DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...

Page created by Yvonne King
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
March 2018 Newsletter, Issue 96

DVLA changes
to driving
from January
1st 2018                                                                  IN THIS ISSUE…
                                                                        • FreeStyle Libre and the NHS
                                                                • Living with diabetes and depression

       hanges to the law concerning medical                           • Discontinuation of beef insulin –
       fitness to drive for diabetes have taken                                   latest dates
       effect from January 1st 2018. The
                                                                           • Dodgy slimming pills
amendments on diabetes reflect developments
in the diagnosing and treatment of diabetes since                     • Jeremy Hunt’s plans for the NHS
the 2006 Directive came into force. The changes
to regulations apply to group 1 drivers only and            Three Month Period
the DVLA has not considered making a change in              The current rules do not permit driving for those
these regulations for group 2 drivers.                      who suffer recurrent, severe hypoglycaemias
                                                            within a rolling 12 month period. This can result in
The Amendments                                              a wait of close to 12 months for the first episode
                                                            to drop out of the 12 month period. The new
Hypoglycaemia while asleep
                                                            rules now state that this time span is no longer
Until these changes, there has been no                      medically justified and a 3 month period after the
distinction made between hypoglycaemia                      most recent of the two episodes within 12 months
experienced while awake or while asleep but the             would be a more appropriate duration.
new rules now state that hypoglycaemia should
not be classified as severe when it occurs during           The effect of the new regulations is that if a person
sleep because it is more difficult to recognise             suffers two or more episodes of hypoglycaemia
the warning symptoms and to treat the event                 while awake within a 12 month period, their
appropriately. As applicants or drivers cannot              licence will be refused or revoked, unless they
demonstrate an understanding of the risk and                have been free of hypoglycaemia for the last
adequate control of the condition while asleep, it          three months. If the licence is refused or revoked,
is considered unfair to continue with the current           driving entitlement can be restored once that
rules. The new regulations will apply only to               person has been free of hypoglycaemia for a 3
hypoglycaemia experienced while awake.                      month period.

A charity supporting and listening to people who live with diabetes

www.iddtinternational.org                                                         enquiries@iddtinternational.org 1
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
Glucose Monitoring                                          Be aware!
There is an additional measure in the regulations           These new regulations do not mean that
that does not stem from the EU directive. The               alternatives to the ‘finger prick’ blood test are
current regulations require group 1 drivers to              automatically permitted. The new regulations
undertake appropriate blood glucose monitoring.             enable alternative methods to be considered,
There are now methods available commonly                    but decisions will be made as to which methods
described under the heading ‘Continuous Glucose             are appropriate in consultation with the medical
Monitoring Systems (CGMS)’, which includes                  advisory panel.
flash glucose measuring using the FreeStyle
Libre. These methods measure the glucose                    At this point, no method other than the blood
level in interstitial fluid (a bodily fluid), but the       test has been deemed appropriate, so the current
specific reference to “blood glucose” in legislation        rules on glucose monitoring will not change on 1
precludes the use of these methods for driver               January.
licensing purposes.
                                                            Should this change, the DVLA will
The new regulations remove this restriction
by replacing the requirement for “appropriate
                                                            amend their guidance accordingly.
blood glucose monitoring” with “appropriate                 DVLA provides guidance for the medical
monitoring to assess glucose levels and any risk of         profession “Assessing Fitness to Drive” available at:
hypoglycaemia.”                                             www.gov.uk/dvla/fitnesstodrive

                 Advice on vitamin D
    Based on the recommendations       sources of vitamin D. It is difficult   • People who always cover their
    of the Scientific Advisory         for people to meet the 10                 skin when outside,
    Committee on Nutrition (SACN),     microgram recommendation                • Ethnic groups with dark skin.
    in July, Public Health England     from foods naturally containing
    (PHE) issued new advice on the     or fortified with vitamin D, so         Children
    intake of vitamin D. The advice    people should consider taking
    is that 10 micrograms daily are    a daily supplement containing           • Children aged 1 to 4 years
    needed to help to keep bones,      10 micrograms of vitamin D in             should have a daily 10
    teeth and muscles healthy.         autumn and winter.                        microgram supplement of
    Vitamin D is made in the skin by                                             vitamin D,
    the action of sunlight and this    Vitamin D is found naturally in a
                                       small number of foods including         • Babies should be exclusively
    is the main source of vitamin D
                                       oily fish, red meat, liver and egg        breastfeed until about
    for most people. However, the
                                       yolks and in fortified food like          6 months old but as a
    SACN could not say how much
                                       breakfast cereals and fat spreads.        precaution, all babies under
    vitamin D is made in the skin
                                                                                 1 year should have 8.5 to
    through exposure to sunlight,
                                                                                 10 micrograms of vitamin D
    so it is therefore recommending    Some groups of                            supplement.
    a daily dietary intake of 10
                                       people should                           • Children who have more than
                                       consider taking                           500ml of infant formula daily,
    In spring and summer most                                                    do not need additional vitamin
    people get enough vitamin D
                                       vitamin D all
                                                                                 D as formula is already fortified.
    from sunlight and a balanced       year round
                                                                               Vitamin D supplements are
    diet but PHE advises that in
                                       • People in institutions, such as       available free-of-charge for low-
    autumn and winter everyone
                                         care homes, who may get little        income families on the Healthy
    will need to rely on dietary
                                         exposure to sun,                      Start scheme.

2                                                                         March 2018, Issue 96
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
What can of Coca-Cola really do to the body?
Just a bit more information,            • Within 20 minutes of drinking a         such as bone growth.
following the article in the June         12-oz can of Coca-Cola, blood
                                                                                • After an hour, the diuretic effects
Newsletter about sugar content            sugar levels spike causing a burst
                                                                                  of caffeine kicks in causing urinary
of various drinks. As we said,            of insulin to be released.
                                                                                  excretion of the bonded calcium,
the World Health Organisation
                                        • Caffeine absorption is complete         magnesium, and zinc, as well as
recommendations are a maximum
                                          after 40 minutes causing blood          sodium, electrolyte, and water.
of 6 teaspoons per day, yet a 12oz
                                          pressure to rise and adenosine
can of Coca-Cola contains about                                                 • Finally, a sugar crash occurs,
                                          receptors in the brain to be
10 teaspoons. So what happens                                                     causing irritability and drowsiness.
                                          blocked preventing drowsiness.
with Coca-Cola and all caffeine                                                 (Consumption of sugary drinks in
carbonated drinks?                      • Dopamine production is increased
                                                                                the US, 2005-2008, accessed 31 July
                                          after 45 minutes which stimulates
• The high amounts of fructose corn                                             2015 and Harvard School of Public
                                          the reward and pleasure centre
  syrup, refined salts, and caffeine                                            Health, Soft drinks and disease,
                                          of the brain, similar to how heroin
  found in these drinks contribute                                              accessed 31 July 2015) While all this
  to high blood pressure, diabetes                                              does not mean that these drinks
  and obesity when regularly            • The phosphoric acid masks the         should be completely banned from
  consumed. People who drink 1-2          sweetness of the drink but binds      the public’s diet as small amounts
  cans of sugary beverages a day are      to calcium, magnesium, and zinc,      will not do any major harm, who
  26% more likely to develop Type 2       preventing them from being            wants to consume a drink with such
  diabetes.                               absorbed and used for processes       effects?

Latest on beef insulin                                                                 Regular
discontinuation                                                                       IRN-BRU is
As our members are aware, beef insulin is being discontinued because
the raw materials, beef insulin crystals, are no longer being made and are
not available anywhere in the world.
                                                                                     reducing its
We have tried to reassure people that pork insulin will remain available,
so this is the nearest available option. However, we have been very
                                                                                    sugar content
disturbed by reports from our members that their health professionals               From January
have told them that pork insulin is also being discontinued, even worse,            2018 IRN-BRU
those telling their patients this have said they were told this at a health         will contain
professional conference! Who gives out such misinformation?                         approximately 50%
PORK INSULIN WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE,                                         less sugar. The sugar
                                                                                    content per 100ml
SO DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY                                           will reduce from
                                                                                    10.3g to 4.7g. For a
Latest Hypurin®                                                                     time old and new
Bovine Insulin                                                                      products may be on
                                                                                    the shelf together
predicted                                                                           so remember to
depletion dates                                                                     check the label.
                                                                                    The manufacturers
Predicted depletion dates
                                                                                    warn that people
are based on current stock
                                                                                    with diabetes
and average sales. Right
                                                                                    should be aware of
are the latest updates for
                                                                                    the carbohydrate
the withdrawals of beef
                                                                                    content change
insulin provided
                                                                                    and should seek
by Wockhardt on
                                                                                    medical advice.
January 23rd

DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
In the last Newsletter, we reported          free reader but only one sensor         including lancets. However, the
that the Freestyle Libre by Abbott           and then expected to buy                cost for the FreeStyle Libre is
was made available on the NHS                them after using this one.              worked out on the private cost
from November 1st 2017 for               •   More than one person has                charged to buy from Abbott at
people with Type 1 and Type                  been told that they are ‘too            £57.95 but the equivalent list price
2 diabetes. This device checks               well controlled’ for the device         to the NHS is £35.00! So the prices
glucose levels by scanning a                 to be prescribed on the NHS             are not comparing like with like
sensor worn on the back of the               which begs the question of              and if they were, then there would
arm without having to prick the              whether this is due to the              only be a difference of about £200
fingers, so it is a non-invasive way         number of tests they are                between testing 10 times daily
of checking glucose. It actually             carrying out per day!                   with strips and using the Libre
checks the glucose levels in the                                                     sensors and no difference at all
interstitial fluid (the fluid in the     What were the reasons                       if people test 15 times a day, and
cells) and there is a 5 to 10 minute     for refusal?                                some do! Is this a mistake on the
delay in this glucose response to                                                    part of the CCG and are other CCGs
changes in blood glucose. Glucose        •   The most common was ‘It is              using the same misleading figures?
readings on the interstitial fluid           not being prescribed in this
have been proven to reliably
                                         •   Cost.
                                                                                     No evidence of benefit
reflect glucose levels.
                                         •   Not accurate enough.                    It appears that some CCGs are
It has been approved for use on                                                      prescribing the FreeStyle Libre for
                                         •   No evidence of benefit.                 selected patients and monitoring
the NHS across the UK for people
with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes                                                      the results and one of the four
who are treating their diabetes          Cost                                        Regional Medicines Optimisation
intensively with insulin. However,       One member sent us their local              Committees has put out a Position
prescribing it is subject to local       CCG Position Statement on their             Statement with recommendations
Clinical Commissioning Group             reasons for not prescribing the             of what information should be
(CCG) approval, which runs the risk      FreeStyle Libre, one of which               collected. So perhaps they will
of a postcode lottery of availability.   was cost. Below is the table in             gather the evidence of the benefits
                                         their Statement but there is one            which will enable the device to be
We asked Newsletter readers what         major fault with it – they are not          available on the NHS.
was happening in their areas when        comparing like with like.
they asked to be prescribed the                                                      It is hard to resist saying that if the
FreeStyle Libre on the NHS and the       The cost of self-monitoring test            evidence is good enough for the
results did not surprise us!             strips is the list price charged to         Prime Minister to use the FreeStyle
                                         the NHS (not the price we pay at            Libre, surely it is good enough for
•   Of all the people who                the pharmacy) at about £11.00               other people with diabetes!
    responded, only one
    succeeded in being prescribed
    the device.                                 Recommended products for                             Cost per year
•   All those already using the                     glucose monitoring                                per person
    FreeStyle Libre by paying
    privately for it were refused it              Self-monitoring strips and lancets –
    on the NHS. This was despite                         testing 4 times daily                            £320
    their reports of improved
    control, no severe hypos since                Self-monitoring strips and lancets –
    using it, improved quality of                       testing 10 times daily                            £790
    life and comments such as, ‘it
                                                    FreeStyle LIbre sensors estimate
    has transformed my life’.
                                                           with free sensors                             £1,511
•   Some people were offered a

4                                                                              March 2018, Issue 96
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
Quality of life                         believes that everyone with Type 1            2017 (when the announcement
Are CCGs best placed to judge           and Type 2 diabetes using insulin             was made)?
about improvements in quality           who wants to use this device, should
of life? What do they really know       be allowed to do so on the NHS.           •   How many people have
about living with diabetes and all                                                    been successful in getting
this entails? We could make a long      There have been several                       the FreeStyle Libre system
list but it is worth remembering        Parliamentary Questions asking why            prescribed since it was included
that home blood glucose testing         the FreeStyle Libre is not available to       on the NHS Drug Tariff in
first became available in 1981, so      everyone but the answers offered no           November 2017?
some people have been pricking          explanations. In order to fight a case,
                                        we need to know on what basis             •   What are the criteria on which
their fingers for over 30 years.
                                        these blanket refusals are being              decisions about whether people
Don’t they now deserve a painless,
                                        made. So we are sending Freedom               are prescribed the FreeStyle
non-invasive way of testing?
                                        of Information questions to all CCGs          Libre are made and who is
                                        to ask:                                       responsible for making these
What is IDDT doing                                                                    criterion-based decisions?
about this?                             •   How many requests have you
                                            received from people with             Hopefully, the information
Understandably, we have had                 diabetes to have the FreeStyle        provided will enable us to fight the
some very angry calls and emails            Libre glucose monitoring system       decision to refuse to pay. We will
with demands to take action. IDDT           prescribed since September            keep you informed.

                      Facts you need to know!
  VAT free if buying privately                                FreeStyle Libre and Swimming
  As the FreeStyle Libre is a medical device, it can be       One of our members asked if she could wear the
  obtained without having to pay VAT when you are             sensor while swimming and we thought this may be a
  purchasing the device or sensors yourself. The way to       question other people may ask. The sensors are water-
  do this may not be obvious on the website, so the best      resistant and can be worn while bathing, showering,
  way is to telephone Abbott to place the order and tell      or swimming as long as you:
  them that you want to apply for VAT exemption, their        • Do not take it deeper than 3 feet (1 meter)
  number is: 0800 1701177. Once registered this way, all
                                                              • Do not keep it under water for longer than 30
  future orders will be VAT free.
                                                                   minutes at a time.

DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
    Missed hospital                                more than 110,000 referrals to
                                                   date, so reflecting its growing
                                                                                          and a small number from India,
                                                                                          with the aim of delivering 622
    appointments ‘cost                             popularity with the public and         nurses by March 2020. By August
                                                   healthcare professionals.              2017, the scheme had cost
    NHS 1bn a year’                                                                       £566,000 but only secured 12 new
                                               In the last 18 months the roll-out has
    Missed hospital appointments are           covered three quarters of the country.     nurses. The scheme to recruit 200
    costing the NHS £1bn a year, according     The aim is to achieve full national        international nurses is expected to
    to the Chief Nursing Officer, Jane         coverage next year, with as many as        cost around £10.5m over the four-
    Cummings, who says the cash wasted         200,000 people referred and 80,000 on      year period but the expenditure for
    on missed appointments could                                                          2016/17 was £4.2million, nearly half
                                               programmes in 2018/19.
    be used to fund 250,000 extra hip                                                     of the £10.5million total allocated for
    replacements. Official figures show                                                   the whole period. So nearly half the
    that 7.9m NHS appointments were            The need for a                             budget has been spent and only an
    missed last year with an average cost                                                 eighth of the target number of nurses
    of £120 per slot which indicates that      standardised                               has been achieved so far!
    around £950m was wasted.                   qualification for nurses
    The official figures also show that        specialising in diabetes                   NHS hospitals made
    between June 2016 and June 2017,
    90% of hospital beds were classed as       Dr Partha Kar, associate national          £174 million in car park
    "occupied", the highest rate since 2010.   clinical director for diabetes for NHS
                                               England, has asked Trend-UK to define
                                                                                          charges last year
    This figure has consistently been above
    the so-called "safe occupancy rate" of     the role of the diabetes specialist        Overall hospitals made £174m in the
    85%.                                       nurse because of concerns about            last financial year from car parking
                                               the variation in skills, competence,       charges to patients, visitors and
                                               experience, titles and problems with       staff. Shadow Health Secretary, Jon
    NHS diabetes                               recruitment. The co-chairs of Trend-       Ashworth, called the charges an
                                                                                          "entirely unfair and unnecessary
    prevention programme                       UK (Training, Research and Education
                                               for Nurses in Diabetes) also want the      burden" and that a lack of central
    update                                     role to have a clearer definition and      government funding was forcing
                                               for there to be a single foundation        hospitals to drum up more revenue
    The NHS diabetes prevention                                                           and that “Even Jeremy Hunt has
                                               specialist qualification.
    programme has succeeded in                                                            described this outrageous practice as
    signing up significantly more people       At the present time there is no
                                                                                          a ‘stealth tax’.” The Liberal Democrats
    than expected. (Report in Diabetic         mandatory qualification available for
                                                                                          described the charges as a "tax on
    Medicine, December 2017).                  a diabetes specialist nurse so anyone
                                               in nursing could call themselves
    Highlights from the report show:                                                      The people most affected are people
                                               a diabetes nurse. It is hoped that
    •   The programme received 43,603          there will be a position statement         with long-term conditions, such as
        referrals between June 2016 and        for 2018 but it appears that the           diabetes, and disabilities who have
        March 2017 – 16% higher than           Nursing and Midwifery Council need         to regularly attend hospitals. Let’s
        expected.                              to be persuaded to support the             also not forget the staff working in
                                               idea of a diabetes specialist nursing      hospitals, many of whom have to pay
    •   Nearly half of those referred to
                                               qualification.                             to park their cars to go to work to care
        the programme attended their
                                                                                          for us all.
        first session – more than the 40%
        originally planned for.                Over £4m spent to                          A Department of Health spokesman
                                                                                          said, “Patients and families should
    •   Attendance rates for men, for          bring 50 nurses from                       not have to deal with the added
        people from black, Asian and
        minority ethnic groups, and for        Philippines                                stress of complex and unfair parking
                                                                                          charges. NHS organisations are locally
        people from the most deprived          An overseas nurse recruitment scheme       responsible for the methods used
        areas were higher than expected        in Northern Ireland has secured just       to charge, and we want to see them
        suggesting that the programme is       under 50 new staff after nearly two        coming up with flexible options that
        reaching those who are at greater      years and has spent £4.2million to do      put patients and their families first.”
        risk of developing Type 2 diabetes     so. There is currently a 1,500 nurse
        and who access healthcare less         shortage in Northern Ireland.              This is yet another example of local
        effectively.                                                                      decision-making and no national
                                               In May 2016 the Department                 policy within what is called a National
    •   Further analysis shows that there      of Health launched an overseas             Health Service over which the
        has been an additional 70,000          recruitment scheme to encourage            Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt, has no
        people referred since March with       nurses to come from the Philippines        control.

6                                                                                    March 2018, Issue 96
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
Dodgy slimming pills
The Medicines and Healthcare           The downside…                           drug reactions (ADR) reporting,
products Regulatory Agency                                                     there was an increase of 13% and
(MHRA) is working in partnership       Almost two-in-three (63%) suffered      the campaign reached over two and
with Slimming World as part of         unpleasant side effects after taking    half million people.
the Agency’s wider FakeMeds            slimming pills bought online
                                       including diarrhoea, bleeding that      Adverse reactions to medicines,
Campaign to encourage those
                                       wouldn’t stop, blurred vision and       whether prescription medicines
wanting to lose weight to
                                       heart problems but of concern is        (including insulin), or over-the-
turn to safe, legitimate and
                                       that 81% didn’t report these side       counter medicines can occur at any
appropriate routes.
                                       effects to anyone.                      time and should be reported.
Recent research shows that online
                                                                               How to report an adverse
sellers of potentially dangerous
slimming pills containing              Reputable groups                        reaction
withdrawn pharmaceutical               There are reputable groups in the       ADRs can be reported by health
ingredients are putting dieters’       community, such as Slimming             professionals, pharmacists or
health at serious risk by attracting   World and Weight Watchers, which        patients. Patients can report online
them with the promises of quick-       can support people to lose weight       at www.yellowcard.gov.uk or on a
fix weight loss and bypassing          through healthy lifestyle changes.      Yellow Card which can be found in
discussions with their GP and          Your GP or healthcare professional      pharmacies. Alternatively, they can
pharmacist. According to a             can advise you on finding the right     call the Yellow Card line on 0800
FakeMeds survey involving 1805         option for you.                         731 6789 (10am to 2pm Monday to
slimmers carried out by the MHRA                                               Friday only) or write to:
                                       However, if you’re looking to buy
and Slimming World, one in three
                                       medicines online, check if the seller   Yellow Card Scheme, Vigilance and
slimmers have tried slimming pills
                                       is registered by using the following    Risk Management of Medicines,
purchased online. Since April 2013,
                                       online checking system, www.gov.        MHRA, 4.M, Buckingham Palace
the Agency has seized nearly £4
                                       uk/fakemeds or check if they display    Road, London SW1W 9SZ
million worth of dodgy weight loss
                                       the distance selling logo. If you
pills. The survey showed:                                                      How does reporting improve
                                       think you’ve bought fake medical
•   77% of slimmers were enticed       products, please report this via        patient safety?
    by promises of rapid weight        www.gov.uk/fakemeds                     Information gathered from Yellow
    loss.                                                                      Card reports is continually assessed
•   57% were attracted to being        Reporting adverse                       by experts. If a new side effect is
                                                                               identified, it is carefully considered
    able to order discreetly.          reactions                               in light of the overall side effect
•   44% ordered online because         Reporting suspected side-effects        profile of the medicine and how it
    they didn’t want to speak to a     makes medicines safer and helps         compares with other medicines to
    GP or pharmacist.                  save lives. As a result of the 2016     treat the same condition. Action is
                                       social media campaign run by the        taken whenever necessary to ensure
                                       EU to raise awareness of adverse        that medicines are used to minimise
                                                                               the risks to patients.

DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
Living with diabetes and depression
The winter months are a time             19% had used support or                   in those with depressed mood,
when people are more likely to feel      counselling from a trained                rising to 25% greater in those
depressed – short days, miserable        professional to help them manage          on antidepressants,
weather and post-Christmas blues         their diabetes, and at some point,    •   People with diabetes had a
and this is the case without adding      nearly a third (32%) had used             greater risk of depression rising
diabetes or other conditions into        self-help materials, such as books,       to 53% higher among those
the mix! There is a condition of         videos and the internet.                  treated with insulin. (Arch
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in                                               Intern Med 2010;170:1884-9)
which some people are particularly       But depression is perhaps a
affected by depression in the            stage further…………                     The risks associated with a
darker, winter months. This kind of                                            diagnosis of depression in
                                         In the general population, as many
depression goes away when the
                                         as one person in three experiences    Type 1 diabetes
days are longer but there are other
                                         an episode of depression in their     Middle-aged people with Type
forms of depression which are
                                         lifetime and the presence of other    1 diabetes diagnosed with
longer lasting.
                                         illnesses may complicate or worsen    depression are at least twice
A large survey carried out               depression. Research shows that       as likely to experience a severe
                                         people with chronic conditions,
by Diabetes UK of 8,500                  including diabetes, are three times
                                                                               hypoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic
people of different ages,                                                      event requiring an A& E visit or
                                         more likely to have depression than   hospitalisation, compared with
ethnicities and backgrounds              the general population.               those without depression. The
from across the UK showed                                                      greatest risk was seen in the first
                                         Research has shown that
that 3 in 5 people living                                                      6 months after a diagnosis of
                                         depression may occur in:
with diabetes experience                                                       depression.
emotional or mental health               •    Up to 60% of stroke patients,    An analysis of medical records also
problems as a result of their            •    Up to 40% of people with         showed that people with Type
                                              Parkinson’s disease,             1 diabetes who experienced a
condition.                                                                     hypo- or hyperglycaemic episode
                                         • Up to 42% of cancer patients,
The research showed:                                                           were at least twice as likely to later
                                         • Up to 21% of people with
• Emotional wellbeing stood                                                    be diagnosed with depression
                                              irritable bowel syndrome,
   out as a major issue for                                                    compared with those who did not
                                         • Up to 14-18% of people with         experience severe hypoglycaemia
   respondents, with 3 in 5 (64%)
                                              diabetes.                        or hyperglycaemia.
   saying that they often or
   sometimes feel down because           Studies also suggest that people      Interestingly, the majority of
   of their diabetes.                    with lower HbA1cs tend to have        research on depression and severe
                                         lower levels of depression than       hypoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic
• One in three (33%) said that
                                         those with higher HbA1cs. While       events has been in people with
   diabetes got in the way of them
                                         it appears there is an association    Type 2 diabetes, despite these
   or a family member doing
                                         between high blood sugars and         events being much more common
   things they wanted to do.
                                         depression, it remains unclear        in those with Type 1 diabetes.
• Only 3 in 10 (30%) said they           whether high blood sugars cause
   definitely felt in control of their                                         People with Type 1 diabetes
                                         the depression or depression          are about 4 times more likely to
   diabetes.                             causes high blood sugars.             experience severe hypoglycaemia
                                         Research published in 2010 found      and 3 times more likely to
                                         that:                                 experience hyperglycaemia (DKA)
                                         • people with depression were         than those with Type 2 diabetes.
                                              17% more likely to develop       The study involved 3,742 people
                                              Type 2 diabetes,                 aged at least 50 years old with Type
                                         • people with diabetes were 29%       1 diabetes between 1996 and 2015
                                              more likely to have depression   and showed:
                                              compared with people without     • Depression was associated with
                                              diabetes,                             more than a twofold risk for
                                         • the risk of diabetes was greater         severe hyperglycaemia and a

8                                                                         March 2018, Issue 96
DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
•    Feeling tired or lacking energy.      diabetes receive their treatment.
                                          •    Being agitated or lethargic.
                                                                                     How does depression affect
                                          •    Feeling sad or low much of the
                                               time.                                 people with diabetes?
                                          • Weight gain or weight loss.              Research using questionnaires
                                          • Sleeping too little or too much.         has shown that depression in
      near doubling of risk for severe                                               people with both Type 1 and Type
                                          • Difficulty paying attention or           2 diabetes may have the following
      hypoglycaemia and this risk
                                               making decisions.                     effects:
      was markedly stronger during
      the first 6 and 12 months after a   • Thinking about death or                  • They are less likely to eat the
      depression diagnosis.                    suicide.                                  types and amounts of food
• People with diagnosed                   If you have some or all of these               recommended.
      depression were 5 times more        symptoms over two weeks or more,           • Less likely to take all their
      likely to experience a severe       then you should see your doctor.               medications.
      hyperglycaemic event and 4                                                     • Less likely to function well, both
      times more likely to experience
                                          The need for diagnosis
                                                                                         physically and mentally.
      a severe hypoglycaemic event        It is estimated that in up to three
                                                                                     • Greater absenteeism from work.
      in the first 12 months vs. those    quarters of people with diabetes,
      without a depression diagnosis.     depression may go undiagnosed.             Treatment
• People with Type 1 diabetes             This may be because of poor
                                          detection rates but it could also be       Treatment for depression in people
      who did not have depression
                                          that some people with diabetes             with diabetes has been shown to
      at the beginning of the study
                                          don’t report their symptoms of             be effective and has the additional
      but subsequently experienced
                                          depression because they see them           benefits of improving blood sugar
      severe hyperglycaemia, were
                                          as ‘just part of having diabetes’.         control. The evidence suggests that
      more than twice as likely to
                                          In the UK, the Department of               cognitive behaviour therapy and
      be diagnosed with depression
                                          Health recommends that all GPs             anti-depressant medicines are as
      during follow-up as those who
                                          use two simple questions to screen         effective in people with diabetes
      did not experience severe
                                          for symptoms of depression, in             as in those without diabetes. One
                                          their patients, including those with       study found that not only did
• Patients without depression at                                                     treatment improve blood sugar
      the start of the study but who      diabetes. These questions are:
                                                                                     control but during treatment there
      experienced a severe hypo,          • During the last month, have              was an improvement in mood
      were 75% more likely to be                you been bothered by feeling         and weight. As the treatment of
      diagnosed with depression                 down, depressed or hopeless?         depression can improve blood
      compared to those who               • During the last month, have              sugar control, it is also likely to
      did not experience severe                 you often been bothered by           reduce the risk of complications
      hypoglycaemia.                            having little interest or pleasure   but importantly, it can also improve
The researchers concluded that                  in doing things?                     quality of life.
as the risk for severe hypo- and          If people answer ‘yes’ to either of        It is also well recognised that
hyperglycaemic events was                 these questions, they are given a          exercise helps to reduce depression,
especially high during the first          questionnaire to answer to measure         so although it may be the last thing
year after depression diagnosis,          the extent and nature of the               that people feel like doing, it is
it is important for clinical staff to     symptoms. So if you answer ‘yes’           worth increasing the amount of
be vigilant during this vulnerable        to the two questions above or you          exercise being taken.
period. (Diabetes Care, December          have more mild symptoms, you are           Note: IDDT has two booklets
2017)                                     not alone and the clear message            that may be helpful: ‘Diabetes,
                                          from research is to seek help from         Anxiety and Depression’ and
The practical aspects…                    your doctor because there is a good        ‘Diabetes and Exercise’. If you
Signs of depression include               chance that your life will improve.        would like copies, please call
the following:                            It is important that similar methods       IDDT on 01604 622837 or email
                                          are used in diabetes hospital clinics      enquiries@iddtinternational.org
•   No longer enjoying or being
                                          where many people with Type 1
    interested in most activities.

DVLA changes to driving regulations from January 1st 2018 - Insulin ...
Laughter is
 good for you                                                  THE IDDT’S LOTTERY DRAW
 We published this article in a 2007
 Newsletter but it is worth revisiting.
 We all know that laughter makes us feel better
 and this is because even for a few minutes, we are
 forgetting our troubles. So it appears that laughter         We are delighted to announce the winners
 improves our quality of life or does it? The research         of the draw of our monthly lottery for
 on laughter and its effects is mixed and there is not          November 2017. They are as follows:
 that much of it. Some ‘humour experts’ believe that
 laughter actually stimulates the immune system                           1st prize of £455.28
 to help to ward off infections and illness. There is                goes to Dorothy from Doncaster
 research that shows:                                                     2nd prize of £341.46
                                                                    goes to Susan from Milton Keynes
 •   People who survive one heart attack are less likely to               3rd prize of £227.60
     have a second if they have 30 minutes humour a day.         goes to Anon. from Newcastle upon Tyne
 •   Laughter has been shown to stimulate the                             4th prize of £113.80
     levels of steroid chemicals in the blood that are                   goes to Ruth from Alton
     associated with stress.
                                                              Winners of the December 2017 draw are:
 •   It has also been shown to improve the tolerance
     levels of pain.                                                      1st prize of £462.40
 However, the psychological aspects of humour                         goes to Jane from Farnborough
 are its best use. Often we use humour as a coping                        2nd prize of £347.04
 mechanism – it can defuse stress, humiliation,                       goes to Avice from Cheltenham
 embarrassment and it can also help us to cope with                       3rd prize of £231.36
 pain. At the right time humour can be helpful, even in                goes to John from Dryslwyn
 awful situations but if used inappropriately it can be                   4th prize of £115.68
 destructive.                                                          goes to Anon. from London
 The research into humour is not conclusive. For               Winners of the January 2018 draw are:
 instance 40% of people with heart disease are
 less likely to laugh in funny situations than people                      1st prize of £469.92
 without heart disease, so does this mean that                          to John from Farnborough
 humour prevents heart disease or that people with                         2nd prize of £352.20
 heart disease lose their sense of humour?                            goes to Barbara from Kirkheaton
 Research evidence or not, perhaps we should all                           3rd prize of £234.96
 carry on believing what we have been told from                         goes to Anon. from Chorley
 the cradle, that laughter is                                              4th prize of £117.48
 good for us and it certainly                                        goes to Anon from Middlesbrough
 helps to make the world
 seem to be a happier place.                                  Note: the winners of the draws for February, March
                                                                and April will be announced in our June 2018
                                                               Newsletter and will be available on our website.
                                                                 In 2017, the Lottery raised over £7800.00
                                                                            to help to fund IDDT!
                                                                  A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has
                                                                    supported IDDT through the lottery.
                                                              If you would like to join in for just £2.00 per month,
                                                                  then give us a call on 01604 622837 or email

10                                                                     March 2018, Issue 96
From our own correspondents
More on toenail cutting                                          Received on New Year’s Eve!
Dear Jenny,                                                      Dear Jenny,
Further to the letter in the December Newsletter about           All the best for the New Year and to all at the IDDT. After
toenail cutting and this being carried out by Age                over 50 years on beef insulin, sitting here comfortably
Concern, your readers may not be aware that if you are           with my pork insulin !!!!!!!
taking blood thinners, such as heparin or warfarin, then         By email
Age Concern cannot cut toenails.
As a result of this, my husband is still left with no
podiatry service on the NHS and we are now appealing
to the local CCG.                                                Diabetes – Everyday Eating
Mrs M.H. - Kent                                                  Dear Jenny,
                                                                 At the beginning of December 2018, I was advised I was
                                                                 pre-diabetic and the nurse suggested that I joined a
                                                                 diabetes prevention programme and she also gave me
Benefit cuts and Type 1                                          a copy of your booklet, Diabetes – Everyday Eating. I
                                                                 found the 4 week menu plan extremely helpful, so much
diabetes                                                         so that by the first meeting a month later, I had lost 2
Hi Jenny,                                                        kgs. Please could the other members of the group have
                                                                 copies too!
Like others, I have had my benefits cut through
government policy and I know others who are awaiting             Miss M.E. - North East
payments. In these situations, there is no allowance             Note: this is by far our most popular booklet and we are
made for people with Type 1 diabetes. While insulin is           happy to supply it free of charge.
free on the NHS, we need sufficient food in conjunction
with it – one is no good without the other!
I highlight the case of David Clapson, who had Type 1
diabetes and sadly died within 18 days of his benefits
                                                                 If you have a smart phone…
being stopped. He had worked for 30 years, served 5              Dear Jenny,
years in the army and gave up work to look after his             I noticed the product Solesee in the December
mother with dementia. After her death, he was applying           Newsletter and I think this is excellent for patients who
for jobs but he missed attending the Job Centre and his          cannot bend down or raise their legs. I fall into that
benefits were stopped. He died of diabetic- ketoacidosis,        category but have come up with another solution that
no food in his stomach and only £3.44 in his pocket.             may benefit your members. If you have a smart phone
                                                                 and a selfie stick try doing a selfie of the sole of your
Are health conditions not taken into account when                foot. This can then be retained for future reference to
these decisions are made?                                        show your health professional if there are any problems.
By email                                                         By email

C-peptide test after 47 years
Dear Jenny,
Recently I went to my diabetic clinic and I was given a new   Note: C-peptide is produced in the pancreas at the same time
blood test, called the C-peptide test, which apparently       as insulin, so the test is used to check whether or not people
gives the doctors an indication of the amount of insulin my   are producing their own insulin. In grey areas where it is not
pancreas is able to make itself.                              clear whether people have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, the
I have had Type 1 diabetes for about 47 years, so there can   C-peptide test is used. For example, Type 1 diabetes is usually
surely be little doubt that the insulin capabilities of my    diagnosed at a younger age but it can occur in older people
pancreas ceased a very long time ago. I cannot see what       and the C-peptide test helps to ensure the diagnosis is correct.
benefit such a blood test would have for me, or indeed, for   So if the test shows C-peptide is not present, then the person
anyone with longstanding Type 1 diabetes. Surely this is a    is not producing insulin and therefore is likely to have Type 1
waste of very valuable NHS funds?                             diabetes.
Mr E.J. - Scotland

The late Colin Johnson
     Colin lived through 67 years            among other things, for the            acclaim.
     of diabetes before his death in         legendary Ford Cortina gearshift
                                                                                    Colin continued writing books
     August 2017 and has supported           which set a new standard for car
                                                                                    and articles (sometimes
     IDDT for many years. He never           gearboxes. He designed buildings
                                                                                    jointly with Arabella), mainly
     really came to terms with his           using radical new techniques
                                                                                    about health, politics, and the
     diabetes and always resented the        and the then-novel material of
                                                                                    environment, for the next fifteen
     effects it had on his life but he       GRP (fibreglass), but left this
                                                                                    years, after which he decided it
     learnt to stay well by living well,     career when he became involved
                                                                                    was time to get an education.
     getting to know his body so that        in the Alternative Press in the
                                                                                    Despite having no qualifications
     he could respond appropriately          late 60’s, setting up a wholesale
                                                                                    whatever, he was offered a
     to its signals - when he chose to       and distribution business which
                                                                                    place by Hull University to study
     do so. He was always as active          became the main outlet for
                                                                                    philosophy and was awarded
     as he could be, both mentally           radical publishing.
                                                                                    an MA in 1998. His last book,
     and physically, working in the          Deliberately bankrupted by the         Creating Health, was based on his
     woodland burial ground he co-           mainstream press in 1977 (who          Master's dissertation.
     founded with his partner Arabella       saw his libertarian attitudes as
     after the loss of one foot and                                                 He responded characteristically
                                             a threat to their business), Colin
     other disabilities resulting from                                              to his brush with death in 2000
                                             moved with his partner Arabella
     MRSA contracted in 2000.                                                       by setting up The Eternal Forest
                                             Melville to South Wales, from
                                                                                    Trust, a charity dedicated to
     He was an exceptional man in            where he started industrial
                                                                                    natural woodland and offering
     many ways. Despite leaving              co-operatives before becoming
                                                                                    woodland burials. The wood at
     school at the age of 14 to join the     a writer. Cured to Death: the
                                                                                    Boduan in North Wales opened to
     local fairground, Colin became          Effects of Prescription Drugs was
                                                                                    the public in 2007 and Colin was
     a design engineer, responsible,         published in 1982 to considerable
                                                                                    buried there ten years later.

                           In a press release, the Royal College of             general population, and the neonatal
                           Midwives expressed their concerns about              death rate is more than four times as
                           the findings of the National Pregnancy in            high.
                           Diabetes Audit 2016 which showed that
                           many women with diabetes are not getting        •    Nearly half of the babies born to women
                                                                                with Type 1 diabetes, and nearly a quarter
                           the support they need before and during
                           pregnancy. The report, published in October          born to women with Type 2 diabetes
                           2017 by NHS Digital, measured the quality            were larger than gestational age.
                           of care and outcomes for women with pre-
                           gestational diabetes who were pregnant in
                                                                           •    Few women living with diabetes are well
                                                                                prepared for pregnancy, with only one in
                           2016.                                                12 women (8%) achieving all three key
                           The audit which covered England, Wales               recommended pre-pregnancy health
                           and the Isle of Man, looked at 3356                  measures.
                           pregnancies in 3297 women across 172
                                                                           Note: IDDT has a booklet, ‘Pregnancy
                           antenatal diabetes services. Of these
                                                                           and Gestational Diabetes’ which we
                           women, 1608 had Type 2 diabetes.
                                                                           are happy to supply free of charge,
                           It showed:                                      just contact IDDT on 01604 622837,
                           •   The stillbirth rate for women with
                               diabetes is twice as high as that of the
                                                                           email enquiries@iddtinternational.
                                                                           org or write to IDDT, PO Box 294,
                                                                           Northampton NN1 4XS.

12                                                                             March 2018, Issue 96
Jeremy Hunt Watch
Cabinet reshuffle -                   Responsibility for patients in
Jeremy Hunt to remain                 these areas would then be held by
                                      new bodies, called Accountable
In the Cabinet reshuffle in early     Care Organisations (ACOs). This
January, Jeremy Hunt refused to       could lead to newly merged NHS
take another job and so not only      super-organisations or a non-NHS
remains as Secretary of State         body being awarded contracts
for Health but now also takes         to manage and provide entire
responsibility for Social Care. So    packages of care as the ACOs
his official title is Secretary of    could choose to subcontract the
State for Health and Social Care      service or provide it themselves.
- not an enviable task in today’s     Those campaigning for the
climate!                              judicial review say that this
                                      would allow ACOs to control
Jeremy Hunt taken to                  allocation of NHS money but the
judicial review                       accountability for spending it and
                                      their obligations to the public
Professor Stephen Hawking and         would be under commercial
leading healthcare professionals      contracts and not parliament.
have won permission to take
                                      Even as mere patients, we have
Jeremy Hunt and NHS England
                                      to say that the last changes by
to court over proposals to
                                      this government were only made        ever increase of the NHS medical
restructure the NHS. Mr Hunt has
                                      in 2012/13 and how successful         workforce. It is part of a drive to
put forward a plan which could
                                      have these been? Yet here we are      increase the number of UK trained
allow commercial companies to
                                      again, with more changes which        doctors to reduce the reliance on
run health and social services
                                      appear to be getting rid of some      foreign doctors after Brexit.
across a whole region in what
                                      of those made only a few years
some would call back-door                                                   Part of the plan is a ‘return to
                                      ago! With billions of pounds of tax
privatisation. They have argued                                             service’ scheme whereby doctors
                                      payers’ money being spent, we
that an act of parliament is                                                would repay some of their
                                      need to know that the changes
required to change the law before                                           training costs if they refuse to
                                      are firstly, legal and secondly,
this could be implemented and                                               remain working in the NHS. A
                                      will benefit everyone using the
regulations changed.                                                        public consultation will consider
                                      NHS. Finally, depending on your
Not unexpectedly, lawyers from        political persuasion, moves to        the length of service required
the Department of Health and          privatise the NHS, albeit by the      between two and five years, while
NHS England have rejected these       back door, mean that somewhere        officials will set a proportion of
claims but a court has now ruled      a slice is being taken off the top    repayment.
that a full judicial review will be   for commercial company profit.        Taxpayers pay around £230,000
granted to find out how lawful Mr     Time will tell….                      to train each doctor in addition
Hunt’s proposals are.                                                       to the fees paid by the students
In the proposals, the boundaries
                                      Plans to boost the                    themselves and Mr Hunt said, “By
between different parts of the        number of ‘home-                      expanding our supply of home-
NHS that pay for and provide care,                                          grown doctors and proposing that
such as hospitals, GPs and clinical
                                      grown’ doctors                        they serve patients in the NHS for
commissioning groups, would be                                              a minimum term, we will ensure
                                      Jeremy Hunt plans to train an         taxpayer investment in the NHS is
dissolved.                            extra 1,500 doctors a year from       returned”.
                                      2018/19, which is the largest

 Animas stopped                          certain level. This would allow
                                         insulin to more closely mimic
                                                                                   Roche has acquired
 selling insulin pumps                   how the molecule is controlled            distribution rights
                                         in people without diabetes. The
 in the UK and Ireland                   response of this drug is rapid and        to an implantable
 Animas, a leading manufacturer of       proportionate to glucose levels and
                                         has the potential to do away with
                                                                                   long-term continuous
 insulin pumps has stopped making
 and selling insulin pumps in the UK     the need for insulin injections and       glucose monitoring
 and Ireland. The company, owned by      glucose monitoring. It could also
 Johnson and Johnson, announced in       protect people from hypoglycaemia         system.
 October 2017 that they were leaving     by lowering insulin levels as blood       Roche will sell the Senseonics’
 the insulin pump business in the US.    glucose levels decrease. There is still   Eversense CGM system implant in
                                         a long way to go……                        Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
 They will continue to offer pump
                                                                                   and has options to expand to other
 support, providing pump supplies
 and upholding its warranty support      Oral insulin                              countries. The Eversense combines a
                                                                                   small sensor that works for up to 90
 for the Anima Vibe for a transition     Biopharmaceutical firm Biocon has         days, a wearable, removable smart
 period. Pump supplies will be           received funding from the Juvenile        transmitter and mobile application.
 available until the end of the pump’s   Diabetes Research Foundation              It is inserted below the patient’s skin
 3-year warranty.                        (JDRF) in the US to test its oral         and communicates with the smart
 The transition period gives people      insulin, Tregopil, on people with         transmitter, which then wirelessly
 time to change to a different pump      Type 1 diabetes. The JDRF will fund       sends blood glucose results to the
 and Animas are recommending that        Biocon’s global multiple ascending        mobile app.
 people change to the Medtronic          dose study of oral insulin to evaluate
 pump, although they do not have to      the safety and tolerability in people
 change to this brand.                   with Type 1 diabetes.                     A new mobile app for
 Animas encourages users of the          Another insulin manufacturer, Novo        people with Type 2
                                         Nordisk, withdrew from producing
 Animas Vibe with any questions
 to contact the Animas Customer          oral insulin in 2016 but Biocon           diabetes using insulin
 Support team on 0800 0288039            announced positive clinical data in       from Sanofi
 (UK users) or 1800 812715 (Ireland      2016 for insulin Tregopil following a
 users).                                 set of Phase I studies carried out in     This new tool, described by Sanofi as
                                         the US. One of the studies showed         a ‘digital insulin titration solution’, will
 Note: Animas has stated that the                                                  be a mobile app that assists people
                                         that the fast action of Tregopil
 closing of their UK insulin pump                                                  with Type 2 diabetes on basal insulin
                                         showed distinctive properties
 business will not affect LifeScan                                                 (long-acting) with decision-making
                                         compared to other mealtime
 (makers of the OneTouch blood                                                     and self-management. The app will
                                         insulins, so Biocon has decided to
 glucose monitoring products),                                                     allow remote monitoring by the
                                         carry out further clinical trials in
 Dexcom (continuous glucose                                                        person’s health care team and is due
                                         larger numbers of patients.
 monitors) or Diasend (data sharing                                                to be piloted in North America and
 software) products.                                                               several European countries. Last year
                                         Another insulin copy                      the new app received regulatory
 Smart insulin                           Admelog made by Sanofi has                approval in the US and the European
                                                                                   CE mark.
                                         been approved by FDA in the US
 In September it was announced that
                                         as follow-on biologic of Lilly’s
 Eli Lilly and Company are acquiring
 Glycostasis, Inc., a new company
                                         Humalog. Admelog is an insulin            A new technology
                                         lispro injection and a treatment
 aiming to create “smart insulin.”
 Lilly’s intention is to develop the
                                         for adults with Type 1 and Type 2         that stops the need
                                         diabetes and children with Type
 technology further.
                                         1. It is the first biologic version of    for insulin injections
 “Smart insulin” consists of a           Humalog, the fast-acting insulin by       A new way of administering insulin
 molecule that attaches to insulin       Lilly. (11th December 2017)               could eliminate the need for
 and only releases insulin when                                                    injections. A capsule of genetically
 blood glucose levels rise past a                                                  engineered cells implanted under the

14                                                                           March 2018, Issue 96
skin to release insulin as required, has
been tested in mice.
                                           risk of them developing tumours
                                           and growing uncontrollably. The
                                                                                   Soft contact lens to
As we know, scientists have
                                           type of cells being used are human      measure glucose levels
                                           pluripotent stem cells and the
attempted to artificially cultivate                                                This is not the first contact lens to
                                           researchers have found that the
pancreatic cells from patients’ stem                                               be developed to measure glucose
                                           cell surface protein glycoprotein
cells but they have struggled to                                                   levels, the South Korean researchers
                                           2 allowed them to isolate the
manufacture the cells at the scale                                                 say this device addresses a lot of the
                                           pancreatic endoderm cells. From
necessary for clinical use and the                                                 problems encountered with the first
                                           these purer cells, the researchers
cells naturally tend to die off once                                               lenses. They believe the first lenses
                                           were able to obtain a purer sample
introduced into the body. However,                                                 were too rigid and the electronics
                                           of cells which could increase their
in this research human kidney                                                      too brittle so the new device is more
                                           effectiveness and safety when
cells, known as HEK cells, were re-                                                stable, comfortable and less prone
                                           implanted into humans. (Cell Reports
engineered to perform the function                                                 to breaking. Previous attempts also
                                           Journal, August 1st 2017)
normally carried out by the pancreas.                                              hindered vision and could damage
Two genes were introduced into the                                                 the eye.
cells – one to make them sensitive         A wearable patch to                     The lens works by measuring glucose
to glucose levels and a second to
instruct the cell to pump out insulin      control Type 2 diabetes                 in tears and transmitting the results
                                                                                   wirelessly to a handheld device. An
when glucose levels exceeded a             Researchers at the US NIH’s National    LED display has been embedded in
threshold.                                 Institute of Biomedical Imaging and     the lens, which emits a non-intrusive
If this proves as safe and effective       Bioengineering are working on an        light if glucose levels become too
in human beings, then people with          alternative therapeutic approach        high. The LED display can be emitted
diabetes could be given an implant         to regulating blood sugar levels for    into the eye of the user or into the
that would only need to be replaced        people with Type 2 diabetes using a     opposite direction.
three times a year.                        painless wearable skin patch that can
                                           last up to several days.                Up to now it has only been tested on
Diabetic mice have been treated with                                               animals but no signs of discomfort
the cells and found to have normal         A proof of concept study was            have been observed. It has yet to be
blood glucose levels for several           performed in mice to test the ability   tried in humans and is unlikely to be
weeks. The researchers hope to have        of the patch to respond to blood        available commercially for at least
a licence to test the cells in humans      chemistry and manage glucose            5 years. (Science Advances, January
within 2 years. (Science, December         automatically. It uses the fact that    2018)
2016)                                      people with Type 2 diabetes can still
                                           produce some insulin.
                                                                                   The importance of
Researchers                                To make the experimental patch
                                           an alginate is used. This is a sticky   oral hygiene in Type 2
developing ways                            natural substance that is extracted
                                           from brown algae mixed with a           diabetes
to make lab-grown                          formula of biochemical particles        A study has shown that people with
insulin-producing cells                    that stimulates the body’s insulin
                                           production when it’s needed and
                                                                                   Type 2 diabetes who received oral
                                                                                   health instructions and underwent
safer                                      shuts off when normal blood sugar       deep cleaning of their teeth and
It is thought that the future              concentration is obtained. This is      gums had significant improvements
treatment of Type 1 diabetes is            all poured into a microneedle form      in HbA1c levels and fasting plasma
likely to come from living cells that      to create the patch. The dissolvable    glucose after 3 and 6 months
can produce and release insulin            microneedles make the patch a           compared with no improvements
inside the body and scientists             responsive delivery system for the      in the control group that received
have been using new techniques             therapeutics to be absorbed by the      regular cleanings. The research took
to allow human stem cells to grow          body over a period of time and not      place in Spain and involved 90 adults
an unlimited number of insulin-            all at once.                            and found that the improvements
producing beta cells. The advantage        The study showed that just a half       correlated with oral bacteria
of this is that living cells have the      inch square of the patch on mice        levels, and that the non-surgical
potential to directly respond to           could control blood sugar levels for    treatment of periodontitis led to
changing blood glucose levels and          a week. Researchers said the patch      improved blood glucose control and
release insulin as needed to keep          needs to be modified for use with       HbA1c levels. (Journal of Clinical
glucose levels stable.                     human skin including increasing the     Periodontology, February 2018)

Researchers from the Copenhagen            size and extending the microneedle.
University are developing a way            (Nature Communications, November
to purify the cells to eliminate the       2017)

Parents Part
 Chronic illness in children               Type 1 diabetes (1755) are more
                                           likely to require a higher insulin
                                                                                   The study also found that the
                                                                                   prevalence of asthma in children
 linked to mental health                   dose, are shorter in height as          with Type 1 diabetes was lower
 issues later                              adults and have a higher BMI than       compared with the general
 A study at the University of Sussex       those with Type 1 diabetes that         population, 3.4% versus 4.7%.
 found that childhood chronic              do not have asthma. Those with          However, this was not the case
 illnesses can cause emotional             both conditions were more likely        in studies carried out in the
 and mental health problems in             to be boys (61% versus 52%), were       United States where there was
 adulthood. Thirty seven studies           older and had a longer diabetes         a higher prevalence of asthma
 involving 45,000 people were              duration and were more often            in adolescents with Type 1
 analysed and a link was found             using insulin pump therapy than a       diabetes compared to the general
 between 8 chronic conditions and          conventional insulin regimen.           population, 10.8% versus 8.7%. It
 emotional problems later in life.                                                 has been suggested that as being
                                           There were no between-group
 The chronic conditions included                                                   overweight is a risk factor for
                                           differences for HbA1, but those
 asthma, cancer, chronic renal                                                     developing asthma, this could be
                                           with Type 1 diabetes and asthma
 failure, congenital heart diseases,                                               an influencing factor for the higher
                                           experienced more severe
 cystic fibrosis, Type 1 diabetes,                                                 prevalence of asthma in young
                                           hypoglycaemia compared to those
 epilepsy and arthritis.                                                           people with Type 1 diabetes in the
                                           without asthma.
                                                                                   United States. (Pediaric Diabetes,
 All of those reviewed who                 There was a difference in               December 2017)
 experienced chronic conditions            medication to treat asthma with
 in childhood were at an increased         62% on specific medications:
 risk of developing depression or
                                                                                   The Adverse Childhood
 anxiety and emotional problems
 that continued through adulthood.
                                           •   28% were prescribed inhaled
                                                                                   Experiences (ACE) Study

 Cancer was particularly associated
 with depression but when this was
                                           •   24% were prescribed
                                               sympathomimetic drugs,
                                                                                   Nearly 20 years ago the above
                                                                                   study broke new ground by
                                                                                   showing a strong relationship
 removed from the analysis, the
 link was still there. So it is not just
                                           •   6% were prescribed leukotriene
                                               receptor antagonists,
                                                                                   between adverse childhood
                                                                                   experiences (ACEs) and health-
 cancer that is associated with adult
 emotional problems. (University of
                                           •   4% used unspecified drugs.          risk behaviour and disease in
                                           Researchers found that patients         adulthood. In November 2016,
 Sussex, May 12, 2017)                                                             Public Health Wales published
                                           prescribed sympathomimetic
                                           drugs had a higher average              a report that focused on the
 Children with Type 1                      HbA1c (8.42%) compared to those         relationship between ACEs
 diabetes and asthma need                  prescribed inhaled corticosteroids      and chronic disease based on
                                                                                   questions answered by more
 more insulin                              (8.18%) and leukotriene receptor
                                                                                   than 2000 adults about their
                                           antagonists (7.97%).
 Results from an observational                                                     experiences of maltreatment and
 study involving 51,926 children in                                                household dysfunction as children.
 Germany and Austria found that
                                                                                   Almost half of those surveyed had
 those with asthma and
                                                                                   experienced one ACE and 14%

16                                                                           March 2018, Issue 96
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