Flashnews from ica - International ...

Page created by Marion Jackson
Flashnews from ica - International ...
issn 1728-533X

                             news from ica             N° 31 January 2016

                                                       ◗◗A Major Breakthrough for ICA
                                                       ◗◗A world tour of ICA
                                                       ◗◗Some reflections from the host country
                                                         on the Reykjavik Conference
                                                       ◗◗“Don’t burn your records!”
                                                       ◗◗Archives and miscarriages of justice
                                                       ◗◗Records and archives
                                                         in the open government era
                                                       ◗◗Cooperation and transparency
                                                         in Latin America
                                                       ◗◗Digital recordkeeping for sustainable
                                                         data management and reuse
                                                       ◗◗Annual Conference:
                                                         the view of a New Professional
                                                       ◗◗Archivists and records managers
                                                         as carriers of change
                                                       ◗◗The New Professionals Programme
                                                       ◗◗First impressions of ICA
                                                       ◗◗Africa Strategy adopted in Reykjavik
                                                       ◗◗Records Management Expert Group
                                                       ◗◗ICA International Congress in Seoul
                                                       ◗◗PERSIST meeting
                                                         at ICA Annual Conference
                                                       ◗◗Publications review

                 Reykjavík 2015: breaking new ground                ica
                                                       international council on archives
                                                       conseil international des archives
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           A Major Breakthrough for ICA                                                                                                                           Flash

                                                                                                                                                                                  Editor: International Council on Archives (ICA)

                             am deeply grateful to Eirikur Gudmundsson       that the late Tony Newton played a key role in     who might be receptive to our message that        Publication Director: David A. Leitch
                             and his team at the National Archives of        the development of John Hocking’s thinking         responsibly managed archives enhance
                             Iceland for their exemplary professionaIism     about archives. The obvious conclusion to          efficiency and accountabilty. We should perhaps   The International Council on Archives (ICA)
                           in preparing the third Annual Conference in       be drawn is that archivists should concen-         be more adventurous and move outside our          is dedicated to the advancement of archives through
                           Reykjavik. For the third consecutive year, the    trate even more on the development of their        traditional comfort zone in order to approach     international cooperation. Archives, by providing
                           Annual Conference was a great success,            communications skills and in the cultivation       proactively major international organizations     evidence of human activities and transactions,
                           justifying once again all the efforts made over   of good working relationships with senior          who would be pleased to work with us once         underlie the rights of individuals and states, and
                           the years to increase the active participation    staff. It will not do to quote a cherished piece   we have explained in jargon-free language         are fundamental to democracy and good govern-
                           of all our members in our organization            of archival theory in a somewhat dogmatic          what ICA does and what it stands for.             ance. In pursuing the advancement of archives,
                           I venture to suggest that in Reykjavik ICA        way, and then to expect that we will be given      It is a very exciting time to be active in ICA,   ICA works for the protection and enhancement
                           went a step further than in the previous two      all the resources we seek. We need to argue        as the forces for positive change have rarely     of the memory of the world.
                           conferences. In securing the services of          our case, but in a much more sophisticated         been stronger in our organization. We should
                           John Hocking (who has the rank of Assistant       way. The function of the archives always has       shrug off the internal preoccupations which       Flash communicates news on ICA activities and
                           Secretary-General at the United Nations)          to be placed in alignment with the objectives      have so dominated our thinking for many           highlights current issues in archives. It is the
                           to deliver the concluding address, ICA also       of the organization or business, rather than       years, and become a truly outward-facing          complement to the in-depth professional reflection,
                           managed to connect with a decision-maker          presented as an irksome imposition. Indeed,        organization, making imaginative partnerships     reports and debate in Comma. Flash is published
                           at the highest level of the world’s most          without effective archives management, the         with a range of international bodies in order     twice a year as a membership benefit by ICA.
                           powerful international organization. As           ability of any organization to achieve its main    to convey the key messages about archives         Contents may be reproduced and translated in
                           became abundantly evident as his address          objectives is likely to be seriously impaired.     to decision-makers and the wider public. The      part or in whole, provided that credit is given.
                           proceeded, John Hocking has the great gift        Of course the message that archivists can          newly energized Secretariat team stands           Information in this issue of Flash was current at
                           of being able to highlight the importance of      progress from the backroom to the boardroom        ready to play a full part in this process of      the closing date for production on 4 January 2016.
                           effective records and archives management         is tremendously encouraging. John Hocking          organizational transformation.
                           with a clarity and an eloquence which many        has certainly practised what he preaches                                                             Translation is provided by volunteers alone: please
                           archive professionals would find difficult        in promoting his chief archivist, Elizabeth                                                          think of offering your help for just a few hours every
                           to match. It matters enormously that John         Emmerson, to the top table. At a time when                                                           six months! Photos copyright: Christine Trembleau,
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           Hocking, in his extremely powerful post, has      the top archival posts in many countries seem                       David Leitch                     National Archives of Iceland, Gunnar Sverrisson.
                           become such a persuasive advocate for our         to be out of the reach of archive professionals,                    ICA Secretary General
                           cause, especially as ICA seeks to implement       this should give us renewed confidence and                          leitch @ica.org                  ICA
                           its strategy for Africa and to strengthen its     determination that we too can reach the                                                              60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois
                           network there over the next five years.           higher reaches of our organizations, as long                                                         75003 Paris, France
                           In another article in this issue, Dzhevid         as we pay heed to the wise advice of John                                                            T: +33 14027 6306
                           Mahmud, one of our promising new profes-          Hocking and other influential decision-makers                                                        F: +33 14272 2065
                           sionals (a group which is going from strength     who wish us well.                                                                                    E: ica@ica.org
                           to strength under the enlightened direction of    We earnestly hope that the relationship which                                                        I: www.ica.org
                           Cécile Fabris), sets out the key points made      ICA has established with the UN Mechanism
                           by John Hocking in his address, and it repays     for International CriminalTribunals will develop                                                     Graphic design: Raphaël Meyssan
                           careful reading. There is no need for me to       further. Inspired by this example, we should                                                         T: +33 6 20 49 12 15
                           reproduce these points here.                      actively seek out other international bodies                                                         E: raphael@meyssan.net
                           Now is the time for ICA to assess the impli-                                                                                                           I: www.editorial-design.org
                           cations of this major breakthrough in order
                           to get the maximum benefit from it. It is clear                                                                                                        ISSN : 1728-533X. Dépôt légal à parution.
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                          Reykjavík, Island Records Management                   Paris, France Strong collaboration between     Seoul, South Korea International Council
                           Expert Group first meeting, September 2015             UNESCO and ICA on Memory of the World,         on Archives International Congress,
                                                                                  November 2015                                  September 2016
                                                        Article page 19                                       Read on Ica.org                                  Article page 20

                           A                w         o           r       l   d                t       o         u       r       o      f               I      C        A
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                         Article page 9                                        Article page 17                                Read on ica.org

                           Latin America Cooperation and                          Yaoundé, Cameroon African Strategy             Singapore Joint Technical Symposium
                           Transparency: project of development                   Working Group mission, December 2015           “Sustainable audiovisual collections
                           of public access to the records                                                                       through collaboration”, March 2016
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           Some reflections from the host
                           country on the Reykjavik Conference
                                  he third ICA Annual Conference was            from National Archives of Iceland, Reykjavik      keynote speaker for the second day of the         Statistics
                                  held in Reykjavík, Iceland, September         Municipal Archives, University of Iceland and     conference. He talked about the importance of
                                  28th to 29th 2015. It was late in July 2014   Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament. The local      archived information in cases of miscarriage      General information
                           that the National Archives of Iceland received       committee helped the host to organize the         of justice but Gísli has a long experience        Registrations                        512
                           the news that ICA had accepted the bid from          conference. Also a programme committee            dealing with cases like these, such as the        Nationalities                         79
                           Iceland to hold the Annual Conference in             was formed with archival professionals            Guildford four and the Birmingham six.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Students                               0
                           2015, so the time to organize this international     from all over the world that had the task of      An additional keynote speech, if you like, was
                           conference was relatively short. Soon a local        deciding the theme of the conference, the         given by John Hocking, Assistant Secretary        Days of the Conference                 2
                           committee was formed with representatives            call for papers and reviewing the submitted       General of the United Nations. He talked          Days of related activities             2
                                                                                papers. These people along with the profes-       about the increased role of archives in our
                                                                                                                                                                                    Keynote speakers
                                                                                sional conference organizer, CP Reykjavik,        modern societies, not least as a result of
                                                                                and the ICA secretariat made the conference       information technology. A memorable part          Keynote speakers                       2
                                                                                as successful as it was.                          of the closing session, chaired by Hocking,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total speakers/presentations          74
                                                                                Submissions of abstracts were very slow the       was the direct, warm and honest reviewing
                                                                                first weeks after the call for papers went out.   of the conference by the new professionals.       Sessions                              22
                                                                                But in the last week the submissions began to     The social programme was well received,           Papers received                      181
                                                                                flow and at the end there were 181 submissions    with the reception in the new Harpa Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                    Language of papers                     2
                                                                                in all and of a very high standard. The same      and Conference Hall as the highlight. Many
                                                                                happened when the registrations opened. It        of the conference participants took time to       Speakers nationalities                24
                                                                                was very slow to begin with and the goal to       go sightseeing in Reykjavik and its surround-
                                                                                                                                                                                    Related activities
                                                                                reach 400-500 participants seemed to be far       ings, to see the great Geysir, Thingvellir and
                                                                                way. But as before the numbers went up in         Gullfoss in South Iceland.                        ICA meetings                          25
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                                the last weeks and the result was that over       The third annual ICA conference has brought       Workshops                              8
                                                                                500 participants attended the conference          archival professionals, world wide, closer
                                                                                in Reykjavik.                                     to each other, both professionally and on a       Registrations to workshops            56
                                        David Fricker et Eiríkur Guðmundsson.
                                                                                The conference participants were in for           personal level. That is a good result. The idea   Organizations and management
                                                                                a treat. The theme of the conference was          of an annual conference has proved to be
                                                                                                                                                                                    Sponsors                               3
                                                                                Archives: Evidence, Security and Civil Rights.    valid. 96% of the delegates answered yes to
                                                                                Ensuring trustworthy information. In all          the question: “Based on your experience at        Exhibitors                             7
                                                                                there were 74 speakers in 22 sessions. The        the ICA 2015 in Reykjavik, would you attend
                                                                                                                                                                                    Other supporters                       1
                                                                                keynote speakers also attracted attention.        future ICA Conferences?”
                                                                                Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, professor in history       Good luck to ICA with future conferences.         Programme Committee (members)         23
                                                                                at the University of Iceland, filled in for                                                         Local Committee (members)             11
                                                                                Kári Stefánsson who was not able to give
                                                                                his keynote address. Guðni told a personal                         Eiríkur Guðmundsson              Chairs of sessions                    19
                                                                                story of sources, access and archives. Gísli                       National Archivist               Web and social networks
                                                                                Guðjónsson, Emeritus Professor of Forensic                         of Iceland
                                                                                                                                                                                    Twitter tweets #icareykjavik2015   ~ 3000
                                                                                Psychology at King’s College London, was                           eirikur@skjalasafn.is
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                          Based on your experience at the ICA 2015 in Reykjavik,
                           would you attend future ICA Conferences?

                                                                                                           Detailed Assessment                   Agree and strongly agree

                                                                                                             The conference has met              87,3 %
                                                                                                             your expectations

                                                                                                             The topics of the conference        87,4 %
                                                                                                             have been of interest
                                                                                                             The offer of parallel sessions
                                                                                                                                                 81,7 %
                                                                                                             has been interesting

                                                                                                             The facilities are adequate
                                                                                                                                                 90,8 %
                                                                                                             in relation to comfort

                           How organized was the event?                                                      The facilities are adequate
                                                                                                                                                 88,9 %
                                                                                                             in relation to acoustics

                                                                                    Extremely organized      The facilities are adequate in
                                                                                                                                                 88 %
                                                                                                             relation to material resources

                                                                                                             The information prior to the
                                                                                    Very organized                                               78,8 %
                                                                                                             Conference has been adequate
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                                                             The organization throughout
                                                                                                                                                 87 %
                                                                                    Somewhat organized       the Conference has been optimal

                                                                                                             The duration of the Conference
                                                                                                                                                 81,2 %
                                                                                                             has been appropriate
                                                                                    Slightly organized

                                                                                                             The time distribution (schedules)
                                                                                                                                                 83,9 %
                                                                                                             has been correct
                                                                                    Not at all organized
                                                                                                             The simultaneous translation
                                                                                                                                                 60,5 %
                                                                                                             has been satisfactory

                                                                                                             The catering service has been
                                                                                                                                                 89,6 %

Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           “Don’t burn your records!”
                           Sources, access, archives: a personal story

                                   n Monday 28 September, nearly              other surveillance of left-wing intellectuals     practices; but as he mostly came across a
                                   300 people representing almost             and associations in Iceland during the Cold       repeated answer of “there was never any state
                                   40 countries gathered together in the      War. A frequent media commentator on              surveillance here!”, this method proved no
                           Nordica Hilton Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland,        Iceland’s recent history and current affairs,     more fruitful than the last. A breakthrough
                           to hear the keynote address, set to open           his presentation had a strong connection          came in 2005, when the court files containing
                           the International Council on Archives third        to the theme of the conference – Archives:        information crucial to his investigation were
                           annual conference. The announced speaker,          Evidence, Security and Civil Rights. With his     moved into the archives. Dr Jóhannesson was
                           Kári Stefánsson, was indisposed at the last        talk he brought Iceland, our host country,        then given exclusive access to police files
                           minute, and Dr Guðni Th. Jóhannesson,              into focus, but as his research into foreign      on phone tappings, with the proviso that he
                           associate professor of history at the University   relations had taken him abroad to the UK and      should not disclose any personal names. He
                           of Iceland, kindly agreed to step in. Most         the USA, there was also a strong international    uncovered eight cases of state surveillance
                           of the archives professionals present had          perspective to his talk.                          and his research culminated in an article        Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.
                           travelled to Iceland from far away, some           Dr Jóhannesson outlined his research by           entitled “Phone tappings during the Cod Wars
                           had already participated in the workshops          describing the moments of inspiration             in Iceland” which initiated a public debate
                           which took place on the preceding day, and         where he’d found out new information,             on the question of state security and state      happened because he was engaged in academic
                           the room was filled with a palpable sense          hitherto unknown or unexplored, on state          authority versus the personal freedoms of        research – he pointed to questions of access
                           of anticipation as the conference, with its        surveillance in Iceland during the Cod Wars.      individuals.                                     debated not only amongst archivists but also
                           varied and topical programme, was about to         While conducting research in the National         Dr Jóhannesson’s talk thus highlighted some      the general public: not only who gets access
                           commence. Dr Jóhannesson did not disappoint:       Archives in the UK – as part of his PhD on        very topical themes: the ongoing relevance       to certain documents kept in our archives but
                           he delivered an engaging talk which, while         the fishing industry – he came across a           of archival research to discussions about        when, how and why? Icelandic, as we were
                           treating quite a serious subject matter, also      report which mentioned tapping the phones         not only historical issues, but also recur-      told, has an interesting way of expressing
                           provoked frequent outbursts of laughter in         of left-wing activists in Iceland. Some time      rent social ones such as balancing human         some of these complexities, as with one
                           the audience.                                      later, while doing archival research in the       rights with state security. It was interesting   word, heimild, it conveys ideas of “access”
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           In his address, entitled “Sources, access,         USA, he uncovered another report, dated           to hear what a furore his article caused in      and “privilege” at the same time.
                           archives – a personal story”, DrJóhannesson        1956, which mentioned wire-tapping, detailed      Iceland – yet another proof that archives are    Dr Jóhannesson closed his fascinating speech
                           took us on a journey through his research          card indexing, and other practices of state       not just static dusty warehouses filled with     with two remarks, both of which prompted
                           quest which dealt with phone tapping and           surveillance. His research into the matter        half-forgotten documents, but repositories       a warm applause from the gathered archive
                                                                              was frustrated by the fact that while parts       of information which can challenge existing      professionals. He stressed that archives
                                                                              of the document were made accessible, the         historic narratives, provoke public debates,     matter as they keep and enable access to
                                                                              rest had been redacted by the institution.        and serve as a springboard for discussing        “stories which matter”. And as a last thought,
                                                                              Following a review process, ten years after       the public understanding of the social and       Dr Jonannesson reminded all of us: “keep
                                                                              his initial consultation of the documents,        political systems we live in.                    your records: don’t put them in a barrel and
                                                                              they were once again made accessible to           As Dr Jóhannesson mapped his struggle            burn them!”
                                                                              him without any substantial changes to the        to access the documents – being initially
                                                                              redacted parts, and so his research into the      denied access, and then allowed in with
                                                                              matter was stalled.                               certain restrictions in place – he wondered
                                                                              Back in Iceland, he tried alternative channels,   whether some access policies were failed or
                                                                              such as interviewing individuals who might        flawed. By discussing why he was granted                          Marta Lomza
                                                                              have had knowledge of the phone tapping           permission to read the documents – which                          mlomza@gmail.com
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           Archives and miscarriages of justice
                                     ísli Guðjónsson was the keynote         also of particular importance to examine
                                     speaker on the second day of the        the whole case in the round, especially
                                     Reykjavik conference. Emeritus          the psychological aspect. Here you can
                           Professor of Forensic Psychology at the           see certain similarities between case
                           Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London,   review and archival practice, namely the
                           he was awarded the CBE (Commander of              importance of contextualization.
                           the Order of the British Empire) in 2011.         Context is the determining factor here:
                           The title of his presentation was “The            the record of the accused, the conditions
                           importance of archived information in cases       during questioning, his or her personality
                           of miscarriage of justice” and showed, by         and state of health as well as the moral
                           means of a number of case studies, the            or legal support received. For all this it is
                           fundamental importance of the preserva-           essential to have access to a wide range
                           tion and use of records from archives in          of documentation linked to the case.
                           dealing with legal cases.                         In the cases cited by Gísli Guðjónsson
                           Instances of wrongful conviction occur            (namely those of Thomas Quick, the Guildford
                           relatively frequently. For example, since         Four, the Birmingham Six and Guðmundur
                           1989, 330 verdicts have been overturned           et Geirfinnur), the documents examined
                           in the United States as a result of DNA           either proved that an injustice had been
                           analysis. Those wrongly accused spent             committed or else called into question the
                           on average 14 years in prison before they         initial verdict.
                           were found not guilty and their convictions       In the case of the Guildford Four and the
                           quashed.                                          Birmingham Six, the police had obtained
                           The results of these DNA analyses depend          confessions from the defendants, but a
                                                                                                                             Gísli Gudjónsson.
                           on evidence that was gathered at the scene        thorough investigation and exhaustive
                           of the crime and eventually archived. But         search of the records brought to light
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           reversal of verdicts obtained by DNA              serious irregularities and those who had        importance of archives in resolving legal
                           analysis represents only a small proportion       been found guilty were able to prove their      cases and consequently the need to preserve
                           of miscarriages of justice, and in England        innocence and were acquit ted. False            this material in a secure environment, safe   “Similarities
                           cases which go before the Court of Appeal         confessions obtained under duress or            from any form of physical deterioration
                           often depend on other archival evidence.          through violence can lead to wrongful           or alteration; the question now is how        between case
                           This is evidence that was either passed           charges. In the case of the disappear-          archivists can help to ensure that crucial
                           over at the time or was for some other
                           reason not used during the trial.
                                                                             ance of Guðmundur et Geir finnur, t wo
                                                                             of the accused kept pr ivate diar ies
                                                                                                                             evidence is preserved and made accessible
                                                                                                                             to legitimate any enquiry?
                                                                                                                                                                           review and archival
                           It is unfortunately also the case that evidence
                           which could lead to the overturning of a
                                                                             during their detention. Gísli Guðjónsson
                                                                             managed to unearth and examine these
                                                                                                                                                                           practice, namely
                           conviction, such as alibis, witness state-
                           ments or medical reports, “go missing”
                                                                             document s, which were par t of a more
                                                                             general collect ion of items that had
                                                                                                                                                                           the importance of
                           or are destroyed. Knowing that archives           “gone missing” or been destroyed, and
                           could provide the key to reviewing a court        he was able to show irregularities in the                                                     contextualization.”
                           case, it may be necessary to mount a              investigation.                                                      Céline Fernandez
                           ”fishing expedition” for documents. It is         Gísli Guðjónsson laid stress on the critical                        celaeno.bafer@yahoo.fr
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           Records and archives
                           in the open government era
                           Lessons from Hillary

                           A                                                                                                                                                            “Baron discussed
                                  s a new professional working in               Baron began with useful background about             deadlines. For example, so that departments
                                  information and records management            US government email regulations. Since 2014,         stop printing emails for archival preservation,
                                  I found that Jason R. Baron’s session,
                           “Lessons from Hillary”, best highlighted how
                                                                                officials using non-government systems must
                                                                                “cc” or forward their emails within 20 days,
                                                                                                                                     emails must be managed electronically by the
                                                                                                                                     end of 2016. Baron recommended the National        why traditional
                           important current recordkeeping is to the            but when Clinton was in office there wasn’t          Archives and Records Administration’s
                           Annual Conference’s overall theme. Baron,            any deadline. Although the regulation update         “Capstone” approach, where decisions about         approaches have
                           former Director of Litigation for the US             happened last year, an obvious positive to           permanent email storage are made based on
                           National Archives, brightened what could be          happen since the Hillary Clinton email scandal       the creators’ role and seniority.                  failed. Records can’t
                           a dry subject with wide-ranging data, advice         began in March is higher public awareness: a         Some highlights from Baron’s extensive
                           and anecdotes.                                       recordkeeping story is now in the news 24/7!         “RM wish list” were to have an easy button         support transparent
                                                                                The problem of email records has become              that removes all extra records tasks from users.
                               Paulette Dozois, Helen Walker, Jason R. Baron.   well known, creating an important moment
                                                                                in the profession.
                                                                                                                                     Since this may lead to too much coming into
                                                                                                                                     the archives he requested an equivalent to
                                                                                                                                                                                        government when
                                                                                The lessons from the session title were the
                                                                                matters that recordkeepers need to respond
                                                                                                                                     “block review methods” in the digital space
                                                                                                                                     so that documents are clustered together
                                                                                                                                                                                        their capture relies
                                                                                to with new policies. These lessons include
                                                                                that business information will be stored
                                                                                                                                     and release actions carried out in bulk. On
                                                                                                                                     release, there’s a need for new user-focused       on the choices
                                                                                more often on personal devices; that inter-          search technology to make sense of the huge
                                                                                net-based email and word processing will             mass of data that we are now collecting.           of thousands of
                                                                                increase; that deleting information doesn’t          I was so impressed by how many topics and
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                                always mean it’s irretrievable; and that users       questions were discussed in such a short
                                                                                are overburdened by traditional approaches           time. By the end of the session I had a better
                                                                                to capturing records.                                appreciation for why, as a profession, we need
                                                                                Next, Baron discussed why traditional                to challenge traditional approaches to EDRMS
                                                                                approaches have failed, the most important           and how we need to harness technology to help
                                                                                reason being that users had to consciously           us do this. Baron’s opinion is that inventive
                                                                                decide when to ‘drag and drop’ into dedicated        technology will make future recordkeeping
                                                                                records management software. His call for new        achievable, at least one motive being that
                                                                                approaches is closely related to the conference      people get tired, and can be inconsistent,
                                                                                theme of Archives: Evidence, Security and            whereas algorithms never sleep!
                                                                                Civil Rights because records can’t support
                                                                                transparent government when their capture
                                                                                relies on the choices of thousands of individuals.
                                                                                In the United States, the Presidential Records
                                                                                Management Directive sets standards that                               Kate Watson
                                                                                government departments must meet by certain                            kswatson351@hotmail.com
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           Cooperation and transparency                                                                                                                           “The project aims
                                                                                                                                                                                  to develop and
                           in Latin America                                                                                                                                       apply a theoretical
                           The Records and Archives Management Model for the                                                                                                      framework that
                           Transparency and Access to Public Information Network                                                                                                  can facilitate the
                             n the last few years Latin America has      A very good example of this was presented        the first part of the project also includes the
                             been part of the international wave of      by Beatriz Franco Espiño of the General          identification of best practice in the literature;      and the uniform
                             introducing transparency legislation.       Subdirectorate of the State Archives of          setting up surveys in ten Latin American
                           This has helped to raise public awareness     Spain, during the session on the “Relationship   countries; and organizing workshops in                  implementation
                           of the relevance of records as evidence of    between human rights and records manage-         Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Brazil.
                           the actions and decisions taken by those      ment”. In her presentation she shared            The second phase, which is currently                    of a records
                           in authority. However, there is still a lot   her experience of working on the Red de          underway, comprises training and dissem-
                           of work to do in this area, especially with   Transparencia y Acceso a la Información          ination activities, projects for improving              management
                           regard to records management practices,       (Transparency and Access to Information          and updating the normative framework on
                           that can ensure an effective implementation   Network) (RTA), an international collabo-        archival legislation in the countries where             system by different
                           of those laws.                                rative initiative for the development and        the model will be implemented, and most
                                                                         implementation of a records and archives         importantly, the development of pilot projects.         organizations.”
                                                                         management model.                                During questions after the presentation,
                                                                         The project – supported by the European          the crucial role of archival legislation for
                                                                         Commission through their programme               the effective implementation of the model,
                                                                         EUROsociAL – aims to develop and apply           and of transparency legislation in general,
                                                                         a theoretical framework that can facili-         was raised. As the speaker pointed out,
                                                                         tate the understanding and the uniform           sometimes the latter can be stronger than
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                         implementation of a records management           the former, acting as a barrier to the imple-
                                                                         system by different organizations. As Beatriz    mentation of the model. However, despite
                                                                         explained, the work was undertaken under         these and other challenges faced by the
                                                                         the premise that better records management       project, Beatriz Franco maintained that, as
                                                                         systems will benefit not only those public       the success of the project will depend on
                                                                         servants working in the different govern-        the implementation of the model in different
                                                                         ment agencies, but ultimately the citizens       institutions, the current collaboration of
                                                                         themselves, who will have better access to       ten countries can be considered a great
                                                                         public information.                              achievement.
                                                                         The model was created during the first part      The model is available online.
                                                                         of the project, which took place between
                                                                         March and December 2014. It is about
                                                                         1,000 pages long and is composed of a
                                                                         framework document together with guides
                                                                         to implementation, guidelines and annexes.                          Valentina Rojas                   Beatriz Franco Espino.
                                                                         Along with the development of this model,                           valerojasrojo@gmail.com
Flashnews from ica - International ...
                           Digital recordkeeping for sustainable
                           data management and reuse
                                                                                                                                    files that were generated following a plan         topic of E-ARK, an ambitious and intelligent
                                                                                                                                    for long-term preservation in the Archives         project designed for the preservation of and
                                                                                                                                    de l’État du Valais, Switzerland. Through          long-term access to digital information,
                                                                                                                                    a series of examples from the designed             where the primary objective is to reduce
                                                                                                                                    electronic system, the team in Switzerland         as far as possible the costs of information
                                                                                                                                    showed the importance of structuring an            transfer and export through an interactive
                                                                                                                                    electronic file that had all the characteris-      and efficient interface, and most importantly,
                                                                                                                                    tics required to meet the needs of correct         retaining the data recorded regardless of
                                                                                                                                    classification for any record available, and       whether or not these data are structured
                                                                                                                                    where the final location of the record had         using OLAP (online analytical processing)
                                                                                                                                    a logical relationship with other electronic       technology, which in turn let you capture
                                                                                                                                    folders arranged to improve the experience         and index more dynamic formats, and finally
                                                                                                                                    of the user of the information contained in        search the data using a tailored analytical
                                                                                                                                    the register, that is, to facilitate the capture   process.
                                                                                                                                    and subsequent access of information by
                                                                                                                                    the administrator.
                                                                                                                                    Malcom Todd, from the National Archives
                                                           Tarvo Kärberg, Kari Smith, Alain Dubois, Malcolm Todd, Alex Thirifays.   of the United Kingdom, explained the
                                                                                                                                    route to a well-deserved recognition of

                            found that the opportunity to attend            implementation of a number of features                  the economic value of the archives of                               Set Durán Carrión
                            this session has allowed me to engage           that ensure the sustainability and reuse                member states following their entry into                            setduran@hotmail.com
                            with some issues of digital information,        of the records over time.                               the European Union, and the use of infor-
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           preservation and access that I will be able      Kari Smith, the chair of this session,                  mation generated by the public sector. I
                           to make use of in my work and academic           emphasized the fact that we, as committed               think that it is a very valid recognition of
                           research. Clearly the digital environment,       professionals, should have the facility to              efforts made due to the intangible value
                           and specifically the management model            identify and to structure metadata so that it           of the information being handled. Another
                           of record keeping, requires a compre-            becomes the key to the different Document               issue that I found very closely related to the
                           hensive analysis of requirements and the         Management Systems that we use every                    previous one – and a great contribution to
                                                                            day. Reuse of information is strictly related           the session – was provided by the National
                                                                            to search criteria and metadata from the                Archives of Estonia, UK and Denmark, on
                                                                            beginning of any system (startup) and                   improving interoperability between systems,
                                                                            that can be the most important element in               and the new tools for reuse of information
                                                                            recovering and reusing information.                     available nowadays that enable document
                                                                            Another extremely important issue that                  management, through a common informa-
                                                                            was mentioned in this session by Mr Alain               tion package, giving access to any specific
                                                                            Dubois, is the management of electronic                 piece of data and, consequently, helping
                                                                                                                                    the way files are shown in a given digital
                                                                                                                                    document management programme.
  10                                                                                                                                The session ended with the very cutting-edge
                              Annual Conference:
                              the view of a New Professional
                                                                                                                             a practical knowledge and insight into the      Thank you to ICA, the National Archives
                                                                                                                             inner working and operations of an archival     of Iceland and all those who made this life
                                                                                                                             institution at a global level and allowed me    changing experience and transformation in
                                                                                                                             to acquire best principles and practice in      my career possible. ICA is indeed the best,
                                                                                                                             the archival profession as an archivist who     most credible and reliable forum in which
                                                                                                                             can hold his own anywhere in the world.         to develop one’s career as an archivist or
                                                                                                                             My most remarkable moment was when              records manager to the utmost.
                                                                                                                             Mr David Leitch, the Secretary-General,
                                                                                                                             and Mr. David Fricker, the President of
                                                                                                                             ICA, walked over to me to appreciate my
                                                                                                                             contributions on the ICA 2015-2020 Africa
                                                                                                                             strategy in an interview l gave to a leading                    Elvis Efe Otobo
Security, Theft and Trafficking of Archives workshop.
                                                                                                                             television station in Nigeria. I was both                       elvisotobo1975@gmail.com
                                                                                                                             surprised, delighted and motivated as a

                                      he impact of the 3rd Annual Conference   l gained at the conference cannot be          new professional archivist.
                                      of the ICA in Reykjavik on me and on     quantified. I am now better positioned,       One of the areas l benefited from immensely
                                      my career as a new professional archi-   motivated and informed to practise as an      that is directly connected with my job is
                              vist cannot easily be described. However,        archivist than l was before attending the     that of the security of archival materials.
                              l will try to paint a picture of the impact      conference and this experience has helped     As a new professional who manages
                              of this unforgettable and transforming           my resolve to work as an archivist for the    records in my organization l had never
                              experience made possible through the New         rest of my life and to promote the archival   paid serious attention in this regard. The
                              Professional bursary.                            profession and to uphold the core values      workshop facilitated by Mr Ole Magnus
   Flash January 2016 N° 31

                              I found the keynote speakers, Guðni              of the ICA.                                   Mølbak Andersen, where issues relating to
                              Th. Jóhannesson and Gísli Guðjónsson,            Indeed all my expectations about the          security, theft and trafficking in archives
                              very informative and thought-provoking,          conference were surpassed in terms of the     were extensively discussed, was an eye
                              indeed revolutionary, changing my views and      quality of the presentations, the partici-    opener. On my return, l did a thorough audit
                              opinions on the archival profession and on       pation and interaction of the delegates,      of materials in my possession and discov-
                              the various topics covered, and renewing my      the organization, and the harmony and         ered that some items were missing, which
                              confidence as a new professional archivist.      fellowship among all the delegates. The       led to my adopting some of the solutions
                              Eminent archivists from across the globe         atmosphere was friendly and positively        and suggestions offered at the workshop
                              who attended the conference, whether             charged with effective knowledge sharing      to secure and safeguard archival materials
                              still practising or retired, served as a great   and professional brotherliness.               under my care. I am now very cautious,
                              source of encouragement. They were very          My two-week internship with the National      watchful and pay close observation to all
                              willing to provide mentoring and support         Archives of Iceland, under the supervi-       types of persons who use our materials
                              whenever l approached them and their             sion of the National Archivist, Eiríkur       in the reading room. The conference also
                              contact cards are today my most valuable         Guðmundsson and Hrefna Robertdottir           taught me the importance of adhering to
                              assets as a new professional archivist.          has transformed my career, and positioned     best principles in the discharge of my duties
                              The breadth of the knowledge and information     me as a thoroughly trained archivist with     at all times.
                           Archivists and records managers
                           as carriers of change
                                                                                                                              his present position he had served as Senior      Such a transformation was accomplished
                                                                                                                              Legal Officer for the Appeals Chambers            by the late Tony Newton at the UNMICT.
                                                                                                                              of both the ICTY and the International            The great work of Tony Newton only serves to
                                                                                                                              Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).              emphasize the importance of one individual
                                                                                                                              He has had more than 25 years’ experience         as a carrier of change. It reminds us how
                                                                                                                              as an international lawyer, legal and policy      important each and every archivist or records
                                                                                                                              adviser for the Organization for Economic         manager is in performing his or her own duties,
                                                                                                                              Co-operation and Development (OECD), the          and how crucial it is to be able to commu-
                                                                                                                              Australian Government’s national multi-           nicate clearly the many positive aspects of
                                                                                                                              cultural television and radio broadcaster,        our profession, for example that “archives
                                                                                                                              the British Film Institute in London, the         are not just about the past, they are also
                                                                                                                              Australian Film Commission among other            the present and they are the future”. ● ● ●
                                                                                                                              organizations. During his career Mr Hocking
                                                                                                                              has published numerous articles on inter-
                                                                                                                              national, humanitarian and criminal law.
                                                                                                                              It is a particular pleasure for me as a New
                                                                                                                              Professional supported by ICA to share
                                                                                                                              with you some of the key points from this
                                                                                                                              remarkable closing speech. The address
                                                                                                                              was given in memory of Tony Newton, who
                                                                                                                              was instrumental in moving archives and
                                                                                                             John Hocking.
                                                                                                                              records management from the backroom
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                                                                              to the discussion table in the boardroom.

                                 he third International Council on        archival profession in serving the people           Mr Hocking began his presentation with
                                 Archives Annual Conference held          and democracy. After two fruitful days              the challenges that archival and records
                                 in September, 2015 took place in         of discussion on archives as a means for            management professionals face in performing
                           picturesque Reykjavik, the capital of          ensuring trustworthy information, the               their extremely important duties to serve
                           refreshing Iceland. Dr Guðni Th. Jóhannesson   conference reached its high point with              their organizations and humanity. Although
                           had the honour of opening the confer-          the closing keynote speech given by John            in the work place those professionals are
                           ence, emphasizing the great value of the       Hocking, who spoke of the importance of             often located out of sight, in a back office or
                                                                          archivists and records managers as being            a basement, nevertheless, as the experience
                                                                          ambassadors of change.                              of the Mechanism archives shows, if you
                                                                          John Hocking, United Nations Assistant              put enough willpower and effort into voicing
                                                                          Secretary-General and Registrar of the              your professional needs, it is possible for a
                                                                          International Criminal Tribunal for the former      “monumental transformation from neces-
                                                                          Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Mechanism for             sary evil to mission critical” to take place
                                                                          International Criminal Tribunals (UNMICT),          and for archives to become “fundamental
                                                                          was born in the late 1950s in Australia. Prior to   assets for the success of the organization”.
                                                                             archives section within the UN, providing
                                                                              evidence to support the pursuit of justice
                                                                              and to prevent future atrocities against
                                                                              humanity. To achieve those crucial ends
                                                                              even more effectively, Mechanism is devel-
                                                                              oping a user-friendly, text-searchable public
                                                                              interface of its judicial records database. Mr
                                                                              Hocking invited all ICA members to Arusha
                                                                              in 2017 to visit the new building there and
                                                                              to discuss the future of archives.
                                                                              In conclusion, the inspiring concluding
                                                                              remarks of ICA 2015 underlined the impor-
                                                                              tance of the archival profession and its
                                                                              professionals, the need we have of support
                                                                              within our organizations to help us to
                                                                              perform our duties, as well as our “critical”
                                                                              support for the organization itself and the
                                                                              immense value of our work for preserving
                           ● ● ● In addition, Tony Newton’s achieve-          the past, serving the present and shaping
                           ment reminds us how important it is that,          the future of humanity. Each and every one       John Hocking.

                           besides being very passionate, we should           of us has the responsibility to voice the
                           also be highly competent in what we do,            needs of our “mission critical”, since we
                           so that we are able to assess clearly the          are the carriers of change, and this very           “The address
                           risks in advance and find ways to mitigate         change starts with you.
                           them, as difficulties might arise later on         As John Hocking concluded in his address,           was given in
                           once the task has begun. We need to build          “Go out in the world and make a difference...
                           robust strategies, retention and migration         Sometimes, it only takes one person, one            memory of Tony
                           policies, recordkeeping systems, and, most         archivist, to move up to the boardroom”.
                           importantly, establish governance regimes,                                                             Newton, who was
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           providing the widest possible access to
                           the public, while guaranteeing the tightest                                                            instrumental in
                           security available, because the fruits of good
                           performance are an increased awareness                                                                 moving archives and
                           of our organizations and of our profession.                         Dzhevid Mahmud
                           Not only this, but it will also lead to positive                    mahmudd@ceu.edu                    records management
                           change in the internal structure of our
                           organizations, giving us the place at the                                                              from the backroom
                           discussion table that we deserve.
                           Before his closing remarks the Assistant                                                               to the discussion
                           Secretary-General expressed his pride at the
                           endorsement by UNMICT of the Universal                                                                 table in the
                           Declaration on Archives, as the first ever UN
                           body to “subscribe at management level”.                                                               boardroom.”
                           The Mechanism Archives and Records
                           Section (MARS) is registered as the biggest
                           The New Professionals Programme
                                   ince its launch by the Programme          responses and some concrete actions.
                                   Commission (PCOM) in the spring           The main achievement of the programme
                                   of 2014, the programme specifically       up to now has been the participation of
                           designed for new professionals has been           the new professionals at the congresses
                           aiming to let them play a full part in the life   and conferences. Three of them received
                           of ICA and to facilitate exchanges to enable      a bursary from PCOM to take part in the
                           them to gain international experience and         annual conference in Girona on 2014. Thanks
                           form friendships and networks across the          to the support of the Section on Business
                           world. It also aims to ensure that the make-up    Archives, two new professionals also attended
                           of ICA and its professional programme stays       the conference “Putting in place a better
                           dynamic and relevant. The programme is            service for business archives” in Milan in
                           open to archives students of a member             June (Marta Miklaszewicz from Poland, and
                           institution of ICA, to trainees or interns of     Pavel Kyung from Russia).
                           a member organization, or to people who           For the 2015 Annual Conference in Reykjavik,
                           have been working in an archives or records       we received 139 applications from citizens
                           management post for less than five years,         of 41 countries. Six of these were chosen to
                           irrespective of their age.                        receive a bursary, of whom one was financed
                           To get to know new professionals and their        by the Section for Archives of Faith Traditions:
                           needs better, an online questionnaire has         Set Durán Carrión from Costa Rica, Marta
                           been developed in English, French and             Lomza and Kate Watson from the UK,                 The New Professionals.
                           Spanish. A hundred forms have already been        Dzhevid Sali Mahmud from Hungary, Elvis
                           completed from 35 countries. They show that       Otobo from Nigeria and Valentina Rojas from
                           new professionals are full of questions and       Chile. They contributed to the workshops,          hopes that the organization has for them as    programme; and the 2015 bursary-holders
                           expectations and are keen to get involved,        attended various sessions and helped with          representatives of the new generation and      are taking forward their online network
                           whether taking part in projects or doing          communications on social networks. They            agents of the changes to come.                 project. Other projects possibly involving
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           translation work, with as many as 20 different    also presented their own session, where            The endless commitment and enthusiasm          new professionals are to be launched in 2016.
                           languages represented among them.                 they outlined their vision of the aims and         of the bursary-holders during the weeks        The selection procedure for bursaries to
                           These questionnaires must now be                  practicalities of a new professionals network,     before the conference and the intense few      attend the 2016 Congress in Seoul has been
                           analysed so that we can come up with              which would involve a platform where they          days in Iceland was demonstrated in the        finalised and the call for applications has
                                                                             could share experiences and knowledge,             energy and warmth which they displayed         been launched.
                                                                             receive information, get involved and support      in the closing session, where they gave a      The easiest way to stay in touch or to contact
                                                                             each other.                                        short account of what they had done and        the new professionals or the programme
                                                                             A special lunch allowed those new profes-          thanked the members of ICA for giving them     coordinator is to join the 355 people who
                                                                             sionals who were in Reykjavik to get to            the chance to be part of this exceptional      already like their Facebook page.
                                                                             know each other, meet the Secretariat              occasion for the profession.
                                                                             team and have a discussion with John               Aside from attending the conference, former
                                                                             Hocking, Deputy Secretary General of the           bursary holders are continuing to play their
                                                                             UN, and legal adviser for the Mechanism            part: Brenda Mamvura, 2014 bursary holder                       Cécile Fabris
                                                                             for International Criminal Tribunals. This         from Zimbabwe, is involved with the Africa                      Coordinator of the New
                                                                             was also the opportunity for David Fricker,        Strategy; Ryder Kouba, 2014 bursary-holder                      Professionals Programme
                                                                             president of the ICA, to tell them of the          from Egypt, is working on the PERSIST                           cecilefabris@yahoo.fr
                           First                  « Le dire au monde extérieur »
                                                             hen I joined the ICA Secretariat      members-only space on the website and use
                                                             team in the middle of September,      of its tools (software, tool-kits, advice) and

                           of ICA                            I was reminded of the Wikipedia
                                                  definition: “Archives are a collection of
                                                                                                   the opportunity to attend an international
                                                                                                   conference every year. Being a member
                                                  documents that are preserved in order            of ICA means, above all, sharing ideas in
                                                  to prove legal rights or to bear witness         regional groups (13 regional branches) and

                           Two of the new         to certain activities which can serve as
                                                  source material for the historian or for
                                                                                                   taking part in work groups centred round
                                                                                                   areas of special interest (12 professional
                                                  anyone who wants to learn about the past.”       sections). It’s also about having the chance
                           secretariat team,      As someone who has devised new product           to engage with experts on specialist topics
                                                  offers and services in the pharmaceu-            (8 expert groups) and making your views
                           Christine Trembleau,   tical, jewellery and heavy construction          heard at the General Assembly.
                                                  sectors, and developed IFRS (International       Currently ICA’s biggest challenge is
                           Marketing and          Financial Reporting Standard) standards          developing the network, which involves
                                                  of accounting, supported digital trans-          upgrading the website, creating targeted
                           Communications         fers in SMEs (small and medium-sized
                                                  enterprises), written specifications for
                                                                                                   products and services, and producing an
                                                                                                   outward-facing communications strategy.
                           manager, and           marketing and communications strategy
                                                  in BtoB (Business to Business) and BtoC
                                                                                                   But the essence of ICA, what makes it
                                                                                                   unique and gives it its particular strength,

                           Monique Nielsen,       (Business to Consumer), I am now getting
                                                  to know the “World of Archives”.
                                                                                                   is its international network of professional
                                                                                                   archivists, a community which is actively
                                                                                                                                                     Christine Trembleau.

                                                  Jumping in at the deep end of the Reykjavik      seeking to anticipate developments in the
                           Programme Officer      Conference, after a very warm welcome,           profession, which supports new profes-
                                                  I discover an extraordinary world peopled by     sionals, and partners archivists from              “Archivists
                           for PCOM, give their   enthusiasts; a world in which the demands        every country by giving advice, and even
                                                                                                                                                      showcase the past
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                  of the job and the pursuit of professional       subsidizing their projects.
                           initial impressions    excellence run alongside curiosity and           Having spent several weeks in ICA, I am
                                                  emotion, and a highly developed intellectual     very keen to complete the dictionary               and so allow people
                           of life in ICA.        awareness; a “club” with its own codes           definition which now seems to me incom-
                                                  and jargon (PCOM? SUV? FAN? ATOM?)
                                                  and ways of doing things; a big family
                                                                                                   plete: Archivists showcase the past and
                                                                                                   so allow people to advance into the future
                                                                                                                                                      to advance into the
                                                  where everyone knows everyone else and
                                                  where the mix of different cultures and
                                                                                                   by giving them the means to take informed
                                                                                                   decisions today.                                   future.”
                                                  languages make for a rich diversity rather       Together let’s rise to the challenge of telling
                                                  than a barrier.                                  the outside world!
                                                  Being a member of ICA is not just about
                                                  receiving a monthly e-Newsletter, a twice-       Christine Trembleau
                                                  yearly journal and a professional publication;   Marketing and Communications Manager
                                                  it’s not just about having access to the         trembleau@ica.org

                          « Both sides, now » *
                           * With thanks and apologies to Joni Mitchell.

                                                                           S                                                                                                     “With the ICA,
                                                                                   ometimes it’s hard to see our own           The value of archives (and those who care
                                                                                   place until we gain a different view        for them) is well understood, especially
                                                                                   or perspective; once we have that
                                                                           new view it’s impossible to “unsee” it. Since
                                                                                                                               in Europe. I have found that people know
                                                                                                                               what an archivist is and what we do – I           I have met a wide
                                                                           starting work with the ICA in Paris a couple        haven’t had to explain that no, I’m neither
                                                                           of months ago I have realized that I have           an activist nor a librarian! This value seems     range of archives
                                                                           been lucky enough to see another view.              to be less well understood in Australia.
                                                                           In particular I have seen that there is an          I have also noticed in Australia, a greater       professionals,
                                                                           Australian view of archives; but what exactly       tendency to look outside the archival
                                                                           is that view and how has it come about?             profession and outside close networks             seen their passion
                                                                           Working with the ICA I have met a wide              for partnerships, inspiration and support,
                                                                           range of archives professionals, seen their
                                                                           passion and enthusiasm, and seen how the
                                                                                                                               despite the often great physical distances
                                                                                                                               between collaborators.
                                                                                                                                                                                 and enthusiasm.”
                                                                           work of the ICA contributes to records and          Since working with the ICA, I can see
                                                                           archives and their role in good governance          that there is a shared vision for archives
                                                                           and culture.                                        among archivists around the world, even
                                                                           I have noticed that, relative to the practices in   though we may follow different paths
                                                       Monique Nielsen.    other parts of the world, there is widespread       to fulfil it.
                                                                           acceptance and embedding of the continuum           So, what do I make of my new view? It has
                                                                           model of records and archives management            given me new clarity and an urgency for
                                                                           by Australian archivists. This model, which         our profession and our work into the future:
                                                                           treats the management of records and                ◗ We should reinforce the core principles
                                                                           archives as an ongoing process, funda-              of archives and records as evidence, of
                                                                           mentally affects records and archival               knowing archival value, and the funda-          ◗ We should change how we, as a profes-
                                                                           practice in Australia.                              mental role of archives in society. We          sion, communicate. This means rethinking
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                           I have also noticed that Australians do             must uphold these principles, while our         how we present the value of archives, how
                                                                           not have a strong connection with their             society progresses towards realizing that       we communicate with a society that has
                                                                           archives. Australia has a very long history         value is primarily in the archives, not in      a short attention span, how we communi-
                                                                           of settlement and as an island it has clear         the technology.                                 cate with each other and how we embrace
                                                                           borders which create a strong sense of              ◗ We should strive to shift the way our         technology to help us do this. This means
                                                                           place and nationality. Despite this, most           society views information and especially        making connections between our networks,
                                                                           Australians have not developed a relationship       archives to improve archives advocacy           including with other professions. How do
                                                                           with their documentary heritage. Has this           and funding, and attract the next round         we do this while keeping our identity and
                                                                           come out of Australia’s own history? A less         of professionals. How can we make sure          embracing cultural and regional differences?
                                                                           hierarchical society? Waves of migrants             that education services include archives        One thing I know for certain is that the future
                                                                           arriving in Australia? Or the general attitude      and archives management? How could              of archives is linked with our knowledge,
                                                                           of “she’ll be right mate” or “no worries”?          we include the Universal Declaration on         our profession and our networks.
                                                                           Have these factors contributed to the idea          Archives, evidence, access and privacy
                                                                           that archives are not valuable or is it that        issues into school and professional educa-      Monique Nielsen
                                                                           we haven’t been able to establish the value         tion? How can we present archives in more       Senior Programme Officer
                                                                           of archives more widely?                            dynamic and relevant ways?                      nielsen@ica.org
                                  Africa Strategy adopted in Reykjavik
                                  PCOM’s Africa Programme

                                                                                        setting out the initial projects and initi-     must be general, strategic and powerful
                                                                                        atives with the responsible ICA entities,       rather than specific, uncoordinated or of
                                                                                        was adopted by PCOM and ratified by             limited global impact. Initially the focus
                                                                                        the Executive Board in September in             will be on advocacy and training and
                                                                                        Reykjavik (documents on ica.org).               education as this plays to the strengths
                                                                                        ICA’s vision for Africa is one in which those   of our leadership role and profile and
                                                                                        managing records and archives have a clear      network of experts and should achieve the
                                                                                        voice and the confidence and resources          greatest possible impact. Advocacy and
                                                                                        needed to ensure that organisations manage      training and education are most likely to
                                                                                        and preserve records as evidence for good       effect long term change.
                                                                                        governance and accountability, individuals
                                                                                        have access to trustworthy information for      More specifically, ICA plans to:
                                                                                        the protection of their rights, and archives    ◗ Strengthen national archives,
                                                                                        are empowered to preserve those records         ◗ Build on ICA’s branch structure to ensure
                                                                                        as the documentary heritage of all peoples      that strong regional branches are in place
                                                                                        and cultures. The strategy does not seek        to support sustainable development,
                                                                                        to address everything, but a small number       ◗ Deliver the 2018 Annual Conference in
                                                                                        of significant issues identified by African     Africa,
                                                                                        members.                                        ◗ Support African archival educators in
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                                                                                                                                        curriculum development,
                                                                                        Consultation with and input from African        ◗ Develop a training plan to build capacity
                                                                                        members and those working in Africa has         amongst African archival educators (this
                           Richard Wato addresses the Annual Conference in Reykjavik.
                                                                                        indicated that there is a need for:             film is available in French only),
                                                                                        ◗ Advocacy work so that policy-makers           ◗ Build partnerships to support conservation

                                         s reported in the September 2015               better understand the significance of           and preservation education and training,
                                         edition of Flash, ICA, through the             archives and records,                           ◗ Strengthen old and establish new partner-
                                         Programme Commission, has identi-              ◗ Workforce training,                           ships to build on existing initiatives and
                                  fied Africa as an area where resources it             ◗ Support and strengthening for archival        develop new projects and products and
                                  routinely offers to help and support African          education.                                      to leverage funding,
                                  colleagues and recordkeeping practices                                                                ◗ Continuously review and improve the
                                  must be strategically deployed in order               ICA is well-ser ved with professional           strategy and workplan.                 ●●●
                                  to have the greatest impact. The Africa               expertise from members volunteering
                                  Strategy, which describes the priorities              their services but it has a limited budget
                                  and thinking behind the decision-making               to spend on projects and initiatives in
                                  and planning, together with the Workplan              Africa. Its action in this arena therefore
                                                                            Board and African stakeholders at the time     develop a range of activities and initiatives   “ICA’s vision
                                                                             of the African Annual Conference. In 2020      to support their membership in a way that
                                                                             or early 2021, which will mark six years of    is responsive to immediate local needs.         for Africa is one
                                                                             this intensive new work in Africa, PCOM
                                                                             will report on the success of the Africa
                                                                             Strategy to the EB and ICA members.
                                                                                                                            The Working Group began its work with a
                                                                                                                            mission to Cameroon in December 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                            in which those
                                                                             The Africa Programme needs above all
                                                                             to be flexible over time, another element
                                                                                                                            The team consisting of francophone and
                                                                                                                            anglophone members and presented
                                                                                                                                                                            managing records
                                                                             of adopting a strategic approach to ICA’s      the Africa Programme to a colloquium
                                                                             work in the continent. It was noted in         discussing the challenges to information        and archives have
                                                                             Reykjavik that francophone members felt        science posed in modern Africa. Whilst there
                                                                             that there was not enough emphasis on          the team had meetings with a government         a clear voice and
                                                                             the need for high-level advocacy and that      minister to advocate the value of archives
                                                                             projects to assert and support colleagues      and records management as well as with          the confidence
                                                                             in arguing for recordkeeping in support        members of CENARBICA. Thus this first
                                                                             of good governance and transparency            mission will provide a pilot for testing the    and resources
                                                                             were urgently needed. It was great to see      strategy of tackling advocacy, curriculum
                                                                             such commitment and passion from both
                                                                             anglophone and francophone colleagues,
                                                                                                                            development and strengthening regional
                                                                                                                                                                            needed to ensure
                                                                             both within and outside Africa. Since then
                                                                             a francophone co-Chair, Jamaâ Baida,
                                                                                                                            PCOM and the Working Group continue
                                                                                                                            to welcome comments on the Africa
                                                                                                                                                                            that organisations
                                                                             Director of the Archives du Maroc, has         Programme and proposals for projects
                                                                             been recruited to the Africa Programme         and initiatives. Please contact Margaret        manage and preserve
                                                                             Working Group, to join Justus Wamukoya,        Crockett (programme@ica.org) if you want
                                                                             Professor at Moi University, Kenya, in         to get involved.                                records as evidence
                                                                             leading this vital first phase. The Working
                                                                             Group is currently reviewing its member-                                                       for good governance
                                                                             ship and developing its plans for 2016.
                           ●●●                                                                                                               Margaret Crockett              and accountability.”
Flash January 2016 N° 31

                           In conjunction with the Strategy itself, a        The next steps will include:                                    ICA Deputy
                           workplan has been developed to deliver            ◗ A curriculum review and development                           Secretary General
                           ICA goals in Africa. The plan is intended to      project, led by the Section for Archival                        crockett@ica.org
                           be flexible and deliver some initial results      Education and training
                           before being adapted to meet strategic goals      ◗ Advocacy missions and workshops
                           as the situation changes (hopefully for the       ◗ The 2018 ICA Annual Conference bidding
                           better). It also aims to be sustainable: in six   round to select an African country as host,
                           years we hope to see positive results with        followed by the detailed planning
                           colleagues being more self-supporting and         ◗ Measures to secure a host for an ICA
                           increasing their own valuable contribution        Executive Board meeting in Africa in 2017
                           to ICA in the international arena.                ◗ African stakeholder projects, partially or
                           Following the “green light” given by PCOM         fully funded by FIDA and PCOM projects
                           and the Executive Board in Reykjavik, the         that meet PCOM, Africa Strategy and
                           plan allows for an assessment of progress         FIDA goals
                           to date in 2018. The Africa Strategy Working      ◗ Support to African branches to strengthen
                           Group will report to PCOM, the Executive          their governance, attract members and
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