Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...

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Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce

Climate Pledge Arena

             October 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
Page 2                                                                        CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

Setting new marks for sustainability,
innovation, fan experience
Populous’ design centered around revitalizing the landmark arena, honoring its original 1960s design intent while activating and enhancing a pedestrian-
focused plan.

                                                                                                                         he team from global           footprint of the original build-
 The arena’s moniker enlists the facility in The Climate Pledge, committing                                              design firm Populous was      ing; attract the highest profile
      signatories to net zero carbon across their businesses by 2040.                                                    approached with this chal-    corporate sponsors and brands
                                                                                                                   lenge: Take Seattle’s historic      from the Pacific Northwest;
                                                                                                                   1960s Century 21 Coliseum, a        infuse the experience with the
                                                                                                                                     registered        latest technology and digital dis-
                                                                                                                                     landmark          plays, both inside and outside;
                                                                                                                                     locally and       design it to be the most sustain-
                                                                                                                                     federally, and    able arena in the world; design
                                                                                                                                     transform it      it to be authentically Seattle;
                                                                                                                                     into the indus-   and get all this approved by
                                                                                                                                     try’s leading     both the local and federal land-
                                                                                                                                     sports and live   marks boards.
                                                                                                                                     entertainment       Easy, right? Well, the odds
                                                                                                                                     arena.            were stacked against us, but
                                                                                                                   By GEOFF CHEONG     Here’s what     last week, Populous’ newest
                                                                                                                                     that involved:    designed arena was unveiled
                                                                                                                   Populous          Fit a 17,000-     to the world.
                                                                                                                   seat seating bowl under the           Climate Pledge Arena is a
                                                                                                                   historic roof (which sits only      transformational project and
                                                                                                                   20 feet above the ground at         one of the most significant
                                                                                                                   the corners) and place it within    private investments in Pacific
                                                                               Image courtesy Climate Pledge Arena the compact 360-foot-square         Northwest sports and enter-

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                                                                  SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA                                                                                             Page xx3

tainment history. As archi-
tect of record, Populous was                                                                                                                                                                             The arena’s ice is created from
engaged by owner and devel-                                                                                                                                                                            rainwater harvested from the roof.
oper Oak View Group and the
city of Seattle to transform the
former Coliseum (more recent-
ly KeyArena) into an entirely
new live entertainment experi-
ence boasting industry-leading
innovation, sustainability and
fan experience.
  Located in Seattle’s Uptown
neighborhood and on the west-
ern edge of Seattle Center,
the arena serves as the home
venue for the National Hockey
League’s Seattle Kraken and the
Women’s National Basketball
Association’s Seattle Storm.
A multifunctional venue by
design, Climate Pledge Arena
will also host many concerts
and other events year-round,
with a seating capacity for up
to 18,600.
  Climate Pledge Arena offers
many “firsts” and unique
aspects. The arena’s moniker
enlists the facility in The Climate
Pledge, committing signatories
to net zero carbon across their
businesses by 2040. Climate
Pledge Arena is also poised to
become the world’s first Inter-
national Living Future Institute-
certified zero carbon arena.
  A major challenge throughout
construction was preservation
of the 59-year-old historic roof
atop the former KeyArena. All
new construction required the                                                                                                                                                                                             Image from Populous
roof — designed by Paul Thiry,
the father of architectural mod-                           it was necessary to dig 16 feet                           mark arena, honoring its origi-              Arena preserves the character-          The historic glass curtainwall
ernism in the Pacific Northwest                            deeper than the previous 1995                             nal 1960s design intent while                defining features of the origi-       was disassembled, catalogued
— be temporarily suspended                                 renovation that bottomed out at                           activating and enhancing a                   nal building, including the glass     and stored during construc-
above the site. To increase the                            38 feet below ground level, and                           pedestrian-focused plan. The                 curtainwalls, roof and roof sup-      tion. After the original lead
size of the arena to 750,000                               significantly expand the below-                           original building was a flat-floor,          port structure, and restores the      paint was abated, the curtain-
square feet — approximately                                grade building footprint in all                           column-free pavilion with an                 original relationship between         wall steel frames were refin-
twice the size of the former                               directions.                                               entirely glass facade allowing               building and surrounding pla-         ished, then reassembled to
venue — and give the venue                                   Populous’ design centered                               visitors to see inside. Populous’            zas that was altered in the prior
360-degree pedestrian access,                              around revitalizing the land-                             redesign for Climate Pledge                  KeyArena renovation.                                    NEW MARKS — PAGE 7

                                                                                                                                                                            The remodel retained the historic roof designed by Paul Thiry.

  Setting new marks for sustainability, innovation, fan experience  -  -  -  -  -  - 2
  What it took to build the ‘greenest’ arena ever  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 5
  Transforming Seattle’s historic KeyArena  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 8
  Reimagined precinct brings back World’s Fair magic  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 10

  Climate Pledge Arena opened Oct. 19 with a benefit concert by Foo
  Fighters and Death Cab for Cutie. The $1.15 billion project was finished
  after nearly three years of construction.          Photo by John Merganz

      Climate Pledge Arena team
         Section editor: Benjamin Minnick • Section design: Jeffrey Miller
               Web design: Lisa Lannigan • Advertising: Matt Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Image courtesy Climate Pledge Arena

                                                                                                           SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
Page 4                                             CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

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                                         SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA                                                                                         Page xx5

Over 1,100 craft workers put in 9,000 hours
  a day during the height of construction.

                                                                                                                                                                         Photos from Mortenson

What it took to build the ‘greenest’ arena ever
Mortenson had to pivot 15 months into construction, when plans changed to create the world’s first net-zero-carbon arena.

       s we counted down to         roof intact — has been one of         sive, responsible, and sustain-              to change the original design        tle City Light and Seattle Center,
       opening day of Climate       Mortenson’s most challenging          able arena in the world — the                from gas to electric. Since the      a key element to successfully
       Pledge Arena on Oct. 22,     and rewarding undertakings.           Mortenson team had already                   arena runs solely on electricity     making this transition.
people around the region were         As if this alone wasn’t enough      been under construction with                 for daily operations — and has         Important changes were
excited to welcome live music,      of a challenge, a whole new bar       the original design for more                 the first all-electric dehumidi-     made at the procurement
National Hockey League’s            was set when Jeff Bezos from          than 15 months.                              fication system in the NHL —         and fabrication stage, and the
Seattle Kraken and Women’s          Amazon posted on Instagram              In order to keep our com-                  Mortenson had to change con-         custom electrical equipment
National Basketball Associa-        in June 2020: “I’m excited to         mitment of quickly delivering                struction planning for natural       production merged with the
tion’s Seattle Storm to Seat-       announce that Amazon has              the arena by October (in an                  gas to electrical systems. From      project’s aggressive schedule.
                  tle. But few      purchased the naming rights           already-challenging setting),                kitchen systems and conces-          One of the most challenging
                  people know       to the historic Seattle arena         the team had to fast-track sus-              sions to air handling units and      aspects of switching gas to
                  what it took to   previously known as KeyArena.         tainability elements to meet                 building conditioning, all sys-      electric was the food service
                  build the first   Instead of calling it Amazon          the goals of offsetting 100%                 tems are served by electrical        equipment. While commercial
                  International     Arena, we’re naming it Climate        of the energy used to operate                energy instead of natural gas —      electrical boilers and water
                  Living Future     Pledge Arena as a regular             the building — while disclosing              resulting in the facility venting    heaters are more commonly
                  Institute-        reminder of the urgent need           and off-setting all the embod-               zero combustion gases into the       available, operating food ser-
                  certified net-    for climate action. It will be the    ied carbon emissions associ-                 atmosphere. Even the Zamboni         vice concession equipment
                  zero-carbon       first net zero carbon certified       ated with the construction and               is electric powered.                 entirely with electrical compo-
                  arena in the      arena in the world, generate          materials, as well — in record                 Changing out the plan for gas      nents was almost unheard of
By CHRIS ALLEN    world.            zero waste from operations            time.                                        distribution piping to electri-      — and sourcing these specialty
Mortenson           Being cho-      and events, and use reclaimed                                                      cal substations, which signifi-      items that didn’t yet have com-
                  sen by Oak        rainwater in the ice system to                                                     cantly increases demand for          mercial demand required long
View Group, a Seattle public-       create the greenest ice in the
                                                                          100% RENEWABLE ENERGY                        the amount of electricity com-       lead times that had to be fac-
private partner and developer,      NHL. #ClimatePledge.”                   Climate Pledge Arena is the                ing into the building, required      tored into the overall schedule.
to redevelop Climate Pledge           When Amazon bought the              first arena in the world pow-                more electrical equipment with         Next, situating the additional
Arena into a brand-new, best-       naming rights to Climate              ered only by renewable energy,               increased utility service. This      electrical gear and transform-
in-world venue — all while          Pledge Arena — with the idea          which meant Mortenson had to                 called for critical early and fre-
keeping its historic landmarked     of making it the most progres-        conduct a major redesign effort              quent collaboration with Seat-                  GREENEST ARENA — PAGE 6

                                                                SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
Page 6                                                                          CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

 continued from page 5
ers presented a real conun-             site retention tanks reducing           worth noting that more than
drum with space utilization.            stormwater runoff, and using            6,000 people have performed
Mortenson and the design team           electrical boilers for domestic         work at the arena in the three
needed to determine where the           water (for handwashing and              years it took to build, and at the
equipment was going to live.            drinking), and water bottle fill-       height of construction we had
The entire construction and             ing stations throughout the             more than 1,100 craft work-
design team needed to find the          arena.                                  ers working 9,000 hours in a
best location that was cost- and                                                day — that’s more than four
schedule-efficient and required         HARNESSING SOLAR ENERGY                 equivalent worker years in
the least amount of rework. The                                                 every day.
team narrowed and evaluated               Photovoltaics were another              The amount of coordina-
three sets of options for optimal       issue to be addressed. Due to           tion necessary to successfully
locations, positions, and con-          Climate Pledge Arena’s historic         complete this groundbreak-
figuration to best fit the facility’s   status, the team couldn’t install       ing project demanded that the
program.                                solar panels on the arena’s             construction and design team
                                        iconic existing roof — howev-           use several tools to ensure
HARVESTING RAINWATER                    er, on-site solar arrays were           design, construction and
                                        placed at the venue’s associated        marketing efforts dovetailed                    The new arena is served by a 25-foot-wide tunnel, which
  Overall water usage is criti-         aspects: a newly built atrium in        together to create a seamless                     provides enough room for two passing semi-trucks.
cal to limiting energy use and          front of the arena, an adjacent         project delivery.
sustainability goals. Climate           parking garage, and a training            Mortenson used 4D build-
Pledge Arena harvests rainwa-           facility in Northgate (that facility    ing information modeling as a                while tracking procurement,           top-down collaboration, and digi-
ter from its iconic roof, stores it     has a separate load of around           basis for multi-trade coordi-                upcoming tasks, and complet-          tal tools to simulate the built envi-
in a 15,000-gallon, below-grade         2 megawatts). Panels at the             nation and scheduling — and                  ed work. Using the 4D model,          ronment — it proves that even big,
cistern and filters it as needed        atrium roof are flush-mounted           the entire building was con-                 the mechanical, electrical,           complex projects that have a lot
for the first “rain-to-rink sys-        next to large skylights, which          structed virtually to aid with               plumbing and fire protection          of physical infrastructure (in this
tem.” This innovative system            allow incredible daylighting into       major trade system coordina-                 systems were modeled to not           case an 800,000-square-foot
will capture and purify enough          the multi-story space outside           tion. For instance, the team                 only assist in clash detection        arena with 18,000-plus seats!)
rainwater annually for more             the arena bowl. The parking             completed a laser scan of the                (field installation coordina-
than seven times the volume of                                                  existing roof and structure to                                                     can (and should) use climate-
                                        garage features canopy solar                                                         tion) but also in prefabrica-
water required for the arena’s          at its rooftop level.                   overlay design and construc-                 tion efforts.                         friendly energy sources to reduce
ice sheet — and will maintain                                                   tion planning to integrate                                                         carbon emissions.
the “greenest” ice in the NHL.          THE IMPORTANCE OF TECH                  new work with original. The                  CARBON NEUTRAL ARENAS
Other water-saving systems                                                      steel team used the model to                                                         Chris Allen, DBIA, LEED AP
include waterless urinals and            While this article only covers         track fabrication and instal-                  Climate Pledge Arena is a big       (BD+C), was Mortenson’s
low-flush fixtures, ultra-effi-         a portion of what it took to            lation tasks, and color coding               step towards a sustainable future     MEP executive for the Climate
cient showers, significant on-          build Climate Pledge Arena, it’s        was used to aid schedulers                   — and through intense teamwork,       Pledge Arena project.

                                                                      SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA                                                                                         Page xx7

 new marks
 continued from page 3

match the historic condition.         Seattle Center from the west.         will be no fossil fuel consump-                Unlike any other arena video         ing, which was to showcase
On the arena’s north end, the           Sixty-seven mature Lon-             tion in the arena for daily use.             display, Climate Pledge Arena          futuristic ideas and exhibits as
curtainwall engages the seat-         don Plane trees that also hold        All facility mechanical, heating,            features the industry’s first          part of the “World of Tomor-
ing bowl, celebrating views to        landmark status from the 1962         dehumidification and cooking                 dual suspended scoreboards.            row” theme of the World’s Fair.
the north plaza through this          World’s Fair have been pre-           systems were converted to all-               Behind this new design lies a            Together, alongside our part-
historic cathedral window, and        served around the perimeter           electric systems. A “rainwater-              thorough analysis of on-ice and        ners at Oak View Group and the
blurring the boundary between         of the site. The trees maintain       to-ice” system has been imple-               on-court action for hockey and         city of Seattle, we have created
interior and exterior.                a massive canopy and connect          mented to harvest Seattle rain-              basketball, spectator and ath-         the world’s best live entertain-
  At street level, containing the     the dense neighborhood to the         water from the historic roof,                lete sightlines, and flexibility for   ment building. By marrying an
new arena under the existing          expansive Seattle Center cam-         collect it in an underground cis-            shows and concerts. The result         intentional process of preserv-
roof and within the historic cur-     pus with a broad, shaded pedes-       tern, then purify it for use in ice          is a pair of distinctly shaped         ing and celebrating an iconic
tainwalls allows the site to be       trian corridor. They also provide     resurfacing machines to create               video displays that places video       Seattle landmark with industry-
transformed into a 360-degree         a visual buffer along the edges of    the “greenest ice” in the NHL.               content in an ideal location for       leading venue design, Climate
urban pedestrian park in the          the site, allowing the expansive      Solar panels are integrated on               spectators and improves the            Pledge Arena is the new bench-
heart of the city. The site is uni-   historic roof to sit humbly within    the new entry atrium and adja-               atmosphere and connection              mark.
versally accessible throughout        the Uptown neighborhood.              cent existing parking garage,                between fans on opposite sides
and has no operational “back            Climate Pledge Arena certain-       and these combined with off-                 of the seating bowl. Setting this        Geoff Cheong is an architect
door,” vastly improving on the        ly lives up to its name, setting a    site renewable energy sources                forward-thinking design inno-          and principal at Populous, and
previous condition and promot-        new standard for sustainable          will help the venue achieve its              vation under the historic roof         served as lead project designer
ing a new green gateway into          design and operations. There          zero-carbon certification.                   honors the legacy of the build-        for Climate Pledge Arena.

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                                                                  SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Climate Pledge Arena - Trauma-informed design in schools School ventilation strategies for a pandemic How progressive design-build is changing the ...
Page 8                                                                    CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

Transforming Seattle’s historic KeyArena
Designing and constructing a new steel-framed arena below a temporarily supported roof and around a temporary perimeter shoring was much like building
a ship in a bottle.
                                    Transforming KeyArena into the new Climate Pledge Arena required the near-total demolition
                                     of the old structure and construction of a new one while keeping the roof and facade intact.

  By MATTHEW &       BRIAN
    FARBER          MORGEN
       Thornton Tomasetti

      he Seattle Center Coli-
      seum has a long history
      of hosting major sports
and cultural events. Origi-
nally constructed for the 1962
Seattle World’s Fair, the venue
served as home to the Seattle
SuperSonics basketball team
for more than 40 years and
played host to everything from
one of the Beatles’ final stage
performances to the NBA All-
Star Game.
  Renovated and rebranded
in 1995 as KeyArena, it has
seen its ups and downs over
the years, including the loss
of the Sonics franchise. But
the arena’s latest transforma-                                                                                                                                 Images from Thornton Tomasetti
tion is truly one for the books.
After an extensive renovation

                                                                             A new catwalk and rigging grid are
and expansion, Climate Pledge                                                 supported from the existing roof.
Arena is a state-of-the-art ven-
ue worthy of the city’s newest
sports team, the Seattle Krak-
en. The new 800,000-square-
foot, below-grade arena holds
more than 17,000 fans for                     Owner:
hockey, basketball, concerts,              Oak View Group
and other events, along with
a new below-grade parking             Owner’s representative:
garage and tunnel to access                 CAA Icon
the loading dock.
  As concertgoers and Seattle                 Architect:
Kraken hockey fans filled the                 Populous
arena for the first time last
week, they likely appreciated           Structural engineer:
its new look, amenities, and             Thornton Tomasetti
high-tech features without giv-
ing much thought to the work           Construction manager:
that went into it. Oak View                 Mortenson
Group’s renovation of the are-
na presented several complex
challenges for the architect
Populous and structural and         ing and approximately 3,000
construction engineer Thorn-        seats. Two decades later, addi-
ton Tomasetti.                      tional upgrades were needed to
  To truly understand the feats     meet or exceed other NHL and
of architecture and engineer-       NBA facilities.
ing required to complete this
one-of-a-kind transformation
requires knowing a little history
                                    THE CHALLENGE
and background. The original          In fall 2017, KeyArena was
venue was built at-grade (plaza/    classified by the Seattle Land-         To achieve the project goals               tion playbook for solutions.       400-by-400-foot historic roof
street level) with a capacity to    marks Preservation Board as a         and increase the building foot-              Most notable among these was       structure above.
host up to 13,200 spectators.       local landmark. This distinction      print beyond the exterior cur-               determining how to demolish
The 1995 renovation lowered         required that the Paul Thiry-         tainwall at the plaza level, the             the existing structure and exca-   PRESERVING A LANDMARK
the event floor elevation by        designed roof, curtainwall and        project team not only had to                 vate 680,000 cubic yards of
approximately 38 feet and add-      exterior concrete elements be         dig deep below the landmarked                soil to make space for a new        The ability to support the
ed amenities, such as conces-       preserved as part of Oak View         existing roof, but it also had               below-grade arena, all while       existing roof while work went
sion stands and club-level seat-    Group’s plans for the arena.          to dig deep into the construc-               temporarily supporting the         on below drove nearly all fac-

                                                                SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA                                                                                              Page xx9

ets of the project’s design and
construction. The original roof                                                                                                 A view of the project from the south end of the site, showing the
was supported vertically by 20                                                                                                   existing roof fully supported by a temporary shoring structure.
concrete Y-shaped columns on
shallow foundations spaced
approximately 60 feet apart
around its perimeter. The lat-
eral loads, from seismic and
wind, were resisted by a tripod
of sloping concrete legs at the
center of each side, serving as
a buttress aligned to the roof’s
steel arch truss.

  Since the foundations sup-
porting the existing 44 million-
pound historic roof would be
undermined by the excavation
for the new event level, a tem-
porary roof support (TRS) sys-
tem would need to support the
vast majority of the roof’s grav-
ity load as well as resist wind
and seismic lateral forces dur-
ing construction. Essentially,
the roof would need to tempo-
rarily float above the construc-
tion site while the excavation
and construction of the new
below-grade seating bowl went       ing above the seating bowl           approach to solving challenges.                Bringing a local landmark into         and entertainment venue.
on below. The 3,700-ton tempo-      is supported by two trusses          All stakeholders, including the              the modern era is no simple
rary steel framing for the TRS      spanning 275 feet between            owner, architect, engineer, con-             task, especially when all of              Matthew Farber, PE, SE, is a
was fabricated and installed        the new steel-framed elevator        struction manager, and steel                 Seattle is watching. And while           principal at Thornton Toma-
by LeJeune Steel and Danny’s        cores. The elevator core tow-        contractor, provided timely input            it may look familiar from the            setti. Brian Morgen, Ph.D., PE,
Construction, the same team         ers also support the existing        and feedback to produce innova-              outside, make no mistake that            SE, LEED AP, is vice president
that would construct the new        corner roof trusses to facili-       tive, practical, constructable, and          Climate Pledge Arena is an               and Seattle office director with
arena. The TRS included shor-       tate the removal of existing         cost-effective solutions.                    entirely new world-class sports          Thornton Tomasetti.
ing pipes that were socketed        corner columns. Slide bear-
some 85 feet below existing         ings were provided between
grade to support and maintain       the new elevator core steel
the integrity of the roof during    and the existing roof structure

construction.                       to seismically isolate the roof
                                    from the new bowl structure
SHIP IN A BOTTLE                      In addition to seismic ret-
  Designing and construct-          rofits to the roof, other mea-
ing a new steel-framed arena        sures included strengthening
below the temporarily sup-          the steel roof trusses and their
ported roof and around the          connections to bring them up
temporary perimeter shoring         to current code requirements
was much like building a ship       and supporting the additional
in a bottle. The arena, which
is the first net-zero-carbon-
certified venue in the world,
                                    loading of the new structure.
                                    The roof is now able to support
                                    two 30-ton video boards along
                                    with hoisting equipment, a new
consists of a new event level 15
feet below the existing under-
sized event floor elevation, four
complete arena levels at and
below the surrounding grade
                                    catwalk, and rigging grid with
                                    100 tons of rigging capacity
                                    to accommodate modern con-
                                    cert touring and award shows.
(upper concourse, suite level,
main concourse and mechani-
cal mezzanine), and two levels
above the surrounding grade.
                                    A STRONG TEAM
                                      In sports, you need a strong
All levels extend to or beyond      team and an effective strategy
the perimeter of the existing       to be the best. The same can be
roof.                               said for complex projects like
  On the west side of the arena,    Climate Pledge Arena, which
a new press-level bridge float-     necessitated an integrated

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                                                               SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Page 10                                                                    CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

Reimagined precinct brings back World’s Fair magic
The project makes the western edge of Seattle Center whole again, with sloped planes offering multiple paths through generous plazas and gardens.

   By BARBARA &       GARETH
      SWIFT         LOVERIDGE
          Swift Company

       he transformation of
       Climate Pledge Arena
       embodies the very best of
stewardship and civic commit-
ment to the community. Seattle
and Oak View Group have act-
ed and implemented a vision!
The 1962 Seattle World’s Fair
landmark is transformed as an
18,100-person venue under its
great parabolic roof.
  The magic of the World’s Fair
is back with plazas wrapping
the restored glass walls of the
arena. You, too, can take plea-
sure in seeing in and through
the arena facade, leaving your
mark with a nose print! The                                                                                                               Plazas wrap the restored glass walls of the arena.
northern glass wall lets you
view both — in from the plaza
above, and out from the seating                                                                                                                                             Photos by Gareth Loveridge
bowl to the landscape beyond
— a true reimagining of Paul        easily find their way and wan-         relax — you should feel as if the            1960s coupled with the addition        the heat island effect, increase
Thiry’s arena in the classic        der as they like.                      whole place was designed as                  of over 170 new trees will dou-        air moisture, support habitat
Northwest tradition.                  This objective maximizes the         one with seamless transitions                ble the long-term tree canopy          and sequester carbon. Using
  Seattle’s community “heart,”      site for intuitive circulation and     between old and new. This is                 of the site. This will mitigate        the street for multiple activities
the Seattle Center campus, has      gathering, instead of losing           the challenge of transforming
more space for the over 1,400       precious space to stairs and           legacy civic spaces, and the
events it hosts per year. The       ramps. Where stairs and walls          project embraced the chal-
arena plazas create a multitude     occur, they’re used to create          lenge of making this western
of gathering spaces for events,     overlooks for people watch-            edge of Seattle Center whole
people watching, and the cel-       ing and gathering nooks. With          again. The result is what makes
ebration of community life —        careful grade manipulation,            Seattle Center Seattle’s heart.
including the Seattle Storm and     ADA access is ubiquitous, and          The design creates the stage
the new home team, the Kraken.      barriers are removed. Places           for the daily life of the city, and
The surrounding communities         that are easy to use and where         a central meeting place of cel-
of Queen Anne, Belltown and         you can focus on people and            ebration and ritual — a place
South Lake Union, with their        activities instead of where to         of demonstration and protest.
commitment to increased den-        move your feet make for a more         This is what stewarding the
sity, now have generous plazas      generous place. This is good           past for the future is all about.
and gardens of all sizes for the    for the full community, creating         How does this happen? It
intimate moments of daily life.     comfortable places to stop and         requires vision, commitment,
  This western precinct of          linger with a commitment to            conviction and dogged hard
Seattle Center is reimagined,       leveling the playing field for all.    work. It takes a nimble team
extending the campus grounds          The arena precinct is a place        committed to a vision with the
to the streets and sidewalks.       of magic and memory com-               will to make it real.
The design recaptures the full      prised of the great legacy Plane         It takes a team committed to                         Proud Partners in the
site for public use — replacing     trees that envelop the site, the       building smart green strategies
the loading and service areas       reimagined DuPen Fountain              and optimizing the opportunity                         Successful Completion of the
with public spaces full of trees,   (opening in 2022), the North-          of a project of this scale. The                        Climate Pledge Arena
seating, leaning walls and areas    west Rooms with their collec-          subtle use of rainwater sheet-
to linger.                          tion of critical community orga-       ing into tree wells and gardens
  In Seattle, topography can be     nizations (like KEXP, VERA and         captures and optimizes what
a barrier and a central objective   SIFF), and the arena itself, with      will be precious water in the                           BUILDING ENCLOSURE SPECIALISTS
of maximizing ease of access.       many new publicly accessible           future. Approximately 50%
This drove a core design strat-     art installations. Each is part of     of the 1-acre plantings are on                                 Building Performance | Sustainability
egy, creating a level platform at   a larger composition and inte-         structure and the capture of
the arena entry level. The rei-     grated into the site design with       rainwater in garden areas puts
magined site ties into the sur-     the goal of treating each piece        the water to great use. This is a                          600 Stewart Street, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98101
rounding city and center with       with equal importance and as           high impact and low-cost move.                          
sloped planes offering multiple     part of a larger whole. This is          The rigorous protection and
paths through generous plazas       what good design should do.            maintenance of the spectacu-
and gardens, allowing people to       When you visit — stop and            lar legacy Plane trees from the

                                                                 SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA                                                                                           Page 11

including festivals means the
streets (29% of the city) serve                                                                                                    Legacy Plane trees from the 1960s will be joined with over 170
                                                                                                                                       new trees to eventually double the site’s tree canopy.
more than just cars. These sim-
ple big and small moves are
critical for our future.
  Working in a place which is
sacred to the city and its his-
tory requires careful work.
The consistent and thought-
ful attention to historic land-
marks and working with the
city of Seattle Department of
Neighborhoods Landmark
Preservation Board and
Design Commission means
that the integrity of the arena,
the DuPen Fountain and the
overall site is retained and
  For the DuPen Fountain, it
means Everett DuPen’s origi-
nal intention of creating a
touchable place that speaks to
the importance of science and
the source of life carries for-
ward in the future. It means
that the 1962 experience of
walking up to the windows of
the arena for direct human
access is recreated. It means
that the artwork panels by
Paul Thiry are preserved and
integrated and that the great        grounds in the evening, the            on the DuPen sculptures and                  Center — the making of com-            is the principal–in-charge and
tree alignments designed by          arena is a beacon with peo-            light will glisten on wet paving.            munity.                                lead landscape designer for
Richard Haag continue as part        ple strolling, gathering for           The constant changing events                                                        Climate Pledge Arena. Gareth
of Seattle’s urban forest.           pregame events, listening to           of Seattle Center will invite you              Barbara Swift, FASLA, Hon.           Loveridge is the project man-
  Equally, the future is brought     buskers, all in a precinct with        to join your larger communi-                 AIA, is the founder of Swift           ager and lead for landscape
to play, continuing Seattle’s        an open feeling creating a             ty and enjoy the spectacular                 Company and has built a prac-          design for the arena, and has
groundbreaking tradition of          place of generosity in the city.       events in the arena. This is the             tice focused on the public realm       22 years of experience in land-
integrating public art into our        On a summer afternoon, the           vision of the reimagined Cli-                and the development of civic           scape architecture and urban
civic spaces, each speaking          great legacy trees and their           mate Pledge Arena in Seattle                 spaces serving community. She          design.
with a different voice, reflect-     younger partners will offer
ing the diversity of the com-        shade and respite. Children
munity.                              will continue the 60-year-old
  In the end, the experience         tradition of leaping in DuPen
should feel so logical and           Fountain. Music will pour out of
apparent as to seem natural          KEXP and evening SIFF movies
and whole. When you walk             will occur on the plaza. On win-
through the Seattle Center           ter mornings, frost will gather

 Public spaces have seating, leaning walls and areas to linger.

                                                                  SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
Page 12                                 CLIMATE PLEDGE ARENA

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                              SEATTLE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021
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