DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost

Page created by Calvin Floyd
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
       Hu Zou (      @ NAOC)
   On behalf of the imaging teams
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
The DESI project
q Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is a stage-
  IV cosmological spectroscopic survey.
q obtain optical spectra of 35
 million galaxies and quasars
q measure the expansion history
 of the Universe
q measure the structure growth
 in the Universe

q FoV: 3.2 degrees
q 5000 fibers
q Three-channel spectrograph
q Wavelength range: 360-980nm
q Resolution: ~3000 @550 nm
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
Spectroscopic Targets

         Galaxy targets
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
Spectroscopic targets: MWS
qMWS:     Milky Way Survey
 q Share bright time with BGS, 1/3 of a month
 q targeting about 10M objects;
 q Composition (thin, thick and halo), structure dynamics and origins of the
   outer Galaxy, spectroscopic complement to Gaia.
 q Select targets using the DESI imaging surveys, together with others,
   such as JPLUS and Gaia

                                              q Standard stars
                                              q Rare stellar types
                                              q White dwarfs
                                              q Main-sequence, turnoff stars,
                                             Simple selection: complete
                                             and no bias
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
DESI schedule
Milestones                            Date

Start of Installation                 Feb. 2018

Commissioning Instrument Install      Oct. 2018
End of imaging surveys                Mar. 2019
Start of Commissioning                Oct. 2019
End of Commissioning (ends project)   Feb. 2020
Survey Validation Survey Begins       Feb. 2020
Science Survey Begins                 Jun. 2020
Data Assembly (DA1-DA5)               Apr. 2021-2025
Science Survey End                    Jun. 2025
Final Data Assembly                   Mar. 2026
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
DESI imaging surveys
q Target selections based on three optical surveys and one
 near-infrared survey
q Requirements: g=24, r=23.4, and z=22.5
q Baseline survey area: 14000 deg2
Survey     Institute   Telescope Filter        Area      Depth (AB mag)
  BASS       NAOC        Bok 2.3m      gr       5100         g=24.0, r=23.5

  MzLS       NOAO        Mayall 4m     z        5100             z=22.9

                                                             g=24.5, r=23.9,
 DECaLS       LBNL       Blanco 4m    grz       9000

 unWISE       DESI         WISE      W1,W2    Full sky   W1=20.7, W2=20.0

q DECaLS = Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (Blanco/DECam)
q MzLS = MOSAIC z-band Legacy Survey (Mayall/MOSAIC-z)
q BASS = Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (Bok/90Prime)
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost

         BASS                        MzLS           Blanco

   Bok      90Prime         Mayall      MOSAIC-3



            DESI Imaging Footprint

DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
q New coadds from AllWISE and latest observations (NEOWISE)
  of WISE W1 and W2
qForced photometry based on shape parameters from optical
  q low resolution of about 6”; 5-yr deep stacks
  q Deeper than official AllWISE: 1-1.5 mag deeper
  q More complete than the official catalog
  q Consistent photometry with optical bands

q WISE W1 and W2 are key for the target selections of LRGs and quasars
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
Time-resolved WISE coadds
                                             Credit: Aaron Meisner

q A given sky region is imaged once every ~6 months, for a
  time span of ~1 day, during which ~12 exposures are acquired.
q 11-epoch light curve per band per object from the coadds
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys - On behalf of the imaging teams Yichang 2019.10.18 Hu Zou ( @ NAOC) - lamost
Optical imaging surveys
q Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS):
  q Collaboration between NAOC and UA
  q Co-PIs: Xu Zhou (NAOC), Xiaohui Fan (UA)
  q Duty PI: Hu Zou (NAOC)
  q Data and science teams from collaborators in China and DESI

   q   2.3m Bok telescope
   q   g and r bands
   q   5100 deg2
   q   387 nights
   q   2015.1-2019.3

q Common survey strategy with DECaLS and MzLS: three dithered passes
   q Pass 1: photometric and seeing < 1.7” (1.3”)
   q Pass 2: photometric or seeing < 1.7” (1.3”)
   q Pass 3: other weather conditions
q Sky brightness conditions:
   q g dark nights
   q r dark/grey nights
   q z bright nights
q Dynamic exposure time calculator ensures the imaging depths for different
q All optical observations were completed     (Mar.
 2019): 2015-2019
  q BASS 397 nights, Jan 2015 — Mar. 2019
  q MzLS 401 nights, Dec 2015 — Feb. 2018
  q DECaLS 204 nights, Aug 2014 — Mar. 2019

q 5-yr new WISE coadds using WISE data taken as
 of 2018
Data Releases
qBASS releases:
  q   2015 Dec. Eearly Data Release (EDR)
  q   2017 Jan. First Data Release (DR1)
  q   2017 Dec. Second Data Release (DR2)
                                                 More observations
  q   2019 Aug. Third Data Releae (DR3)
                                                 Updated pipelines
qDESI releases
  q   DR1-DR3: DECaLS+unWISE
  q   DR4: BASS+MzLS+unWISE                      Better data quality
  q   DR5: DECaLS+unWISE
  q   DR6: BASS+MzLS+unWISE
  q   DR7: DECaLS+unWISE
  q   DR8: BASS+MzLS+DECaLS+unWISE (2019. Jun)
Legacy survey DR8
qBoth north and south sky
  q About 20,000 deg2
  q 5 filters: g,r,z,w1 and w2
  q ~2 mag deeper than SDSS
  q 1-1.5 mag deeper than
  q Include 5000 deg2 from
  q Best seeing at z band for
    best shape measurements
What’s in DR8?
q Combined footprint for the first time!
   q DR8: DR8-north & DR8-south
   q Overlap region around dec=32 degrees (32.275)

q Coverage reaching >100% (!) of 14k goal in   individual bands, including additional 5000
   deg2 from DES

q Larger than 1.6 billion unique sources
q Photometric catalogs from Tractor with object types:
   q   PSF: point source (stars & QSOs)
   q   REX: round exponential
   q   EXP: exponential (w/ ellipticity)
   q   DEV: Devaucouleurs profile
   q   COMP: composite with EXP+DEV components

q Forced photometry for optical grz and WISE W1-W4
q Light curve of 11 epoches for WISE W1 and W2 (from 2010-2018)
Sky viewer
Some work based on the imaging data

p Low surface brightness galaxies and Ha emitters: Shi et
   al. 2017, Zaritsky et al. 2019, Omkar Bait et al. 2019
p High-redshift quasars: Wang et al. 2017,2018, Yang, et
   al. 2017,2018
p Scaling relation of star forming galaxies: Gao et al.
   2019, Huang et al. 2019
p Strong lensing: Shu et al. 2018, Wang et al.2019
p Photo-z and galactic clusters: Hu et al. 2019
p Light variability: Garling et al. 2018, Li et al, 2018

Substructures/stellar streams
p About 2 mag deeper and wider than the SDSS:
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            Credit: V. Belokurov and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Proper motion
p relative to SDSS: >10-year time lag between SDSS
 and DESI;
pStars with high proper motions
pCatalog of star proper motion (r down to ~22 mag),
 used for the MW dynamics.
Variable objects
p   Comparing SDSS photometry or using WISE light curves
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WISE light
Interesting objects from unWISE
p Finding the Coldest, Nearest Brown Dwarfs
 prior WISE motion searches
                                    A possible high-velocity
                                    brown dwarf
                                    q µ = 1.9”/yr
                                    q color-based spectral type
                                      estimate (~T5) implies
                                      distance of ~49 pc
                                    q => extremely high Vtan ~
                                      450 km/s

                                    Co-mover to primary with
                                    Gaia DR2 parallax
                                    q primary is known L1
                                      brown dwarf at 24 pc.
    ~1.4 mags deeper                q Absolute W2 mag of co-
    ~6.5 x larger volume              mover: T9 spectral type;
                                    q projected separation of
                                      326 AU
p    DESI imaging surveys provide very wide and deep legacy imaging
    data, which can be used to explore the Milky Way:
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p   Combining both deep imaging and LAMOST/DESI spectra is good for
    studying the MW, including the substructure of the halo, satellite
    dwarf galaxies, different stellar populations, interesting variable
    objects, proper motion, moving objects, etc.
p   Encourage people to dive into this unprecedented data set,
Survey   Institute   Telescope Filter     Area       Depth (AB mag)
 BASS      NAOC       Bok 2.3m     gr      5100        g=24.0, r=23.5

 MzLS      NOAO       Mayall 4m     z      5100            z=22.9

                                                       g=24.5, r=23.9,
DECaLS     LBNL       Blanco 4m    grz     9000

unWISE     DESI         WISE      W1,W2   Full sky    W1=20.7, W2=20.0
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