DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Sean Lopez
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi, I’m Steve Brown. I have the privilege to be the next DOBA Council President and I hope to serve our
Old Boys with integrity for the coming future. Please be sure to approach me for any inquiries at all!

A little bit about myself, I started at Dilworth in 1969 and left at the end of 1975. After school, I did an
electrical apprenticeship which led to me setting up my own electrical contracting company which I
continue to operate (to this day). Wishing to give something back to Dilworth, I returned in 1998 to work
part-time as a relief housemaster, before becoming the Stayback housemaster from 2000 - 2009. Being
the Stayback housemaster was such a rewarding experience that it influenced to train as a secondary
teacher and careers’ advisor. From 2005-2007 I was a Careers’ Advisor / technology teacher at a South
Auckland school.

That positive experience also sparked my interest in pastoral care and faith, which led me to the University
of Auckland, where I completed both a Graduate Diploma and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Theology. I
then completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling Theory.

In 2018, I was elected onto the Council after raising the issue of what I perceived as groups of old boys
without a representative voice on the council. Last year I became DOBA’s Welfare Liaison Officer as well
as being part of the C19 team who planned DOBA’s Centennial Reunion.

James Dilworth hoped his legacy would produce “good and useful members of society” – one aspect of
this is “paying it forward”, by giving back to Dilworth. As President, my mantra is “building success due to
active participation”. We need to encourage today’s students & old boys to get involved, to give back to
Dilworth and its community.
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi, I’m Nathan Hauraki. I am the new Vice President of DOBA.

A little about me; I started Dilworth in 2010 (proud Tyronian) and finished up in
2014. I went onto University and have recently completed a Bachelor of Music
with Honours and a Bachelor of Arts. I am a classically trained opera singer
and when I am not singing at a gig or concert, I am usually organising an event
of some sort - it’s a bit of a hobby.

I was elected to the DOBA Council in 2015 and have been the Secretary of
DOBA for the past 5 years. Coming into 2020, I thought it was time to see
where I can best serve DOBA and the role of VP provided the perfect

DOBA had a fantastic year last year with the Centenary Celebrations and I am
sure many of you can agree with me that it was a great weekend.

The DOBA Council wants to continue that same energy and engagement into
2020, so we look forward to presenting our plans for the year very soon and
seeing you all getting involved!
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi everyone I'm Pernell Callaghan, an old boy
from class of 2010.

I have been asked to come on board the Council
as role of Treasurer and I hope to be able to
serve the old boy community and give back to the

Since leaving Dilworth I have spent my time
working in the real estate and technology sectors;
in the last few years developing my company,
Arizto, which was recently valued at just over

I believe I can add value to DOBA and I aim to
use the skills I have attained in business to
ensure the Associations finances are suitably
managed to the wishes of the old boys

Tēnā koutou. My name is Cody Carnachan and I
have been on the Council for the past 6 years,
with the last 2 years as President. I also Chaired
the 2019 Centenary Committee and the Order of
James Dilworth Committee. Being our Centenary
year, last year was a great year for DOBA and it
was fantastic to meet so many Old Boys who we
had not seen in a while (or ever), have everyone
together to celebrate and to launch the Order of
James Dilworth. A little about me; I was at
Dilworth from 2005-2011 and am a proud
Dungannon-ite! After leaving school, I went on to
do a short stint of study, then to start my own
business, a digital agency, which I have grown
over the past 7 years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed
being able to connect with and support a wide-
range of other Old Boys in business. On the side,
I’m also a keen classical pianist. After stepping
down as President at the AGM in March, I now
hold an honorary role on the Council as
Immediate Past President. My role is designed to
help with continuity of leadership and to support
Steve, Nathan and the rest of the Council.
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi, my name is Connor Bindon and I am the newly
appointed Secretary of the Dilworth Old Boys
Association Board.

I left Dilworth in 2017 and was given the
opportunity to take a gap year as a Tutor at the
Royal School Dungannon in Northern Ireland. I
am currently in my second year at Auckland
University, studying property.

Over my next 2 years on the board I plan to make
a change for the council by bringing fresh and
creative ideas to the table, and giving back to
something that provided me with so many
amazing opportunities.

Hi all, my name is Indivar Kumar and I have the
honour of being the Communications Officer for
DOBA this year.

A little bit about me; I started Dilworth in 2010 in
Year 6, where I started off in Tyrone house. With
time passing by, I had somehow found myself in
Dungannon in Year 10 and spent the rest of my
education repping the yellow until the end of
2017. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Arts
and a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of
Auckland to try and enter the creative industry
and community work.

I was elected into the council last year and I look
forward to building on the success of the DOBA
Centenary and heading towards another
successful year of giving back to the community.
Thank you all for your support and energy that
you bring into DOBA and I am looking forward to
the future strengthening of all the connections
within and outside of DOBA!
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi, I’m Hunter Sutter and I am the Events Officer
for the Dilworth Old Boys Council after moving
from my previous position as School Liaison
Officer in 2019.

I left Dilworth in 2018 where I am now in my
second year of University, studying Commence.

My goal for this new role is to create events for
Dilworth Old Boys that are meaningful and
exciting. To unite our community and strengthen
the bond between us all. I look forward to meeting
more of you as the opportunity arises and I urge
you all to attend as many events as possible to
bring back the good memories and create more
as we get to know each other.

Tēnā koutou ngā tama tōmua o Tiriwāwha. Ko
Horehore te maunga, ko Waiotaka te awa, ko
Ngāti Rongomai ki Waiotaka rāua ko Korohe ngā
hapū, ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te iwi. Ko Jacob De
Berry tōku ingoa.

I belong to the class of 2003, Donegal House.
Currently, I teach Physical Education and Te Reo
Māori across the Dilworth Junior and Senior
Campuses. I am also Housemaster of Wilton
House and Assistant Coach of the school’s 1st XV
rugby team.

Having served on the DOBA council for a number
of years previously, it is my honour and privilege
to return to the council and and to serve our
community as the School Liaison Officer. Ngā
manaakitanga ki a tātou katoa.
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
Hi all, my name is Bruce Stewart and I am happy
to be addressing you all as part of the DOBA
council for 2020! I started Dilworth in 1962 at the
age of 7 and left in 1970 at the end of Form 6
(Year 12). Whilst at Dilworth I played most sports
including Cricket, Rugby, tennis and athletics. My
real passion was Cricket and I, together with
Derek Barker, was selected to play for the
Auckland       Secondary        Schools     Senior
representative Cricket team. I was the opening
batsman. In 1970 I left Dilworth and went to
Auckland University where I studied a Law
Degree. In 1974 I was awarded a Rhodes
Scholarship which took me to Oxford University
where I graduated with a MA in Jurisprudence.
Having completed my studies in Oxford I returned
to New Zealand and obtained a position as a law
clerk with Grierson Jackson in the litigation
department. Three years later I became a partner
at Simpson Grierson. In 1995 I went to the Bar
and was appointed a Queen's Counsel in 2000. In
2019 I was honoured to be awarded the Order of
James Dilworth. I look forward to working with all
Old Boys and furthering DOBA into the future!

Hi all, my name is David Mossman and I am
pleased to be serving the DOBA community
through the council this year! Born and raised in
Gisborne I was educated at Dilworth School from
1963 - 1969. Upon leaving Dilworth School I
became a Heavy Diesel Mechanic repairing heavy
high horsepower diesel powered machinery within
most industries and many regions including New
Zealand, Colorado, USA and the Pacific. I am now
Production Factory Manager for a chemical
company doing all maintenance on site. I have
been a previous council member and one of the
organisers of the Country Boys Reunion held in
Gisborne in the mid 90’s. I am continually grateful
for the benefit of my Dilworth education and the
few decades spent as a member of our
Associations Fellowship. My relaxation therapy is
driving and repairing 1928-1930 Model A Ford
vehicles and one of a small team organising a
National Rally in Gisborne in 2021. I am looking
forward to strengthening the fellowship and
foundation of DOBA and this new council’s first
country reunion, hopefully in 2020.
DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS DOBA Council Members 2020 - Amazon AWS
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