Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in mountain ...

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Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in mountain ...
ISSN: 2339-076X (p); 2502-2458 (e), Volume 5, Number 3 (April 2018): 1299-1305

Research Article

Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java
(Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in
mountain region?
Luchman Hakim1,2*, Brian Rahardi1, Arief Rachmansyah3
  Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran Malang
  65145, East Java, Indonesia
  Brawijaya Tourism Research Centre, Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
  Graduate School for Environmental Science, Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran Malang 65145, East Java,
*corresponding author:
Received 28 February 2018, Accepted 31 March 2018

Abstract: The aim of this research was to evaluate the diversity of plant species along the tourist trails to
Mt. Lamongan and combat any misconceptions about ecosystem restoration and the ecotourism
development program in Mt. Lamongan. A floristic survey was done through flora identification along
the hiking trail from the gate of Mt. Lamongan nature recreation area in Papringan Village to the slopes of
Mt. Lamongan. The identified species were listed and their taxonomic status analyzed using information
from the GRIN website. This study found that exotic plant species are abundant along the tourist tract.
Human activities were identified as contributing to the introduction and establishment of exotic plant
species. Result of the research indicate that restoration knowledge and techniques do not exist in the Mt.
Lamongan region. A comprehensive evaluation of flora should be implemented to enhance the restoration
program and protect forest area, especially the tourist corridor to the peak of Mt. Lamongan. Integrated
actions to enhance restoration and promote tourism are needed. It encompasses strengthening the
restoration concept and technology, eradication of exotic plant species, and establishing a proper tourism
interpretive tract.
Keywords: exotic plant, invasive plant, mountain restoration, mountain tourism
To cite this article: Hakim, L., Rahardi, B. and Rachmansyah, A. 2018. Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt.
Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in mountain region? J.
Degrade. Min. Land Manage. 5(3): 1299-1305, DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm. 2018.053.1299.

Introduction                                                 above sea level), Mt. Wilis (2,460 m asl), Mt.
                                                             Kelud (1,731 m asl), Mt. Butak (2,868 m asl), Mt.
Tropical forest in East Java has been suffering              Arjuno (3,339), Mt. Welirang (3,156 m asl), Mt.
from heavy disturbance. In the past decade, the              Penanggungan (1,653 m asl), Mt. Semeru (3,676
lost of forest on East Java was enormous. Since              m asl), Tengger highland-Mt. Bromo (2,392 m
the 1970s, the forest of East Java has been                  asl), Mt. Lamongan (1,651 m), Iyang highland-
transformed through rapid and intensive                      Mt. Argopuro (3,088 m asl), Mt. Raung (3,332 m
deforestation. By 1999, forest cover in East Java            asl) to Mt. Ijen (2.443 m asl). All of the area has
totaled ± 1,357,640 Ha, of which only 578,374 Ha             been declared as protected area in some manner,
are declared as protected forest (Departemen                 including national parks, strict protected areas,
Kehutanan, 2002). In recent years, remaining                 wildlife sanctuaries, and grand forest (Smiet,
forest cover in East Java has increasingly been              1992; Whitten et al., 1996; Carn, 2000). Some
confined to the mountains and highland                       mountain areas have been designated by
ecosystem spreading from Mt. Lawu (3,265 m                                                                                         1299
Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in mountain ...
Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia)

UNESCO as biosphere reserve areas, including            work of providing flora databases. Due to the lack
Mt. Semeru, Tengger highland, Mt. Bromo, and            of basic information on flora diversity, field
Mt. Ijen (Hakim and Soemarno, 2017).                    research should be a crucial element in the
      Mt. Lamongan is one of the areas with             management, planning and design of mountain
potential geothermal energy, biodiversity and           areas as ecotourism destinations. The aim of this
recently has become a popular nature-based              research is to evaluate the diversity of plant
tourism destination in East Java (Nasution and          species along the tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan
Tarmudji, 1981; Whitten et al., 1996; Deon et al.,      and combat any misconceptions about ecosystem
2015). As with many forest areas on Java Island,        restoration and the ecotourism development
rapid degradation of forest in Mt. Lamongan             program in Mt. Lamongan.
occurred after the economic crisis in 1997. In
order to recover the ecosystem of Mt. Lamongan,
numerous      attempts     at     mountain     forest   Materials and Methods
rehabilitation and restoration programs have been       Study area
made. Introduction of numerous plant species may
be essential and has been practiced by the              The study was conducted at Mt. Lamongan in
government       and    the     local    community.     East Java Province, Indonesia. The Mt. Lamongan
Interestingly, there are many rehabilitation            forest area reaches an altitude of between 400 and
activity which are linked to the tourism program.       1,651 m above the sea level. Mean annual
Plant introduction in degraded areas has been           temperature     varies     between     26-28     ºC.
viewed as part of the effort to increase destination    Administratively, the study area is situated in
attractiveness. Today, ecotourism in mountain           Lumajang Regency in East Java Province. The
areas has gained momentum for development, and          ecosystem types at Mt. Lamongan are diverse,
rehabilitation is one of the crucial efforts to         ranging from primary mountain forest to
improve destination quality. The development of         secondary      forest,    shrubs-grassland,     and
the ecotourism program at Mt. Lamongan is               plantations. There are fresh water lakes on the
especially relevant with the issues of increased        slopes of Mt. Lamongan, namely Lake Lading,
tourism market demand to visit natural areas and        Lake Klakah, and Lake Pakis. Since the economic
programs to conserve biodiversity.                      crisis of 1997, a dramatic loss of mountain forest
      A plant species diversity database is required    occurred, mainly due to the massive illegal
to establish comprehensive ecotourism planning at       harvesting. The degradation of lower mountain
Mt. Lamongan. Developing a plant species                forest on Mt. Lamongan was initiated by the
database would provide crucial information on           exploitation of timber species by local people.
sustainable use of mountain flora. A plant              Now, there are few primary forest patches left on
database would provide information that has a           Mt. Lamongan due to degradation after illegal
significant value in tourism programs, such as          logging. A major part of the slope area of Mt.
nature interpretation. The descriptive information      Lamongan is covered with shrubs and grassland.
on flora species diversity would make it possible       The top of the mountain is rocky, and vegetation
to design a sustainable tourism destination (Eagles     consists of a mixture of shrubs and grassland.
et al., 2002; Hakim and Soemarno, 2017).                Recently, a large area of the shrubs and grassland
Ecotourism sites often include attractive areas,        have been subject to forest fires. Mt. Lamongan is
containing numerous plants for education program        surrounded by Javanese and Madurese rural
purposes.                                               settlements, agricultural fields, and state
      The investigation of mountain flora is also       plantations. These villages are located at from 300
important to identify exotic plant species. Exotic      to 400 m asl. Farming is the primary economic
plant species specific to the particular regions and    activity in the majority of the rural area near Mt.
ecosystem are often related to the number of            Lamongan. The study was restricted to abandoned
programs,      including      land    rehabilitation,   lands located between 400 m and 700 m elevation
ecosystem restoration and tourism site                  southwest of Mt. Lamongan. These areas were
improvement. Exotic plant species has been              selected due to intensive interaction of humans
reported to contribute to environmental                 and nature, including animal fed collection, a
degradation and biodiversity extinction (Myers et       forest rehabilitation program, and tourism.
al., 2000). Aside from the work of van Steenis et       Historically, this area was covered by lower
al. (1972), to date there are no intensive studies      mountain forest, but most of the forest lands were
focusing on mountain flora databases, especially        degraded and abandoned. We studied flora species
on exotic plant species in mountain areas. With         diversity along the tourist trails covered with
the increasing awareness of biodiversity                shrubs, grassland, and a small patch of secondary
extinction, more attention needs to be paid to the      forest.

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Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia)

Methods                                                    Agroforestry
The study was conducted from January to June               Agroforestry lands were distributed along the
2017. Prior to field observation, a secondary data         border of protected lowland mountain forest
exploration was carried out to understand the              and settlement area. According to informants,
ecology of Mt. Lamongan and the socio-economic             the agroforestry area has flourished in some
circumstances     of    the    local    community          forest patches after the rapid deforestation
surrounding Mt. Lamongan, especially in                    occurred in 1999. Agroforestry area
Papringan village. Papringan village is the closest        development was initiated as an effort to
inhabited settlement to Mt. Lamongan.                      increase     community participation         and
Administratively, the village belongs to Klakah            involvement in an attempt to improve forest
sub-district-Lumajang Regency. The floristic               quality. Recently, this area was established
survey was done through flora identification along         and maintained by the local residents through
the tourist hiking trail from the gate of Mt.              community       based      forest    management
Lamongan nature recreation area in Papringan               practices. The number of native lower
Village to the slopes of Mt. Lamongan. This area           mountain plant species was extremely low,
is the degraded zone of Mt. Lamongan in which a            and the agroforestry area was dominated by
patch of agro-forestry and small secondary forest          plants with economic value. Informants point
exists among the dominant shrubs and grassland.            out that in the past, native vegetation was
Plant species were studied using direct plant              destroyed to provide clear lands for
identification. The identified species were listed         cultivation. Recently, the agroforetsry area has
and their taxonomic status was analyzed based on           been characterized by timber and fruit tree
the GRIN website. The local name was generated             species,     including       Tectona     grandis,
from informants in the field and verified based on         Paraserianthus        falcataria,      Swietenia
Flora of Java by Backer and Bakhuizen (1965)               macrophylla,           Gmelina          arborea,
and Mountain Flora of Java by van Steenis et al.           Pithecellobium         jiringa,       Artocarpus
(1972). An interview with ten informants was               heterophyllus, Persea americana, and Durio
conducted to gather information regarding the              zibethinus. Plants with potential market value
relationship between humans, forest resource               such Coffea canephora, C. excelxa and
exploitation, forest degradation and restoration           Theobroma cacao were often planted under
programs which are implemented in Mt.                      Leucaena leucocephala, Parkia speciosa, and
Lamongan. Data were analyzed descriptively.                Pithecellobium jiringa. Additional species
                                                           found in the agroforestry area include Musa
                                                           spp. Saplings and seedlings of Swietenia
Results                                                    macrophylla were very common in the
Recent land types and plants species                       agroforestry area.
Field observation revealed that the study area has         Shrubs and grassland
been degraded. Informants stated that timber               Shrubs and grasses grow everywhere as a
species were illegally harvested to sell in illegal        result of the combination of rapid forest
markets and the forest has declined significantly          clearing and poor soil capability to support the
as a result. Illegal logging and over-exploitation         growth of native forest vegetation (Figure 1).
has contributed to the survival of timber species.         The shrubs and grassland were dominated by
After rapid forest degradation starting in 1997, in        ferns and grasses. About 11 ferns were
recent years the land has included four ecosystem          recorded, including Drynaria quercifolia,
types: agroforestry, shrubs and grassland, and             Pteris ensiformis, Pityrogramma calomelanos,
secondary forest. A total of 224 plant species             Stenochlaena          palustris,       Phyrosia
belonging to 62 families were found along the              nummularifolia, Nephrolepis sp., Davallia
transects. The families with the highest number of         trichomanoides, Selaginella sp., Lygodium
species were Fabaceae (18 species), Asteraceae             circinatum, L. flexuosum, Adiantum sp., and
(12 species), Poaceae (13 species), and                    Cyathea sp. The grasses include Axonopus
Euphorbiaceae (7 species). Mt. Lamongan is of              compressus, Eleusine indica, Eulalia amaura,
particular significance for east javan rare species,       Paspalum conjugatum, Apluda mutica,
including the pitcher plant. This species was              Imperata cylindrica, Themeda arguens,
reported in previous studies but not observed              Sporobolus, Cynodon dactylon and Setaria
during field observation. A number of orchids and          palmifolia. While some species are able to be
epiphyte were absent due to loss of host tree              use as animal feed, only a few species were

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Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia)

   collected from the shrubs and grassland area            planted in abandoned lands and can have a
   for animal feed.                                        good market, including Tectona grandis,
                                                           Paraserianthus falcataria, Albizia chinensis,
   Secondary forest
                                                           Swietenia macrophylla, and Gmelina arborea.
   The small area of secondary forest in Mt.               The species Paraserianthus falcataria
   Lamongan has been scattered, and the large              dominates the agroforestry and plantation area
   lower mountain forest at the boundary of the            that now has good prices in market. Important
   rural settlement area has been converted into           introduced economic plants come from the
   tree plantations. Recent secondary forest               species Coffea canephora, C. excelxa and
   contains a number of lower mountain species,            Theobroma cacao.
   including Trema orientalis, Alstonia scholaris,
   Bischofia javanica, Litsea sp., Engelhardia
   spicata and Ficus sp. There are five Ficus          Most of the invasive weed species in the Mt.
   species that are sparsely distributed in the        Lamongan area belong to the families Asteraceae,
   study area, including F. septica, F. benjamina,     Fabaceae and Poaceae. Senggani (Melastoma
   F. hispida, F. padana and F. variegata. In the      malabathricum) is considered as a major invasive
   past, wood plants such as Trema orientalis,         species in the Mt. Lamongan area. Other invasive
   Bischofia javanica, Litsea sp. and Engelhardia      plant species have been found on or near Mt.
   spicata were all harvested illegally to provide     Lamongan, including Lantana camara (Figure 2)
   wood for numerous civil construction projects.      and Eupatorium inulifolium. This species grows
   Informants point out that Alstonia scholaris        widely and occupied the open area on Mt.
   was illegally collected as an ornamental tree       Lamongan. Another exotic plant is Acacia
   which was recently planted in urban parks.          mangium. This species is native to Australasia
                                                       zones and was introduced to Mt. Lamongan by
Exotic plant species
                                                       local people as a fuel wood and soil improver.
This survey found numerous non native plant            Acacia mangium was widely planted for the
species in the Mt. Lamongan ecosystem. These           reforestation program.
exotic plant species basically can be classified as
valuable plant species and weeds.
Valuable species
                                                       Mountain degradation in Mt. Lamongan resulted
The exotic plants in valuable plant species can be     in three main types of ecosystem, namely shrubs-
classified into fruit, vegetable, wood and other       grassland, agroforestry areas and secondary forest.
economic trees species.                                Agroforestry is the result of the governmental re-
    Fruit trees: Fruit trees were introduced and       vegetation programs in degraded areas through
    planted in degraded land in Mt. Lamongan in        the introduction of plant tree species as
    the early 2000. Most species of fruit trees        commodity crops, most commonly coffee.
    planted in Mt. Lamongan were edible and            Globally, it is common for coffee to be cultivated
    marketable. They include Mangifera indica,         in agroforestry systems (Lin, 2007; Jose, 2009).
    Nephelium lappaceum, Annona muricata,              Besides contributing to the effort to improve
    Artocarpus heterophyllus, Persea americana,        greenery in degraded areas, this policy often
    Durio zibethinus, Manilkara zapota, Psidium        contributes to the socio-economic improvement of
    guajava, Lansium domesticum, Averrhoa              local people in surrounding degraded areas.
    carambola and Chrysophyllum cainito. All of        Shrubs-grassland is often established naturally in
    these species can be common and                    abandoned area. These ecosystems are widely
    economically have played a substantial role in     found in open areas and are adaptive to drought
    local household earnings. Other fruit trees        and fire (Maestre et al., 2003; Nano and Clarke,
    with minor market value are Anacardium             2011; Blair et al., 2014). Since the area has a high
    occidentale, Syzygium cumini, Antidesma            likelihood of forest fires, a control and monitoring
    bunius, Dimocarpus longan and Annona               area especially during the dry season is important
    reticulata.                                        to minimize forest fire risk on Mt. Lamongan.
    Vegetables: Several plants are important           Some recently appearing secondary forest patches
    sources of spices and vegetables, including        along the hiking trail corridor area in the past
    Piper nigrum, Leucaena leucocephala, Parkia        contained few valuable woody tree species and
    speciosa, Pithecellobium jiringa, Aleurites        useful plants. The existence of secondary forest
    moluccana and Cinnamomum burmanni.                 areas, however, is important in natural succession.
    Wood and other economic tree species: A            The existence of secondary forest in degraded
    number of woody plants were introduced and
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Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia)

areas is therefore crucial for a restoration program   exotic plant invasions, only a few seedlings of
(Parrotta et al., 1997; Kennard, 2002).                timber species germinated in the soil surface
      The presence of numerous exotic plant            (Hakim and Miyakawa, 2015). In the case of Mt.
species along the tourist tract of Mt. Lamongan        Lamongan, there are some important strategies to
indicates that native vegetation is potentially        link restoration and tourism programs in degraded
undergoing degradation (Stohlgren et al., 1999).       mountain area. The crucial programs include (1)
The abundance of exotic and invasive species at        strengthening the restoration concept and
Mt. Lamongan also indicates poor understanding         technology, (2) eradication of exotic plant species,
of tropical mountain management after rapid            and (3) establishing proper tourism interpretive
degradation. There are two introduction programs       tracts.
which are responsible for the number of exotic
                                                       Strengthening the restoration concept and
plant species on Mt. Lamongan: (1) introducing
and planting numerous plant species in the context
of forest rehabilitation and restoration programs,     The proper restoration concept and planning are
and (2) introducing numerous plants as media for       vital in Mt. Lamongan. It is especially important
conservation education in the context of               when there are numerous stakeholders and
ecotourism. Globally, restoration of degraded          communities paying attention to the restoration
ecosystems is an important environmental               program, but there are no scientific restoration
program. Science, technology and human skill in        guidelines available. The restoration concept
restoration is important. Problems in restoration of   should involve abundant biophysical data related
degraded native forest in developing countries are     to the degraded area as well as a socio-cultural
often related to lack of knowledge and                 human dependency aspect to the resources.
competence in conducting a restoration program         Integrating numerous maps of physical, chemical
(Katz, 1996; Leigh, 2005; Harris et al., 2006;         and biological properties is important (Aronson et
Aronson et al., 2017).                                 al., 2017). Introduction of native plant species
      In fact, restoration implementation in Mt.       should be promoted in degraded land on Mt.
Lamongan is hampered by the lack of data               Lamongan. In such a case, the technology of
regarding flora for a basic restoration program. By    geographic information system (GIS) is important
considering the list of plant species, it seems that   to assist restoration program planning and
economic considerations are dominant in selection      implementation (Rahman, 2014).
of species to introduce in degraded areas at Mt.
Lamongan. Restoration of degraded mountain                 Eradication of exotic plant species
area is hampered by poor ecological knowledge              Eradication of exotic plant species is crucial in
                                                           the restoration program (Myers et al., 2000).
and consideration. Numerous exotic plants along
                                                           In order to protect the biodiversity of Mt.
the tourist tract in Mt. Lamongan have important
                                                           Lamongan, extensive efforts to eradicate weed
economic value. Because a restoration program
generally requires active community participation,         species on Mt. Lamongan are needed.
they often encourage it by permitting plants with          Eupatorium inulifolium is the most widespread
                                                           weed in many mountain areas in Java,
economic value (or known as multi purpose tree
                                                           including on Mt. Lamongan. Invasion of
species) to be grown in the restoration area
                                                           Eupatorium inulifolium consequently led to
(Johnson, 1983; Otsamo et al., 1997; Roshetko
                                                           decreased biodiversity (Tripathi et al., 2006).
and Purnomosidhi, 2004). At Mt. Lamongan, the
dominant plant species seem to be chosen as part           Establishing tourism interpretive tracts
of a strategy to involve local community
participation in restoration programs.                     One problem faced by conservationist and
      Introduction of numerous exotic plant                ecotourism planners working to promote
species is also triggered by and in many cases             ecotourism on Mt. Lamongan is the lack of
related to tourism development. Numerous plants            basic data about flora and integrating such
have probably been planted because they are                information into tourism tract design.
tourism attractions (Sullivan et al., 2005; Hakim          Education has a significant role in developing
et al., 2017). There are also arguments that three         tourist knowledge and awareness of mountain
species have a crucial role in biodiversity and            biodiversity. Lack of interpretive design and
environmental education through tourism. This              facilities can diminish the ecosystem of natural
leads to the intensive use and introduction of             areas. That was found at Mt Lamongan;
exotic plant species in tourism area development.          interpretive tracts were dominated by exotic
      In mountain areas in Java Island, the                plant species. Introducing and strengthening
abundance of exotic plants has been considered             native plant species populations is therefore
one of the ecosystem's problems. As an impact on           important to creating and providing an

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Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia)

   appropriate interpretive tract. The use of GIS      comprehensive evaluation should be implemented
   in establishing proper tourism interpretive         to enhance restoration programs and protect forest
   tracts has been widely recognized.                  areas, especially the tourist corridor to the peak of
                                                       Mt.     Lamongan.       Integrative     actions    of
                                                       strengthening      restoration      concepts     and
                                                       technology, eradication of exotic plant species,
                                                       and establishing a proper tourism interpretive tract
                                                       seem to be the crucial components of a strategy to
                                                       increase the quality of the Mt. Lamongan

                                                       We thank Mr. Kiswoyo for field assistance and Lab. of
                                                       Plant Taxonomy Department Biology-Brawijaya
                                                       University for technical assistance in specimen

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