Created by: Supported by: Marriott Primary School

Page created by Elsie Hicks
Created by: Supported by: Marriott Primary School
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Created by: Supported by: Marriott Primary School
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA) they
offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

•   Develop or add to the PESPA activities that your school already offer
•   Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the
    school in future years

Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should
demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report
your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting
requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous
spend. Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the
Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors
hold them to account for this.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as
well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and
attainment by the end of the summer term or by 31 July 2019 at the

We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it
on your website throughout the year, as evidence of your
ongoing review into how you are using the money to
secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an
example of how to complete the table please
click HERE.

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Created by: Supported by: Marriott Primary School
Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your
 students now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend, identify current need and priorities for the future.

 Key achievements to date:                                                         Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

       Achieving Sportsmark Gold for the 5th Year & Platinum                       Assessment in PE.
       Wildcats – Selected to walk around the pitch at Wembley for the
        Womens FA Cup Final.                                                        Staff to write up lessons when working with PE specialist for future reference
       Sportshall Athletics Level 2 – Winners                                      and sharing good practice.
       Level 3 Sportshall Athletics – 3 .rd

       5K World Challenge Y5/6 Team 5th
       X-Country October – Aja Y6 Girls Gold
       Table Tennis Competition – Boys 3rd
       Cohen Star Performer at New Age Kurling and Boccia Festival.
       Girls Football – Girls qualified for Premier League Finals at LCFC Training
       Warriors Basketball Cup – 2nd
       HI5 Netball Festival – A Team won their group
       Table Tennis Development League – Winners Aja 1st, Chukwubuike 1st,
        Edzus 2nd, Arihanna 2nd
       West Basketball Finals – 2nd and Spirit of the Games Winners
       West Basketball Finals – Aja Star Performer
       Dance - Freya Star Performer
       X-Country March – Ahlam 3rd
       County & National X-Country Finals – 7 Qualifiers. Leah Y3 Girls
        106/125. Naledi Y4 (Ran in Y6 Race) 299/382. Enzo Y5 264/364. Emilia
        Y6 245/406. Edzus 216/392 – Won Gold as part of Leicester City Team.
       Girls Basketball – 2nd. Aja – Star Performer.
       Gymnastics – Inclusive 3rd, Holly 4th Individual.
       Tennis – Y3&4 4TH & 10TH, Y5&6 3RD & 6TH
       Girls Football Finals at LCFC – Reached the Semi-Finals
       Athletics – Qualified for Quadkids. Aja Gold in the Howler and Silver in

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the 600m. Chukwubuike Silver in the 75m. Emilia Silver in the 75m and
        set a new 75m Y6 Girls City Record.
       Quadkids – 2ND, Aja 2nd overall girl and Emilia 3rd overall girl.
       Won Y6 Rounders
       Two Y5s attended Gifted and Talented Camp
       Won FA Grassroots Award
       National Disability Athletics Championships – Cohen Gold in the 60M,
        Javelin & Shot. Bianca – Gold in the shot, Silver in the 60m & Bronze in
        the Javelin. Mikhail Silver in the Javelin & Bronze in the Shot.

 Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety                                        Please complete all of the below:
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a           30%
 distance of at least 25 metres?
 N.B. Even though your children may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving
 Primary school.
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl,   30%
 backstroke and breaststroke]?

 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 30%

 Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming       Yes, £525 for an extra teacher, so
 but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this   have smaller teaching groups.

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Action Plan and Budget Tracking
Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and
evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

 Academic Year: 2018/19           Total fund allocated: £19,440 Date Updated: July 2019
 Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines      Percentage of total
 recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school              allocation:
 School focus with clarity on     Actions to achieve:              Funding         Evidence and impact:          Sustainability and
 intended impact on pupils:                                        allocated:                                    suggested next steps:
KS2 - Daily Mile – to improve the Have different routes for the                   All pupils involved in an      The Daily Mile embedded in
Health of students by increasing students to complete.                            additional 15 minutes of       the school day.
their activity by an extra 15     Competition between the                         exercise a day.
minutes.                          classes.
                                                                                                                 Activate embedded in the
KS1 – Activate – students to      Teachers select different                       All pupils involved in an      school day.
complete an activate session      routines for the students to                    additional 15 minutes of
each day.                         perform.                                        exercise a day.                Encourage students in Y6 to
                                                                                                                 be using their bikes to
Bikeability training for Year 6   Encourage students to bike to                   An increase in students        travel to and from school.
                                  and from school.                                bringing their bike to and
                                                                                  from school.               Continue to organise
                                                                                                             activities for students at
Active lunchtimes for students. A range of activities for      Skipping Coach                                lunchtime so they can
                                students to be involved in at  £1,200         Students involved in different remain active.
                                lunchtime. Some competitions                  activities at lunchtime e.g.
                                also taking place to encourage                Table Tennis, Skipping,
                                students.                                     Cricket, Netball, Basketball
                                Skipping every Tuesday                        etc.
Inter Class and Level 1
Competitions                    Competitions between the       Use PE         Students involved in           Continue to organise Level
                                classes to increase            Equipment      representing their class and 1 competitions throughout

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participation.                                 participating in Level 1          the year for student’s to be
                                                                    Competitions.                     involved in.

Supermovers          Staff to choose areas which                    Students are active during        Staff to use the resource to
                     they want to work on with their                lessons and use the routines      support different areas of
                     class to get them active in the                to help learn different areas     the curriculum, not the
                     classroom e.g. 8 X Tables with                 of the curriculum.                same routine all of the
                     Filbert Fox                                                                      time.

Walk to School       Staff to record those students                 Students receiving their          Make sure records are kept
                     who are walking to school, so                  badges when they achieve          of student’s achieving their
                     that they achieve their badges.                targets.                          rewards.

Playground Leaders   Y5 training at the start of the Photocopying   Y5 Students are out in the        Set up each year with new
                     Academic Year. Teachers to put Booklets        KS1 Playground doing              Y5 classes.
                     their student’s on rotation for                activities with the younger
                     each term.                                     students.

Inclusive Football   Coach works in school                          All SEND student are involved At present, we get the
                     delivering football to students                in activity throughout the    coaching free, but may have
                     who have SEND.                                 year.                         to pay in the future if
                                                                                                  targeted funding is stopped.

                                                                    WIDER IMPACT
                                                                    Pupils are more active in PE
                                                                    lessons and do not try to
                                                                    stop as much and rest.
                                                                    Improved standards in PE.
                                                                    Attitudes to learning are
                                                                    SAT results improved.
                                                                    Hit the target set by the Chief
                                                                    Medical Officer of being
                                                                    active for at least 30 minutes

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each day in school.

 Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement       Percentage of total
 School focus with clarity on     Actions to achieve:            Funding        Evidence and impact:             Sustainability and
 intended impact on pupils:                                      allocated:                                      suggested next steps:
Celebration Assembly to ensure Achievement celebrated in                        Pupils enjoy being involved     SLT see the benefits of the
the whole school is aware of the Assembly, achievements,                        in the Assembly and having      raised profile and continue
importance of PE and School      results, certificates etc.                     their successes celebrated.     their commitment to fund
Sport and to encourage and       presented.                                                                     Primary PE and School
inspire students to be involved.                                                                                Sport.

Noticeboards celebrating the    Keep all of the displays up to                  Noticeboard outside of main
success of our students and     date with the relevant                          reception has an updated list Continue to celebrate the
raising the profile of PE and   information, competitions,                      of competitions and the        amazing work that we are
School Sport.                   trips, successes and progress.                  results displayed for parents. doing at Marriott.
                                                                                Noticeboards in the PE
                                                                                Corridor celebrate all of the
                                                                                events we have been
                                                                                involved in and the quality of
                                                                                PE being taught.
                                                                                This encourages students to
                                                                                get involved and enjoy
                                                                                representing their school.

Trophy Cabinet                  Trophy Cabinet bought                           Trophy Cabinet displays the May need a bigger Trophy

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previously and all awards and                 achievements of our            Cabinet in the future.
                                 trophies are on display.                      students.

Role Models visiting school or   Invite local personalities into   £100        We have been to a variety of   Try to get a range of
being met at events.             school or take students to                    events where the students      inspirational people in to
                                 events to watch and/or meet                   have met and been inspired     school to talk to or work
                                 them.                                         including a visit to Wembley   with children as well as
                                 World Cup Cricket Event at        £250        to walk round the pitch        attending events to inspire
                                 Grace Road                                    before watching the            children.
                                 Women’s FA Cup Final              £1,032.50   Women’s FA Cup Final.

                                                                               WIDER IMPACT
                                                                               Pupils are proud to be
                                                                               involved in assemblies and
                                                                               have their achievements
                                                                               displayed on the
                                                                               noticeboards, school website
                                                                               and school twitter etc.

                                                                               Increased self-esteem
                                                                               /confidence has an impact on
                                                                               learning across the
                                                                               curriculum and when we
                                                                               attend events.

Created by:                                             Supported by:
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport                    Percentage of total
School focus with clarity on          Actions to achieve:                Funding        Evidence and impact:         Sustainability and
intended                                                                 allocated:                                  suggested
impact on pupils:                                                                                                    next steps:
School employs a specialist PE        Use Staff questionnaire to       £9,104.99        Improved knowledge for       All staff will feel supported
Teacher one day a week to work        identify areas of training                        Teachers and Teaching        to be confident when
with the PE Co-coordinator and        required.                                         Assistants, so they are more delivering PE and Sport
all of the staff in rotation          PE Teacher and class teachers                     confident when teaching PE. both within the Curriculum
throughout the year.                  to identify what activities will                  Increased confidence for     and School Sport.
                                      develop the staff knowledge.                      running activities at
                                                                                        lunchtimes and after school.

CPD provided for staff                Organise training sessions for
                                                                   CPD             Subject Leader more                Staff continue to be offered
throughout the year by the PE         staff in a variety of activities
                                                                   £160 Level 1    confident when undertaking         CPD to develop their
Specialist or with Future Active or   e.g. Sportshall Athletics,   Football        lesson observation, able to        knowledge in different
other outside agencies.               Cricket, Level 3 PE & Sport  Coaching, 2     provide feedback and lead          activities.
                                      Course – 3 staff.            paid for by FA discussions.
                                      Level 1 Football Coaching – 3for by the
                                      staff.                       Wildcats        PE Teacher confident to lead
                                                                   (Apprenticeship or organise the relevant
                                      Book staff onto courses that Levy for Level training for staff.
                                      are relevant to their        3)
                                      development e.g.

                                      SSPAN Conference                   £ Free Place

                                      Staff to identify if they
                                      require cover to attend

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Swimming Induction and Wet and All staff involved in swimming                      Staff involved in swimming      Staff identified each year
Dry Tests                      or required to cover           £10 per staff        have completed an Induction     and sessions booked in for
                               swimming have the relevant member                   and the Dry Test and Wet        the start of the Academic
                               training.                      £110                 Test if required.               Year.

                                                                                   WIDER IMPACT
                                                                                   Skills, knowledge and
                                                                                   understanding of pupils are
                                                                                   increased significantly.
                                                                                   Pupils enjoy PE and Sport,
                                                                                   they are keen to participate,
                                                                                   demonstrate and show a
Safe Practice in PE Book available                                                 desire to learn and improve.
for staff.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils                      Percentage of total
School focus with clarity on         Actions to achieve:              Funding      Evidence and impact:            Sustainability and
intended                                                              allocated:                                   suggested
impact on pupils:                                                                                                  next steps:
Continue to offer a wide range of    Arrange for external coaches                  A variety of extra-curricular Staff work together and
activities both within and outside   to work with staff in lessons,                clubs offered throughout the share good practice, which
the curriculum in order to get       clubs or Health Week.            £44.01       year, which are run by          develops confidence and
more pupils involved.
                                     Cricket                          £50          Teachers and Teaching           staff more willing to
A PE Curriculum, which is varied
and progressive to offer a variety   Tigers Rugby Coaching &                       Assistants, staff are confident support competitions and
of sports/activities to pupils.      Health Programme                              running these clubs.            clubs.
                                     Kimbles                          £160
                                     Skipping                         £200                                         Hope to expand the range
                                     SPARX                            £100                                         of extra-curricular clubs.
                                     WISPA                            £50

Created by:                                                Supported by:
Archery                                          WIDER IMPACT
                                                                                   Improved behaviour in
Focus on girl’s involvement in    Run a club specifically for girls                school.
                                  only and provide
                                  opportunities for girl’s only                    Students actively involved in
                                  events.                                          PE lessons.

                                                                                   Students want to be involved
Focus on those students who are                                                    in PE and School Sport.
sometimes reluctant to be       Run a Golden Ticket Club for
involved in PE and Sport.
                                students who do not always £29.70                  Disaffected students engaged
                                fully engage in PE and School                      in PE and School Sport.

                                  PE Equipment purchased.             £903.25

                                  Sport Team Kit purchased. for £185.06
                                  gymnastics & Playground
                                  Leader Sweatshirts

                                 Hire an extra teacher for
                                 swimming.                            £525

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport                                                      Percentage of total
School focus with clarity on      Actions to achieve:                 Funding      Evidence and impact:            Sustainability and
intended                                                              allocated:                                   suggested
impact on pupils:                                                                                                  next steps:

Created by:                                              Supported by:
Enter a variety of competitions  Enter all of the competitions £1,320    We are involved in all of the More CPD for staff
and festivals through Leicester  provided though Leicester               competitions, we track all of involved in running clubs.
City SSPAN and local Leagues.    City SSPAN including all of             the students who represent
                                 the SEND competitions.                  the school in these
Focus on SEND to ensure they
are involved in the competitions Enter the Y5/6 boys Football £350       competitions.
available to them.               League, Y5/6 girls Football             We run Level 1 competitions
                                 League, FA Cup and County £5            so all student get to compete
                                 Cup, Premier League Football            throughout the year.
                                 Competition.                            Participation in
                                 Enter the Basketball League.            competitions.
                                 Participate in Central Venue            Level 1 – 100%
                                 competitions at CHCC.                   Level 2 – Y6 – 100%
                                                                                    Y5 – 90%
                                  DSE National Disability     £57                   Y4 – 81%
                                  Athletics Championships                           Y3 –61 %

                                  Transport                   £6,057     WIDER IMPACT
                                                                         Improved standards in
                                                                         competition activities.
                                                                         Girls engaged in Girl only and
                                                                         mixed competitions.
                                                                         SEND involved in Disability
                                                                         competitions and other
Sports Day                        Change of venue due to Astro
                                  Because of building works
                                  and Y6 Football Competition
                                  at end of term.

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