Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells

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Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
Election 2020 Snapshot:
Helping our energy clients make
sense of the U.S. election results
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
Through the last several Administrations (Democrat and Republican) the                             Administration’s agenda and may include a         a guide to what is coming. Additionally, the
mantra has been “we support an all-of-the-above strategy” to meet U.S.                             renewed focus on advanced biofuels, as well       climate impact and “social cost of carbon”
energy needs. Expect that to change. The Biden Administration’s focus                              as vehicle electrification. In addition, DOE      will likely gain new prominence in FERC’s
                                                                                                   has missed statutory deadlines for proposing      environmental evaluation of projects
will shift to how to achieve sharp greenhouse gas emissions reductions                             new efficiency standards for more than two        requiring its approval.
across the economy in the relatively near-term. President-elect Biden                              dozen types of appliances and commercial          The Department of the Interior, with its vast
has stated that there needs to be a transition away from fossil fuels                              equipment. It is reasonable to expect a           federal land holdings and its jurisdiction
                                                                                                   flurry of new efficiency standards proposals,     over the Outer Continental Shelf, also plays
but acknowledged that it will not happen overnight. However, the                                   although the “process rule” that the Trump        an important part in the U.S. energy picture.
net zero carbon emission goals and strategies announced by some                                    Administration put in place requires greater      President-elect Biden has indicated that there
of the Nation’s largest electric utilities, oil companies and others                               efficiency to justify new standards.              will be no new oil and gas leasing on federal
outside the energy industry provide an indication of what may be                                   DOE also plays a role in securing the             lands and has sent mixed messages regarding
                                                                                                   interstate power grid. President Trump’s          hydraulic fracking activity. Legal rights
achievable as the new Administration develops energy policy.                                       Bulk Power Supply Executive Order, which          under existing leases may prevent an outright
                                                                                                   focused attention on the threat to the grid       moratorium on oil and gas development, but
                                                                                                   from equipment supplied by “adversary             DOI will seek to regulate methane emissions
                                                                                                   countries,” will continue to be an issue of       and hydraulic fracturing activity on public
                                                                                                   concern to the industry. There has been no        lands, and it may also adopt enhanced impact
                                                                                                   indication that this Executive Order is on the    mitigation requirements. And it will be no
                                                                                                   new President’s chopping block. DOE is in         surprise if the new Administration looks for
Many Agencies Have a Role                                                                          the early stages of the rulemaking process to     ways to roll back any oil and gas leases in the
                                                                                                   implement the Executive Order, and there is       Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge that the
                                                                                                   ample room for unintended consequences in         Trump Administration may conclude in its
All energy agencies will see a change in          The Biden Harris Plan for a Clean Energy         this effort, including for the renewable energy   waning days.
emphasis. The Department of Energy will           Revolution and Environmental Justice             industry. It warrants close engagement with
focus on advancing energy technologies            establishes a goal of reaching a 100% clean                                                        The new Administration will seek to
                                                                                                   DOE as the agency develops the rules.             advance renewable energy development
that facilitate carbon emissions reductions.      energy economy, and net-zero emissions,
Battery improvements and other energy             by 2050. Many of the proposals in this Plan,     Once it has a Democratic majority in place,       on federal lands. To be successful, that
storage, along with hydrogen, will also get       such as expanding tax incentives for electric    the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission          initiative will need to be accompanied by
attention in DOE’s R&D portfolio, along with      vehicles, eliminating tax preferences for oil    will also be looking for ways to contribute to    efforts to accelerate permitting processes,
continued efforts to optimize solar and wind      and gas production, and increased federal        the climate action effort. Although it operates   which may prove challenging given the
technology. Advanced nuclear technologies         appropriations for clean energy investments,     under statutes passed many decades ago,           new Administration’s concomitant goals
are also likely to receive continued support,     cannot be achieved without congressional         FERC will look for new ways to apply those        of landscape conservation and wildlife
not only as carbon-free power sources but         action, which will be difficult without strong   statutes to give a greater weight to state        protection. DOI will also be under immediate
also for their value to international trade and   Democratic majorities in both houses. Many       carbon reduction goals and new technologies,      pressure to “unstick” the review processes
national security.                                things can be accomplished, however, by          including energy storage, in the markets it       for offshore wind development, which have
                                                  executive action under existing statutory        regulates. Democratic Commissioner Glick’s        languished under the Trump Administration.
Given its abundance and established                                                                dissents over the past few years likely provide
infrastructure in the U.S., DOE will likely       authority. This includes, for example, use
acknowledge – at least for the near term –        of the federal procurement system,”which
the central role natural gas will continue        spends $500 billion every year,’ to drive
to play in our energy supply, but with an         toward 100% clean energy and zero
emphasis on reducing carbon impact. The           emissions vehicles.1
Environmental Protection Agency will              The largest sources of carbon emissions are
directly regulate methane emissions, while        from the transportation and building sectors.
DOE focuses on technology solutions.              A push for improved efficiency in those
                                                  sectors is also likely to be high on the Biden
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
No Nirvana for Advocates of the                                                                     Key contacts                                         New Opportunity for the Industry
New Energy Economy
                                                                                                                                                         One of the most notable developments in
                                                                                                                                                         energy industry over the last four years is the
Supporters of carbon-free energy need only       project with a significant federal involvement,                   Mary Anne Sullivan                    embrace of sustainability goals and carbon
to think back a few years to recognize that      particularly on federal lands. Careful attention                  Senior Counsel
                                                                                                                                                         emissions reduction plans, along with new
having friends in the White House does not       to risk management strategies is key.                             Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                   +1 202 637 3695                       types of partnerships with state and local
mean clean energy projects will move forward     The same is true on the Outer Continental                         maryanne.sullivan@​hoganlovells.com   governments to advance their goals. The
at lightspeed. Multi-agency jurisdiction over    Shelf. Experienced wind developers are                                                                  opportunity exists now to engage the Biden
most energy projects results in bureaucratic     anxious to finally move forward expeditiously,                                                          Administration, not just in its regulatory
delays that every Administration in modern       but they cannot ignore the fishery, maritime                                                            function, but as a partner, to advance shared
times has committed to fixing, with little       and U.S. shipbuilding industries that all seek                                                          goals and identify the problems where
apparent success. That effort is further         to protect their interests in how offshore wind                   Greg Junge                            government can uniquely help in creating
complicated by the recent re-write of the        development proceeds. Those competing                             Partner
                                                                                                                                                         solutions. Engaging early may provide the
regulations that implement the National          interests, too, can expect a sympathetic
                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                   +1 202 637 6642                       best strategy for ensuring that the next four
Environmental Policy Act. The new rules          hearing from the Biden Administration.                            greg.junge@​hoganlovells.com          years produce important advances for the
face numerous legal challenges, and a Biden      The Jones Act may be ancient and                                                                        energy industry consistent with the new
team cannot simply revert to the old rules       protectionist, but it has a lot of enthusiastic                                                         Administration’s climate objectives.
that they may prefer. A new rulemaking will      supporters who will not be ignored.
be required. In the meantime, successfully
navigating NEPA reviews will require a           Fossil fuel interests, which make important
careful look at the risks under the rule         contributions to many regional economies,                         Hilary Tompkins
changes and ensuring an appropriate level        may wish to engage with the Biden                                 Partner
                                                 Administration not only on high tech
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CLICK HERE to
of conservatism in environmental reviews.                                                                          Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 find out more
                                                 solutions for sequestering carbon, but                            +1 202 664 7831
The Endangered Species Act and wetlands          also on its plans to work with farmers to                         hilary.tompkins@​hoganlovells.com                                                             on our election
protections under the Clean Water Act, to        create “carbon banks,” sequestering carbon                                                                                                                      2020 insights.
name just two, bedevil many energy projects.     emissions in soil and vegetation, and other
A change in the White House does not change      potential carbon offset initiatives.
that, and it can slow approvals for any energy
                                                                                                                   Jamie Wickett
                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                   +1 202 637 6422

                                                                                                                   Rebecca Umhofer
                                                                                                                   Knowledge Lawyer
                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C.                      “Hogan Lovells” or the “firm” is an international legal practice that includes Hogan
                                                                                                                   +1 202 637 6939                       Lovells International LLP, Hogan Lovells US LLP and their affiliated businesses.

                                                                                                                   rebecca.umhofer@​hoganlovells.com     The word “partner” is used to describe a partner or member of Hogan Lovells
                                                                                                                                                         International LLP, Hogan Lovells US LLP or any of their affiliated entities or any
                                                                                                                                                         employee or consultant with equivalent standing. Certain individuals, who are
                                                                                                                                                         designated as partners, but who are not members of Hogan Lovells International LLP,
                                                                                                                                                         do not hold qualifications equivalent to members.
                                                                                                                                                         For more information about Hogan Lovells, the partners and their qualifications,
                                                                                                                                                         see www.hoganlovells.com
                                                                                                                                                         Where case studies are included, results achieved do not guarantee similar outcomes
                                                                                                                                                         for other clients. Attorney advertising. Images of people may feature current or former
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                                                                                                                                                         © Hogan Lovells 2020. All rights reserved. 06226
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our energy clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
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