Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC

Page created by Joseph Soto
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Efficient, trusted, valued
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Your ABC: Efficient, trusted, valued

                                                                                                                     ABC Open

Today, the ABC is better value for Australians than ever before.
The ABC continues to adopt smarter ways of working and harness
the benefits of new technology to deliver more quality and
distinctive content and across more platforms – at a lower cost.
The ABC was created to serve the Australian              The ABC acknowledges that it operates in
people. We tell the nation’s story and help              a society where there are many competing
Australians understand their place in the world.         demands for public funding. The ABC
We connect Australians wherever they live                understands that to honour the trust placed in
and bring them together around the moments               it by the Australian people, it must manage the
that matter. We are the place where unique               funds given to it wisely and responsibly. Over
Australian stories are created, and where young          the past thirty years the ABC has continuously
and old alike can be inspired and delighted by           sought efficiencies to maximize the amount of
the arts, music and the wonders of science.              money we spend on great content and services
                                                         for all Australians.
For generations, the Australian people have
invested significant funds in establishing the           Despite a real decline in funding per person,
ABC as a critically important social and cultural        the ABC has been able to enhance the services
institution. The legacy of this investment: the          it provides to the Australian public. Services
unique Australian stories told, the great national       like iview, the ABC News channel, the comedy
debates that have been contested,                        channel, digital radio services, podcasts and
the art and the music that has been created,             increased investment in regional reporting have
is woven into the fabric of our country.                 all been funded without additional real funding
                                                         from Government.

                                                     1   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
2017 Slate Launch

Funding                                                  Creative talent
In 1987 the ABC famously cost eight cents a day.         As Australia’s largest creative employer,
Adjusted for inflation and population growth,            we enrich the lives of our fellow citizens by
the ABC today costs each Australian just half            discovering and showcasing the talents of
that amount.                                             Australian people. We promote and invest in
                                                         the broader creative community.
Since the mid-1980s our real funding has
decreased by 28% or $336 million.                        56% of the music we play on triple J is Australian.
                                                         100% of the music on triple J unearthed features
Our funding is 34% lower than the average of
                                                         new Australian talent
18 comparable public broadcasters.
                                                         In 2017 we invested $94.5 million in independent
                                                         productions, creating private sector jobs for
Efficiency                                               writers, producers, directors, actors and the
                                                         businesses that support them.
As technology changes the ABC has provided
Australians with more content, services
and platforms.
We have done these additional things at lower
                                                         In a world of abundant information, the need
cost – and with around 2,000 fewer employees
                                                         for trusted information has never been greater.
than thirty years ago. We have achieved this by
                                                         Despite the ABC’s declining funding and
continuously looking for ways to improve the
                                                         efficiency initiatives, we have invested wisely to
way we work.
                                                         ensure that that the ABC continues to maintain
In the last five years alone, working smarter            very high levels of trust and quality.
has allowed us to invest an additional $70 million
                                                         More than 80% of Australians trust the ABC,
into new programs, services and platforms, while
                                                         compared to average trust of 57% for
also returning $254 million back to government.
                                                         commercial media.

                                                     2   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
In 1987
the ABC cost 19.2 cents per
                                          In 2017
                                          the ABC cost 9.7 cents per
person per day (2017 value)               person per day and delivers...
and delivered...


            2JJJ SYNDEY
                 105.7 FM


                                                                       And more...

                                                                3RD      PLATFORMS
                                                                PARTY SOCIAL
    No digital services


                                                                       And more...

       6,092                     EMPLOYEES            4,097
Full-time equivalent Employees                 Full-time equivalent Employees
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Funding declining in real terms

ABC Operational Revenue from Government incl Capital Indexed at 2016/17 levels -
December 2016, six months CPI Index - 28% reduction from 85/86 to 17/18

$ Millions


             The funding that the ABC has available to make content has declined by 28 per cent or $336 million
             in real terms since the mid 1980s

ABC cost per person per day – 1987 v 2017

              20                                                                                                                               19.2




                                             1987 Funding                                                                    Adjusted for inflation                                                                  Actual 2017 funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         per capita

* Excludes orchestras, transmission and distribution
CPI based on ABS calculator - June 1987 and June 2017
Data sourced from the 2016/17 Annual Report

             The decline in real funding combined with population growth means that the ABC now costs
             half as much per person compared to 30 years ago

                                                                                                                                             4          AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Per capita funding for public broadcasters, 2014*
                                                                                            A$ per inhabitant

          0                                                 50                                       100                                 150                     200
          Norway                                                                                                                                     179

          Switzerland                                                                                                                               178
          Germany                                                                                                                  142
          Denmark                                                                                                      127

          Sweden                                                                                                       126
          Finland                                                                                                     124
          United Kingdom                                                                                        114

          Austria                                                                                   101
          France                                                                73
          Belgium                                                          69

          Ireland                                                57
                                                                                                  Average = 86
          Australia                                              57                                                                            Australia
          Spain                                              54
                                                                                                                                    Australia invests 34 per
          Japan                                              54
                                                                                                                                    cent less per person in
          Italy                            38
                                                                                                                                    public broadcasting than
          Canada             29
                                                                                                                                    the average of comparable
          New Zealand        17
          United States 3

Source: Nordicity analysis of the annual reports of public broadcasters
* Excludes any commercial revenue earned by public broadcasters
Note: Australia includes ABC and SBS combined

Commercial revenues and per capita funding for public broadcasters, 2014
                                                                                            A$ per inhabitant

          0                  50                            100                    150                200               250               300       350           400
          Norway                                           179                                                               179                           359

          Switzerland                                    178                                               61          239
          United Kingdom                    114                                   57          170
          Germany                                    142                               23   165

          Austria                     101                              38         138
          Denmark                              127                         124
          Finland                                    127               3        127

          Sweden                           126                          126

          Ireland       57                       48              105

          Belgium           69                      30           99
                                                                                                                                    Many international public
          France            73                      15           88                                                                 broadcasters supplement
          New Zealand             17        69              86
                                                                            Average = 118                                           their income through
          Australia     57            9        66                                                                                   commercial activity such
          Japan        54             9     63                                                                                      as advertising. The ABC
          Italy   38         18        56                                                                                           does not take advertising
          Spain        54         1       55                                                                                        on its domestic services
          Canada 29 17           46
          United States 3 4                7

              Per Capita Funding                         Per Capita Commercial Revenue

Source: Nordicity analysis of the annual reports of public broadcasters
Note: Australia includes ABC and SBS combined

                                                                                                          5      AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
ABC Funding Comparison
           The ABC serves a population one-third the size of the UK but
           does so with a total income one-eighth the size of the BBC.

            $8.6bn                                                                                                $1.1bn

                                                                                                Source: 2016/17
                                                                                                Annual Report

                                   Source: 2016/17 Annual Report
                                  Exchange rate: 0.5778, 16 Jan 2018

                                                                6      AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018

ABC Open @Clare_Chris
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Focused on Efficiency

                                                                                                                             ABC Open

Cumulative ABC Budget Cuts/Savings - 2014 -15 to 2018-19

       120          Cumulative
                   Budget Cuts $254m
             Cumulative Content
                 Reinvestment       $70m
                    Cumulative                                                 $86m                 30
                         Total $324m
                                                          $71m                  20


       40                                                                                            78
                                           17              71                   66

                $12m                    30
               2014/15                2015/16            2016/17              2017/18             2018/19

             Content Reinvestment          Budget Cuts

Over the last decade the ABC has undertaken                      Savings by the ABC have allowed us to meet the
several substantial reviews and transformation                   rising expectations of audiences for high quality
programs to improve efficiency and provide                       content and services.
Australians with greater content and services.
                                                                 The ABC has found efficiencies beyond those
We have achieved savings by cutting management                   required to meet more than $200 million in
positions and back office expenses. We have also                 Government funding cuts. These funds have
reduced the cost of transmitting and distributing                been reinvested in regional journalism as well
our broadcasting signal.                                         as the creation of Arts, Science and Education
                                                                 content. More innovative and distinctive content
Accumulated savings over the 2014/15 to 2018/19
                                                                 is on the way.
period total $324 million. More than three
quarters has been handed back to government,
while $70 million has been reinvested in new
content for audiences.

                                                          7      AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
ABC delivers value for money

By working more effectively with the independent       The first two series of House of Cards reportedly
sector the ABC is able to drive its investment         cost in the order of AUD$125 million to produce.
further to produce significant volume while            For the same money the ABC produced 50
maintaining its reputation for quality.                Australian programs, including 24 drama series.

                               $125M looks like:
                                   House of Cards

                                                                                  22 hours
                                                                                 of content over
                                                                                    two series


                                                                                 277 hours
                                                                                 of commissioned

                                                                                  (including 24
                                                                                  drama series)

                                                   8   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Efficient, trusted, valued - About the ABC
Trusted by Australians

No Australian media                           83%               of Australians
                                                                value their ABC
organisation is more
trusted, valued and                                             of Australians trust the
distinctive than                              82%               information provided
                                                                by the ABC
the ABC
                                                                of Australians believe
                                              89%               the quality of ABC online
                                                                services are good

        of Australians believe                                  of Australians
81%     that ABC Television
        provides good quality
                                               72%              believe the quality
                                                                of programming on
        programming                                             ABC Radio is good

Charter Performance

78%     of people regard the ABC as
        distinctively Australian and
        contributing to Australia’s
                                             78%               of people believe the
                                                               ABC reflects the cultural
                                                               diversity of the Australian
        national identity                                      community

76%     of people consider the ABC
        encourages and promotes
        Australian performing arts
                                             75%                of people consider the
                                                                ABC achieves a good
                                                                balance between
        such as music and drama                                 programs of wide appeal
                                                                and specialised interest

82%     of people consider the
        ABC provides programs
        of an educational nature

                                       9   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018

Trust Survey

      Survey question: For the following media institutions and information providers, please indicate
      whether you tend to trust the information that they provide.



                                                                 58%              59%
        60        44%                                                                             56%

        40                                                                                                        37%
                                                                 48%              50%

        20                                                                                                        30%

                                                                 10%              9%              10%              7%
                   ABC                Internet search         Commercial       Commercial      Newspaper        Facebook
                                    engines like Google      Radio Stations    TV Stations     Publishers

               Trust a great deal            Tend to trust

                                                                         10   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
Valued by Australians

71%          of Australian adults watch, read or listen to
             ABC content every week

                                              We produce                        We produce
Television     12.3 million               8,860 hours                         342 hours
                 Australians                 of first-run                     of first run local
                watch ABC TV              Australian content                 programming for
                 each week                    each year                        kids each year

Digital                                    54 million
               7.6 million                ABC programs are                     31 million
              unique Australians           played on iview                 ABC kids’ programs
               visit ABC online             and our apps                       are played
                 each month                  each month                       each month

Radio          4.9 million                   downloaded
               Australians in five            more than
                  capital cities           200 million
              listen to ABC Radio           ABC podcasts
                   each week                   in 2017

                The ABC News
News           channel reaches               5 million                        2.3 million
                an average of             Australians access              Australians consume
                                          ABC News content                 ABC News content
               4.4 million                online each month               through Apple News
                viewers each                                                  each month

                                     11   AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION EFFICIENCY PAPER 2018
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