Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France

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Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2

CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France

Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France

       I. Decay Heat
       - Motivations and Method of calculation
       - Available measurements

       II. Decay Heat / Fission Pulses
       - Total decay energy: Measurement and Pandemonium effect
       - Case of 239Pu Electromagnetic Decay Heat
       - On going pulse calculations with SERPENT 2

       III. Assembly benchmarks with SERPENT 2
       - Results on Pressurized Water Reactor assemblies
       - Outlooks

       IV. Molten Salt Fast Reactor
       - Concept
       - On going-work & Outlooks	
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Motivations on Decay Heat

Decay Heat: Thermal power released after the reactor stops
Mainly coming from the radioactive decays of fission products isotopes and
actinides produced by successive neutrons captures but additionnal sources
(fission induced by delayed fissions, reactions indiced by spontaneous fissions)

~ 7% of nominal power at reactor stop (~290 MW for 900 MWe PWR)
~ 1.5% of nominal power at reactor stop +1h (~40 MW for 900 MWe PWR)
           Nuclear stage impacted           Time of cooling
          Safety systems of cooling         0.1s to 8 days
           Unloading of assemblies           5 to 25 days
                 from core
                Fuel transport               1 to 10 years
         Reprocessing, vitrification,       4 to 3000 years
                   Storage              50 to 300 000 years and
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Motivations on Decay Heat

§ Safety/Radiation protection/Economic interests for the complete cycle (Gen II, Gen III)
§ Key issue for new concepts: Gen IV, innovative reactor design, innovative fuels, most of the
   concepts with fast neutrons => not so many data, limited reactor operation feedback
§ Important design parameter for a spent fuel repository

    Summation Formula                          Ni : Number of nuclei i at the cooling time t
                                               λi : Decay constant of the nucleus i
  DH(t) = f(t) = Σ Ni(t) λi Ei
                                               Ei : Total decay energy of the nucleus i

Depletion calculation within a reactor model + code (e.g with SERPENT)

     Ei is usually divided in evaluated librairies(e.g ENDF, JEFF, JENDL) in 3 parts :
                                                                    Light particles component

                                                                    Electromagnetic component
                                                                    Heavy particles component
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Motivations on Decay Heat

§ Safety/Radiation protection/Economic interests for the complete cycle (Gen II, Gen III)
§ Key issue for new concepts: Gen IV, innovative fuels => not so many data, limited reactor
   operation feedback
§ Important design parameter for a spent fuel repository

- Large time range: 10-1 to 106 years
- Important quantity to design the size/capacity of safety systems

- Complex calculation (reactor modeling + depletion): quality of the code but also of the data !
- ~ 40 000 nuclear data: σ, E, Branching Ratio, λ, Fission Yields, ν

- Increasing will of safety authorities to ask for a precise calculation & detailed
uncertainty quantification
- Interest of industry to reduce the uncertainty for economic reasons, with keeping
the same level of safety
   Rigorous calculation with evaluated codes associated to experimental validation
   but also identification of biases in the calculation/data to improve them ….
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Decay Heat Measurements
Calorimetric technique for assembly measurements
                                      - Principle: Measure the temperature increase
                                     of the water in the calorimeter caused by the
                                     decay heat power from a fuel assembly placed in
                                     the calorimeter

                                      - Calibration: electric heater designed as the
                                      same shape as a fuel assembly

                                      - Gamma radiation monitors outside: to correct
                                      the measured DH for the energy loss due to
                                      gamma rays escaping from the calorimeter vessel

                                      - Low sensitivity at long cooling times (10%)

Measurements uncertainties for CLAB calorimeter:

              BWR                                          PWR

                                                                           SKB, R-05-62, 2006
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Fuel Assembly Decay Heat Measurements

 GE-Morris Operation facility:

                                    Enrichment    Nb of         Max Burnup
Name           Type   Fuel design                 assemblies    (MWd/MTU)
                                                                                   systematic error:
                                    wt % 235U
San Onofre 1 PWR      W 14 x 14Sa   3.865-4.005      8            32,363        - ± 2% for thermal output of 700
Point Beach 2 PWR     W 14 x 14     3.397            6            39,384        W range
Dresden 2      BWR    GE 7 x 7      2.128            1             5,280        - ± 4% for thermal output of 200
                                                                                W range
Cooper         BWR    GE 7 x 7      1.1, 2.5         54           28,048
Monticello     BWR    GE 7 x 7      2.25             6            20,189

 Handford Engineering Development Laboratory :                                  - ± 5% for thermal output greater
Turkey Point   PWR    W 15 x 15     2.557            4            28,588        than 1000W
                                                                                - ± 10% for thermal output greater
                                                                                than 100W

 Swedish Central Interim Storage Facility for Spent Fuel (CLAB):
- 39 BWR assemblies : Barsebäck 1-2, Forsmark 1-3, Oskarshamm 2-3, Ringhals 1
- 34 PWR assemblies among Ringhals 2-3

                                                               NUREG/CR-6972, ORNL/TM-2008-015 and references therein
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Fuel Assembly Decay Heat Measurements

 GE-Morris Operation facility:

                                    Enrichment    Nb of         Max Burnup        Serpent2 Benchmarks
Name           Type   Fuel design                 assemblies
                                    wt % 235U                   (MWd/MTU)
San Onofre 1 PWR      W 14 x 14Sa   3.865-4.005      8            32,363          - PWR GE-Morris/HEDL
Point Beach 2 PWR     W 14 x 14     3.397            6            39,384
                                                                                    done in 2017- early 2018
Dresden 2      BWR    GE 7 x 7      2.128            1             5,280
                                                                                    Comparison with SCALE
Cooper         BWR    GE 7 x 7      1.1, 2.5         54           28,048
Monticello     BWR    GE 7 x 7      2.25             6            20,189          - BWR GE-Morris
                                                                                    On-going, Half done
 Handford Engineering Development Laboratory :
Turkey Point   PWR    W 15 x 15     2.557            4            28,588           - CLAB PWR/BWR
                                                                                     Forseen : 2019

 Swedish Central Interim Storage Facility for Spent Fuel (CLAB):
- 39 BWR assemblies : Barsebäck 1-2, Forsmark 1-3, Oskarshamm 2-3, Ringhals 1
- 34 PWR assemblies among Ringhals 2-3

                                                               NUREG/CR-6972, ORNL/TM-2008-015 and references therein
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Decay Heat Measurements
  Beta/ Gamma measurements on irradiated actinide samples

                                                                         - Decay heat is measured in MeV/fission
                                                                         High efficiency detectors
                                                                         Number of fissions determined using nuclides
                                                                         with proper gamma ray and energy (97Nb,135Xe)

                                                                         - Combinaison of irradiation, waiting
                                                                         and measurement times allows to get
                                                                         fission burst decay heat

 - Access to Beta & Gamma components of Decay Heat for a given actinide in MeV/fission
   => Extra data to test the depletion code
  => Extra data to test the library data, especially fission yields & decay data (Ei) with a
  summation calculation
Ohkawachi et al., Journal of Nucl. Sc. and Technology, Suppl 2, p. 493
Decay Heat calculations with SERPENT 2 - SUBATECH, CNRS-IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (now IMTA), France
I. Selected Decay Heat fission burst pulse experiments
             Isotopes                       Method            Author(s)                      Institute               Year
                            241Pu             γ, β           Dickens et al.        Oak Ridge National Laboratory     1980

                            239Pu             γ, β       Schier, Couchell et al.   Univ. of Massachussetts, Lowell   1997

235U         239Pu                            γ, β               Tobias             Berkeley National Laboratory     1989
       th,           th
                       239Pu                  γ, β             Akiyama                  YAHOI reactor, JAEA          1982

232Th, natU                                     γ              Akiyama                  YAHOI reactor, JAEA          1983

235U           237Np                          γ, β            Ohkawachi                 YAHOI reactor, JAEA          2002
       fast,              fast
I. Selected Decay Heat fission burst pulse experiments
             Isotopes                       Method            Author(s)                             Institute            Year
                            241Pu             γ, β           Dickens et al.            Oak Ridge National Laboratory     1980

                            239Pu             γ, β       Schier, Couchell et al.       Univ. of Massachussetts, Lowell   1997

235U         239Pu
                                             235U    thermalTobias
       th,           th                       γ, β                                      Berkeley National Laboratory     1989
                       239Pu                  γ, β             Akiyama                      YAHOI reactor, JAEA          1982

232Th, natU
                 fast                           γ              Akiyama                totalYAHOI reactor, JAEA           1983
235U           237Np                          γ, β            Ohkawachi                     YAHOI reactor, JAEA          2002
       fast,              fast


                                                            CCFE-R(15)28, UKAEA, FISPACT-II, 2015
II. Total Decay Energy and Pandemonium effect
                               Ni : Number of nuclei i at the cooling time t
DH(t) = f(t) = Σ Ni(t) λi Ei
               i               λi : Decay constant of the fission product i
                               Ei : Total decay energy of the fission product i
II. Total Decay Energy and Pandemonium effect
- Total Decay energy (Ei) measurements
 - Before the 90s, conventional detection techniques: high resolution γ-ray spectroscopy
 - Excellent resolution but efficiency which strongly decreases with increasing energy
 - Risk of overlooking the existence of β- feeding into the high energy nuclear levels of daughter nuclei
 (especially with decay schemes with large Q values)
 - Incomplete decay schemes: overestimate Ebeta, underestimate Egamma


- Decay energy measurements biased by Pandemonium effect for some Fission Products

  ⇒ Bias in nuclear data bases for some key nuclei and all their applications (safeguards, DH)
   => Known as the « Pandemonium effect »
                                                                               J. Hardy et al., PLB 71 (2) 307, 1977
II. Total Decay Energy and Pandemonium effect

                                                From A. Algora
II. Total Decay Energy and Pandemonium effect

- Most suitable detection technique to re-measure key nuclei: Total Absorption Spectroscopy
  IFIC Valencia/Subatech/Surrey TAGS collaboration
  Experiments @ Jyväskylä, Finland to high precision penning trap (Pure beams)

                                                                                               TAGS Arrays, Valencia

From TAS collaboration: contacts A. Algora & J. L. Tain @Valencia, W. Gelletly@Surrey, M. Fallot@Subatech
II. Case of 239Pu Electromagnetic Decay Heat
 - Important improvement with 7 nuclei known from suffering from Pandemonium effect
(WPEC-25, IAEA) and re-measured by TAS technique
                                   239Pu     Electromagnetic Decay Heat
   t x f(t) EEM Decay Heat

                                                  Cooling time (s)
- No improvement on                 235U   case                      Algora et al., PRL 105, 202501 (2010)
II. Pulse fission calculations with SERPENT 2
       Pulse Fission calculations with Serpent 2
                     - Pure sphere of 235U (2cm)
                      - Irradiation with a thermal neutron source for 1µs + cooling time till 104s
                      - Dedicated work on the normalization to compare with experimental results
             n        - Serpent 2 adapted to get the individual ELP & EEM parts for fission pulse

                      - Python macros written to extract the FP individual contributions

    Serpent 2 flexibility allows to do:
- Sensivity studies on fission yields/decay data libraries: all mix possible with data @ ENDF-6 format
   => IAEA interest, Consultant’s Meeting on decay data librairies and their impact on DH, Fev 2018
- To calculate the impact of a Pandemonium nucleus, remeasured with TAS method on a pulse calculation
  => In contact with evaluators (ENDF & JEFF)
- To have access to all individual FP contributions to the DH for each cooling time step
  => Allows to identify key contributors, and then check their decay schemes to see if real effect
  or bias due to Pandemonium effect (Python macros developed) => new measurements needed
II. Pulse fission calculations with SERPENT 2
                                        Yields & Decay Libraries: JEFF 3.1.1                  Yields & Decay Libraries: JEFF 3.3
                                    Published TAS nuclei already in JEFF3.3 and were not in JEFF3.1.1:
                                    87,88Br, 94Rb, 105Mo, 104,105,106,107Tc + 92Rb

                                    Published TAS nuclei added: 86Br, 91Rb, 101Nb,                         102Tc
                                                              U Pulse / Total Heat                                                                                    U Pulse / ELM Heat

                                  1.6                                                                                                                  0.8

                                                                                     235U                                                                                                   235U          EEM

                                                                                                           Electromagnetic decay heat in MeV/fission
Total decay heat in MeV/fission





                                  0.6                   235
                                                          U Tobias                                                                                     0.4
                                                          U Dickens                                                                                                       235
                                                                                                                                                                            U Tobias
                                                       ENDFVII.1                                                                                                          235
                                  0.4                                                                                                                                       U Dickens
                                                       JEFF 3.1.1                                                                                      0.3                ENDFVII.1
                                                       JEFF 3.3                                                                                                           JEFF 3.1.1
                                  0.2                  JEFF 3.3 + Other TAS Published                                                                                     JEFF 3.3
                                                                                                                                                                          JEFF 3.3 + TAS Published
                                                                                         3                                                             0.2
                                   10-1         1         10                  102       10           104                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                         10-1   1    10              102             10         104
                                                                  Time (s)                                                                                                Time (s)
                                  Example of work which be part of IAEA consultant’s report, released at the end of 2018
                                  Studied cases: 235U & 239Pu (Tot, β, γ)
                                  Fission yields: JEFF3.1.1 or JEFF3.3 with different decay data libraries: ENDFVII.1, ENDFVIII, JEFF3.1.1,
III. Assembly benchmarks with SERPENT 2
-                 Available decay heat measurements using calorimeters from U.S facilities (18 PWR)
-              Serpent 2 calculations performed by Pyry Savolainen (LUT student, internship @SUBATECH)
-   Typically: 3 operation cycles, final cooling period: 1000-3000 days (San Onofre), 800-1700 days
(Turkey Point),1600 days (Point Beach 2)
- NUREG doc used (SCALE benchm.) but not      PWR      Spent
                                                  all the time Fuel
                                                               enough to be used as it is….

                                           San Onofre (Calc/Meas -1) : -0.3% to 1.2%
                                           Point Beach (Calc/Meas -1) : -1.5% to 0.1%
    Calculated Decay Heat (W)

                                           Turkey Point (Calc/Meas -1) : -2.6% to 5.5%


                                                                                           Performed with ENDFBVII.0
                                                                                           to reproduce SCALE calc.
                                                                                                   San Onofre Unit 1 reactor

                                                                                                   Turkey Point 3 reactor
                                                                                                   Point Beach reactor

                                       0        200       400      600        800        1000      1200             1400       1600
                                                                      Measured Decay Heat (W)
                                                                                       NUREG/CR-6972, ORNL/TM-2008-015 and references therein
III. Assembly benchmarks with SERPENT 2/ Outlooks
-                               PWR Benchmarks: On-going
                                                    PWR comparison
                                                         Spent Fuel with SCALE
                                1600                                                                                  - Turkey Point: SCALE more
                                                                                                                      «off» w.r.t to other calculations
                                                                                                                        ~ 1.2% between both
    Calculated Decay Heat (W)

                                1200                                                                                   under investigation
                                                                                                                      - Will be done with new JEFF3.3


                                 400                                               SCALE

                                                                                   San Onofre Unit 1 reactor
                                 200                                               Turkey Point 3 reactor

                                                                                   Point Beach reactor
                                       0   200   400   600      800       1000     1200             1400       1600
                                                         Measured Decay Heat (W)

    - BWR calculations : On-going on GE-Morris assemblies, CLAB BWR/PWR for 2019
- Forseen 2018: Decay heat blind test benchmark on new measurements at CLAB (5
PWR assemblies), financed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management (SKB)
IV. Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR)
General characteristics:              Three circuits:
•   Liquid circulating fuel             Fuel salt circuit
•   Fuel = coolant
•   Power: 3 GWth
•   Thermal yield: 45%
•   Mean fuel temperature: 725°C
•   Fast neutron spectrum
•   Thorium fuel cycle

IV. Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR)
General characteristics:              Three circuits:
•   Liquid circulating fuel             Fuel salt circuit
•   Fuel = coolant                      Intermediate circuit
•   Power: 3 GWth                       Thermal conversion circuit
•   Thermal yield: 45%                + Draining / storage tanks
•   Mean fuel temperature: 725°C      + Processing units
•   Fast neutron spectrum
•   Thorium fuel cycle

IV. MSFR / On-going and Outlooks
                                  ü On going analysis: Fast fission pulse calculations on 232Th/233U & U/Pu cycles
                                                      U Pulse Fast / Total Heat                                                                  239
                                                                                                                                                     Pu Pulse Fast / Total Heat


                                                                                                                                                                                        - 233,235,238U, 232Th, 239Pu

                                                                        233U                                                                    239Pu                  total
                                    1                                             total                                       1                                                         - JEFF3.1.1 & JEFF3.3
Total decay heat in MeV/fission

                                                                                          Total decay heat in MeV/fission
                                                                                                                            0.8                                                         - Total, beta, gamma
                                                                                                                                                                                        - 5 cooling times chose, to
                                                                                                                                                                                        cover the range of data

                                                   U YAHOI                                                                                     239
                                                                                                                                                                                        - 15 most important contributors
                                                                                                                                                  Pu YAHOI
                                                JEFF 3.1.1 Fission Products
                                                                                                                                               JEFF 3.1.1 Fission Products
                                                                       10           104
                                                                                                                                                                       10         104
                                                                                                                                                                                          => New nuclei to measure ?
                                                            Time (s)                                                                                        Time (s)

                                  ü Mid term Development of Decay Heat calculation for MSFR using a serpent model
                                     (STL geometry from A. Laureau, LPSC) for both fuel cycles + identification of key
                                     contributors nuclei

                                                                                                                                  First studies (Master student) for this summer

                                                                                                                                  with typical burnt fuel & cooling scenarii

                    ü Longer term: Sensitivity studies & Error propagation for decay heat calculations

-     On going decay heat calculations at different levels with SERPENT 2 :
          Nuclear Data (Pulse fission)

                        Of course, need of more measurements of DH, especially for fast cases …

          Reactor case

-     Importance of the quality of the decay energy data: Pandemonium effect

-     DH Benchmarks
      PWR assemblies performed: good agreement with measured and also w.r.t SCALE
      BWR assemblies forseen next year

-     Forseen activities on MSFR presented

    Funded intersnships opportunities for M1/M2 J ,
      on one of these subjects, flexible starting date & length

                  Nantes 20 km from Clisson (Hell Fest festival..)
Thanks !
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