Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Grants Program
Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
INTRODUCTION                                            CONTACT DETAILS
City of Parramatta Council’s Community Grants           If you need assistance in understanding these
provide a funding opportunity for the Parramatta        Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
Local Government Area (LGA). The grants                 the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
program aims to support local not-for-profit            5110 or at
community, recreation and sporting groups,
clubs, organisations, services, social enterprises,     Applicants are encouraged to discuss their
and in some cases, individuals. Through the             research topic with the Research & Collection
Community Grants, Council supports a wide range         Service Coordinator at the Parramatta Heritage
of services and activities that contribute to City of   & Information Centre on 8839 3324 or their arts
Parramatta’s vision and priorities.                     project with the Parramatta Artists Studio on
                                                        9806 5822.
Before you write your application, you are
encouraged to have already planned your                 Any applications related to Aboriginal Culture will
project/s and read these Guidelines thoroughly.         be required to consult with Council’s Aboriginal
Council holds information sessions during the           and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.
year. Applicants are encouraged to attend an            For details about the advisory committee, please
information session and/or speak with council           contact the Community Capacity Building Team
staff before submitting an application.                 on 9806 5110.

For more information and/or to start an                 For projects relating to social enterprise,
application, please go to cityofparramatta.nsw.         contact Lucy Brotherton on 9806 5792 or email     
grants-program for specific round opening and
closing dates.

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
As Australia’s second oldest city, Parramatta has always played an integral role in shaping Sydney’s
future and is poised to do so once again. As the epicentre for significant infrastructure investment
across transport, education, health, sport and culture, Parramatta is transforming into a place of growth
and long-term prosperity.

By proclamation dated 12 May 2016, the City of Parramatta has been divided into five electoral areas
known as Wards: North Rocks, Epping, Parramatta, Dundas and Rosehill.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            CHELTENHAM   !


                                                                  BAULKHAM HILLS    !



     SEVEN HILLS   !
                                                                                                                      North Rocks                                                                             Epping


                             TOONGABBIE                                                                                                                                                                                      EASTWOOD

                                                                     NORTHMEAD                                                                            TELOPEA                     DUNDAS
                                                                    CITY OF PARRAMATTA COUNCIL






                                                                            MAYS                                                            CAMELLIA
                                                 MERRYLANDS                                                                                                                                                                          POINT
                                                                        !                                                                         ROSEHILL



                                                                                                                                                                       SILVERWATER      NEWINGTON

                                                                                                                                         AUBURN   !


Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Through the Community Grants, Council supports a wide range of services and activities that
contribute to City of Parramatta’s strategic goals. Project proposals for all funding categories must
align with Parramatta’s strategic goals. This plan drives the delivery of projects and programs to
address identified needs and issues in the community.

                              6 STRATEGIC GOALS

               FAIR                         ACCESSIBLE                              GREEN

  We can all benefit from                   We can all get                       We care for
   the opportunities our                     to where we                        and enjoy our
        city offers.                          want to go.                       environment.

        WELCOMING                             THRIVING                          INNOVATIVE

   We celebrate culture                  We benefit from                      We collaborate
   and diversity - past,              having a thriving CBD                 and champion new
   present and future.                  and local centres.                   ideas to create a
                                                                               better future.

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
FUNDING CATEGORY                                 FUNDING CAP                     TOTAL
FUNDING                                                                          AVAILABLE
Annual Grants - Open once a year

Community Capacity Building Grant             $10,000 for all organisations   $225,000

Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta       $25,000                         $75,000
Creative Project Leveraging Fund              $20,000                         $60,000
Cultural Heritage and Stories Research Fund   $5,000                          $20,000
Creative Fellowship Fund                      $20,000                         $20,000
Quarterly Grants - Open four times a year
Small Grants Fund                             $2,000
Social Enterprise Business Planning Grant     $2,000
Sport & Recreation Grant                      $2,000                          $30,000
Ongoing - Open all year around
Representative Sports Grant                   $1,000                          $20,000

Grant Eligibility Chart
                                Community Capacity Building Grant                Annual
                                Creative Project Leveraging Fund                 Annual
 Not-for-profit Incorporated
                                Cultural Heritage and Stories Research Fund      Annual
                                Small Grants Fund                                Quarterly
                                Sport & Recreation Grant                         Quarterly
                                Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta          Annual
 Social Enterprise
                                Social Enterprise Business Planning Grant        Quarterly
 Individual Entrepreneurs       Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta
 auspiced by a not-for-profit   Social Enterprise Business Planning Grant
 incorporated organisation

                                Creative Fellowship Fund                         Annual
                                Representative Sports Grant                      All year round
to go here

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
All applications must meet the eligibility criteria.
                                                       Ineligible applications
The eligibility criteria common to all of Council’s
Community Grants are listed below. In addition         The City of Parramatta does not provide grants
to this, each grant category has category-specific     for:
eligibility criteria. Common eligibility criteria      • Activities and programs that duplicate existing
require that the organisation must:                      services or repeat previously funded projects;
• Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation       • Attendance at conferences or academic course
  or can provide evidence of an auspice                  fees, except within scholarship or fellowship
  arrangement with an incorporated not-for-              programs;
  profit organisation;
                                                       • Religious ceremonies and/or activities in which
• Be located within the boundaries of the                the promotion of a single faith is the main
  Parramatta local government area and/or                purpose;
  principally service Parramatta residents;
                                                       • Profit making activities where the profits are
• Address City of Parramatta’s vision statement          allocated to shareholders, owners and/or
  and at least one of the eight priorities;              members; and
• Project begins after the grant funding               • The establishment or attainment of fundraising
  commencement date and does not require                 objectives
  retrospective, recurrent or ongoing funding;
                                                       • Project proposals that are potentially
• Have a bank account in its name with a                 defamatory or libellous or seek to intimidate,
  minimum of 2 signatories, except where                 offend or harass members of the community
  individuals have been named eligible for a
  specific program;
• Not have outstanding debts to Council;
• Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports
  for previously funded grants;

                                                                  Gordon Hessell - Representative Sport Grant.

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Grant Making Policy                                Proportionality in which key program design
                                                   features and related administrative processes are
Grant programs at the City of Parramatta are       commensurate with the scale, nature, complexity
administered under the following                   and risks involved in the granting activity.
                                                   Collaboration and partnership in which effective
Robust planning and design which                   consultation and a constructive and cooperative
underpins efficient, effective and ethical         relationship between the City, grant recipients
grants administration, including through the       and other relevant stakeholders contributes to
establishment of effective risk management         achieving more efficient, effective and equitable
processes.                                         grants administration. This includes collaboration
Capacity building which focuses on developing      between different units of the City of Parramatta.
the skills, competence and confidence of           Governance and accountability in which a robust
local organisations and residents to achieve       governance framework clearly defines the roles
their aspirations and foster sustainability and    and responsibilities of all parties in the process
independence from the City.                        and supports public accountability for decision
Diversity, access and equity expressed through     making, grants administration and performance
the support of programs, projects and activities   monitoring.
that represent a broad spectrum of local needs,    Probity and transparency in which grants
cultures and interests.                            administration reflects ethical behaviour, in line
Outcomes orientation in which grants               with Council’s Statement of Business Ethics and
administration focuses on maximizing the           Code of Conduct, and complies with public
achievement of strategic directions and lasting    reporting requirements.
outcomes rather than outputs.                      Achieving value with public money through
                                                   careful consideration of costs, benefits, options
                                                   and risks.


     Applications &             Assessments &
                                                      Funding Decision                Reporting
      Agreements              Recommendations

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Applications                                           Due to competition for funds, partial funding is
                                                       sometimes offered.
All applications must be made online through the
SmartyGrants online grants management system           Approval of a grant does not imply that Council
before the closing time. Council will not accept       has given any other consent. Applicants should
any hardcopy or emailed submissions. Computers         note that many capital works programs, festivals
can be booked at all City of Parramatta Council        or events require approvals and consents from
library branches, if required.                         Council, NSW Police or other State Government
Applicants will be required to register with
SmartyGrants before accessing the application          Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to seek
form. If you or your organisation has used             feedback and can make a request to grants@
SmartyGrants to apply for a grant previously to Some grant
any grant-maker, then you are already registered.      programs are highly competitive and even though
It is strongly recommended that you use a generic      an application may meet the program criteria it
organisation e-mail to create your login, such as      may not be as competitive when assessed against
admin@, info@, manager@ etc. so as to keep your        other applications.
grant applications together and maintain access
if an individual staff member should leave.
                                                       Funding agreements
If you need any assistance in preparing your           All successful applicants are required to enter
online application, please contact the Community       into a funding agreement before grant payments
Capacity Building team on 9806 5110 or at              are made and before a project can commence.                    Funding Agreements specify any conditions or
                                                       specific requirements of the funded project, the
                                                       payment schedule, the terms on which payment
Assessment & Recommendations                           is made, the reporting and acquittal requirements,
When applications are received they are                and the responsibilities of both the signatories.
processed by Council staff, who check each
application’s eligibility. Applications determined
to be ineligible will not proceed to assessment. All   Reporting
applications are assessed by an internal working       All grant recipients are required to report on and
group, comprising of Council staff members or          acquit their project(s) as detailed in their funding
independent external assessors as required. The        agreement. Report templates are available and
results of these assessment panels are presented       should be submitted through the SmartyGrants
to a sub-committee of Councillors, who review          online grants management system. Reports
recommendations that will be made to Council.          provide feedback on the success of the project
                                                       in terms of the agreed outputs and outcomes,
Approval                                               relevant data and any lessons learnt. Detailed
                                                       financial reports will be required and grant
The elected Council is the primary approver of         recipients may be requested to provide further
grants. Council can delegate this approver role to     documentation and evidence of expenditure.
the CEO or a designated manager. The funding
decisions made are final. City of Parramatta
Council reserves the right to alter the total
amount of funds expended in each category,
based on the applications received.

Community Grants Program Guidelines - City of ...
Grants Support and Monitoring                        • Individual support and consultancy – a
                                                       Council Officer is matched to each applicant
Program                                                who receives the offer of tailored advice and
City of Parramatta Council is committed to             support as required.
achieving industry best outcomes in partnership      • Professional development workshop program
with grant recipients. To achieve this, Council        – covering relevant topics for potential grant
coordinates a Grants Support and Monitoring            applicants e.g. grant writing, showcasing
Program to strengthen the community sector in          of successful community capacity building
Parramatta. The program has four components:           projects, auspicing, philanthropy, evaluation
• Grants monitoring – ensuring implementation          and leadership.
  of relevant Council policies and protocols,        • Community Capacity Building email
  assisting Council Officers to effectively target     information network – used to distribute
  support and resources to grant recipients and        information on funding and professional
  identify delivery and/or reporting challenges.
                                                       development opportunities.

 Georgia Platts - Representative Sports Grant.

Auspicing                                              2000, if you do not have an Australian Business
                                                       Number (ABN), City of Parramatta Council may
Sometimes individuals, unincorporated groups           be required to withhold 48.5% of any funds
or newly incorporated associations with great          allocated.
community project ideas partner with existing
non-profit organisations to access funding and         All financial information provided should be
help a project happen in our community. This type      exclusive of GST. Successful organisations/groups
of relationship is often called ‘auspicing’            that have provided GST registration information
                                                       will receive the allocated grant amount plus GST.
Auspicing can be a relatively quick and
efficient way to secure funding and get a              Projects involving Children
community project started, in some cases,              Where a project will involve adults working with
without establishing your own organisation.            children, successful applicants must undertake
The organisation providing the auspice for your        the necessary ‘Working with Children’ checks.
project may offer particular skills, infrastructure,   The applicant must provide City of Parramatta
resources, legal and insurance protection              Council with a letter advising of the successful
and management assistance for your project,            completion and clearance of these checks within
depending on what is agreed.                           four months. The letter must be signed by an
City of Parramatta Council accepts applications        office bearer of the organisation receiving the
from organisations that are providing such             grant.
auspice arrangements to groups that would
otherwise not be eligible for funding. In such
cases, the organisations providing auspice should      Multiple Applications
complete the application form as the “Applicant        Multiple applications from one organisation (or
Organisation” as they are the organisation that        partnership) will be considered where proposals
enters into a formal funding relationship with         relate to separate projects. Applications for
Council if successful.                                 a specific project will be considered in one
In recognition of the services provided by an          category only, and applicants must nominate the
auspicing organisation, City of Parramatta             category in which they wish to be considered.
Council accepts the inclusion of an auspice fee in     The exception to this is for Small Grant Fund
the budget up to 15% of the total amount being         applications, where applicants are able to apply
applied for.                                           for new project costs or liabilities that emerge
                                                       since applying in the annual application process.

Taxation                                               Organisations applying for annual grants are also
                                                       able to apply for quarterly grants in rounds that
In accordance with the Goods & Services Tax            commence after the closing date of the annual
(GST) legislation that came into effect on 1 July      grant round.


Overview                                              Available Funding
This category supports community based                $225,000 is allocated to the Community Capacity
groups, sport and recreation clubs, and               Building Grants. The funding cap under this
service organisations to develop effective            category varies depending on your organisation
projects that address the social, economic            type. Please refer to the chart below.
and/or environmental needs of residents in
the Parramatta LGA, as described in City of
Parramatta Council’s Community Strategic Plan.        ORGANISATION TYPE             FUNDING CAP
                                                      100% Voluntary
Category Objectives                                   Organisations

• Projects that address the social, economic          Organisations with Paid
  and/or environmental needs of residents in the                                    $10,000
  Parramatta LGA;
• Maximise access to and use of community
  resources, services and facilities, including
                                                      Program Timelines
  equity of access for people experiencing social     This program is open once a year. Projects must
  exclusion, marginalisation or isolation;            start after July 1. Successful recipients in this
                                                      category are required to:
• Encourage community participation in the
  development and delivery of projects and            • Complete their projects within twelve months of
  activities;                                           funding
• Support the development of networks and             • Submit a Progress Report at the six month
  partnerships between communities, local               mark and a Final Acquittal Report upon project
  community groups, agencies and City of                completion. Final Acquittal Report due date
  Parramatta Council                                    1 July (following year)
                                                      Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
Suggested Outcomes                                    funding requests.
Initiatives and projects can contribute to one or
more of the following outcomes:
• Meeting the acute material needs of
  disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the
• Community involvement and engagement in
  social activities and community life is increased
  (in context with public health orders);
• People, including staff, feeling an increase in
  social connectedness and/or physical or mental
• Increase in access to information, and in new
  skills developed;

Sydney Youth Orchestras - Community Capacity Building Grant.

Type of Activity Supported                                     • Be located within the Parramatta LGA, or
                                                                 principally service Parramatta residents;
• Project development and implementation;
                                                               • Not have outstanding debts to Council;
• Capital purchase directly related to community
  capacity building project;                                   • Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports
                                                                 for previously funded grants;
• Building the internal capacity of the
  organisation;                                                For second phase projects, projects must be
                                                               an extension of a project previously funded by
• Resource development.                                        City of Parramatta Council in the Community
                                                               Capacity Building category only. The project must
Funding Cannot Be Used For                                     demonstrate a clearly defined development or
                                                               growth from the previously funded project and
• Activities, projects and programs that duplicate
                                                               must not be a simple repeat of the same project.
  existing services or repeat previously funded
• Attendance at conferences or academic course                 Further Conditions
  fees;                                                        • Provide a copy of the latest financial statements
• General interstate or international travel;                    (most recent audited statements are required
                                                                 for revenues over $250,000);
• Religious ceremonies and/or activities in which
  the promotion of a single faith is the main                  • Provide evidence of appropriate insurance
  purpose;                                                       coverage;
• The establishment or improvement of                          Supporting Documents Required
  fundraising activities.
                                                               • Provide written quotations for budget expenses
                                                                 of $300 or more .
Conditions for Program Eligibility
To be eligible for funding applicants must:                    Contact Details
• Be not-for-profit and incorporated or have                   If you need assistance in understanding these
  evidence of auspice from a not-for-profit                    Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
  incorporated organisation;                                   the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
                                                               5110 or email

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                            WEIGHTING


Criterion 1   Has the applicant clearly demonstrated a compelling need,                       20%
              opportunity or demand for their project, and provided supporting


Criterion 2 Applicant indicates key activities and                                            25%
            reason for the approach they have taken.
            Sustainability of the project outcomes are demonstrated.


            Networks, collaborations and partnerships that could support project
            outcomes and demonstrate best practice approaches have been
Criterion 3 documented.                                                                       30%

              Project provides opportunities for community members (target group)
              to participate in or engage with project development, and/or delivery.

              IMPACT AND REACH

Criterion 4 Project addresses the specific needs including communication,                     25%
            interests, participation barriers and experiences for the intended
            community for which it is designed.

                                                        Sydney Youth Orchestras - Community Capacity Building Grant.

                                                                         The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre -
                                                                         Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta.

Overview                                              • Increased awareness and presence in
This category is designed to fund existing social
enterprises that have demonstrated their ability
to be sustainable and achieve high-impact on
                                                      Available Funding
their social mission, and are seeking to grow and     Approximately $75,000 per financial year is
expand their operations.                              available for the Growing Social Enterprise in
                                                      Parramatta Grant program. There is a funding
It is expected that any proposals put forward for a   cap for each application of $25,000.
Social Enterprise Grant will be clearly developed
ideas. They must clearly articulate how the           Program Timelines
proposed project will further your social mission
and what impact it is expected to have for the        This program is open once a year. Projects must
communities of Parramatta.                            start after July 1. Successful recipients in this
                                                      category are required to:

Category Objectives                                   • Complete their projects within twelve months of
• The funding of a specific growth activity by
  a successful social enterprise that is already      • Submit a Progress Report at the six-month mark
  located with the Parramatta LGA; or                   and a Final Acquittal Report due date 1 July
                                                        (following year).
• The replication or re-location of a successful
  social enterprise within the Parramatta LGA         Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
                                                      funding requests.
Suggested Outcomes
Social Enterprises will be able to report:
• Increased community benefit and social impact;
• Increased economic prosperity and business
• Improved business development and
  management ability;

Conditions for Program Eligibility                     • Provide evidence of appropriate insurance
Applications must be from an eligible social
enterprise structure. Social Enterprises as defined    • You must have discussed your application with
in City of Parramatta’s Grants and Donations             the Community Capacity Building Team within
Policy are defined as having the following               Council prior to submission. For projects relating
characteristics:                                         to social enterprise, contact Lucy Brotherton on
                                                         9806 5792 or email lbrotherton@parracity.nsw.
• Social, environmental, cultural mission /    
  objectives core to purpose and focus;
• Limited distributions of profits – the majority of   Supporting Documentation
  profits are reinvested in the enterprise and/or an
                                                       • A business plan which demonstrates that
  associated social entity;
                                                         the proposed activity is viable and can be
• Generation of a social return in addition              realistically achieved (Note: your business plan
  to a financial return, and commitment to               will be treated as commercial in confidence)
  demonstrating this;
                                                       • Provide evidence of the existence of a high
• Can have a mixture of capital inputs – the             quality constitution or rules which ensure that
  enterprise is supported through a mixture of           the majority of profits are reinvested into the
  grant income/subsidised income and trading             enterprise for continuation of its social mission
  income, but must trade;                                (i.e. are not allocated to shareholders, owners or
• Favour democratic decision-making structures           members);
  and seek high levels of accountability to their      • Provide at least one quote for purchases or
  stakeholders, rather than just to shareholders.        hiring space expenses of $300 or more.
Commercial business applications, including for
small or micro-businesses, are not eligible for        Contact Details
funding under this category.
                                                       If you need assistance in understanding these
                                                       Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
‘Regular’ community service programs are not
                                                       the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
eligible for funding under this category.
                                                       5110 or email

Further Conditions                                     Applicants in this category must contact Lucy
• Provide a copy of the latest financial statements    Brotherton on 9806 5792 or email lbrotherton@
  (most recent audited statements are required prior to submitting an
  for revenues over $250,000);                         application.

The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre -
Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta.

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                                    WEIGHTING

            Degree to which the Social Enterprise’s social, environmental or cultural
            mission is clearly described [there is evidence of the existence of a high
Criterion A quality constitution or rules which ensure that the majority of profits are               10%
            reinvested into the enterprise for continuation of its social mission (i.e.
            are not allocated to shareholders, owners or members)]

            Degree to which the mission of the Social Enterprise addresses City
Criterion B of Parramatta’s strategic goals and benefits the residents of the                         15%
            Parramatta LGA

              Degree to which the need for this proposal is clearly explained and how
Criterion C                                                                                           20%
              it will increase the sustainability and reach of the social enterprise

            Business plan includes projected income for a minimum of 3 years and
            details of projected well-being outcomes for Parramatta related to the
Criterion D mission of the enterprise                                                                 25%
            Degree to which the business model is proven to be successful (15%)
              Degree to which the profit projections are realistic and achievable (10%)
            Extent to which the budget exhibits the quality, cost-effectiveness and
Criterion E realism required to achieve desired outcomes with clear costing for all                   15%
            aspects of the project.

            Extent to which the project exhibits community capacity building
            strategies. The extent to which strategies are innovative and creative,
Criterion F and/or draw on best practice approaches to project development and                        15%
            delivery. The extent to which sustainability of the project has been

                                                 Parramatta Clay and Arts Inc - Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta.
Nautanki Theatre Inc - Creative Project Leveraging Fund.

Overview                                               program. There is a funding cap for each
                                                       application of $20,000.
The City of Parramatta Council Creative Project
Leveraging Fund aims to support professional           This category has been established as a leverage
groups and organisations with creative projects        fund. Applicants are required to attract at least
in the Parramatta region. This category is open        50% matching funding from additional sources as
to those working in all art forms, including but       a condition of receipt of funding (note: matching
not limited to, music, sculpture, dance, painting,     funds may in some circumstances include in-kind
interpretation, writing/literature, theatre, design,   contributions).
film/video and digital media.

For the purpose of these guidelines, ‘professional
                                                       Program Timelines
groups or organisations’ are those employing           This program is open once a year. Projects must
qualified staff at the appropriate award rate. They    start after July 1. Successful recipients in this
would usually have an appropriately qualified          category are required to:
administrator or director.                             • Complete their projects within twelve months of
Funding Priorities                                     • Submit a Progress report at the six-month mark
The proposed project must meet at least one of           and a Final Acquittal report due 1 July (following
the following objectives with outcomes/project           year).
activity occurring partially or wholly within
                                                       Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
the Parramatta LGA. Preference will be given
                                                       funding requests.
to applications who address more than one
                                                       Type of Activity Supported
• Develop the skills of our local creative talent;
                                                       • Incubation of new creative, arts & cultural based
• Increase participation in arts and creative            organisations in Parramatta;
                                                       • Assistance in locating organisations in
• Stimulate connection to community, through             Parramatta (i.e. attracting them to the
  the development of works and/or activities that        Parramatta area);
  explore the identity of the Parramatta region;
                                                       • Produce projects, festivals, exhibitions or events
• Encourage growth and increase the value of the         that provide opportunities for local artists/
  creative sector to the Parramatta community,           creatives to work in the Parramatta LGA.
  culture and economy;
• Foster innovation in the arts and creative

Available Funding
Approximately $60,000 per financial year is
available for the Creative Project Leveraging

Conditions for Program Eligibility                    • For audio/moving image files, one file of up to 5
                                                        minutes in one of the following file formats: for
To be eligible for funding applicants must:             moving images .mov or .mp4 files; and for audio
• Be not-for-profit and incorporated or have            files .wav or .mp3 files;
  evidence of auspice from a not-for-profit           • For written work, a sample or samples of writing
  incorporated organisation;                            in .pdf or .doc file format. Maximum 4 x A4
• Be located within the Parramatta LGA, or              pages, with no more than 2 pages per writing
  principally service Parramatta residents;             sample.
• Not have outstanding debts to Council;
• Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports      Contact Details
  for previously funded grants.                       If you need assistance in understanding these
                                                      Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
Further Conditions                                    the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
                                                      5110 or email
• Provide a copy of the latest financial statements
  (most recent audited statements are required
                                                      Applicants are encouraged to discuss their arts
  for revenues over $250,000)
                                                      project with the Parramatta Artists Studio on
• Provide evidence of appropriate insurance           9806 5230.
                                                      Any applications related to Aboriginal Culture will
Supporting Documents Required                         be required to consult with Council’s Aboriginal
                                                      and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.
• Provide at least one quote for equipment            For details about the advisory committee, please
  purchases over $1000;                               contact the Community Capacity Building Team
• CV’s for key staff, no more than two pages each;    on 9806 5110.
• Up to 10 images in jpg format and a maximum
  of 1mb per image;

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                       WEIGHTING
            LOCAL TALENT - Project demonstrates significant contribution
Criterion A to the development of local creative talent from/or working in the           20%
            Parramatta LGA
              NEW AUDIENCES - Potential for development of new audiences and
Criterion B                                                                              20%
              new participants in arts and creative endeavour
            OUTCOME REACH - Description of project results/output and
Criterion C demonstration of how it can be shared with, or presented to the local 25%
            arts sectors, communities and other interested parties
              INNOVATION & GROWTH - Fostering of innovation and contribution
Criterion D                                                                              20%
              to the growth of the arts and creative sectors
            BUDGET - well-researched and realistic budget, clearly indicating
Criterion E what Council funds would be spent on and the sources and                     15%
            application of matching contributions.

Overview                                              • Stimulate connection to community and/or
                                                        explore the identity of Parramatta through the
The City of Parramatta Council Creative                 development and presentation of new works
Fellowship Fund aims to support the development         and/or activities;
of new work and/or the professional development
of Parramatta artists and creative workers.           • Foster innovation and contribute to the growth
                                                        of the arts and creative sectors.
One Fellowship is awarded annually.
The Fellowship is presented as part of the            Available Funding
Parramatta Artists Studios’ Artistic Program.         The maximum funding available in this category is
Parramatta Artists Studios is an initiative of the    $20,000 for one fellow. .
City of Parramatta Council.

This category is open to those working in all         Program Timelines
art forms, including but not limited to, music,       This program is open once a year. Projects must
sculpture, dance, painting, writing/literature,       start after July 1. Successful recipients in this
theatre, design, film/video, and digital media.       category are required to:
                                                      • Complete their projects within twelve months of
Definition of Professional Artist                       funding
and Creative Worker:                                  • Submit a progress report at the six-month mark,
The definition is deliberately broad to take into       and a Final Acquittal Report due date 1 July
account factors such as:                                (following year).
• Artists/creatives from diverse cultural             Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
  backgrounds whose artistic or cultural              funding requests.
  knowledge has been developed through oral
                                                      Examples of Activity Supported
• Professional artists/creatives who are trained or
                                                      • Production and presentation of a new work/s;
                                                      • Researching and developing new techniques;
• Artists/creatives of professional calibre who       • Researching new art/creative forms to extend
  may work outside the arts/creative sectors to         your practice.
  generate income;
• Those that identify themselves as such on the
  basis of skill or experience;
• Acceptance by peers or the arts/creative sectors
  as a professional and may or may not earn
  income from their work.

Funding Priorities
• Provide an opportunity for a professional artist
  or creative worker to develop their practice in
  the Parramatta region;

Conditions for Program Eligibility                       sectors please provide a written statement
                                                         outlining relevant experience and activity;
To be eligible for funding applicants must:
                                                       • Up to 10 images in .jpg format and a maximum
• Applicants must be residents of the City of            of 1mb per image;
  Parramatta or be able to demonstrate an
  existing and significant contribution to the arts/   • For audio/moving image files, one file of up to 5
  creative sector of the City of Parramatta;             minutes in one of the following file formats: for
                                                         moving images .mov or .mp4 files; and for audio
• Not have outstanding debts to Council;                 files .wav or .mp3 files;
• Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports       • For written work, a sample or samples of writing
  for previously funded grants.                          in .pdf or .doc file format. Maximum 4 x A4
                                                         pages, with no more than 2 pages per writing
Further Conditions                                       sample.
If you are successful in your application, evidence
will need to be provided that you have planned         Contact Details
appropriate insurance coverage for the funded          If you need assistance in understanding these
activity. If you already have insurance coverage,      Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
we ask that you attach the Certificate of Currency     the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
to your application.                                   5110 or email

Supporting Documents Required                          Applicants are encouraged to discuss their arts
                                                       project with the Parramatta Artists Studio on
• A CV of no more than two pages;
                                                       9806 5230.
• For Parramatta residents or ratepayers, please
  provide evidence of residency e.g. Drivers           Any applications related to Aboriginal Culture will
  licence, passport, rates notice or rental property   be required to consult with Council’s Aboriginal
  lease;                                               and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.
• For an individual who has contributed                For details about the advisory committee, please
  significantly to the Parramatta Arts / Creative      contact the Community Capacity Building Team
                                                       on 9806 5110.

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                        WEIGHTING
              ARTISTIC MERIT - Merit of existing work and experience as a
Criterion A                                                                               15%
              practicing artistic/creative professional

              CAREER GROWTH - Potential for the Fellowship to significantly
Criterion B                                                                               20%
              progress the applicant’s practice/career

              NEW WORK - Potential for completion of significant new work/s as a
Criterion C                                                                      15%
              tangible outcome of the Fellowship
              NEW SKILLS - Potential for the acquisition of significant new skills as
Criterion D                                                                           20%
              an outcome of the Fellowship
            OUTCOME REACH - How new work and/or skills can be shared
Criterion E with, or presented to the local arts sectors, communities and other           30%
            interested parties

Overview                                               Available Funding
The Parramatta Cultural Heritage and Stories           Approximately $20,000 per financial year is
Research Fund supports research projects               available for the Cultural Heritage and Stories
which add to and support the knowledge of              Research Grant. There is a funding cap for each
Parramatta’s history and cultural heritage.            application of $5,000.

The Fund aims to encourage research which
documents and interprets the stories of                Program Timelines
Parramatta for the benefit of current and future       This program is open once a year. Projects must
generations.                                           start after July 1. Successful recipients in this
                                                       category are required to:
Grant applications must demonstrate the
significance and relevance of the research topic       • Complete their projects within twelve months of
to Parramatta’s cultural heritage and history.           funding
Applications should aim to enhance knowledge in        • Submit a progress report at the six-month mark
areas that have not been previously researched.          and a Final Acquittal Report due date 1 July
                                                         (following year).
Category Objectives                                    Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
Priority will be given to research projects which      funding requests.
• Aboriginal heritage (for example; traditional and
  contemporary culture);
• Social histories (for example; aspects of
  everyday life, people who have made significant
  contribution to the community);
• Cultural heritage of our diverse communities (for
  example; Chinese, Lebanese, Indian, etc.);
• Significant heritage sites and structures in the
  Parramatta LGA (built or natural environment);
• Contemporary heritage (for example; living
   histories, or contemporary cultural trends)
It is expected that projects will make a significant
contribution to the research of Parramatta’s
cultural history and heritage and to gaps in
knowledge regarding local history.                                  Retail precinct -
                                                                    fashion parade in

Examples of Activity Supported                         • Not have outstanding debts to Council;

Applicants should also consider projects that will     • Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports
deliver enhanced knowledge within any of the             for previously funded grants.
following key themes:
• Cultural Heritage (including Aboriginal, Colonial,
                                                       Further Conditions
  Urban/Contemporary & Multi-Cultural)                 • Provide a copy of the latest financial statements
                                                         (most recent audited statements are required
• Food Culture
                                                         for revenues over $250,000)
• Arts, Culture, Events & Entertainment
                                                       • Applicants must supply Council with a digital
• Outdoors                                               copy of the research output – or a URL
• Sport.                                                 link to the material. It is optional, though
                                                         recommended, that applicants discuss
Successful projects have previously included:            opportunities for presentation, display or
                                                         archiving of content developed as a part of
• ‘From Canton with courage: Parramatta and              their grant with the City of Parramatta Research
  beyond, Chinese arrivals 1800 – 1900’, author          & Collection Services Coordinator 8839 3324.
  Jack Brook (LS 305.8951 BRO, which can be
  viewed at the Parramatta Heritage Centre)            • A version of the final research report will be
                                                         made available for public access through the
• St Johns’ Cemetery project                             City of Parramatta’s Research & Collections                          Services under a Creative Commons Share-Alike
                                                         (CC BY-SA) copyright license (where culturally
Type of Activity Not Supported                           appropriate) and will be integrated into the
                                                         Council’s research collections. arc.parracity.nsw.
City of Parramatta Council does not provide    
grants for:
                                                       • Approved projects in which the researcher(s)
• Purchasing equipment;                                  retain copyright must contain the following
• Purchasing, repairing, or maintaining buildings        acknowledgement in the research report: This
  and objects;                                           research was funded through the Parramatta
                                                         Cultural Heritage and Stories Research Fund of
• Activities or research that has been completed;
                                                         City of Parramatta Council. The contents of the
• Living expenses                                        research will not necessarily reflect the views of
Grant funds are not intended solely for the
purpose of administration costs (printing,             Council prefers that output is accessible through
scanning, etc.) and costs for the development and      a creative commons share-alike copyright licence
presentation of the research. Expenditure these        and which can be integrated into the Council’s
types of costs must be clearly outlined and must       research collections. Researchers may have to
not make up the total expenditure of the grant         gain approval for the use of images owned by
                                                       other parties and:
Conditions for Program Eligibility                     • The project may include a variety of research
To be eligible for funding applicants must:              methodologies such as interviewing via video/
                                                         media, and/or desk research;
• Be not-for-profit and incorporated or have
  evidence of auspice from a not-for-profit            • The researcher must clearly outline the
  incorporated organisation;                             copyright status of research content produced
                                                         as a result of the grant;
• Be located within the Parramatta LGA, or
  principally service Parramatta residents;            • The researcher must agree to gain the written
                                                         permission of participants in line with this

Supporting Documentation
• CV’s for key staff, no more than two pages each;
• If you are successful in your application,
  evidence will need to be provided that you have
                                                                                            Roxy cinema in
  planned appropriate insurance coverage for the                                            Parramatta.
  funded activity. If you already have insurance
  coverage, we ask that you attach the Certificate
  of Currency to your application.

Contact Details
If you need assistance in understanding these
Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
5110 or at

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their
research topic with the Research & Collection
Service Coordinator at the Parramatta Heritage &
Information Centre on 8839 3324.

Any applications related to Aboriginal Culture will
be required to consult with Council’s Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.
For details about the advisory committee, please
contact the Community Capacity Building Team
on 9806 5110.

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                    WEIGHTING
              Extent of significance of the research topic to Parramatta’s cultural
Criterion A                                                                           20%
              history, heritage and key themes
              Extent that contributions to gaps in knowledge regarding local
Criterion B                                                                           25%
              history will be made

              Clearly describes the final delivery format of the research (e.g.
Criterion C                                                                           20%
              website, book) and how it will be accessed by the target audience
Criterion D Demonstrates appropriate merit and methodology                            20%
              Quality, cost effectiveness and realism of the budget to achieve
Criterion E                                                                           15%
              desired outcomes with clear costing for all aspects of the project.


Overview                                              • Improved access to information and
                                                        development of new skills
This category is designed to assist voluntary and     • Increased connections between individuals,
staffed not-for-profit incorporated organisations       community groups and agencies
with the following:
                                                      • Reduced financial hardship and social
• Project development and implementation;               disadvantage
• Capital purchase directly related to a discreet     • Enhanced sustainability outcomes for local
  and defined activity or project;                      communities related to Council’s strategic
• Building the internal capacity of the                 priorities
• Resource development.                               Available Funding
                                                      Approximately $40,000 per financial year is
The funding has to be linked to a discreet and        available for the Small Grants Fund. There is a
defined activity or project                           funding cap for each application of $2,000.

Category Objectives                                   City of Parramatta Council will only fund one
                                                      application over a financial year, regardless of
• Maximise access to and use of community
                                                      the number of applications received from an
  resources, services and facilities, including
  equity of access for people experiencing social
  exclusion, marginalisation or isolation;
                                                      Program Timelines
• Encourage community participation in the
  development and delivery of projects and            This program is open all year round but assessed
  activities;                                         four times a year. It can take up to 3 months
                                                      from the assessment deadline before payments
• Support the development of networks and             are made. To avoid disappointment, ensure your
  partnerships between communities, local             project is scheduled to start 3 months after the
  community groups, agencies and City of              upcoming quarterly grants assessment deadline.
  Parramatta Council;                                 For example, if the upcoming deadline is in
• Increase effective activity related to one of the   August, then make sure your project start date is
  Community Funding Priorities of the City of         in November.
  Parramatta Council.
                                                      Successful recipients in this category are required
Suggested Outcomes                                    to:

Initiatives and projects can contribute to one or     • Complete their projects within 6 months of
more of the following outcomes:                         receipt of funding;

• Increased involvement and engagement by             • Acquit within 4 weeks of project completion.
  communities in social activities and community
  life                                                Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
                                                      funding requests.
• Increased number of people feeling a strong
  sense of social wellbeing

Funding Cannot Be Used For                          Further Conditions
• Attendance at, or production costs of,            • Provide a copy of the latest financial statements
  conferences or similar events;                      (most recent audited statements are required
                                                      for revenues over $250,000);
• Academic course fees;
• General interstate or international travel;
• Day-to-day operational expenses, such as rent
                                                    Supporting Documentation
  and office supplies                               • Provide at least one quote for equipment
                                                      purchases over $300.
Conditions for Program Eligibility
To be eligible for funding applicants must:
                                                    Contact Details
                                                    If you need assistance in understanding these
• Be not-for-profit and incorporated or have
                                                    Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
  evidence of auspice from a not-for-profit
                                                    the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
  incorporated organisation;
                                                    5110 or email
• Be located within the Parramatta LGA, or
  principally service Parramatta residents;
• Not have outstanding debts to Council;
• Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports
  for previously funded grants.

Assessment Criteria
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                     WEIGHTING
              Degree to which the project addresses City of Parramatta’s vision
Criterion A                                                                            10%
              statement and at least one of the 8 priorities
              Degree to which the need for the project is evident and/or clearly
Criterion B                                                                            25%
              Degree to which the project benefits the residents of the Parramatta
Criterion C                                                                            25%
              LGA and/or positively impacts the organisation
              Extent to which the budget exhibits the quality, cost-effectiveness
Criterion D                                                                            20%
              and realism required to achieve desired outcomes
              Extent to which the funding is linked to a discrete and defined
Criterion E                                                                            20%
              activity or project and exhibits sound project management

Overview                                                Program Timelines
This category has two purposes:                         This program is open all year round but assessed
                                                        four times a year. Please ensure you’re your
1. Assist existing local social enterprises to engage
                                                        project start date is at least 3 months after the
   professional services that can assist with the
                                                        upcoming deadline to ensure funding for your
   ongoing operation and sustainability of the
                                                        project. For example, if the upcoming deadline is
   business (such as marketing, web design, and
                                                        in August, then make sure your project start date
                                                        is in November.
2. Provide funding for existing organisations or
   groups of individuals who are at the concept         Successful recipients in this category are required
   development stage of a social enterprise             to:
   project and need assistance in the research,
                                                        • Complete their projects within 12 months of
   development and writing of a social enterprise
                                                          receipt of funding;
   business plan.
                                                        • Provide a progress report;
Project funds for business plans can be used
                                                        • Acquit within 4 weeks of project completion.
to engage the services of a business planning
                                                        Failure to acquit the grant will affect any future
consultant, or to fund the research activities and
                                                        funding requests.
staff time associated in writing a business plan.

                                                        Type of Activity Supported
Suggested Outcomes
                                                        Engaging professional services to assist with:
• Increased community benefit and social impact;
                                                        • The ongoing operation and sustainability of an
• Increased economic prosperity and business
                                                          existing social enterprise
                                                        • The research, development and writing of a
• Improved business development and
                                                          social enterprise business plan
  management ability;
                                                        For business plan ideas, there must be clear
• Increased awareness and presence in
                                                        evidence that there is a need and how the social
                                                        enterprise activity will meet that need.

Available Funding                                       Funding Cannot Be Used For
Total funding available is shared with the Small
                                                        The engagement of professional services must go
Grants Fund ($40,000 per financial year). There is
                                                        to an external organisation/individual (not existing
a funding cap for each application of $2,000.
                                                        internal staff).
City of Parramatta Council will only fund one
application over a financial year, regardless of
the number of applications received from an

Conditions for Program Eligibility                       of your organisation supports the development
                                                         of the concept and the inclusion of social
Applications must be from an incorporated body           enterprise activities within the service.
or have an incorporated body providing auspice
until the new entity can be set up independently
or from an eligible social enterprise structure.
                                                       Supporting Documentation
                                                       • Provide evidence of the existence of a high
Social Enterprises as defined in City of                 quality constitution or rules which ensure that
Parramatta’s Grants and Donations Policy are             the majority of profits are reinvested into the
defined as having the following characteristics:         enterprise for continuation of its social mission
                                                         (i.e. are not allocated to shareholders, owners
• Social, environmental, cultural mission /
                                                         or members) – or a plan for how this will be
  objectives core to purpose and focus;
                                                         achieved during the funding period;
• Limited distributions of profits – the majority of
                                                       • Include one or more quotes for the professional
  profits are reinvested in the enterprise and/or an
                                                         service you are looking to engage.
  associated social entity;
• Generation of a social return in addition
  to a financial return, and commitment to             Contact Details
  demonstrating this;                                  If you need assistance in understanding these
• Can have a mixture of capital inputs – the           Guidelines, or have any questions, please contact
  enterprise is supported through a mixture of         the Community Capacity Building Team on 9806
  grant income/subsidised income and trading           5110 or email
  income, but must trade;
• Favour democratic decision-making structures
  and seek high levels of accountability to their
  stakeholders, rather than just to shareholders.

Commercial business applications, including for
small or micro-businesses, are not eligible for
funding under this category.

Further Conditions
• Provide a copy of the latest financial statements
  (most recent audited statements are required
  for revenues over $250,000);
• Provide evidence of appropriate insurance
• If applying under the auspice of an
  organisation, a letter of support from
  the organisation providing auspice that
  demonstrates their willingness to support your
  project and to take on responsibility for grant
  funds must be provided;
• If you are an existing not-for-profit organisation
  exploring a new social enterprise concept, we
  ask that you provide evidence that the Board

Assessment Criteria
For a local social enterprise:
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                    WEIGHTING
              Degree to which the Social Enterprise’s social, environmental or
Criterion A                                                                           15%
              cultural mission is clearly described
              Degree to which the mission of the Social Enterprise benefits the
Criterion B                                                                           20%
              residents of the Parramatta LGA

Criterion C Degree to which the need for this proposal is clearly explained           25%

            Degree that the professional service will assist with the sustainability
Criterion D of the social enterprise or assist with business planning into the       25%

              The extent that the cost of services provided in the quote(s)/budget
Criterion E                                                                           15%
              is realistic in achieving intended outcomes

For an existing organisation new to social enterprise:
              CRITERIA DESCRIPTION                                                    WEIGHTING
              Degree to which the proposed Social Enterprise’s social,
Criterion A                                                                           20%
              environmental or cultural mission is clearly described
              Degree to which the activities of the proposed Social Enterprise
Criterion B                                                                           25%
              could benefit the residents of the Parramatta LGA
              Degree to which it has demonstrated that a social enterprise model
Criterion C                                                                           20%
              is the best model for the proposed organisation/activities
            Degree that evidence of business planning experience and relevant
            skills to undertake the project has been provided (this includes skills
Criterion D                                                                           20%
            of internal staff if doing the plan in-house, or external specialists
            being engaged to undertake the work)

              The extent that the cost of services provided in the quote(s)/budget
Criterion E                                                                           15%
              is realistic in achieving intended outcomes

Sydney BMX Club - Sport & Recreation Grant.

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