Page created by Gilbert Barker

VOL. 4 • NUM 34    www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com   22 de Agosto de 2021

El Que Nace Para Tamal del Cielo le Caen las Hojas
2                                                                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                 22 de Agosto de 2021

   This grass roots publication is the life
                                                                        Let’s Talk About It
source for a community that is not easily              Does the COVID-19 vaccine protect against the Delta variant?
afforded viable access to diverse and ac-
cessible media. San Antonio and the sur-               By Yvette Tello                              mask are the ones who are spreading         going kn95 , hand sanitizer, ordering
rounding counties have become accustomed               Current vaccines have shown effec-           the new Variants because the vaccine        all my groceries online, homeschool-
to relevant news brought to them in both               tiveness in protecting against or at         itself is what's creating the variants!     ing, and socializing with vaccinated
English and Spanish since 1913.                        least minimizing the damage from a           One of my clients believes that until       people who wear a mask everywhere
                                                       delta infection, and the vast majority       everyone gets vaccinated, it will not       and dining only outdoors.”
                                                       of infections and hospitalizations are       get under control. Others say if the                                                           By Leonard Rodriguez
                                                       among the unvaccinated.What do you           restrictions would have stayed in place     Debbie Mock: “But according to
                 Yvette Tello                          think? Are you concerned about the           longer, we would be in a better place       the science the Delta variant can still    This column highlights inspiring sto-
               Interim Publisher                       Delta variant? Let's talk about it...        right now. Then you have those who          be spread among the vaccinated. So         ries of Latino leaders. For more than
         y.tello@laprensatexas.com                                                                  just DO NOT believe in the virus nor        getting vaccinated will not "slow the
              Ramon Chapa Jr.                                                                                                                                                              50 years, Latino men and women have
                                                       Henry Shamdas: “Nah, the lambda              the vaccine! I believe no one should        spread". ”
             Community Liaison                         variant out of Peru is the real concern.”    push us to get vaccinated, but if you                                                  positively influenced the face of United
        r.chapa@laprensatexas.com                                                                   choose not to you should use all the        Gracie Moralez: “I still wear a mask       States society. Let us celebrate these
                Roxanne Eguia                          Mary Svetlik Watkins: “There is no           precautions necessary to stay safe and      even after having my 2 Moderna vac-
                Editor In Chief                                                                                                                                                                     outstanding hispanics.
                                                       way to test the variant until they do a      keep others safe! The nurse I know          cines completed in early February. I
        r.eguia@laprensatexas.com                      sampling of positive tests. The CDC          said the hospitals are full and NOT         see a lot of people at WalMart and
            Nicodemus Gonzalez                         is not reporting vaccinated cases. I         ONLY with Unvaccinated patients,            other department stores who are not
              Graphic Designer                         think that this shot is like the flu shot.   but with those Vaccinated who are in        wearing a mask and don't trust those
             Dr. Ricardo Romo                          It helps your body fight off the virus       critical condition. Yet, everyone hides     anti-vaxxers!”
                 Contributors                          but it’s not 100%. Anything that can         facts pointing fingers at the ones who
          info@laprensatexas.com                       help people fight the flu or COVID           choose not to get the Vaccine. It's         Christine-John Yontz: “Just curious,
                José I. Franco                         is good. We get a flu shot each year         everyone's responsibility to Protect        since the Covid-19 test isn't that reli-
                Editor Español                         to protect against a particular strain. I    Human Kind, but we choose to believe        able (read the data), when and where
                Maria Cisneros                         think Covid will be the same.”               what makes us more comfortable and          did we get a test specifically for the
             Sales Representative                                                                   less responsible!”                          "delta" variant. How do you know
                 Roy Aguillon                          Chris Villarreal: “I'm wondering if                                                      this??? Just guessing it's some sort of
                 Digital Editor                        the second spike or variant was spread       Kelly Narvaez: “Variants are spread         variant???”
                                                       from vaccinated people who were still        by allowing a virus to replicate and
                                                       under the impression that they could         mutate. If you are vaccinated and still     Joy Martin: “Walked out of two
                                                       lose the mask and not have to worry          wore a mask, then your responsibility       restaurants last night. None of the
                                                       anymore? Since they are still saying         of transferring or contracting is low.      staff or patrons were wearing masks,
           Community Sponsor:                          it can be treated that way…”                 It’s those who are either unvaccinated,     both places were packed, and both had
                                                                                                    don’t wear masks, and those vac-            low ceilings with minimal ventilation.
                                                       Shawn Armstrong: “Well, in reality,          cinated and didn’t wear a mask who          It was disappointing to see the same
                                                       it's not really a vaccine. A vaccine is      were the ones transmitting the virus        restaurants that used to take precau-
                                                       to prevent something, these are more         around. Delta is now dangerous to           tions with spacing and cleaning, now
                                                       of a booster shot to help boost your         our kids who cannot get vaccinated,         throwing caution to the wind.”
                                                       immune system. And apparently you
                                                       can still get covid and spread it even
                                                                                                    so yes, I think people need to take it
                                                                                                    seriously.”                                 Rick Wayland: “Can insects pass the
                                                                                                                                                                                               Emilio Estevez
                                                       after you get the shot....sooooo, does it                                                delta variant to humans? If so, then       First-born son of actor sensation
                                                       actually prevent anything????”               Richard Beaulieu: “My wife and I are        how do we combat this? I'm fully
                                                                                                    fully vaccinated and are wearing our        vaccinated from Covid-19, but I have       Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez got
                                                       Todd Forbes: “So happy to finally see        masks in public. We are encouraging         a small pet that isn't. She stays in,
                                                       more and more doctors stepping up to         those who are not vaccinated to get the     most of the time with me. Do family        his first taste of cinematography
                                                       debunk the misinformation surround-          vaccine as it is saving lives.”             pets need to be vaccinated? Could
                                                       ing vaccines/masks- and whether to                                                       this be another way to get the virus?      shooting Super 8 films with his
                                                       be vaccinated is better-                     LaShawn A Flores: “Please, if you           Is it possible it may be another way
   La Prensa Texas, Inc., is a Texas non-              So, what we now know - masks don’t           can just stay home, go out only if          it's getting around, just like malaria     brother Charlie and friend Sean
profit Corporation. We are under new man-              work - they hold the bacteria from           necessary. Avoid all the crowds and         or others that are highly transmitted.”
agement and not affiliated with La Prensa              your mouth and keep it circulating in        gatherings til, prayerfully, this passes.                                              Penn. In 1982, he made his motion
Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publications,              your nose where corona (all of them)         Truthfully, that's the safest thing         Donna Graziano: “We have been
Inc.; La Familia Duran;Duran Duran Inc.;               live. Those that have had Covid should
                                                                                                                                                                                           picture debut in “Tex” and, the
                                                                                                    whether you’re vaxxed or not ,both          doing our part. Tell Biden to do his.
or any of the Tino Duran family companies.             Not get the vaccine! It is far more          parties can get it. Your life is more       Quit letting people from countries all
We are not responsible for, nor will we be
                                                                                                                                                                                           following year, starred in Francis
                                                       dangerous for them because both vac-         valuable than temporary pleasures.          over come here.CLOSE THE DAMN
liable for the acts, omissions or debts of La          cinated and unvaccinated people can          You only get one life on this side.         BORDERS.”                                  Ford Coppola’s “The Outsiders.”
Prensa Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publica-            equally transmit. The vaccinated can         Use it wisely.”
tions, Inc.; or any of the Tino Duran family           still contract and suffer from Covid -                                                   Ruth Krumm Lehman: “My thing               Becoming one of Hollywood’s
companies.                                             children should not be vaccinated nor        Nash Ahmed: “Thank you CDC                  is, what do we believe? One minute
La Prensa Texas San Antonio is published once
                                                       should they wear masks!! But MOST            and the employees who are working           we are hearing that vaccinated people      most desirable young actors, he
a week by La Prensa Texas Inc. San Antonio,            IMPORTANTLY!!! There are treat-              ’round the clock, even while trolls are     have a low risk, then we are hearing
Texas (210) 686-0600. Subscription price in the        ments that can reduce the symptoms           working ’round the clock to spread          even vaccinated people can get Covid       starred in the 1984 film “The
U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions         and outcomes!!! But the best way to          misinformation on social media.             and be really sick. It's all confusing.”
expressed in the editorials of this publication        defend is to be healthy!!! Fear is what      Instead of being thankful, some are                                                    Breakfast Club,” making him an
represent the positions and ideology of this           the government wants!!! You are eas-         pointing fingers and sh**! Unfor-           Autumn Wagner Lumpkin: “CDC, I
newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and       ily controlled if you live in fear!!!”       tunately, that’s the way they spend         would like to know how you are able
                                                                                                                                                                                           icon among teenagers. In 1986, at
guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions
of the management staff or ownership of this
                                                                                                    their lifetime, by blaming everyone         to tell people if they have the dreaded    age 23, he wrote the screenplay for
newspaper; the contents of which they are solely       Lydia Curran: “I’m vaccinated.               and everything else for what happens        delta variant, considering this isn’t a
and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our      Some people in my family are not .           to them instead of taking personal          simple test to differentiate between the   “Wisdom.” Making his directorial
readers are welcome and will be published, subject     You’re not going to change anybody’s         responsibility and doing something          two variants.”
to space availability so long as they are signed and   mind about masks, no masks, shots,           constructive.”                                                                         debut with the film, Estevez be-
have a proper return address. All letters will be      and no shots . People think how they                                                     April McLaughlin Box: “Yet, we
reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel,     want to think, and you're not going to       Margie Dickens-Caruso: “Put the             just took in a ton of male refugees (no    came the youngest person to ever
slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling,
                                                       change their minds. People have made         mask mandate back in force and fol-         women and children) from Afghani-
and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa
Texas Inc. is not responsible for advertisements       it political, that's the problem.”           low the 2020 protocol, and we should        stan. We will house them at military       write, direct and star in a major
that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not                                                   all be doing a lot better soon. The         bases and not require a vaxx. But, we
guarantee in any way the products or services of-                                                   vaccines are not working well on this       want to require the military to vaxx.                 motion picture.
fered, of which only the advertiser is responsible.    Jazmin D Zuñiga: “I hear so many             variant. I have 4 friends with it. One      My brain hurts with the irony.”
All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the      views about this Nightmare. Some say         landed in the hospital and almost died.
United States of America.                              those vaccinated and NOT wearing the         They are all fully vaccinated. I am
22 de Agosto de 2021                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                        3
                                                                         Legendary Musician Chris Perez

                                       Lime Green
                                                                         Signs First Artist, Tejano Hip Hop
                                                                         Star, ZEUS-El Mero Necio to His
                                                                         New Record Label Blue Mariachi

                                       Frida Kahlo
Provided by
Sergio Cristóbal Mata

“It is hard for me to remember the
first time I saw Frida Kahlo and                                         Interview by Natasha Gonzales
                                                                         Article by Celinda De La Fuente
her art work. That is what a true
icon is. She’s an icon who exists at
every level of the Mexican experi-
ence. When I close my eyes I can
see my favorite portrait of her. I                                       Los Spurs y Academy Sports +
can see her strong eyebrows, red                                         Outdoors Enviaron de compras a
                                                                         estudiantes de NISD
lips and her body surrounded by
plants and spider monkeys. Frida
Kahlo has a gaze in her portraits
that seems to say, “Here, look at
my life and all the things in it.”
That look in her eyes is completely
inspiring to me as an artist.”

Sergio Cristóbal Mata es un artista                                      Por Franco
contemporáneo. Nació el 8 de en-                                         P7
ero de 1992 en San Antonio, Tx. Es
de ascendencia mexicoamericana.

En 2017, una de las pinturas de                                          Back to School Bash
Sergio, "Paint", se volvió viral en
línea y obtuvo más de 140 mil me
gusta en Instagram, Facebook y
Reddit combinados.

En 2018 Sergio recibió un certi-
ficado de la New York Foundation
                                                                         By Ramon Chapa Jr.
For The Arts, siendo mentor de la
artista Ana Fernandez.

En 2019, el arte de Sergio se pre-
sentó en múltiples instituciones de                                      Sam Coronado: Major Contributor to
arte de San Antonio, como Centro                                         Latino Print-Making
De Artes y Artpace.

Sus obras de arte más recientes se
denominan “Retratos de pop digi-
tal”, con retratos de celebridades
como la princesa Diana y Selena
Quintanilla. Para estas nuevas
obras, el cielo y la belleza son sus
inspiraciones artísticas.                                                By Dr. Ricardo Romo
Visión del artista: Tengo preferen-
cia por los retratos que muestran
a personas que han cambiado el                                           Mexican American Civil Rights
mundo para mejor. Me encanta la                                          Institute Launched Their First
idea de "ángeles en la tierra". Amo                                      National Symposium
la belleza y la bondad tanto como
la fuerza. Las personas con estas
cualidades me inspiran a mí y a
mi obra de arte. Quiero abrir una
ventana al cielo.

Mantente al día de lo que pasa
con Sergio en instagram.com/
sergiomata_art                                                           By Celinda De La Fuente
4                                                                    La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                          22 de Agosto de 2021

 Después De Más De Un Año De Suspender Las Desconexiones
  Por Falta De Pago, Cps Energy Reanudará Las Operaciones
           De Facturación Normales En Septiembre
Por John Moreno                          vencidos,                            asistencia que están disponibles       REAP.                                  PROGRAMAS ADICIONALES
   Aunque estamos comenzando             no están en ningún programa de       para complementar los pagos de            Programa de facturación para        DE ASISTENCIA DE SERVI-
las operaciones normales, con-        asistencia,                             facturas de servicios públicos para    personas de la tercera edad: los       CIOS PÚBLICOS
tinuaremos ayudando a cualquier          no han realizado ningún pago y       los participantes calificados.         clientes de la tercera edad tienen        Departamento de Servicios
cliente que lo necesite. Nuestra         no han respondido nuestras           PLANES DE PAGO                         tiempo adicional para pagar el         Humanos de la Ciudad de San
filosofía People First nos llevó a    llamadas para brindar asistencia           Llámenos al (210) 353-2222          monto neto de las facturas de          Antonio (DHS) o llame al (210)
suspender las desconexiones del                 • Diciembre de 2021           para establecer un plan de pago.       energía.                               207-7830
servicio cuando nuestra comuni-          No hay desconexiones durante         PROGRAMAS DE                              Exención de cargos por pago            Departamento de Servicios
dad más lo necesitaba. Esa misma      los días festivos, según las opera-     ASISTENCIA                             tardío para personas de la tercera     de Vivienda y Vecindarios de la
filosofía continúa a medida que       ciones comerciales normales                CPS Energy tiene una variedad       edad: las personas mayores de 60       Ciudad de San Antonio (NHSD)
nos comprometemos a ayudar a los                • enero de 2022               de programas de asistencia general     años que reúnan los requisitos         o llame al (210) 207-5910
clientes que enfrentan dificultades      Clientes residenciales inscri-       y de ahorro de dinero diseñados        pueden inscribirse para que se les        Ciudad de San Antonio CO-
financieras.                          tos en programas de asistencia;         para ayudar a los clientes que cali-   exonere de los cargos por pagos        VID-19 Programa de asistencia
   Los clientes son elegibles para    Además, comenzará la reinsta-           fican. Algunos de los programas        atrasados.                             para viviendas de emergencia en
la desconexión en cualquier mo-       lación de los cargos por pagos          de asistencia de CPS Energy               Programa de descuento por ase-      San Antonio o llame al 311
mento entre 42 y 64 días después      atrasados ​​para todos los clientes.    incluyen:                              quibilidad : los clientes pueden ser      para desarrollo económico y
de que se emita su factura. Vea el    Hasta enero, se seguirán eximien-          Sociedad de Asistencia de En-       elegibles para un descuento en su      comunitario del condado de Bexar
enfoque gradual para reanudar las     do los cargos por pagos atrasados ​​a   ergía Residencial (REAP) : los         cargo de servicio mensual.             Para
desconexiones por falta de pago de    los clientes que establezcan planes     clientes que califican reciben            Programa de facturación para           Asistenciaservicios públicos
facturas vencidas a continuación.     de pago.                                asistencia con la factura de energía   ciudadanos discapacitados: los cli-    deAsistenciaservicios
   PLAZO:                                Si tiene dificultades económicas     hasta dos veces al año. Obtenga        entes discapacitados con Ingresos         públicos y viviendas
        • Septiembre de 2021          y necesita ayuda con los pagos,         más información sobre cómo pos-        de seguridad suplementarios tienen        COVID-19información
   Grandes clientes comerciales       le recomendamos que nos llame           tularse aquí. Este programa es una     tiempo adicional para pagar el            Asistencia para servicios públi-
        • Octubre de 2021             al (210) 353-2222 para establ-          asociación de la ciudad de San         monto neto de sus facturas de          cos de: (210) 335-3666
   pequeñas y medianas empresas       ecer un plan de pago. También           Antonio, el condado de Bexar y         energía.                                  Asistencia para servicios públi-
Clientes                              podemos ayudarlo a determinar           CPS Energy. CPS Energy aporta                                                 cos y viviendas: (210) 940-1180
   residenciales que están:           si califica para los Programas de       $ 1 millón o más por año al fondo

                              LAS MEJORAS EN EL SERVICIO
                              COMIENZAN EL 23 DE AGOSTO
                                   PARA VIAJAR MÁS

      • Mayor frecuencia en las
        rutas 5, 17, 30, 93
                                                 Descargue la nueva aplicación
      • Nueva Ruta 7 con servicio                     VIA goMobile+ para
        a Stone Oak, el centro y                  facilitar el pago y planificar
        Centro de Tránsito Brooks                  más rápido. Es GRATIS en
                                                 Apple App Store y Google Play.
      • Nueva Ruta 9 con servicio
        cada 15 minutos

      • Otras rutas con cambios:
        5, 8, 14, 17, 42, 43, 44, 51,
        67, 88, 103, 534, 607, 618,
        619, 632, 672

22 de Agosto de 2021                           La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                           5

                       We are seeking applicants from the northwest
                       quadrant of our service area to fill a position
                          on the CPS Energy Board of Trustees.

       The CPS Energy Board of Trustees works with management to oversee the operation of
       the nation’s largest public power, natural gas, and electric company. The five-member
       board is comprised of the Mayor of San Antonio and one citizen from each of the four
       geographical quadrants of our service area.

       Members of the Board of Trustees serve a term of five years and are eligible to serve
       one additional term.

       Applicants must be a United States Citizen. Applicants must reside in Bexar County
       and in Quadrant 1.

                                    Applications must be received by
                                       5 p.m. on August 31, 2021.

                        APPLY ONLINE                                         APPLY BY MAIL
                        Visit cpsenergy.com/trustees to learn                You may obtain a paper copy of the
                        more about the opportunity to serve as               application from our Customer Service
                        a Trustee. Other resources, such as the              Walk-in Centers or our headquarters
                        application, a Quadrant Map, and                     at 500 McCullough.
                        information about the Board’s authority
                        are available online, or by emailing

                            Learn more and apply at cpsenergy.com/trustees
6                                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                 22 de Agosto de 2021

  Mexican American Civil Rights Institute
 Launched Their First National Symposium
By Celinda De La Fuente
  Nuestra Historia Matters.
The fact that a majority of
us across the nation did
not grow up learning about
Mexican American historia,
is exact proof that we need
to find and create spaces for
representation. The weekend
of August 13-14, 2021, the
Mexican American Civil
Rights Institute (MACRI)
conducted their first national
virtual symposium “His-
tory of Courage/Valor for
Change,” which consisted of                                                                                         Legal Notice
academics, community ac-                                                                       Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic
tivists, and acclaimed guest
                                                                                                 Beverage Commission for Wine and Beer permit
speakers, and panelists from
                                                                                                for Little Mexico Food Service LLC., to be located
all across the nation who are
working together with the                                                                       at 1607 W. Hermosa San Antonio, Bexar County,
                                 their inaugural exhibition,   believes every American
same goal in mind, to teach                                                                   Texas. Officer of said corporation Damasco C. Garza,
                                 and is developing a digital   should take a Mexican
our gente, and our nation as a   archive where we can easily   American Studies course,                               owner.
whole that our narratives are    access primary resources in   “If we don’t have our own
just as important as everyone    relation to Mexican Civil     narratives, others will de-
else’s.                          Rights.                       fine us. If we are left out                    Hiring a Cook
                                                               of historical narratives, it
  In today’s world, “Latinos                                                                     Hiring a Cook, who will be responsible for preparing ingredients at
                                   The Honorable Joaquin becomes easier to exclude
account now for over half of     Castro, US House of Rep- us in the present,” she pas-          the food truck and help process customer orders, producing meals and
the United States population     resentatives, was a keynote sionately explains.
                                                                                               cleaning their workspace. Cooks will adjust based on customer requests.
growth over the last decade,”    speaker addressing the lack
according to MACRI Execu-        of representation that still    This nation does not have     Maintain a clean and safe work area, including handling utensils, equip-
tive Director Sarah Gould,       exists, “Culturally, we are a single museum dedicated         ment, and dishes. Handle and store ingredients and food, maintain food
“MACRI works to preserve,        missing from the American to Mexican American Civil
collect and share the history    Landscape...I think those Rights. MACRI hopes to                                  safety and sanitation standards.
of Mexican American civil        of us that walk around with change that. The time for          Busco cocinero(a) para trabajar conmigo en un camión de comida. La
rights, to draw connections      brown skin and a Spanish change is now. Adelante.
between the past and the         surname, or however we                                         persona seria responsable de mantener el espacio limpio y ordenado.
present, and to encourage the    identify as Mexican Ameri- To watch the symposium            Producir platillos al gusto del cliente y manejar y almacenar ingredientes
community to see themselves      can or Latino, are walking or other talks provided by
as critical participants, and                                                                   y alimentos, mientras mantienen los estándares de seguridad e higiene
                                 around in our home country, MACRI, visit their Face-
creating a more equitable fu-    the United States, and people book page                                                  de los alimentos.
ture.” MACRI offers weekly       don’t know who we are.
                                                                                                             Food Truck Location – Las Tres Lupita’s is
talks regarding history and      They don’t know where we or find them on YouTube:
contemporary issues, teacher     fit into the country...we are https://www.youtube.com/                        located at 1447 SW Military Dr., 78221
training workshops guiding       still being excluded systemi- channel/UCknpM-rgqfgj-                Expected Work hours: Wed. – Sun from 7:30 pm – 2:45 am
Social Studies teachers in the   cally from industries.”       zujcy7TPCnA/featured
effort to incorporate Mexi-                                    Visit their website:                                    (dependent on demand)
can Civil Rights within the        Dr. Gabriela Soto Lavea- http://www.somosmacri.                              Call Jesus Vazquez @ 210-900-7419
classroom, will soon launch      ga of Harvard university org/
22 de Agosto de 2021                                     La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                        7

         Los Spurs y Academy Sports + Outdoors
        Enviaron de compras a estudiantes de NISD
Por Franco                      cumplir labor comunitaria       banks, poste y delantero          uos a Texas.                    Starkville, Mississippi, jugó
  Dos excelentes líderes en     qué anualmente realizan por     estelar, miembros de la porra       Lo qué hay qué aplaudirle     con Oregon State Beavers,
el género deportivo sé aso-     separado.                       mixta Spurs Hype Squad y la       a la tienda anfitriona, es su   sin ser elegido en NBA
ciaron justamente días antes      Ahora en una de las tiendas   famosa mascota The Coyote.        donativo por la cantidad de     Draft, desde el 2018 milita
de comenzar el ciclo escolar.   principales en San Antonio,       Los estudiantes elegi-          $3,000 al Northside ISD,        con Spurs, pasando su prim-
  Los Spurs de San Antonio      Academy Sports + Outdoors,      dos recibieron bonos por          cantidad qué deberá ser dis-    era temporada con Austin
qué ostenta cinco trofeos de    fue anfitrión para recibir a    $250.00 cada uno, para reali-     tribuida entré estudiantes      Spurs, siendo ascendido al
la NBA y la tienda Academy      los representantes de Spurs     zar compras necesarias en los     del distrito para que logren    club grande dónde está como
Sports + Outdoors, fundada      qué es propiedad de la em-      deportes y clases, entre ellos    adquirir equipo deportivo       estelar desde las campañas
en 1938 cómo negocio fa-        presa Spurs Sports & Enter-     mochilas, calzado y ropa de-      para cubrir el año escolar .    2019 y 2020.
miliar en Texas, optaron por    tainment (SS&E).                portiva, entre otros articulos.     Drew Eubanks, de 24           (Fotos de cortesía).
convocar a cinco estudiantes      La comitiva de Spurs fue        Eubanks, The Coyote y           año de edad, es nativo de
del Northside ISD, para         encabezada por Drew Eu-         porristas ayudaron a los es-
                                                                tudiantes en la elección de
                                                                sus artículos preferidos, los
                                                                cuales son surtidos por 19
                                                                marcas del sector privado
                                                                (ello de acuerdo a boletín
                                                                oficial informativo).
                                                                  El slogan publicitario de
                                                                la mencionada tienda lo es
                                                                "Fun for All-Diversion para
                                                                Todos", lo cual opera en 259
                                                                tiendas en 16 estados contig-
8                                                                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                           22 de Agosto de 2021

                     The New Alamo Plan
                       Breaks Ground
By Celinda De La Fuente
 The Alamo is one of the
most well-known land-
marks in the nation, with a
complex history and mul-
tiple narratives that have
not always been told in the
past. The Texas Historical
Commission has approved
The Alamo Plan for the
new Exhibition Hall and          Conceptual rendering of Exhibition Hall & Collections Building, interior view. Image credit:

Collections Building. “This                             Gensler | GRG. Courtesy Alamo Trust, Inc.

approval will expand exhi-
                                 the different voices of this graphics, interactive digi-
bition space for documents
                                 complicated narrative.         tal interpretation, multi-
and objects in the Alamo’s
                                                                media presentations, in-
comprehensive collection
                                  “Both San Antonians and teractive media, physical
by 500%.” The Alamo held
                                 Texas, the Alamo repre- models, digital models
their ground on the new
                                 sents a big part of how we (2D and 3D), augmented
24,000-square-foot building
                                 identify ourselves, but even reality/transparent media
on August 17, 2021.
                                 with that, there’s still a lot overlays, and living his-
                                 of folks out there who may tory.
 The Alamo Plan consists of
                                 not really understand the
not only new construction
                                 full 300 year history of the “We’re working diligent-
projects, but restorations
                                 site. So I just think it’s a ly to be more inclusive, to
of historic buildings as well,
                                                                                                                                   HIRING NOW
                                 huge opportunity to educate tell stories about some of
including: restoring the
                                 folks about all of the many the lesser known defenders
1836 Battlefield footprint,
                                 things that happened here, who were part, specifically
renovating and transform-
                                 who lived here, who died the Tejanos who were
ing the Alamo Hall into an
education center for people
                                 here, because it’s a fasci- part of the story here at                                           All Kind Enterprises
                                 nating place-based story, ” the Alamo, and so we’re
of all ages, preserving the
300-year-old Church and
                                 Alamo Trust, Inc. Execu- working, even before the                                              Excavation Company
Long Barrack, the construc-
                                 tive Director Kate Rogers visitor center and muse-
                                 states.                        um, to add more diversity
                                                                                                                                Equipment Operators
tion of the new Exhibition
Hall and Collections Build-
                                                                and inclusion to the work                                       Excavators & Laborers
ing and of the new Visitor
                                  The new additions and that we’re doing,” explain
                                 renovations promise to in- Rogers
                                                                                                                                 5 Positions Available
Center and Museum.
                                 clude: diverse viewpoints,                                                                      Offering Part-time &
 According to Program
                                 digital databases, unfiltered For more information:
                                 perspectives, archaeologi- https://www.thealamo.                                                 Full-time Positions
Manager Patrick Gallagher,
                                 cal excavations, archeology org/alamo-trust/press-
the new Exhibition Hall
                                 labs, open storage, digital room/groundbreaking-au-
                                                                                                                                 Call us at (210) 417- 9998
and Collections Building
will be “authentic to the
                                 media overlays, integrated gust-17th                                                              Ask for: Frank Rizo
                                 displays, site-integrated thealamo.org
historical narrative,” and to
22 de Agosto de 2021                                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                      9



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                                                    CIUDAD DE SAN ANTONIO

                                          Aprende más sobre el presupuesto de la
                                                ciudad del año fiscal 2022
  District 7 - agosto 23 | 6 p.m. Reunión VIRTUAL www.saspeakup.com
  District 5 - agosto 24 | 7 p.m. Escuela Harris Lowell ,325 Pruitt Ave.
                                                                                                           Escucha en Vivo: 210-207-5555
  District 3 - agosto 25 | 6 p.m. Escuela Primaria PecanValley, 3966 E Southcross
  District 1 - agosto 26 | 7 p.m. Victory Center – San Antonio College, 1819 N Main Ave.             Ver En Vivo:             @COSAGOV
  District 2 - agosto 30 | 6 p.m. Centro Comunitario Ella Austin, 1023 N Pine St.                    SANANTONIO.GOV/TVSA
  District 6 - agosto 31 | 7 p.m. Reunión VIRTUAL www.saspeakup.com                                  AT&T 99, GRANDE 20, SPECTRUM 21,
                                                                                                     DIGITAL ANTENNA 16.1
  District 4 - septiembre 1 | 6:30 p.m. San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology
                                   David Monroe Education Center, 5035 SW 36th St.       ENVÍE PREGUNTAS: ENVÍE LA FRASE SASPEAKUP22
  Reunión Teleconferencia- septiembre 9 | 7 p.m Para más información y                   AL NUMERO 55000 LLAME 311,
                               registrarse visite www.saspeakup.com                      CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: SASPEAKUP@SANANTONIO.GOV
                                                                                         O USE #SASPEAKUP22 EN LAS REDES SOCIALES
10                                                                                                                                                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                         22 de Agosto de 2021

   San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce Host
        8th Annual National Coming Out Day
By Melissa Ochoa                                                                                 tail reception, dinner service,                                                  not alone.
  The San Antonio LGBT                                                                           awards ceremony, DJ, and                                                           LGBT History Month,
Chamber of Commerce is                                                                           dancing. We will proudly                                                         recognized throughout the
excited to host the 8th An-                                                                      honor our 2021 award re-                                                         month of October, has blos-
nual National Coming Out                                                                         cipients: Monika Prochaz-                                                        somed into a nationally co-
Day event, only this year it                                                                     kova - Chamber Champion                                                          ordinated effort to highlight
will be a GAYla where LG-                                                                        Award, Judge Rosie Speed-                                                        exemplary role models with-
BTQ leaders, organizations,                                                                      lin-Gonzalez - Community                                                         in the LGBT community.
community members, and                                                                           Impact Award, and Life-                                                          National Coming Out Day
allies can celebrate Com-                                                                        time Achievement Awards                                                          was created in 1988 in rec-
ing Out in unity. Featuring                                                                      presented to our Chamber                                                         ognition of the importance
a Keynote address by City                                                                        Founders Lisa Shelton, Dar-                                                      of "coming out." The day
Councilman Jalen McKee-                                                                          rell Parsons, and Robert Var-                                                    champions the idea that ho-     Coming Out Day event since       open to anyone who would
Rodriguez, the first openly                                                                      gas III. It will be an evening                                                   mophobia thrives in silence,    2014. To commemorate this        like to celebrate and support
black gay man elected to any                                                                     of inspiration as we have                                                        and that the act of mak-        holiday, we have prepared        our LGBTQ+ and allied
office in Texas, and a special                                                                   surpassed our coming out                                                         ing one’s sexual orientation    the 8th annual celebration for   community.
performance by our fabulous                                                                      stories to survive, succeed,                                                     or gender identity known        National Coming Out Day’s          We are currently accept-
Emcee Kristi Waters.                                                                             and become community                                                             makes it easier for others to   33rd anniversary, marking        ing registration for sponsors,
  Join us Saturday, October                                                                      leaders. Our support goes                                                        do the same.                    the anniversary of the first-    tables, and individual tickets
9th at Hilton Palacio del Rio                                                                    out to those who struggle to                                                       The San Antonio LGBT          ever March on Washington         at http://www.salgbtcham-
from 6:30 pm - 11:30 pm.                                                                         come out by showing them                                                         Chamber of Commerce has         for LGBT Rights.                 ber.org/national-coming-
  Guests will enjoy a cock-                                                                      we are a family and they are                                                     proudly hosted the National       Our Coming Out GAYla is        out-day.

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      dreamhome.org | 800-667-3578
    ©2020 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (DMH-81) Giveaway is conducted by and benefits ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®.
22 de Agosto de 2021                                       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   11

   Legendary Musician Chris Perez Signs First Artist,
    Tejano Hip Hop Star ZEUS - El Mero Necio to His
     New Record Label Blue Mariachi Productions
Interview by                      “This has been a great
Natasha Gonzales                road, it’s been really sincere,
Article by                      and I’m excited about what
Celinda De La Fuente            we’re going to do...we’re
                                gonna bring back Tejano in
  Chris Perez is a name syn- a very special way,” ZEUS
onymous with Tejano, espe- states.
cially for gente aqui en Tejas.
Thus, it is more than fitting     “Tejano to me is many
for the Tejano icon to launch things. I’m Tejano. Right?
his new record label Blue- I was part of Selena y Los
Mariachi Productions with Dinos, the Kumbia Kings,
ZEUS. El Mero Necio as his and different other bands,
first signed artist. From Los but for me being Tejano is
Dinos, to the Kumbia Kings, like, you can do the rock,
to his very own Chris Perez you can do the rap, you can
Band, la musica de la gente do the hip hop, you can do
is in great hands.              the ballads, you can do...
                                the rancheras. And I think
  “If he hadn’t come along, that’s the beautiful thing, for
I probably wouldn’t be tak- me, that ZEUS is all of those
ing this step with anyone things. He doesn’t have to
else….it’s like we’re just be pigeonholed. And I’m
an extended family working a big supporter of that and
together, and I think that’s I’ll champion that any day,”
the best way to do it,” Perez explains Perez.
describes his professional
relationship with ZEUS.           We do not have to fit
                                into a box to achieve great
  ZEUS, whose ideas had things, gente. Break down
previously been deemed the barriers. Go Beyond. We
“too crazy” by others, was look forward to what Perez,
unwilling to change who he ZEUS. El Mero Necio, and
was just to appease those BlueMariachi Productions
individuals. However, the have in store for all of us.
Legendary guitarist Perez, (Photos Motion Arts Media,
whose background comes LLC)
from all genres of music, To Learn More:
readily accepted ZEUS and https://www.carltonzeus.
his boundless creativity. com/
Together, they have created       Follow Perez and Zeus on
something new, innovative Instagram:
and unique.                     @chrispereznow
12                                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                   22 de Agosto de 2021

                 Sam Coronado: Major Contributor
                     to Latino Print-Making
By Dr. Ricardo Romo             to complete his GED which
   Sam Coronado overcame        would later come in handy
many obstacles in his per-      when he enrolled in com-
sonal and professional jour-    munity college after his
ney to become an artist. His    military service.
struggles began early in          While in the Army, Coro-
life. As a boy he helped his    nado understood that he
family in the small town of     would never gain entrance
Ennis, a rural community a      to military units where sol-
short distance south of Dal-    diers with art skills and art
las. The Coronado family        degrees worked because he
worked long hours to earn       lacked
meager wages as farm la-          formal art training. He
borers. Although Coronado       left the Army with his hon-
drew with pen and pencil,       orable discharge and G.I.
he could only manage to         bill college benefits. His
buy an art set for beginners.   desire to
For the next ten years, he        become an artist led him
remained largely untrained      to enroll in art classes at the
in the arts, but he continued   Dallas Community College.
his love of drawing.              Coronado’s early college
   Unhappy with the pros-       art classes trained him in
pects of dead-end jobs          drafting and design, artistic
with low pay and no fu-         training that prepared him
ture, Coronado dropped out      well for jobs as a draftsman.
of high school to join the      A college teacher helped
Army. When he enlisted at       him secure a technical il-
age 18 in 1964, few recruits    lustrator job with Texas In-
had ever heard of Vietnam.      struments [TI] in the Dallas
The Army assigned him to        area. After four years with
cook and manage mess halls      TI, Coronado moved to
in various U.S. bases where     Austin in 1973 and enrolled
he fed hundreds of soldiers.    in the art department at the
He showed organizational        University of Texas. Coro-
skills and advanced to mess     nado studied in Austin when
sergeant [officially, E5 Ser-   Carmen Lomas Garza and
geant].                         Santa Barraza were finish-
   When I interviewed Coro-     ing their studies in the UT
nado in the summer of 2013,     art department. Coronado
a few months before he          discovered Chicano art and                           Sam Coronado food series. Collection of Harriett and Ricardo Romo
passed away, we discussed       co-founded the UT Austin
his Army experiences. He        Chicano Art Students As-          Advancement of Mexi-             himself unemployed and                years, he worked by day and
felt fortunate that the Army    sociation.                        can Americans. The school        decided to move back to               painted in the evenings.
never sent him to Vietnam         Upon graduation from            lacked adequate resources        Austin. In Austin he found              By the early 1980s Coro-
during his years of service     UT Austin in 1975 Coro-           so Coronado left and soon        work with Trayco Corpo-               nado was also engaged with
from 1964-1967. He also         nado moved to Houston to          found a job as an illustra-      ration and Data General               the Austin art community
credited the Army with          teach art to Latino students      tor in Houston. When oil         designing control panels for          which included Latino art-
giving him an opportunity       at the Association for the        prices fell in 1983, he found    fighter jets. For the next few        ists connected with UT
22 de Agosto de 2021                                               La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                         13

   Sam Coronado food series. Collection of Harriett and Ricardo Romo                      Sam Coronado food series. Collection of Harriett and Ricardo Romo

Austin’s Latino Studies pro-       Galeria Sin Fronteras on            of the nation’s premier La-      and print shop as a non-             Latino artists who published
grams. Mexican American            Seventh Street, and Raul            tino printing operations and     profit and founded the Serie         with Coronado Studios. In
Studies had just celebrated        Valdez was painting murals          Sister Karen and other print-    Project. With grants from            San Antonio Harriett and I
its 10th year anniversary,         at various locations on the         ers suggested the idea of a      the city of Austin, Coronado         happily donated Coronado’s
and Latin American Stud-           Eastside. Coronado’s early          similar model for Coronado.      also created an Artist in            artwork from our own col-
ies and the Benson Latin           artist network included Ce-         The East Los Angeles print-      Residence program hous-              lection to major museums
American Collection had            sar Martinez from San An-           ers, which included Sister       ing artists when they came           including the McNay Art
attained International rec-        tonio, Liliana Wilson and           Karen and Richard Duardo,        to engage in printmaking.            Museum, the Briscoe West-
ognition. Coronado shared          Jose Trevino from Austin,           also shared information of       Notable visitors included            ern Art Museum, and San
a studio in East Austin with       and Luis Jimenez from               their extensive network of       Malaquias Montoya from               Antonio Museum of Art.
several Latino artists, and        Hondo, New Mexico.                  hundreds of artists from         the San Francisco Bay area,            Coronado’s serigraph of a
frequently met with Cythnia          With few exceptions,              around the country.              Vincent Valdez and Alex              raging bull is part of the Mc-
Perez of La Pena. In 1984          most Latino artists in Aus-           My wife Harriett and I         Rubio from San Antonio,              Nay’s Estampas de La Raza
Coronado co-founded with           tin could not make a living         were serious Latino art col-     and Marta Sanchez from               exhibition which opened
Sylvia Orozco the Mexic-           based on local art sales. A         lections and became early        Philadelphia.                        at the McNay in 2013 and
Arte Museum in downtown            decision to travel to Los           investors in Coronado’s            Coronado passed away in            has traveled to Albuquer-
Austin.                            Angeles in 1991 to meet             studio and art gallery. We       November of 2013 leaving             que, NM, Raleigh, NC, the
  In the early 1980s Austin        with Sister Karen Boccalero         wrote a check for his down       a large void in the world of         National Museum of Mexi-
had an active Chicano art          of Self-Help Graphics had           payment on a building in         Latino art. At the time of his       can Art in Chicago, Ill, the
scene. Amado Pena owned            an enormous impact on               East Austin. Coronado more       death, his Serie Project had         Vincent Price Museum in
a prominent art Gallery and        Coronado's direction and              than paid us back with         completed a portfolio of 250         East Los Angeles, and most
studio on Sixth Street, Gil        ultimate success as an artist.      Chicano art prints. Corona-      prints which included the            recently the Museum of Art
Cardenas was starting his          Self-Help Graphics had one          do established his art studio    majority of the nearly 300           in Sacramento, CA.
14                                                              La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   22 de Agosto de 2021


 Como miembro de nuestro equipo diverso, con vocación de carrera,
 los conductores ganan un salario promedio de $48,000 en el primer
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     • Disfrute uno de los mejores paquetes de beneficios en San Antonio

                                ÚNASE AL EQUIPO EN
22 de Agosto de 2021                                                                La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                               15
                                                                         TEXAS COMMISSION
                                                                         Comisión de CalidadON ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                            Ambiental          QUALITY
                                                                                                      del Estado de Texas

                                                              AVISO DE RECIBO DE LA SOLICITUD E
                                                                          EXAMPLE A
                                                                                     NOTICE            NO.AND
                                                                                            OF APPLICATION   WQ0001514000
                                                                                                               PRELIMINARY DECISION
                                                                                                FOR AN AIR QUALITY PERMIT
SOLICITUD. City Public Service of San Antonio, P.O. Box 1771, San Antonio,                                 Texas lo contencioso. Una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso es un procedimiento
                                                                                               PROPOSED PERMIT NUMBER: 155691
78296, propietario de una central generadora de energía eléctrica a vapor, ha solicitado a legal similar a un procedimiento legal civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado.
la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ)         enmendarAND PRELIMINARY
                                                                           el SistemaDECISION.
                                                                                             de EliminaciónAmeresco, Inc., 101 Constitution Avenue Northwest Suite 525,
                                               Washington, District of Columbia 20001-2133, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for
de Descargas de Contaminantes de Texas (TPDES) issuancePermiso
                                                          of ProposedNro.      WQ0001514000
                                                                         Air Quality   Permit Number 155691,(EPAwhichPARA               SOLICITAR
                                                                                                                            would authorize                      UNA
                                                                                                                                                installation of two         AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO, USTED
I.D. Nro. TX0063681) para autorizar la actualización                 located de
                                                             de la fecha      in Joint                      de las DEBE
                                                                                        Base San Antonio-Lackland
                                                                                   cumplimiento                           approximatelyINCLUIR            EN SUofSOLICITUD
                                                                                                                                             1,000 feet southeast       the intersection of LOS SIGUIENTES DATOS: su nombre,
                                               Springvale Drive and Valley Hi Drive, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas 78236. This application was submitted to the
directrices de limitación de descargas de 40 CFR
                                               TCEQ 423;       agregar
                                                       on February          aguaThe
                                                                      19, 2019.       deproposed
                                                                                           enfriamiento           emit thedirección,
                                                                                                    facility will de                            y número
                                                                                                                            following contaminants:                de teléfono;
                                                                                                                                                          carbon monoxide,     hazardous elair nombre del solicitante y número del
paso único de Spruce Units 1 y 2 a la lista de descargas        permitidas
                                               pollutants, nitrogen                paracompounds,
                                                                      oxides, organic       el Desagüe        007 matter
                                                                                                         particulate      permiso;            la ubicación
                                                                                                                               including particulate                  y distancia
                                                                                                                                                       matter with diameters     of 10    de su propiedad/actividad con respecto
                                               microns or less and 2.5 microns or less and sulfur dioxide.
y quitar el agua de enfriamiento de paso único de Sommers y Deely Units; incluidos los a la instalación; una descripción específica de la forma cómo usted sería
requisitos de supervisión de afluentes y límites      sobre director
                                               The executive    el aumento           del total
                                                                          has completed             de solidos
                                                                                             the technical  review of the afectado
                                                                                                                             application and adversamente
                                                                                                                                                prepared a draft permit  por    elifsitio de una manera no común al público en
                                               approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a
suspendidos, aceite y grasa, y la demanda depreliminary
                                                  oxígeno       químico       en   la   descarga,       equiva-           general;           una     lista    de   todas
                                                             decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive        las    cuestiones de hecho en disputa que usted
lente a los límites en el permiso actual para director’s
                                               los Desagües
                                                          preliminary001,    002and
                                                                        decision,     y 007;      cambiar
                                                                                          draft permit           los presente
                                                                                                       will be available   for viewing anddurante
                                                                                                                                               copying at theel    período
                                                                                                                                                                TCEQ                deandcomentarios;
                                                                                                                                                                       central office      at              y la declaración "[Yo/no-
                                               the TCEQ San Antonio regional office, 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of
caudales permitidos para los Desagües 001 this  y 007     de   los  límites      de    caudal      específicos            sotros]        solicito/solicitamos
                                                    notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ San Antonio Regional
                                                                                                                                                                               una     audiencia    de  caso impugnado". Si presenta
                                                descargue, agua de enfriamiento de paso la petición para una audiencia de caso impugnado de parte de un grupo
que se deben informar; agregar, cuando se Office.
único en las limitaciones de efluentes y supervisar         las páginas de requisitos para los o asociación, debe identificar una persona que representa al grupo para
                                               PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this
Desagües 001 y 007; cambiar el emplazamiento           de muestreo
                                               application.  The purpose of  para
                                                                               a publicel meeting
                                                                                           Desagüe  is to 110
                                                                                                          provide         recibirtocorrespondencia
                                                                                                                 (a)the opportunity                                        en el futuro;
                                                                                                                                           submit comment or to ask questions        about       identificar el nombre y la dirección
                                               the application.
desde el dique hasta el final de la tubería; agregar              The TCEQ en
                                                         aclaraciones          will hold
                                                                                     la    a public meeting
                                                                                         Sección      de       if the executive
                                                                                                            Otros         de    undirector
                                                                                                                                      miembrodeterminesdelthat there
                                                                                                                                                                grupois a significant
                                                                                                                                                                            que       degreeafectado adversamente por la planta o
                                               of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.
Requisitos para los requisitos de prueba WET;  Youagregar     unaadditional
                                                     may submit      excepción         de evento
                                                                                  written              de clima
                                                                                            public comments         withinla
                                                                                                                           30 actividad
                                                                                                                                days of the date  propuesta;          proveeroflathis
                                                                                                                                                     of newspaper publication            información indicada anteriormente con
húmedo para los Desagües 001, 002 y 007; la    notice  in the manner set
                                                  incorporación           delforth    in the AGENCY
                                                                                requisito                 CONTACTS AND
                                                                                                 de muestreo                     INFORMATION
                                                                                                                          respecto                   paragraph below.
                                                                                                                                             a la ubicación            del miembro afectado y su distancia de la planta o
y prueba para pozos de supervisión de aguasRESPONSE
                                                              TO COMMENTSeliminar  ANDOtros        Requisitos
                                                                                           EXECUTIVE      DIRECTOR ACTION.actividad           propuesta;
                                                                                                                                      After the                    explicar
                                                                                                                                                  deadline for public  comments, the cómo y porqué el miembro sería afectado;
Nro. 5; y la incorporación de aguas pluviales no   contaminadas
                                               executive                   de contención
                                                           director will consider   the comments   secundaria             y explicar
                                                                                                      and prepare a response                   cómo
                                                                                                                                    to all relevant       los intereses
                                                                                                                                                     and material  or significant que
                                                                                                                                                                                   public el grupo desea proteger son pertinentes
                                               comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the
a la definición de Agua de Servicios Públicos.executive
                                                 La instalación
                                                           director may está
                                                                          then ubicada        en 12940
                                                                                issue final approval    of theU.S.        al propósito
                                                                                                                 application.   The response todel        grupo.
                                                                                                                                                      comments,    along with the
Highway 181 South, San Antonio, in Bexar County,            Texas 78223.
                                               executive director’s      decisionLa      ruta
                                                                                     on the      de descarga
                                                                                              application   will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is
                                               on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database
                                                 Desagües 001, 002, 006, 007, 014, 015, Después del cierre de todos los períodos de comentarios y de petición que
es desde el sitio de la central a través de los(CID).
016, 017 y 018 a Calaveras Lake; desde allí a Calaveras Creek, desde allí a Upper San aplican, el Director Ejecutivo enviará la solicitud y cualquier petición para
                                               INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and
Antonio River. TCEQ recibió esta solicitud elthe 26final
                                                          mayoon    del   2021. La solicitud de per- reconsideración o para una audiencia de caso impugnado a los Comisiona-
                                                                       this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at
miso está disponible para ver y copiar en City     Public Service Energy,
                                               www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid.       Once500            access to the CIDdos
                                                                                          you have                         usingde the la   TCEQ
                                                                                                                                        above           para
                                                                                                                                                link, enter      su consideración
                                                                                                                                                            the permit   number for this        durante una reunión programada de
                                               application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location
Avenue, River Tower, 6th Floor, San Antonio,      Texas.     Este   enlace      a  un   mapa       electrónico            la   Comisión.            La   Comisión
                                               is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application.
                                                                                                                                                                           sólo     puede      conceder  una solicitud de una audien-
del sitio o la ubicación general de la instalación    se proporciona como cortesía pública cia de caso impugnado sobre los temas que el solicitante haya presentado
y no forma parte de la solicitud o aviso. Para conocer la ubicación exacta, consulte la en sus comentarios oportunos que no fueron retirados posteriormente.
solicitud. https://tceq.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=db5bac4 Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estará limitado a
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la solicitud haya sido referida directamente a una audiencia administrativa al 1-800-687-4040.
de lo contencioso, la respuesta a los comentarios y la decisión del Direc-
tor Ejecutivo sobre la solicitud serán enviados por correo a todos los que También se puede obtener información adicional del City Public Service of San Antonio
presentaron un comentario público y a las personas que están en la lista a la dirección indicada arriba o llamando a Ms. Emily Speed, Environmental Analyst,
para recibir avisos sobre esta solicitud. Si se reciben comentarios, el aviso al 210-353-5010.
también proveerá instrucciones para pedir una reconsideración de la de-
cisión del Director Ejecutivo y para pedir una audiencia administrativa de Fecha de emission: 29 de julio de 2021
16                                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                  22 de Agosto de 2021

    Luz Agosto de Boricuas SA invicta con 3-0
  Highsox vs Broncos clásico de líderes Semi-Pro
Por Sendero Deportivo               para ganar con pizarra de 17-7     bajo, pero el domingo qué entra   cos de Reynosa SA), quién dejó      menzó su ataque hasta empatar
   "Lo qué uno aprende no sé        carreras.                          estará con nosotros", indicó      los bartulos al jugador Sergio      la pizarra 2-2 carreras. Ambos
olvida", así sé expresó Luz            Luz, no tiene turnos al bate,   Víctor."                          Torres, éste domingo 22 de          equipos desaprovecharon irse
Agosto, lanzadora derecha de        su hermano Edwin Ortiz Jr.,          Luz, tira acertada está es la   agosto en el horario de la 1pm      arriba en el score, dejando cor-
21 años estelar y relevista del     utiliza bateador designado. Su     segunda vez qué la enfrenta-      jugarán el clásico entre líderes    redores en bases.
club Boricuas SA.                   repertorio monticular son "recta   mos", dijo el timonel Cárdenas.   de temporada 2021 los Highsox         Gregorio (Goyo) Quintero
   Agosto, de 21 años de edad       y curvas", así lo afirmó a La        El presidente Adalberto Cam-    del Marine, Eddy Rodríguez y        lanzador derecho venezolano,
nativa de San Juan, PuertoRico,     Prensa Texas.                      pos, reportó el resultado del     Broncos que están empatados         hizo excelente trabajo por igual
llegó a tres victorias consecuti-      "Aquí empecé a lanzar en        partido Cardenales qué en el      con marcas de 8.5 ganados y         sus rivales el abridor Felipe Ro-
vas sin derrota ante Tuneros del    liga varonil [ya lo habia real-    Live Oak Park derrotó 5-3 a       2.5 derrotas, en el campo 3 del     driguez y el relevista izquierdo
cuadrangular Liga Independi-        izado en su natal Puerto Rico],    Dodgers de Salamanca.             complejo beisbolero Potranco        Arturo Chávez.
ente San Antonio qué preside        llevó tres victorias y hoy lancé     Rol de juegos domingo 22        Baseball Field propiedad del          Sé registraron espectaculares
Adalberto Campos.                   cinco entradas porqué me sentí     de agosto. 12pm Live Oak          artista Eloy Rocha quién ha         jugadas destacadas en la voz
   Cabe anotar qué el valor         cansada", dijo Luz quién en su     park Boricuas SA vs Dodgers.      venido destacando con el im-        del comentarista y compilador
familiar es algo imbatible, Luz     foja aparece récord de haber       Olmos Park 12pm Cardenales        pulsó del béisbol en categorias     oficial Tony Gómez.
desde los tres años de edad,        lanzado por 15 años en ligas de    vs Tuneros.                       Veteranos. Abierta, Masters           Los aficionados estuvieron
contó con el apoyó de su her-       Puerto Rico. Su principal satis-     Es así cómo el presidente       50+ y Semi-Pro.                     contentos por el gran béisbol
mano mayor Edwin Ortiz, de          facción es seguir jugando con      Adalberto Campos, abre una           Éste juego definirá el líder     qué vieron y lo mismo manag-
25 años quien junto con su          sus hermanos Edwin y Víctor.       página más en ser la primera      qué en postemporada enfrentará      ers ahi presentes qué esperaban
hermano Victor (23 años actu-          "Un orgullo para mi seguir      liga de béisbol varonil qué       al cuarto puesto qué se encuen-     un resultado favorable para
almente), le inculcó el béisbol.    mí pasó cómo hermano mayor,        acepta una alineación (roster),   tra muy reñido entré clubes de      tener posibilidades de pelear
   Ahora a sus 21 años de edad,     haberle inculcado el béisbol a     con la credencial de lanzadora    gran potencia beisbolista.          por el cuarto lugar qué los ubi-
le fue dada la oportunidad de       mí hermana y ahora compartir       a Luz Agosto. Algo histórico         Resultados: Bobcats apa-         qué en la postemporada.
ser parte en la alineación del      el campo", dijo Edwin Ortiz,       en el rey de los deportes su      leo 13-2 a Diablos. Highsox           En las fotos aparecen: Luz
equipo, donde lleva tres victo-     manager y jugador del equipo.      majestad el béisbol, en el cual   doblegó a Indios de Nava 5-2.       Agosto con sus hermanos Víc-
rias por cero derrotas.                "Desde pequeños el sueño        un bateador enfrenta a nueve      El clásico dominical fue no apto    tor y Edwin Ortiz Jr., del equipo
   Luz el domingo 15 de agosto      de papá (Edwin Ortiz Sr.) fue      rivales.                          para cardíacos entre Broncos y      Boricuas San Antonio. Sergio
en el Pittman Sullivan Park tiró    vernos juntos (jugando béisbol       En el potente circuito Semi-    Piratas de Sabinas (el equipo       Torres (13), de Broncos salu-
5 entradas con pizarra a favor      con el mismo equipo), está         Pro Potranco Independiente        más taquillero en todas las         dando deportivamente a juga-
de 9-6 carreras ante Tuneros de     temporada sé lo cumplimos,         Baseball League qué interna-      ligas). Broncos se mantuvo ar-      dores de Piratas de Sabinas.
Eliel Cárdenas, contando con        y él seguirá apoyándonos hoy       mente coordina Roberto Garza      riba en la pizarra y Sabinas, co-   (Fotos de Franco).
relevó de su hermano Víctor,        no estuvo presente porqué tra-     (del club Bron-
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