ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools

ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools

           SERVICES       WINTER 2023 CATALOG

Page 18

           Youth Dance,
             & Sports
              Page 8

                                        Page 14
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools

What’s inside
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS  .  .  .  .  .  .                    3
KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4                                                LAKE ORION

SPECIAL EVENTS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                                                                                           COMMUNITY SCHOOLS

                                                                                             ADMINISTR ATOR S

PRESCHOOL .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                                       Ben Kirby

YOUTH .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8                                  Heidi Mercer
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
DAY CAMPS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13                                 of Teaching & Learning
                                                                                               John Fitzgerald
AQUATICS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14                              Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                            of Business & Finance
ADULT ENRICHMENT .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18                                              Rick Arnett

HEALTH & FITNESS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                             of Human Resources

REGISTRATION  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23                                  E NR ICHME NT SE RVICE S
                                                                                                 Lori McGraw
Lake Orion Community Schools                                                                     Angela Fox
is proud to support the Orion community.                                                      Program Assistant
Not only do we educate children, but we                                                      angela.fox@lok12.org
strive to educate the community through                                                         Amy Kuiper
the Enrichment Services Department.                                                         Aquatics Coordinator
The class offerings serve students in their                                                 amy.kuiper@lok12.org
earliest years and Dragons all across our
community, keeping multiple generations
                                                                                              Central Enrollment
engaged and eager to learn and have                                                            248–814–0215
life experiences outside of the formal                                                       Enrichment Services
classroom. Having such a vibrant community resource is one of the                          248–693–5436, ext. 1
areas we are proud of as we remain connected to all our neighbors.                             Early Childhood
Thank you for participating in these programs and thank you for                               248–693–5439
                                                                                                Food Services
helping keep Orion strong.                                                                     248–814–0201
                                                                    Ben Kirby                     Head Start
                                                               Superintendent                 248–693–5687
                                                 Lake Orion Community Schools                  Learning Options
ENRICHMENT is published three times per year by the Lake Orion Community Schools               Youth Assistance
Enrichment Services Department. To advertise in this publication, contact Lori McGraw at      248–693–6878
248–693–5436, extension 1 or lori.mcgraw@lok12.org.

          Winter 2023        |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436 ext. 1
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
       Early Childhood Programs
    Programs to meet every family’s needs.
                             1155 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion MI 48360
                             Early Childhood Office (248) 693–5439
                     OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm

                                                   2023–2024 Registration
                         Federal and
                                                      Re–Registration: February 1–28, 2023
                                                   All returning families and siblings of current Early
                        State–Funded               Childhood and School Age students may register
                          Preschool                during this period. New family registration begins
                           248–693–5439            Monday, March 6.
Kindergarten                                            Early Childhood, Pre–Kindergarten
  3 to 5 years old                                                   Open House
   Half Day and                                                      March 2, 2023
 Full Day options                                                 5 to 7 pm, Early Childhood Center,
                                       Child Care
                                                                      1155 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion
                                        18 months to
                                         5 year olds            Meet the teachers, visit classrooms and
                                    Monday through Friday       have fun!
                                      6:30 am to 6 pm
                                                                SACC registration for new DK or
                                                              Kindergarten students call 248–693–5439
                                                            or email mallorie.mcburney@lok12.org

                                                                         Child Care
                                                                          Grades DK–5
                                                                      Monday through Friday
                                                                        6:30 am to 6 pm
                                                                 Blanche Sims: 248–693–5460, x2440
                                                                      Carpenter: 248–391–5483
                                                                     Orion Oaks: 248–393–0016
                                                                      Paint Creek: 248–814–1727
                                                                    Stadium Drive: 248–690–8222
                                                                       Webber: 248–391–5472
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
LOCS Kindergarten Program Options 2023-2024

  Children must be 5 years old on
  or before September 1 to qualify.

▶ Rigorous Kindergarten
▶ Develops young learners
▶ Offers differentiated
▶ Develops social skills,
  problem‑solving and gross/
  fine motor skills
▶ Opportunity to play and learn experientially     Why Developmental
 Parent Information Nights                                  Child turns 5 years old
                                                        between July 1 and December 1
 for all elementary schools
                                                 ▶ An environment to prepare students
       March 20, 2023                              for the rigor of kindergarten
           6:00 p.m.                             ▶ School readiness and social
                                                   development through play‑based
           Elementary Schools                      learning
Blanche Sims ■ Carpenter ■ Orion Oaks            ▶ Free to families
Paint Creek ■ Stadium Drive ■ Webber             ▶ Available dependent on interest
                                                   and space
                                                 ▶ Mandatory
                                                   screening process
                                                   for qualification
                                                 ▶ Family may
                                                   need to provide
                                                 ▶ Building
                                                   determined post‑

ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
LOCS Kindergarten Program Options 2023-2024

        Enrollment Steps
1   Online registration begins in February 2023
    Information will be made available on our
    website at lakeorionschools org/kindergarten
2   Enrollment registration will begin at
    lakeorionschools org/enroll Select New
    Student Enrollment to begin the online
3   Required documents may be uploaded during
    the enrollment registration process or brought
    in person to the Central Enrollment office To
    make an appointment at Central Enrollment,
    schedule the appointment after submitting the
    enrollment registration
4   The online registration should be complete
    before scheduling an appointment at Central
                                                     Additional Information
    Enrollment Computers are available at Central
                                                     ▶ All enrollment requirements can be found
    Enrollment to complete the process if needed
                                                       at lakeorionschools org/enroll, select New
5   Make sure you select the correct school year       Student Enrollment
    as 2023–24 Online registration begins in
                                                     ▶ Interested development kindergarten
    February 2023 Information will be available on
                                                       applicants will need to sign up for
    the district website once registration is open
                                                       a screening appointment time:
                                                       https://www signupgenius com/
                                                       development2 Screenings will take place
                                                       on May 5, 2023 at the Early Childhood
                                                       Center See sign up link for appointment
                                                     ▶ Please call Central Enrollment with any
                                                       questions at 248‑814‑0215 or email at
                                                       alison doane@lok12 org
                                                     ▶ Before/After School Care: Contact
                                                       the Early Childhood Office at 248‑693‑
                                                       5439 Registration and deadlines are
                                                       determined separately

ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools

                         Special Girl                           Music & Magic with Mom
                         Date Night                            Boys ages 5 to 12 are invited to spend an evening with
                                                               their mom, grandma

                            Dance                              or aunt for a special
                                                               dance and magic show.
                    Girls ages 5 to 12 are invited to spend       March 3 and
                   an evening with their dad, grandpa or
                   uncle.                                            March 4
                                                                  7 pm | CERC
                        Friday, February 10
                                                                 $10 per person
               Saturday, February 11
             7–9 pm | CERC | Tickets $10

    Parent and Child Painting
                                                               Winter Adventure Series
                                                               Let’s go outside on an adventure! This 3–part series
    with the Kids Art Academy                                  will let us explore our trails on foot and bike. We will
    Create a Valentine masterpiece with your child. You        hike, snowshoe and ride our fat–tire bikes together.
    and your child will create a matching canvas to take       Headlamps will be provided.
    home. A supply fee of $25 for parent & child is payable                        Ages 10 and up.
                to the instructor at class. Supply fee for
                                                               1080W23 Fat Tire Bike Ride Wed          Feb 8
                  additional children is $10.
                                                                       6–7:30 pm		                     LOHS  $10
                          Children grades K–5. Class will
                            meet one time in CERC 111.         1085W23 Snowshoe   Wed                  Feb 15
                                                                       6–7:30 pm		                     LOHS          $10
                                 1100W23 Tues
                                 Feb 7        5:30–7 pm		      1090W23 Night Hike Wed                  Feb 22
                                   $25 for parent & child              6–7:30 pm		                     LOHS          $10
                                     $10 for additional        1095W23 All 3 sessions Wed Feb 8–22
                                      children                         6–7:30 pm 		       LOHS                      $25

                                                                         Community Education
                                                                        Resource Center (CERC)
                                                                            455 E. Scripps Road, Lake Orion

                                   March 11, 2023                        Early Bird Admission $2
                                                                                    8:30 am to 1 pm
                                                                           General Admission $1
                                                                                      9 am to 1 pm
                     Registration begins on January 1 at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com

          Winter 2023       |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
                        DANCE                                         MISS
Mommy & Me Move                                                     MARGEE’S
You and your child will participate in general movement            PRESCHOOL
activities to improve gross and fine motor skills and enhance
awareness while having fun with the basics of tumbling,             CLASSES
dancing, singing, and jumping with props such as puppets,       Miss Margee brings her
balls, ribbons, bubbles, parachute, and more! Class may         love for children into these
participate in recital.                                         fun, interactive, and educa-
        Ages 6 months–3 years. Class meets 7 times              tional classes for parents/
           in CERC Activity A. No class Feb 21.                 caregivers and children.
2221W23A Tue        Jan 31–Mar 21      10–10:30 am       $69
                                                                Miss Margee’s
2221W23B Thu        Feb 2–Mar 16       6:15–6:45 pm      $69
                                                                Terrific Toddlers
                                                                Parents and children enjoy
                       SPORTS                                   spending quality time
                                                                together in these interactive
Karate for Kids                                                 preschool classes, partic-
Karate for Kids is a program designed and taught by the         ipating in free play, crafts, circle time and weekly themed
same instructors that have provided martial arts classes        activities. An adult must attend class with child. Spaces are
to the Lake Orion Enrichment Services families for over         limited.
34 years. Directed by Grand Master Leo Mayer 8th Dan                  Ages 1 and 2. Class meets 10 times in CERC 303.
Black Belt, the program at this level will enhance, build,               Material fee of $8 per child is payable to
and develop socialization skills, self–confidence, and                   instructor at first class. No class Mar 8.
physical fitness. This class will accomplish these goals by
using fun games, exercises and group activities that stress     1310W23      Wed      Jan 11–Mar 22      9–10 am             $93
   Ages 4 to 5 years. Class meets 8 times in CERC Gym.          Miss Margee’s Family Fun
                                                                Parents, enjoy a fun interactive class with your children. A
1275W23     Wed     Jan 18–Mar 8       6–6:30 pm          $62
                                                                great way to attend a class if you have more than one child.
                                                                A family with one child can also join this class. Class has a
                                                                similar format to Terrific Toddlers. Each child that is age one
                                                                to five must be registered separately. Infants under age one
                                                                as of the start date of class are free. Please call the office at
                                                                248–693–5436, ext. 1 to receive the family rate.
                                                                         Ages 1 to 5. Class meets 10 times in CERC
                                                                        303. Material fee of $8 per child is payable to
                                                                          instructor at first class. No class Mar 8.
                                                                1320W23 Wed           Jan 11–Mar 22     10:15–11:15 am
                                                                		                    $93/family with one child
                                                                		                    $148/family with 2 or more children
Mommy and Me Sports
You and your child will participate in a sports themed class.
Activities will be introduced to improve fine and gross
                                                                Miss Margee’s Preschool Pals
                                                                This parent and child class follows the same format as
motor skills, hand–eye coordination, flexibility and body
                                                                Terrific Toddlers with an emphasis on letters, name recog-
awareness, and team work. Props includes balls, scooters,
                                                                nition, math, science, and following directions.
bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, etc. This is parent partici-
pation class. Please bring water bottle and wear athletic              Ages 3 to 5. Class meets 10 times in CERC 303.
clothing–no jeans.                                                       Material fee of $8 per child is payable to
Ages 6 months–3 years. Class meets 7 times in CERC Gym.                   instructor at first class. No class Mar 8.

2146W23     Wed     Feb 1–Mar 15       10–10:30 am       $69    1330W23 Wed Jan 11–Mar 22             11:30 am–12:45 pm     $115

                   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                   Winter 2023
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
        DANCE & GYMNASTICS                                      Hip–Hop/Acrodance
                                                                Fun, high energy, and upbeat! Class begins with a thorough
Lake Orion Enrichment Services in cooperation with STARZ        warm up taught to fast, bass pumping music, then learn
Performing Arts offers recreational children’s dance lessons    today’s hottest dance style while we incorporate acrobatics
and gymnastics lessons. There are three sessions: fall,         and tumbling. Dancers learn to isolate their bodies with
winter, and spring. In case of snow day cancellations, make–    control, precision, and rhythm. Music and choreography will
ups will be held Friday, March 10.                              be age appropriate. Please bring a water bottle and wear
Dance: Each session includes a costume and concludes            dance or athletic clothing (no jeans).
with an informal recital. The winter recital is Tuesday,
                                                                              Class meets 7 times in CERC 109.
March 21 at 7 pm at the CERC. Yearlong students receive a
trophy in May.                                                                           AGES 3 TO 5
Gymnastics: Yearlong students receive a trophy in June.         2228W23A       Thu      Feb 2–Mar 16     4:45–5:30 pm      $99
Participants should wear leotards or fitness clothing (no
jeans) and bring a water bottle. CERC provides a quiet                            GRADES K THROUGH 5
waiting area in the main lobby where parents will remain        2228W23B       Thu   Feb 2–Mar 16 5:30–6:15 pm             $99
during the class. A formal “Olympics” will be presented to
the parents and guests on the last week to demonstrate          Twinkle Little STARZ
skills and progress.                                            Your preschooler will enjoy learning the basics of
Mommy & Me Move                                                 gymnastics in this action–packed class! In addition to
                                                                learning how to complete basic skills on the floor, vault,
You and your child will participate in general movement
                                                                beam, and bars, your child will learn about the importance
activities to improve gross and fine motor skills and enhance
                                                                of exercising by moving to child–friendly music. Increase
awareness while having fun with the basics of tumbling,
                                                                balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength in a fun way.
dancing, singing, and jumping with props such as puppets,
                                                                Come and join the fun!
balls, ribbons, bubbles, parachute, and more! Class may
participate in recital.                                                      Ages 3 to 5. Class meets 7 times in
                                                                             CERC Activity A. No class Feb 21.
       Ages 6 months to 3 years. Class meets 7 times
            in CERC Activity A. No class Feb 21.                2134W23A      Tue     Jan 31–Mar 21     11:15 am–12 pm $109
2221W23A      Tue    Jan 31–Mar 21      10–10:30 am     $69     2134W23B      Tue     Jan 31–Mar 21     5–5:45 pm         $109
2221W23B      Thu    Feb 2–Mar 16       6:15–6:45 pm    $69     2134W23C      Wed     Feb 1–Mar 15      10:30–11:15 am $109
                                                                2134W23D      Wed     Feb 1–Mar 15      5:45–6:30 pm      $109
This class develops a dance work ethic in a positive
atmosphere that builds self–esteem. The students will learn
                                                                Rising STARZ Gymnastics
                                                                Basic level skills are reinforced, as more advanced skills
proper ballet technique, vocabulary, jumps, and leaps while
                                                                are introduced in all apparatus: floor, vault, beam, and bars
incorporating them into many different styles of dance.
                                                                with an emphasis on building self–confidence, self–esteem,
Jazz incorporates stretching, across the floor combinations,
                                                                and body awareness. Class taught for all levels: beginner
and stylized routines. Tap concentrates on rhythm, impro-
                                                                through intermediate with focus on completing USA
visation, and tap choreography. Dance apparel and shoes
                                                                Gymnastics Level 1 skills.
suggested but not mandatory. Please pack a water bottle.
                                                                          Grades K through 6. Class meets 7 times
        Class meets 7 times. No class Feb 20 and 21.
                                                                            in CERC Activity A. No class Feb 21.
                AGES 3 TO 5                                     2136W23A      Tue     Jan 31–Mar 21     5:45–6:30 pm       $119
2226W23A Mon Jan 30–Mar 20 4:45–5:30 pm
                                                                2136W23B      Wed     Feb 1–Mar 15      5–5:45 pm          $119
		           CERC 109		                 $99
2226W23B Tue        Jan 31–Mar 21    10:30–11:15 am
		                  CERC Activity A		               $99
2226W23C Wed Feb 1–Mar 15     11:15 am–12 pm
		           CERC Activity A		               $99

            GRADES K THROUGH 5
2226W23D Mon Jan 30–Mar 20 5:30–6:15 pm
		            CERC 109		                $99

         Winter 2023       |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
Shooting STARZ Gymnastics Team                                   Tumbling Clinics
(USAA Level 1–3)                                                 Join us for these clinics where we focus on a different skill
Registration is for existing team members only. If you are       each session. Students do not need to be able to complete
interested in joining our gymnastics team in Fall 2023,          the skills. Staff is knowledgeable on proper spotting
please contact us for the best way to ensure your gymnast        techniques and participants will have access to mats and
is on track. If you’d like to support our team, our meet will    wedges. Please wear athletic clothing and bring a water
be Sunday, April 16, 2023. **Gymnasts are encouraged to          bottle. Preregistration is required one week prior.
register for Open Gym sessions and Clinics listed below in                  Grades K through 8. Class meets from
Winter sessions.**                                                           6:30 to 7:15 pm in CERC Activity A.
          Grades K through 8. Class meets 7 times                2140W23A All tumbling clinics          Tue Feb 7–Mar 7 $50
            in CERC Activity A. No class Mar 29.
                                                                 2140W23B Cartwheel & Round–Off Tue Feb 7                    $15
2133W23A Wed Jan 11–Feb 22             6:30–8 pm         $229
                                                                 2140W23C Back–Bend & Back Walkover
2133W23B Wed Mar 1–Apr 19              6:30–8 pm         $229    		                            Tue Feb 14                    $15
                                                                 2140W23D Back Handspring               Tue Feb 28           $15
Optional Team Practices
              Classes meet 1 time in Activity A.                 2140W23E Bars and Beam                 Tue Mar 7            $15
2135W23A Fri         Jan 20            6–7 pm             $20
2135W23B Fri         Feb 10            6–7 pm             $20                         SPECIAL INTEREST
2135W23C Fri         Mar 3             6–7 pm             $20                      Rata2ee After–School
2135W23D Fri         Apr 14            6–7 pm             $20                           Cooking Classes for
                                                                                        Middle Schoolers
Open Gym                                                                                 These 6–week courses are a combi-
Full access to Starz gymnastics room including mats, bars,                             nation of cooking and baking. Classes
beams, vault, and loads of props/toys. Practice your skills or                         include instruction on knife basics,
just burn off some energy. Staff member is present to ensure                           kitchen safety, nutrition, and sanitation.
safety; however, no formal lesson will occur. Preregistration                       Young chefs will make a serving size of a
is required one week prior.                                      meal to eat or take home. Please note these are group–made
           Grades K through 8. Class meets from                  meals. Registration fee includes $75 material fee.
    6:30 to 7:15 pm in CERC Activity A. No class Feb 21.                Grades 6 through 8. Class meets 6 times in
2138W23A Tue         Jan 31–Mar 21     7 classes          $49         Oakview A–19. No class Mar 16, Mar 30 and Apr 6.

2138W23B Tue         Jan 31            1 class             $8    3034W23A       Thu    Jan 12–Feb 16      2:30–4 pm        $229

2138W23C Tue         Feb 7             1 class             $8    3034W23B       Thu    Mar 2–Apr 27       2:30–4 pm        $229

2138W23D Tue         Feb 14            1 class             $8
                                                                 Babysitting 101
2138W23E Tue         Feb 28            1 class             $8    Calling all future babysitters! Take this class to learn what
                                                                 it takes to be the best babysitter in town. Topics covered
2138W23F Tue         Mar 7             1 class             $8
                                                                 include how to care for various ages of children, what
2138W23G Tue         Mar 14            1 class             $8    to do in case of an emergency, and how to manage your
                                                                 babysitting business. First aid basics will be covered.
2138W23H Tue         Mar 21            1 class             $8
                                                                                        Ages 10 and up.
                                                                 2225W23 Fri       Feb 3     5–8 pm       CERC 111          $30

                                                                 Friday Family Fitness Fun Night
                                                                 Spend Friday night as a family getting your fitness on! A mix
                                                                 between cardio and strength exercises put to kid–friendly
                                                                 music to get the whole family moving and shaking off
                                                                 those winter blues. Best suited for kids 3 and up and adult
                                                                 registration is required. Please bring a water bottle and wear
                                                                 athletic clothing.
                                                                 2144W23 Fri Mar 3 5–6:30 pm Carpenter Gym $15/person

                   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                   Winter 2023
ENRICHMENT WINTER 2023 CATALOG - Adult Art, Dance, Dog Training - Lake Orion Community Schools
 Girl Scouts Dance Badge Clinic                                               SPORTS
 Daisies, Brownies, and Junior Girl Scouts are welcome to join
 us in earning their dance badge. Dance through the decades,        Basketball Class
 learn proper warm–ups, and explore choreography all the            This fun, skill–intensive program
 requirements to earn your badge. Patches are included.             is designed for beginning to
 Registration deadline: Feb 17.                                     intermediate players. Using
 2210W23 Fri       Feb 24 5–6:30 pm       Carpenter Gym $25         our progressional curriculum,
                                                                    we focus on the whole player—
                                                                    teaching sportsmanship and
 Pokemon Club                                                       teamwork. Boys and girls will learn the fundamentals
 Trade cards, play games, and talk Pokemon. Learn the basics
                                                                    of passing, shooting, ball handling, rebounding and
 or come share your expertise. All level players are welcome.
                                                                    defense through skill–based instruction and small–sided
 Bring your Pokemon cards. Instructor: Abigail Rennels.
              Ages 6 to 14. Class meets 6 times in
                                                                              Class meets 5 times in the Carpenter Gym.
               CERC Cafeteria. No class Feb 21.
 2128W23 Tue          Jan 31 to Mar 14   6–6:45 pm         $42                               AGES 6 TO 8
                                                                    2300W23A Wed          Jan 11–Feb 8   4:30–5:30 pm           $112
 Theatre Production Workshop:                                       2300W23B Wed          Feb 22–Mar 22      4:30–5:30 pm       $112
 The Crowded House                                                                          AGES 8 TO 12
 Join as we plan, rehearse, and perform The Crowded House,
                                                                    2300W23C Wed          Jan 11–Feb 8   5:45–6:45 pm           $112
 by Eva Jacob. Taught by Stadium Drive’s former Theatre
 teacher, Megan Firis, this workshop is geared toward anyone        2300W23D Wed          Feb 22– Mar 22 5:45–6:45 pm           $112
 who likes to collaborate, create, and perform. No prior acting
 or theatre experience is required. Just come ready to try                                    Cheernastics
 some new things and have fun! Students must have basic                                        Learn cheerleading basics including
 reading skills. We will perform our play on the last day of the                            sideline cheers, floor cheers, jumps,
 class.                                                                             tumbling and stunts, a pom/dance routine,
       Grades 2 to 8. Class meets 9 times in CERC 109.                             and mounting/pyramids. Please pack a water
 1368W23        Wed      Jan 25–Mar 22    6–7:30 pm         $97                    bottle and wear athletic clothing. Participants
                                                                                    will perform in recital. For extra gymnastics
                                                                                     skills, participants are encouraged to join
                                  Tiny Tunes Piano                                    tumbling clinics or open gym.
                                  Program—“Live”                                  Grades K through 6. Class meets 7
                                  Online Group Class                                  times in CERC Activity A.
                               Jump–start your child’s              2219W23       Thu     Feb 2–Mar 16       6:45–7:30 pm      $109
                               musical education with a
                               delightfully simple musical
                               piano program. Lessons               Co–Ed Basketball Skills
                               include musical alphabet,            Pass, dribble, shoot… have fun while learning basic
                               finger numbers, counting and         basketball skills with mini games. Join Coach Brydges for
                               clapping rhythms, correct            this instructional clinic that will cover all the fundamentals.
                               finger positions, directional         Grades 1 & 2. Class meets 8 times in the LOHS Fieldhouse.
                               reading taught by skips and          2110F22       Sat     Jan 7–Feb 25       10–10:45 am        $82
                               steps, line, and space notes,
                               note recognition and location,
 ear training and of course some Tiny Tunes. Music increases
 attention span, logic, and reasoning skills. Class is limited to
 6 students. Equipment needed for online classes: computer,
 keyboard/piano, and a web cam. Please contact Mr. West for
 more information: rwest@tinytunes.org
           Grades K through 1. Class meets 6 times.
 V1400W23       Sat      Jan 14–Feb 18    10–11 am         $93

          Winter 2023         |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
Dragon Elite Boys Basketball League                              Mini Dragons Soccer
The Lake Orion Varsity Basketball Staff and players are          Preparing you little one to love the beautiful game. Mini
excited to bring you the Dragons Elite Youth Basketball          Dragons is a soccer education program available for all skill
League. Teams will be coached & taught by parent volun-          levels and ages. This is a great way to introduce physical
teers. Designed to fit into your busy schedule with practices    movements, develop speed & agility, acquire soccer skills
and games being on the same day. This League will meet for       both on and off the field, all while preparing your Dragon
8 Sundays with the first two Sundays being practice only.        for the next step and playing on a real sports team. Uniform
The following 6 Sundays will include practice and games.         Jersey is included in registration fee.
Practices will be 45 minutes while the games will have two          AM classes will be held at the CERC gym. PM classes
20 minute running halves. Registration fee includes jersey.         will be held at Orion Oaks Gym. Classes meet 7 times.
                GRADES 1 & 2                                              No class Feb 21, Feb 23, Mar 28 and Mar 30.
2116W23A Sun LOHS Jan 8–Feb 26 9–11 am                                           HATCHLINGS (AGES 2–3)
			                8 classes		                          $135     2310W23A      Tue Jan 10–Feb 28 5–5:45 pm               $125
                GRADES 3 & 4                                     2310W23B      Tue Mar 7–Apr 25       5–5:45 pm          $125
2116W23B Sun LOHS Jan 8–Feb 26 11 am–1 pm
                                                                 2310W23C      Thu Jan 12–Mar 2       9:30–10:15 am      $125
			                8 classes		            $135
                                                                 2310W23D      Thu Mar 9–Apr 27       9:30–10:15 am      $125
                GRADES 5 & 6
                                                                 2310W23E      Thu Jan 12–Mar 2       5–5:45 pm          $125
2116W23C Sun LOHS Jan 8–Feb 26 1–3 pm
			                8 classes		                          $135     2310W23F      Thu Mar 9–Apr 27       5–5:45 pm          $125

                                                                               MINI DRAGONS (AGES 3–3½)
Girls Basketball League                                          2312W23A      Tue Jan 10–Feb 28 5–5:45 pm               $125
The program will start with an instructional clinic on
December 17. Practices will begin the week of January 2.         2312W23B      Tue Mar 7–Apr 25       5–5:45 pm          $125
Games will be played on January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11,
                                                                 2312W23C      Thu Jan 12–Mar 2       10:20–11:10 am     $125
18 and 25. Volunteer coaches are needed for the girls league.
                                                                 2312W23D      Thu Mar 9–Apr 27       10:20–11:10 am     $125
               GRADES 3, 4, 5
2115W23A Sat LOHS Dec 17–Feb 25 11 am–12 pm		                    2312W23E      Thu Jan 12–Mar 2       5–5:45 pm          $125
			               9 classes		              $125                  2312W23F      Thu Mar 9–Apr 27       5–5:45 pm          $125

                GRADES 6, 7, 8                                              DRAGONETS (AGES 3½–4½)
2115W23B Sat LOHS Dec 17–Feb 25 12:30–1:30 pm                    23141W23A Tue Jan 10–Feb 28 5:50–6:40 pm                $125
			                9 classes		              $125
                                                                 23141W23B Tue Mar 7–Apr 25           5:50–6:40 pm       $125

Karate                                                           23141W23C Thu Jan 12–Mar 2           11:15 am–12:10 pm $125
Join this exciting program that has been sponsored by Lake       23141W23D Thu Mar 9–Apr 27           11:15 am–12:10 pm $125
Orion Enrichment Services for over 34 years under the
direction of Grand Master Leo Mayer 8th Dan Black Belt.          23141W23E     Thu Jan 12–Mar 2       5:50–6:40 pm       $125
The program is designed to teach beginners, from first grade     23141W23F     Thu Mar 9–Apr 27       5:50–6:40 pm       $125
up, the concepts of self–discipline, self–defense and self–
confidence to make the right choices. In this beginner class,              FIRE BREATHERS (AGES 4½–6)
parents are welcome to JOIN and train with their children        23142W23A Tue Jan 10–Feb 28 6:45–7:40 pm                $125
and increase their flexibility while mastering proper balance
and coordination skills in the same class. Stop by and talk to   23142W23B Tue Mar 7–Apr 25           6:45–7:40 pm       $125
certified black belt instructors at the demonstration on the     23142W23C Thu Jan 12–Mar 2           11:15 am–12:10 pm $125
first night. Tournaments available. Registration fee of $140
payable at first night demonstration class.                      23142W23D Thu Mar 9–Apr 27           11:15 am–12:10 pm $125
     Ages 6 and up. Class meets 14 times in the CERC             23142W23E Thu Jan 12–Mar 2           6:45–7:40 pm       $125
        Gym. No class Jan 16, Feb 20, and Mar 27.                23142W23F Thu Mar 9–Apr 27           6:45–7:40 pm       $125
              Mon     Jan 9–May 1       6–7 pm          $140

                   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                  Winter 2023
 Mini–Hawks Class
 (Basketball and Soccer/Futsal)
 This multi–sport program was developed to give children a
 positive first step into athletics. Sports are taught in a safe,
 structured environment filled with encouragement and fun.
 Through exciting games and activities, kids will explore
 balance, hand/eye coordination and skill development at
 their own pace. Participants should bring a water bottle and
 wear appropriate athletic attire.
     Class meets at the Orion Oaks Gym. No class Jan 16.
                AGES 5 TO 8
 2330W23A Mon Jan 9–Feb 13  4:30–5:20 pm
 		5 classes		                           $107                                    Enrichment scholarships are
 2330W23B Mon Feb 27–Mar 20 4:30–5:20 pm                                         available for students who
 		4 classes		                                              $85     are interested in classes/camps and are
                AGES 8 TO 12                                        experiencing financial hardship.
 2330W23C Mon Jan 9–Feb 13   5:30–6:30 pm                           More information and forms are available under the Programs
 		5 classes		                            $112                                 tab at lakeorionyouthassistance.com
 2330W23D Mon Feb 27–Mar 20 5:30–6:30 pm
                                                                     Follow us!           /orionareayouthassistance
 		4 classes		                                              $89

          Winter 2023        |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1

                Summer Day Camps
   Sponsored By Lake Orion Community Schools Enrichment Services
     We’ve got you covered for summer fun—lots of options to choose
   from! Our summer camps are from 9 am to 4 pm. Extended camp is
available daily 7 to 9 am and 4 to 6 pm, $6 per session. You pick your own
           schedule—come for whatever weeks you would like!

       CAMP WANNA HAVE FUN is designed for children currently
       attending grades K–4.

       CAMP EXPLORION is designed for students currently attending grades

   Choose how many days a week you need for GREAT weekly rates:
                                    CAMP WANNA                                       Both of these camps
                                                                                     are located at the CERC
                                     HAVE FUN                CAMP EXPLORION          building. Each camp
3 days a week                              $120                        $126          features age–appro-
                                                                                     priate activities, field trips
4 days a week                              $152                        $160          (admissions included),
                                                                                     swimming at the Lake
5 days a week                              $175                        $185          Orion High School pool,
                                                                                     special event days, and lots

                               Weekly Themes                                         of fun guaranteed to create
                                                                                     memories that will last a
                                                                                     lifetime! Snacks provided.
Week                                 Camp Wanna                                      Campers should bring a
                   Dates                                     Camp ExpLOrion
 #                                    Have Fun                                       sack lunch and drink.
   1          June 12—16         Summer Time at Last!   Dive in to Summer Fun

   2          June 19—23         Sports Extravaganza    Outdoor Adventures               Registration
   3          June 26—30         Science Adventures     Movies, Magic & Mysteries        Information
                                                                                         ▶ Online registration
   4          July 5—7           Holiday Hoopla         Random Acts of Fun                 begins on March 1 at
   5          July 10—14         Great Outdoors         All About Sports                   com.
                                                                                         ▶ Registration fee
   6          July 17—21         Artful Antics          Wacky & Wild Science               of $25 per camper
                                                                                           (nonrefundable) due
   7          July 24—28         Fun & Games            Spartans vs Athenians              when registering.
                                                                                         ▶ Limited spaces
   8          July 31—August 4   Splish Splash          Water Wars Galore                  available—please
                                                                                           register early to
   9          August 7—11        Disney                 Tap Into Creativity                guarantee your spot

  10          August 14—18       Mystery Week           Last Blast of Summer
                                                        NO CAMP FOR EXPLORION
  11          August 21—25       Summer Farewell
                                                        Have a great school year!

                     Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |    Winter 2023

                       WINTER 2023 SWIM LESSONS AT–A–GLANCE
        MONDAY  FEB 6—APRIL 10  8 CLASSES                           FRIDAY  JAN 27—MARCH 17­  8 CLASSES
     9130W23M Puddle Jumpers 1 5:15–5:45 pm $85                  9120W23F Parent Toddler 1&2 10:35–11:05 am $68
     9140W23M Puddle Jumpers 2          5:15–5:45 pm      $85    9130W23F    Puddle Jumpers 1     10–10:30 am      $85
     9160W23M Level 1		                 5:50–6:20 pm      $85    9140W23F    Puddle Jumpers 2     10–10:30 am      $85
     9170W23M1 Level 2		                5:15–5:45 pm      $85    9150W23F    Puddle Jumpers 1&2 10:35–11:05 am     $85
     9170W23M2 Level 2		                5:50–6:20 pm      $85       SATURDAY  MAR 11—MAY 2  8 CLASSES
     9180W23M Level 1&2		               5:50–6:20 pm      $85    9120W23S1 Parent/Toddler 1&2 10:35–11:05 am $68
     9190W23M Level 3		                 6:25–7:15 pm     $115    9120W23S2 Parent/Toddler 1&2 11:10–11:40 am       $68
     9240W23M Level 5/6		               6:25–7:15 pm     $115    9130W23S    Puddle Jumpers 1     10–10:30 am      $85
     9250W23M Adult		                   6:25–7:15 pm     $115    9140W23S    Puddle Jumpers 2     10–11:05 am      $85
                                                                 9150W23S    Puddle Jumpers 1&2 11:10–11:40 am     $85
     9100W23W Parent/Toddler 1 5:50–6:20 pm $68                  9160W23S1 Level 1		              10–10:30 am      $85
     9110W23W     Parent/Toddler 2      5:50–6:20 pm      $68    9160W23S2 Level 1		              10:35–11:05 am   $85
     9130W23W1 Puddle Jumpers 1         5:50–6:20 pm      $85    9170W23S1 Level 2		              10–10:30 am      $85
     9130W23W2 Puddle Jumpers 1         5:50–6:20 pm      $85    9170W23S2 Level 2		              11:10–11:40 am   $85
     9160W23W Level 1		                 5:15–5:45 pm      $85    9190W23S    Level 3          11:40 am–12:30 pm    $115
     9170W23W1 Level 2		                5:15–5:45 pm      $85    9200W23S Level 4             11:40 am–12:30 pm    $115
     9170W23W2 Level 2		                5:15–5:45 pm      $85    9240W23S Level 5/6           11:40 am–12:30 pm    $115
     9190W23W Level 3		                 6:25–7:15 pm     $115
     9200W23W Level 4		                 6:25–7:15 pm     $115

                                     WINTER 2023 SWIM LESSONS
 Parent/Toddler Aquatics                                                          Classes meets 8 times.
 Parent/Toddler 1 This class is for children ages 6 months       9100W23W Parent/Toddler 1         Feb 8–Apr 5
 to 3 years old with parent in the water. Class stresses         		                                5:50–6:20 pm          $68
 safety and teaches parents how to help their child become
 comfortable in the water. Swimming diapers are required         9110W23W Parent/Toddler 2         Feb 8–Apr 5
 under swimsuit. This is the first introduction to the water     		                                5:50–6:20 pm $68
 with the parent and child. Skills introduced: bubble blowing,   9120W23F Parent/Toddler 1&2 Jan 27–Mar 17
 front and back floats, reaching, kicking, jumping into the      		                          10:35–11:05 am $68
 water, and safety in and around the water.
 Parent/Toddler 2 This class is for children ages 2.5 to         9120W23S1 Parent/Toddler 1&2 Mar 11–May 20
 3.5 years old with parent in the water. This class stresses     		                           10:35–11:05 am $68
 safety and teaches parents how to help their child become       9120W23S2 Parent/Toddler 1&2 Mar 11–May 20
 comfortable in the water. This class will start the skills of   		                           11:10–11:40 am $68
 front and back, kicking on front and back, bubble blowing,
 gliding on the front and back, beginning of arm movements
 on the front and back all supported. Swimming diapers are        Host your birthday party at the LOHS Pool!
 required under swimsuits if child is not potty–trained. Level
 of support and assistance from parent will vary depending         Contact Amy Kuiper at 248–814–1715 or
 upon the skill level and confidence of the child.                 amy.kuiper@lok12.org for available dates and rates!

          Winter 2023       |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
Preschool Aquatics                                               Learn to Swim—Beginner
Puddle Jumpers 1                                                 Level 1 Children must be 5 years old and be able to do 5
Children must be 3 years old or have been enrolled in a          head bobs and face fully submerged. To exit this class the
preschool program. This is the first class without the parent.   child must be able to do a front glide without assistance for
The child must separate comfortably from the parent. Skills      two body lengths.
taught will be independent water entry, supported kicking,       Level 2 This class is for the child who can do a front glide
supported front and back floats and glides, supported front      and face fully submerged in water. To exit this class, the
and back swims, bubble blowing, and face submerge. All           child must to a back float for 5 seconds without assistance;
skills will be done with support.                                tread or float for 15 seconds and swim front or back crawl for
Puddle Jumpers 2 This class is for children between              5 body lengths.
the ages of 3–5 years old. They must be able to front float                          Classes meet 8 times.
and back float without assistance, face fully submerged,
                                                                 9160W23M Level 1         Feb 6–Apr 10     5:50–6:20 pm $85
and are starting to do combined arm and leg action for 2
body lengths. They will be working towards independent           9160W23W Level 1         Feb 8–Apr 5      5:15–5:45 pm $85
                                                                 9160W23S1 Level 1        Mar 11–May 20 10–10:30 am        $85
                   Classes meets 8 times.
                                                                 9160W23S2 Level 1        Mar 11–May 20 10:35–11:05 am $85
9130W23M Puddle Jumpers 1             Feb 6­‑Apr 10
			                                   5:15–5:45 pm  $85          9170W23M1 Level 2        Feb 6–Apr 10     5:15–5:45 pm $85
9130W23W1 Puddle Jumpers 1            Feb 8–Apr 5                9170W23M2 Level 2        Feb 6–Apr 10     5:50–6:20 pm $85
			                                   5:50–6:20 pm       $85     9170W23W1 Level 2        Feb 8–Apr 5      5:15–5:45 pm $85
9130W23W2 Puddle Jumpers 1            Feb 8–Apr 5		              9170W23W2 Level 2        Feb 8 –Apr 5     5:15–5:45 pm $85
			                                   5:50–6:20 pm $85
                                                                 9170W23S1 Level 2        Mar 11–May 20 10–10:30 am        $85
9130W23F Puddle Jumpers 1             Jan 27–Mar 17
			                                   10–10:30 am        $85     9170W23S2 Level 2        Mar 11–May 20 11:10–11:40 am $85

9130W23S Puddle Jumpers 1             Mar 11–May 20              9180W23M Level 1&2 Feb 6–Apr 10           5:50–6:20 pm $85
			                                   10–10:30 am        $85
                                                                 Learn to Swim Intermediate
9140W23M Puddle Jumpers 2             Feb 6–Apr 10               Level 3 This class is for the child who can do a combined
			                                   5:15–5:45 pm       $85     arm and leg action on the front and back independently for
9140W23F Puddle Jumpers 2             Jan 27 – Mar 17		          5 body lengths. To exit this level, the child must be able to
			                                   10–10:30 am     $85        jump into deep water, recover, tread or float for 1 minute and
                                                                 do a 15 yard front crawl and elementary backstroke.
9140W23S Puddle Jumpers 2             Mar 11–May 20		            Level 4 This class is for the child who can do front
			                                   10:35–11:05 am $85         crawl for 15 yards; jump in deep water and do elementary
9150W23F Puddle Jumpers 1&2 Jan 27–Mar 17                        backstroke for 15 yards. To exit this level, the child must be
			                         10:35–11:05 am               $85     able to do front crawl for 25 yards with rotary breathing;
                                                                 elementary backstroke for 25 yards; backstroke and breast-
9150W23S Puddle Jumpers 1&2 Mar 11–May 20                        stroke for 15 yards and 3–5 body lengths underwater.
			                         11:10–11:40 am               $85                         Classes meet 8 times.
                                                                 9190W23M Level 3 Feb 6­–Apr 10 6:25–7:15 pm              $115
                                                                 9190W23W Level 3 Feb 8–Apr 5          6:25–7:15 pm       $115
                                                                 9190W23S Level 3 Mar 11–May 20 11:40 am–12:30 pm $115
                                                                 9200W23W Level 4 Feb 8–Apr 5          6:25–7:15 pm       $115
                                                                 9200W23S Level 4 Mar 11–May 20 11:40 am–12:30 pm $115

                   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                  Winter 2023
 Learn to Swim Advanced
 Level 5 This class is for the child who can do front and
 back crawl for 15 yards. To exit this level, the child must be
                                                                  Catch the wave
 able to do a shallow dive in deep water; front crawl and
 elementary backstroke for 50 yards; breaststroke and back              AT THE LOHS NATATORIUM
 crawl for 25 yards using appropriate turning styles.
                                                                          Take a peek at what is happening
 Level 6 This class if for the child who can do elementary
 backstroke, backstroke, and front crawl for 25 yards; to exit                    on the pool deck.
 this level, the child must be able to do 500 yards contin-
 uously using any 3 strokes of choice at least 50 of each
                                                                  Aqua Fitness
                                                                  A shallow water workout. Emphasis is on fat burning cardio
 stroke; dive off the starting blocks.
                                                                  and strength building. Swimming is not a requirement, an
                     Classes meet 8 times.                        attitude for fitness is. $6 Drop–in. 10–punch card prices are
 9240W23M Level 5&6 Feb 6–Apr 10                                  $56 for 60 and older, $58.50 for 59 and under.
 		                 6:25-7:15 pm			                        $115           Class meets 31 times. No class Jan 16, Feb 20
 9240W23S Level 5&6 Mar 11–May 20                                 9800W23MWF         MWF      Jan 9–Mar 24       9–9:45 am
 		                 11:40 am–12:30 pm		                    $115
                                                                  Joint Ventures
 Adult                                                                   Class meets 20 times. No class Jan 16, Feb 20
 This class is designed to help an adult become more              9901W23MW          MW       Jan 9–Mar 22       10:15–11 am
 comfortable in the water and overcome any fear in the water.
 This is a beginning class and the instructor will help each
 student set and attain individual goals, but emphasis will be
                                                                  Masters Swim Sundays
 placed on teaching students how to be more comfortable in                   Class meets 10 times. No class Feb 12
 the water. Minimum of 4 people are required to enroll in the     9700W23SU          Sunday Jan 8–Mar 19         8:30–10 am
 class. Emphasis is on lots of quality instruction time.          $10 Drop–in fee, or 10–punch card available on site at $85.
                     Classes meet 8 times.
 9250W23M Adult          Feb 6–Apr 10      6:25–7:15 pm $115      SCUBA
                                                                  This class will prepare you for PADI open water certifi-
                                                                  cation. It includes theory and pool instructions. The class
                                                                  does not include open water training fees. The student
     What’s my favorite part of                                   must supply their own mask and fins. Classes are organized
                                                                  upon interest. Call Diver’s Den Shop for cost or questions:
     working at the LOHS Pool?                                    248–693–9801.

                                                                      For information about
                                                                            Open Swim Schedules
                                                                          Punch Cards ■ Pool Passes
                                                                        Pool Rental ■ Liquid Lightning
                                                                                and more, visit
     Join the Natatorium team!                                             or scan this
  Employment opportunities are available for all positions
                                                                            QR code.
  at the Pool. Please call Amy Kuiper at 248–814–1715 with
  inquiries or email at amy.kuiper@lok12.org.

          Winter 2023        |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
              ARTS AND CRAFTS                                     Ballroom Blitz
                                                                  Pick and choose which dances you would like to learn or
 Studio Painting with Acrylics                                    would like a refresher.
 Painting with others is the best way to share ideas and enjoy                Classes meet in the Carpenter Gym.
 the companionship of fellow artists. We hope you will join                      Each class is $20 per person.
 us! Flexible schedule options allow you to choose how many
 classes you would like to attend during that time frame: six,    5272W23A Fri       Feb 3     Foxtrot              7–7:45 pm
 eight or ten classes. Instructor: Dorothy Sedlock.               5272W23B Fri Feb 10          Latin and Tango
       Classes meet Jan 12 through Mar 16 in CERC 111.            			                          Valentine’s Party    7–7:45 pm
 5210W23A Thu        9:45 am–12:45 pm       6 classes      $93    5272W23C Fri       Feb 17    Rumba                7–7:45 pm
 5210W23B Thu        9:45 am–12:45 pm       8 classes      $124   5272W23D Fri       Feb 24    Waltz Part 1         7–7:45 pm
 5210W23C Thu        9:45 am–12:45 pm       10 classes     $155   5272W23E Fri       Mar 3     Waltz Part 2         7–7:45 pm
                                                                  5272W23F Fri       Mar 10    Swing                7–7:45 pm
                         DANCE                                    5272W23G Fri       Mar 17 Dance Party and
                                                                  		                 Review of All Dances           7–8:30 PM
 Adult Ballet Dance
 Learn the fundamentals of ballet and improve your posture
 and balance while engaging in a full body workout sculpting      Ballroom Dance Party
 your muscles and creating that lean ballet body. Barre work      Take a basic dance lesson then spend most of the evening
 and floor work give a variation to the class that even experi-   on the open dance floor. Bring a date or come alone. Just
 enced ballerinas will enjoy. Ballet shoes required.              come on out for a night of FUN! Light refreshments and
      Class meets 7 times in CERC 109. No class Feb 20.           snacks will be available. No dance experience necessary,
                                                                  however we do request no jeans or sneakers please.
 5260W23       Mon     Jan 30–Mar 20        6:15–7 pm      $79
                                                                          Class meets one time in the Carpenter Gym.
                                                                  5280W23      Fri   Mar 17    7–8:30 pm           $20/person
 Adult Tap Dance
 Learn and review tap vocabulary, rhythmic timing, improvi-
 sation, and tap choreography in a fun, relaxed environment.      Cookie Decorating—
 Tap shoes required.                                              Basics Plus
      Class meets 7 times in CERC 109. No class Feb 20.           In this four–session class you will
 5265W23       Mon     Jan 30–Mar 20        7–7:45 pm      $79    learn how to decorate cookies that
                                                                  are worth gifting. Cookies, decorating
                                                                  tips, couplers, piping bags and other
 Adult Ballet and Tap Dance Combo                                 tools will be provided for each class
 Take both classes for a discounted rate.                         and are for you to keep. Beginner
                        No class Feb 21.                          cookie decorators and those with
 5270W23       Mon     Jan 30–Mar 20        6:15–7:45 pm   $129   some experience are welcome!
                                                                  Student should know basic flooding
                                                                  techniques for sessions 2, 3, and 4.
 Ballroom and Latin Dance
 Get ready for weddings, cruises or special occasions or just            Classes meet in CERC 111. A material fee of $5
 enjoy a date night by learning the Fox Trot, Waltz, Rumba,                  is due to the instructor at each class.
 East Coast Swing, Tango, Salsa, Cha–Cha, Merengue, and           5410W23A      Session 1     Tue    Jan 10 6:30–8 pm      $55
 Bachata. This class introduces basic steps, timing, and style
                                                                  Flooding, wet–on–wet technique, and sectional flooding.
 of each dance as well as provides several eye–catching
                                                                  This is a basic class, highly recommended for beginners.
 sequences while more experienced dancers can fine–tune
 the steps they already know. Wear smooth sole shoes.             5410W23B      Session 2     Tue    Jan 24 6:30–8 pm      $55
 Partners not required.                                           Brush embroidery, stenciling, various piping outlines.
         Classes meet 7 times in the Carpenter Gym.               5410W23C       Session 3    Tue    Feb 7    6:30–8 pm    $55
                    BEGINNER                                      Painting and outlining, speckling, texturing.
 5271W23A Fri Feb 3–Mar 17 7–7:45 pm               $99/person     5410W23D      Session 4     Tue    Feb 28 6:30–8 pm      $55
                  INTERMEDIATE                                    Adding details to a cookie: simple writing techniques,
 5271W23B Fri Feb 3–Mar 17 7:45–8:30 pm $99/person                flowers, simple piping designs.

          Winter 2023       |   Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
Country Western Couples Class                                     Divorce Basics
for Beginners                                                     How will divorce affect my children? What will happen to
Come on out and learn the basic steps to the Two–step,            my assets? What does my financial future look like? These
Swing, Country Waltz, Schottische and more. Partners are          are just a few questions asked when considering divorce.
recommended. Please wear smooth sole shoes.                       Get the answers you need from an experienced family law
                                                                  attorney. The legal process of divorce, what you need to
     Class meets 8 times in the Waldon MS Aux Gym.                know about child custody, asset division, spousal support,
4504W23 Wed          Jan 11–Mar 1       7–8 pm          $62       and other divorce–related topics will be discussed.
                                                                   5352W23 Wed         Feb 8    CERC 111    7–9 pm            $10
Country Western Couples Class,
Intermediate Level                                                Keep Talking: An Introduction to
Couples should know the basic steps to the Two–step,              Professional Voice Over—Virtual Class
Swing and other dances. Partners are recommended. Please          Explore numerous aspects of voice over work for television,
wear smooth sole shoes.                                           film, radio, audio books, documentaries and the internet
     Class meets 8 times in the Waldon MS Aux Gym.                in your area. We cover the basics: how to prepare the
4505W23       Tue     Jan 11–Mar 1      8–9 pm          $62       all–important demo, how to be successful and how to
                                                                  earn a great income in this exciting field. Students can ask
            SPECIAL INTEREST                                      questions and hear demos recorded by professional voice
                                                                  actors. Participants will record a commercial script under
                                                                  the direction of our Voicecoaches.com producer!
Estate Planning 101
Do you know what will happen to your family and your               V4805W23      Wed    Mar 1      6:30–8 pm               $20
assets after you die? If not, you don’t want to miss this
program brought to you by attorney Michelle McRee of              Photography 101
McRee Law, PLLC. Learn everything you should know about           Walt Meadows of Golden Meadows Photography brings
wills, trusts, powers of attorney and guardian nominations        over 30 years of experience. Class will consist of a lecture
and how you can avoid the pitfalls of probate.                    and hands–on practice with your camera. Learn image
            Class meets one time in CERC 108.                     capture, composition, aperture, depth of field, shutter speed,
                                                                  focal length, reading your ISO, metering, and camera modes.
5345W23A Tue Jan 24             6:30–7:30 pm
                                                                  Class will critique the photos taken so we can learn at your
			                             $15/person OR $25/couple
                                                                  level. No point–and–shoot cameras. Your camera must have
5345W23B Tue Feb 28             6:30–7:30 pm                      the ability to change aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
			                             $15/person OR $25/couple                         Class meets 4 times in CERC 111.
5345W23C Tue Mar 21             6:30–7:30 pm                       5354W23       Thu    Feb 9–Mar 2        7–8:30 pm      $133
			                             $15/person OR $25/couple

                                                 DOG TRAINING CLASSES
                     Classes taught by Julie Bennett, Michigan's only trainer to have three opportunities to work with Cesar
                     Millan, National Geographic's The Dog Whisperer. Join us for these fun, informative and effective
                     classes that Lake Orion has loved for more than 15 years! FIRST NIGHT ONLY: Meet at 7 pm. No dogs
                     or puppies. Proof of rabies vaccine for dogs over 6 months only.

   Puppy Training with Total Dog                                  Dog Training with Total Dog
   Does your new puppy have you frazzled? Learn how to            Does your dog pull on a leash? Jump on company? Not
   stop nipping, jumping and other behaviors. Socialization,      come when called? Learn basic obedience commands
   basic obedience and manners, tips on housetraining,            and so much more. Join the class that Lake Orion has
   chewing and more!                                              loved for 15 years and you will be impressed by your own
              Dogs 6 months and younger. Class                    dog!
               meets 7 times in CERC Cafeteria.                             Class meets 7 times in CERC Cafeteria.
   5330W23 Thu Jan 19–Mar 2 6:30–7:20 pm               $220        5332W23 Thu Jan 19–Mar 2 7:30–8:20 pm               $220

                    Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                  Winter 2023
 Instant Piano/Guitar for Hopelessly                              Karate
 Busy People, Virtual Classes                                     Join this exciting program directed by Grand Master Leo
 In a few hours you can learn enough secrets of the trade to      Mayer 8th Dan Black Belt and sponsored by Lake Orion
 give you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano         Enrichment Services for over 34 years. This martial arts
 or guitar the way professionals do—using chords. Classes         karate program is designed for the modern teen and adults.
 are held online with ZOOM so you will be able to sit at your     It will deal with all levels of self–defense, physical fitness,
 piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no           and ways to use your mind and body to defend yourself.
 pressure. Since this course includes an online book and          See how our trained certified black belts can increase
 online follow–up video lessons, you can continue your            your flexibility while mastering balance, coordination, and
 practice and study on your own. An optional periodic online      awareness skills. Tournaments available. Registration fee of
 question–and–answer session and recoding of the class            $140 payable at first night demonstration class.
 are included. he course is partly lecture/demonstration and                 Class meets 14 times in the CERC Gym.
 partly hands–on instruction.                                                   No class Jan 16, Feb 20, Mar 27.
 Instant Piano: Topics include how chords work in a song,                 TEENS, ADULTS & ADVANCED STUDENTS
 how to get more out of sheet music by reading less of it,                   Mon Jan 9–May 1 7:10–8:10 pm   $140
 how to form the three main types of chords, how to handle
 different keys and time signatures, how to avoid “counting,”
 and how to simplify over 12,000 complex chords.
                        Ages 13 and up.
 V5601W23      Sat      Apr 22      9 am–noon             $59
 Instant Guitar: Topics include: how chords work in a song,          Learn to Play Pickleball:
 how to form the three main types of chords, how to tune
 your guitar, basic strumming patterns, how to buy a good
                                                                     Skills & Drills Series
                                                                     Join in the fun of America’s fastest growing sport.
 guitar (things to avoid), and how to play along with simple
                                                                     Our series covers specific areas of the game, but the
                                                                     individual lessons need not be taken in any order.
 V5602W23      Sat     Apr 22             1–3:30 pm       $59        Sign up for the entire series (we recommend doing one
                                                                     class a week) or brush up on a specific aspect of your
 Self Defense for Girls and Women                                    game.
 This class focuses on developing situational awareness              Serve & Return Skills, offered on Tuesday, 6–7 pm
 as well as learning self–defense techniques applicable to           OR Saturday, 10–11 am. These two shots start a rally
 various attacks. From a simple wrist grab to an attempted           for each team. Good execution can keep you from
 choke, students will learn defensive as well as offensive           handing your opponents a point or prevent them from
 skills. Additional topics will cover identification/use of          gaining a significant advantage in a rally.
 potential weapons, vulnerable target areas on attackers as          Dink & Drop Skills, offered on Tuesday, 7–8 pm
 well as kicking, punching and throwing drills. Class is taught      OR Saturday, 11 am–12 pm. The dink and the
 by American Martial Arts Academy Third Dan Black Belts.             drop shot are defensive strokes that share similar
   Ages 13 and up. Class meets one time in the CERC Gym.             technique. Learn how to use the dink to extend a rally,
 2360W23       Tue     Mar 21          6:30–9 pm          $30        and the drop to equalize court position.
                                                                     Volley & Overhead Skills, offered on Tuesday,
                        SPORTS                                       8–9 pm OR Saturday, 12–1 pm. See how three
                                                                     techniques for hitting a ball before it bounces can help
 Basketball Mens, 18+                                                you to put pressure on your opponents or to win a rally
 Pick–up basketball, $5 drop–in fee.                                 outright.
         Class meets 9 times. No class Jan 16, Feb 20.                     Each skill session meets 1 time in the CERC
 4010W23 Mon Jan 9–Mar 20 8–10 pm             Waldon Gym                    Gym. Class size is limited: min 2, max 4.
                                                                              Register early to reserve your spot.
 Volleyball, Co–ed                                                   Tuesday dates: Jan 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb 7, 14, 28;
 For any level volleyball player. Two open courts. Pick–up                          Mar 7, 14, or 21             $25/person
 games played weekly. Enjoy a good workout and an evening            Saturday dates: Jan 14, 21, 28; Feb 4, 11, 25;
 of fun. Drop in available, $6 per session.
                                                                                     March 4, 11, or 18          $25/person
            Class meets 12 times in the CERC Gym.
 4060W23        Thu    Jan 5–Mar 23       7–10 pm         $60

          Winter 2023       |    Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1
                                                                   STARZ FITNESS
                                      Certified Instructors: Cynthia Bass, Traci Crocker, Jennifer Tatge, Allison Smith

                         STARZ Unlimited Zumba                       Zumba Toning
                         Attend any of the STARZ Zumba or            When it comes to body sculpting, Zumba Toning raises the
                         Zumba Toning classes during the             bar! Using lightweight, maraca–like toning sticks, you can
                         winter session for one low price.           tone all the target zones while moving to the beat of Latin
                                No class Jan 16, Feb 20.             and International infused music. Zumba Toning is the perfect
                                                                     way to sculpt your body naturally while having a blast!
                          4111W23 Jan 9–Mar 17             $200
                                                                                Class meets 8 times in the CERC Gym.
                                                                                       No class Jan 16, Feb 20.
                         Zumba combines high energy and              4114W23A Mon Jan 9–Mar 13          9–10 am     8 weeks    $79
                         motivating music (a fusion of Latin         4114W23B Fri       Jan 13–Mar 17 9–10 am       10 weeks $99
                         and international music) with unique
                         moves and combinations that
                         allow participants to dance away            Yoga
                         their worries. Zumba utilizes the           Yoga is an ancient practice for
                         principles of fitness interval training     creating unity between the body,
                         and resistance training to maximize         mind, and spirit. Using traditional
                         caloric output, fat–burning, and total      postures and stretches, we focus
                         body toning. This workout is FUN            on total body movement, with
and easy, great for both the body and the mind.                      attention to alignment, strength,
                                                                     and flexibility. Our yoga instruction
                   No class Jan 16, Feb 20.                          is eclectic, with emphasis on
4112W23A Mon Jan 9–Mar 13             6–7 pm		                       precision of breath awareness. Quiet your mind, reduce your
		           8 weeks                  Carpenter Gym         $79      stress.
4112W23B Wed Jan 11–Mar 15            9–10 am		                           Class meets 7 times in CERC 109. No class Feb 21.
		           10 weeks                 CERC Gym              $99      4118W23     Tue    Jan 31–Mar 21     9–10 am              $79
4112W23C Wed Jan 11–Mar 15            6:45–7:45 pm
		           10 weeks                 Carpenter Gym         $99      Therapeutic Relaxation Slow Flow Yoga
                                                                     A mindful form of Hatha yoga presented through guided
                                                                     sequence. A class which offers strength and flexibility
                                                                     though breath awareness with soothing aromatherapy.
                                                                     Optional massage in final resting pose–great for all levels of
Pickleball                                                                Class meets 7 times in CERC 109. No class Feb 21.
            Open to public. Three courts. Drop in                    4131W23     Tues Jan 31–Mar 21       6:30–7:30 pm         $79
              rate $3 per session. CERC Gym.
Daytime Monday, Jan 9 to Mar 21               10 am–1 pm             Pilates
          Tuesday, Jan 10 to Mar 21           8:30–11:30 am          Pilates is a form of exercise, which concentrates on
                                                                     strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength.
          Friday, Jan 6 to Mar 24             12–3 pm                This helps to improve general fitness and overall well–being.
          Saturday, Jan 7 to Mar 18           10 am–1 pm*            Similar to Yoga, Pilates concentrates on posture, balance
                                                                     and flexibility. Variations can be done for all levels and you
Evening Tuesdays, Jan 10 to Mar 21            6–9 pm*                can work at your own pace.
          Wednesdays, Jan 18 to Mar 22 6:30–9:30 pm                                Class meets 7 times in CERC 109.
          *Lessons being offered during this time.                   4150W23       Wed     Feb 1–Mar 15       9–10 am          $79
             Only two courts available for play

                       Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436, ext. 1 |                      Fall 2022
                                     REGISTRATION FORM

adult name                                                 birthdate

address                                                    cit y                       state                  zip

email                                                      home phone                  work phone

participant name                                           birthdate                   grade
    Class #           Class Name                Location               Day & Date              Time     Amount

participant name                                           birthdate                   grade
    Class #           Class Name                Location               Day & Date              Time     Amount

                              Payment must be enclosed for registration to be valid.

☐   check enclosed (payable to locs)          check    #
☐   credit card   ☐   visa   ☐   mastercard     ☐   discover       ☐   american e xpress

    card   # _ _____________________________________ cv v _____ e xp _______________

print name


                           Mail to Community Education Resource Center,
        Attention Room 103, 455 E. Scripps Road, Lake Orion MI 48360 or fax to 248–814–0203.

                Register at lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com or call 248-693-5436 ext. 1             |    Winter 2023
Lake Orion Community Schools                                                                                      US POSTAGE
Enrichment Services                                                                                                  PAID
                                                                                                                     Lake Orion
455 E. Scripps Road                                                                                              Community Schools
Lake Orion, MI 48360                                                                                               Permit No. 22
                                                                                                                Lake Orion, MI 48362
                                                                                                                     ECR WSS

                                                         POSTAL CUSTOMER

                               4 Ways to Register
             ONLINE                           PHONE                        FAX                          MAIL

                                         248–693–5436,                                          Attention: Enrichment
                                                                    24 hours/ 7 days
     lakeorion.ce.eleyo.com                extension 1                                                Services
                                          Credit card only                                          455 E. Scripps
                                                                                                Lake Orion, MI 48360
                               Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express

  Location                         Financial Aid                  Class Date                     Refunds
  Community Education              Enrichment and camp            Changes                        FULL REFUND if a class is
  Resource Center (CERC)           scholarships are available     Sometimes a class needs        canceled by the office.
  455 E Scripps Road               for students who are in-       to be rescheduled or           STUDENT–REQUESTED
  Lake Orion, MI 48360             terested and are experi-       moved due to a building        REFUNDS: A request
                                   encing financial hardship.     activity. Advance notice
  Enrichment Services                                                                            must be made prior to the
                                   More information and           will be given when pos-
  Office: Room 103                                                                               beginning of the second
                                   forms are available under      sible. Please be sure to       class, regardless of
  248–693–5436, ext. 1             the Programs tab at            check your receipt for         attendance. A processing
                                   lakeorionyouthassistance.      any important notices.
  Fax: 248–814–0203                                                                              fee of $10 will be
  Hours: Monday–Friday,                                           General
  8:30 am to 4:30 pm               Senior Citizen                 Registration
                                                                                                 NO REFUNDS will be
                                   Discount                                                      issued for classes/events
  Enrichment                       Discount is 10% off all
                                                                  Information                    meeting once or twice
                                                                  Enrichment Services pro-       unless requested two
  Registration                     enrichment classes. You
                                                                  grams are funded entirely
  Registration begins              must be a resident of the                                     business days in advance
                                                                  by your fees. Any classes      of starting date.
  December 1, 2022. All            Lake Orion Community
                                                                  which do not meet the
  material or book fees are        School District.
  additional and payable to
                                                                  minimum enrollment             Parking
                                                                  requirements may be            Parking for all events and
  instructor at first class.       School Closings                canceled. Please regis-
  No registration will be          In the event of K–12 clos-                                    classes held at CERC
                                                                  ter early to enhance our       provided in the north
  accepted at class. Confir-       ing due to bad weather,        planning and ability to        parking lot behind the
  mations will be mailed or        all enrichment classes         provide you with excellent     CERC Building. Visitors
  emailed.                         will also be canceled.         service. Material fees, if     during the day must enter
                                                                  applicable, are payable to     the CERC at the North
                                                                  the instructor at the first    Entrance.
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