Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd

Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
trends that you
should not miss
Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
China is perhaps the most digitally dependent
country in the world. It’s citizens have rapidly
adopted smartphone technology and it is now so
ingrained into daily life, that everyday commerce is
practically dependent on it.

With a flourishing economy and a burgeoning
consumer market, rapid commercialisation is
underway. China has the advantage of having a
population filled with consumers who are young
and eager to embrace digital in all its forms. These
features have made China a special market in the
World, which generates great benefits.

China represents an opportunity to Western
companies that cannot be ignored, however the
Chinese market does present some idiosyncrasies
which may surprise you.

                                                       1.   You can rarely see cash
                                                       in China: mobile payments are

                                                       n China, you can rarely see Chinese people
                                                       use cash to buy anything. Mobile payment is
                                                       the most popular method for purchasing both
                                                       online and offline, even in rural areas. Whether
                                                       in a big shopping mall or a street food vendor,
                                                       Chinese people just need to simply scan a QR
                                                       code, and the payment is handled by the banks

                                                       WeChat pay and Alipay are the main mobile
                                                       payment methods in China, they are also now
                                                       available for overseas brands and companies. The
                                                       ability to accept mobile payments is essential to
                                                       those looking to do business in China.

CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                          2
Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
2.      24 hour super-fast delivery

China’s e-commerce market is the world’s first      it takes to deliver a parcel has decreased, from
trillion-dollar e-commerce market and the speed     9 days in 2017 to 3 days in 2018. This gives the
of delivery plays an important role. China is the   delivery industry a lot of confidence to achieve
third-largest country in the world, the size        the 24-hour delivery plan in the future.
of China is 39.5 times larger than the United
Kingdom. However, the speed of delivery is much     The 24-hour delivery system also indicates to all
faster than any other countries in the world.       the international brands, if you want a 24-
                                                    hour delivery time to be possible, it is crucial a
Now, Alibaba is working with a delivery company     shop or storage space is opened up in China.
to build up a 24-hour delivery system in China.     This again, increases the investment required to
In the past couple of years, the length of time     set up in China.

CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                        3
Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
3.    Short video platforms enjoy
increasing popularity in China

It is well known that WeChat is the most popular
social channel with 1 billion users in China; with
the functions on WeChat covering every aspect
of users’ daily life, it is referred to as the ‘super
app’. However, the ‘fastest growing app’ in China,
called Douyin, is making huge gains in user
adoption since 2016.

Douyin is a short video channel, which has 5
million monthly active users. There are 5,724
government accounts and 1,344 accounts created
by brands. This is the best app to target Chinese
                                                        Source: Douyin
people who live in the tier one cities (Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou).
According to Datadance, in 2018 there are 118.6
billion ‘likes’ of the videos uploaded to the app,
from users who live in the tier one cities in 2018.

BMW has conducted two campaigns on Douyin
within one month for the new launched BMW X3.
The two campaigns have received 128 millions
views, 537 thousands likes, 396 thousands
followers, and 1.06 millions account visitors.

Nowadays, Chinese customers pay more
attention to how brands show their products
and what values they can deliver. Therefore,
Douyin becomes a popular platform for brands to
deliver brand values and product information to
customers, as well as interact with them.

                                                        Source: Douyin

Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
4.   The best time to boost your
brand awareness in China

Apart from the Chinese New Year, a range
of local Chinese festivals are organised and
attended throughout the year. These festivals
offer a great platform to international brands to
raise their brand awareness when breaking into
the Chinese market.

On the 20th of May, a festival for the younger
generation is held in China. The pronunciation of
“20th May” is similar with “I love you” in Chinese,
so the young generations regard this date to
be the best time to propose. A tradition of this
happening is also at Qixi Festival; held on
Chinese Valentine’s Day on the 7th of July (in
the Lunar Calendar). These are the two most
important festivals for couples and people who
are in a relationship to send each other gifts.
Most international brands launch new products                                                    Source:

specifically for the festivals. For example,
Burberry launched Burberry Roses for the Qixi
Festival in 2017.                                         The Single’s Day on 11th November which is the
                                                          biggest shopping festival in China. Most brands
                                                          launch their campaigns three months prior to
                                                          Single’s Day to attract clients, and increase
                                                          purchases on the day. According to Alibaba, the
                                                          turnover is 10 billion Chinese Yuan (around £1.1
                                                          billion) in the first two minutes into Single’s
                                                          Day. The total turnover is 213 billion Chinese
                                                          Yuan (around £22 billion) in 24 hours. This is
                                                          just one e-commerce platform in China, the
                                                          total turnover of all e-commerce platforms is


CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                              5
Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
in China

The consumer economy
contributed 78.5% to the
economic growth of China
in the first half of 2018.

As the per capita income of the population
has increased year after year, the market is
undergoing fundamental changes at a very fast
pace, and it holds tremendous potential.

The most popular items bought by Chinese
consumers include: furniture and household
items, healthcare products and services, culture,
entertainment, education and information.
There has been a dramatic increase in the desire
towards a good quality of life. Crowd have
identified the top three consumer trends that are
integral to grow your business in China in 2020.

Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
1.  Environmental Friendly

Chinese consumers have gradually become
aware of the need to protect the environment
in their daily lives including their purchasing
behaviour. They prefer products that can be
recycled and made from natural materials.

For example, a Chinese tissue company, Bense
Life, mainly produces tissue made from bamboo,
reed, and bagasse without paper bleaching: a
more sustainable process. Although the colour
of the tissue is not beautifully white, Chinese
consumers like this brand because it represents
their willingness to protect the environment.

Sustainability of products is one of the key
features to attract Chinese customers.


Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd

2.    Adopting a Minimalist

There is an increasing group of Chinese middle
class citizens embracing a minimalist lifestyle,
which they claim provides them with a higher
quality of life. They strive to purchase fewer
products with greater quality, especially with user-
friendly, extremely simple but full of
aesthetic design values.
Xiaomi is a good case in point. It is famous for
simple design and affordable price and is enjoying
great popularity in China.

One of the important features in consumption
upgrading trend is that Chinese consumers
are longing to enjoy the best experience in the
fields they are interested in. They have growing
demands on professional products in outdoor
activity, sports, kitchenware, computer games, etc.

Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
Before                   After


                                                   More and more specialised products and
                                                   services are created to satisfy every niche
                                                   need. For example, a technology which digitally
                                                   enhances ID photos has been extremely popular
                                                   in China for several years. It does not simply
                                                   shoot photos but offer many premier services –
                                                   VIP appointments, delicate makeup, thousands
                                                   of clothes and unlimited photo retouching.

                                                   The young Chinese consumers are willing to
                                                   spend much more money to take a beautiful
                                                   ID photo due to the user experience and final
                                                   product satisfaction.

                                                   In China, there is a concept of the best quality
                                                   and performing belongings and technology is
                                                   worth any extra cost. A premium cost will be
                                                   spent for a beautiful piece of furniture, or the
                                                   newest and most innovative piece of technology.


CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                        9
Chinese marketing trends that you should not miss - WHITE PAPER | JANUARY 2020 - Crowd
3.   Luxury brands embrace the                                The whole event was referred
gaming industry                                               to as “the most innovative event
                                                              in the world”, by the Chinese
The gaming industry is growing in popularity,
not only online in China but worldwide. Brands                media due to the popularity and
are capitalising on this growing popularity, by
                                                              high footfall the CoCo Game
incorporating games with product promotion.
                                                              Center attracted. From this
For instance, ‘The Doll Catcher’ is a classic game,
                                                              campaign, Chanel wanted to
challenging the users capability of being
in control of a claw. This simplistic and exciting            transform their image from a
entertainment with little cost investment, can be
                                                              traditional luxury brand to a
incorporated into a brand’s marketing efforts.
                                                              young and digital savvy luxury
Chanel was one of the first brands to take
                                                              brand. The transformation of
advantage of this trend. They set up the first
CoCo Game Centre in Shanghai.                                 a brand image can affect the
                                                              trends for other, similar brands.
                                                              A brand, such as Chanel, should
                                                              offer a social space for their
                                                              customers as well as selling
                                                              them their products.

                     Source: COCO Game Center, @onewoori

                          Source: Fashion Marketing Journal

CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                          10
How Technology
is Central to
Marketing in
1. Mini Programme

The mini programme is a micro-app built into
WeChat. Since mobile-phone users do not want
their phones to be filled with barely-used apps,
but still require the functions from time to time,
a mini programme is created to allow companies
to set up their “app” within the WeChat
environment. This way, people only need to have
one app (WeChat) to use all kinds of different
functions through the mini programme.

As a result, an increasing number of companies
build and promote their mini programme to catch
up with new user habits, since fewer and fewer
people are willing to download apps.

E-commerce platforms benefit a lot from mini
programmes. Everything can be performed on it,
including product releases, making appointments,
interactive games, product display, ordering and
purchasing, bonuses and cash back.

It is estimated WeChat has around one billion
users. Due to the large number of users using
WeChat, the mini-programme is crucial to allow
the high flow and usage of the app. It is the best
traffic entrancer to attract customers.

Impulse buying is often generated from the
campaigns run through WeChat via mini                Source: WeChat; Crowd


                                                    E-COMMERCE CLOSED LOOP
                                                    FOR EVERY COMPANY:

                                                       — The sequence begins on the WeChat
                                                       official account where companies build their
                                                       brand images and increase brand awareness

                                                       — Followed by some impressive
                                                       advertisements displayed on the WeChat
                                                       official account to stimulate the customers
                                                       to buy the products, with a QR code of mini
                                                       programme attached right beneath the
                                                       introduction of the product

                                                       — The customers can easily jump to the
                                                       e-commerce platform without opening
                                                       another app, which hugely increases the
                                                       conversion rate of marketing
                            Source: WeChat; Crowd

                                                    The mini programme streamlines the whole user
                                                    experience and can convert brand awareness
                                                    directly to purchasing behaviour in a moment.
                                                    So many international brands have developed
                                                    great mini programmes to increase brand image
                                                    and drive sales. Gift cards with various themes
                                                    on the Starbucks mini programme, for instance,
                                                    have gained great popularity. It is easy to send a
                                                    gift for friends through WeChat.

                                                    There is a lot to explore on mini programmes,
                                                    a new business model built on a social media
                                                    platform and based on social connections.

CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                     12
2. Smart Mirror

Uniqlo in Shenzhen has placed two smart
technology products right on the in-store mirror.

The first one is an intelligent voice controlled
integrated device, called “the little smart U”. It is
made up of three subsystems: an AR camera
which scans and recognises the customers, a 79-
inch touch screen displaying various functions
and a set of 4D augmented reality cameras. The                                           Source:

device can automatically recognise a customer
when he or she stands in front of the screen. It
invites customers to touch the product menu             Another smart product uses a flatscreen and
on the screen and click the clothes they prefer.        is based on augmented reality technology. The
A prompt will give them access to a 4D VR               static advertisement displayed on the screen can
dressing-up simulation.                                 be transformed into a commercial short video on
                                                        a mobile phone by scanning the screen through
What differentiates this system with other smart        a QQ (a social media platform) Scan. This is a
dressing-up devices is that this “little smart U”       unique way to make the advertisement more
is able to recognise voice message and interact         impressive and through rewarding interactions
with the customers based on that. The same              with audiences, create more engagement with
functions can be applied on the Uniqlo App,             the brand.
too. This smart application in Uniqlo helps the
customers find the products they prefer through
several clicks or voice messages. This shortens
their time in looking for clothes in different areas
in the shop.

It also provides a series of lookbooks matched
for them from accessories (socks, hats and
gloves) to clothes (shirts and jeans), and finally
stimulates more sales in store.

This innovative, modern approach to shopping
is more effective and saves time, as well as
boosting sales.

CHINESE MARKETING TRENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISS                                                          13
Talk to us about
your next marketing

Manager in Southern China

Lilly started up an NGO while studying in the University.
Before gaining a master degree on Strategic Marketing, she
had working experience in China and India and has great
insights in cross-culture marketing. At Crowd, Lilly works
with clients looking for opportunies in China and Chinese
clients to expand their markets outside China.


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