Exhibitions/sounding-circuits-audible-histories, last access Sept. 1 4, 2020. Gluck, Robert J. (2007), "The Columbia -Princeton Electronic Music ...

Page created by Gordon Ruiz
array2020                                                            archiving
 References:                                 The Electro-Acoustic Music Mine
 Cluett, Seth (201 8), “Sounding Circuits:   Project (EAMM). Collecting,
 Audible Histories”, The New York Public     Archiving, Sharing, and Exploring
 Library, 201 8. www.nypl.org/events/        by Tae Hong Park
 histories, last access Sept. 1 4, 2020.     Introduction
 Gluck, Robert J. (2007), “The Columbia      Electro-acoustic music (EAM) is a tech-
 -Princeton Electronic Music Center:         nology-driven genre of art music that
 Educating International Composers”,         began to develop during the 1 950s.
 Computer Music Journal 31 (2): 20–38.       With the advent of the computer, the
 Lovell, Abigail (2020), “Libraries          field of EAM has since grown signific-
 Digitizes Columbia-Princeton                antly. EAM has established itself, in
 Electronic Music Center Collection”,        avant-garde and academic commu-
 2020. https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/       nities, as a significant field of artistic
 spotlights/2020/07/29/columbia-             creativity, research, and intellectual
 princeton-electronic-music-center-          inquiry that includes composers, per-
 collection/, last access Sept. 1 4, 2020    formers, scholars, researchers, engi-
                                             neers, scientists, and music practi-
 Monroe, Mary (1 996), “Music at             tioners. Due to the very nature of this
 Columbia: The First 1 00 Years”, Music at   work – including its heavy reliance on
 Columbia: The First 1 00 Years, 1 996.      new technologies, multi-format audio
 https://exhibitions.library.columbia.ed     files, idiosyncratic scores, computer
 u/exhibits/show/music-centennial/           code, and schematics that describe
 electronic-and-computer-music, last         complex performance setups – an ap-
 access Sept. 1 4, 2020.                     propriate and reliable method of pre-
 Patterson, Nick (201 1 ), “The Archives     servation is needed. For EAM, there
 of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic        are currently no such preservation
 Music Center”, Notes 67 (3): 483–502.       systems that can effectively preserve
                                             the musical works and the software
                                             systems, models, and knowledge that
                                             engendered those works. Although
                                             many of such works are presented,
                                             performed, and temporarily stored
array2020                                                              archiving
  during the submission, review, and            conference. Every year, ICMC and
  production phases of conferences              SEAMUS program approximately 200
  where such works are typically                (~1 2% acceptance rate) and 1 00
  presented, once the event is over, ar-        (~20% acceptance rate) works re-
  tifacts are relegated to physical and         spectively. Each conference produces
  digital attics of the organizers. The         a single audio CD with about eight
  EAMM project aims to take advantage           works each: 90% to 95% of works pre-
  of existing conference music collec-          sented at the conferences are lost.
  tion workflows that loosely resemble          Since the inception of these organiza-
  music curating and archiving prac-            tions, both conferences have utilized
  tices in an effort to collect, archive,       vigorous peer-review procedures (de-
  share and create portals for exploring        veloped over the past 40+ years)
  EAM.                                          to curate the “best” pieces for pre-
                                                sentation. An estimated 7,000 ICMC
  Motivation                                    and 2,500 SEAMUS works have been
                                                lost, or are at best, inaccessible, since
  EAM is typically presented in academ-         the establishment of the conferences
  ic settings including conferences and         in the mid-1 970s.
  music festivals. Upon conclusion of               The mere fact that this music from
  the conferences, however, both the            a cadre of significant international
  music and attendant data are either           composers (conveniently provided
  lost, or if archived, very difficult to ac-   and stored digitally at conference
  cess and “slowly disappearing”                databases at the curating phase) is
  (Cuervo 2009). In cases when frag-            being lost is an issue in itself. Con-
  ments of archived data do exist, they         cerns are further heightened as the
  remain typically offline, making access       music being lost
  difficult for researchers, and virtually      (1 ) has significant musical and cultural
  invisible to the average information          value and is of historical importance,
  seeker. Two of the most significant           (2) plays a central role in contributing,
  EAM conferences are the International         informing, enriching, and expanding
  Computer Music Conference (ICMC)              our experience of contemporary mu-
  and the Society for Electro-Acoustic          sical thought and
  Music in the United States (SEAMUS)           a diverse musical heritage, and
array2020                                                            archiving
  (3) has little chance of being available    ample, there is the case of popular
  for general public programming as           music group Radiohead, who created
  musical traces are erased after the         one of their most successful songs
  completion of events.                       Idioteque (2000) after fortuitously
  Internationally recognized composers        coming across Princeton University
  typically create much of this music,        Professor Paul Lansky's EAM compo-
  but it does not readily fit into existing   sition mild und leise (1 975). According
  music industry models and preserva-         to Lansky:
  tion mechanisms. This situation re-           “The piece [mild und leise] came out
  sembles highly theoretical scientific         on a Columbia/Odyssey LP in 1 975 or
  research papers, which oftentimes             so as a result ofa contest run by the
  yield no immediate and practical ap-          International Society for Contempo-
  plication and neither seek recognition        rary Music (ISCM). It was called Elec-
  from industry, nor aim to be finan-           tronic Music Winners (I've occasion-
  cially successful. The difference is that     ally seen it for sale on Ebay), and
  for such research, reliable preserva-         Jonny Greenwood [one ofRadio-
  tion models do exist.                         head's songwriters] came across it in
     Preservation in itself, however, is        a used record shop when the band
  just part of the problem; the materials       was on tour in the United States re-
  have to be both archived and accessi-         cently. I think it sold about 7,000 cop-
  ble. Conferences that temporarily cre-        ies, which is a lot for a classical
  ate databases with complicated ac-            recording.” (www.music. prin-
  cess mechanisms are designed for              ceton.edu/paul/radiohead.ml.html,
  review purposes; as such, they not            last access Sept. 1 4, 2020)
  only severely limit and discourage ac-
  cess, but also negate the fundamental         Radiohead has sold well over 30
  purpose of such digital archives – to       million records in total. There are, of
  allow the general public to explore,        course, other interesting examples
  learn, and utilize materials for re-        where EAM has had considerable
  search, education, or to simply facilit-    artistic influences on popular music
  ate the enjoyment of art. There are         cultures. For the band Matmos, EAM
  also more “inspirational” reasons for       became influential upon their discov-
  providing access to EAM. For ex-            ery of musique concrète techniques,
array2020                                                         archiving
 which they have adapted as a funda-        esoteric EAM resource, whether by
 mental fabric of their music – utilizing   chance or whether being in a privi-
 everyday sounds via standard record-       leged position of access. The affective
 ing devices. It is no coincidence that     impact of EAM that ignited innova-
 both band members, Drew Daniel and         tion and creativity amongst these
 Martin Schmidt, have their roots in        prominent musicians, and its contri-
 academia and are also well versed in       bution of musical culture, is immeas-
 the history and literature of musique      urable.
 concrète (Daniel is currently a profess-      The affective role that EAM has had
 or of English at Johns Hopkins Uni-        is not only found in artistic and musi-
 versity). For Frank Zappa, the shaping     cal spaces. Due to the multidisciplin-
 of his music was also highly influenced    ary nature of EAM, innovative re-
 by EAM. His exploration of art music       search and development, and
 seemingly began when he found the          creation of new technologies are also
 album The Complete Works ofEdgard          key aspects of its very existence.
 Varèse, Volume One after a year-long       Technological innovations are often
 LP searching quest (Zappa and Oc-          originally expressed in, and tightly
 chiogrosso 1 989). Towards the latter      coupled to, the compositions them-
 part of his career, Zappa focused          selves and documented in concert
 much of his signature work around          program notes. A plethora of ex-
 the Synclavier, a digital sound syn-       amples exist including pioneering
 thesizer developed by Dartmouth            research and development of sound
 College EAM composer Jon Appleton.         recording techniques with early tape
 In another celebrated example, the         recorders, invention of musical
 Beatles wrote their infamous “sound        synthesizers, and the first computer
 collage piece” Revolution 9 after being    language created by Max Mathews
 exposed to the works of Edgard             who is widely regarded as the grand-
 Varèse, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and         father of computer music. An espe-
 Yoko Ono (MacDonald 1 994; Sheff           cially impactful example of this
 2000). The distinctive artistic and mu-    cross-disciplinary narrative can be
 sical paths of all these artists could     found in EAM composer John Chow-
 have been very different (perhaps for      ning's invention and patenting of
 the worse) if they had no access to an     frequency modulation (FM) sound
array2020                                                          archiving
 synthesis. In 1 994 FM was the “second      ent biases due to practicalities that
 most lucrative licensing agreement in       may are not necessarily a function of
 Stanford's history” (http://news.           artistic or cultural significance.
 stanford.edu/pr/94/940607Arc4222.              Existing “professional” EAM-related
 html, last access Sept. 1 4, 2020).         archives include the Digital Anthology
                                             of Recorded American Music (http://
 Existing Models for EAM Preserva-           www.dramonline.org, last access
 tion                                        Sept. 1 4, 2020), International Electro-
                                             Acoustic Music Archives (http://
 There are a number of existing EAM          on1 .zkm.de/ zkm/e/institute/media-
 preservation models today, including        thek/ideama, last access Sept. 1 4,
 professional archival services, com-        2020), and Ubu-Web (http://www.
 mercial recordings, artists' personal       ubu.com, last access Sept. 1 4, 2020).
 websites, and other Internet-based          DRAM is a non-profit resource (paid
 sites. Artist websites are ubiquitous       subscription) with 3,000-album
 but have limitations as preservation        archive of recorded American music,
 models                                      including some EAM. The anthology
 (1 ) distribution: sites are randomly       is compiled from recordings provided
 spread over the Internet;                   to DRAM by independent record la-
 (2) sustainability: hosting is often tem-   bels. Although DRAM is a valuable re-
 porary and maintained by the artist;        source for new music and EAM, it is
 and                                         worth noting that it is limited to
 (3) accessibility: the user has to sift     American music recordings and works
 through an ocean of data as the great       already available through record la-
 majority of music recommendation            bels. The limited repertoire is the
 research in MIR is focused on popular       most significant issue – searching the
 music.                                      DRAM anthology for EAM pioneers
 Few record labels publish EAM at all,       John Chowning, Max Mathews, and
 and the ones that do operate within         Barry Truax yields no results, for ex-
 a framework of economic viability,          ample.
 which can be at odds with artistic          A second archive, IDEAMA was cre-
 merit. This typically involves a curat-     ated in 1 988 in an effort to preserve
 ing system that can also be at times        the “most endangered early [EAM]
 sensitive to political factors and inher-
array2020                                                           archiving
 works” up to around 1 970. In 1 990 the     scan as many old books as we can get
 project developed into a collaborative      our hands on; we post essays as fast
 project between Stanford University         as we can OCR them.”(http://www.
 and the Zentrum für Kunst und Medi-         ubu. com/resources/index.html, last
 entechnologie Karlsruhe (http://on1 .       access Sept. 1 4, 2020) YouTube, in the
 zkm.de/zkm/e/, last access Sept. 1 4,       present context, could be considered
 2020); 570 works, selected by an “in-       a gigantic, crowdsourced version of
 ternational advisory board,” are now        UbuWeb. As preservation repository,
 archived. These are valuable collec-        however, it fails to measure up with
 tions in MP3 format. The database,          respect to audio quality (often sub-
 now maintained by ZKM, has grown            standard), stability of its content (here
 since the 1 990s to include newer EAM       today, gone tomorrow) and intellec-
 works under the            tual property management.
 framework. Limitations of the IDEAMA
 archive include the fact that the col-      The EAMM Preservation and Archiv-
 lection only catalogs works up to           al Model
 1 970. The extended ZKM archives in-
 clude either self-submitted contribu-       Multiple concerns exist in current
 tions or entries curated through ZKM.       EAM preservation and archival
 UbuWeb is a repository that went on-        models. These include:
 line in 1 996 with much contemporary        (1 ) the lackof established practices
 avant-garde music, including EAM. As        that are sustainable, expandable,
 a do-it-yourself initiative, it is unsup-   scalable, and diverse;
 ported by any institution or industry       (2) the absence of internationally ac-
 partner, and although it is easily ac-      cepted peer-reviewing standards;
 cessible on the Internet now, it falls      (3) the absence of an agreed-upon
 short as a preservationlevel archival       EAM metadata standard; and
 resource owing to uncertainties about       (4) the limited accessibility to archives
 its sustainability, audio quality stand-    through modern technologies.
 ards, and curation process. According       The Electro-Acoustic Music Mine
 to their website, “UbuWeb posts much        (EAMM) model attempts to contribute
 of its content without permission; we       in addressing the aforementioned
 rip out-of-print LPs into sound files; we   concerns. EAMM attempts to enhance
                                             and contribute to, rather than replace,
array2020                                                           archiving
 existing technologies and models of          practical, infeasible, and undesirable
 digital archiving methodologies. In          to archive every submitted work. The
 establishing protocols that are effect-      AP module consists of the archival
 ive, efficient, sustainable, and scalable,   database that contains all media data,
 EAMM attempts to address issues              metadata, and any other data associ-
 concerning peer-reviewing, metadata          ated with a composition, including
 standards, technological currency, in-       performance and performer history.
 terface design, development of trans-        Lastly, the CBA module provides a
 ferable technologies, scalability, the       baseline platform for the develop-
 building of low-risk structures, and         ment of next generation exploration
 adaptability to changing digital             interfaces of the EAMM archives by
 archive environments.                        utilizing digital signal processing
    Structurally, EAMM comprise of            (DSP), visualization techniques, and
 three modules at various develop-            music information retrieval (MIR) as
 ment stages:                                 further described below.
 (a) the filtered crowdsourcing module           We are currently working with NYU
 (FCS),                                       Libraries and the International Com-
 (b) the archive/preservation (AP)            puter Music Association (ICMA), and
 module, and                                  the New York Electro-Acoustic Music
 (c) the content-based analysis (CBA)         Society (NYCEMS). ICMA, in particular,
 module.                                      has a preeminent international repu-
 The FCS module provides a stream-            tation in the field for its sponsorship
 lined crowdsourcing model for data           of annual EAM conferences since
 collection that is subjected                 1 974; and there is ample evidence
 to a “credentialed filtering” process via    through these 46+ years of experi-
 peer-reviewed jurying. “Filtering” the       ence that ICMA conferences will con-
 crowd-sourced submissions provides           tinue to strive and attract the best
 a mechanism for selecting the most           EAM works for the foreseeable future.
 significant works as determined by           At the same time, the cultural value
 an internationally recognized peer-          of EAM extends far beyond the aca-
 reviewing system. This mechanism             demic community alone and we hope
 helps to control the number of works         that academics, music enthusiasts
 we can reasonably archive, as it is im-      and the general public will benefit
array2020                                                           archiving
 from EAMM outputs which will ulti-          that this, in turn, will greatly contrib-
 mately include:                             ute towards creating an inter- nation-
 (1 ) a permanent, sustainable, and ex-      ally recognized EAM metadata
 pandable EAM preservation repository        standard. For the retroactive initiative
 housed at the NYU Library;                  we will use the camera-ready FCS
 (2) interfaces for discovery and inter-     sub-module – interface used to col-
 action with the material; and               lect conference accepted data – to
 (3) access to otherwise unavailable         streamline and crowdsource the col-
 EAM resources including audio files,        lection of archival quality media files,
 metadata, computer code, digital            additional metadata, and other data
 conference booklets, details about a        types that we have identified as ne-
 composition, performance history,           cessary for our EAM metadata
 and musical scores.                         schema.

 Retroactive Archival Efforts                Intellectual Property and Author
 To lay the foundation for EAMM, we
 will build a historical archive that will   Since our EAMM collection is interna-
 salvage what is left of the recordings      tional in scope, aim for its accessibility
 and related data for works presented        is to be as open as possible. The level
 at the ICMC conferences – including         of restriction for access to the material
 high quality recordings and concert         can be, however, individually modu-
 performances whenever available –           lated according to each contributing
 up through 2020. We have thus far se-       artist’s preferences depending on
 cured the 201 1 , 201 2, and 201 8 data-    enduser types: general public or
 sets and are working on collecting the      individuals who formally apply to us
 2020 dataset. The retroactive collec-       as researchers, for example. Other
 tion program will not only preserve         mechanisms that we are considering
 this important legacy, but it will also     is access limited to those physically
 contribute in developing and tuning         on the premises. All works is ac-
 our EAM metadata set by researching         companied with authorial permission
 and analyzing metadata structures           and all rights of the archived works in
 used in the conferences. We anticipate      our EAMM database will remain with
array2020                                                         archiving
 the author. Each submitter to the          physical inaccessibility of EAM for the
 ICMC conference is provided with a         expert and wider audience is an issue
 digital agreement form where authors       in itself as its current outlet mechan-
 can choose to participate in archiving     ism limits its exposure to the aca-
 their works. As EAMM’s collection          demic community, which in turn
 mechanism is primarily based au-           inhibits growth in musical diversity
 thorial crowdsourcing paradigms, in-       and the wider aesthetic and ped-
 tellectual property, copyright, and        agogical potential for the general
 licensing issues are greatly simplified,   public. The musical inaccessibility
 and the EAMM archive (by virtue of its     further diminishes accessibility of this
 metadata structure) will itself be the     work to a greater audience, a problem
 place where intellectual property (IP)     exacerbated by inadequate explora-
 agreements with authors are docu-          tion platforms for “art music” in gen-
 mented.                                    eral. These factors contribute to the
                                            difficulty of fitting EAM to existing
 Conclusion                                 preservation models. The Electro-
                                            Acoustic Music Mine (EAMM) at-
 EAM explores and pushes artistic,          tempts to address the aforemen-
 aesthetic, and technical boundaries        tioned issues by creating an EAM
 and is typically presented by special-     preservation and exploration portal
 ists at academic conferences. Unlike       based on:
 the majority of popular music, it is not   (1 ) a semi-automated crowd-sourced
 economically-driven, nor reliably pre-     music collection module curated
 served by market mechanisms or             through credentialed peer-reviewing
 archival projects sponsored by indus-      systems,
 try, libraries, or museums. Further-       (2) a comprehensive archival and pre-
 more, all of the EAM data that is care-    servation module, and
 fully and painstakingly collected is       (3) an analysis module based on the
 typically lost after a conference con-     timbre-centric Electro-Acoustic Music
 cludes. When and if the music is           Analysis (EASY) Toolbox providing an
 archived, the burden to create a pre-      online platform for interactive visual-
 servation system falls on conference       ization, navigation, and discovery of
 organizers unprepared to build and         EAM.
 maintain a dependable archive. The
array2020                                                            archiving
 This third module exploits Music Infor-      Park Tae Hong, et al. (201 1 ). “Towards
 mation Retrieval (MIR) and content-          a comprehensive framework for elec-
 based analysis baseline to extend and        tro-acoustic music analysis.” in: Pro-
 enhance traditional text-based in-           ceedings ofthe International Computer
 dexical discovery and delivery sys-          Music Conference ICMC, Huddersfield
 tems. No similar credentialed,               201 1 .
 peer-reviewed preservation system            Park, Tae Hong, et al. (201 4). "Towards
 exists for EAM, and no MIR-based EAM         Soundscape Information Retrieval
 exploration interfaces exist for any         (SIR)." in: Proceedings ofthe Inter-na-
 kind of music archival system.               tional Computer Music Conference Pro-
                                              ceedings ICMC, Athens 201 4.
                                              Teruggi, Daniel (2007). “Technology
 Cuervo, Adriana P. (2009). “Ephemeral        and musique concrète: The technical
 music: Electronic music collections in       developments of the Groupe de
 the U.S.” in: Proceedings ofthe Society of   Recherches Musicales and their im-
 American Archivists’ 2008 Research For-
                                              plication in musical composition.” Or-
 um - Foundations and Innovations.
                                              ganised Sound, 1 2(3): 21 3–231 .
 MacDonald, Ian (1 994). Revolution in        Zappa, Frank and P. Cocchiorosso
 the head: The Beatles’ records and the
                                              (1 990). The real Frank Zappa book,
 sixties. New York: Henry Holt.
                                              Touchstone, pp. 30–33.
 Park T. H, Zhiye Li, and Wen Wu (2009).
 “EASY does it: The Electro Acoustic
 Music Analysis Tool.” in: Proceedings of
 the International Conference on Music
 Information Retrieval (ISMIR).
 Park TaeHong, et al. (201 0). “SQEMA:
 Systematic and Quantitative Electro-
 Acoustic Music Analysis.” in: Proceed-
 ings ofthe International Computer Mu-
 sic Conference ICMC, New Yorks 201 0.

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