Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives

Page created by Cecil Owens
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
A History
A series of personal perspectives
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
    Foreword                                                                                                                                                                               6 BC
                                                                                                                                                                                           Quirinius becomes
    Aaqil Ahmed,                                                                                                                                                                           Governor of Syria
                                                                                                                                                                                           and conducts census
    Commissioning Editor Religion & Multicultural, Channel 4                                                                                                               c8–4 BC
                                                                                                                                                                      Birth of Jesus
    Christianity: A History is the biggest project I have commissioned during my time at
    Channel 4. It’s almost unheard of for a mainstream broadcaster to dedicate eight hours of                                                                                              c28 AD
                                                                                                                                                                                           John the Baptist
    prime time television to Christianity in this way. I think it’s fair to say that it’s a big risk, but a
                                                                                                                                                                                           begins his ministry;
    risk we really wanted to take.                                                                                                                                                         he baptises Jesus
                                                                                                                                                                                           and is later arrested
                                                                                                                                                               Jesus begins ministry,
    Why? Because, of the sheer scale of the project and the complexity of the story at its very                                                                                            and beheaded
                                                                                                                                                               preaching: ‘Repent, for
    heart. As with all religions, the history of Christianity is not a simple one. It contains dark                                                           the kingdom of heaven        c32
    moments, compromises and great achievements, and features life changing heroes and

                                                                                                               Episode 1:
                                                                                                                                                                              is near’     Execution of
    villains. We feel that now is the right time for Channel 4 to present these stories in a way that                                                                                      John the Baptist
    will inform our audience about how this faith has shaped our world, and more specifically, our                                                                          c30–36

    nation.                                                                                                                                                     Crucifixion of Jesus

    Two examples of Christianity’s impact on our modern world are the Reformation and the                                                                                                 c37
    Crusades. Without the Reformation we may not have become a Protestant nation with many                                                                                                Conversion of Paul

                                                                                                               The Jew
    of the characteristics, language and structures we take for granted today. And the Crusades? One
    of our presenters, Rageh Omar, argues in his film that we’ve forgotten its importance in the                                                                            c46–57
    west, but that in the Muslim world, the brutality of the Crusades still resonates in the hearts                                                                     Paul’s three
    of many Muslims and in the rhetoric of Al Qaeda.                                                                                                                     missionary
                                                                                                                                                                           journeys       c55
    So, Christianity: A History is not just another television series – for me it’s more important                                                                                        Paul writes his letter
                                                                                                              Writer Howard Jacobson talks
    than that, it’s a lesson about today’s world and an attempt to shed light on the history of a                                                                                         to the Romans
                                                                                                              of Jesus’s Jewish background, the
    faith that continues to shape the destiny of all of us in some way or other. We hope it does                                                                                 c64
                                                                                                              continuing rift between Christianity                     Nero blames
    that and that it makes just a few of us think about how we got to where we are today.
                                                                                                              and Judaism, and why, despite not                    Christians for the
                                                                                                              believing in God, he thinks knowing religious       Great Fire of Rome
                                                                                                                                                                                          66 –73
                                                                                                                                                                  Martyrdom of Paul
                                                                                                              history can release us from                                                 Great Jewish Revolt
                                                                                                              the burden of history.
      Contents                                                                                                                                                                   70
                                                                                                                                                                    Jerusalem falls
      Episode 1 Jesus the Jew                  1       Episode 5 Reformation                        17                                                              and the Temple
      Howard Jacobson                                  Ann Widdecombe                                                                                                  is destroyed
                                                                                                                                                                                          Final Jewish revolt,
      Episode 2 Rome                           5       Episode 6 Dark Continents                    21                                                                                    Judea and Jerusalem
      Michael Portillo                                 Kwame Kwei-Armah                                                                                                                   erased from maps,
      Episode 3 Dark Ages                      9                                                                                                                 Anthony becomes          and region renamed
                                                       Episode 7 God and the Scientists             25
                                                                                                                                                                  a hermit – his life     Syria Palæstina
      Robert Beckford                                  Colin Blakemore
                                                                                                                                                                     and actions lie
      Episode 4 Crusades                     13        Episode 8 The Future of Christianity         29                                                             at foundation of
                                                                                                                                                                                          Diocletian orders
      Rageh Omaar                                      Cherie Blair                                                                                             monastic movement
                                                                                                                                                                                          burning of Christian
                                                                                                                                                                                          books and churches

2   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                       Christianity: A History     1
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
he Judaism in              In 1965, the Second Vatican council
                           which I grew up was        removed the imputation of Jewish guilt and
                           not so much liberal        dropped a prayer for Jews to be redeemed
                           or orthodox as             through Christ. The Church, it seemed, at last
                           befuddled. We were         accepted its responsibility for the libelling of
                           proud of being Jewish      Jews. To Jewish consternation around the
                           without knowing            world, Pope Benedict XVI has recently
                           exactly what it was.       restored this prayer. So with every advance
    No bacon in the house, no Christmas tree,         in scholarship and tolerance there is a
    but we didn’t keep the Sabbath and rarely         theological setback.
    visited the Synagogue. Yet we feared the
    cross as any vampire might. Because we’d          The point of the programme Jesus the Jew
    been made outcasts in Christ’s name, we           is that knowledge is everything. Insofar as
    were alarmed by every aspect of Christianity,     you can know what happened, don’t tell lies
    no matter that what the first Christians said,    about it, don’t distort it, don’t trust things,
    they said as Jews, to Jews.                       read for yourself. When I discussed this with
                                                      a Cardinal in the film, in particular the verses
    No one denies that Jesus was a Jew, but           in the Gospel of St John that describe the
    even the most charitable Christians believe       Jews as children of the devil, he said the
    he was on an errand to turn Judaism into          Gospel of John was actually a Gospel of love
    something else. But the truth is he wasn’t        and people should ‘relativise’ the meaning
    starting a new religion. He was a devout          of these verses, but ultimately there was
    Jewish teacher committed to reawakening           nothing we could do about the language
    Jews to their Jewishness.                         because the Gospel was the word of God.

    His Jewishness was systematically
    dismantled by the early Christians for whom        “The only way you lighten
    it became essential, if they were to sell their
    new faith to the Roman world, that its Jewish
                                                       the burden of history is
    origins be obscured. And the first stage in        to know it.”
    that re-telling of the truth was to turn the
    Jews into Christ killers.
                                                      But I believe that the Gospels are not the
    Every historian knows that the Romans             word of God, and not even reliably the word
    were largely responsible for the death of         of Jesus. They were written many years after
    Jesus because they feared he would incite         Jesus’s death by people who had probably
    rebellion. Why would Jews have wanted him         never met him. There is all the difference in
    dead? Why would they have put a crown of          the world between what the historical Jesus
    thorns on his head and ironically titled him      might have said and what later Christian
    ‘King of the Jews’? But in order to rescue        propagandists wanted him to have said.
    Jesus from his Jewishness, the story had to       Even believers must read critically.
    go that Jews had killed him. The disowning
    was theirs. And in the popular imagination        Though of course I knew when I started
    that fiction persists.                            to make this documentary that Jesus was

2   Christianity: A History                                                                              Christianity: A History   3
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
                                                                                                                                                                     312        Empearor
                                                    wasn’t baptising him out of Jewishness into                                                  Emperor Constantine’s
     “The idea of people being                      another religion, but the very opposite. He                                                   vision before decisive
                                                                                                                                                 Battle of Milvian Bridge       311–325
     immersed in water and                          was reaffirming his Jewishness. This partly
                                                                                                                                                                                Eusebius, Bishop
                                                    explains the playing down of John the
     then emerging in another                       Baptist as one Gospel succeeds another.                                                                           313
                                                                                                                                                                                of Caesarea, writes
                                                                                                                                                                                Ecclesiastical History
     faith always seemed to                                                                                                                                ‘Edict of Milan’
                                                                                                                                                      establishes official
     me so alien.”                                  Conversely, I did not take the measure,
                                                    before I made this film, of the good
                                                                                                                                                             toleration of      321
                                                                                                                                                    Christianity by Rome        Constantine decrees
                                                    feeling there is out there among Christians
                                                                                                                                                                                Sunday as day of rest
    Jewish, what I didn’t appreciate was just       towards Jews, the new Vatican ruling
    how Jewish he was, how many of Christianity’s   notwithstanding. Historians now tell a
                                                                                                                                                        Constantine calls
    key concepts are Jewish in origin. How many     different story to the old accepted one, and                                                  First Council of Nicaea
    people, for example, know that when they        there is an acceptance that what happened                                                        to unify Christianity
    sing along to Handel’s Messiah they are         to the Jews in Germany could not have                                                              and grants special      c326

                                                                                                         Episode 2:
                                                                                                                                                              recognition      Consecration of
    singing words drawn largely from the Old        happened had the emotional ground not                                                                                      Basilica of St Peter
                                                                                                                                                            to Jerusalem
    Testament? Or that the promise of a             been laid, had the vocabulary of hatred not                                                                                built by Constantine
    ‘Messiah’ is Jewish, born out of Jewish         been established over thousands of years,                                                                                  the Great over the

    longing and distress, and that it means         in Christian art and Christian liturgy, insisting                                                                          tomb of the Apostle
    ‘the anointed one’, not ‘Son of God’?           that the Jews were a murderous and therefore                                                     inaugurated as the
                                                    expendable people, and that it was almost                                                               New Rome
    According to Jewish prophetic books the         a Christian duty to get rid of them.                                                                                       Constantine
    Messiah would come to liberate the Jewish                                                                                                                                  commissions
                                                                                                                                                                               Eusebius to deliver
    people from occupation and prepare them         When I went to Israel to shoot part of this         Former MP Michael Portillo turns                           335         50 Bibles for the
    for God’s kingdom on earth. When Jesus          film, I found Jerusalem simultaneously              his politician’s mind to the stunning            Consecration of       Churches of
    failed to fulfil that promise – for the world   exhilarating and depressing because the             success of Roman Emperor Constantine,       Jerusalem Church of        Constantinople
    was not redeemed, God’s kingdom had not         old conflicts have not been resolved. Every                                                      the Holy Sepulchre
                                                                                                        a man he describes as a master of the
    been realised and the Romans remained in        place is contested; every stone is the site                                                                                337
                                                                                                        political arts who, out of a desire to                                 Death of Constantine
    occupation – he could not be the Messiah.       of something sacred to somebody else.                                                                             380
    For him to become the Christian Messiah         You look at it and think: this is a knot that       stabilise his empire, resolved the
                                                                                                                                                    Emperor Theodosius
    St Paul had to invent new meanings for the      will never be untied; this is insoluble.            fundamental debate about whether             makes Christianity
    Messianic promise. By a theological sleight                                                         Jesus was human or divine.                    official religion of
                                                                                                                                                         Roman Empire          390–405
    of hand the Messiah became a God, not a         But we hope against hope for someone                                                                                       Jerome’s Vulgate
    man, and the salvation he promised would        to solve it for us. Half the world, it seems,                                                                              – translation of the
    not be of this world, but of another.           believes that – maybe, just maybe – Obama                                                                                  Greek Bible into Latin
                                                    will be the man to do it. If you want to know                                                             Death of
    Much Christian vocabulary has always            what Messianic expectation must have been                                                       Emperor Theodosius
    frightened me by association. Baptism – the     like in Jesus’s day you only have to look at                                                                               Augustine, Bishop
    idea of people being immersed in water and      what we are demanding from Obama. Kafka                                                                                    of Hippo, formalises
    then emerging in another faith – seemed to      said Messiahs always come too late. I think                                                                                Christian theology
    me quite alien. But baptism was a Jewish        they never come at all: it is the waiting that                                                                             including the ideas
                                                                                                                                                                   430         of ‘original sin’ and
    rite. As witness the mikveh, the ritual baths   is everything.                                                                                    Death of Augustine       ‘just war’. His concept
    which religious Jewish women still visit. So                                                                                                                               of the Church as a
    when John the Baptist baptised Jesus, he                                     Howard Jacobson                                                                               ‘spiritual city of God’
                                                                                                                                                                               enables Christianity
                                                                                                                                                                      476      to flourish after
                                                                                                                                                      Traditional date for     the collapse of
                                                                                                                                                             Fall of Rome      the Roman Empire
4   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                            Christianity: A History   5
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
showered with riches and endowed
                                                                                                                                                      with new churches. Eventually Constantine
                                                                                                                                                      established the Church in the West and the
                                                                                                                                                      East – what has since become the Greek
                                                                                                                                                      Orthodox Church – a huge achievement. I like
                                                                                                                                                      to think about this as a political issue. Why
                                                                                                                                                      did Constantine convert? Was this idealism?
                                                                                                                                                      Was this a sincere conversion? Was it
                                                                                                                                                      politics? I think it has elements of all these.

                                                                                                                                                      His mother was a Christian and a very
                                                                                                                                                      significant figure – she travelled around
                                                                                                                                                      and established the Church of the Holy
                                                                                                                                                      Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which is still an
                                                                                                                                                      extremely important site of worship and
                                                                                                                                                      pilgrimage. Constantine said that he had
                                                                                                                                                      a vision; he painted the sign of the Cross on
                                                                                                                                                      the shields of his soldiers and, though heavily
                                                                                                                                                      outnumbered, he won a decisive battle at

                                                                                                                                                       “Christians went
                                                                                                                                                       from being ferociously
                                                                                                                                                       persecuted to being on
                                                                                                                                                       the inside track, showered
                                                                                                                                                       with riches and endowed
                                                                                                                                                       with new churches.”

                             s a former politician   18. I’m now beyond being a lapsed Catholic,      Constantine saw that this dispute had the       Milvian Bridge and seized Rome.
                             and a former            I think I’m an atheist. Every Sunday, when       potential to tear his empire apart. So he       The Christians, who were about a tenth
                             Christian, I wanted     I recited the Nicene Creed – ‘I believe in one   not only converted to Christianity, but         of the population of the Empire, resisted
                            to find out why          God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven        effectively established himself as the head     persecution. They had bishops and priests,
                            Constantine, that        and earth…’ – bits of it seemed very strange,    of the Church and summoned the Council          an organisation, an infrastructure – a
                            master of the            like the description of Jesus Christ as being    at Nicaea to resolve this issue. And its key    command structure – and it was probably
                            political arts and       ‘of one substance with the Father’.              resolutions have lasted for 1,700 years. I      useful for Constantine to get hold of that. But
                            leader of a pagan                                                         now realise it was defining orthodoxy, which    he was a pragmatic man, and didn’t try to
                            realm, chose to          This comes from the first Council of Nicaea,     meant that it also defined heresy, and over     drive pagans out. He cohabited with pagans,
    give his thumbs p to Christianity. And what      a special conference called by the Roman         the centuries the Church has put its heretics   particularly in the eastern side of the Empire,
    were the consequences of his conversion for      Emperor Constantine in 325AD to resolve          to the rack, the sword and the fire. When       in Constantinople, the city which he
    the Roman Empire and for the Christian faith.    major theological differences within the         Constantine converted, he established           modestly named after himself. I like his
                                                     Church between those who thought Christ          empire-wide toleration (the next emperor,       ambiguity; it is wonderfully political that
    My father, being Spanish, was a Catholic;        was a human being, and therefore couldn’t        Theodosius I, would make Christianity the       he didn’t really want to resolve the issue.
    my mother was Church of England but              be the same as God, and those who said, no,      official religion of the Roman Empire) so
    religious. I was brought up a Catholic and       even though he came down to earth he was         Christians went from being ferociously          The thing that’s uncompromising about
    went to Mass every week until I was about        still part of God.                               persecuted to being on the inside track,        Christianity – in common with Judaism and

6   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                   Christianity: A History   7
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
                                                                                                                                                                                        Life of King Aethelbert
                                                                                                                                                                                        of Kent, who converts
                                                                                                                                                                            563         to Christianity
    Islam – is that there is only one God. All the   because they didn’t have the same                                                                        St Columba founds
                                                                                                                                                              monastery on Iona
    other religions make it acceptable for you to    technologies as we have, because not as
                                                                                                                                                                     in Scotland        570–632
    believe in different people and things. Didn’t   many books had been written in those                                                                                               Life of Prophet
    Constantine understand that bit, that there is   days as we have now. But the theological                                                                                           Muhammed
    only one God? Well probably he did but he        debate about the nature of Christ is such                                                                              597
                                                                                                                                                            Pope Gregory sends
    had political nous and didn’t want to force      a sophisticated argument, and the scholars
                                                                                                                                                          Augustine to Britain to
    the issue.                                       of the day showed a wonderful depth of                                                                convert Anglo-Saxons         604
                                                     thinking and understanding.                                                                                                        St Paul’s Cathedral
    Anybody in politics, from a local councillor                                                                                                                                        established in London
    to Prime Minister, knows how you deal with       There are parallels with the modern world,                                                                                607
                                                                                                                                                                Pope Boniface III
    difficult people, how you take people with       such as how politicians deal with what they
                                                                                                                                                             first Bishop of Rome
    you and don’t offend certain groups. So          regard as extremism. In a political system                                                                                        630s
                                                                                                                                                                to be called ‘Pope’
    almost every politician is like Constantine;     where emperors become gods after their                                                                                            King of Northumbria
    on the other hand almost nobody’s like           death and you consult the gods before you

                                                                                                         Episode 3:
    Constantine because he was unbelievably          take any action, it is potentially dangerous                                                                            664
                                                                                                                                                                                       at Lindisfarne
    successful. The way he handled the Christians    when a group comes along and says, no,                                                                     Synod of Whitby
                                                                                                                                                                    unites Celtic
    and balanced them with the pagans reflects       there is only one God and this is an idea

                                                                                                         Dark Ages
                                                                                                                                                                Christianity with      c672
    a subtle political mind. He wasn’t going to      we are prepared to die for.                                                                                  Roman Church         Birth of the
    make extra difficulty for himself by having
                                                                                                                                                                                       Venerable Bede,
    unnecessary religious friction.                  So from time to time the Christians are                                                                                           author of
                                                     persecuted, they’re fed to lions and chopped                                                                             684      Ecclesiastical
                                                     up by gladiators. But the people think there                                                             St Cuthbert elected      History of the
     “People who believe that                        must be a lot to this religion if these people     Challenging Christian theologian                     Bishop of Lindisfarne     English People
     their only responsibility is                    are willing to die for it.                         Robert Beckford shines a spotlight
     to a life after death are                       People who believe that their only
                                                                                                        on the Dark Ages and discovers King                                            Lindisfarne Gospels
                                                                                                        Aethelbert whose conversion to Christianity                                    first created and
     very difficult to control.”                     responsibility is to a life after death are
                                                                                                        brought literacy, law and a connection with
                                                                                                                                                                       711–718         decorated by
                                                     very difficult to control. That’s what the                                                                 Islamic conquest       Abbot Eadfrith
                                                                                                        Europe. To his surprise, he also uncovers                        of Iberia
                                                     Romans thought about the Christians, and
                                                                                                        a dynamic multicultural tradition which                                        718–1492
    I don’t want to paint an over-idealistic         it’s what we think about extremists today.
    picture of Constantine. He was a ruthless,                                                          prompts him to rethink the meaning of                                          Reconquista,
                                                                                                        English identity.                                                              Christendom
    expansionist emperor who killed a lot of         I think politicians love moderate religion and                                                                          793       retakes Iberia
    people. This was not a cuddly fellow. You        are terrified by extremist religion. Constantine                                                        Viking raiders sack
    might compare him with a Napoleon or a           probably did see that God-fearing people                                                            monastery of Lindisfarne      800
    Charlemagne – one of these huge characters       were likely to be more orderly and that                                                                                           Pope crowns
    from history who are used to the military        putting himself in control of that Church                                                                                         Charlemagne first
    way of life and see it as their dynastic duty    structure would give him a position of power.                                                                           878       Holy Roman Emperor
    as well as their personal ambition to expand                                                                                                                 Alfred the Great
                                                                                                                                                      defeats Danes at Ethandun
    their frontiers as much as they can.             What’s striking is not how much the
                                                                                                                                                          [Edington in Wiltshire]      c950
                                                     Church has changed, but how Constantine                                                                  and unifes England
                                                     established such a firm footing that the                                                                                          Russian Princess
    I would say that human psychology is
                                                                                                                                                                                       Olga converts to
    probably much the same from age to age.          Christian Church of today is recognisably                                                                                         Christianity
    It’s a mistake to patronise the past. We think   the Christian Church that he left behind.
                                                                                                                                                              Permanent union of
    these people are not our intellectual equals                                  Michael Portillo                                                           England established       1054
                                                                                                                                                                                       Great Schism:
                                                                                                                                                                                       Eastern and Western
                                                                                                                                                                                       Churches split
8   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                    Christianity: A History    9
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
ike most African-     before I made this film. At school you’re
                                                          Caribbean kids of     taught 1066, the Industrial Revolution,
                                                          my generation, I      the Second World War – nobody talks about
                                                          went to church.       the Dark Ages as a starting-point
                                                          At my Pentecostal     for understanding what Englishness is.
                                                          Church they told      So I had the opportunity to rethink what this
                                                          me I was a child      history meant for me.
                                                          of God and what
                               was important was getting ready for heaven,      When Augustine came to England as a
                               whereas at my comprehensive school I was         missionary to convert the pagans, King
                               a black kid and the task was trying to get       Aethelbert, in Kent, had a wife, Bertha, who
                               through the educational system. When I was       was already a Christian. He twigged that if
                               about 14 I decided to take my education          you convert to Christianity you don’t just
                               more seriously and use the experience of         transform yourself spiritually, you also get
                               being black in Britain to interrogate the        the benefits of Christianity. In the ancient
                               faith tradition I was brought up in.             world that meant literacy, a law code, trade,
                                                                                and an opportunity to expand the esteem
                               My first degree focused on politics and          and value of your kingdom by engaging with
                               religion. I got into black theology, a           this Europe-wide religion.
                               discipline that had emerged out of the
                               civil rights and black power movements            “Is it political expediency
                               in North America in the 1960s – looking
                               at how black political cultural nationalism       or is it a deep religious
                               gets mixed with revolutionary Christianity        experience that leads
                               to produce a political faith.
                                                                                 monarchs to convert?”
                               For the last 10 years I’ve been writing
                               about African and African-Caribbean religious    There’s always a tension: is it political
                               traditions in Britain. I am critical of the      expediency or is it a deep religious
                               tendency of Churches to interpret everything     experience that leads monarchs to
                               through a spiritual lens and I’ve argued that    convert? There were Kings who converted to
                               you need to understand things economically,      Christianity and then went to battle with
                               politically and culturally as well.              no weapons, but just with a cross, thinking
                                                                                Jesus was going to somehow help them
                               So for example, if there’s a school where        win against their fully armed-up opponents.
                               the African-Caribbean kids are failing           Then there are examples like Aethelbert.
                               educationally, the Church will set up a          Our scholars would say his conversion was
                               supplementary school instead of saying to        political expediency – not really a spiritual
                               the mainstream school: we are paying taxes       conversion but a sense that there were
                               for you to educate our kids, not miseducate      political and economic benefits to be gained.
                               them. That inability to translate the Gospel
                               message into a political and social theory       One unique thing about English religious
                               has limited black Church life. I didn’t know a   experience is that there is a synthesis
                               great deal about the Dark Ages in England        between the state and the Church, so by

10   Christianity: A History                                                                           Christianity: A History   11
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
“At the very formation                                                                                                               1095
                                                                                                                                                                                               Pope Urban II
     the time we get to King Alfred, the two have
                                                          of England as a political                                                                                                            proclaims First
     become one. The film shows how this created          unity, there is a sense that                                                                                             1096
                                                                                                                                                                         Crusaders reach
     a way of understanding England as fluid,             Englishness is not fixed;                                                                                       Constantinople
     not politically fixed. You could come into
     this entity known as Enga-land and be a              it’s dynamic, on a journey.”                                                                                                         1097
                                                                                                                                                                                               Crusaders besiege
     Dane, an Angle, a Saxon or a Celt, and you                                                                                                                                                Antioch and slaughter
     could do your own thing as long as you were         a positive, constructive way. At Sutton Hoo,                                                                            1099          thousands of
     willing to be subject to the King and adhere        for example, archaeologists discovered                                                                         Crusaders take         Turkish Muslims
     to the traditions of Christianity. This suggests    ornate jewellery, fantastic ships – these pagans                                                               Jerusalem and
     that, at the very formation of England as           were really quite sophisticated and not the                                                               massacre inhabitants        1122
     a political unity, there is a sense that            bloodthirsty, knife-wielding, long-haired                                                                                             Concordat of
     Englishness is not fixed; it’s dynamic, on          brutal people they’re often presented as.                                                                                             Worms ends divine
     a journey. That contrasts radically with                                                                                                                                                  right of kings
     how England is often presented today, as if         During the filming we went to one location                                                                      Second Crusade

                                                                                                             Episode 4:
     what it means to be English is set in stone.        in the north of the England where the                                                                        Fall of the Crusader
                                                                                                                                                                           state of Edessa    1187
                                                         Christian Church and the altar are directly
                                                                                                                                                                                              Saladin recaptures
     On one level the film is a critique of              in front of a mound where the pagans used

                                                                                                                                                                                              Jerusalem from
     fundamentalism. One of the high points for          to bury their dead. Archaeologists skimmed                                                                                           Christian rule
     me was going to Lindisfarne and seeing the          the top part of the mound and found the                                                                            1189–1192
                                                                                                                                                                            Third Crusade
     Lindisfarne Gospels. These monks in the 8th         bodies of single men – the monks were buried                                                                  headed by Philip II
     century pulled together images and symbols          on top of the pagans, which demonstrates                                                                   of France and Richard     1215
     from the known world to embellish their             how Christianity built on top of paganism.                                                                       the Lionheart of    Fourth Lateran Council
     rewriting of the Gospels. So what they were         Some of those traditions are still here:           Rageh Omaar, the war correspondent                                    England     among other things
     doing wasn’t just translation, it was also saying   Christmas day and Easter are pagan festivals                                                                                         specifies procedures
                                                                                                            who became famous for his reports from Iraq,                  c1225–1274          against heresy
     to everyone: ‘You are included in this story, in    that Christianity built on; even the days of       reveals how Pope Urban’s interpretation of                  Thomas Aquinas,
     this message of Jesus; you are part of it.’         the week represent pagan deities.                                                                                theologian and
                                                                                                            Christianity led people to kill for Christ and                                    1308–1321
                                                                                                            traces how jihad as we understand it today                                        Dante Alighieri’s Divine
     It’s the first example where we have a              I would argue that all religious traditions
                                                                                                            dates from the Muslim world’s response to                                         Comedy, an allegory of
     multicultural Christianity in England, an           are synchronistic; they all are mixed with
                                                                                                            the Crusades.                                                                     the Christian afterlife
     attempt to pull together different cultural         primary religious beliefs, whether it’s                                                                           1337–1417
     ideas and say that they are part of the             paganism in England or animism in other                                                                      Hundred Years War
     Gospel and have a place within the Christian        parts of the world. I’m not against it, I think
     message. For me that’s a counter to attempts        that’s what Christianity is all about. It brings                                                                                     Start of Renaissance
     to link religion to a singular identity, which      elements of Judaism into the 1st century                                                                                             in Italy
     can lead to ethnocentrism and a kind of ethnic      world of Jesus, then Paul mixes them all
     particularity – us against them. It also            together and produces Christianity.                                                                                 1378–1423
                                                                                                                                                                     Great Western Schism
     challenges fundamentalism which attempts                                                                                                                splits Roman Catholic Church
     to fix identity and fix religion by claiming that   Making this film was an incredible journey.                                                                                          1380 –1382
     things must be read literally, in just one way.     Re-imagining what Englishness meant, not as                                                                                          John Wycliffe
                                                                                                                                                                                              translates Old
                                                         something narrow and fixed, but as something
                                                                                                                                                                                              and New Testaments
     What was crucial was that the Pope                  which is broad and flexible, and developing                                                                               1431       into English
     encouraged his missionaries to build on             an understanding of England that I feel                                                                     Joan of Arc martyred
     pagan religion, not demolish it. In the             comfortable with, has transformed me.
     programme we represent paganism in                                                Robert Beckford                                                                                        1450s
                                                                                                                                                                                              Gutenberg begins
                                                                                                                                                                                              printing the Bible

12   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                          Christianity: A History    13
Christianity: A History - A series of personal perspectives
he First Crusades         before the First Crusades – fighting the devil                                                       army; they brought their wives, their
                             happened over 900         in prayer. But the Crusades made fighting          “In the Middle East                               kids, and they won battles that they
                             years ago, but they       and killing an act of worship.                     everyone is aware of the                          really should have lost. It was purely
                             threw up issues that                                                                                                           their religious devotion, their fanaticism
                             we’re still living with   When Pope Urban declared that Christian            history of the Crusades                           if you like, that kept them going.
                             today – Christianity’s    lands in the Middle East had to be freed from      and it means foreign
                             relationship with         the ‘pollution’ of Islam, and Christians went                                                        We wonder today how on earth a religious
                             Islam, Islam’s view       to fight a Holy War, Muslims who had been
                                                                                                          Western armies coming                             person could commit murder, kill innocent
                             of the western world,     divided amongst different kingdoms realised        to the Middle East.”                              people and say they’re doing it for God. But
                             war and violence          that they had to fall back on something akin                                                         it’s happened throughout history. During the
     blended into Christian religious belief           to what the Christians were doing in order to     coming to the Middle East. The Crusades are        Crusades it wasn’t Muslims but people of
     and how Muslim people reacted to it.              fend off these foreigners. The legacy that left   also an amazing human story. Medieval              another faith, and they were doing it because
                                                       for Muslims is the idea that jihad should         Europe was a closed, insular world. There          they believed this was what Jesus wanted
     I was brought up as a Muslim and I’ve             actually mean Holy War, struggling for            weren’t nation states, just battling feudal        good and faithful Christians to do. I
     reported on different jihadist movements          your religion against invaders.                   warlords. The genius of Pope Urban was             remember clearly when George W Bush
     in the Middle East over the last eight years                                                        to convince people that doing what they            used the word ‘crusade’ in relation to
     but, speaking to different experts for this       A few days after the war started in Gaza,         did every day – fighting, conquering and killing   launching the ‘War on Terror’ immediately
     programme, it was clear that much of what         Osama bin Laden released a recording on           – could be turned against an outside enemy         after 11th September. I was watching the
     we understand today as jihad came out of          behalf of al-Qaeda, calling for a jihad against   and that this would bring them closer to their     speech with a crowd of Muslims in the
     the Muslim world’s reaction to the First          what he called the crusading Zionists. The        Maker. It was a neat trick to get otherwise        Middle East, and the instant the word came
     Crusades. The Qur’an talks about jihad but        jihadist movement today sees itself not as        decent people to walk 3,000 miles through          out of his mouth it had an impact. Why on
     that means ‘struggle’, an inward struggle, a      fighting Christians but as fighting Crusaders,    Europe and the Balkans, across what are            earth did he use that word? In the Middle
     bit like what Holy War meant for Christianity     by which they mean westerners who are             today Turkey and Syria. This was a rag-tag         East stories are passed down from generation

14   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                        Christianity: A History   15
                                                                                                                                                                                    falls to the
                                                                                                                                                                      1478          Ottoman Empire
     to generation. Everyone is aware of the          Middle East. When Muslims talk about the                                                           Spanish Inquisition
                                                                                                                                                       founded by Ferdinand         1492
     history of the Crusades and it means foreign     Crusades, it’s nothing to do with Christianity
                                                                                                                                                               and Isabella         Christopher Columbus
     Western armies coming to the Middle East.        because they’ve lived side by side with                                                                                       discovers West Indies.
                                                      Eastern Christians, Orthodox Christians,                                                                                      His first voyage begins
     What struck me in making this film is that       who thought the idea of Holy War was an                                                                                       Spanish colonisation
                                                                                                                                                        Treaty of Tordesillas
     the reverse is true in the West. Most people     anathema. They associate the Crusades with                                                                                    of New World
                                                                                                                                                          divides New World
     are not aware of what the Crusades were,         the West and Western power. And one has to                                                                                    Jews expelled
                                                                                                                                                           between Portugal
                                                                                                                                                                                    from Spain
     and the word has come to mean something          remember that Saladin ended the Crusader                                                                     and Spain
     good, noble – a crusade against drugs, a         kingdoms in the Holy Land and there was                                                                                       1509–1564
     crusade against drink driving. But, given the    Muslim rule for seven or eight hundred years.                                                                                 John Calvin, French
                                                                                                                                                                        1512        Protestant theologian
     world we live in, it was the worst word George   It was only in the 19th century that suddenly                                                               Copernicus
     W Bush could have used because it’s a gift       the Crusades were rediscovered, and that                                                                  circulates to
     to organisations like al-Qaeda, who want         coincided with Western imperial rule and the                                                         friends his theory
     to say, ‘Don’t believe them when they say        partition of Middle Eastern countries.                                                                   that the earth      1517
     they’re coming to fight for democracy. They’re                                                                                                            orbits the sun      Martin Luther
                                                                                                                                                                                   publishes 95 Theses
     coming as the Crusaders came 900 years           One thing that is often overlooked about the
                                                                                                                                                                       1518        against corruption in
     ago, to subjugate you, to occupy your land.’     First Crusade is the pogroms against Jews in

                                                                                                          Episode 5:
                                                                                                                                                           Son of king of the      the Catholic Church
                                                      Europe as the Crusaders went towards the                                                          Congo, Dom Henrique,
                                                      Holy Land. Today the notion of the Crusades                                                             consecrated as
      “In the minds of quite a lot                    still impacts on the Palestinian-Israeli                                                              first bishop from      1520

                                                                                                                                                          sub-Saharan Africa       Luther
      of people, rightly or wrongly,                  conflict. In the minds of Palestinians the
                                                      creation of Israel and the Zionist movement
      the occupation of the                           is tied in with Crusaders, because Jewish
      West Bank and Gaza are                          emigration to Palestine in the early 20th                                                            produces German
                                                      century was from Eastern and Western                                                                     translation of      1520s
      effectively the same as                         Europe. It may have been Jewish and it may         Outspoken MP, Ann Widdecombe                        New Testament         Henry VIII
      the Crusader settlement.”                       have been Zionist, but this was seen as just       describes how her feeling that the Church
                                                                                                                                                                                   sets himself
                                                                                                                                                                                   up as head of the
                                                      another Western colonisation. And in the                                                                  1525–1534
                                                                                                         of England had lost its focus led to her            William Tyndale
                                                                                                                                                                                   Church in England
                                                      minds of quite a lot of people, rightly or         personal reformation and conversion to               translates New
     To have any impact on this people need to        wrongly, the occupation of the West Bank           Catholicism, and why she believes that                    Testament       1534
     start being aware of other people’s histories.   and Gaza are effectively the same as the                                                                    into English     Act of Parliament
                                                                                                         Martin Luther had no idea of the violence
     A Palestinian historian in the programme         Crusader settlement.                                                                                                         makes England’s break
                                                                                                         his campaign would unleash.                                               from Rome official
     said that he just wanted a Western audience                                                                                                                        1543
     to be aware of his history, his narrative of     Today it has become very difficult to                                                             Copernicus publishes
     how he sees the Crusades. Not to accept it,      separate religion from politics, but I think it                                                     On the Revolutions       1547
                                                                                                                                                     of the Celestial Spheres      Protestant Edward VI
     just to be aware of it. And he would also ask    is possible. The vast majority of people do
                                                                                                                                                     in the year of his death,     succeeds Henry VIII
     his fellow Arabs to be aware of the Christian    not want to live their lives that way. I think
     narrative of the Crusades. I think there’s       this programme and the whole series shows                                                                       1549
     too much history and too much of a one-          that when politicians, whether in the 10th,                                                           Book of Common
     dimensional view of the Crusades in the Arab     the 11th or the 21st century, mix their idea                                                          Prayer published
                                                                                                                                                                                   Mary I becomes Queen.
     world, and almost nothing on the other side.     of religion, faith and duty with their political                                                                             A devout Catholic, she
                                                      responsibilities, it ends up leading to a                                                                                    has 288 Protestants
     People also forget that there is a long-         disaster for all of us.                                                                        Elizabeth I, a Protestant,
                                                                                                                                                                                   burned for heresy
     established community of Christians in the                                         Rageh Omaar                                                       comes to the throne      1560
                                                                                                                                                                                   John Knox founds
                                                                                                                                                                                   Scottish Presbyterian
16   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                               Christianity: A History   17
was brought up in a        through a period of agnosticism. I came back   I jumped at the chance to make this                has got to be right – now we take it for
                           very strong Anglican       as an Anglican which, possibly, was            programme because I’m particularly                 granted that we can all read the Bible. It was
                           tradition. My uncle was    a mistake. The debate surrounding the          interested in the Reformation, which tore the      a great moment when I went to Wartburg
                           a vicar, my brother is a   ordination of women was the last straw.        Church apart. I believe the medieval Church        Castle and saw the Luther Bible. He was also
                           vicar, my nephew’s just    It wasn’t about whether it was theologically   was in need of urgent and sweeping reform.         right to wage a massive campaign against
                           become a vicar. Church     possible (I                                     But Martin Luther was proposing more              some of the more corrupt practices in the
                           and Sunday school          didn’t think it                                              than just an attack on corruption;   Catholic Church. But the tragedy of the
                           were absolutely taken      was); it was all                                            he was mounting a challenge to        Reformation was that, instead of being a
                           for granted as part of     about how, if we                                           the very nature and structure of       movement for reform from within, it became
                           my life. My secondary      don’t do this, we’re not going                         the Church. He could never have            the tool of politicians and zealots. It set
                           school was a Roman         to be in tune with the modern world.           realised it but he was unleashing one of the       Christian against Christian; communities
     Catholic convent but I felt no inclination       To me, the Church should lead, not follow.     greatest political and religious revolutions in    were divided for generations.
     whatever to join the Catholic Church.                                                           Europe’s history. Five centuries ago I could
                                                      So 15 years ago I went through my              have been beheaded as a traitor or burned          There is still a strong core of Protestantism in
     When I was 18 I was confirmed into the           own personal reformation. The Church           alive as a heretic.                                this country whose adherents actively dislike
     Anglican Church but, over the years that         of England had abandoned its roots and                                                            Roman Catholicism. When the Queen visited
     followed, I felt that the Church of England      traditions, and seemed immersed instead                        Luther believed that the Bible     Westminster Cathedral, there was a large
     was departing from its purpose. It was           in the liberalism and political correctness                      should be accessible to          demonstration outside. She wasn’t going to a
     always compromising; it didn’t seem to           of the modern world. I didn’t feel I                                all Christians, so he         Mass; she was doing no more than going into
     know what it believed and always wanted to       belonged there any more, so I left                                       translated it into the   the cathedral for a service that embraced the
     follow current fashions. Later still I went      and became a Roman Catholic.                                                vernacular. That      Christian faith, not just Catholics.

18   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                   Christianity: A History     19
                                                                                                                                                                                           John Hawkins
                                                                                                                                                                              1572         leads first British
                                                                                                                                                                  St Bartholomew’s         slaving expedition
     I found the Lewes bonfire night the most         that the history of Christianity is all about
                                                                                                                                                                     Day Massacre:
     difficult bit of the film. When they were        violence. It is true that, at various points of                                                                   up to 4,000
     burning the Pope in effigy, to hear them         Christian history, politicians have tried to                                                                                         1588
                                                                                                                                                                    Protestants are
                                                                                                                                                                                           The Pope blesses
     shouting, ‘No Popery! Burn him! Burn him!’       harness it for their own ends. That’s what                                                                slaughtered in Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                           Spanish Armada
     even if they didn’t really mean it, was very     Henry VIII did. He was in a struggle with                                                                                            as a Crusade
     disturbing. I wished I hadn’t gone there. I      the Pope and, lo and behold, the Reformation                                                                               1600      against England
     was also shocked that Ian Paisley, in this       was ever so convenient for him.                                                                              Italian philosopher
     day and age, was still prepared to say that                                                                                                                Giordano Bruno burnt
                                                                                                                                                               at the stake for heresy
     the Pope was the anti-Christ. I gave him a       There is virtually nothing that a politician                                                                                         1603
                                                                                                                                                                   for expounding the
     chance to soften that – I said, ‘Hang on, do     won’t harness for his own ends, whether                                                                                              James I of England/
                                                                                                                                                                  ideas of Copernicus
     you really mean that?’ And he said, ‘Yes.’       good or evil. A good politician, though, will                                                                                        James VI of Scotland
                                                                                                                                                                             1605          rules Great Britain
                                                      harness a mood. Today, when there are all
     The reason that shocked me so much was           manner of worries in our society about                                                                        Gunpowder Plot
                                                                                                                                                                     to assassinate
     because I’ve known Paisley for many years;       rampant materialism, selfishness, teenage

                                                                                                         Episode 6:
                                                                                                                                                                           James I
     we’ve got together on lots of moral issues in    pregnancies, the obsession with sex, I think                                                                                        1609
     the Commons and I’ve always regarded him         people look round and say, ‘Hang on, some                                                                                           Baptist Church
                                                                                                                                                                               1610       founded by
     as a friend. But even now, after all that has    of this has gone a bit too far.’ But they’ve no

                                                                                                                                                                Using the telescope       John Smyth
     happened in Northern Ireland, he thinks it is    idea what to do about it; they’re all islands                                                                  he has created,
     appropriate to call the Pope the anti-Christ.    if you like.                                                                                                    Galileo proves
                                                                                                                                                                 Copernicus’ theory

                                                                                                                                                                  that the earth and      1611
     If the Reformation had been handled              I think the Church has got to regain its
                                                                                                                                                                     planets revolve      King James
     differently we could have had all the benefits   role in dispensing moral wisdom, in calling                                                                                         (Authorised)
                                                                                                                                                                     around the sun
     of what Luther did and none of the downside.     people to account for themselves, in                                                                                                Version of the
     I think the sort of gentle reforms we’ve seen    reminding people that there is a judgement                                                                                          Bible in English
     in the Second Vatican Council, which have        to come, that what we do does matter. The                                                                                1620
                                                                                                                                                                      Pilgrim Fathers
     nothing to do with doctrine but everything       Anglican Church has backed off there and                                                                       sail for America
     to do with the rules of the Church, are to be    I don’t think the Catholic Church has, but        Writer and playwright Kwame Kwei-Armah
                                                                                                                                                                    on the Mayflower      1625
     profoundly welcomed. If only the Reformation     the Catholic Church tends to talk to itself.      reflects on how the history of slavery is entwined                          r     Charles I comes
     had been carried out like that. But Luther                                                         with Christianity, and is intrigued by the way, all                               to the throne
     couldn’t control what he unleashed.              People are terribly afraid of being               over the world, people create images of Jesus                Oliver Cromwell
                                                      judgemental, of saying, ‘That is wrong,’          and Mary that look like themselves.                          ruler of England
                                                      if you’re doing something wrong. It                                                                                                 1660
      “The tragedy of the                             doesn’t mean you can’t be forgiven or                                                                                               Royal Africa Company
      Reformation was that,                           are beyond redemption, but you are
                                                                                                                                                                                          given a monopoly over
                                                                                                                                                                                          English slave trade
      instead of being a                              doing something wrong.                                                                                        Test Act excludes
                                                                                                                                                                       Catholics from
      movement for reform from                        That is the message which should come                                                                              public office    1690
      within, it became the tool                      from the pulpit, but it should also come                                                                                            William III defeats
                                                      through the media. The hierarchy of the                                                                                             James II at the
      of politicians and zealots.”                    Church should be standing up and saying                                                                                  1701       Battle of the
                                                                                                                                                                      Society for the     Boyne in Ireland
                                                      to Britain, ‘Don’t just look at the government,
                                                                                                                                                                 Propagation of the
     The basic tenet of Christianity is: ‘Love thy    look at individuals, look at yourselves, what                                                           Gospel in Foreign Parts
     neighbour.’ It has inspired tremendous works     you are doing is wrong.’                                                                                           established      1738
     down the years and I don’t accept the view                                     Ann Widdecombe                                                                                        John and Charles
                                                                                                                                                          Act of Settlement restricts     Wesley start
                                                                                                                                                            British royal succession      Methodist movement
                                                                                                                                                                       to Protestants     in Britain
20   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                      Christianity: A History    21
have traced my family       expressive worship so it didn’t really frighten
                                                    story back to the West      me, but it frightened some of the crew
                                                    Indies, to a sugar          members. Even though the congregation
                                                    plantation, where my        was middle class and quite intellectual,
                                                    ancestors worked as         many of them were not aware of Christianity
                                                    slaves for a British        having first arrived in Africa via Ethiopia and
                                                    master. I discovered that   not via the missionary experience.
                                                    they had originally come
                                                    from Ghana in Africa. At    I define myself as an Afrocentric Christian
                                                    school I was taught that    – one who views Christianity through the
                               David Livingstone was a great hero – one of      lens of Ethiopia and not Rome. Arriving in
                               many missionaries who went to Africa as          Lalibela in the Ethiopian Highlands was
                               colonialists to open up the world’s ‘dark        amazing. They call it the Jerusalem of Africa.
                               continents’ to European civilisation and         It is thought that Christianity was brought
                               convert their heathen inhabitants to             here by Greek and Egyptian monks in the
                               Christianity. But this colonial enterprise       4th century, but some Ethiopians claim their
                               also enslaved millions of people.                faith goes right back to Old Testament times.

                               The slaves who survived the horrific journey
                               to the Caribbean didn’t just lose their            “I define myself as an
                               freedom, they lost their African identity as       Afrocentric Christian –
                               well. That’s how my family first encountered
                               Christianity. My original family name was
                                                                                  one who views Christianity
                               Roberts, which was the name of my                  through the lens of
                               ancestors’ last slave master. When I               Ethiopia and not Rome.”
                               discovered my family’s history I decided
                               to reclaim my African identity and take a
                               Ghanaian name.                                   I’d seen pictures of the churches in the
                                                                                rock but it’s a bit like looking at a football
                               I go to Ghana often, but making this film        stadium through a keyhole. When you get
                               meant looking at it through the lens of a        there, the scale, the magnitude of it – it’s
                               Church, through the evangelical movement,        like seeing one of the wonders of the world.
                               the pre-evangelical movement, and the            Looking at their 500-year-old Bible was
                               African spirit world. I learned so much          wonderful. It has five more books than
                               about religious structures and why different     the Bible we use. All of a sudden you
                               cultures latch on to different manifestations    understand that what we have been
                               of Christianity. We went to a mega-Church        told is absolute truth, is actually not.
                               with thousands of people in the congregation,
                               and arrived in the middle of what they call      The Mexican experience – climbing the
                               the Jericho Hour – an hour of very intense       pyramid at Chichen Itza, and seeing these
                               prayer. I defy anyone to enter into that arena   structures, these magnificent manifestations
                               and not feel something. Some people might        of their Creator – was also amazing. The
                               feel fear, others might feel revulsion. As an    early Mayans merged their religion with
                               African-Caribbean I’m used to that form of       Christianity – stuffed their idols inside

22   Christianity: A History                                                                            Christianity: A History   23
                                                                                                                                                                                      Outbreak of
     Christian idols and found ways of making          I’m certainly not evangelical about it.                                                                                        French Revolution
     them the same person. And La Virgen Morena,       My mother was devoutly Christian, my                                                                                           Former slave Olaudah
     the Brown Virgin, was an example of people        brothers and sisters all are, so I’m the rebel                                                                                 Equiano publishes
                                                                                                                                                                Slave Trade Act
     creating an icon in their own image.              in the bunch. As I say in the film, I access                                                                                   his autobiography
                                                                                                                                                            in Britain abolishes
                                                       Ishua or Jesus in the same way that I access                                                          slave trade but not
     In Ethiopia images of the Virgin Mary look        Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey, who gave                                                                       slavery itself     1829
     Ethiopian. I think any person of faith who is     their lives to the dispossessed, who                                                                                           British Parliament
     troubled by images of Jesus that don’t            challenged the status quo, elevating those                                                                                     grants Catholic
                                                                                                                                                                         1833         emancipation
     portray him as white Caucasian has to             who might not be able to help themselves,
     understand why Europeans needed their             articulating truths that allow people to live                                                         Slavery Abolition
                                                                                                                                                                Act abolishes
     Jesus and their God to look like them. We         to their higher selves.
                                                                                                                                                            slavery in most of
     should not accept that these are actual                                                                                                                the British Empire        1834
     representations of the Creator; they’re simply
     there for our simple brains to be able to grasp
                                                        “In 1900 there were just                                                                                                      Spanish Inquisition
                                                                                                                                                                                      officially abolished

                                                                                                         Episode 7:
     the concept, whatever culture we’re from.          10 million Christians in                                                                                          1838
                                                        Africa; today there are over                                                                                    Slavery
     We are more anti-religion in Europe than                                                                                                                         abolished
                                                        390 million...”
                                                                                                         God and the
     people in the developing world and America.                                                                                                                          in the
                                                                                                                                                                 British Empire      1843
     I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing for
                                                                                                                                                                                     Church of Scotland
     people not to believe. I have issues with         In 1900 there were just 10 million                                                                                            splits over separation

     religion, myself. I don’t describe myself as a    Christians in Africa; today there are over                                                                                    of Church and state
     religious man but as someone who has faith.       390 million, and they are beginning
                                                                                                                                                                Charles Darwin
                                                       to challenge the Western Christian                                                                            publishes
     If I had seen the Creator in someone who          establishment, particularly over issues                                                                   On the Origin
     was a Buddhist or a Muslim, I would have          like women priests and homosexuality,                                                                        of Species       1868–1870
                                                       not issues that I agree with. But the real                                                                                    First Vatican Council
     been a Buddhist or a Muslim. I saw what I
                                                                                                        Eminent scientist and uncompromising                                         defines doctrine of
     perceived to be the Creator in someone who        challenge is not just about social values                                                                                     papal infallibility
     happened to be a Christian, therefore I was       but about the faith itself. These new            atheist Colin Blakemore is suspicious                           1905
     able to access the Creator through that lens.     Christians have harnessed a powerful             of Christianity’s ability to adapt its previously          French law
                                                       spiritual force which many churches              unshakeable tenets in response to the                       passed on
                                                                                                                                                                 separation of
     Also, in Europe the Church has been               in the West have abandoned.                      challenge of scientific, evidence-based                                      1914–1918
                                                                                                                                                              Church and state
     associated with the state and with the                                                             explanations of how the world works.                                         World War I
     oppression, or indoctrination, of the masses.     They believe that Europe now needs
     And so it’s quite healthy that we view            converting to the true faith. I think their                                                               1915–1917
     religion and religious structures as dodgy.       proposition is that the West has got too                                                             Armenian Genocide
                                                       comfortable; it thinks it is its own God. And
     Faith for me is very personal; it allows me       there is some truth in that. But one can also
     to believe in something greater than myself.      have an intellectual relationship with faith.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Russian Revolution
     When I have done everything that I humanly        We have to be careful sometimes not just
     can, I perceive that I have somewhere else        to see religion as something to make you
     to go. Without getting too pompous, prayer        feel good – I think we can and must apply                                                                          1925
     for me is like communion, a conversation          stringent intellectual mechanisms to faith.                                                                 John Scopes
                                                                                                                                                                    convicted of
     with my deeper self and what that is
                                                                                                                                                            breaking Tennessee
     connected to throughout the universe.                                      Kwame Kwei-Armah                                                                law by teaching

24   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                 Christianity: A History   25
I was confirmed in the          a little bit odd! Four hundred years ago it was
                       Church of England at            stoutly defended as the absolute truth. So if
                       about the age of 14 but         you’re not going to defend what scripture
                       was already beginning           says when it comes to historical facts or
                       to harbour doubts. I saw        theories about how the world was made,
                       that science could offer        why should you defend miracles, the virgin
                       explanations for things         birth or life after death?
                       for which religion had
                       previously been the only        There is a resurgence of alternative belief
                       source of evidence. By the      systems, which I think reflects people’s
     time I went to university I’d pretty much         deep desire to understand the world,
     abandoned all religious belief.                   combined with increasing ignorance of how
                                                       science works. Religions offer explanations
     I like the Church tradition and the long          that are fundamentally wrong but are
     cultural history yet, with every decade           nevertheless appealing. It’s curious that,
     that’s gone by, religion has had less and         after four or five hundred years of scientific
     less significance for me. You can’t just          explanation giving human beings the
     dismiss religious belief if you’re a humanist     capacity to do amazing things, there is an
     or an atheist, but I genuinely think that a       undeniable trend for people to revert back to
     scientifically based, pragmatic approach,         alternative belief systems, including in the
     based on real knowledge, can offer the kinds      West, and particularly in the United States.
     of fundamental securities that used to come
     from religious belief.
                                                        “It’s a bit worrying to find
     One key feature of Christianity is its capacity    that a belief system which
     to accommodate, to transform itself, to
     evolve. That makes me a bit suspicious
                                                        has influenced hundreds of
     about its integrity. What kind of belief           millions of people around
     system can yield to scientific evidence which      the world can shift and
     contradicts all the scriptural doctrines about
     how the universe was created and how life
                                                        move as the demands arise.”
     was formed? As a scientist one tries to look
     for fundamental secure facts that don’t           It’s odd that the first country whose
     compromise and accommodate, which one             constitution separated Church and state
     hopes are robust and good forever. It’s a bit     should be a bastion of Christianity. I think
     worrying to find that a belief system which       it’s partly explained by the geographical
     has influenced hundreds of millions of            separation of the United States from the
     people around the world can shift and             gradual evolution of philosophy and science
     move as the demands arise.                        and the retreat of Christianity in Europe. The
                                                       USA was established by believers who left
     A line that’s increasingly taken is that the      their home countries because they were
     Bible is metaphorical and allegorical; it         persecuted, often for their religious beliefs.
     reflects the culture in which it was written      Those beliefs were fundamental and simple,
     but shouldn’t be taken literally. Well that’s     and that thread still runs through America.

26   Christianity: A History                                                                             Christianity: A History   27
                                                                                                                                                                                               Hitler invades
     As the film shows, the word fundamentalism’       Of course it is difficult to rule out the                                                                                               Poland, starting
                                                                                                                                                                            1942–1945          World War II
     originated in the USA in the early 20th           possibility of a benign, intelligent deity
                                                                                                                                                            Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’, the
     century. People with a more sophisticated         which generated the world we live in and                                                          culmination of the Holocaust
     view of religion argue that human beings          tinkers occasionally in its workings but                                                           in which six million Jews are
     want answers to important questions which         basically set it up to run according to the                                                     murdered; victims of Nazis also         1944
     science can never address. They are usually       rules of science. But why even postulate                                                       included Gypsies, homosexuals,           First woman
     questions that begin with ‘why’, like ‘Why        such a bizarre notion for all kinds of things                                                    Slavs, people with disabilities,       ordained as
                                                                                                                                                                  dissidents and others        Priest in Anglican
     are we here?’ I think these are non-questions     that we now understand in terms of the
     because there are no real answers to them.        laws of physics?
                                                                                                                                                                                               in Hong Kong
     Science does a brilliant job at answering the                                                                                                                               1947
     questions that begin with ‘how’ – ‘How do         Despite a desire for supernatural                                                                               Discovery of first
     things work?’ ‘How was the world created?’        explanations that’s embedded in all of us,                                                                      Dead Sea Scrolls        1948
     – but it cannot address the question of why       we have invented political systems which                                                                                                State of Israel
     we are here. But is that really a question        are basically pacifistic; we are learning to                                                                                            founded in Palestine
                                                                                                                                                                                               World Council of
     which is worth asking?                            understand people who aren’t related to us,                                                                                1951

                                                                                                           Episode 8:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Churches founded
                                                       we have concerns for the environment, all of                                                                   World Evangelical
     The interesting question is why people            which run against the natural inclinations of                                                                   Alliance founded
     everywhere ask those sorts of questions,          human beings. So we do have the capacity                                                                                                1961

                                                                                                           The Future of
     and why supernatural beliefs are found in         to stand back, but we never completely                                                                                                  New English Bible
     all human cultures. It’s a bit like language:     overcome the pressures of our own genes.                                                                           1962–1965            (New Testament)
                                                                                                                                                                                Second         published
     all people use language even though the           For instance, most people accept the earth

     exact form of it is different from place to       goes around the sun and yet we all describe                                                                     Vatican Council
     place. The anthropologist, the biologist, the     the sun as rising, because that’s the way it
                                                                                                                                                                     many progressive
     geneticist, would take the universality of        looks. We can live simultaneously with both                                                                   changes including         1963
     language as evidence that it’s built into our     levels of understanding.                                                                                         dropping Good          Martin Luther King
     genes. So by the same argument you might                                                                                                                         Friday prayer for        leads civil rights
     say that religion is in our genes.                My own view is that as over the last 500                                                                         the conversion         march in
                                                       years, more and more of the territory that         Lawyer and committed Catholic, Cherie Blair                      of the Jews         Washington DC
                                                                                                          grapples with the legal and moral dilemmas                                           and makes
     How that has happened is a scientific             was the domain of religion has been ceded                                                                                               ‘I Have a Dream’
                                                                                                          thrown up by the genocides and human rights                              1968
     question which interests a lot of people.         to scientific explanation. We’ll just see that                                                                                          speech
                                                                                                                                                                      Martin Luther King
     It reflects a way we have come to think of        process go on. It may take a long time and         abuses of the last century. She explains her own
     each other which is equally flawed but which      occur at different rates in different countries,   enduring beliefs and assesses how the Church                Start of Liberation      1970
     works. We think that other people operate their   cultures and religions, but there will be an       handled the liberalisation of the 1960s.                             Theology        New English Bible
     free will, making their decisions because they    inevitable trend for science to substitute                                                                                              (Old Testament)
     have intentions and desires, but psychologists    for the things that religion used to explain.                                                                                           published
     and brain researchers increasingly have                                                                                                                                      1979
                                                                                                                                                                          Moral Majority
     explanations for behaviour that don’t refer       In the end I think religion will just provide
                                                                                                                                                                            founded by
     to ‘intention’. But because the idea of           us with metaphors and stories which can                                                                             Jerry Falwell       1989
     ‘intention’ works so well in communicating        be illuminating, telling us a bit about human                                                                                           First woman
     with other people, we project that belief         nature, providing a historical background to                                                                                            ordained
     system on to the world around us. When            how our culture emerged but no more realistic                                                                              2007         as a Bishop in
                                                                                                                                                                         Pope Benedict         Protestant Episcopal
     we see a phenomenon we don’t understand           and convincing than the Genesis creation
                                                                                                                                                                        reinstates older       Church in USA
     we tend to ask intentional questions such         story is to most Western Christians now.                                                                   version of Latin Mass
     as ‘Who’s done this? ‘What was it done for?’                                                                                                                including Good Friday
     and that’s what generates the idea of God.                                      Colin Blakemore                                                                prayer for the Jews

28   Christianity: A History                                                                                                                                                         Christianity: A History   29
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