Page created by Dolores Hunt
               OF CLARITY
     Sewage doesn’t disappear that easily. It is purified in up to four stages
               and then fed back into bodies of water. On the way
           there, the finest analysis provides detailed information –
             even about the sociodemographics of the population.


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The purified sewage ends up
in one of these final clarifiers

                                              been using chemical and microbiological
                                              analysis to look beyond the supply and
                                              disposal of water in order to gain insights
         ou are what you eat, so they say.    into people’s health and their consumption
And if you think a few hours further ahead,   habits as well as the sociodemographic
something else can be added to this saying:   structure of entire districts.
“... and what you leave behind you.” Urine        To this end, the sewage is analyzed
and feces end up in the toilet, together      using ever finer methods. More recently,
with toilet paper and other things that       these methods have also helped to trace
don’t actually belong there. This mixture     the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the
is flushed away with water and ends up        disease known as Covid-19 (“coronavi-
in the wastewater treatment plant via the     rus”). Even before the WHO declared the
sewer system. Domestic and industrial         infection a global pandemic on 11 March
wastewater mostly accumulates here.           2020, Professor Gertjan Medema, senior
For a number of years, scientists have        microbiologist at the KWR Water Research

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     Institute in the Dutch city of Nieuwegein,      lutionary water researchers, and Aachen-
     set to work with his team to prove the pres-    based water researchers also showed that
     ence of the specific residues of the caus-      the presence of genetic SARS-CoV-2 mate-
     al virus in the sewage: “If the number of       rial in water treatment plants can also be
     infected people increases, the viral pollu-     proved with modern molecular methods.
     tion in the sewage should also increase,”       In all nine of the water treatment plants
     says the microbiologist, explaining his         tested in April 2020, analyses recorded
     approach. “As such, corresponding mon-          between three and 20 genocopies per
     itoring of the sewage can ultimately serve      milliliter of raw sewage, a concentra-
     as an early-warning system for the out-         tion level also measured in studies in
     break (or recurrence) of Covid-19.” The         the Netherlands and the USA. “If sensi-
     team pursued a similar concept in 2009.         tive enough, such analyses could serve as
                                                     an early-warning system for the authori-                    SKIMMING
     SIGNS IN THE SEWAGE                             ties,” summarize the authors, “to enable          Large screws keep the
                                                                                                         aquatic plants at bay
     Back then, the scientists were initially        them to identify a local rise in cases in
                                                                                                       in the clarifying basins
     looking at the bird flu virus; then they        the area around a water treatment plant                that obviously feel
     broadened their interest to include causes      at an early stage.”                                         at home here
     of diseases such as polio, hepatitis A, and         The project launched in spring
     the norovirus, which causes vomiting            2020 under the aegis of Professor
     and diarrhea. Health officials in the           Georg Teutsch from the Helmholtz
     Netherlands recorded the first Covid-19         Center for Environmental Research in
     case on February 27, 2020, almost               Leipzig (“Integral SARS-CoV-2 Sewage
     three months after the outbreak of the          Monitoring”) essentially wants to bring      know, for example, whether the virus
     epidemic in the Chinese city of Wuhan.          clarity to the matter. “By continuously      content in the stools changes in one and
     The microbiologists started taking the          monitoring the sewage, we want to            the same person as the disease progresses
     first samples just three weeks before           shine a light on the unreported cases,       or whether the rate differs from one
     the country’s first case. Their aim: to         provide a basis for taking decisions,        person to the next.” These are questions
     prove the presence of virus-specific            and establish an early-warning system,”      that make it just as difficult to translate
     nucleic acids excreted in the stools of         says the hydrogeologist. Members of          the virus figures from the sewage into
     those who were infected. The scientists         the German Association for Water,            the actual number of infected people as
     traced the geographic progress of the           Wastewater, and Waste (DWA) – including      it does to establish a clear and reliable
     infection over time by taking samples at        Cologne’s municipal drainage works           early-warning system. We currently have
     specific locations agreed in conjunction        (StEB) – are also involved in the project.   around 20 people working on clarifying
     with the health authorities. Professor          Many problems have reportedly already        this and other issues,” adds Prof. Teutsch.
     Medema’s study in Amersfoort provided           been solved, allowing the scientists to      “That’s how science works!”
     an indication of the potential suitability of   identify evaluable signals in the highly
     the concept as an early-warning system –        diluted samples. The main question now       FINDING THE SOURCE
     subject to further research. Traces of the      turns to what it all means. “An infected     This is also the starting point for the
     virus were found in the sewage before a         individual,” explains Prof. Teutsch, “does   supply and disposal of water as we know
     single case had even been reported to the       not excrete viruses on the very first        it today. In 1854, the English physician
     local health authority.                         day. And the amount of virus excreted        John Snow bent over a map of London
         In Germany, a consortium of Frank-          differs for each infected person. Since      and marked every cholera fatality with
     furt-based virologists, ecotoxologists, evo-    we measure the total content, we don’t       a dash. Then he focused on the water

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                                                AMOUNT OF PAINKILLERS”
                                                                        Dr. Andrea Poppe is the head of the
                                                                        StEB’s sewage institute and is a member
                                                                        of the board at the DWA* – it boasts
                                                                        30 years’ experience in the sampling
                                                                        and analysis of sewage.

                                                Dr. Poppe, what is the purpose of performing this analysis?
                                                With around 30 employees in our laboratory, we keep the population safe
                                                by constantly monitoring the quality of the sewage and ensuring compliance
                                                with legal regulations. Even if we are not allowed to conduct research
                                                ourselves, because sewage charges directly serve our actual purpose,
                                                 we are, of course, focused on the future. Here we take part in scientific
                                                studies like the Helmholtz Center’s coronavirus project.
                                                What has changed over the years in terms of the
                                                analysis we know today?
                                                It now gives us much more precise and in-depth insights into the
                                                ­substances contained in the sewage. Chemical analysis complements
                                                 ­biological methods where changes in the behavior of fish are examined,
                                                  for example.
                                                What things in the sewage are especially problematic nowadays?
                                                We are seeing a rise in the amount of pharmaceutical substances, such as
                                                diclofenac, which is contained in painkillers. These are freely available to
                                                buy and are clearly taken in large quantities prophylactically. They end up in
                                                the water via excrement or as a result of not being disposed of properly.
                                                Pain relief ointments also contain this substance, which then ends up in the
pumps and marked these with a dot. The
geographical link between the two was           sewage when showering. X-ray contrast agents from doctor’s surgeries or
uncanny: The cholera epidemic of 1854           hospitals are equally problematic. And while toilet paper disintegrates in
was clearly caused by polluted water at         the process, the same cannot be said of moist wipes, which are increasing
one of the pumps. This ran counter to           being used. They block pipes and pumps and don’t belong in the toilet!
the theory popular at the time that this
                                                How will the future of analysis develop?
disease was caused by miasmas. Yet this
                                                It will certainly improve in terms of the quantities and substances it is able to
proved to be incorrect. It was a bacterium,
                                                detect. The examination of sewage must keep pace with the changes in the
which an Italian doctor had discovered in
the same year. Even though it would be          behavior of our customers. Microplastics, for example, are another challenge.
another 30 years before Robert Koch could       * The German Association for Water, Wastewater, and Waste

prove the hypothesis of microorganisms,
John Snow’s discovery had consequences.
Particularly in the wake of the sewage
scandal of 1858, known as the Great Stink,
it led to a fundamental change in the
way water was supplied and disposed of
in London.
    “In a certain way, we are still guided
by these insights and methods,” says Dr.
Andrea Poppe, head of the StEB’s sewage

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     institute. One of Europe’s biggest and most
     modern sewage treatment plants runs right
     along the Rhine in the northeast of the city.
     The StEB manages its large treatment
     plant on a site covering 35 hectares. “It
     is designed for the almost 1.6 million
     so-called ‘population equivalents,’ which          billion people worldwide live
     we use to refer to the combined capacity for    without functioning sewer systems
     households and industry,” explains Martin
     Grudzielanek. According to the head of
     operations, this is where the purification
     begins for up to 8.2 cubic meters of
     water per second – from households and
     industry. That is the equivalent to a total                                                 PRECISE CHECK
                                                                                                 Sewage is constantly
     of almost 80 million cubic meters per year.

                                                                                                    being sampled and
     At the end of a process that takes just 24                                                   ­analyzed at different
     hours, during which the main task is to                                                                  locations
     absorb bacteria, around 220 million liters
     of purified water flow into the Rhine from
     eight final clarifiers up to 70 meters in       of the world’s sewage is channeled
     diameter.                                        into the environment untreated

     THEY COME UNANNOUNCED                                                                has generated itself. The StEB employees
     For anyone who has stood at the strong-                                              regularly check the contents of the sewage
     smelling entry point and screening plant,                                            system: “As such, I see places that not
     which rakes out the coarsest matter before                                           everybody gets to see that easily,” says
     draining it of water (up to 6,000 tons                                               Tobias Krebs. The chemistry technician
     per year), the result is a minor miracle.                                            “draws sewage samples,” as they say in the
     That’s because it is not just fecal matter                                           industry. “Including from companies or
     that floats along the sewage system to                     An estimated              the airport – wherever the sewage enters

     Stammheim. It is joined by toilet paper,                                             the system – and of course unannounced.”
     hygiene articles, food waste, dead rats, and                                         Immediately afterwards while still in the
     other things. Dräger fixed gas detectors                                             car, the fresh suspension is homogenized
     (Dräger PIR 3000/7000 and Polytron                                                   on a stirrer, divided into smaller vials,
     3000) raise the alarm as soon as the gas                 is the figure by            documented, and taken to the laboratory
     content (such as hydrogen sulfide or            which global water consumption       in a cool bag for further examination –
     methane) exceeds certain values. Sand              is expected to rise by 2050       including a retained sample so that the
     and suspended matter are filtered out in                                             original sewage can be used at any time in
     several stages. The sludge is treated further                                        the event of a need to discuss any matters.
                                                                                                                                        ILLUSTRATION: ISTOCK

     until it harmlessly burns and can be used                                            The Helmholtz researchers also advised
     for generating energy. From 2030, the                                                Dr. Andrea Poppe’s laboratory on the
     city of Cologne plans to completely power                                            best places to take samples for proving
     its treatment plants using electricity it                                            the presence of the virus. “We are also

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                                                     A new trend involves using sewage to produce sociodemographic
                                                     data, which could even dispense with the need for a census or at
                                                     least complement it. How many residents in a city have a school
                                                     ­education? What percentage of them are divorced? Saer Samanipour
                                                      studies this and much more, not just with demographic statistics,
                                                      but by analyzing the wastewater. The doctor of chemistry and current
                                                      professor of molecular science used precise sensory analysis to test
                                                      the sewage of ­Australian cities for 40 substances from completely
                                                      different areas: drugs, antidepressants, sweeteners, or food. He used
                                                      the concentration of substances such as ethanol and amitriptyline
                                                      as markers for the consumption of alcohol and antidepressants.
                                                      He linked his ­findings with sociodemographic data gathered from a
                                                      census conducted at the same time. This allowed Samanipour to
                                                      develop a system of equivalents: a kind of yardstick that he could
                                                      place alongside the results of the chemical analysis in order to btain
                                                      data about the population’s social structure. From sewage systems
                                                      of unknown origin to him, he was able to make sometimes accurate
                                                      assertions about the social structure of the corresponding district.

                                                     FATBERGS CLOG SEWER PIPES
                                                     Time and again, sewer workers find large quantities of fat in the pipe
                                                     systems during inspections. Over time, they grow into huge lumps.
                                                     Such deposits in the sewer system occur when fats and oils are
                                                     disposed of via washbasins or toilets and end up in the sewage.
getting involved in this project by sending          Objects such as wet wipes, diapers or cotton swabs that do not
samples,” says Dr. Poppe.                            belong in the toilet also cause these lumps. In 2017, one such
     There is still no absolute certainty            “fatberg” blocked London’s sewer system. It was 250 meters long
as to whether the coronavirus spreads                and weighed more than 100 tons. Every year, Thames Water spends
through the sewage. A study published                more than 13 million euros alone on clearing such deposits in the
in Nature in the summer found that                   sewer system of the British capital.
excreted viruses can remain active for
a few days in the wastewater of a sewer              Here is a selection of things that do not belong in the toilet:
system and in aerosols. It concludes that            •Leftover food; kitchen waste
a risk assessment should be carried out              •Medication; tablets
and proposes disinfection with chlorine,             •Moist wipes, moist toilet paper
treatment with ozone, or processes such as           •Hygiene articles like panty liners, condoms, disposable
micro- and ultrafiltration with membrane              diapers, or sticking plasters
filters. Other scientists dismiss this and           •Toxic and aggressive substances like some toilet cleaners
point to the high dilution level, the short
                                                     •Deep-frying fat; cooking oils
lifespan, and the fact that just a fraction of
the virus material actually contains active
viruses in any case. Mankind’s sewage
disposal has always been put to good use in
the past. Analysis and evaluation continue
to write the story in unimagined ways.

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