Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons

Page created by Christine Barton
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
Engineering & Management tools
for digital substa�ons
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
The power transmission and distribu�on environment is
facing important challenges of digitaliza�on, standardiza�on
and connec�vity.

A solu�on op�mized for your environment starts in the selec�on of the
best suitable equipment and suppliers. In this context, Elvexys, with its
long experience in substa�on engineering, offers a wide range of
vendor independent tools and services for digital substa�ons, aimed at
significantly reducing configura�on �me while improving run�me per-
formance and experience so that you have full control of your equip-
ment at all �mes.

  Elvexys tools por�olio

        Engineering & Configura�on                Real-�me environment                                 Monitoring
               environment                                                                           environment

                                                     Central Control System                             OT Monitoring
                                                                                                    Power System Monitoring
     StreamTools –
    Configura�on and
   Management Module


                                                      XPG –
                           StreamConsole –     Communica�on Gateway              StreamView –
                            Commissioning            Module                   Visualiza�on Module


   Helinks STS-SD – IEC   Vendor specific IED
   61850 Engineering      Configura�on Tool
         Module                 (ICT)

                                                Primary Equipement
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
StreamX – Data Acquisi�on Pla�orm

                            StreamTools - Configura�on and Management Module
                            Centralized signal configura�on editor, repository and version control for your
                            substa�on projects.
                            Easy and quick backup of machine images for greater flexibility and responsive-
        StreamTools         ness in maintenance and support opera�ons.

                            XPG - Communica�on Gateway Module
                            Appliance installed in your substa�on, ensuring high throughput real-�me
                            protocol conversion.

                            StreamConsole - Commissioning Module
                            Is the connec�on from StreamTools to the XPG communica�on gateway and
                            serves as an engineer's companion GUI for hardware configura�on as well as for
                            troubleshoo�ng and maintenance work.

                            Can be used as local SCADA to display the status of the substa�on to person on
                            site or in a more advanced version can be set to provide local control capabili-

Helinks STS - IEC 61850 Engineering Pla�orm

                            Helinks STS-SD – IEC 61850 Engineering Module
                            A vendor-independent IEC 61850 power system engineering tool for providing
                            system specifica�ons and configura�on files. In this tool the en�re IEC 61850
           HELINKS          substa�on design and architecture is created and the safety and control
           STS-SD           func�ons are defined.
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
StreamX – Data Acquisi�on
The StreamX applica�on suite is a modular real-�me IEC
61850-compliant management and control solu�on deve-
loped by Elvexys for data acquisi�on processes that has been
proven in the market by u�li�es for more than 15 years.

Regardless of the technologies you use, whether old or new
or specific to an equipment manufacturer, StreamX enables
op�mised and simplified integra�on and adapts to both
exis�ng systems and new developments.

With strong rela�onships to market needs, StreamX allows to
respond to the rapid and permanent evolu�on of technolo-
gies and func�onali�es required by each user.

Originally developed for substa�on engineering, StreamX has
since proven its great flexibility through its modularity by
being used in many other fields such as power system and OT
monitoring, smart metering or Industrial IoT.

Finally, StreamX can be deployed on mul�ple hardware and
virtual environments allowing you to customise the solu�on
to your needs and requirements. To make this possible and to
meet the highest cyber security standards we have developed
our own Linux-based opera�ng system (ISOS).
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
StreamTools – Configura�on and
Management Module
Engineering and Management So�ware
StreamTools is the web-based engineering module that not only allows configura�on for the different modules of
the StreamX suite but also manages all your projects including database maintenance opera�ons such as backups,
user management or project history.

Sophis�cated Unique Key System
StreamTools guarantees full data control thanks to a sophis�cated unique key system that ensures iden�fica�on of
process objects. Each point is unique within all configura�ons managed by StreamTools and these uniqueness keys
prevent the crea�on of duplicates or addressing errors during configura�on. Furthermore, StreamTools thus makes
it possible to manage the objects of a set of works in a simple, uniform and standardized way and provides you
with the maximum autonomy in the management of your real-�me data.

Secure Remote Access
Another strong argument for using StreamTools is that the module does not require any so�ware and your
engineers have access to all your engineering projects by the personal login and a secure connec�on via internet or
intranet. To manage concurrent user access, mechanisms for uniqueness, version management, locking and
permissions are implemented.

Elvexys gives you the freedom to decide where you want to host the StreamTools module and store your projects.
In your own environment or centrally at Elvexys, it is your choice.
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
XPG – Communica�on Gateway

StreamBridge - Communica�on Gateway So�ware
StreamBridge is our mul�-protocol gateway so�ware
module installed on XPG Gateway or virtual appliance that
enables the secure exchange of informa�on between a
wide range of devices such as Central Control Systems,
IEDs, RTUs, PLCs, Monitoring or SCADA Systems.

Mul�-protocol Applica�on
StreamBridge supports more than 20 protocols, including
the frequently used standards IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104
or IEC 60870-5-101. Of course, you only select the protocols
you need for your applica�on to make your environment as
simple at it is.

XPG - Communica�on Gateway Hardware
XPG (Secure StreamX Protocol Gateway) is a robust
real-�me communica�on gateway and a chosen hardware
used for all communica�on applica�ons, data processing
and protocol conversion. The wide range of hardware
preselected and tested by Elvexys enables a flexible applica-
�on to your exact needs and op�mize your Capex.

Redundant Opera�on
To meet the requirements of cri�cal infrastructures we
have chosen specific hardware that can also be operated
redundantly. This means that you s�ll have full control over
your infrastructure in the event of maintenance work, a
communica�on breakdown or a possible defect of a unit.

ISOS - Industrial Secure Opera�ng System
To achieve the highest cybersecurity standards and the best
performance we have developed our own Linux-based
opera�ng system ISOS which has been designed by our
security experts with a minimum number of packages to
make it secure, robust, fast and with a small footprint.
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
StreamConsole - Commissioning Module

StreamConsole is the companion of the commissioning engineer to access and configure the XPG gateways as well
as manage StreamBridge and ISOS.
The StreamConsole is also used by your engineers to carry out diagnos�cs and troubleshoo�ng or to update
configura�ons and ISOS firmware.

StreamView – Visualiza�on Module

Substa�on Visualiza�on GUI
To complete the monitoring of your equipment we have created the HTML-based solu�on StreamView which allows
to fully visualise your environment. StreamView can be applied as a local SCADA in your substa�on by visualizing
alarm and event lists, substa�on layout overview, IEC 61850 communica�on and GOOSE monitoring or for other
customized visualisa�ons in the back office such as OT monitoring. The possibili�es are almost unlimited and we are
pleased to implement your specific requirements so that your system operator or field technician can perform

Advanced Visualiza�on and Control GUI
For advanced control mechanism an addi�onal module called StreamBrain is required that manages commands and
confirma�ons in the background.
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
Helinks STS - IEC 61850 Engineering Pla�orm
Helinks STS
Helinks STS, developed by Helinks LCC, is the industry leading vendor independent system tool for IEC 61850
Substa�on Automa�on System (SAS) engineering.
With a strong focus on user-friendliness and standardisa�on, with Helinks STS you have all the advantages of
cost-effec�ve and produc�ve project execu�on in the palm of your hand.
With this all-in-one tool designed for top-down or bo�om-up engineering of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs),
Helinks STS makes it easy to accomplish complex engineering projects and be in same �me fully compliant with IEC
61850 Edi�on 1 and Edi�on 2 standards.
Elvexys, as a premium partner of Helinks LCC with a strong connec�on to the product as co-developer and daily
user can offer you the latest innova�ons at any �me and incorporate your user feedback directly into further
product improvements.

Helinks STS-SD
For perfect harmonisa�on of Helinks STS with the StreamX - Data Acquisi�on Pla�orm, Elvexys has developed the
StreamX plugin for Helinks STS. With this plugin Helinks STS becomes Helinks STS-SD.
The decisive advantage for you as a user is that with Helinks STS-SD the engineering of the communica�on can be
carried out with just a few clicks, which significantly reduces your efforts in terms of �me compared to conven�o-
nal engineering tools.
Furthermore, with the connec�on of Helinks STS-SD to StreamX, managing projects becomes child's play. Automa-
�cally stored in a central loca�on defined by you, your engineers have access to the latest version of your project at
any �me and from anywhere.
Engineering & Management tools - for digital substa ons
To summarize

By choosing Elvexys tools you choose full independency from your equipment supplier, reduc�on of project dura-
�on and engineering expenses, intelligent and state-of-the-art project management solu�ons, highest Cyber
Security standards and finally a very flexible partner with many years of experience in the renewal and standardisa-
�on of Substa�on with strong proximity to market needs.

Our highly experienced team of engineers is available to guide you through your project and select the most
suitable tools to ensure you get the perfect solu�on with the best quality at op�mised cost.
Elvexys SA © 2021
Route de Montena 65 | 1728 Rossens | SWITZERLAND |
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