CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

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CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...
              Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

Tasmanian Climate Change Office
Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...
 Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

Climate Action 21: Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
                    © State of Tasmania 2017
                Tasmanian Climate Change Office
               Department of Premier and Cabinet
Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced with appropriate
  acknowledgement, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968.
                     First printed June 2017
                      Reprinted June 2018
                  Reprinted September 2019
                    ISBN: 978 0 7246 5712 6
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...
2   Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

MINISTER’S FOREWORD                                                                     4
OUR PRIORITIES                                                                          6

1   UNDERSTANDING TASMANIA’S FUTURE CLIMATE                                             8
2   ADVANCING OUR RENEWABLE ENERGY CAPABILITY                                          10
3   REDUCING OUR TRANSPORT EMISSIONS                                                   14
4   GROWING A CLIMATE-READY ECONOMY                                                    16
5   BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENCE                                                        20
6   SUPPORTING COMMUNITY ACTION                                                        22

NEXT STEPS                                                                             24
 Implementation and reporting                                                          24
 Monitoring and evaluation                                                             24
 Working together                                                                      25

CLIMATE CHANGE IN TASMANIA                                                             26
 Tasmania’s emissions                                                                  26
 The impacts of a changing climate                                                     27
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS                                                     31
 Measures                                                                              31

                  3                  Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

                                           Tasmania is also among the                In addition to these achievements,
                                           leaders globally, with the State’s        the Tasmanian Government is
                                           emissions at 1.7 tonnes of CO2-e          committed to making Tasmania
                                           per person being well below the           energy self-sufficient with an
                                           global average of nearly 5 tonnes.        additional 1,000 gigawatt hours
                                           Under Climate Action 21, the              of on-island renewable energy
                                           Government has committed                  generation by the end of 2022.
                                           $3.25 million towards taking practical    The Tasmanian Government
                                           action to reduce emissions across a       recognises the importance of
                                           range of sectors, and strengthen our      implementing Climate Action 21
                                           transition to a lower carbon economy.     to reduce the State’s emissions
                                           A significant amount of work has          and prepare for both the
                                           already been delivered since the          opportunities and risks presented
                                           release of Climate Action 21 in 2017.     by a changing climate.
                                           In that time, we have committed
In June 2019 I was proud to                over $600,000 towards a statewide
become the Minister for the                electric vehicle charging network;
Environment, Parks and Heritage.           supported the integration of electric
                                           vehicles into fleets; helped businesses
The Tasmanian Government                   improve their resource efficiency
recognises that climate change is a        and reduce waste; delivered a
serious issue and is committed to          Climate Change Health Roundtable
taking practical action. Climate Action    and a Climate Change Symposium;
21: Tasmania’s Climate Change Action       assisted businesses to analyse            PETER GUTWEIN MP
Plan 2017-2021 (Climate Action 21)         their energy use and find ways to         Minister for the Environment,
sets the Tasmanian Government’s            reduce it; delivered the first phase      Parks and Heritage
agenda for action on climate change.       of the Climate Resilient Councils
Tasmania holds a unique position in        project; and funded research into
Australia. We have the lowest per          compound extreme weather events.
capita greenhouse gas emissions
in the country, and our latest
greenhouse gas emissions inventory
shows that for the sixth year in a
row we have met our legislated
emissions reduction target. The
State’s greenhouse gas emissions have
declined by 95 per cent from 1990
levels. Tasmania can capitalise on this
achievement as we work towards our
commitment to zero net emissions.

                          4                            Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
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5   Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

Climate Action 21 has been

                                                              UNDERSTANDING TASMANIA’S FUTURE
developed with input from the
                                                              CLIMATE commits to providing up-to-date
Tasmanian community, businesses,
                                                              information on climate change projections and
local government and the scientific
                                                              impacts, and tailoring this information to support
community. It has been developed in
                                                              decision making across key industry sectors.
consideration of the 21st Conference
of the Parties of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate

Change Paris Agreement (Paris                                 ADVANCING OUR RENEWABLE
Agreement) to limit global warming                            ENERGY CAPABILITY supports national
to below 2°C and the Australian                               energy security solutions in the transition
Government’s commitment to reduce                             to a low carbon generation network and
emissions to between 26 and 28 per                            delivers energy efficiency programs with local
cent below 2005 levels by 2030.                               government, households and businesses.
We are focused on delivering practical

action in areas where we can realise
the greatest benefits, manage risks                           REDUCING OUR TRANSPORT
in a measured way and play our role                           EMISSIONS promotes the uptake of
in meeting this global challenge.                             electric vehicles and other alternative forms
                                                              of transport, and optimises the use of
Climate Action 21 is structured                               vehicles to reduce costs and emissions.
into six priorities. Each priority area
includes a 2021 vision statement, our

actions for 2017 to 2021 and details
of initiatives already being progressed                       GROWING A CLIMATE-READY
by the Tasmanian Government.                                  ECONOMY supports businesses and
                                                              agricultural producers to reduce their
Climate Action 21 has 37 actions                              emissions, be prepared for the impacts of
based around the priority areas.                              climate change, and leverage opportunities.
Figure 1 provides an overview
of Climate Action 21.

                                                              BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENCE
                                                              enhances our capacity to withstand and
                                                              recover from extreme weather events,
                                                              and better understand and manage
                                                              the risks of a changing climate.

                                                              SUPPORTING COMMUNITY ACTION
                                                              establishes an aspirational emissions reduction
                                                              target of zero net emissions by 2050, recognises
                                                              that all Tasmanians have a role to play in tackling
                                                              climate change, and assists the community
                                                              to reduce emissions and energy use.

                           6                 Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

                                       TAKING ACTION

      Contribute to global                         Manage risks and
      efforts to limit                             build resilience
      warming to 2˚C
                                                   Understand and
      Zero net emissions                           manage risks and
      by 2050                                      opportunities

                                     A shared response to prepare
                                     for our future climate

    1                                2                              3
        UNDERSTANDING                 ADVANCING OUR                        REDUCING OUR
          TASMANIA’S                 RENEWABLE ENERGY                       TRANSPORT
        FUTURE CLIMATE                  CAPABILITY                           EMISSIONS

    4                                5                              6
            GROWING A                       BUILDING                         SUPPORTING
           CLIMATE-READY                    CLIMATE                          COMMUNITY
             ECONOMY                       RESILIENCE                          ACTION

                                       KEY PRINCIPLES

Use the best     Work with           Evaluate,       Assess and           Share              Complement
available        businesses,         monitor and     respond to           information        national and
science          the community       report on       key risks and        to support         international
and              and all levels of   progress        opportunities        action             policies and
information      government                                                                  initiatives

                   7                       Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
CLIMATE ACTION Tasmania's Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 - Tasmanian Climate Change Office Depar tment of Premier and Cabinet - Department ...

By 2021 we will be:
• Ensuring we have the best available
  evidence about our future climate; and
• Using tailored and accessible information to support
  decision making based on our future climate.
Tasmania is fortunate to have a          The Tasmanian Government will
world class capability in Antarctic,     continue to work in partnership
Southern Ocean and climate science,      with communities, businesses and                 What we have done so far:
led by organisations such as the         organisations to understand and
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems         address their needs in relation to               Sponsored research to consider
Cooperative Research Centre (ACE         climate projections. By working                  the impacts of a changing
CRC), Commonwealth Scientific            in partnership with our Antarctic                climate on emergency service
and Industrial Research Organisation     and climate science community,                   volunteer resources in Tasmania
(CSIRO), and the Institute for Marine    we can continue to build our
and Antarctic Studies (IMAS).            understanding of future climate                  Improved our understanding
                                         impacts. The Tasmanian Government                of Tasmania’s future fire
Since 2010, Tasmania has benefited                                                        danger in a changing climate
from downscaled climate change           strongly advocated for the Hobart-
                                         based CSIRO National Climate                     by supporting ACE CRC to
projections developed by the Climate                                                      undertake research examining
Futures for Tasmania project. This       Science Centre, and will continue
                                         to advocate for a commitment                     the State’s future fire danger
project was undertaken by ACE CRC                                                         and the viability of planned
with funding from the Tasmanian          to climate science in Australia.
                                                                                          burning in a changing climate
Government and other parties.1           The actions for this priority
This work projected the impact of        area focus on:                                   Advocated for the
changes to Tasmania’s climate from       −− Working with ACE CRC, CSIRO,                  establishment of the National
1961 to 2100 and provided information        IMAS and other partners in                   Climate Science Centre in Hobart
about these impacts in areas such            government and industry to
as agriculture, water catchments,            ensure the best available scientific
extreme events and future fire danger.       data continues to be available;
The Climate Futures for Tasmania
                                         −− Delivering research to improve
project has provided the foundation
                                            our understanding of the likelihood
for Tasmania’s adaptation planning.
                                            and impact of multi-hazard
Developments in climate science             coincident extreme events in
continue to allow for more research         Tasmania, as experienced in
areas to be explored. It is important       January 2016 when bushfires
that our evidence base take account         in the Tasmanian Wilderness
of these developments. New climate          World Heritage Area (TWWHA)
models are being released as part of        occurred at the same time as
the forthcoming Intergovernmental           severe flooding on the East Coast;
Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth
Assessment Report. We need to            −− Providing tailored information
consider the implications of these          based on current climate change
models for Tasmania to ensure               projections to support decision
we make informed decisions                  making across all sectors; and
for our future in areas such as          −− Continuing to promote and
agricultural production, land use           support the National Climate
planning, infrastructure investment         Science Centre in Hobart.
and emergency management.
                                         1. For further information on the Climate
                                            Futures for Tasmania project see http://

                          8                              Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                                               Milestones                                                  Lead Agency
                                                                                                                     Partner Agency

    1.1         Undertake research                       −− Undertake a review of climate                            DPAC (TCCO)2
                on climate change                           change modelling and identify
                projections with key                        research gaps and opportunities
                industry partners                        −− Work with the scientific community,
                                                            industry and governments to determine
                                                            priority research projects

    1.2         Build our understanding                  −− Undertake research to understand the                     DPAC (TCCO)
                of Tasmania’s vulnerability                 complex interdependent relationships
                to coincident extreme                       between natural hazards and their causes
                events and their impacts

    1.3         Provide sector-specific                  −− Deliver tailored climate information and                 DPAC (TCCO)
                information on                              decision support tools for end users
                Tasmania’s future climate                   such as the wine industry, catchment
                                                            managers and emergency services

    1.4         Support an ongoing                       −− Support the ongoing activities of the                    DPAC (TCCO)
                commitment to the                           National Climate Science Centre
                National Climate Science
                Centre in Hobart

2. A list of acronyms and abbreviations is on page 31.

                                 9                                 Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

By 2021 we will be:
• Maximising the generation of renewable energy in                                          What we have done so far:
  meeting the State’s electricity needs and supporting
                                                                                            Established the Tasmanian
  national electricity security and affordability; and                                      Energy Security Taskforce to
• Using energy more efficiently to reduce emissions                                         undertake an independent energy
                                                                                            security risk assessment for
  and electricity costs for households and businesses.                                      Tasmania, including the potential
                                                                                            impact of climate change on
Tasmania has an enviable renewable           1,000 gigawatt hours of average annual         energy security and supply
energy profile. Approximately                electricity generation for Tasmania to
90 per cent of our electricity               become a net exporter of electricity           Released the Tasmanian
generation is from renewable                 over the long term. Increasing the             Energy Strategy to maximise
resources, putting us in a unique            energy efficiency of our homes and             Tasmania’s renewable energy
position to pursue national                  businesses may reduce the draw-                opportunities and support
opportunities. Approximately                 downs from Tasmania’s hydro storages,          energy efficiency initiatives
10 per cent of our renewable                 further enhancing the potential for
energy comes from wind, and the              renewable energy generation to                 Conducted studies to identify
remainder from hydro-electric                meet the State’s electricity needs             the necessary pre-conditions
generation, which delivers base              and improving our energy security.             for establishing the viability
load and peaking electricity for             The Council of Australian                      of a second Bass Strait
Tasmania’s major industrials, small          Governments (COAG) Energy Council              interconnector and for
businesses and households.                   has agreed to an independent review            increasing hydro-electricity
Our current energy profile is built on       of national energy security and the            generation by 10 per cent
over 100 years of investment in hydro-       reliability of the NEM, with advice on a
electric generation. This system has         coordinated, national reform blueprint.        Delivered an aged care energy
supported the Tasmanian community                                                           efficiency project involving
                                             The Australian Renewable Energy
and economy, and has positioned                                                             energy efficiency audits for 11
                                             Agency (ARENA) will work with
Tasmania well for the transition to a                                                       residential aged care facilities
                                             Hydro Tasmania on feasibility studies
low-emissions economy. The Tasmanian                                                        to identify opportunities to
                                             to assess a number of new pumped
Government is focused on generating                                                         improve energy efficiency
                                             hydro-energy schemes that could
electricity as efficiently as possible. In   deliver up to 2,500 megawatts of
the past two years, Hydro Tasmania                                                          Extended the No Interest
                                             additional capacity for the NEM and
has spent close to $150 million and                                                         Loan Scheme to assist low
                                             augmentation of the existing hydro
is planning to spend $400 million in                                                        income Tasmanians to purchase
                                             system with the redevelopment of
the next four years to upgrade and                                                          energy efficient products
                                             the Tarraleah Scheme and efficiency
modernise its ageing generation assets.      improvements at Gordon Power
                                                                                            Continued Aurora Energy’s Your
Tasmania has the opportunity to              Station. This will enhance Tasmania’s
                                                                                            Energy Support program to
become a net exporter of electricity,        hydro-electric and renewable energy
                                                                                            provide assistance to low income
which would support improved                 supply for the benefit of the national
                                                                                            residential customers having
energy security and reliability, not         market transition to a lower carbon
                                                                                            difficulty paying their electricity
only in Tasmania but also across the         emission future. The ARENA work will
                                                                                            bills through energy saving advice
National Electricity Market (NEM).           build on the joint study on the second
                                                                                            and flexible payment plans
Tasmania’s flexible hydro-electric           interconnector by Dr John Tamblyn.
generation may assist in balancing the       This report found that a second
intermittent nature of other renewable       interconnector has the potential to            Introduced the $10 million
energy sources across the NEM.               deliver significant benefits, but its full     Tasmanian Energy
                                             potential will depend on the ongoing           Efficiency Loan Scheme
The Interim Report released by the                                                          (TEELS) to promote the
Tasmanian Energy Security Taskforce          development of the electricity system
                                             in both Tasmania and the NEM.                  uptake by consumers of
identifies a deficit of up to                                                               energy efficient products

                            10                             Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Tasmania will invest around $1 billion       The Tasmanian Government has              −− Assisting small businesses and
in maintaining and refurbishing the          established the $10 million Tasmanian        households to reduce their energy
State’s existing hydro-power assets          Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme                use and save money on electricity
over the next 10 years. With the             (TEELS) that provides no-interest            bills by overcoming barriers
continued promotion of further               finance to households and small              such as up-front capital costs;
renewable energy opportunities,              businesses to install energy efficient
                                                                                       −− Undertaking a feasibility study
Tasmania is well placed to become the        equipment and appliances.
                                                                                          into energy efficiency financing
renewable energy battery for Australia.      The actions for this priority area           options such as Environmental
Maximising our renewable energy              focus on:                                    Upgrade Agreements (EUA’s);
contribution to Australia’s electricity      −− Continuing to invest in existing
market represents an opportunity                                                       −− Supporting the improvement of
                                                 hydro-electricity assets to              street lighting energy efficiency
for new investment in Tasmania. The              ensure the maximum potential
Tasmanian Government supports                                                             by helping to overcome
                                                 renewable energy is generated            barriers related to metering
engagement between renewable                     to assist in lowering emissions;
energy developers and energy                                                              and ownership of lighting
utilities that reduces barriers for          −− Assessing opportunities for               infrastructure and hardware; and
new renewable energy projects.                  increasing Tasmania’s renewable        −− Improving the energy efficiency
                                                energy resources and progressing          of Tasmanian Government
Reducing energy consumption
                                                viable commercial opportunities;          owned and leased facilities by
through cost-effective energy
efficiency actions will reduce electricity                                                monitoring energy usage, capacity
bills for businesses, government                                                          building, conducting energy
agencies and households, and will                                                         audits and capital upgrades.
also improve the management of
Tasmania’s electricity supply network.

                            11                            Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
12   Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                                   Milestones                                             Lead Agency
                                                                                                Partner Agency

2.1      Promote Tasmanian and           −− Continue to invest in existing hydro-               State Growth
         National emissions reduction       electricity assets to maximise potential
         and energy security through        renewable energy generation
         a coordinated approach          −− Consider the findings of the Tasmanian
         to renewable energy                Energy Security Taskforce and
         advancement in the State           the feasibility study into a second
                                            Bass Strait interconnector
                                         −− Progress opportunities for further
                                            renewable energy development
                                            to support our aim to be a
                                            net exporter of electricity
                                         −− Advocate for Tasmania to play a significant
                                            role in national energy security through
                                            the COAG review into the reliability and
                                            security of the NEM in the transition
                                            to a low carbon emissions future

2.2      Support the delivery            −− Provide resources and guidance                      DPAC (TCCO)
         of TEELS                           materials to support businesses
                                            and households to access TEELS

2.3      Work with businesses to         −− Provide assistance to businesses                    DPAC (TCCO)
         maximise energy efficiency         to improve energy efficiency
                                         −− Identify energy saving projects
                                            eligible for application to TEELS
                                            or other finance options

2.4      Determine the suitability       −− Deliver a feasibility study into the                DPAC (TCCO)
         of EUA’s to finance energy         applicability of EUA’s and other
         upgrades in building stock         financing options in Tasmania

2.5      Support and assist the          −− Work with local councils and service                DPAC (TCCO)
         delivery of energy efficient       providers to increase uptake of energy
         street lighting projects           efficient lighting technologies

2.6      Support Tasmanian               −− Assist Tasmanian Government agencies                DPAC (TCCO)
         Government agencies to             with monitoring and reporting
         address energy usage and
         greenhouse gas emissions

2.7      Improve the energy efficiency   −− Undertake cost-effective capital upgrades           DPAC (TCCO)
         of Tasmanian Government            to achieve greater energy efficiency
         owned and leased buildings      −− Deliver an energy efficiency
         through energy audits              behaviour change program
         and capital upgrades

                      13                      Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

By 2021 we will be:
• Reducing our fuel costs and transport emissions
  through improved fleet efficiency and increasing
  the uptake of public transport; and
• Supporting the uptake of electric vehicles
  in Tasmania.
Transport emissions have been              Other opportunities to reduce
declining in recent years, mainly due to   emissions and save on vehicle
improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency.   running costs include considering                What we have done so far:
However, in 2015 Tasmania’s transport      fuel efficiency and engine size
sector had the highest emissions out       when purchasing a new or used                    Delivered the Electric Vehicle
of all the reported sectors of our         vehicle. We can also address                     Demonstration Project
economy, highlighting a need to put in     transport emissions by encouraging               in partnership with Hydro
place a range of strategies to support     Tasmanians to use alternative modes              Tasmania and TasNetworks
a more sustainable transport system.3      of transport such as walking and
                                           cycling, especially for short trips.             Rolled out the Smarter Fleets
Emerging technologies, such as
                                                                                            program to improve light
electric vehicles, are likely to           The actions for this priority
                                                                                            vehicle fleet efficiency with a
transform transport systems in             area focus on:
                                                                                            number of councils, TasNetworks,
coming decades. Supporting the             −− Working in partnership with                   TasPorts and TasTAFE
uptake of electric vehicles through a          TasNetworks, local government
planned and coordinated approach,              and the private sector to                    Initiated significant planning
which is informed and driven by the            support the rollout of electric              reforms, including infrastructure
market, will position Tasmania to              vehicle charging infrastructure;             and planning policies to facilitate
maximise the potential benefits.
                                           −− Investigating options to address              and promote active transport
These benefits may be far-reaching
                                              market barriers that are currently
for Tasmania. Electric vehicles are                                                         Released for public consultation a
                                              hindering greater uptake of electric
less expensive to run than petrol                                                           draft transport access strategy,
                                              vehicles, and support the adoption
or diesel vehicles, and together                                                            which sets out the Tasmanian
                                              of new transport modes; and
with increased renewable electricity                                                        Government’s approach to
supply, will reduce the emissions          −− Supporting Tasmanians to make                 providing integrated and
from our transport sector and help            lower carbon travel choices.                  coordinated transport services,
to improve our energy security.                                                             including more opportunities
                                           3. Australian Department of                      for people to walk, cycle
In January 2016, Metro Tasmania               Environment, 2017, State and Territory
introduced a new Hobart bus                   Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2015.              and use public transport
network, with more frequent and
direct services, and better connections                                                     Metro Tasmania has introduced
at interchanges. By making it faster,                                                       a new Turn Up and Go service
smarter and easier to catch a bus, it is                                                    between Hobart, Rosny Park
intended that more people will choose                                                       and Howrah, along with new
to leave their car at home, reducing                                                        direct routes to the Sandy
congestion and improving travel time                                                        Bay University of Tasmania
for all road users. The next stage of                                                       campus from Glenorchy
this work is to review the Metro bus                                                        and the Eastern Shore
networks in Launceston and Burnie.

                          14                               Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                             Milestones                                               Lead Agency
                                                                                            Partner Agency

3.1      Support the rollout       −− Undertake a report that assesses approaches           DPAC (TCCO)
         of a statewide electric      to the rollout of a charging network
         vehicle charging             and is informed by a market analysis
         network consistent        −− Work with local government, businesses
         with market trends           and industry to improve charging
                                      network infrastructure in Tasmania

3.2      Establish an electric     −− Identify barriers to electric vehicle uptake          DPAC (TCCO)
         vehicle working           −− Review relevant policy and regulatory settings
         group to develop a
                                   −− Analyse the impact of electric vehicle
         coordinated approach
                                      uptake on Tasmania’s electricity sector
                                   −− Investigate ways to improve electric
                                      vehicle data collection

3.3      Extend the Smarter        −− Conduct training and workshops,                       DPAC (TCCO)
         Fleets program to            and provide tailored support
         improve the efficiency    −− Develop tools and resources to support
         of heavy vehicle             broader adoption of identified strategies
         fleets and additional
                                   −− Monitor the impact on fleet performance
         light vehicle fleets

3.4      Support public            −− Continue to improve the overall                       State Growth
         transport uptake             journey times for passengers with
                                      more frequent and direct services
                                   −− Pursue opportunities such as the availability
                                      of real-time data and prioritisation of buses
                                   −− Use State Planning Policies to guide
                                      the location of development to ensure
                                      effective use of the transport network

3.5      Improve the efficiency    −− Implement strategies identified through               DPAC (TCCO)
         of the Tasmanian             the Smarter Fleets program in the
         Government                   Tasmanian Government light vehicle fleet
         transport fleet           −− Review the Green Vehicle Guide minimum
                                      standards for the Tasmanian Government fleet
                                   −− Identify and address barriers to the
                                      uptake of electric vehicles in the
                                      Tasmanian Government fleet

                      15                      Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

By 2021 we will be:
• Working with businesses to reduce emissions
  intensity and adopt innovative practices; and
• Supporting businesses to manage climate
  risks and take advantage of opportunities.
The Australian Government has              climate, particularly in industries such    In addition, the use of locally-sourced
committed to limiting the nation’s         as viticulture, aquaculture and dairy       wood products can replace the use
2030 emissions to between 26               farming. Making informed decisions          of more carbon intensive building
and 28 per cent below 2005                 based on our climate science and            materials such as concrete and
levels. To achieve this target will        capitalising early on opportunities         steel to further reduce Tasmania’s
require concerted effort across all        will position Tasmania to maximise          emissions. The Tasmanian Government
sectors of Australia’s economy.            economic advantages and allow               is developing a policy to encourage
Tasmania’s greenhouse gas emissions        us to support other states and              locally-sourced timber to be used
have not changed significantly since       territories that will experience more       in more Government projects as
1990, with the exception of the            adverse impacts in a changing climate.      a result of recent changes to the
forestry industry. During this time, our   Continuing to invest in skills to support   National Construction Code.
economy and population have grown          workforce development, tailored to          The actions for this priority area
substantially, which demonstrates a        the needs of industry sectors and           focus on:
decoupling of the historic link between    regional communities, will also help us
                                           maximise economic advantages and            −− Using Tasmania’s low emissions
economic activity and emissions                                                            status to attract investment
growth. The Tasmanian Government           to prepare for a changing climate.
                                                                                           in key growth sectors;
supports actions which will continue       In partnership with the Australian
this trend, without placing additional     Government, we are investing in             −− Developing irrigation schemes
burdens on the community.                  excess of $100 million in irrigation           to promote greater water
                                           infrastructure to progress the delivery        surety across Tasmania to
Due to Tasmania’s significant
                                           of an additional 27,700 megalitres             underpin agricultural productivity
renewable energy resources, we are
                                           (ML) of reliable water to targeted             in a changing climate;
well placed to capitalise on our low
emissions status. Key growth sectors       communities. These projects will be         −− Working with agricultural
of the Tasmanian economy, such as          delivered as early as the 2017-18              producers to improve energy
agriculture and marine resources,          season, with the last due to come              efficiency, reduce the greenhouse
have the potential to benefit from         online in time for the 2019-20 season.         gas emissions from fertiliser usage
changing market preferences through        This builds on the 14 irrigation               and other farming practices, and
improved access to export markets          schemes operated or overseen by                adapt to a changing climate;
and increased investment as a              Tasmanian Irrigation which deliver
                                           over 130,000 ML of irrigation water.        −− Supporting investment in skills to
result of our low emissions status.
                                                                                          prepare for a changing climate;
Some key growth sectors of the             Tasmania’s well-established forestry
Tasmanian economy are vulnerable           industry, together with agricultural        −− Assisting small- and medium-sized
to the projected impacts of a              production, has an opportunity to              businesses to improve resource
changing climate. Using the Climate        use residue materials for biomass,             efficiency, reduce waste and
Futures for Tasmania analysis, we          including biofuel and bioenergy,               operating costs, and minimise the
can provide tailored information to        which can reduce emissions from                risks from a changing climate; and
support the agriculture and business       the State’s transport and energy
                                                                                       −− Developing a coordinated
sectors minimise their climate risks       sectors. Bioenergy is a mature energy
                                                                                          approach to reduce greenhouse
and make informed decisions.               generation technology in Europe
                                                                                          gas emissions from the waste
                                           and its development in Tasmania
Tasmania’s temperate maritime                                                             management sector.
                                           provides an opportunity for jobs
climate provides a comparative             growth in regional areas as well as
economic advantage in a changing           reducing the use of fossil fuels.

                          16                            Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
What we have done so far:

Supported the Fert$mart program,      Adopted an adaptive                      Commenced a three-year project
in partnership with DairyTas,         management approach                      to improve the productivity of
to assist farmers to improve          to managing our marine                   Tasmanian vineyards through
the efficiency of fertiliser use to   resources through Fisheries              management measures to address
reduce emissions and costs            Management Plans and Marine              yield, variability and quality variation
                                      Farming Development Plans
Continued to support research         that take climate change                 Continued to implement a
and development to encourage          impacts into account                     biosecurity risk assessment
environmentally sustainable                                                    system and commenced work on
growth in the agricultural            Rolled out the $1.5 million Water        a new contemporary biosecurity
sector through a partnership          for Profit Program to ensure             legislative framework to
agreement with the Tasmanian          farmers are equipped with the            respond to future biosecurity
Institute of Agriculture              right skills and information to          risks from a changing climate
                                      increase profits and sustainability
Delivered the Disaster Planning       from their investment in irrigation      Implemented a new Ministerial
and Recovery for Tasmanian                                                     Policy on Water Resource
Businesses project, including         Invested $2.8 million in nationally      Management During Extreme
resources and workshops to            accredited training courses and          Dry Conditions, which updated
assist businesses to prepare for      skills development that include          our water management framework
and respond to extreme events         consideration of environmental           to balance the water needs for
                                      sustainability and climate change        communities, stock and irrigators
Integrated climate change                                                      during extremely dry conditions
projections into enterprise           Established the $1.25 million
suitability mapping for               Wood and Fibre Processing                Supported the production
poppies, wheat, potatoes, wine        Innovation Program to                    of a second edition of the
grapes and barley to inform           support projects that use forest         Making cent$ of carbon and
future investment decisions for       harvesting and timber processing         emissions on-farm booklet to
Tasmania’s agricultural industries    residues and/or agricultural             support agricultural producers
                                      plant residues to create value-          to identify practical actions
                                      added products in Tasmania               to improve their emissions
                                                                               performance and productivity
                                      Established the Agribusiness
                                      Support Program to help                  Established the Pathways
                                      farmers reduce their energy costs        to Profit program to address
                                                                               climate risk management

                       17                        Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                               Milestones                                              Lead Agency
                                                                                             Partner Agency

4.1      Attract investment and      −− Make climate change projections easily               Coordinator General
         jobs using our clean           available and accessible for investors               DPAC (TCCO)
         energy advantage

4.2      Work with farmers to        −− Deliver the Fert$mart program in                     DPAC (TCCO)
         reduce fertiliser-related      partnership with DairyTas
         emissions and costs

4.3      Undertake a business        −− Conduct resource efficiency assessments              DPAC (TCCO)
         resource efficiency         −− Prepare resource materials                           State Growth
         program to assist small-
                                     −− Identify and rollout resource efficiency
         and medium-sized
                                        strategies, and build skills and capacity
         businesses to reduce
         their emissions and costs

4.4      Work with industry          −− Update the online energy self-audit                  DPIPWE
         and farmers to improve         tool for farmers                                     DPAC (TCCO)
         energy efficiency and       −− Develop and promote guidance materials
         reduce emissions

4.5      Support the resilience of   −− Deliver resources tailored to specific               DPAC (TCCO)
         small- and medium-sized        industry sectors                                     State Growth
         businesses to extreme       −− Conduct workshops with businesses
         events by extending the
         Disaster Planning and
         Recovery for Tasmanian
         Businesses project

4.6      Provide information         −− Update the existing Enterprise Suitability           DPIPWE
         on climate change              Mapping project to incorporate                       DPAC (TCCO)
         risks and opportunities        climate change projections
         to support future
         decision making for
         agricultural production

                      18                        Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                                 Milestones                                              Lead Agency
                                                                                               Partner Agency

4.7      Reduce emissions              −− Develop a new waste management                       DPIPWE
         from waste                       strategy for Tasmania which includes
                                          a focus on emissions reduction

4.8      Provide water surety for      −− Deliver the five proposed                            Tasmanian Irrigation
         irrigation to underpin           Tranche II irrigation schemes                        DPIPWE
         agricultural productivity     −− Investigate the feasibility for a third
         in a changing climate            tranche of irrigation development
                                          to connect, modernise and enhance
                                          Tasmania’s irrigation network

4.9      Invest in skills to prepare   −− Work with industry sectors and regional              State Growth
         our industry sectors,            communities to identify skill needs
         regional communities          −− Subsidise relevant training
         and workforce for a
         changing climate

                       19                         Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

                                                                                        Sponsored research to identify
By 2021 we will be:                                                                     the future viability of planned
• Using our evidence base to support decision making                                    burning as a management tool
                                                                                        for mitigating bushfire risk in a
  about how to adapt to our future climate; and                                         changing climate
• A resilient community that is prepared for,                                           Continued to participate in the
  and responds well to, extreme events.                                                 Bushfire and Natural Hazard
                                                                                        Cooperative Research Centre,
A changing climate is likely to result    The actions for this priority                 which explores the causes,
in more frequent and severe extreme       area focus on:                                consequences and mitigation of
weather events,4 as well as changes       −− Helping Tasmanians to understand           natural disasters
to our coastline and ecosystems. We          their risks from floods, coastal
will need a shared response across           erosion and inundation, and                Conducted the TWWHA Bushfire
all levels of government, businesses,        other natural hazards;                     and Climate Change Research
natural resource management                                                             Project to investigate the impact
organisations and the community,          −− Building the capacity of Tasmanian         of climate change on bushfire risk
to manage the associated risks and           Government agencies and local              to Tasmania’s wilderness areas,
impacts from a changing climate.             government to consider climate             and appropriate management
                                             change risks in strategic planning,        and firefighting responses
Under a changing climate, Tasmania
                                             purchasing and decision making; and
is expected to experience increased
storm events and changes in rainfall      −− Supporting local government to             Conducted adaptation pathway
patterns, which are likely to result in      manage risks to new and existing           planning with communities
increased flooding, coastal inundation       settlements from coastal hazards.          vulnerable to coastal hazards
and erosion. We are also expected                                                       through the Tasmanian Coastal
to experience longer fire seasons,                                                      Adaptation Pathways Project.
with more frequent and intense                                                          Most recently, TCCO has
                                             What we have done so far:                  worked with communities in the
bushfire events.5 Commencing in
2014-15, the Tasmanian Government                                                       municipalities of Hobart City,
                                             Undertaken and released                    Huon Valley, Kingborough and
committed $28.5 million over four            Tasmania’s 2016 State
years to implement fuel reduction                                                       Glamorgan Spring Bay
                                             Natural Disaster Risk
burns to mitigate the risks from             Assessment, with a greater focus
bushfire. The 2017-18 Budget                                                            Progressed land-use planning
                                             on future risks                            reforms to manage natural
continues the commitment.
                                                                                        hazards and climate impacts.
The Tasmanian Government has also            Invested in a fuel reduction               Instruments under development
delivered a $250,000 research project        program, which involves                    include a Tasmanian Planning Policy
on the impacts of climate change on          the Tasmania Fire Service,                 on Hazards and Environmental
bushfire risk in the TWWHA and               Tasmania Parks and Wildlife                Risks, and State Planning Provisions
appropriate firefighting responses.          Service, Forestry Tasmania, local          for natural hazards
There is more we must do to                  government, private contractors,
understand and manage the risks              landowners and industry,                   Continued to implement a number
from climate change. By managing the         conducting strategic fuel reduction        of programs to understand
risks, we will help minimise economic        burns to reduce bushfire risk              and manage the impacts of
disruptions and allow communities                                                       climate change on Tasmania’s
to get back on their feet faster             Continued to deliver the                   natural environment, including
following extreme weather events.            Community Protection                       documentation of vulnerable sites,
Although we cannot remove the risk           Planning, Bushfire-Ready                   maintaining and building ex-situ
entirely, we will be more resilient if       Neighbourhoods and                         populations of vulnerable species,
we understand our risks and plan             Bushfire-Ready Schools                     and prioritising conservation
appropriately to lessen their impacts.       programs to assist communities             measures to improve ecosystem
                                             at risk from bushfire                      resilience

                          20                           Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                                            Milestones                                                 Lead Agency
                                                                                                               Partner Agency

  5.1         Build community                       −− Implement a community project to                        DPFEM (SES)
              resilience to floods                     raise awareness of flood risks
                                                    −− Implement a statewide system for
                                                       flood warnings and alerts

  5.2         Help communities                      −− Develop online resources to provide                     DPAC (OSEM)
              understand their                         households with information about
              exposure to                              their exposure to natural hazards
              natural hazards

  5.3         Work with local                       −− Assess how local government is currently                DPAC (TCCO)
              government and regional                  planning for climate-related risks
              bodies to embed climate               −− Prepare tailored climate change projection
              change adaptation into                   summaries for each local government area
              strategic and financial
              decision making

  5.4         Understand and                        −− Work with coastal managers to identify                  DPAC (TCCO,
              manage the impacts                       risks to coastal settlements and values,                OSEM)
              of coastal hazards to                    and develop management options                          DoJ
              existing settlements

  5.5         Examine the impacts                   −− Consider and respond to the findings and                DPAC (TCCO)
              of climate change                        recommendations of the independent report               DPIPWE
              on bushfire risk in
              the TWWHA and                                                                                    DPFEM
              consider appropriate
              firefighting responses

  5.6         Ensure climate change                 −− Work with agencies to embed climate                     DPAC (TCCO)
              is considered in                         change consideration into strategies and                Treasury
              Tasmanian Government                     decisions, particularly relating to assets and
              decision making                          infrastructure, and key growth sectors
                                                    −− Improve the consideration of climate
                                                       change in purchasing decisions of
                                                       Tasmanian Government agencies
                                                    −− Consider how agencies can better
                                                       use timber products in purchasing
                                                       to promote carbon storage

  5.7         Mitigate risks from                   −− Deliver a targeted program of burns to                  DPIPWE
              bushfire through fuel                    reduce fuel in areas that pose the greatest
              reduction burning                        risk to the Tasmanian community

4. White CJ, Grose MR, Corney SP, Bennett JC,        5. Fox–Hughes P, Harris RMB, Lee G, Jabour J,
   Holz GK, Sanabria LA, McInnes KL, Cechet RP,         Grose MR, Remenyi TA & Bindoff NL 2015,
   Gaynor SM & Bindoff NL 2010, Climate Futures         Climate Futures for Tasmania future fire danger:
   for Tasmania: Extreme Events Technical Report,       The Summary and The Technical Report,
   Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative           Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative
   Research Centre, Hobart, Tasmania.                   Research Centre, Hobart, Tasmania.

                              21                                  Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

By 2021 we will be:
• Taking action to meet a legislated target
  of zero net emissions by 2050, with access
  to relevant information and programs.
The world has committed to keep               There are considerable social and
the global temperature rise to                liveability benefits in improving
below 2°C. Meeting this challenge             household energy efficiency. It not                 What we have done so far:
is a shared responsibility that will          only delivers savings on power bills,
require action from all Tasmanians.           but can also improve the comfort,                   Reduced our emissions by
                                              health and wellbeing of residents.                  95 per cent on 1990 levels,
In 2016, the Tasmanian Government
                                              For example, draught stopping and                   exceeding our legislated target of
commissioned an independent
                                              insulation makes homes warmer and                   a 60 per cent reduction by 2050
review of the Climate Change
(State Action) Act 2008 (the Act).            more comfortable, and can reduce
                                              the incidence of respiratory illness.7              Continued to provide
This legislative requirement
                                                                                                  information to support
has been taken into account in                By informing Tasmanians about the
                                                                                                  community action through
preparing Climate Action 21.                  steps they can take to reduce their
                                                                                                  the TCCO website
One of the key areas for consideration        emissions, and supporting their efforts,
is Tasmania’s legislated emissions            we can create a community approach
                                              to dealing with climate change.                     Developed resources to
reduction target. The Act will be                                                                 help Tasmanians cope
amended to establish a legislated             The actions for this priority                       during extreme heat events
target of zero net emissions                  area focus on:                                      and an alert system to
by 2050. This aspirational long-              −− Supporting households to                         better prepare health and
term target signals the Tasmanian                 achieve energy savings and access               emergency service providers
Government’s commitment to                        energy efficient technologies;                  to respond to these events
action on climate change and is
consistent with the Paris Agreement.          −− Building community resilience                    Continued to engage
                                                 to population health risks in                    with schools on waste
Tasmanian homes typically use
                                                 a changing climate; and                          minimisation and resource
more energy than those interstate.
While there has been a decline in             −− Amending the Act to establish                    efficiency, including online
residential energy consumption in                an aspirational emissions                        tools and resources for
recent years, increasing numbers                 reduction target and strengthen                  teachers via the Environment
of Tasmanians are now on Aurora                  the legislative framework for                    Protection Authority website
Energy’s hardship program, with                  action on climate change.
most being concession customers.6

6. Office of the Tasmanian Economic     7. Howden-Chapman P, Matheson A, Viggers
   Regulator 2016, Energy in Tasmania      H, Crane J, Cunningham M, Blakely T, et al,
   – Performance Report 2014-15.           2007. ‘Retrofitting houses with insulation to
                                           reduce health inequalities: results of a clustered,
                                           randomised trial in a community setting.’ In
                                           British Medical Journal 334:460-464.

                               22                                Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
Action                                  Milestones                                                Lead Agency
                                                                                                   Partner Agency

 6.1       Legislate for a               −− Amend the Act to strengthen the                        DPAC (TCCO)
           target of zero net               framework for action on climate change,
           emissions by 2050                including establishing a new target to
                                            achieve zero net emissions by 2050

 6.2       Deliver a home energy         −− Deliver an energy efficiency program                   DPAC (TCCO)
           savings program                  for low income households
                                         −− Provide energy efficiency information,
                                            and undertake energy efficiency
                                            audits and low cost upgrades

 6.3       Support the aged              −− Develop and promote resources                          DHHS
           care sector to prepare           to help aged care facilities improve
           for, and respond to,             their practices and infrastructure
           extreme heat events

 6.4       Identify additional           −− Deliver policies and programs to build                 DHHS
           policies and programs            community resilience to population
           to respond to the                health risks in a changing climate
           potential health impacts
           of climate change

 6.5       Deliver an energy             −− Deliver an education program for                       DPAC (TCCO)
           efficiency program               community sector professionals to assist
           for community sector             clients to reduce their energy use
           professionals                 −− Develop tools and resources to support
                                            the delivery of the program


The Tasmanian Government will           The Paris Agreement aims to achieve        There are a number of different
legislate for a new emissions           zero net emissions globally in the         pathways to meeting this target. The
reduction target of zero net            second half of the century.                Tasmanian Government is committed
emissions by 2050. This aspirational,   Setting a zero net emissions target        to achieving zero net emissions while
long-term target means that by 2050     sends a clear signal of intent to          continuing to grow our economy.
Tasmania’s emissions will be balanced   Tasmanian businesses, giving them          We will identify cost-effective and
out by our carbon sinks.                confidence to invest in low emissions      advantageous solutions to achieve
This target is consistent with          options as we transition to a low-         zero net emissions by 2050. We
the Paris Agreement, which the          carbon economy.                            will focus on actions that are
Australian Government ratified in                                                  complementary to national strategies
November 2016.                                                                     and initiatives.

                        23                          Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

Climate Action 21 is a coordinated     IMPLEMENTATION                             MONITORING
approach to taking action to           AND REPORTING                              AND EVALUATION
address climate change. Effective
collaboration between all levels       TCCO will develop an implementation        We will determine whether our
of government, non-government          plan to clearly outline timelines,         actions are effective by undertaking
organisations, businesses, and the     outputs and performance indicators         monitoring and evaluation.
community, will be essential to        for each action. We will continue to       Lead Tasmanian Government
successfully implement our actions.    engage with stakeholders and the           agencies, in collaboration with partner
                                       community on specific actions.             organisations, will be responsible
To achieve good outcomes we will:
                                       Each year we will develop a progress       for monitoring and evaluating the
−− Consider the best available
                                       report card which will outline the         actions they deliver, with oversight
    evidence as we develop projects;
                                       status of the actions and achievements,    and assistance provided by TCCO.
−− Seek the views of others            and identify future priorities.            Monitoring will be based on the
   to inform the scope and             TCCO will keep stakeholders and            milestones identified for each of the
   delivery of projects;               the community informed on the              actions. Evaluation methods will be
−− Be informed by a contemporary       implementation of Climate Action 21        developed for each action, recognising
   understanding of climate science;   through various communications             that this will vary given the diversity
                                       media, which will include its website,     of actions in Climate Action 21.
−− Assess and respond to               Facebook page and newsletter.
   risks and opportunities;                                                       Learning from our experiences
                                       Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting         and sharing this information
−− Establish effective methods                                                    with others is a priority as we
   and timeframes for                  Under the Act, the Tasmanian
                                                                                  implement Climate Action 21 and
   evaluation and review;              Government is required to publish
                                                                                  build our capacity for effective
                                       Tasmania’s baseline and emissions
−− Monitor and report publicly                                                    action on climate change.
                                       reductions data on a yearly basis.
   on progress; and                    TCCO also releases an annual
−− Share information and               Tasmanian Greenhouse Gas
   learnings with others.              Accounts report which provides
                                       a more detailed analysis of
                                       Tasmania’s emissions by sector,
                                       and progress against the 2050
                                       emissions reduction target.

                            24                      Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
WORKING TOGETHER                      TCCO sits within DPAC and                 Businesses and industry can consider
                                      coordinates the Tasmanian                 the impacts of a changing climate
Responding effectively to climate     Government’s action on climate            by understanding the science and
change requires a whole-of-           change. It partners with all tiers        incorporating this into business
community response. While the         of government as well as industry,        planning. Businesses and industry can
actions in Climate Action 21 will     research institutions and the             benefit from undertaking emissions-
be led by Tasmanian Government        community. TCCO reports to the            reduction activities through reduced
agencies, many of these actions       Minister for Environment and Parks.       overheads and improved productivity.
will assist others to take action.
                                      Local government is the sphere            The Tasmanian community
The Tasmanian Government              of government closest to                  can contribute to the State’s
is responsible for:                   communities. It is responsible            greenhouse gas emissions reduction
−− Working with other levels of       for the delivery of a wide range          efforts by incorporating simple
     government, businesses and the   of services and management of             measures into their lives.
     community to achieve outcomes;   assets. Local government can assist       The scientific and research
                                      with informing and educating              community provides information
−− Communicating relevant, timely
                                      local communities about climate           and research to underpin action
   and accessible information to
                                      change, and considering climate           on climate change. Projections of
   allow households and businesses
                                      change in their decision making.          our future climate are essential
   to understand the issues and
   make appropriate choices;          The Australian Government sets the        for informing decision making.
                                      national agenda and policy framework
−− Delivering targeted programs       for Australia’s response to climate
   to support climate change          change, including action on energy
   action by businesses, households   efficiency, emissions monitoring and
   and the community;                 reduction, and renewable energy. The
−− Establishing an effective          Tasmanian Government supports
   framework to support               action on climate change which
   action by all Tasmanians;          is complementary to Australian
                                      Government policies and programs.
−− Reducing Tasmanian Government
   greenhouse gas emissions
   by taking action on energy
   and transport use; and
−− Considering climate change in
   decision making and through
   procurement processes.

                          25                      Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021

      TASMANIA’S EMISSIONS                             a major source of emissions of            respectively. Emissions from the
                                                       11.4 Mt CO2-e in 1990 to a carbon         industrial processes sector rose
      Under the Act, Tasmania has a                    sink of -7.0 Mt CO2-e in 2015. The        almost 16 per cent between
      legislated greenhouse gas emissions              reduction in Tasmania’s LULUCF            1990 and 2015, while emissions
      reduction target of at least 60 per              emissions has been influenced by          from the waste sector fell by over
      cent below 1990 levels by 2050.                  a number of factors including the         36 per cent in the same period.
      Tasmania’s 1990 baseline greenhouse              volume of harvested timber, incidence     Excluding the greenhouse gas
      gas emissions were 19.4 mega-                    of bushfires, local manufacture           emissions from the LULUCF sector,
      tonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide                    and export of wood products,              the annual emissions from the
      equivalent (CO2-e). The State’s total            fluctuations in global markets, and       rest of the Tasmanian economy
      greenhouse gas emissions for 2015                changes in accounting methodologies.      have reduced by two per cent
      were 0.9 Mt CO2-e, which is a 95 per             In 2015 the greenhouse gas emissions      between 1990 and 2015. This is a
      cent reduction from the baseline.8               from Tasmania’s energy sector were        significant achievement given that
      For the third year in a row, Tasmania            the State’s largest at 3.7 Mt CO2-e,      Tasmania’s gross state product
      has achieved its legislated emissions            however this is relatively modest         (excluding the forestry industry) has
      reduction target. The Tasmanian                  compared with other Australian            increased by 58 per cent9 and our
      Government plans to build on                     states due to our renewable energy        population has increased by over
      this and will legislate for a new                resources. Emissions from our             11 per cent10 in the same period.
      target of zero net emissions by                  energy sector decreased by one            These figures demonstrate that
      2050, as outlined in action 6.1.                 per cent between 1990 and 2015.           Tasmania has decoupled the historic
      Tasmania’s total greenhouse gas                  Tasmania’s agriculture sector             link between economic growth
      emissions from the baseline year                 contributed 2.1 Mt CO2-e to our           and greenhouse gas emissions.
      1990 to the latest national inventory            greenhouse gas emissions in 2015,         In 2015, Tasmania had the lowest
      year of 2015 are shown in Figure 2.              which was mainly due to the digestive     annual average greenhouse
      Also highlighted are the contributions           processes of cows and sheep.              gas emissions per capita of any
      of the various industry sectors.                 Emissions from Tasmania’s agriculture     Australian state or territory at
      Figure 2 shows the impact the                    sector decreased by almost nine           1.7 tonnes CO2-e per person.
      reduction in greenhouse gas                      per cent between 1990 and 2015.           This was due to a combination of
      emissions from the land use, land                The industrial processes and              Tasmania’s high level of renewable
      use change and forestry (LULUCF)                 waste sectors were relatively             hydro-generated electricity and
      sector has had on Tasmania’s total               minor contributors to Tasmania’s          a reduction in greenhouse gas
      emissions. The emissions from the                total greenhouse gas emissions at         emissions from the LULUCF sector.
      LULUCF sector changed from                       1.8 Mt CO2-e and 0.3 Mt CO2-e

                                                                                                             Industrial processes and product use
                                      20.0                                                                   Land use, land use change and forestry
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Mt CO2-e)

                                      15.0                                                                   Agriculture





                                              26                   Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017–2021
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