Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...

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Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...

                       Course Guide

Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts
Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr. Lydia Moyer
Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
THE PROFILE OF A                                  CONTENTS
                                                          WELCOME                           3
                                                          COURSE PROGRESSIONS               4
                                                          PLANNING YOUR FUTURE              5
World Class Knowledge
                                                          GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS           7
    Rigorous standards in language arts and math for     COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS              8
   career and college readiness
                                                          NCAA ELIGIBILITY                  9
    Multiple Languages, science, technology, engineer-   INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES        10
   ing, mathematics (STEM), arts and social sciences
                                                          TESTING FOR COLLEGE               11
World Class Skills
                                                          TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS           12
      Creativity and innovation                          STATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS     14
      Critical thinking and problem solving              COURSE LEVELS                     15

      Collaboration and teamwork                         SC 10 POINT GRADING SCALE         16
                                                          ACADEMIC COURSES                  17
      Communication, information, media and technology
                                                                ENGLISH                     17
      Knowing how to learn                                     MATHEMATICS                 19
Life and Career Characteristics                                 SCIENCE                     21

      Integrity                                                SOCIAL STUDIES              23
                                                                FOREIGN LANGUAGES           26
      Self- direction
                                                                FINE ARTS                   27
      Global perspective
                                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION          30
      Perseverance                                       CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION   31
                                                          CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY CLASSES     34
      Work ethic
                                                                BUSINESS MANAGEMENT         34
      Interpersonal skills
                                                                AGRICULTURE                 36
                                                                HUMAN SERVICES/FACS         39
                                                                EDUCATION AND TRAINING      40
                                                          ELECTIVES                         41
                                                          TCTC PATHWAYS                     43
                                                          AIT                               49
                                                          SPECIAL NEEDS                     51
                                                          DUAL CREDIT                       52
                                                          VIRTUAL SCHOOL                    53
                                                          HONORS AND AWARDS                 54
                                                          NATIONAL ACADEMIC CLUBS           56
Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
The mission of Crescent High School is to develop responsible
 The mission of Anderson School District Three, serving a rural community
 with an agricultural heritage, is to develop well-rounded, productive citi-
 zens and life-long learners for a diverse society through challenging, inno-
vative educational experiences in a safe environment, guided by competent,
    caring, committed staff in partnership with a supportive community.

                                                   WE BELIEVE…
       The administration, faculty, and staff of
CHS are dedicated to pursuing higher                  All individuals have value and can
standards in all levels of achievement for all         learn.
students in our school. For students, the             Academic excellence is the goal for
responsibility for learning and growth requires        each individual.
an investment of time, determination and a
strong work ethic. At Crescent High School, we        All individuals have the right to be
believe providing students with extracurricular        treated equally with dignity and
opportunities is also an important part of the         respect.
profile of a South Carolina graduate.                 All individuals are entitled to a
       Extracurricular activities are essential        physically and emotionally safe
components to the overall high school                  environment.
educational experience. Crescent High School
                                                      Successful education is a combined
students have many opportunities to become
                                                       effort of the home, school, and
involved in positive extracurricular experiences
through our athletic programs, visual and              community.
performing arts, student government                   Education is a lifelong process which
association, career and technical education            strengthens and enhances the quality
programs, clubs and student organizations.             of life in the community.
       As a community, we must work together          Education must promote the physical,
to make Crescent High School be the best               cultural, social, emotional, and
school possibly. We encourage your active
                                                       cognitive needs of all students.
involvement in your student’s education and in
our school. Thank you for your continued
support and dedication to Crescent High

Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...

                                                                      COURSE PROGRESSIONS
                                                   The following are course progression recommendation for students in 9th-12th grades. Students should
                                                   contact their school counselor or a teacher for academic advice regarding their specific academic needs.

                                                                  9th Grade                  10th Grade               11th Grade              12th Grade

                                                                                                                      English 3
                                                                                             English 2                English 4               English 4
                                                                  English 1
                                                                                             English 3                English 4 CP            English 4 CP
                                                 English          English 2
                                                                                             English 3 CP             English 4 Honors        TCTC English 101
                                                                  English 2 Honors
                                                                                             English 3 Honors         TCTC English 101        TCTC English 102
                                                                                                                      TCTC English 102

                                                                                                                                              Math Fusion
                                                                  Foundations of Algebra     Intermediate Algebra     Math Fusion
                                                                                                                                              Probability &
                                                                  Algebra 1 CP               Geometry                 Algebra 2 CP
                                                 Math                                                                                         Statistics CP
                                                                  Algebra 2 CP               Geometry CP              Probability &
                                                                                                                                              Pre-Calculus Honors
                                                                  Algebra 2 Honors           Geometry Honors          Statistics CP
                                                                                                                                              AP Calculus AB
                                                                                                                      Pre-Calculus Honors

                                                                                                                                              Earth Science
                                                                                                                      Earth Science           Physics CP
                                                                                                                      Physics CP              Anatomy &
 Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                                  Environmental Studies
                                                                                             Biology 1 CP             Anatomy &               Physiology CP
                                                 Science          Physical Science
                                                                                             Biology 1 Honors         Physiology CP           Chemistry CP
                                                                  Physical Science Honors
                                                                                                                      Chemistry CP            Chemistry Honors
                                                                                                                      Chemistry Honors        AP Chemistry
                                                                                                                                              AP Biology

                                                                  World Geography                                     US History
                                                 Social                                      Government/                                      AP US History
                                                                  World History Honors                                US History Honors
                                                 Studies          AP Human Geography
                                                                                             Economics Honors
                                                                                                                      AP US History
                                                                                                                                              AP Psychology
                                                                                             US History Honors
                                                                                                                      AP Psychology
                                                                                             AP Psychology

Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
COURSE REGISTRATION                                           COURSE LEVEL CHANGES

                                                                                                                            PLANNING YOUR FUTURE
Ninth and tenth grade students must register for a full       Changing course levels of a particular subject is
schedule (7 credit bearing courses). Eleventh grade           sometimes necessary and in the best interest of the
students must register for a minimum of 6 credit bearing      student. The student’s teacher and parents must be in
courses and will have the option of late arrival. Twelfth     agreement for this to take place. Recommendations for
grade students must register for a minimum of five            changing levels must be made no later than the
credit bearing courses. All students will register for        beginning of second semester.
courses which are both required and necessary to attain
their education goals and majors. During the registration
process, students will select their courses along with two    RETAKING A COURSE FOR CREDIT
alternate courses. Alternate courses will be assigned in      Students in grades nine through twelve may retake a
the event that first choice selections are not available.     course at the same level of difficulty if they have earned
Students who fail to complete the registration process        a D or an F in that course. Retaking the course means
will be assigned classes by the Guidance Department.          that the student completes the entire course again (not a
                                                              subset of the course such as through credit or content
ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS                                       recovery). If the course being retaken has an EOCEP, the
In order to receive one Carnegie unit of credit, a student    EOCEP must be retaken. The student’s transcript will
must have:                                                    reflect both course instances. Only one course attempt
                                                              and the highest grade earned for the course will be
   A passing average AND                                     calculated in the GPA. A student who has taken a course
   No more than 10 unlawful absences in a 1-unit             for a unit of high school credit prior to his or her ninth
    course or 5 unlawful absences in a ½ unit course.         grade year may retake that course regardless of the
                                                              grade he or she has earned. A student who retakes a
   A student may have up to six parent notes in a one
                                                              high school credit course from middle school must
    unit course and three parent notes in a ½ unit
                                                              complete it before the beginning of the second year of
                                                              high school. A student in grades nine through twelve,
                                                              must retake a course by the end of the next school year
                                                              or before the next sequential course (whichever comes
                                                              first). In such a case, only the highest grade will be used
Parents and students have the opportunity to make
                                                              in figuring the student’s GPA. The student may not
course request changes and level changes until the last
                                                              retake the course if the course being replaced has been
school day prior to the start of spring break. The
                                                              used as a prerequisite for enrollment in a subsequent
deadline for changes is necessary for the master
                                                              course; i.e., a student may not retake Algebra 1 after
schedule to be developed. Schedules will be issued at
                                                              having earned credit for a higher level mathematics
Registration in August of the current school year.
                                                              course (Geometry, Algebra 2).
Students and parents will be able to review the schedule

                                                                                                                                Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
at this time and request changes if necessary. Every
attempt will be made to have student schedules final by       AUDITING A COURSE
the first day of school. Any schedule change request
must be made in writing and submitted to guidance by          A student may request to audit a course if he or she has
the third day of school. Schedule change requests will be     a 5.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA).
reviewed and a decision will be made.                         An audited course will receive a grade of AU and will
                                                              have no impact on the student’s GPA. The decision to
WITHDRAWAL FROM A COURSE                                      audit must be made in advance of taking the course and
                                                              the student must agree to follow all school and
With the first day of enrollment as the baseline, students    classroom attendance, behavior, participation, and
who withdraw from a course within 5 days in a 90-day          course requirements. The course must be marked for
course, or 10 days in a 180-day course will do so             “no credit” and “not included in GPA” at the student
without penalty. Students who withdraw from a course          level. Students who audit a course that requires an End-
after 5 days in a 90-day course or 10 days in a 180-day       of-Course Examination should not take the End-of-
course shall be assigned a WF and a 50 will be calculated     Course Examination Program (EOCEP).
in the student’s overall grade point average. Withdrawal
limitations for distance learning, dual credit, and virtual
courses will be established by local districts in
conjunction with partner institutions of higher education
and VirtualSC enrollment and withdrawal deadlines.

Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
PLANNING YOUR FUTURE                                                     PLANNING YOUR FUTURE
                                                 SEMESTER AND FINAL EXAMS                                  LATE ARRIVAL/EARLY DISMISSAL

                                                 Students in Grades 9–12 are given cumulative,             Seniors may apply for the privilege of late arrival
                                                 standards-based exams at the end of each semester for     and/or early dismissal. Juniors may apply for the
                                                 each course. Exams count 10% of the semester grade.       privilege of late arrival only. This privilege may be
                                                                                                           revoked for disciplinary infractions that result in ISS,
                                                 All students are eligible to exempt exams if they meet
                                                                                                           OSS, failing grades, poor attendance, loitering, or
                                                 the following criteria:
                                                                                                           other reasons determined by the administration.
                                                    an overall course average of 93 or better during      Students cannot request early dismissal unless they
                                                     the semester                                          have finished all classes for the day.
                                                    no more than three parent notes or unexcused          CHS will not be responsible for transportation or any
                                                     (UNX) ) absences                                      accidents that may occur before the student arrives at
                                                                                                           school or once the student has left the building.
                                                 No student may exempt a state mandated end-of-
                                                 course exam. End-of-course exams count as 20% of the      Late arrival students are not to arrive on campus or
                                                 final grade in the specified courses.                     enter the building prior to their first class unless
                                                                                                           approved by the administration. They are responsible
                                                 END‐OF‐COURSE EXAMINATION PROGRAM                         for being on time to their first class.
                                                 (EOCEP) AND CREDIT RECOVERY                               Early dismissal students must leave the building
                                                                                                           immediately after their last period class. Students are
                                                 Students who are enrolled in courses requiring state
                                                                                                           not to return to campus after leaving unless approved
                                                 end‐of‐course examinations must take the
                                                                                                           by the administration.
                                                 examinations and fulfill all requirements outlined in
                                                 Regulation 43-262.                                        Late arrival and early dismissal is a privilege, and
                                                                                                           specific requirements will have to be met by the
                                                 Students will be allowed to take the examination only
                                                                                                           student. This includes transportation. It is the
                                                 once, at the end of the regular course duration and not
                                                                                                           student's responsibility to know the class schedule for
                                                 at the end of an extended period granted through the
                                                                                                           each day. The schedule will change periodically due
                                                 credit recovery option. Students who repeat the course
                                                                                                           to activities.
                                                 must be treated as though they are taking the course
                                                 for the first time, and all requirements will apply.
                                                                                                           GUIDANCE CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                 Due to Federal guidelines, students will be required to
                                                                                                           Beth Black, Director of Guidance
                                                 complete an End of Course (EOC) assessment, which
                                                 will count 20% of the student’s final grade in the
                                                 following courses:                                        864-352-6175 ext. 2224

                                                    Algebra 1 CP
 Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                                                                           Kathy Adams, School Counselor
                                                    Intermediate Algebra                        
                                                    Biology 1                                             864-352-6175 ext. 2208

                                                    English 1 and/or English 2
                                                                                                           Michelle Parnell, Career Development Facilitator
                                                    US History
                                                                                                           and School-to-Work Coordinator
                                                 ATTENDANCE RECOVERY
                                                                                                           864-352-6175   ext. 2220
                                                    Attendance recovery will be offered on specified
                                                     dates as outlined in the student handbook.
                                                                                                           Alex Smith, Career Development Facilitator
                                                    The maximum number of periods recovered will
                                                     be 9 for a full unit course and 5 for a half unit     864-352-6175 ext. 2225

                                                    There is a non-refundable fee of $5 per hour with
                                                                                                           Connie Watt, Guidance Secretary
                                                     a minimum charge of $15. Students must be on
                                                     time and will be dismissed for misbehavior.
                                                                                                           864-352-6175 ext. 2222

Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...

                                                                                                                           GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
GRADUATION ELIGIBILITY                                     EARLY GRADUATION

A student may become eligible to participate in the        An early graduate is a student who desires to obtain a
graduation ceremonies if he/she has acquired 23 units      high school diploma in 3 years. Early graduation is a
and is within only 1 required unit to meet the             program of acceleration for those students whose post
requirements for a high school diploma or certificate.
                                                           -secondary plans or career/job plans necessitate early
Students participating in graduation who are
completing adult education must have adult                 graduation.
education send written verification that the student
                                                           Any student who is interested in being an early
has met graduation requirements. This verification
must be sent to the guidance counselor at least 2          graduate must follow the procedure listed below:
weeks prior to graduation. It is the responsibility of     1.   Secure parental approval. Schedule a parent
the student attending adult education to make sure              conference with the guidance counselor.
the verification is sent to Crescent and received by the   2.   Meet with a guidance counselor by August of the
guidance counselor at Crescent.                                 intended graduating year to create a plan for early
PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS                                          graduation.
                                                           3.   Meet all academic requirements for graduation.
   10th Grade: 5 units (must include English 1 and
    one required math)                                     Early graduates, when promoted to 11th grade, will
                                                           remain classified as 11th grade students during their
   11th Grade: 11 units (must include English 1, 2,
    and two required math units, one required science      entire last year of high school. Early graduates must
    unit, and one required social studies unit)            participate in school activities on the 11th grade level.

   12th Grade: 17 units (must include English 1, 2, 3,    Early graduates who meet the promotion policy to be
    and three required math units, two required            promoted to the 12th grade will be promoted to the
    science units, and two required social studies         12th grade. The student will still be considered an
                                                           Early Graduate and will be classified as a 12th grade
   Promotion will occur only at the end of an             student. The student will be able to receive senior
    academic school year (including summer school).
                                                           privileges and his/her GPA and class rank will be
    All 9th, and 10th grade students must be enrolled
    in at least 7 courses per year. All 11th grade         included with other members of the 12th grade class.
    students must be enrolled in 6 courses per year.       The student will participate in activities on the 12th
                                                           grade level.
In addition to the 24 unit requirement, students must

                                                                                                                                Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
meet the following criteria:
 Must demonstrate proficiency in computer literacy
  before graduation.                                                               SC HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA
                                                                                  GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
 Students in a college preparatory program must                                                                  UNITS
  earn one unit in a foreign language. (most 4-year                                                             REQUIRED
  colleges and universities require at least 2 units of         ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS                       4 CREDITS
  the same foreign language). Students in a College             MATHEMATICS                                 4 CREDITS
  Preparatory program must also earn a fine art unit.
                                                                SCIENCE                                     3 CREDITS
 Must meet any other requirement as identified by              US HISTORY                                  1 CREDIT
  the South Carolina State Department of Ed.                    OTHER SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE(S)              1 CREDIT

 Students must pass a high school credit course in             U.S. GOVERNMENT                             ½ CREDIT
  science in which an end-of-course examination is              ECONOMICS                                   ½ CREDIT
                                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION                          1 CREDIT
 The South Carolina Department of Education is                 COMPUTER SCIENCE                            1 CREDIT
  developing Personalized Pathways for students                 FOREIGN LANGUAGE OR CATE COURSE             1 CREDIT
  entering the 9th grade in August of 2018. Please              ELECTIVES                                   7 CREDITS
  visit the following URL for current                           TOTAL                                       24 CREDITS
Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS                                                     COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS

                                                 The SC Commission on Higher Education establishes college preparatory course guidelines for high school students who
                                                 will attend a public four year college or university in the state of South Carolina. Entering college freshman must complete a
                                                 college preparatory course of study. The College Preparatory Course Prerequisite Requirements are minimal requirements
                                                 for four year public college admission. Therefore, students should check early with colleges of their choice to ensure
                                                 additional requirements for admission are met. Please check with your guidance counselor and with the admissions
                                                 counselor at the college or university that you plan to attend. The following page contains the South Carolina Commission
                                                 on Higher Education prerequisites for direct enrollment for an in-state four year college or university.

                                                     Subject                                                              Requirements

                                                                       FOUR UNITS OF ENGLISH

                                                    ENGLISH        At least two units must have strong grammar and composition components, at least one must be in English literature, and
                                                                   at least one must be in American literature. Completion of College Preparatory English 1, 2, 3 and 4 will meet this criterion.

                                                                       FOUR UNITS OF MATHEMATICS
                                                     S             These include Algebra 1 CP, Algebra 2, and Geometry. A fourth higher-level mathematics course should be selected from
                                                                   among Probability and Statistics, Pre-calculus, Calculus, Math Fusion, or any approved Dual Credit Mathematics (TCTC).

                                                                       THREE UNITS OF LABORATORY SCIENCE

                                                                   Two units must be taken in two different fields of the physical or life sciences and selected from among biology, chemistry,
                                                                   or physics. The third unit may be from the same field as one of the first two units (biology, chemistry, or physics) or from
                                                    SCIENCE        any laboratory science for which biology and/or chemistry is a prerequisite. Courses in earth science, general physical
                                                                   science, or introductory or general environmental studies for which biology and/or chemistry is not a prerequisite will not
                                                                   meet this requirement. It is strongly recommended that students take physical science (taught as a laboratory science) as a
                                                                   prerequisite to the three required units of laboratory science outlines in this section. It is also strongly recommended that
                                                                   students desiring to pursue careers in science, mathematics, engineering or technology take one course in all three fields.

                                                                       TWO UNITS OF THE SAME FOREIGN LANGUAGE
 Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                                       THREE UNITS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
                                                    SCIENCE        One unit of U.S. History is required; a half unit of Economics and a half unit in Government are strongly recommended.

                                                                       SEVEN UNITS OF ELECTIVES

                                                                   One unit must be taken as an elective. A college preparatory course in Computer Science (i.e., one involving significant
                                                                   programming content, not simply keyboarding) is strongly recommended for this elective. Other acceptable electives
                                                   ELECTIVES       include college preparatory courses in English; fine arts; foreign language; social science; humanities, laboratory science
                                                                   (excluding earth science, general physical science, general environmental studies, or other introductory science courses for
                                                                   which biology and/or chemistry is not a prerequisite); or mathematics above the level of Algebra II.

                                                    PE OR S/C          ONE UNIT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION

                                                                       ONE UNIT OF FINE ARTS
                                                   FINE ARTS
                                                                   One unit in Appreciation of, History of, or Performance in one of the fine arts.

                                                 For more information, please visit the SC Commission on Higher Education at or call (803) 737-2260.

Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
WHAT IS THE NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER?                          The ACT score used for NCAA purposes is a sum
                                                               of the following four sections: English,
The NCAA Eligibility Center took over operations for           mathematics, reading and science.

                                                                                                                     NCAA GUIDELINES
the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse in                  When you register for the SAT or ACT, use the
November 2007.                                                 NCAA Eligibility Center code of 9999 to ensure all
                                                               SAT and ACT scores are reported directly to the
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?                                           NCAA Eligibility Center from the testing agency.
                                                               Test scores that appear on transcripts will not be
The Eligibility Center certifies the academic and              used.
amateur credentials of all students who want to play
sports at an NCAA Division I or II institution as
                                                           OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION
freshmen. In order to practice, play and receive an
athletics scholarship, students need to meet certain          Division II The SAT combined score is based on the
academic benchmarks. An additional certification               verbal and math sections only. The writing section
process exists to make sure the student is still an            will not be used.
amateur, which is necessary in order for the student to
                                                              SAT and ACT scores must be reported directly to
                                                               the clearinghouse from the testing agency. Scores
                                                               on transcripts will not be used.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)        For more information regarding the rules or to locate
has strict guidelines regarding credit for courses taken   the NCAA Division I and II Sliding Scales, please see
online. Some online courses are NOT APPROVED by            the following links:
the NCAA for eligibility purposes. Before enrolling in
any online class, be sure to consult with the athletic     NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER
director and guidance counselor to determine if the
online course you are considering is approved for          DIVISION I SLIDING SCALE
credit by the NCAA.

GRADE-POINT AVERAGE                                        DIVISION II SLIDING SCALE

   Be sure to look at your high school’s List of NCAA
    Courses on the NCAA Eligibility Center's website

                                                                                                                        Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020 Use the list as a guide.
                                                           Or call the NCAA Eligibility Center’s toll–free number,
   Only courses that appear on your school's List of
                                                           (877) 622-2321 for additional questions.
    NCAA Courses will be used in the calculation of
    the core grade-point average. Use the list as a
   Division I and II core grade-point-average
    requirements are listed on the sliding scale.
   Remember, the NCAA grade-point average is
    calculated using NCAA core courses.


   Division I and Division II uses a sliding scale to
    match test scores and core grade-point averages.

   The SAT score used for NCAA purposes includes
    only the critical reading and math sections. The
    writing section of the SAT is not used.
Course Guide 2019-2020 - CRESCENT HIGH SCHOOL - Principal: Mr. T. Cliff Roberts Assistant Principals: Mr. Jeff Craft, Mr. Bryce Duckett, and Dr ...
                                                  ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS                                      3.   A course that is dropped after the 20th day of a
                                                                                                                     semester with a failing average will be considered as
                                                  The South Carolina High School League formulates and               a failed course when determining academic
                                                  maintains the policies that will safeguard the educational         eligibility for the following semester.
                                                  values of interscholastic competition and to cultivate
                                                  high ideals of sportsmanship. These requirements cover        4.   Credit courses used for eligibility purposes must be
                                                  activities such as athletics.                                      courses that are applicable as credit toward a state
                                                                                                                     high school diploma. A student may also use college
                                                  NINTH GRADERS                                                      credit courses provided the student has met or is
                                                                                                                     meeting all requirements for graduation.
                                                  Ninth grade students who have not earned Carnegie
                                                  units must have been academically promoted from the           5.   Academic deficiencies may not be made up through
                                                                                                                     enrollment in adult education programs.
                                                  eighth grade to be eligible for participation in the fall
                                                  semester activities.                                          6.   A maximum of two credit recovery units may be
                                                                                                                     used toward eligibility, to include the two units
                                                                                                                     presently allowed in summer school. The course
                                                  STUDENT ELIGIBILITY RULES                                          would have to be accepted by the State Department
                                                                                                                     of Education for graduation and accredited by a
                                                  A. A student, while participating, must be a full-time             certified teacher in that field. To be eligible for
                                                     student as determined by guidelines set forth by
                                                                                                                     recovery credits, the student must have received a
                                                     the State Department of Education. A student who
                                                                                                                     minimum grade of 60. this is me faking words hope
                                                     is repeating a course for which he has previously
                                                                                                                     you are okay with that
                                                     received credit cannot count this course as one
                                                     required for eligibility. This is considered as            C. A student must not have received a high
                                                     monitoring a course. This is me also faking words             school diploma or its equivalent.
                                                  B. To participate in interscholastic athletic activities,
                                                     students in grades 9-12 must achieve an overall            STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES
                                                     passing average in addition to the following:
                                                                                                                    Students diagnosed with disabilities and being
                                                     To be eligible in the first semester a student must           served in a non-diploma program shall be
                                                       pass a minimum of five Carnegie units applicable              considered eligible for participation in interscholastic
                                                       toward a high school diploma during the previous              activities if he/she is successfully meeting the
                                                       year. At least two units must have been passed                requirements of his/her Individual Education Plan.
                                                       during the second semester or summer school.
                                                                                                                    Students diagnosed with disabilities and being
                                                       To be eligible during the second semester the student         served in a program leading to a state high school
                                                       must meet one of the following conditions:                    diploma must meet all eligibility requirements
  Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                           a.   If the student met first semester eligibility        previously stated for participation in interscholastic
                                                                requirements then he or she must pass the            activities.
                                                                equivalent of four ½ units during the first
                                                                                                                FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                           b.   If the student did not meet first semester
                                                                eligibility requirements then he or she must    You can find South Carolina High School League on the
                                                                pass the equivalent of five ½ units during      web at or call (803) 798-0120 for
                                                                the first semester.                             more information.
                                                  2.   Students must satisfy eligibility requirements in the
                                                       semester preceding participation.
                                                           a.   Credits earned in a summer school
                                                                approved by the Department of Education
                                                                may apply for first semester eligibility. A
                                                                maximum of 2 units per year may be used.
                                                           b.   Students eligible for a first semester sport
                                                                will be permitted to complete that sport
                                                                even if it extends into the second semester..


                                                                                                      TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS

Students applying to a two‐year technical college do not have to take the SAT or ACT. Instead,
students take the ACCUPLACER placement test to identify a student’s strengths and
weaknesses for work in a two‐year or college transfer program. Accuplacer measure skills in
Reading, English, and Mathematics. All juniors have the opportunity to take Accuplacer to help
gauge their “college readiness.” Students who plan to qualify for dual credit courses will be
required to take Accuplacer. Students interested in the health field should check with their
college of interest, since these programs may also require the ACT or SAT.


The placement test administered at Tri-County is the Accuplacer test. Developed by the College
Board, the Accuplacer test is an untimed computer based placement test which measures skills
in Reading, English, and Mathematics. Even though Accuplacer is a computer-based test, very
little computer skills are necessary to complete it. Accuplacer is not a pass/fail test. Accuplacer
test scores are used to determined initial course placement levels in selected subjects.

                                     FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE

The ACT and SAT are used by colleges and scholarship selection committees as one indicator of
a student’s potential to do college work. The ACT provides a measure of performance in English,
Mathematics, Reading, and Science. An optional writing test is required by some colleges. The
SAT is a multiple‐choice test of Critical Reading, Math and Writing. On the writing section,
students complete an essay and answer questions designed to measure ability to improve
sentences and paragraphs and identify errors.

                                                                                                           Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS                                        TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS
                                                                                      TESTING ASSESSMENTS
                                                  The following resources and tests help students, parents and schools as they team to develop and
                                                  refine Individual Graduation Plans (IGP’s). These career inventories and academic assessments
                                                  help students narrow their focus and plan a sequence of courses to prepare them for multiple op-
                                                  tions after graduation. South Carolina pays for all third year students to take either the ACT or the

                                                                                          PreACT-GRADE 10
                                                  The PreACT provides students with a realistic ACT experience. This test gives students practice
                                                  with the ACT test and empowers them, their parents, and educators with valuable insights on
                                                  how they will do on the actual ACT. It gauges students and shows them, based on their answers,
                                                  where they should score when taking the ACT so that they may practice on what is needed to
                                                  achieve a higher score.

                                                                                          PSAT—GRADE 10
                                                  The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) measures rea-
                                                  soning and critical thinking skills, providing feedback on academic skills to help prepare for the
                                                  SAT. Additionally, the PSAT is the screening test for juniors wishing to participate in National
                                                  Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts two annual competitions for recognition
                                                  and scholarships. Sophomores and juniors are encouraged to sign up for this test, only a limited
                                                  number of slots are available. More information can be found at and

                                                                                            ACT—Grade 11
                                                  The ACT assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to com-
                                                  plete college-level work. The ACT contains multiple-choice tests in the following five areas: Eng-
                                                  lish, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing.
                                                  The ACT is typically taken the junior or senior year. Please note that students who wish to receive
  Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                  accommodations and have a college-reportable score, must follow all ACT guidelines and be ap-
                                                  proved by the ACT. If accommodations are not approved by the ACT, students can receive local
                                                  or state accommodations; however, the test score will not serve as a college-entrance exam.

                                                                                            SAT—Grade 11
                                                  Created by the College Board, the SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities
                                                  to make admissions decisions. SATs are administered about 7 times a year, with more test dates
                                                  in autumn than spring. You can receive reminders and notifications about the SAT by signing up
                                                  for notifications through the SAT website.



                                                                                                             TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS
The ASVAB consists of three main components that include a multiple-aptitude test, an interest
inventory, and a career exploration tool. The multiple-aptitude test covers eight areas including science,
world knowledge, mathematics, and mechanical comprehension. It assesses a student’s ability to learn
new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The interest inventory is
based on Holland’s theory of career choice, and the career exploration tool helps students identify
occupations that match their own interest. The ASVAB is not a recruiting function and the school
determines whether or not to release student information to the military. Students that would like to sign
up should contact administration.


Preparing students who are Career Ready is an important responsibility of Crescent High School and the
State of South Carolina. This year, 11th grade students in South Carolina will take the WIN (Worldwide
Interactive Network) Ready to Work (R2W) assessment. The SC Department of Education has defined
11th grade students as students in their third year in high school after initial enrollment in 9th grade.

The WIN Ready to Work test consists of four multiple-choice timed tests –Applied Mathematics, Reading
for Information, Locating Information, and Essential Soft Skills. The Ready to Work tests measure real
world skills that employers believe are critical to job success. Students may earn WIN’s career readiness
credential and an Essential Soft Skills credential, which is recognized by businesses and industries
Applied Mathematics - 55 min.
Reading for Information - 55 min.
Locating Information - 55 min.
Essential Soft Skills - 60 min.

                                                                                                                  Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

STATE SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS                                     Palmetto Fellows   LIFE Scholarship   S. C. HOPE    S. C. Needs-   Lottery Tui-
                                                                Scholarship                           Scholarship   Based Grant    tionAssistance



  Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020


SC COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION                            initial board approval. The district should retain
                                                             evidence that the honors course framework was
The SC Commission on Higher Education has defined
                                                             applied to the development of the course. Courses (and
the course levels for the courses that are carrying
Carnegie units, including units earned at the middle         supporting evidence) may be audited by the SCDE in

                                                                                                                          COURSE LEVELS
school level. Academic courses are available on several      the desk audit and full accreditation audit cycles.
ability and performance levels to meet the varied
                                                             School districts may designate honors courses and give
learning, post-secondary education and career needs of
                                                             the assigned weighting under the following conditions:
                                                             There must be evidence that the honors-level course
                                                             represents extension, acceleration, and enrichment of
College Prep courses are designed to prepare students        the South Carolina College Preparatory (CP) level
for post‐secondary studies in traditional 2-year and 4-
                                                             course study. Curriculum should indicate depth in
year academic programs. The college preparatory level
of rigor prepares students for post-secondary                rigor, complexity, challenges, and creativity beyond the
experiences.                                                 CP level course as outlined in the Profile of the South
                                                             Carolina Graduate. There must be evidence of
                                                             appropriate differentiation in instructional practices for
Honors courses, which extend and deepen the
                                                             advanced learners that will enhance the delivery of
opportunities provided by courses at the high school
                                                             instruction while strengthening the components
level, are designed for students exhibiting superior
                                                             outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
abilities in the particular content area. The honors
                                                             There must be evidence that purposeful assessment
curriculum places emphasis on critical and analytical
                                                             practices align with the honors level curriculum and
thinking, rational decision making, and inductive and
                                                             instructional best practices, to include pre-assessment,
deductive reasoning. The goal of the UGP as to honors
                                                             formative assessment, and summative assessment.
courses is to be rigorous and uniform while allowing
for local decision-making.
Beginning in 2017–18, all new courses that are assigned      AP—ADVANCED PLACEMENT
honors weighting must meet the criteria in the SC            The following criteria apply to the College Board’s
Honors Framework (Appendix A). Previous courses              Advanced Placement (AP) courses and to high school
                                                             International Baccalaureate (IB) courses—including
approved for honors weighting before 2017–18 may be
                                                             those offered online and in other nontraditional settings
re-examined with the SC Honors Framework criteria            and those recorded on a transcript from an out-of-state
per local decision. The district should retain evidence

                                                                                                                             Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
                                                             school that is accredited under the regulations of the
that all honors courses meet the criteria of the SC          board of education of that state or the appropriate
Honors Framework and provide such evidence as                regional accrediting agency: the New England
requested by the South Carolina Department of                Association of Colleges and Schools, the Middle States
                                                             Association of Colleges and Schools, the Southern
Education (SCDE). Physical Education courses are not
                                                             Association of Colleges and Schools, the North Central
eligible to receive honors weight.                           Association of Colleges and Schools, the Western
Students taking courses for high school credit in the        Association of Colleges and Schools, or the Northwest
middle school or junior high school grade levels may         Association of Colleges and School (as specified in SBE
                                                             Regulation 43-273, Transfers and Withdrawals).
receive honors weighting when calculating the high
                                                             Only AP or IB courses can be awarded a full quality
school GPA. If so, evidence must be retained by the          point above the CP weighting.
district and presented to the SCDE upon request that         Seminar or support courses for AP or IB may be
these courses meet the criteria of the SC Honors             weighted as honors but not as AP or IB courses.
Framework to ensure rigor and comparability across           An AP course can carry only one credit with the
                                                             additional quality point above CP.
the state. To receive honors weighting, local-board-
                                                             A standard-level IB course can carry only one quality
approved honors courses must be developed and                point weighting per course. A higher-level IB course
evaluated using the SC Honors Framework . It is the          requires a minimum of 240 hours of instruction (or two
role of the local board to ensure that all elements in the   courses) and may also receive one quality point
framework are adhered to when the course is taken for        weighting per course (two weighted credits).
                                                  The statewide 10 Point Grading Scale below is effective for all students who receive Carnegie

                                                  units. The scale is used in the computation of the grade point average units. The scale is used
                                                                           in the computation of the grade point average.
  Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

  ENGLISH 1                                                       1 UNIT              ENGLISH 3                                                       1 UNIT

  Study skills, advanced reading skills, vocabulary                                   Prerequisite: English 1 and 2
  development, and narrative, descriptive, and                                        English 3, a course based on SC College and Career
  expository paragraph writing will be emphasized.                                    Ready Standards, is a study of representative American
  Developmental reading skills emphasizing reading                                    works, their authors, and their historical and literary
  endurance, decoding word meanings, details, main                                    periods. Students read, analyze, evaluate, and actively
  ideas, reference usage, and inferences while analyzing                              respond to a wide variety of genres that reflect the
  literature will be focused. Research skills and critical                            broad spectrum of American culture and its history.
  thinking skills will be taught in all units to prepare                              Students compare readings and media from literature,

  students for future courses. All students will be                                   seminal U.S. documents, and non-fiction and
  required to take the state mandated end-of-course-                                  demonstrate how the concepts presented in the works
  exam (EOC) for English 1. The EOC is counted as 20%                                 are interconnected and distinctly American. Students
  of the year grade; the exam focuses on the students’                                will also study and apply the rhetorical writing
  ability to close read various genres and length of                                  strategies appropriate to the purpose and audience of a
  articles by answering text based questions assessing the                            piece. Units of study include the following:
  students’ mastery of standardized skills.
                                                                                      Note: Students are strongly encouraged to take English
                                                                                      3 with US History.
  ENGLISH 2                                                       1 UNIT

  Prerequisite: English 1                                                             ENGLISH 3 CP                                                    1 UNIT

                                                                                      Prerequisite: English 1 and 2
  English 2, a course based on SC College and Career
  Ready Standards, is a course for high school                                        English 3, a course based on SC College and Career
  sophomores designed to prepare students for the                                     Ready Standards, is a study of representative American
  demands of two or four-year college degree programs                                 works, their authors, and their historical and literary
  and/or for the workplace. Literature selections are                                 periods. This course is designed and taught with skills
  organized around universal literary themes and are                                  in mind that students will need for college entrance
  explored in depth. Elements of grammar are addressed                                exams and future expectations for college-level writing
  through writing, vocabulary words, SAT words, and                                   and independent reading and study. Students read,
  word study skills are emphasized, examined, and                                     analyze, evaluate, and actively respond to a wide
  applied. Composition is also addressed through several                              variety of genres that reflect the broad spectrum of
                                                                                      American culture and its history. Students compare

                                                                                                                                                                     Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
  forms of writing including research, narrative,
  descriptive, and argumentative.                                                     readings and media from literature, seminal U.S.
                                                                                      documents, and non-fiction and demonstrate how the
  ENGLISH 2 HONORS                                                1 UNIT              concepts presented in the works are interconnected and
                                                                                      distinctly American. Students will also study and apply
  Prerequisite: English 1 with a recommended grade of                                 the rhetorical writing strategies appropriate to the
  85 or higher.
                                                                                      purpose and audience of a piece. Units of study include
  Test scores and state standards will determine                                      the following:
  placement in Honors English. Concentration will be
                                                                                      Note: Students are strongly encouraged to take English
  upon advanced reading skills, vocabulary                                            3 with US History.
  development, creative expression and narrative,
  descriptive and expository paragraph writing and
  developmental reading skills emphasizing decoding
  and word meaning, details, main ideas, reference
  usage, inference and analysis of literature. Parallel
  readings will be required. Students will be responsible
  for obtaining these parallel reading materials. Students
  may be required to buy a workbook. Research skills
  will be taught.

Courses will be offered based on student demand; therefore, every class listed in the course guide may not be offered or may be offered during alternate school years.
                                                 ENGLISH 3 HONORS                                       1 UNIT     interconnected and distinctly reflective of the cultural and
                                                                                                                   historical periods in which they were written. Students
                                                 Prerequisite: English 1 and 2 with a recommended grade

                                                                                                                   will continue to study and apply rhetorical writing
                                                 of 85 or higher.
                                                                                                                   strategies appropriate to the purpose and audience of a
                                                 English 3, a course based on the South Carolina College           piece. Requirements for this course include a research
                                                 and Career Ready Standards English Language Arts, is a            paper, study of a Shakespearean play, and completion of
                                                 study of representative American works, their authors,            the English 4 Portfolio.
                                                 and their historical and literary periods. This course is
                                                                                                                   ENGLISH 4 HONORS                                       1 UNIT
                                                 designed and taught for students primarily planning to
                                                 enter dual enrollment next year. The expectation is for           Prerequisite: English 1, 2, and 3 with a recommended
                                                 them to begin publishing college-level writing, creating in-      grade of 85 or higher.
                                                 depth research and projects, and independently read
                                                                                                                   Based on SC College and Careers, his course is for students
                                                 parallel texts outside of class. Students read, analyze,
                                                                                                                   who plan to continue their education beyond the high
                                                 evaluate, and actively respond to a wide variety of genres
                                                                                                                   school level. This course continues concentration on
                                                 that reflect the broad spectrum of American culture and its
                                                                                                                   advanced reading skills with emphasis on the study of
                                                 history. Attention is draw to major literary and artistic
                                                                                                                   British literature. Writing will be expanded to include
                                                 movements and how differing philosophies shaped texts.
                                                                                                                   essays. Creative expression and literary analyses will also
                                                 Students compare readings and media from literature,
                                                                                                                   be included. Techniques in oral expression will be refined.
                                                 seminal U.S. documents, and non-fiction and demonstrate
                                                                                                                   Vocabulary development will be continued. A term paper
                                                 how the concepts presented in the works are
                                                                                                                   will be required in addition to a minimum of six parallel
                                                 interconnected and distinctly American.
                                                                                                                   readings chosen from the Honors English IV reading list.
                                                 Note: Students are strongly recommended to take English           Students will be responsible for purchasing some of the
                                                 3 with US History.                                                parallel reading novels. Students may be required to buy a
                                                                                                                   workbook. Reading is required prior to the beginning of
                                                 ENGLISH 4                                              1 UNIT     this course.
                                                 Prerequisite: English 1, 2, and 3
                                                                                                                   ENGLISH 101 (TCTC On CHS Campus)                      1 UNIT
                                                 English 4, a course based on SC College and Career Ready
                                                 Standards, is a study of representative works of classical        Prerequisite: English 1, 2, 3, and Satisfactory English
                                                 and contemporary British Literature. Students examine a           placement scores on Accuplacer
                                                 wide variety of literary genres that reflect the English-         English 101 is a (college transfer) course in which the
                                                 speaking peoples from the Anglo-Saxon Period to the               following topics are presented: a study of composition in
                                                 present. Students analyze how the ideas and concepts              conjunction with appropriate literary selections, with
                                                 presented in the works are both interconnected and                frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing.
 Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                 distinctly reflective of the cultural and historical periods in   A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of
                                                 which they were written. Students will continue to study          research are also presented.
                                                 and apply rhetorical writing strategies appropriate to the
                                                 purpose and audience of a piece. Requirements for this            ENGLISH 102 (TCTC On CHS Campus)                      1 UNIT
                                                 course include a research paper, study of a Shakespearean
                                                 play, and completion of the English 4 Portfolio.                  Prerequisite: English 1, 2, 3, and English 101 with a grade
                                                                                                                   of C or better
                                                 ENGLISH 4 CP                                           1 UNIT
                                                                                                                   English 102 is a (college transfer) course in which the
                                                 Prerequisite: English 1, 2, and 3                                 following topics are presented: development of writing
                                                                                                                   skills through logical organization, effective style, literary
                                                 English 4, a course based on SC College and Career Ready
                                                                                                                   analysis and research. An introduction to literary genre is
                                                 Standards, is a study of representative works of classical
                                                                                                                   also included.
                                                 and contemporary British Literature. This course is
                                                 designed and taught with skills in mind that students will        Note: Honors courses are part of a district and school
                                                 need for college entrance exams and future expectations           initiative to increase gifted and talented opportunities
                                                 for college-level writing and independent reading and             for our students. English, math, science and social
                                                 study. Students examine a wide variety of literary genres         studies honors courses will have increased rigor.
                                                 that reflect the English-speaking peoples from the Anglo-
                                                 Saxon Period to the present. Students analyze how the
                                                 ideas and concepts presented in the works are both
Courses will be offered based on student demand; therefore, every class listed in the course guide may not be offered or may be offered during alternate school years.

          FOUNDATIONS IN ALGEBRA                                      1 UNIT             ALGEBRA 2 CP                                           1 UNIT
          Recommendation: 231 or lower on the Spring MAP                                 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 CP
                                                                                         This course is designed for students who plan to
          This course of study is the first course in a two                              take post-secondary courses at a four year or
          course sequence. This sequence will give students                              Technical College. This course is a study of the
          the opportunity to learn Algebra I in two years.                               vocabulary and operations of algebra, systems of
          Material covered shall include operations of real                              equations, matrices, factoring polynomials, rational
          numbers, solving equations and inequalities,                                   expressions, irrational numbers, quadratic
          polynomials, ratios, algebraic fractions, rational                             equations, functions, conic sections, and arithmetic
          exponents, graphs, problem solving, predictions,                               and geometric sequences and series. The student
          probability, and patterns. The student will use a                              will use a graphing calculator (TI 84+ Silver).
          graphing calculator (TI 84+ Silver). This course is
          intended for students that scored a 231 or lower on
          the Spring MAP Administration.                                                 ALGEBRA 2- HONORS                                      1 UNIT
                                                                                         Prerequisite: Algebra 1 CP with a recommended
                                                                                         grade of 85 or higher.
          INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA                                      1 UNIT
                                                                                         The same topics will be studied in this course as the
          This course of study is the second course in a two
                                                                                         regular Algebra 2; however, material will be covered
          course sequence. This sequence will give students
                                                                                         in greater depth with emphasis on more challenging
          the opportunity to learn Algebra I in two years.                               use of the skills presented. The graphing calculator
          Material covered shall include operations of real                              (TI 84 + Silver) will be used to visualize graphs,
          numbers, solving equations and inequalities,                                   facilitate solutions to linear programming,
          polynomials, ratios, algebraic fractions, rational                             determine line of best fit for scatter plots, and
          exponents, graphs, problem solving, predictions,                               investigate shape and behavior of polynomial
          probability, and patterns. The student will use a                              functions.
          graphing calculator (TI 84+ Silver). All students will
          be required to take the South Carolina end of course                           GEOMETRY                                               1 UNIT
          Algebra 1 exam, which will account for 20% of a
                                                                                         Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra or Algebra 1 CP
          student’s final grade.
                                                                                         This course is designed for students who plan to
                                                                                         take post-secondary courses at a Technical College,

                                                                                                                                                                     Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
          ALGEBRA 1 CP                                          1 UNIT
                                                                                         or enter the workforce after high school. This course
          Recommendation: 232 or higher on the Spring                                    is a study of traditional Euclidean Geometry. The
          MAP administration.                                                            student will become familiar with both plane and
                                                                                         solid figures. The relationships of these figures will
          This course is designed for students who plan to
                                                                                         be studied through the use of undefined terms,
          take post-secondary courses at a 4-year or
                                                                                         definitions, postulates, and theorems. Instruction
          Technical College. Material covered shall include
                                                                                         will include a hands-on approach while utilizing
          operations of real numbers, solving equations and
                                                                                         graphing calculators, dynamic drawing tools, and
          inequalities, polynomials, ratios, algebraic
                                                                                         other manipulatives to help students develop the
          fractions, rational exponents, graphs, problem
                                                                                         ability to reason logically. Required tools: 12” ruler,
          solving, predictions, probability, and patterns. The
                                                                                         compass, protractor, and colored pencils.
          student will use a graphing calculator (TI
                                                                                         Recommendation: TI 84+ Silver graphing calculator.
          84+Silver). All students will be required to take the
          South Carolina end of course Algebra 1 exam,
          which will account for 20% of a student’s final

Courses will be offered based on student demand; therefore, every class listed in the course guide may not be offered or may be offered during alternate school years.
MATHEMATICS                                                                        MATHEMATICS
                                                 GEOMETRY CP                              1 UNIT        PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS CP 1 UNIT
                                                 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 CP                             Prerequisite: Completion of 2 required math
                                                 This course is designed for students who plan to
                                                 take post-secondary courses at a 4-year or Technical   This course is for students who plan to pursue a
                                                 College. This course is a study of traditional         college degree. It is designed to increase the
                                                 Euclidean Geometry. The student will become            student’s understanding and application of
                                                 familiar with both plane and solid figures. The        probability, statistics, and data analysis to real-
                                                 relationships of these figures will be studied         world problems in the workplace. Students will be
                                                 through the use of undefined terms, definitions,       using TI 84+ Silver graphing calculators throughout
                                                 postulates, and theorems. Instruction will include a   the course.
                                                 hands-on approach while utilizing graphing
                                                 calculators, dynamic drawing tools, and other          PRE-CALCULUS–HONORS                         1 UNIT
                                                 manipulatives to help students develop the ability
                                                                                                        Prerequisite: Algebra 2 CP and Geometry CP with
                                                 to reason logically. Required tools: 12” ruler,
                                                                                                        recommended 85 or higher average.
                                                 compass, protractor, and colored pencils.
                                                 Recommendation: TI 84+ Silver graphing calculator.     This course is for students interested in pursuing a
                                                                                                        college degree in math/science fields, otherwise
                                                                                                        take probability and statistics. Course content will
                                                 GEOMETRY- HONORS                        1 UNIT
                                                                                                        include linear relations and functions, theory of
                                                 Prerequisite: Algebra 2 with a recommended grade       equations, matrices and vectors, circular functions,
                                                 of 85 or higher.                                       trigonometric functions, graphs and inverses of the
                                                                                                        trigonometric functions: applications of
                                                 The topics covered in this geometry course will be
                                                                                                        trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic
                                                 the same ones covered in the CP course, except they
                                                                                                        functions, mathematical induction, Binomial
                                                 will be covered in greater depth in a more formal
                                                                                                        Theorem, polar equations, parametric equations,
                                                 approach. Emphasis will be placed on more
                                                                                                        analysis of the straight line, sequences, and series.
                                                 challenging use of the skills presented. Required
                                                                                                        Students will be using TI 84+ Silver graphing
                                                 tools: 12” ruler, compass, colored pencils, and
                                                                                                        calculators throughout the course.
                                                 protractor. Recommendation: TI84+ Silver graphing
                                                 calculator or an N-Spire graphing calculator.
                                                                                                        AP CALCULUS AB                              1 UNIT

                                                 MATH FUSION                            1 UNIT          Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus with a recommended
 Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020

                                                 Prerequisite: Completion of two required math          grade of 85 or higher.
                                                 courses.                                               This course is designed for students who have a
                                                 This course is designed for fourth year students       good background in algebraic and trigonometric
                                                 who plan to take post-secondary courses at a           skills. The theory of limits, derivatives of algebraic,
                                                 Technical College, or enter the workforce after high   trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential
                                                 school. In this course students will become more       functions, and applications will be studied.
                                                 educated consumers of the vast amount of technical     Integration techniques and applications to motion,
                                                 and mathematical information encountered in daily      area, and volume will be covered. The AP
                                                 life. Students should grasp an understanding of and    examination will be administered in accordance
                                                 a positive attitude toward many different and often    with the AP Testing Calendar. Students will be
                                                 challenging mathematical topics. The course            using TI 84+ Silver graphing calculators throughout
                                                 includes a broad range of algebra, geometry, logic,    the course.
                                                 graph theory, set theory, and apportionment for        Note: Honors courses are part of a district and
                                                 students to develop an understanding of math in        school initiative to increase gifted and talented
                                                 real-world situations. Students who have already       opportunities for our students. English, math,
                                                 taken Algebra 2 are not recommended for this           science and social studies honors courses will
                                                 course. Students will be using TI 84+ Silver           have increased rigor.
                                                 graphing calculators throughout the course.
Courses will be offered based on student demand; therefore, every class listed in the course guide may not be offered or may be offered during alternate school years.
        ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES                                 1 UNIT                    advanced science courses. Included in this study are
        (NOT A LAB SCIENCE)                                                             measurement, motion, atomic structure, Periodic
                                                                                        Table, compounds and bonding, chemical families,

        Students will study the ecosystem of the Earth
                                                                                        organic chemistry, chemical reactions, light, sound,
        including man’s impact on the planet and the long-
                                                                                        heat, electricity, radioactivity, and nuclear energy. A
        term effects of man’s actions. Topics covered include:
                                                                                        scientific calculator is needed for this course.
        acid rain; greenhouse effect; energy sources; water,
        air, and soil pollution; human population; global
        warming; and weather. The South Carolina                                        BIOLOGY 1 CP                                                 1 UNIT
        Commission on Higher Education does not accept                                  (LAB SCIENCE)
        this beginning level course taken prior to Biology or                           This course is designed for the average and above
        Chemistry for college admission.                                                average college bound student. The course deals with
                                                                                        biochemistry, cellular structure and function,
        EARTH SCIENCE                                          1 UNIT                   genetics, taxonomy, viruses, bacteria, and ecology.
        (NOT A LAB SCIENCE)                                                             Extensive lab work is involved. A research paper,
                                                                                        journal reviews and outside biological readings may
        Earth Science includes many different disciplines that                          be required. All students will be required to take the
        come together to explain the ways in which the                                  state-mandated end-of-course test for Biology 1
        world operates around us. In Earth science, students                            which counts 20% of the final grade.
        will experience astronomy, geology, oceanography,
        meteorology, and environmental studies. Students
        will learn skills in this class that will equip them with                       BIOLOGY 1 HONORS                                             1 UNIT
        an understanding for a world filled with natural                                (LAB SCIENCE)
        disasters, changing climate, and new discoveries.                               Prerequisite: Physical science with a recommended
        After completion of this course, students will know                             grade of 85 or higher.
        how to gather basic information about the world that
        surrounds them.                                                                 This course is designed for the academically oriented
                                                                                        and above average college bound student. The
        PHYSICAL SCIENCE                                      1 UNIT                    honors level pace is faster and concepts are covered
        (NOT A LAB SCIENCE)                                                             in greater depth. The course focuses on concepts such
                                                                                        as biochemistry, cellular structure and function,
        This course is designed to give academically oriented                           genetics, protein synthesis, biotechnology, evolution,
        students a basic understanding of the fundamentals                              and ecology. Extensive lab work is involved and

                                                                                                                                                                     Crescent High School Course Catalog 2019-2020
        of chemistry and physics in preparation for more                                students will present their research in formal lab
        advanced science courses. Included in this study are                            reports. All students will be required to take the state-
        measurement, motion, atomic structure, Periodic                                 mandated end-of-course test for Biology 1 which counts
        Table, compounds and bonding, chemical families,                                20 % of the final grade. 9th grade students with
        organic chemistry, chemical reactions, light, sound,                            qualifying grades and test scores will be notified by
        heat, electricity, radioactivity, and nuclear energy.                           school administration.
        Laboratory work is required. A scientific calculator is
        needed for this course.

        PHYSICAL SCIENCE HONORS                               1 UNIT
        Prerequisite: Algebra 1 CP with a recommended
        grade of 85 or higher.
        This course is designed to give academically oriented
        students a basic understanding of the fundamentals
        of chemistry and physics in preparation for more

Courses will be offered based on student demand; therefore, every class listed in the course guide may not be offered or may be offered during alternate school years.
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