Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution

Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution
Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution
                                                               Elena Voita                            Pavel Serdyukov
                                                            Yandex, Russia                             Yandex, Russia
                                                 University of Amsterdam, Netherlands  

                                                            Rico Sennrich                                   Ivan Titov
                                                   University of Edinburgh, Scotland           University of Edinburgh, Scotland
                                                   University of Zurich, Switzerland          University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

                                                            Abstract                             Earlier research on this topic focused on han-
                                                                                              dling specific phenomena, such as translating pro-
arXiv:1805.10163v1 [cs.CL] 25 May 2018

                                             Standard machine translation systems pro-        nouns (Le Nagard and Koehn, 2010; Hardmeier
                                             cess sentences in isolation and hence ig-        and Federico, 2010; Hardmeier et al., 2015), dis-
                                             nore extra-sentential information, even          course connectives (Meyer et al., 2012), verb
                                             though extended context can both prevent         tense (Gong et al., 2012), increasing lexical con-
                                             mistakes in ambiguous cases and improve          sistency (Carpuat, 2009; Tiedemann, 2010; Gong
                                             translation coherence. We introduce a            et al., 2011), or topic adaptation (Su et al., 2012;
                                             context-aware neural machine translation         Hasler et al., 2014), with special-purpose features
                                             model designed in such way that the flow         engineered to model these phenomena. How-
                                             of information from the extended con-            ever, with traditional statistical machine transla-
                                             text to the translation model can be con-        tion being largely supplanted with neural machine
                                             trolled and analyzed. We experiment with         translation (NMT) models trained in an end-to-
                                             an English-Russian subtitles dataset, and        end fashion, an alternative is to directly provide
                                             observe that much of what is captured            additional context to an NMT system at training
                                             by our model deals with improving pro-           time and hope that it will succeed in inducing rel-
                                             noun translation. We measure correspon-          evant predictive features (Jean et al., 2017; Wang
                                             dences between induced attention distri-         et al., 2017; Tiedemann and Scherrer, 2017; Baw-
                                             butions and coreference relations and ob-        den et al., 2018).
                                             serve that the model implicitly captures            While the latter approach, using context-aware
                                             anaphora. It is consistent with gains for        NMT models, has demonstrated to yield perfor-
                                             sentences where pronouns need to be gen-         mance improvements, it is still not clear what
                                             dered in translation. Beside improvements        kinds of discourse phenomena are successfully
                                             in anaphoric cases, the model also im-           handled by the NMT systems and, importantly,
                                             proves in overall BLEU, both over its            how they are modeled. Understanding this would
                                             context-agnostic version (+0.7) and over         inform development of future discourse-aware
                                             simple concatenation of the context and          NMT models, as it will suggest what kind of in-
                                             source sentences (+0.6).                         ductive biases need to be encoded in the archi-
                                                                                              tecture or which linguistic features need to be ex-
                                         1   Introduction
                                         It has long been argued that handling discourse         In our work we aim to enhance our un-
                                         phenomena is important in translation (Mitkov,       derstanding of the modelling of selected dis-
                                         1999; Hardmeier, 2012). Using extended con-          course phenomena in NMT. To this end, we con-
                                         text, beyond the single source sentence, should      struct a simple discourse-aware model, demon-
                                         in principle be beneficial in ambiguous cases and    strate that it achieves improvements over the
                                         also ensure that generated translations are coher-   discourse-agnostic baseline on an English-Russian
                                         ent. Nevertheless, machine translation systems       subtitles dataset (Lison et al., 2018) and study
                                         typically ignore discourse phenomena and trans-      which context information is being captured in
                                         late sentences in isolation.                         the model. Specifically, we start with the Trans-
Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution
former (Vaswani et al., 2017), a state-of-the-art        tities across documents (Ji et al., 2017). Our key
model for context-agnostic NMT, and modify it in         contributions can be summarized as follows:
such way that it can handle additional context. In
our model, a source sentence and a context sen-              • we introduce a context-aware neural model,
tence are first encoded independently, and then a              which is effective and has a sufficiently sim-
single attention layer, in a combination with a gat-           ple and interpretable interface between the
ing function, is used to produce a context-aware               context and the rest of the translation model;
representation of the source sentence. The infor-
mation from context can only flow through this at-           • we analyze the flow of information from the
tention layer. When compared to simply concate-                context and identify pronoun translation as
nating input sentences, as proposed by Tiedemann               the key phenomenon captured by the model;
and Scherrer (2017), our architecture appears both
more accurate (+0.6 BLEU) and also guarantees                • by comparing to automatically predicted or
that the contextual information cannot bypass the              human-annotated coreference relations, we
attention layer and hence remain undetected in our             observe that the model implicitly captures
analysis.                                                      anaphora.
   We analyze what types of contextual informa-
                                                         2    Neural Machine Translation
tion are exploited by the translation model. While
studying the attention weights, we observe that          Given a source sentence x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xS )
much of the information captured by the model            and a target sentence y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yT ), NMT
has to do with pronoun translation. It is not en-        models predict words in the target sentence, word
tirely surprising, as we consider translation from       by word.
a language without grammatical gender (English)              Current NMT models mainly have an encoder-
to a language with grammatical gender (Russian).         decoder structure. The encoder maps an in-
For Russian, translated pronouns need to agree in        put sequence of symbol representations x to
gender with their antecedents. Moreover, since in        a sequence of distributed representations z =
Russian verbs agree with subjects in gender and          (z1 , z2 , . . . , zS ). Given z, a neural decoder gener-
adjectives also agree in gender with pronouns in         ates the corresponding target sequence of symbols
certain frequent constructions, mistakes in trans-       y one element at a time.
lating pronouns have a major effect on the words             Attention-based NMT The encoder-decoder
in the produced sentences. Consequently, the stan-       framework with attention has been proposed by
dard cross-entropy training objective sufficiently       Bahdanau et al. (2015) and has become the de-
rewards the model for improving pronoun transla-         facto standard in NMT. The model consists of en-
tion and extracting relevant information from the        coder and decoder recurrent networks and an at-
context.                                                 tention mechanism. The attention mechanism se-
   We use automatic co-reference systems and hu-         lectively focuses on parts of the source sentence
man annotation to isolate anaphoric cases. We ob-        during translation, and the attention weights spec-
serve even more substantial improvements in per-         ify the proportions with which information from
formance on these subsets. By comparing atten-           different positions is combined.
tion distributions induced by our model against              Transformer Vaswani et al. (2017) proposed
co-reference links, we conclude that the model           an architecture that avoids recurrence completely.
implicitly captures coreference phenomena, even          The Transformer follows an encoder-decoder ar-
without having any kind of specialized features          chitecture using stacked self-attention and fully
which could help it in this subtask. These obser-        connected layers for both the encoder and decoder.
vations also suggest potential directions for future     An important advantage of the Transformer is that
work. For example, effective co-reference systems        it is more parallelizable and faster to train than re-
go beyond relying simply on embeddings of con-           current encoder-decoder models.
texts. One option would be to integrate ‘global’             From the source tokens, learned embeddings are
features summarizing properties of groups of men-        generated and then modified using positional en-
tions predicted as linked in a document (Wiseman         codings. The encoded word embeddings are then
et al., 2016), or to use latent relations to trace en-   used as input to the encoder which consists of N
layers each containing two sub-layers: (a) a multi-
head attention mechanism, and (b) a feed-forward
   The self-attention mechanism first computes at-
tention weights: i.e., for each word, it computes a
distribution over all words (including itself). This
distribution is then used to compute a new repre-
sentation of that word: this new representation is
set to an expectation (under the attention distribu-
tion specific to the word) of word representations
from the layer below. In multi-head attention, this
process is repeated h times with different repre-
sentations and the result is concatenated.
   The second component of each layer of the
Transformer network is a feed-forward network.
The authors propose using a two-layered network
with the ReLU activations.
   Analogously, each layer of the decoder contains
the two sub-layers mentioned above as well as
an additional multi-head attention sub-layer that
receives input from the corresponding encoding         Figure 1: Encoder of the discourse-aware model
   In the decoder, the attention is masked to pre-
                                                       former’s encoder. The last layer incorporates con-
vent future positions from being attended to, or in
                                                       textual information as shown in Figure 1. In ad-
other words, to prevent illegal leftward informa-
                                                       dition to multi-head self-attention it has a block
tion flow. See Vaswani et al. (2017) for additional
                                                       which performs multi-head attention over the out-
                                                       put of the context encoder stack. The outputs of
   The proposed architecture reportedly improves
                                                       the two attention mechanisms are combined via
over the previous best results on the WMT 2014                                             (s−attn)
                                                       a gated sum. More precisely, let ci           be the
English-to-German and English-to-French trans-                                                     (c−attn)
lation tasks, and we verified its strong perfor-       output of the multi-head self-attention, ci
mance on our data set in preliminary experiments.      the output of the multi-head attention to context,
Thus, we consider it a strong state-of-the-art base-   ci their gated sum, and σ the logistic sigmoid
line for our experiments. Moreover, as the Trans-      function, then
former is attractive in practical NMT applications                    h
                                                                         (s−attn) (c−attn)
                                                           gi = σ Wg ci          , ci         + bg      (1)
because of its parallelizability and training effi-
ciency, integrating extra-sentential information in
Transformer is important from the engineering                        (s−attn)                  (c−attn)
perspective. As we will see in Section 4, previ-         ci = gi    ci          + (1 − gi )   ci          (2)
ous techniques developed for recurrent encoder-
decoders do not appear effective for the Trans-           Context encoder: The context encoder is com-
former.                                                posed of a stack of N identical layers and repli-
                                                       cates the original Transformer encoder. In con-
3   Context-aware model architecture                   trast to related work (Jean et al., 2017; Wang et al.,
                                                       2017), we found in preliminary experiments that
Our model is based on Transformer architecture         using separate encoders does not yield an accurate
(Vaswani et al., 2017). We leave Transformer’s         model. Instead we share the parameters of the first
decoder intact while incorporating context infor-      N − 1 layers with the source encoder.
mation on the encoder side (Figure 1).                    Since major proportion of the context encoder’s
   Source encoder: The encoder is composed of a        parameters are shared with the source encoder, we
stack of N layers. The first N − 1 layers are iden-    add a special token (let us denote it ) to
tical and represent the original layers of Trans-      the beginning of context sentences, but not source
sentences, to let the shared layers know whether it              model                                    BLEU
is encoding a source or a context sentence.                      baseline                                 29.46
                                                                 concatenation (previous sentence)        29.53
4       Experiments                                              context encoder (previous sentence)      30.14
                                                                 context encoder (next sentence)          29.31
4.1      Data and setting
                                                                 context encoder (random context)         29.69
We use the publicly available OpenSubtitles2018
corpus (Lison et al., 2018) for English and Rus-               Table 1: Automatic evaluation: BLEU. Signifi-
sian.1 As described in the appendix, we apply                  cant differences at p < 0.01 are in bold.
data cleaning and randomly choose 2 million train-
ing instances from the resulting data. For devel-              a substantial degradation of performance (over 1
opment and testing, we randomly select two sub-                BLEU). Instead, we use a binary flag at every word
sets of 10000 instances from movies not encoun-                position in our concatenation baseline telling the
tered in training.2 Sentences were encoded using               encoder whether the word belongs to the context
byte-pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016), with               sentence or to the source sentence.
source and target vocabularies of about 32000 to-                 We consider two versions of our discourse-
kens. We generally used the same parameters and                aware model: one using the previous sentence as
optimizer as in the original Transformer (Vaswani              the context, another one relying on the next sen-
et al., 2017). The hyperparameters, preprocessing              tence. We hypothesize that both the previous and
and training details are provided in the supplemen-            the next sentence provide a similar amount of ad-
tary material.                                                 ditional clues about the topic of the text, whereas
                                                               for discourse phenomena such as anaphora, dis-
5       Results and analysis                                   course relations and elliptical structures, the pre-
                                                               vious sentence is more important.
We start by experiments motivating the setting and
                                                                  First, we observe that our best model is the
verifying that the improvements are indeed gen-
                                                               one using a context encoder for the previous sen-
uine, i.e. they come from inducing predictive fea-
                                                               tence: it achieves 0.7 BLEU improvement over the
tures of the context. In subsequent section 5.2,
                                                               discourse-agnostic model. We also notice that, un-
we analyze the features induced by the context en-
                                                               like the previous sentence, the next sentence does
coder and perform error analysis.
                                                               not appear beneficial. This is a first indicator that
5.1      Overall performance                                   discourse phenomena are the main reason for the
                                                               observed improvement, rather than topic effects.
We use the traditional automatic metric BLEU on                Consequently, we focus solely on using the previ-
a general test set to get an estimate of the over-             ous sentence in all subsequent experiments.
all performance of the discourse-aware model, be-                 Second, we observe that the concatenation base-
fore turning to more targeted evaluation in the next           line appears less accurate than the introduced
section. We provide results in Table 1.3 The                   context-aware model. This result suggests that our
‘baseline’ is the discourse-agnostic version of the            model is not only more amendable to analysis but
Transformer. As another baseline we use the stan-              also potentially more effective than using concate-
dard Transformer applied to the concatenation of               nation.
the previous and source sentences, as proposed                    In order to verify that our improvements are
by Tiedemann and Scherrer (2017). Tiedemann                    genuine, we also evaluate our model (trained with
and Scherrer (2017) only used a special symbol                 the previous sentence as context) on the same test
to mark where the context sentence ends and the                set with shuffled context sentences. It can be seen
source sentence begins. This technique performed               that the performance drops significantly when a
badly with the non-recurrent Transformer archi-                real context sentence is replaced with a random
tecture in preliminary experiments, resulting in               one. This confirms that the model does rely on
    1                                      context information to achieve the improvement in
OpenSubtitles2018.php                                          translation quality, and is not merely better regu-
     The resulting data sets are freely available at http://   larized. However, the model is robust towards be-
     We use bootstrap resampling (Riezler and Maxwell,         ing shown a random context and obtains a perfor-
2005) for significance testing                                 mance similar to the context-agnostic baseline.
5.2   Analysis                                              word      attn    pos   word      attn    pos
In this section we investigate what types of con-             it     0.376    5.5     it     0.342    6.8
textual information are exploited by the model.             yours    0.338    8.4   yours    0.341    8.3
We study the distribution of attention to context            yes     0.332    2.5   ones     0.318    7.5
and perform analysis on specific subsets of the test           i     0.328    3.3    ’m      0.301    4.8
data. Specifically the research questions we seek           yeah     0.314    1.4    you     0.287    5.6
to answer are as follows:                                    you     0.311    4.8    am      0.274    4.4
                                                            ones     0.309    8.3      i     0.262    5.2
  • For the translation of which words does the              ’m      0.298    5.1     ’s     0.260    5.6
    model rely on contextual history most?                   wait    0.281    3.8    one     0.259    6.5
  • Are there any non-lexical patterns affecting            well     0.273    2.1    won     0.258    4.6
    attention to context, such as sentence length
                                                         Table 2: Top-10 words with the highest average
    and word position?
                                                         attention to context words. attn gives an average
  • Can the context-aware NMT system implic-             attention to context words, pos gives an average
    itly learn coreference phenomena without             position of the source word. Left part is for words
    any feature engineering?                             on all positions, right — for words on positions
                                                         higher than first.
   Since all the attentions in our model are multi-
head, by attention weights we refer to an average        “You” can be second person singular impolite or
over heads of per-head attention weights.                polite, or plural. Also, verbs must agree in gender
   First, we would like to identify a useful attention   and number with the translation of “you”.
mass coming to context. We analyze the attention
                                                            It might be not obvious why “I” has high con-
maps between source and context, and find that the
                                                         textual attention, as it is not ambiguous itself.
model mostly attends to  and  con-
                                                         However, in past tense, verbs must agree with “I”
text tokens, and much less often attends to words.
                                                         in gender, so to translate past tense sentences prop-
Our hypothesis is that the model has found a way
                                                         erly, the source encoder must predict speaker gen-
to take no information from context by looking at
                                                         der, and the context may provide useful indicators.
uninformative tokens, and it attends to words only
                                                            Most surprising is the appearance of “yes”,
when it wants to pass some contextual information
                                                         “yeah”, and “well” in the list of context-dependent
to the source sentence encoder. Thus we define
                                                         words, similar to the finding by Tiedemann and
useful contextual attention mass as sum of atten-
                                                         Scherrer (2017). We note that these words mostly
tion weights to context words, excluding 
                                                         appear in sentence-initial position, and in rela-
and  tokens and punctuation.
                                                         tively short sentences. If only words after the first
5.2.1 Top words depending on context                     are considered, they disappear from the top-10 list.
We analyze the distribution of attention to context      We hypothesize that the amount of attention to
for individual source words to see for which words       context not only depends on the words themselves,
the model depends most on contextual history. We         but also on factors such as sentence length and po-
compute the overall average attention to context         sition, and we test this hypothesis in the next sec-
words for each source word in our test set. We           tion.
do the same for source words at positions higher
than first. We filter out words that occurred less       5.2.2   Dependence on sentence length and
than 10 times in a test set. The top 10 words with               position
the highest average attention to context words are       We compute useful attention mass coming to con-
provided in Table 2.                                     text by averaging over source words. Figure 2 il-
   An interesting finding is that contextual atten-      lustrates the dependence of this average attention
tion is high for the translation of “it”, “yours”,       mass on sentence length. We observe a dispro-
“ones”, “you” and “I”, which are indeed very am-         portionally high attention on context for short sen-
biguous out-of-context when translating into Rus-        tences, and a positive correlation between the av-
sian. For example, “it” will be translated as third      erage contextual attention and context length.
person singular masculine, feminine or neuter, or           It is also interesting to see the importance given
third person plural depending on its antecedent.         to the context at different positions in the source
Figure 4: BLEU score vs. source sentence length
Figure 2: Average attention to context words vs.
both source and context length                        quality, and whether the model learns structures
                                                      related to anaphora resolution.
                                                      5.3.1   Ambiguous pronouns and translation
                                                      Ambiguous pronouns are relatively sparse in a
                                                      general-purpose test set, and previous work has
                                                      designed targeted evaluation of pronoun transla-
                                                      tion (Hardmeier et al., 2015; Miculicich Werlen
                                                      and Popescu-Belis, 2017; Bawden et al., 2018).
                                                      However, we note that in Russian, grammati-
Figure 3: Average attention to context vs. source
                                                      cal gender is not only marked on pronouns, but
token position
                                                      also on adjectives and verbs. Rather than us-
                                                      ing a pronoun-specific evaluation, we present re-
sentence. We compute an average attention mass        sults with BLEU on test sets where we hypothe-
to context for a set of 1500 sentences of the same    size context to be relevant, specifically sentences
length. As can be seen in Figure 3, words at          containing co-referential pronouns. We feed Stan-
the beginning of a source sentence tend to attend     ford CoreNLP open-source coreference resolution
to context more than words at the end of a sen-       system (Manning et al., 2014a) with pairs of sen-
tence. This correlates with standard view that En-    tences to find examples where there is a link be-
glish sentences present hearer-old material before    tween one of the pronouns under consideration
hearer-new.                                           and the context. We focus on anaphoric instances
   There is a clear (negative) correlation between    of “it” (this excludes, among others, pleonastic
sentence length and the amount of attention placed    uses of ”it”), and instances of the pronouns “I”,
on contextual history, and between token position     “you”, and “yours” that are coreferent with an ex-
and the amount of attention to context, which sug-    pression in the previous sentence. All these pro-
gests that context is especially helpful at the be-   nouns express ambiguity in the translation into
ginning of a sentence, and for shorter sentences.     Russian, and the model has learned to attend to
However, Figure 4 shows that there is no straight-    context for their translation (Table 2). To combat
forward dependence of BLEU improvement on             data sparsity, the test sets are extracted from large
source length. This means that while attention        amounts of held-out data of OpenSubtitles2018.
on context is disproportionally high for short sen-   Table 3 shows BLEU scores for the resulting sub-
tences, context does not seem disproportionally       sets.
more useful for these sentences.                         First of all, we see that most of the antecedents
                                                      in these test sets are also pronouns. Antecedent
5.3   Analysis of pronoun translation                 pronouns should not be particularly informative
The analysis of the attention model indicates that    for translating the source pronoun. Nevertheless,
the model attends heavily to the contextual history   even with such contexts, improvements are gener-
for the translation of some pronouns. Here, we        ally larger than on the overall test set.
investigate whether this context-aware modelling         When we focus on sentences where the an-
results in empirical improvements in translation      tecedent for pronoun under consideration contains
pronoun       N      #pronominal antecedent       baseline    our model     difference
           it          11128            6604                   25.4         26.6          +1.2
           you          6398            5795                   29.7         30.8          +1.1
           yours        2181            2092                   24.1         25.2          +1.1
           I            8205            7496                   30.1         30.0           -0.1
Table 3: BLEU for test sets with coreference between pronoun and a word in context sentence. We show
both N, the total number of instances in a particular test set, and number of instances with pronominal
antecedent. Significant BLEU differences are in bold.

  word       N       baseline   our model     diff.                           agreement (in %)
  it        4524       23.9        26.1       +2.2                      random first last attention
  you        693       29.9        31.7       +1.8        it              69      66   72      69
  I          709       29.1        29.7       +0.6        you             76      85   71      80
                                                          I               74      81   73      78
Table 4: BLEU for test sets of pronouns having a
nominal antecedent in context sentence. N: num-          Table 6: Agreement with CoreNLP for test sets of
ber of examples in the test set.                         pronouns having a nominal antecedent in context
                                                         sentence (%).
  type       N       baseline   our model      diff.
  masc.     2509       26.9        27.2        +0.3
  fem.      2403       21.8        26.6        +4.8         We see an improvement of 4-5 BLEU for sen-
  neuter     862       22.1        24.0        +1.9      tences where “it” is translated into a feminine or
  plural    1141       18.2        22.5        +4.3      plural pronoun by the reference. For cases where
                                                         “it” is translated into a masculine pronoun, the im-
Table 5: BLEU for test sets of pronoun “it” hav-         provement is smaller because the masculine gen-
ing a nominal antecedent in context sentence. N:         der is more frequent, and the context-agnostic
number of examples in the test set.                      baseline tends to translate the pronoun “it” as mas-
a noun, we observe even larger improvements (Ta-
                                                         5.3.2   Latent anaphora resolution
ble 4). Improvement is smaller for “I”, but we note
that verbs with first person singular subjects mark      The results in Tables 4 and 5 suggest that the
gender only in the past tense, which limits the im-      context-aware model exploits information about
pact of correctly predicting gender. In contrast,        the antecedent of an ambiguous pronoun. We hy-
different types of “you” (polite/impolite, singu-        pothesize that we can interpret the model’s atten-
lar/plural) lead to different translations of the pro-   tion mechanism as a latent anaphora resolution,
noun itself plus related verbs and adjectives, lead-     and perform experiments to test this hypothesis.
ing to a larger jump in performance. Examples               For test sets from Table 4, we find an antecedent
of nouns co-referent with “I” and “you” include          noun phrase (usually a determiner or a posses-
names, titles (“Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “officer”), terms de-      sive pronoun followed by a noun) using Stanford
noting family relationships (“Mom”, “Dad”), and          CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014b). We select only
terms of endearment (“honey”, “sweetie”). Such           examples where a noun phrase contains a single
nouns can serve to disambiguate number and gen-          noun to simplify our analysis. Then we identify
der of the speaker or addressee, and mark the level      which token receives the highest attention weight
of familiarity between them.                             (excluding  and  tokens and punc-
   The most interesting case is translation of “it”,     tuation). If this token falls within the antecedent
as “it” can have many different translations into        span, then we treat it as agreement (see Table 6).
Russian, depending on the grammatical gender of             One natural question might be: does the atten-
the antecedent. In order to disentangle these cases,     tion component in our model genuinely learn to
we train the Berkeley aligner on 10m sentences           perform anaphora resolution, or does it capture
and use the trained model to divide the test set         some simple heuristic (e.g., pointing to the last
with “it” referring to a noun into test sets specific    noun)? To answer this question, we consider sev-
to each gender and number. Results are in Table 5.       eral baselines: choosing a random, last or first
agreement (in %)                                         agreement (in %)
              random first last attention                        CoreNLP           77
  it            40      36   52      58                          attention         72
  you           42      63   29      67                          last noun         54
  I             39      56   35      62
                                                        Table 8:     Performance of CoreNLP and our
Table 7: Agreement with CoreNLP for test sets of        model’s attention mechanism compared to human
pronouns having a nominal antecedent in context         assessment. Examples with ≥1 noun in context
sentence (%). Examples with ≥1 noun in context          sentence.

noun from the context sentence as an antecedent.
   Note that an agreement of the last noun for “it”
or the first noun for “you” and “I” is very high.
This is partially due to the fact that most context
sentences have only one noun. For these examples
a random and last predictions are always correct,
meanwhile attention does not always pick a noun
as the most relevant word in the context. To get
a more clear picture let us now concentrate only        Figure 5: An example of an attention map between
on examples where there is more than one noun in        source and context. On the y-axis are the source
the context (Table 7). We can now see that the at-      tokens, on the x-axis the context tokens. Note
tention weights are in much better agreement with       the high attention between “it” and its antecedent
the coreference system than any of the heuristics.      “heart”.
This indicates that the model is indeed performing
anaphora resolution.
                                                                                right wrong
   While agreement with CoreNLP is encourag-
                                                                   attn right    53    19
ing, we are aware that coreference resolution by
                                                                   attn wrong    24     4
CoreNLP is imperfect and partial agreement with
it may not necessarily indicate that the attention is   Table 9:     Performance of CoreNLP and our
particularly accurate. In order to control for this,    model’s attention mechanism compared to human
we asked human annotators to manually evaluate          assessment (%). Examples with ≥1 noun in con-
500 examples from the test sets where CoreNLP           text sentence.
predicted that “it” refers to a noun in the con-
text sentence. More precisely, we picked random         heuristic (+18%). This confirms our conclusion
500 examples from the test set with “it” from Ta-       that our model performs latent anaphora resolu-
ble 7. We marked the pronoun in a source which          tion. Interestingly, the patterns of mistakes are
CoreNLP found anaphoric. Assessors were given           quite different for CoreNLP and our model (Ta-
the source and context sentences and were asked to      ble 9). We also present one example (Figure 5)
mark an antecedent noun phrase for a marked pro-        where the attention correctly predicts anaphora
noun in a source sentence or say that there is no       while CoreNLP fails. Nevertheless, there is room
antecedent at all. We then picked those examples        for improvement, and improving the attention
where assessors found a link from “it” to some          component is likely to boost translation perfor-
noun in context (79% of all examples). Then we          mance.
evaluated agreement of CoreNLP and our model
                                                        6   Related work
with the ground truth links. We also report the
performance of the best heuristic for “it” from our     Our analysis focuses on how our context-aware
previous analysis (i.e. last noun in context). The      neural model implicitly captures anaphora. Early
results are provided in Table 8.                        work on anaphora phenomena in statistical ma-
   The agreement between our model and the              chine translation has relied on external systems
ground truth is 72%. Though 5% below the coref-         for coreference resolution (Le Nagard and Koehn,
erence system, this is a lot higher than the best       2010; Hardmeier and Federico, 2010). Results
were mixed, and the low performance of corefer-         comments. The authors also thank David Tal-
ence resolution systems was identified as a prob-       bot and Yandex Machine Translation team for
lem for this type of system. Later work by Hard-        helpful discussions and inspiration. Ivan Titov
meier et al. (2013) has shown that cross-lingual        acknowledges support of the European Research
pronoun prediction systems can implicitly learn         Council (ERC StG BroadSem 678254) and the
to resolve coreference, but this work still relied      Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO VIDI
on external feature extraction to identify anaphora     639.022.518). Rico Sennrich has received fund-
candidates. Our experiments show that a context-        ing from the Swiss National Science Foundation
aware neural machine translation system can im-         (105212 169888).
plicitly learn coreference phenomena without any
feature engineering.
   Tiedemann and Scherrer (2017) and Bawden             References
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7   Conclusions                                          Linguistics, Boulder, Colorado, pages 19–27.
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discourse phenomena, for example whether they
improve the translation of elliptical constructions,    Christian Hardmeier. 2012. Discourse in statistical ma-
and markers of discourse relations and informa-           chine translation: A survey and a case study. Dis-
                                                          cours 11.
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Acknowledgments                                           Modelling Pronominal Anaphora in Statistical Ma-
                                                          chine Translation. In Proceedings of the seventh In-
We would like to thank Bonnie Webber for helpful          ternational Workshop on Spoken Language Transla-
discussions and annonymous reviewers for their            tion (IWSLT). pages 283–289.
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  Nivre. 2013. Latent anaphora resolution for cross-         David McClosky. 2014b. The Stanford CoreNLP
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                                                          and Ba, 2015) with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98 and ε =
                                                          109 . We vary the learning rate over the course of
                                                          training, according to the formula:

                                                              lrate = d0.5                 0.5
                                                                       model · min(step num ,
                                                                                step num · warmup steps1.5 )

                                                              We use warmup steps = 4000.

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