Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association

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Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association
                           OTTIS GIBSON AT YORKSHIRE
                             CRICKET’S 12-POINT PLAN
                         DOMESTIC STRUCTURE REVIEW
Issue no.30


Future s             '

                                   A Fairer
                                    NEW PCA MEMBER ADVANCES
Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association
Love Beer With
Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association

Beyond the Boundaries is published by
the Professional Cricketers’ Association,
however the views expressed in
contributed articles are not necessarily
those of the PCA, its members, officers,
employees or group companies.



                                                         Changing The Outlook

                                                             PCA Chief Executive Rob Lynch offers a
ALI PROSSER                                             forward-looking take on the role of the Association.


                                            After a turbulent two years, we felt it was       Diversity and Inclusion, the latter being a new
ERIN CALDWELL                               important for Issue 30 of Beyond the              role for the PCA. These positions will further
SOPHIE CONNOR                               Boundaries to look to the future and create a     strengthen the leadership team at the
                                            sense of optimism that we are longing for as      Association and bring expertise in two areas
VICKY ELWICK                                our game continues to evolve.                     that are crucial to the development and
TOM JONES                                      Over the winter, we were thankful to have      growth of the PCA.
                                            returned to face-to-face meetings with our           Your membership magazine has an in-depth
THEO MACDONALD                              members; including the Player Summit, AGM         look into the EDI work we are focusing on in
ARIANA MARRIN-CLEAL                         and pre-season visits, and the engagement and     2022 which includes our appearance at
                                            interest from players has been very impressive.   Westminster in February in front of the
KENNETH SHENTON                             The communication streams have been one of        Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select
IAN THOMAS                                  the huge positives over the past two years and    Committee. Page 42 looks at this work, with
                                            for the player voice to retain its importance     thoughts from your impressive Vice Chair
                                            within the game, it needs to continue.            Anuj Dal, as we work together as a game to
PHOTOGRAPHY                                    A long period of uncertainty has not           ensure cricket is a sport for all.
                                            lent itself to forward planning, with                We also provide an update on our ‘A Fairer
PORTRAITCOLLECTIVE                          constant challenges on an unprecedented           Future’ white paper which details the
                                            level as we worked our way through                progressive strides being taken to create
                                            Covid and importantly our response to             greater equity within the professional women’s
                                            the topic of equality and inclusion in the        environments on page 48.
                                            professional game.                                   Finally, our cover looks ahead to three of the
                                               The PCA has been a leading voice in many       brightest talents in the men’s game with the trio
                                            conversations in these areas, and now we have     providing some confidence that the future is
                                            time to take a step back and plan strategically   bright thanks to England’s progress in the U19
                                            with space to build on the foundations that       World Cup. The feature starts on page 34.
                                            have been laid over recent times.                    Enjoy your magazine,
                                               As this magazine goes to print we are
                                            currently recruiting for a Director of                              ROB LYNCH
                                            Commercial and a Director of Equality,                         PCA Chief Executive

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Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association

          Opening Up                                    On The Cover
          ––                                            ––
          P07      FROM THE CHAIR                       P34   DIGGING THE NEW BREED
                   Glamorgan all-rounder James Harris         Three young stars to keep
                                                              tabs on this summer
          P09      AN OVER AT…
                   Middlesex, Hampshire &               P38   PRIDE OF YORKSHIRE
                   England’s Norman Cowans                    Andy Afford speaks to new
                                                              White Rose head coach,
          P12      BETWEEN US…                                Ottis Gibson
                   Rosalie Fairbairn speaks
                   to her younger self                  P48   ON THE UP
                                                              The PCA’s role in improving
          P16      WORLD CUP WARRIORS                         contracts for women cricketers
                   The England U19s from 1998

Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association

Features                                Education & Wellbeing
––                                      ––
P31   STOCK TAKEN                       P58   MEET THE REP
      County game under review                Sussex’s Ali Orr

P42   A SPORT FOR ALL                   P64   OBITUARIES
      Placing equality, diversity and         Remembering those
      inclusion at the game’s centre          that went before

P51   SHAPING YOUNG MINDS               P70   MY PASSION
      Rookie Camp 2022                        Bess Heath’s love of her ‘Landy’

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Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association
James Harris

                                                   Better By Design
                                       The PCA Chair on the prospect of an exciting summer.

For the first time in three years, we head into the     we are very proud to have
domestic season with the prospect of capacity           doubled women’s players’
crowds from ball one. If that’s not something to        salaries for the second edition of
get excited about, then I don’t know what is.           the tournament in 2022.
   Halfway through my two-year term as PCA                 A compelling international
Chair, the future is looking very bright. I certainly   summer also awaits, as the
think the PCA is in the best shape it has been          England men’s side await visits
since I took on the role. In fact, I would go as far    from New Zealand, India and
to say that the service offered by the PCA in 2022      South Africa on top of their
is the best it has been since I turned professional     historic visit to the Netherlands,
over 15 years ago.                                      whilst England Women look
   A lot of this is down to the input of the PCA        forward to bilateral series
Players’ Committee, and one of the highlights of        against South Africa and India.
my winter was gathering the views of the players           There’s no doubt that
at both the PCA Summit and the AGM, both of             professional cricket has faced
which were my first as Chair of the organisation.       two years of significant
   We had some really productive conversations          challenges, and I would urge all
on crucial topics including equality, diversity and     PCA members to recognise the importance of the            We are very proud to
inclusion, the implementation of the Futures Fund       work that we are doing on behalf of players and           have doubled women’s
and the structure of domestic cricket in England        to engage with their Players’ Committee                   players’ salaries for
and Wales. The players have certainly led the way       representatives. The health of our game depends    the second edition of the
on the latter, and I know there’s a lot of excitement   on your support.                                   tournament in 2022.
around the return to a two-division County                 All the very best for this season and beyond.   James Harris, PCA Chair
Championship structure, starting this season.              Best wishes,
   This is just one aspect of what looks to be a
very exciting summer. We are also looking to                            JAMES HARRIS
build on the early success of The Hundred, and                            PCA Chair

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Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association
Opening Up

Former Gloucestershire man Ian Crawford received
a shock of the very best kind when recognised in
the Queen’s New Years Honours List 2021. Making
seven professional appearances for the Bristol-based
club, Crawford has since spent 34 years in youth
cricket development in
                                                       Lord’s – Business As Usual
his area. “I was                                       The PCA’s commercial events calendar kicked off with our annual Business
completely shocked                                     Seminar at Lord’s in early March. Former Northamptonshire, Leicestershire,
to hear the news,”                                     Gloucestershire & England spinner Jeremy Snape was the event host. The founder
said Crawford, “but                                    of Sporting Edge high performance consultancy hosted a one-hour discussion
it was such a great                                    on resilience, featuring former England stars Ian Bell and Jade Dernbach. The
honour and I was                                       event described the process of bridging the gap between professional cricket
just gobsmacked.”                                      and business, five-time Ashes winner Bell said, “Speaking to people from many
He received a British                                  different backgrounds and businesses is so beneficial for a former player like
Empire Medal for his                                   myself when coming out of the game.”
services to sport and                                  ––
the community.                                         Enquire about commercial opportunities at thepca.co.uk/partners

FICA Finding
Focus Further
2022 is another significant year in the
global cricket calendar. The Federation
of International Cricketers’ Associations                                                           Tom Moffat,
(FICA) will continue to support players’                                                            FICA CEO
associations with their forthcoming
collective negotiations, to ensure that more
players are represented in more countries.
   Issues currently on FICA’s radar include
licensed products and NFTs at ICC events,
the FICA Global Player Commercial
Programme, human rights and
discrimination in FICA member countries,
and ICC regulations on sanctioned cricket
and player release.
More information at thefica.com

Future's Bright - Plus - A Fairer Outlook - Professional Cricketers' Association
An Over At...

AN OVER AT...                                                    Playing for

                                                                  The Ashes was tough,
                                                                  a baptism of fire. The

                                                                  players didn’t have the
                                                         same support as today. Every
                                                         tour with England, I always
                                                         felt I did very well. I was
60, former Middlesex, Hampshire                          surprised when my career was
& England fast bowler.                                   cut short, but I can hold my
                                                         head up high. I bowled my
                                                         heart out on the India tour of
                You had to push to                       1984-85, that was my most
                play cricket…                            satisfying series.
                In England my school didn’t play
                cricket. One day, I saw some old
                cricket equipment and ran up to
                the sports teacher to ask if we
could play. After some persuading, he
agreed. We started practising and two
years later we were in the final of the
Harrow schools competition.                                          Proudest
                                                                     in cricket?
            Your greatest                                              Two stand out.
            cricketing                                                 My first Test
            inspiration?                                               wicket was Greg
             In 1976, when the                     Chappell, and Ian Botham ran over
West Indies came over, this                        to tell me that Chappell was also his
young bowler was getting lots of                   first. Rajesh Maru, who had helped
wickets. I thought, ‘wow, this                     me at Middlesex, took the catch for
guy is young and so quick’. His                    my first first-class wicket. No-one
name was Michael Holding, and                      can take that moment away.
I told myself that if he could do
it, then so could I.

                 Starting with
                 At 14, I was playing                       Helping the next
                 club cricket. A lot of                     generation…
                 my colleagues had                          I’ve been working with
                 the Middlesex Colt                         Middlesex to make cricket
badge, including Rajesh Maru who                            more inclusive. Good
played with me and brought me                               youngsters are missing out
with him to county nets. At the                             because the pathway to
end of my first session, I was part                         professional cricket isn’t
of the Middlesex Colts setup.                               always clear. I want to give
                                                            something back to the
                                                            community and cricket.

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Opening Up

‘Joe’ For
England’s Georgia Elwiss
has been keeping one eye
on life after cricket through
her love for coffee. Having
developed a passion for ‘the                                                            Player Support
good stuff’ during her time
in Melbourne, Elwiss came
                                                                                        for Imran
up with the idea of starting                                                            Injury forced the retirement of Imran Qayyum
her own shop. Over the last                                                             at the age of 27. But due to his commitment
12 months, the 30-year-                                                                 to personal development over the years the
old has been gaining                                                                    slow left-armer was able transition into his
experience working in                                                                   second career almost immediately. Accessing
coffee shops whilst studying                                                            the powerful PCA alumni network, the now
the legal side of running a                                                             28-year-old contacted PCA member David
small business. That’s as                                                               Wigley, which led to the former Kent player
well as undergoing barista,                                                             taking up a role at insurance company Marsh,
management and food                                                                     where he is currently learning his trade in the
hygiene training.                                                                       financial services world.

Balls To The Wall                                                                       One Man
The PCA has been working with               Oddballs’ products, where some even
                                                                                        Went To
Oddballs to raise awareness of testicular   braved the cold to model them.
cancer. The underwear brand attended        ––
a number of the PCA’s pre-season            To find out more about Oddballs, follow
meetings with professional squads to        @myoddballs or visit myoddballs.com.        Gloucestershire’s Josh Shaw
promote regular health check-ups.           More information on the early signs of      has found a new passion for
Players also received free samples of       testicular cancer can be found at nhs.uk.   groundskeeping after getting his
                                                                                        hands dirty last summer. “I love being
                                                                                        outside and I’m genuinely interested
                                                                                        in understanding what goes into
                                                                                        making sport grounds look like they
                                                                                        do,” said the 26-year-old seamer. “I
                                                                                        took up an opportunity whilst being
                                                                                        injured to have a go and I’ve loved it.”
                                                                                           Shaw hasn’t completely thrown in
                                                                                        his lot as a groundsman, but remains
                                                                                        happy to get on the mower wind, rain
                                                                                        or shine. “At the minute this is just
                                                                                        something to get me out of the house
                                                                                        and away from the golf course, but it
                                                                                        could be something I look at for life
                                                                                        after cricket for sure.”

Opening Up

What I Did This Winter

     Dani Gregory
     Since signing my first
     professional contract with
     South East Stars in October
     2021, I’ve been juggling

                                                                        Fi Morris                              James Hayes
     squad training with my
     Masters qualification in
     Performance Analysis and a
                                                                        WESTERN STORM                          NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
     placement within the analysis
                                                                        Having signed a first pro cricket      I spent a few days across a
     department at Surrey.
                                                                        contract I have also continued         four-week period working
     Planning each week has been
                                                                        to work as a Sports Therapist,         with Wiseman Lighting. It
     tricky, but I have got into a
                                                                        formulating a plan to link my          involved tasks such as forming
     routine that has allowed me
                                                                        cricket and physiotherapy in the       spreadsheets and contacting
     to share a dual focus between
                                                                        form of a throwing clinic. I hope to   sports clubs to discuss their
     studies and cricket.
                                                                        help those with throwing-related       needs. I felt a keen interest in
                                                                        injuries to not only return to the     business - especially around
                                                                        game, but also to reconstruct their    sport - and this has helped
                                                                        techniques. The plan is to build on    further my understanding of
                                                                        this throughout the summer.            the industry and its demands.

 Ollie Sale
                                     Toby Pettman
                                                                        Tymal Mills
                                                                                                               Will Davis
 After an injury-disrupted           I’ve been doing an online          Myself and my business                 I have thrown myself into some
 2021, I spent the off-season        accountancy course, learning       partner, Shahbaz Choudhry,             graphic design work around my
 working in the City of London.      to put together and interpret      took our company, Pace                 passion of football. I took a free
 I completed my Investment           financial statements for           Journal, from online to ‘real          online course during lockdown and
 Management Certificate,             businesses. The ability to         life’ with our first ever Pace         then off the back of it decided to
 spending time in the financial      understand the financial           Clinic. To sell out the day - and      teach myself how to use Illustrator,
 services. This helped clarify       fundamentals of any business       at the first time of asking - was      Photoshop and Procreate from
 where I potentially might want      will be helpful for almost any     great. It saw participants cycle       YouTube videos. I’m building a
 to go, before I landed a job with   career I choose to pursue after    through four 90-minute fast            portfolio and have even sold some
 a venture capitalist company,       cricket. It’s a good way to keep   bowling skill stations. We look        of my designs around Coventry City
 where I took on a B2B role,         the brain ticking over and I       forward to putting on similar          FC players and shirts. I’d love to
 gaining sales experience.           really enjoy having something      events in the future.                  gain some formal work experience
                                     completely different to focus on                                          and some professional design
                                     away from the cricket pitch.                                              qualifications.

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Opening Up

  If I Knew                                 Investing
                                            time in
  Then...                                   understanding
                                            yourself is
   Former Sussex and
   England player Rosalie                   never wasted.
   Fairbairn lets her younger
   self in on a few secrets.
                                            Knowing who
                                            you are as
                                            a person is
           Enjoy the moments more.          important.
           It isn’t forever.

           If help of any description
           is available, take it.
           Recognising that you             Be coachable. Not a
           need help to succeed             pushover, but coachable.
           is the biggest step in
           improving things. I don’t
           think I did at times.
                                            I could have been nicer -
                                            well, kinder - is probably
           Being a bit of a perfectionist   nearer the mark.
           doesn’t make being
           successful any easier. I
           can see a lot of me in my
           six-year-old - he wants to       I don’t think I was awful
           be perfect at everything he      to play against, but I
           tries, and straight away.        might well have been a
                                            tougher opponent than
                                            was necessary.
           Spending time focussed
           on the technical side of the
           game is the easy part.

   Celebrating a half-century.
   England v South Africa at
   Taunton, August 20, 2003.

Opening Up

                                                            Barber Hits
                                                            The Lab
Say Hello                                                   Former Nottinghamshire man
                                                            Tom Barber has been working
The PCA has welcomed two new members of executive           at Nottingham Trent University
staff. Jas Singh joins us from Sunderland AFC’s             as a Lab Technician, gaining
Foundation of Light to become our new Personal              valuable experience of professional
Development Manager for the northern region.                laboratories, alongside academics
Jas will work with players at Durham, Lancashire,           and research teams. Barber’s lab
Northern Diamonds and Yorkshire, drawing on his             sessions have included working
experience as a Secondary Education Co-Ordinator at         with cancer cells, including the
the Foundation of Light. In role to enable players to       effectiveness of hydrogels in
reach their full potential both on and off the pitch, Jas   the transport of drugs to aid
spoke of “relishing the opportunity to move into the        treatment, extracting DNA using
elite environment” upon joining the PCA in February.        electrophoresis and mechanical
   Meanwhile, Tim Fenney joins the PCA’s                    engineering of Bio Materials.
communications team as our Video and Content                Barber hopes to forge a future
Executive, showcasing the Association’s services on         career in research, particularly
digital platforms. You can find contact details for both    at the cutting edge of advances
Jas and Tim on p60.                                         in Physics.

Taking Over
In America
World Cup winner Liam Plunkett has joined
the team at US Sports Travel, a company that
offers unique elite sports-related trips to
the USA. Plunkett, now based full-time just
north of Philadelphia, acts as the ‘man on the
ground’ whilst also getting involved hosting
and being around trips. A PCA commercial
partner, the company plans to utilise the
seam-bowling all-rounder’s contacts and
reputation to open doors to new products and
markets. “To be part of such a brilliant concept
is fantastic and I’m thrilled to be working with
the US Sports Travel team on a number of
different projects,” offered Plunkett.
Find out how you can benefit from the PCA
and US Sports Travel’s partnership by
contacting James Ellwood on

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Opening Up

A Bit Of Give
And Take At
Trent Bridge
The PCA ran an introduction to
Negotiations Skills session with
The Negotiation Club (TNC) at Trent
Bridge, as part of the PCA’s Personal
Development and Welfare Programme.
Eighteen professionals attended,
learning a life skill that is relevant both
on and off the field of play. Luke Fletcher
described the process of picking up
‘tricks and skills for the future’, whilst
Lyndon James praised the interactive
nature of the exercises, seeing players
‘up, about and engaged’ throughout.
More on the Personal Development
and Welfare Programme at

                                                                   Book Release For Foster
                                                                   Patrick Foster described being “overwhelmed and humbled” by the
                                                                   response to his new book, Might Bite, which was released in February.
                                                                   Foster’s incredible story recounts his battle with a crippling gambling
                                                                   addiction, stemming from its beginnings when at university, to recovery
                                                                   with help from the Professional Cricketers’ Trust. Written with support
                                                                   from cricket journalist Will Macpherson and published by Bloomsbury,
                                                                   Might Bite is available online and from all major bookshops.

Back On Track
The PCA was delighted to return to in-person meetings
with members throughout the course of this winter to
discuss key issues currently facing the game, in order to
collectively represent the players’ voice at an executive level.
The Association was able to work closely with the players
in a face-to-face environment at events including the PCA
Summit, Annual General Meeting (AGM) and during pre-
season meetings with each of the professional squads.

A game of ups and downs.
Stu Whittingham in
                                                                                                 Guest Column
action for Sussex against
Nottinghamshire, Hove 2017.

                              Getting Your
                              Game In Order
                              Former Sussex and Gloucestershire seamer Stuart
                              Whittingham on making the right plan, ahead of time.

                                                    hilst still playing, I   when I left the game. Apart from the
                                                 suffered four stress        odd occasion, I have not needed it. But
                                                 fractures and one           it has allowed me to think about what
                              stress reaction in the space of two            I wanted to do next - rather than being
                              years. I was living in six-month cycles        forced into something to make ends
                              of getting injured, rehabilitation,            meet. It gave me the time to think
                              playing a couple of games and then             about my options.
                              getting injured again - it was brutal.            I started by doing an Investment
                                 It was frustrating because my               Management Certificate, but I wanted
                              bowling was starting to come together,         to help people and advise them rather
                              and then all of a sudden I was injured         than do analysis, I wanted a more
                              again, and I was forced to retire at 26.       client-facing role. So I did the Diploma
                                 Fast forward two years, and I am            in Regulated Financial Planning, which
                              working as an Associate Partner for St.        is what you need to be a financial
                              James's Place Wealth Management                advisor, finishing in July 2021.
                              whilst completing further studies. All            Whilst studying, I worked for St.
                              being well, in five weeks (at the time of      James's Place, an opportunity that arose
                              writing) I will be a fully qualified           through a club sponsor at
                              financial advisor. It would not have           Gloucestershire. I was in a back office
                              been possible without the support of           doing some administration and
                              the PCA, and more notably, the                 formulating recommendations for clients.
                              Futures Fund.                                     I want to have an impact on people's
                                 As professional cricketers, we are          lives, and provide some value to them
                              fortunate to have the PCA looking after        and help them plan for the future. After
                              our interests. In the last year of my          retiring early, I know more than anyone
                              contract, I realised there was a chance I      what it is like to have your plans
                              might not play again, and I started            thrown into turmoil, which is why I
                              looking to the future. Speaking to my          want to help others in my shoes.
                              Personal Development Manager,                  ––
                              Martin Cropper, he suggested looking             More information on the Futures
                              into financial services.                       Fund can be found at thepca.co.uk
                                 The Futures Fund reassured me I             or via your regional Personal
                              would have some financial security             Development Manager.

                                                              I know the importance of putting a plan in
                                                              place - it means when bad things happen,
                                                              it does not throw you off completely.

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Under-19s World Cup 1998

Where Are
They Now?
When winning
seemed oh so easy.
Triumph in South
Africa, but what
next for these
precocious youths?

             espite going all the way to the final
             this winter, 1998 remains the only
             time England has won the
             Under-19s World Cup. Back then,
             it was the mix of later-to-become
household names, and otherwise talented
colts, that did the business for Owais Shah’s
‘Young Cricketers’, as it was back then. It all
happened at The Wanderers in Johannesburg
on 1 February.

After scraping through the group stages on
‘goal difference’, England found themselves
facing New Zealand for the second time in
the competition, this time to see who would
win the whole shooting match. The kiwis
included in its line-up James Franklin, Kyle
Mills, Lou Vincent and the Marshall brothers,
James and Hamish, the New Zealanders
posting 241-6 in their 50 overs. England
replied by knocking the runs off with four
overs to spare; three wickets down.                  England Under-19
                                                     captain Owais Shah
A Player of the Match century (107) from             went on to amass 45
                                                     first-class hundreds
Stephen Peters anchored England’s chase, but         during a stellar career.
only after medium-pacer Giles Haywood had
taken 3-18 from his allocation of ten overs.

Under-19s World Cup 1998

                                                                                                     England found themselves
                                                                                                     facing New Zealand for the
                                                                                                     second time.
A county debut                                    GRAHAM NAPIER                                      squad for the T20 World Cup. Schofield
aged 17,                                          During his time with Essex, record-breaker         remains in cricket as a regular member of the
Nottinghamshire                                   Napier produced any number of memorable            Lashings All Stars and PCA England Legends.
all-rounder Franks                                moments to sit alongside his long-service
played the small                                  record. A bowler of wicket-taking spells           OWAIS SHAH (C)
matter of 449                                     (seven wickets in a 40-over game v Surrey,         One of England’s most prodigious young
all-format games for his home                     including a spell of four-in-four), and a smiter   talents, Owais Shah realised the small matter
county, plus a single ODI                         of sixes (16 of them in his 152 v Sussex (T20)     of 45 first-class hundreds in a near two-decade
(v West Indies at Trent Bridge)                   in 2008, and 16 more against Surrey in 2013’s      career that also included six Tests, 71 ODIs
in 2000. A second career                          County Championship), Colchester-born              and 17 IT20s. A much in-demand global
in coaching has taken the 43-year-old former      Napier’s latter career eclipsed the years of       short-form player, Shah enjoyed spells with
right-arm seamer and left-handed bat all          promise. Another one-club man - plus               Dhaka Gladiators, Cape Cobras, Delhi
around the world in franchise cricket, whilst     winters with Mumbai Indians and                    Daredevils, Hobart Hurricanes, Jamaica
remaining in post as number two to Peter          Wellington - Napier is now Director                Tallawahs, Kochi Tuskers Kerala, Kolkata
Moores at Notts.                                  of Cricket at Royal Hospital                        Knight Riders, Rajasthan Royals and
                                                  School in Ipswich.                                   Wellington. As well as domestic gigs with
GILES HAYWOOD                                                                                           Middlesex, Essex and Hampshire. Shah
A single first-class appearance (plus 19 List A   STEPHEN PETERS                                         continues to coach whilst building a career
games) for Sussex and Nottinghamshire,            The star of the final,                                 in property development.
speaks of limited opportunities as much as        Peters played for Essex,
anything. A neat-and-tidy right-arm seamer        Worcestershire and                                 GRAEME SWANN
and equally neat-and-tidy left-hand bat,          Northamptonshire,                                  An undeniable England great, Swann’s gift
Haywood didn’t quite catch the eye as some        latterly with great                                was his ability to deliver under pressure, time
contemporaries might have. Haywood is a           success as a reliable                              and time again. Treading water at
director with Blizzard Property Consultants       opening bat. He                                    Northamptonshire, it was his move to
in East Sussex.                                   now works for                                      Nottinghamshire in 2005 that proved the
                                                  Insurance Brokers                                  catalyst for the ‘colourful and interesting’
ROB KEY                                           HW Wood.                                           off-spinner to mature into a Test-ready
A giant of county cricket, Key is now                                                                performer after missed opportunities when
arguably a bigger-still influence on the game     JONATHAN POWELL                                     much younger. 60 Tests later he retired a T20
as a straight-talking member of Sky Sports’       Playing nine all-format games for Essex,              World Cup and Ashes winner, and second
cricket coverage. His 221 v West Indies at        the Harold Wood-born off-spinner batter                on England’s all-time spin list behind the
Lord’s in 2004 proving a high water mark,         now lives and works in Sydney, New South               legendary Derek Underwood. With the
whilst 600 all-format games for Kent speaks       Wales as a director for iConstruct Building        commentary box an inevitability, he joined
of not only his influence, but his longevity.     Solutions, specialists in passive housing.         the Test Match Special team in 2014, leaving
                                                                                                     just enough down time for a spin round the
RICHARD LOGAN                                     CHRIS SCHOFIELD                                    dance floor as a 2018 contestant on Strictly
Staffordshire-born opening bowler Logan           Lancastrian ‘leggie’ Schofield, enjoyed two        Come Dancing, the BBC’s Saturday night
enjoyed stints with Northamptonshire,             spells in the county game. A first with his        ratings slayer.
Nottinghamshire, Hampshire and Surrey in          native county realising two Test appearances
what proved to be a 55-match first-class          against Zimbabwe, and a second with Surrey         NICK WILTON (+)
career, ending in 2006. Logan is currently        after a spell in the Minor Counties after doing    Seventeen first-class appearances realised a
Managing Director of the RCK Group,               well for Suffolk. A quirky left-handed bat, and    single fifty and 40 dismissals from the
working in the sports and entertainment           good in the field, such was his re-emergence       super-neat gloveman. Wilton was until 2020
industries.                                       that in 2007 he found his name in a 15-man         Head of Brand at Gray-Nicolls.

                                                                                                                                         THEPCA.CO.UK / 17
Opening Up

                                                                                                      The PCA
                                                                                                      Please support the work of the PCA by
                                                                                                      offering your thoughts on our services
                                                                                                      via our recently distributed past player
                                                                                                      survey. If you received information on
                                                                                                      the survey by email, please follow the
                                                                                                      instructions on the link to return your
                                                                                                      answers. Alternatively, we have posted the
                                                                                                      survey out with this edition of Beyond the
                                                                                                      Boundaries for those PCA members who
                                                                                                      are not on our email database. Simply fill
                                                                                                      out the form and return in the enclosed
                                                                                                      prepaid envelope.

                                                                                                      A NEW TOP TEN
                                                                                                      New squads for the eight women’s regional
                                                                                                      centres have been confirmed ahead of
                                                                                                      the 2022 season, as the PCA welcomed
                                                                                                      ten new members to the Association.
                                                                                                      Ami Campbell (Central Sparks), Bess
                                                                                                      Heath, Katie Levick, Sterre Kalis, Rachel
                                                                                                      Slater (all Northern Diamonds), Alice
                                                                                                      Capsey, Dani Gregory (both South East
                                                                                                      Stars), Charlie Dean (Southern Vipers),
                                                                                                      Grace Scrivens (Sunrisers) and Laura

Uplift For
                                                                                                      Jackson (Thunder) all signed their first
                                                                                                      professional contracts. The PCA now
                                                                                                      has 51 playing members at women’s

The Hundred
                                                                                                      domestic level to go alongside 17 centrally
                                                                                                      contracted England players.

                                                                                                      NETWORK OPPORTUNITIES
The men’s Hundred draft took place on     Hundred were also announced on 22         The Hundred.      The PCA is in the process of revamping
5 April, following the squad retention    February, and teams will be able to       Daylight at The   its Professional Cricketers in Business
                                                                                    Kia Oval. By
update in February, and teams will        fill the remaining spots in their squad   night at Trent    Network. The LinkedIn community is a
be able to complete their squads with     via an open market system, running        Bridge.           place where current and former players
Vitality Wildcard and Overseas Wildcard   until 30 June. The PCA is proud to                          can come together online to discuss their
picks in late June. Shortly afterwards,   have negotiated successfully on                             ventures outside of the game and learn
the main tournament gets underway         behalf of the players over the winter,                      more about what the PCA offers in this
when reigning champions Southern          achieving an uplift of over double                          space. Contact your regional Personal
Brave begin their title defense against   for the women’s player salaries for                         Development Manager to find out more
Welsh Fire on 3 August.                   the 2022 edition of the tournament,                         about the Professional Cricketers in
   Retentions for the women’s             beginning 11 August.                                        Business Network and to request to join.


The England Women’s Player Partnership
Management Board contains nine
individuals to progress the conditions of
all international players. Independent
Board member and marketing expert
Frazer Gibney discusses his role in
supporting England’s elite.

            he England Women’s Player               campaign and thought my experience                  ‘We Got Game’ is about more than just
            Partnership (EWPP) was created five     would be helpful.                                   performance, it is about inclusion and a sense
            years ago this summer and has           What is the campaign and what is the                of belonging, cricket truly is a game for all
            developed extensively in that period,   thought process?                                    women and girls.
supporting international athletes in representing   ‘We Got Game’ is born out of the ambition           How much influence have players
their contractual and commercial rights.            to inspire women and girls to see cricket as a      had in this instance?
  Frazer Gibney is the Founder and                  game for me. It is more than just a campaign        The players are front and centre of the ‘We
non-executive Chairman of FCB Inferno, one          though, it has its own Instagram channel, it’s      Got Game’ platform – it covers their
of London’s leading marketing and                   on the player shirt sleeves, it’s from elite to     individual characters and also celebrates the
advertisement agencies, they created Sport          grassroots. Its intention is to raise the profile   camaraderie of the game.
England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign.                 of elite players and inspire participation          How can players promote themselves
  He joined EWPP in a pro bono role at the          across the board.                                   and the game through this?
beginning of 2021 to help close the gender pay      How important is EWPP / the players                 EWPP has been investing directly with
gap bringing an outside perspective and his         in producing campaigns?                             players, training them on social media and
extensive commercial and marketing experience.      It is about the players rather than EWPP. This      helping prepare them and support them for
How did your involvement in the ECB                 campaign is an ECB initiative and we have           their involvement in this campaign. The
marketing campaign come about?                      been involved to help ensure the emphasis is        players decided to invest in themselves and
The ECB kindly involved EWPP and me                 on the players. ‘We Got Game’ takes its core        EWPP has facilitated social media
early in the process of developing a specific       insight from the players: ‘it takes a supportive    programmes and advice to encourage
campaign for Women and Girls. They were             and inclusive team to bring out your best as        personal growth.
aware of my agency and the ‘This Girl Can’          an individual’.

                                                                                                                                       THEPCA.CO.UK / 19

Sharing The
Limelight                                                                                      Making
                                                                                               Things Tick
Taking a look at the vital role the Team England Player
Partnership plays in the commercialisation of players’ rights.                                 PLAYER APPEARANCES

                                                                                               IN PRACTICE
             he commercial rights of the       and TEPP encourages the majority of
             England players are managed       appearances to feature three or more                PCA plays a key role
             by the Team England Player        players as this gives a truer representation        in facilitating over 100
             Partnership (TEPP) and the        of the team, giving partners greater            appearances by England Men’s
PCA, who have agreed a multi-year              freedom around how and where the output         players per year.
Commercial MOU agreement with the              can be used.
ECB to grant player rights for use by both         ECB commercial partners also have the             PCA works closely with
the ECB and their commercial partners.         exclusive right to use imagery of players in          the players to schedule
This allows them to use player imagery         an England capacity i.e. in England kit and     appearances around team and
and player appearances to promote the          clothing. TEPP and the PCA have approval        personal commitments, overseeing
game and activate their partnerships. TEPP     rights over all player imagery to ensure that   the briefing process and ensuring
and the PCA represent the players in           it is representative of the team and does not   all logistics are in place.
securing a fair share of sponsorship           imply that the commercial partner has an
income, as well as ensuring that individual    association with an individual player.               Players are requested for a
player rights are protected.                       The PCA’s role is to ensure that the             range of activities, frequently
   The investment from ECB’s commercial        players are represented collectively and that   taking part in PR appearances to
partners is vital to the success of the game   all appearances and image uses are              support partners’ cricket initiatives
and ECB have a range of partners. The          representative of the England team. On that     and filming sessions for branded
PCA, on behalf of TEPP, manage the             basis, we look to spread all commercial         social content, as well as media
delivery of all contracted England player      activity around as many members of the          engagements, virtual events and
rights to them.                                team as possible, on a rotational basis, with   photoshoots.
   Player appearances are a major element      no player taking undue prominence in any
of ECB commercial partners’ packages,          partnership campaign.

A Word From
The Manager
As the PCA England Legends look towards an action-
packed summer, the man at the helm, Team Manager
Stephen Newell, tells us what’s in store for 2022.

Tell us about your role with                      underestimate the value of the players being
the Legends?                                      back together in a dressing room environment
Since 2012 I have been the main contact for       – there’s a great energy and camaraderie.
host clubs. From the first phone call to the
event itself I guide them through the whole       What does 2022 have in store?                       Event Formats
process of staging a Legends game. We know        We’re looking forward to a full season of
it’s a big undertaking, so we try to offer as     around 15 fixtures, as last year was
much guidance as possible.                        significantly affected by uncertainty around        THREE OPTIONS TO
                                                  Covid. Being involved with a club myself, I         GET INVOLVED WITH
What do you do on matchday?                       know how much the pandemic has                      THE LEGENDS
I leave the cricket to the players – Alex Tudor   impacted the recreational game, so to help
                                                                                                         MATCH - includes junior
is in charge there! I make sure the players are   clubs raise lots of funds will be our main          coaching, a hospitality
in the right place at the right time, whether     priority as usual.                                  fundraising lunch, then a
that’s coaching, in the marquee, or getting                                                           showcase T20 or Hundred
                                                                                                      match against the Legends.
their pads on. Whilst I regularly play PA, taxi   A message for PCA members involved
driver and kit man, ultimately my main role is    in grassroots cricket?                                 TOURNAMENT - consists of
to ensure the players fulfil all their            Get in touch! We’ll talk through how it all works   four participating teams
                                                                                                      boosted by two Legends
responsibilities to the host clubs.               and there’s no obligation to sign up to anything.   players each side, playing two
                                                  These events continue to be hugely successful, so   semi-finals and a final.
What’s it like to work with the                   there’s a real opportunity for you to make a big
                                                                                                         VISIT - two Legends get
players?                                          impact in your own local community.                 involved in coaching, Q&As,
Whilst the likes of Adam Hollioake and            ––                                                  fundraising and a whole host of
Matthew Hoggard try to keep me on my toes,        More information on the PCA England                 other activities at your club.
it’s lots of fun! Seeing the reaction that the    Legends at thepca.co.uk/pca-england-legends
players get is really impactful. Also, we can’t   Get in touch at pcalegends@thepca.co.uk

                                                                                                                              THEPCA.CO.UK / 21
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Safe Travels
With All Sport
Specialist sports broker All Sport Insurance is aware of
the challenges faced when it comes to understanding and
purchasing car insurance as a professional cricketer. Here,
All Sport’s Amy Derham takes members through some of
the do’s and don’ts of insuring yourself on the road.

What if I don’t say I’m a                    Does my policy cover me to
professional cricketer on                    drive teammates?
my policy?                                   If you have correctly declared your
It is so important to declare your correct   occupation and included business
profession for your insurance to be valid    use on your policy then you will
in the event of a claim. Given the           have the necessary cover for both
high-profile nature of professional          you and your teammates when
cricket, information about sportsmen and     travelling for work.
sportswomen is readily available and
could invalidate your claim if found out.    Does my policy cover me to
                                             drive someone else’s car?
Should I disclose studying or a              Never assume that your policy
part-time job on my policy?                  automatically gives you third-party
The more information you can provide the     insurance to drive another car, even
insurer with the better, so you can have     if you have fully comprehensive
the confidence that you are fully covered.   cover. Always double check first.
That’s where using a specialist sports
broker can help.                             What if I keep my car at
                                             more than one address?
                                                                                                                        All Sport’s Amy
Do I need ‘business use’ on
                                                                                                               top left
                                             No amount of information is too                                   Derham speaks to emerging

my policy?                                   much for an insurance quote. If,                                  professionals at 2022 Rookie
                                                                                                               Camp. On completing the
If you drive to multiple locations for       for example, you keep your car at                                 2021 Headingley to Lord’s bike
                                                                                                               ride in aid of the Professional
games then you would require business        club accommodation during the                                     Cricketers’ Trust.

use on your policy. If you don’t declare     week and at home on the
that you use your car for business use       weekend, it is best to give the
and you are involved in an accident, for     insurer both addresses.                For more information contact Amy at
instance on the way to a game, your                                                 amy.derham@allsportinsurance.co.uk
policy may be invalidated.                                                          or on 01803 659121

                                                                                                                     THEPCA.CO.UK / 23
A Giant Of
                                                                        Our Game
                                                                        In November 2021, the cricket
                                                                        family sadly lost one of its
                                                                        most inspirational members.

                                                                                                   espite the illnesses that
                                                                                                   befell him during the last
                                                                                                   two decades of his life,
                                                                                                   Alan Igglesden was
                                                                                   known first and foremost for his big
                                                                                   heart, gentle nature and irresistible
                                                                                   sense of humour.
                                                                                      The giant former seamer endeared
                                                                                   himself to the Kent faithful both through
                                                                                   his magnetic personality off the pitch, as
                                                                                   well as his remarkable exploits on it.
                                                                                   ‘Iggy’ claimed 587 wickets across all
                                                                                   formats for the Canterbury-based side
                                                                                   during his 12 years with the club.
                                                                                      Following his passing, tributes for the
                                                                                   “inspirational”, “brave”, “one-in-a-
                                                                                   million” Igglesden poured in from his
                                                                                   former county, and respects were also
                                                                                   paid at international level, seeing
                                                                                   England sport black armbands during
                                                                                   their T20 World Cup fixture against
                                                                                   South Africa on 6 November, all in
                                                                                   memory of the man who made seven
                                                                                   appearances for his country.
                                                                                      A brilliant player no doubt, but the
                                                                                   fast-bowler’s impact on the cricket
                                                                                   community extended well beyond the
                                                                                   boundary rope.

Professional Cricketers’ Trust

   In bravely recounting his very           illustration of the incredible legacy that
personal story to the Professional          the family leaves behind for the charity.
Cricketers’ Trust in May 2021,                 On top of his involvement with the
Igglesden helped raise significant funds    Trust, the Kent and England man was
and awareness for the players’ charity      intent on helping those who have
as the universal support that poured in     suffered - or could suffer - from brain
from the cricket community                  tumours. A dedicated supporter and
transcended traditional club rivalries.     patron of the Brain Tumour Charity,
This was exemplified by a generous          Igglesden’s fundraising efforts helped to
donation from the Essex Cricket             raise over £300,000 for high-quality
Foundation in May 2021 which helped         research into brain tumours during his
to fund a scooter and stairlift, enabling   lifetime. Even in his last days he took
greater freedom of movement during          the time to appear via FaceTime at a
the final months of Igglesden’s life.       fundraising event for the two charities
   The scooter was put to particularly      that meant so much to him.
good use as he, his wife Liz and               We will never forget his contribution
daughter Beth provided one of the           to our charity, and to honour his
Trust’s most memorable moments of           memory we will be holding this year’s
2021 when completing the national 5k        Festival of Cricket on Friday 29 July in
May challenge on an “idyllic and            his name. ‘Iggy’ was an inspiration to
beautiful afternoon” alongside the          everyone involved with the Trust and
canal near the family home in Keighley,     his legacy will live on for a long time to
West Yorkshire. The family’s                come. May he rest in peace.
achievement was the highlight of a
fundraising campaign that raised over
£25,000 for the Trust, and that money       Find out more about Iggy’s
will go towards supporting PCA              inspirational story at
members when they need it most, an          professionalcricketerstrust.org

                                                                                         REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1120088 / PROFESSIONALCRICKETERSTRUST.ORG / 25
Professional Cricketers’ Trust

Mental Health Stats 2021

                                                         107 35
A record number of
individuals turned
to the Professional
Cricketers’ Trust
for mental health
support in 2021,
with the headlines
reading as follows:                                          mental health cases
                                                             supported in 2021                                      carried over

                                                                                                                    from 2020

                                                         73 51 42
            he figure of 107 cases
            supported in 2021 surpasses
            the previous annual high of 94
            recorded in 2020, and brings                                               cases
the cumulative number of individuals                                                   in
supported since 2015 up to 533 in total.                                               2021
The Trust continues to encourage PCA

members to reach out to the support
services that are available through our                                       immediate                current              former
partners at Sporting Chance.
                                                                              family                   players              players
   Our confidential helpline is available
24 hours a day, 365 days a year for PCA
members on 07780 008 877.

                                                                              NEW AGREEMENT WITH
                                                                              SPORTING CHANCE

                                                                        The Professional Cricketers’ Trust has   dedicated 24-hour confidential
                                                                        renewed its service level agreement      helpline. With referrals for mental
                                                                        (SLA) with Sporting Chance to            health support at an all-time high, we
                                                                        continue providing a high level of       look forward to working with Sporting
                                                                        support to PCA members and their         Chance to ensure current and former
                                                                        immediate families when they need        professional cricketers are able to
                                                                        it most. The Trust formally partnered    access the support they need away
                                                                        with Sporting Chance in March 2020,      from the cricket pitch.
                                                                        and the specialist sports welfare
                                                                        charity has since provided numerous
Trust Director Ian Thomas                                               services for the PCA membership
with Sporting Chance founder,
Arsenal FC legend Tony Adams.                                           including operation of the Trust’s

Coming up
                                                                                                    in 2022…

                                                                                                                SUNDAY 2 OCTOBER
                                                                                                                Save the date to come
                                                                                                                and support our
                                                                                                                amazing fundraisers
                                                                                                                as they take on this
                                                                                                                iconic endurance

Vitality Blast Finals Day
          itality Blast Finals Day 2022        event last year, the work of the charity will
          will once again be held in           take centre stage for a day of fundraising
          support of the Professional          and awareness at Edgbaston on Saturday 16
          Cricketers’ Trust. After over        July. We will be releasing further details of
£15,000 was raised for the Trust at the same   the day in due course, so watch this space!

                                                                                                                ANDY MOLES
                                                      After a successful inaugural event in 2021,               WORCESTERSHIRE TO
                                                      the Professional Cricketers’ Trust’s Festival          WARWICKSHIRE WALK
                                                      of Cricket will return to the idyllic setting of       The inspirational Andy Moles will
                                                      the Wormsley Estate on Friday 29 July. This            be walking from Worcestershire to
                                                      year’s event will be held in memory of the             Warwickshire between Sunday 19 -
                                                      late Alan ‘Iggy’ Igglesden, with fundraising           Friday 24 June in order to raise funds
                                                      in Iggy’s memory taking place throughout               for - and awareness of - the Professional
                                                      the event. On-field entertainment will run             Cricketers’ Trust. Andy will be joined
                                                      all day, culminating in a showcase fixture             on the walk by a number of friends
                                                      between the PCA England Legends and a                  and former teammates, and his six-
                                                      Kent XI in the afternoon.                              day expedition will culminate in him
                                                      ––                                                     arriving at Edgbaston for Birmingham
                                                        Email our Head of Events and Fundraising             Bears’ Vitality Blast fixture against
                                                      Bee Ford at bee.ford@thepca.co.uk to                   Worcestershire Rapids.
                                                      register your interest for a marquee table.            ––
                                                      Further information on general sale tickets            Follow @CricketersTrust to support
                                                      will be released in due course.                        ‘Moler’ and track his progress.

                                  We provide support for PCA                                               Visit bit.ly/TrustGetInvolved
                                  members and their immediate                                              to see what else you can do for the
                                                                                                           players’ charity.
                                  families when they need it most.

                                                                                     REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1120088 / PROFESSIONALCRICKETERSTRUST.ORG / 27
Insert Slug& Wellbeing

The PCA has partnered with
Alzheimer’s Society, the UK’s leading
dementia charity, to ensure any of
our members affected by dementia,
either personally or through a family
member, can be quickly and easily
referred to the expert support the
charity provides.

                    DID YOU KNOW...                                 Someone in the UK
                                                                    develops Dementia every
                    Dementia is caused by diseases of           three minutes.
                    the brain.
                                                                   1 in 14 people over the
                    Dementia is not a natural part of              age of 65 are living with
                    ageing. Over 40,000 people under 65 in      dementia in the UK.
                    the UK have dementia.
                                                                    1 in 3 people born today
                    Alzheimer’s Disease is the most                 will develop dementia.
                    common type of dementia (accounting
                    for 65-75% of all dementia) but other           There are currently
                    common forms of dementia include                 around 900,000 people
                    vascular dementia, dementia with            with dementia in the UK. This
                    Lewy bodies and Pick's disease.             number is expected to rise
                                                                sharply in the coming years.
                    Different types of dementia affect the
                    brain at different rates and in different        There are projected to be
                    ways. The way dementia progresses is             over 1 million people with
                    unique to each individual.                  dementia in the UK by 2025.
                                                                This is projected to rise to
                    Dementia is not just about losing your      nearly 1.6 million in 2040.
                    memory. It can affect the way you think,
                    behave, speak, perceive things and feel.         Every year, dementia
                                                                     costs the UK economy
                    It is possible to live well with dementia   £26.3 billion – nearly twice
                    and support is available to help you        that of cancer.
                    make necessary adjustments.

Education & Wellbeing

                                                                                         Sport United Against Dementia
                                                                                         Campaign (SUAD)
                                                                                         Sport United Against Dementia is a pioneering
                           Cricket as a Dementia                                         Alzheimer's Society campaign that aims to transform
                           Friendly Sport                                                how the world of sport supports people affected by
                           Continuing social activities has a hugely positive            dementia. Cricket, rugby, football, motorsport and
                           impact on people affected by dementia, but currently,         horse racing, as well as broadcast partners, have
                           dementia can too easily prevent someone from                  united to help raise funds and to tackle awareness of
                           continuing to attend cricketing events. Without the           dementia – as a team.
                           right adjustments or support, the atmosphere can be
                           overwhelming, confusing, and intimidating.                    The SUAD Campaign aims to:
                              Working with cricket, SUAD will support the game           • Use the incredible reach and power of sport to raise
                           and clubs to make positive changes, educate staff,              awareness of dementia and break down stigma.
                           and review ground access, ensuring the match day              • Ensure more people are aware of and can access
                           experience is truly inclusive for cricket fans.                 Alzheimer’s Society’s expert support services.
                              If you would like to learn more and become                 • Work with professional and grassroots sports clubs
                           a dementia friend, speak to your Personal                         to ensure everyone affected by dementia can
                           Development Manager or visit the following link:                  continue to enjoy the sports they love.

PCA Director of Member Services                                                                            Member Support
“Dementia is a condition that impacts so many lives, and PCA members
are no different. With that in mind, we’re delighted to have partnered
                                                                                                           ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY
with Alzheimer’s Society, and I would urge current and former players
                                                                                                           PROVIDES A RANGE OF
to reach out receive education and support on a topic that can be
                                                                                                           DEMENTIA SUPPORT
difficult to understand.”
                                                                                                           OVER THE PHONE,
                                                                                                           ONLINE AND FACE
                                                                                                           TO FACE. THEY CAN
                                                                                                           SUPPORT YOU WITH:
Sport United Against Dementia, Alzheimer’s Society                                                           EMOTIONAL
“We’re so pleased to be able to work with the PCA to ensure that any member affected by
                                                                                                           SUPPORT WHEN
dementia can quickly and easily access Alzheimer’s Society’s expert support. Dementia is a
                                                                                                           THINGS GET TOUGH.
challenge, but together, we can ensure people don’t have to face it alone.”

                                                                                                             CONNECTING YOU TO
                                                                                                           LOCAL SUPPORT

                                                                                                             HELP TO
                                          For more information speak to your                               UNDERSTAND AND
                                          regional Personal Development                                    LIVE WITH DEMENTIA,
                                      Manager or contact Alzheimer’s Society                               INCLUDING COPING
                                      directly. Helpful resources and support for                          TECHNIQUES.
                                      carers can be found at alzheimers.org.uk,
                                      and a dedicated helpline on 0300 222 1122                              SUPPORT WITH
                                                                                                           EVERYDAY LIVING,
                                                                                                           SUCH AS APPLYING
                                                                                                           FOR BENEFITS.
                                                                                                                               THEPCA.CO.UK / 29
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US Sports Travel is
delighted to be partnering
with the PCA providing
unique and memorable
experiences for members.

An exciting new concept perfect       US-based Liam Plunkett on
for cricketers in the off-season to   board, we are pleased also to
experience American sporting          be able to offer preferential
culture in its truest form, whilst    rates and services to PCA
we take care of everything from       members whilst also ensuring
flights, hotel, tickets and plenty    the relationship benefits the
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The Field
The domestic men’s playing
schedule fell under review this winter.
Ollie Westbury sets out the process.

                                          THEPCA.CO.UK / 31
Domestic Review

              he PCA is playing a vital     game as ‘invaluable’. “We have some
              role in the men's domestic    incredible cricket brains within our
              playing schedule review -     membership - both current players and
              for the good of its members   former players - it makes sense to utilise
and for the good of the game.               that knowledge,
   The Association's Director of Cricket       “There are a lot of games of
Operations, Daryl Mitchell, was             cricket under our members' belts, so
encouraged by the PCA's Board to find       it is important to get their thoughts
some potential solutions to the             and feelings.”
problems faced in domestic cricket.            During the PCA's pre-season visits to
   There were various structural and        the first-class counties, the former
scheduling issues in 2021. And after the    opening batter highlighted some of the
Ashes in Australia, a variety of ideas      issues discussed and ideas for change to
were put forward by pundits, cricket        the players across the country -
writers and former players about a          encouraging debate both positive and
                                                                                         The Process
county cricket reform.                      negative. The purpose is to gain
   The PCA Cricket Department was           feedback, comments and solutions
tasked with finding out how the             within the player consultation process.
players felt, and what they want from          The Association knows that                HOW THE PCA IS
the domestic game. Worcestershire           decisions on the domestic schedule           INFLUENCING CHANGE...
bowler Joe Leach explained why he           requires 12 votes out of 18 from the
feels a reset is needed. “Off the back      County Chairs. However, Mitchell                 PCA Board requests Cricket
of the Ashes, in a similar way to the       recognises the significance of being             Department to produce a
World Cup in 2015, it’s probably the        proactive for PCA's members, and the         scheduling restructure paper.
opinion in the game that it’s time to       importance of the player voice. “There
make some foundational changes to           are a lot of stakeholders within the             Director of Cricket
the domestic structure, to make it a        game that have a say on what domestic            Operations Daryl Mitchell
higher performance environment              schedules should look like,” Mitchell        and PCA Chair James Harris
across every format.                        continued. “But from a player's point        produce initial document.
   “It hurts domestic players to have the   of view, it is important to gather
accusation levelled at the domestic scene   thoughts and make sure the powers-               Document scrutinised by
that it’s not strong enough. Everyone       that-be know our views.                          England players, senior
wants to create the best possible              “The players are integral to what         ex-players, the PCA's Advocacy
competition, that is why we all got into    goes on so it is integral that they share    Group and then updated.
the game professionally.”                   their thoughts.”
   The PCA felt it necessary to gather         As a result of consultations with past        Draft shared with PCA
thoughts on the perceived issues            and present players, six principles have         Players’ Committee.
within the domestic structure by            been considered ‘key’ by the Cricket
carrying out in-depth research at all       Department. They are as follows.                 Consultation expanded to
levels. Involving extensive chats with                                                       all players during the
England players, county players, senior     Maintaining the 18 county system             pre-season meetings.
ex-players, numerous consultations          There should be no reductions to the
with the PCA's Advocacy Group and           number of counties in the game. The              Debate, consultation and
the PCA's county representatives,           county system should be maintained -             scrutiny of the document
enabling the Cricket Department to          with all 18 first-class counties involved.   takes place by county players.
understand how the players felt - so        Preserving 150-plus years of clubs'
they can be represented by the              histories and maintaining as many PCA            Final version submitted to
Association in meetings with the ECB.       members' jobs as possible.                       ECB, with PCA being part of
   Daryl Mitchell described the                                                          consultation process.
feedback from senior figures within the

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