 comment on the new restrictions. Please
                                 reach out directly to the partner to see
                                 how your pax may be impacted.

                                                                                It is mandatory to use masks in all places (outside your
General Safety Precautions       What are the general safety precautions?       home). Social distancing is highly recommended as well as
                                 E.g. social distancing, wearing mask, hand     washing your hands often.
Please indicate what is                                                         Avoid physical contact when greeting/meeting people.
                                 washing/sanitizer, greeting volunteers or
expected in terms of general
                                 host family upon arrival, etc.
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