From the Principal - Gumdale State School

Page created by Sherry Lopez
From the Principal - Gumdale State School
677 New Cleveland Road                                                            Email:
Gumdale QLD 4154                                                                              Phone: 07 3902 8333
Subscribe:                                       Fax: 07 3902 8300

30 October 2020

From the Principal

                   Term 4 is certainly moving forward at a
                   rapid pace at Gumdale. Students are
                   continuing to be productive in the
                   classroom across all areas including
                   reading and its relationship to quality
                   writing. A snapshot of what is happening in
                   each year level can be viewed in the
                   Collections from the Classroom section of
                   the newsletter. Activities such as
swimming and sailing lessons, band and choir groups and our
various clubs also offer students valuable opportunities for
  Today is World Teachers' Day in Queensland and I would
like to acknowledge our teachers who do wonderful work at
Gumdale each day. Teachers, with support from parents and          Always our Best,
carers, have ensured education has continued across the
country this year, despite major challenges. Each teacher plays
a significant role in the lives of children and students, their
families and communities. Join me in thanking each of our          Phil Savill, Principal
teachers for their dedication, care and professionalism.           Gumdale State School
Spring is here and our grounds are currently decorated with
a variety of blooms, most notably the Jacaranda tree in our
outdoor learning area. Our grounds staff and cleaners work
hard keeping school in tip top shape each day, a job made
                                                                   Always our Best
more difficult by the recent storms. On behalf of our school
community, I thank them for always giving their best to keep our
school well maintained and hygienic.
From the Principal - Gumdale State School
                                                               Wednesday 9                                 Last Day of Term 4

                                                               Thursday 10 and                             New Student Free
                                                               Friday 11 December                          Days

               Weeks 3 & 4 - Always our Best

                                                               Reminders from the school
What's Coming Up
                                                               School Emails

Friday 30 October                       World Teachers'
                                                               With the recent increase to many
                                                               email filters, some of our school
                    Intermediate Band                          emails may be ending up in your
Monday 2                                Assembly
                                                               junk or other folder. Make sure
November                                Performance
                                                               you're receiving all our emails by
                                        (closed, no parents)
Friday 6 November                       Tuckshop Day           to your contact list and checking
                    All                                        your junk folder regularly.
Friday 6 November                       2021 Booklists sent
                                        home                   QParents for absences
                    Soccer teams
Friday 6 November                       Staff vs Students
                                        Soccer game                                          QParents provides secure,
                                                                                             online access to student
                                        (closed, no parents)                                 information      and    allows
                                                                                             parents to update children's
                    Year 5
Friday 6 November                       2021 Student                                         details including address and
                                        Leadership                                           medical conditions, submit
                                        Information Session                                  reasons for unexplained
                                                                                             absences, notify the school
Monday to Friday                        NAIDOC Week                                          of future absences, and
9-13 November                                                  make online payments against multiple school invoices at one
Friday 13 November Year 5
                                        2021 Student
                                                               Please contact our front office if you need assistance registering
                                                               for Qparents, via
                                        Applications Due
                                                               COVID-Safe Protocols
Friday 13 November Music and Aerobics
                                      Cultural Photos
                                      from 7:30am, Hollis      As the Queensland Government
                                      Hall                     eases restrictions around the
                    Year 6                                     COVID-19       pandemic,     state
Wednesday &                             Year 6 Sailing         schools will continue to adhere to
Thursday 2-3                            Regattas               physical distancing and enhanced
December                                                       hygiene measures.
                    Year 6                                     We are continuing to limit the
Friday 4 December                       Year 6 Graduation
                                                               number of non-essential adults on
                                        Morning, GSS           school grounds. Please respect the directions of our staff and
                    Year 6                                     personnel. If you need to enter school grounds for any reason,
Monday 7 to                             Year 6 Camp            be it to deliver a lunch box or to collect your student early,
Wednesday 9                                                    please report directly to the front office in the first instance.
                                        Garapine Outdoor
                                        Education Centre,      In addition:
                                        Kybong, QLD
                                                                    • Students are to be dropped off and collected from
                                                                      school gates.

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
• Students and staff who are unwell must not attend           condition but are running short of time to tend our garden
       school.                                                     beds as well as they would like. If you are a parent, carer
     • Students will engage in regular hand washing with           or grandparent and are willing to offer your green thumb for
       soap and water (or using hand sanitiser) and will be        an hour or two each week, please get in touch with us on
       reminded to cover coughs and sneezes.             

     • Parents and carers are asked to maintain 1.5m social
       distancing during school drop off and pickup. Please
       refrain from congregating around school gates.
If your child is sick, they must not go to school. You must
keep them at home and away from others. Please seek advice
from your doctor or 13Health before sending your child back to
school. Parents and carers of children at school experiencing or
reporting symptoms of illness while at school will be contacted
promptly. These children must be collected by a parent/carer
as soon as possible.
It is important that we all continue to practise these measures    From the Deputies
to help restrict the spread of COVID-19. As always, thank you
for your support.

Enrolments at Gumdale
Your Child’s 2021 Enrolment Status
To assist us with forward planning for next year, we would
like to know your plans for 2021. If your child will transition                           Deputy Principals
to another school for the start of 2021
                                   2021, please assist us by          Daphne Gillies          Louise Hart    Sarah Cracknell
completing the form below.
                                                                      Prep - Year 1            Years 2-3       Years 4-6
Completed forms are to be returned to Marissa Bowen at the 
front office or via email:              Student Leadership
                                                                   Year 5 students will be participating in a leadership process this
Prep 2021 Enrolment                                                term that will culminate in the election of our school leaders
                                                                   for 2021. Information on 2021 student leadership positions will
To enrol your child for Prep 2021 at Gumdale State School,
                                                                   be presented, and applications will open to Year 5 students,
please complete the enrolment form available on our school
                                                                   next Friday 6 November. Shortlisted applicants will present
website and submit to our Administration Office or email to:
                                                                   speeches to students in Years 3-5 towards the end of this term.
A reminder to current Gumdale families with children due to        Cultural and Aerobics Photos
start Prep in 2021 to complete the enrolment form as soon as
                                                                                     Cultural & Aerobics Photos
FormsAndDocuments/Documents/                                              Friday 13 November - From 7:30am in Hollis Hall
                                                                   Little Images are coming to photograph our Bands, Choirs
                                                                   and Aerobics groups. Click here to order, or see the flyer
                                                                   Cultural_Photos_2020.pdf with the details of how to order.

Seeking volunteer gardeners                                        Please ensure as we move into the summer months that your
                                                                   child wears sunscreen and brings a named hat to school daily.
                                                                   Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to hydrate
Do you love gardening? Our hard working groundsmen do a            across the day. If items have been misplaced, please ask your
wonderful job of keeping our facilities and grounds in great       child check the lost property outside the office and also at
From the Principal - Gumdale State School
Collections from the
Prep News
                                                                    Year 3 News
It has been a busy fortnight for our Prep children. In PE, the
Preps enjoyed kicking, splashing and using their arms during        The year 3 students have started reading the second book of
their swimming lessons. They also loved catching the bus to         the Kumiko and the Dragon Trilogy. They will stop at the end
and from the pool as part of this experience. During reading        of chapter five and begin to write their own chapter to continue
activities, the children worked on developing their bank of sight   the story. This will be their final English assessment piece. The
words to assist with their reading fluency. Please see the          students have been focusing on the language features and
photos of letter stamps being used to create high frequency         techniques that the author, Briony Stewart, used in her writing,
words. The stamps were a fun tool for the children to use whilst    which will assist them when they write their own chapter.
helping them to remember the correct order of the letters in         Examples of these features include the use of Japanese words,
words. Wellbeing has also been a focus in our Prep classes          formal language, similes and metaphors, extended noun
with some students practising mindfulness and thinking happy        groups and well developed verb groups. The students have
thoughts. They made glitter jars and put their favourite            also examined how the book was written as a first person
sequinned shapes into them. Glitter jars can be used as a           narrative, with the story being told by the character, Kumiko.
calming tool. One way to use them is for children to shake the      We look forward to reading some exciting endings!
jar, place their hand on their stomach and take some deep
breaths, while watching the glitter swirl and settle.

                                                                    Year 4 News
                                                                    The year 4 classes have begun conducting an audit of their
Year 1 News
                                                                    lunchboxes and the packaging contained within them. The
In English, the year 1 students have continued reading books        students collected their packaging data then used the ‘See
from the Pigeon series by Mo Willems as part of their persuasive    Think Wonder’ visual thinking routine to look deeper at the
writing unit. After reading ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!’    information collected and to pose some questions around the
the children each wrote their own book called ‘Let Me Stay          use of single use packaging today and in the future. During
Up Late!’ They used a variety of persuasive strategies and          the term, they will collect data about packaging types, analyse
sentence types to persuade their parents to let them stay up        this information and represent it in different forms. These and
late. In Maths, students took part in a fun lesson about halves     subsequent activities, will see the Digital Technologies, HASS,
in the outdoor learning area. They collected a number of items      Maths and English units being seamlessly integrated across the
from the garden and shared these into 2 groups to work out          term.
how many were in each half.

                                                                    Year 5 News
Year 2 News
                                                                    Students in year 5 have been investigating literary devices in
In HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences), the year 2 students       persuasive texts. This has included exploring counter
have been investigating the names of Australian places. They        arguments and strong, modal language. They have learned
discovered that many Australian place names originated from         that modal words are words which express different levels of
our Indigenous languages, often with links to an area’s natural     certainty, with high modality words being used to strengthen
features or sometimes reflecting the names of historical            potency. For example, “You must always throw your litter in the
figures. The students have been using the Seesaw app during         bin.” Students have been planning and writing persuasive texts
these lessons, which has enabled them to link directly to other     using these devices.
digital resources and pose their own questions for further

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
Year 6 News
The year 6 students were fortunate to participate in a writing
workshop called Fiction vs Non Fiction, delivered by local
author, Samantha Wheeler. Samantha’s novels incorporate                             Gumdale Sport - Weeks 3 & 4
factual information about animals and the environment. During
her visit she explored the advantages and disadvantages of
conveying environmental messages through fiction and
non-fiction texts with the students. Please see the images for
some story starters and thoughtful reflections written by
students. The story starters were written after students were
shown an image of an adult polar bear and three cubs walking
into the distance in the Arctic.
                                                                    2021 Camps
                                                                    The camps for 2021 will be as follows:

                                                                    Year 4 Moreton Island Wilderness Camp 13-15         October
                                                                    Year 5 Emu Gully Leadership Camp, 25-27 August 2021
                                                                    Year 6 Sydney and Canberra                CANCELLED
                                                                    Year 6
Wellbeing                                                                  Alternate camps in Queensland are currently being
                                                                           planned for 2021. Further details will be
                                                                           communicated once these camps have been
                        Looking for some useful tools and
                        information around generalised anxiety
                                                                    Friday Night Touch Football
                        and depression? THIS WAY UP                 Good luck to our two Touch Football teams who compete at
                        provides research tested online             Cleveland each Friday night. GSS Magic and GSS Rebels are
                        treatment and prevention of anxiety and     both in semi finals this week and we wish them the best of luck!
                        depressive      disorders.    It   is   a
                        not-for-profit initiative of St Vincent’s   Year 6 Sailing Regattas
                        Hospital, Sydney and the Faculty of         Details are being finalised for the Year 6 Sailing Regattas in
                        Medicine at University of New South         Week 9. We will communicate this information as soon as
                        Wales.                                      possible. These events are sure to be a fantastic day for
THIS WAY UP programs are developed by the Clinical                  students to show off the sailing skills they have learned this
Research Unit of Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD). CRUfAD            year.
was founded in 1979 by Professor Gavin Andrews. It combines         Sport Aerobics
clinical and research expertise to deliver effective online
treatment programs for anxiety and depressive disorders.            11 Gumdale Sport Aerobics teams were invited to submit a
                                                                    video for the FISAF Online National event. Bright and early on
There are a variety of discrete, convenient and effective courses   a Monday morning, over 60 Gumdale students were dressed
available from Social Anxiety to Managing Insomnia. Courses         and ready to compete in a very different way. GSS Aerobics
are free, all you need to do is sign up. Click the link below for   routines were filmed to submit for live stream judging against
more information.                                                   NSW aerobics athletes. The students were extremely excited                                           for the opportunity to showcase just how hard they have been
                                                                    working since February. Congratulations to all the teams! The
                                                                    results are below:

Sport News                                                          GSS Ignite                      1st Place Primary Small Teams
                                                                    GSS Radiance                    3rd Place Primary Small Teams

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
GSS Ultimate Ninjas         1st Place Primary Boys         * Please note full formal school uniform with white socks and
GSS Mini Ninjas             2nd Place Primary Boys         black shoes is required for ALL performances.
GSS Believers               1st Place Primary Advanced
                            Year 3-4
GSS Glow                    2nd Place Primary Advanced                            Cultural Photos
                            Year 3-4                                    Friday 13 November, before school
GSS Illuminate              2nd Place Primary Advanced
                            Year 5-6
GSS Unbreakable             2nd Place Primary Large        Music Rehearsals & BBQ Breakfast Break Up
                                                           All music rehearsals continue this term and will run until Week
GSS Fireball                3rd Place Primary Large
                                                           8. To celebrate the achievements of all our music students and
                                                           their commitment to music during a difficult year, we will be
GSS Jump                    3rd Place Primary Fitness      hosting a BBQ Breakfast Break Up for all students in Band,
GSS Racing                  4th Place Primary Fitness      Choir, Xylophone Group and Piano lessons. This will be held
                                                           before school on Tuesday 1 December, please save the date.

                                                           Year 1 Singing Club
                                                           Our wonderful Year 1 singers have joined together for their
                                                           first two weeks of Singing Club. It is wonderful to see their
                                                           excitement each week and they are making a beautiful sound
                                                           as a choir. Keep up the great work!

Keep moving!

                     PE Teachers
   James Doherty     Carla Spratt     Lucy Goddard

                                                           Vocal Pop-Up Concerts
Music Notes                                                Vocal Pop-Up concerts will be happening in Week 9 of this
                                                           term. Interested students will need to have 1-2 polished pieces
                                                           ready to perform with their own backing accompaniment. They
                                                           may perform either as soloists or in a small group.

                                                           Senior Band Performance

                                                           Congratulations to Mr Cosic and the members of the Senior
                                                           Band for their entertaining performance this week on
Upcoming Events                                            assembly. If you would like to view the performance, please
                                                           click on the link below.
Intermediate      Band      Assembly Monday 2 November
Performance                                                o=1&rel=0
Band/choir photos                    Friday 13 November
Xylophone Lunchtime Concert          Thursday         19            Intermediate Band Assembly Performance
                                     November              Date               Monday 2 November
Final rehearsals and instrumental Week         8   (week   Set Up Time        1:30pm
lessons                              beginning        23
                                                           Performance Time 2:00pm
                                                           Venue              Hollis Hall
BBQ Breakfast Break up               Tuesday 1 December
                                                           Uniform            Full formal uniform with black shoes and
Vocal Pop Up Concerts                Lunchtimes Week 9
                                                                              white socks

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
Xylophone Concert

                             Miss     Moran    and    the
                             Xylophone      Group     are
                             currently preparing for their
                             lunchtime concert to be held
                             on Thursday 19 November.
                             Be sure to maximise your
                             rehearsals this term by
coming on time each week and we can’t wait to hear your
music in Week 7.
                                                                       Kitchen Garden
From the Music Department,
                                                             Much needed rain has fallen on our garden beds and our
                                                             crops are growing beautifully ready for our end of year Harvest
                             Music Teachers                  Afternoon Tea. Alex W and Harrison P have done a brilliant job
   Lauren Slater    Michelle Moran      John Cosic    Angus creating
                                                             Charlton our newest addition – a scarecrow. As many of our
                    Music Teacher      Instrumental          Club members have swimming on a Monday and to prepare for
                                         Teacher             our end of year Afternoon Tea Kitchen Garden Club will now run
                                                             on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at first play.

Year 6 STEM
The Year 6 students are to be congratulated on their wonderful                                     STEM Teachers
Science Fair Investigations. They did a fantastic job scientifically   Amanda Sheppard     Cheryl Harvey      Jemima Findlay Belind
testing a topic of their choice and presenting their findings at           Year 4 & 5        Year 1 & 2           Year 3          Y
their Class Science Fairs this term.                                                              bxthu1
o=1&rel=0                                                              Digital Tech News
                                                                       Apple Innovation Project
l=0                                                                    This year, Gumdale SS was one of three schools in Queensland
                                                                       to be part of the Inspire Innovation project by Apple. Five                      teachers were selected to participate in this program and meet
o=1&rel=0                                                              fortnightly with an Apple Learning Specialist. During these
Sustainability @ Gumdale                                               sessions, the teachers set professional learning goals on using
                                                                       technology effectively in the classroom. Each fortnight, we will
Our Sustainability Superheroes over the last fortnight were 6L         showcase the teacher’s work from the project.
and 1K. Sustainability Steve had a great time in your
classrooms!                                                            Ms McAuliffe, 4R’s classroom teacher, looked at using apps to
                                                                       scaffold and enhance student learning experiences.
                                                                       Students used the app Keynote as a digital scaffold. Students
                                                                       had to locate items around the school that demonstrated
                                                                       different angles and shapes. This was an engaging, hands on
                                                                       experience linked to the real world.

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
iPad Air 2      YES            NO           We recommend
                                                                                                                that all devices
                                                                                                                have a minimum
                                                                    iPad 5th        YES            NO           storage capacity of
                                                                    Generation                                  64GB.
                                                                                                                Please note if
Students used the app Keynote to use an image of an                                                             buying a brand
                                                                    iPad 6th        YES            NO
Australian feature to create a ‘peep-hole’ Who Am I type                                                        new iPad ––the
animation. This included green-screening, the use of instant                                                    optimum model is
alpha and exporting to iMovie to add audio to the Keynote                                                       an iPad (7) 64GB
animation.                                                                                                      or 128 GB device.
                                                                    iPad 7th        YES            NO                   Generation
o=1&rel=0                                                           (2019)
o=1&rel=0                                                           iPad 8th        YES            NO
Students used the app AR Makr to create augmented reality
videos to support their animal reports.
o=1&rel=0                   Student Council 2020
o=1&rel=0                                                           RSPCA Day for All Creatures Great and Small

iPad Program 2021                                                   On Friday 23 October Gumdale went wild! Plenty of creativity
                                                                    and thought went into Student Council's fundraising event
In 2021, all students in Year 1-6 will need access to an Apple      called 'All Creatures Great and Small'. We are very happy to
iPad as part of the Gumdale BYO iPad program. Preps will            report that a total of $1084.05 was donated to the RSPCA!
join the program in Semester 2, 2021. We encourage parents
                                                                    Thank you to the whole school community who once again got
to purchase iPad with a minimum storage capacity of 64GB.
                                                                    behind the Student Council.
Purchase of this storage size ensures that the life of the device
will endure for three years or more. Please use the table below
to help guide your purchase.

Device Name Wi-Fi Model           Cellular   Storage Sizes
                                  (3G) Model

iPad 1st, 2nd,   NO               NO         NA                     Bread Tag Collection
3rd or 4th       (These models
Generation       no longer take                                                                       Would you like to make a
iPad Mini 4’s    iOS updates                                                                          difference in a very easy
                 or are not                                                                           way? Student Council is
iPad Air         compatible                                                                           collecting bread tags!
                 with our
                                                                                                      This great initiative has been
                                                                                                      presented by a student and
                                                                    warmly welcomed by all members of the student council. The
                                                                    bread tags will be recycled by a company to make products to
                                                                    be sold. The profits from these sales are then donated to a
                                                                    company that manufactures wheelchairs for people with
                                                                    disabilities in South Africa.
                                                                    Each class has a container to collect the tags, so let's get
                                                                    If you would like more information please visit the Oz Bread
                                                                    Tags for Wheelchairs website.

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
                                                                    P&C News
Community Business
Gumdale State School is pleased to have the support of
businesses in our local and nearby community by way of
sponsorship. Each year, our school resources are enriched
courtesy of members in our Community Business Network.
More details regarding our program and the packages
available can be found on our school website or by contacting
Marissa Bowen, Executive Assistant.
Phone: 3902 8333 Mail:                            End of year meeting               The final P&C Meeting for 2020 will be held on Tuesday 8
community_business_network.pdf                                      December, with the venue to be announced closer to the date.
Platinum Sponsor                                                    We welcome all parents to attend and celebrate with us the end
                                                                    of 2020.

Todd Gerhardt Realty goes above and
beyond for his clients. Todd has broken                             Fundraising
countless street records, priding himself
                                                                    Unfortunately, we have cancelled the
on getting the best possible price for his
                                                                    Election Day BBQ due to regulations
vendors. Todd Gerhardt is considered a
                                                                    surrounding COVID-19. However, we will
real sellers agent, but he is equally
                                                                    be holding a COVID safe wine fundraiser
devoted to his buyers and he knows how
                                                                    in Term 1, 2021. Watch out for more
to close the deal leaving both parties
                                                                    information coming soon!
more than satisfied (which in today's
market cannot always be the case).                                  We thank the Gumdale community for
                                                                    your continued support.
Todd leaves no stone unturned in the search for the right buyer
for your home. It is Todd's mission to offer the best real estate   Fundraising Programs
experience you can get. Call Todd on 0419 941 315.
                                                                    A reminder to support the following organisations if the need
                                                                    arises for their goods and services. For every purchase made,
                                                                    they kindly give back to our school.
                                                                    2019_fundraising_programs.pdf                                Aaron Beake
                                                                    P&C President
Gold Sponsor
                                                                              Gumdale State School P&C Association
                                                                         Contact us
Alpha Home Maintenance is a
                                                                         Facebook          Gumdale State School Parents &
handyman service designed
to save time, money and
energy for all your property
maintenance needs and those general repairs around the
home. We provide a free consultation prior to any job so we can
work together on an option that will ensure you choose the
                                                                    Gumtree Eatery
service that is right for you. We strive to work hard and deliver
outstanding results and exceptional customer service every
time. Call us today on 0400 823 868.
                                                                                          Tuckshop Service
                                                                                  Monday – Tuesday first break only

From the Principal - Gumdale State School
2021 Senior Shirts
               Wednesday – Friday both breaks                        Orders have now closed for the 2021 Senior Shirts. These are a
                                                                     pre-ordered item and expected delivery date is Week 10, Term
                                                                     4. If you have missed out on ordering or would like to purchase
The Gumtree Eatery is offering Spring Specials every                 another one, orders will reopen mid January for delivery by
Wednesday, watch for details on the P&C Facebook page. All           Term 2.
meals and specials are available to order on Flexischools.
                                                                     Uniform clearance
Thank you again to our wonderfull volunteers, Year 3 uber
drivers and Year 6 students who help each week. Your                 Our remaining stock of size 14 to 18 dropped waist dresses
contribution makes a real difference to the running of the           have been marked down to $10.00. We have also reduced the
tuckshop.                                                            remaining stock of GSS swimwear to clear. Please contact the
                                                                     Uniform Shop prior to ordering to check availability. Swimwear
We are putting the call out for a couple of new volunteers who       can be found on Flexischools.
have the capacity to assist us on Mondays and Tuesdays. If
you are interested in helping out, please get in touch with us via   Lost Property & Labels
                                                                     Please remember to clearly label your child’s items with FIRST
Carol Matheson & Catherine Cook                                      AND LAST name. Items cannot be returned to children if they
                                                                     are not labelled correctly.
Gumtree Eatery Tuckshop Convenors
                                                                     GSS P&C have Fundraising Programs with the following label
                  Gumtree Eatery Tuckshop                            suppliers to help you with labelling items:
           Email                Bright Star Kids (choose GSS in Fundraising drop down list)
        Order online          OzLabels (Fundraising Code FRS1366)
                                                                     That’s Mine Labels (choose GSS in Fundraising drop down list)

Uniform Shop                                                         Flexischools

                                                                     In line with current guidelines
Prep Packs                                                           all uniform purchases are via
                                                                     Flexischools              only.
                                                                     Flexischools orders will be
Prep Pack are now available to
                                                                     delivered      to     teachers’
pre-order on Flexischools. To register
                                                                     pigeonholes and then delivered to classrooms. Any incorrect
your NEW Prep Student for 2021
                                                                     sizes can be exchanged by emailing the Uniform Shop staff at
please choose 'New Student' and
then 'PREP 2021'. Alternatively if you
have a child currently at GSS you can                                More information
order Uniforms in their name and
                                                                     All Uniform Orders are delivered to teachers' pigeonholes,
order will be sent to their classroom.
                                                                     ready for collection by teachers and then delivered to
GSS Prep Hats which include your 'House' name and colour             classrooms. If you have not yet received your order please
will be allocated at the time you collect your pre-paid pack.        check with your child’s teacher first. Any further queries can
                                                                     then be sent to our Uniform Shop staff. Our updated price list,
Prep Packs and new students' orders can be collected on the
                                                                     a size chart, the GSS Uniform Policy and our Refund/Return
following days, please disregard the date that is automatically
                                                                     Policy can be found on the school website.
generated on your Flexischools invoice:
     • Friday 30 October from 4:00pm to 6:00pm             

     • Saturday 14 November from 8:00am to 10:00am                   Michelle Moffatt
     • Tuesday 24 November from 9:30am to 11:00am                    Uniform Shop Manager
     • Monday 18 January from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
     • Thursday 21 January from 8:00am to 11:00am
Uniform fitting times are available by appointment only here                 Order online
for Prep 2021 families.. Uniform Shop staff will have uniforms
available to view along with tape measures and size charts for
reference. Change rooms will not be available.
For your convenience, the size chart is available to view on the
school website here.

2020 Bonner Christmas Card Competition
Gumdale Outside School                                                The 2020 Bonner Christmas Card Competition is now open!
Hours Care                                                            2020 has been a year unlike any other and Covid-19 has
                                                                      been the catalyst for so many family and school events to be
                                                                      celebrated in different and unique ways. Christmas this year will
                                                                      be one of those celebrations and will most likely be celebrated
                                                                      at home in our local communities.
                                                                      This year’s theme for the Bonner Christmas Card Competition
                                                                      will be “Christmas at Home”. The winning entry will be on
                                                                      the front cover of Ross Vasta's 2020 Christmas Card that is
                                                                      distributed to over 60,000 households in Bonner and also to his
                                                                      parliamentarian colleagues across Australia. That means that
                                                                      even the Prime Minister will see your artwork! Ross is also
                                                                      including a school holiday activities pack to the value of $100
                                                                      sourced from local small businesses in Bonner.

GOSHC Enrolments for 2021                                             All entries must be in before C.O.B Friday 6 November 2020.
                                                                      Entries can either be posted to Ross Vasta's office- 69 Clara
If you would like to enrol your child/ren into GOSHC for 2021,        Street, Wynnum 4178 or scanned and emailed to-
you can do so at any time via the Gumdale School website. You
will find us under Facilities – Outside School Hours Care. Scroll
down to the My Family Lounge register section to sign up and
complete our online enrolment form.                                   vastar_drawing_competition_entry_form_2020.pdf

Our fees and parent handbook are also available on this
To   make   a   permanent            booking,     please     email
To make a casual booking, please download the My Family
Lounge app to place your booking.

Vacation Care
Our program and bookings will open on 2 November 2020.
Enrolled families will be notified via email. We are operating from
10 December to 22 January 2021, exclusive of our Christmas
closure dates below.

Closed for Christmas!
Our Christmas closure dates are 19 December to 3 January
2021 inclusive.

                        Gumdale OSHC
 Coordinator: Gillian Fawdray                Email:
  Educational Leader: Jodie        Phone: 3890 2539 or 0498
         Berderow                           016 918
                      Enrol via our website

Community Notices
Crime Prevention Corner
Information from Policelink. This week's topic is 'Don’t Gift Your
Keys to Thieves'.

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