DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin

Page created by Barry Cruz
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin


 Who is the ex prime minister's mistress ?

                       The ex prime                 « I sent a drone on his
                       minister isn't as            garden, it was recording the
                                                    gardener. A few minutes
                       clean as we think            later, the ex prime minister
                       On monday last week, David arrived and kissed the
                       CAMERON has been             gardener. » said the
                       caught red handed cheating paparazzo.
                       on his wife. A paparazzo has
                                                    « Why don't you show us
                       get shots of him kissing the the video » asked the
                       gardener. Even if David      interviewer.
                       CAMERON said it was fake
                       and the shots were rigged,   « He filed a claim on me for
                       we interviewed the           invasion of privacy. I don't
                       paparazzo which snapped      have a right to share the
                       the pictures.                video now » he answered.
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
May 11th 2019

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                                       MILEY CYRUS… A BOY ?
●   How to get rid of his
    girlfriend ?
                                                                    According to our recent Facebook surveys
      Saying she's ugly
                                                                    by our experts, a new haircut could lead to
                                                                    confusion and reveal the true genus of
                                                                    Miley Cyrus ... a secret unveiled in the
                                                                    open come discover it in this super
    You leave without telling her
                                                                    newspaper with the best articles …
                                                                                            To be continued on page 3...
       I love tabbouleh

                                     KingKey and PrincessNal, the new
                                     duo, will they become the best rappers                                        CFK
                                     in the world?
                                     Explosive sales of their new album
    Cantine Lycee Charlie Chaplin                                 To be continued on page 7...
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
Today 10/05/2019

                                                  The Gossip that
                                                                                               Number : 10 256
                                                  will SAVE your life

                         Hailey bieber is                                               A Trip for ONLY

                           pregnant !
                          About Justin Bieber's april fools !!

                                                                                  More informations on our website

                                                                 Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid : back
                                                                 together ?
                                                                 Zayn takes Gigi's defense on twitter, saying that she's
                                                                 an incredible woman.

                                                                             You want a fish and chips ?

                                                                               Discover the best in the
                                                                              Charlie Chaplin's cafeteria

                                                                      What will be the name of Meghan
                                                                      Markle and Prince Harry's baby ?
                                                                      The rumor has been going on that the baby's name could be
                                                                      Diana, a sensitive affair for the royal family.
A weekly newspaper- 7$

                                                                     Celibrities have been
                                                                     caught red-handed !
                                                                     FBI accuse wealthy parents, including Lori Loughlin
                                                                     (500,000$) and Felicity Huffman (15,000$), to have paid
                                                                     William Rick Singer, a college admissions counselor and
                                                                     organizer of the scheme, for their child's future.
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
                                                                                The official newspaper for grandmas
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                                                          Page 3        before
They lied to
                                                                                                                Page 1

                                                                         This week’s horoscope :

us this whole                                                           OMG I would have been a
                                                                              Sagittarius !!!

time !                   Indeed, researchers proved
                         recently that the earth had
                         always been flat !!! And
                         that cosmonauts were
                         actors !!!
   States of the whole
world are lying about
the first man on the           Sales in Autumn’s
moon and they bought           Fairy : more than
his silence                                                                                                     Page 2
                               50 % off
A man called Jon Simson            For every 10000 £ spent in shop

killed his wife and his 2
daughters after he had drunk
10 litres of coke! He is now
on the lam !
                                                                                                    Test your
                                                                                                     Page 5
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
claim their
author's rights
Slenderman accuse the
fans for deformin his
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin

                    MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE
                     Mohamed HENNI VS Valère GERMAIN

                                                          For their new music album, the famous
                                                           French rappers rent the Tour Eiffel for
*see documentary on netflix (by subscribing)

                         Come on and
                          try the great
                         fish and chips
                          of the self of
                        Charlie Chaplin
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
Monday, April 21st 2019       N°203           www.thestudent203.uk

              The student
                 The student's weekly

        A French teacher died in his
        highschool because of a fire.

      Last monday, a french teacher was correcting
      copies in his classroom but the gardian of the
      establishment close the doors and the teacher
      stay stuck in the etablishment. And when he
      was waiting at the gardian, he smoke a cigaret
      and he throw it in a bin. But the cigaret wasn't
      correctly extinguished, the bin caught fire
                                   and the fire has
                                   spread. Locked in
                                   the etablishment,
                                   the teacher die
                                   burnt in his

              The firefighter's calendar is available from the
              14 may. For more details, go to the page 3.

                                                                 Page 1
DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin DAILY SCOOP - lycee charlie chaplin
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