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Indian J. Anim. Hlth. (2018), 57(1) : 01-16                                          Review Article


                  A. MANDAL, S. K. DAS1*, B. BISWAS1 AND S. O. KAIRNAR

                                     Department of Aquaculture
                                   College of Fisheries, GADVASU
                                       Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Sport fishing is one of the most adventurous activities throughout the world. Most of the developed and
developing countries have the modern tools and techniques for catching the fish. In the developing country
like in India, there is a huge gap on information, scientific knowledge about sport fish as because the
sport fishing activities is region and species specific. Though few states in India follow the Government
rules and regulation but there is a lack of awareness about sport fishing activities to conserve the
threatened and going to endanger fish species. Also the activity will help to mitigate unemployment
problem through income generation; simultaneously catering ecotourism avenues. Moreover Government
interference is also necessary for sustainable development and management of sport fisheries activity in

Key words: Conservation, Employment opportunity, Rules and Regulation, Sport fishing,
Sustainable development

Recreational fishing, also called sport                 black markets (FAO, 2012). The most
fishing, is fishing for pleasure or                     common form of recreational fishing is
competition. It can be contrasted                       done with a rod, reel, line, hooks and any
with commercial fishing, which is fishing               one of a wide range of baits. Other devices
for profit, or subsistence fishing, which is            commonly referred to as terminal tackle are
fishing for survival. Recreational fishing              also used to affect or complement the
can be defined as fishing of aquatic animals            presentation of the bait to the targeted fish.
(mainly fish) that do not constitute the                Some examples of terminal tackle include
individual’s primary resource to meet basic             weights, floats and swivels. Lures are
nutritional needs and are not generally sold            frequently used in place of bait. Some
or otherwise traded on export, domestic or              hobbyists make handmade tackle
*Corresponding Author
  Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, WBUAFS, Kolkata, West Bengal
2                           Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

themselves, including plastic lures                 harbour plentiful gene pool are conducive
and artificial flies. The practice of catching      to conservation and growing interest of
or attempting to catch fish with a hook is          people in fish farming, ornamental fish
known as angling. Big-game fishing is               keeping and eco-tourism including angling
conducted from boats to catch large open-           (Singh, 2015).
water species such as tuna, shark
 and marlin. Noodling, an art of capturing          Rules and Regulations of game fishing
mainly large bodied catfish with bare hand          Fishing in general and sport fishing in
and trout tickling are also recreational            particular is not a new venture especially in
activities.                                         India as it is referred in the Ramayana and
Sehgal (1987) defined sport or game fish            Mahabharata periods. Regulatory measures
as the fish caught or angled on rod and line        primarily intended towards conservation of
putting up some fight and not thrown back           fishes dates back to 300 B.C. during the
in disgust by the angler or sportsman. In           Maurya Dynasty when there was
sport fishing, both the choices of gear and         prohibition on fishing including angling
the target species for their fighting qualities     extended from full moon day of Ashar
contribute to the sport of the activity, as the     month (mid June) to full moon day of Paush
fish is played by the angler until landed or        month (mid December) to ensure breeding
lost (IGFA, 2016). A classification divides         and protecting the juveniles. Further back,
sport fishes into small and big ones                during the reign of King Asoka (269–232
depending upon the weight of the catch;             BC), fishing was prevented during July and
50kg being the dividing point in between.           November because fish breeding occurred
As a result, mahseers, trouts and snow-trouts       during these months.
belong to the former category whereas,              In sport fishing, both the choices of gear
large mahseers, goonch catfish (Bagarius            and the target species for their fighting
sp.) etc. comes under the next. Depending           qualities contribute to the sport of the
upon the methods used, there are again a            activity, as the fish is played by the angler
number of nomenclature viz. fly-fishing,            until landed or lost (IGFA, 2016). Sport
still-fishing, plug-casting, surf-casting,          fishing generally adheres to a particular set
trolling, launch fishing, shore fishing             of rules and regulations set by governing
spinning etc.
                                                    bodies such as the International Game Fish
The vast fishery resources of India in the          Association (IGFA) (Whitelaw, 2013).
Himalayan and peninsular region in which            Given the IGFA’s recent inclusion of
indigenous mahseer, snow trout, exotic trout        lagoon, estuarine and freshwater species as
and common carp are commercially                    game fish (IGFA, 2016); this definition is
important (Singh et al., 2014) and also wide        extended beyond the blue water species
climatic diversity of the cold water sector         usually referred to as game fish in the
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                     3

Pacific (IGFA, 2016; Whitelaw, 2003). The           for long. It has been emerged as a means of
most relevant points of the regulation              outdoor recreation and became popularized
include (i) fishing methods must minimize           as go-fishing during vacations in the
fish stress and (ii) catch mortality by             occident resulting in tourism ventures.
applying catch-and-release. Also, the               Since trout and mahseer fishing satisfies
tourism venture must contribute to                  diverse tastes and pursuits it has become a
biodiversity conservation and poverty               source of recreation of the tourists attracted
alleviation through the provision of                to the hills of northern and southern uplands
alternative livelihoods and increased               of India (Shegal, 1987). Both social and
income. Therefore, the enhancement of the           economic benefits associated with
value of living fish and their supporting           recreational angling worldwide have been
habitat to local communities is protected           recognized (Arlinghaus and Cooke, 2009),
(Holland et al., 2009; Everard and Kataria,         and these benefits may be substantial in
2011).                                              developing countries (Pinder and
Although ecotourism emerged as a potential          Raghavan, 2013; Bower et al., 2014).
facet for added household income, complete          However, information regarding issues and
dependence on this sector should be avoided         opportunities for anger associations and
because it is highly sensitive to global            participants are extremely meager as the
financial shocks (Bohensky et al., 2011;            focus of national survey is very poor for
Cinner and Orjan, 2010). Instead, to buffer         the anglers as well as the stakeholders.
against periods of adverse market                   Recreational angling in India started in
conditions a diversity of household                 British Empire when worldwide anglers
livelihood strategies should be encouraged          visited with their angling skills (Everard
to allow switching to activities unaffected         and Kataria, 2011).
by market shocks (Allison and Ellis, 2001;          Though recreational fishing has created
Pomeroy et al., 2006). Sport fishing                income for regional and national economies
projects should encourage other livelihood          (Everard and Kataria, 2011), its negative
strategies and options to minimize risk. The        impact have been noticed on biodiversity
introduction of new fishing technologies            and ecosystems (Lewin et al., 2006)
and practices used for sport fishing could          regarding issue like conservation of
also be adopted by local fishers for other          threatened and endangered species (Cowx
species, increasing fishing success and             et al., 2010). Therefore, recreational
hence pressure on fish stocks.                      fisheries should be conscious about species-
Benefits of recreational fishing                    specific and better management process
Recreational fishing particularly angling           (Gupta et al., 2015b). Regrettably, due to
has been recognized by so many medical              poor policy regarding recreational fishing
authorities in the West as a healthy pursuit        in India (Pinder and Raghavan, 2013) there
4                           Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

is enough scope for development of better           historically ambiguous when exactly
management practices of this emerging               recreational fishing began. Fishing purely
sector of fishery activity (Gupta et al.,           for fun and releasing caught fish is a much
2015a). Catch-and-release angling has the           more modern development. The evolution
potential to provide socio-economic                 of sport fishing to big game fishing was
benefits to local stakeholders (Pereira et al.,     made possible by the motorized boats. The
2008; Barnett et al., 2015), generate income        invention of big game fishing is largely
for national economies (Suski and Cooke,            attributed to Dr. Charles Fredrick Holder,
2007; Cowx et al., 2010; Danylchuk and              who in 1989 published several articles and
Cooke, 2011; Everard and Kataria, 2011)             books on the subject.
and facilitate both species and ecosystem
                                                    King Somesvara’s (1127 AD) has
conservation (Arlinghaus, 2006; Granek et
                                                    mentioned about angling (Matsyavinoda) in
al., 2008; Pinder and Raghavan, 2013).
                                                    his treatise “Manasollosa” in India about
Genesis of sport fisheries in India                 recreational fisheries (Hora, 1951). Mahseer
The history of angling is as old as the world       (Tor spp) were first described in the Ganges
and the earliest known references of fishing        in the early 19th century (Hamilton, 1822)
dates back to the ancient world. Among the          and attained popularity as an angling species
Greeks, great philosophers like Aristotle and       through the efforts of the Oriental Sporting
Plato referred to the sport of angling, while       Magazine (Nautiyal, 2014). H. S. Thomas
historian Plutarch offered advice on fishing        has pointed out angling in 1873 (Tank
lines. From Greece and Rome to the ancient          Angling in India), and 1897 (The Rod in
civilizations of India and Egypt, fishing           India). Edward James “Jim” Corbett (1875–
played an important role and amalgamated            1955) dealt with mahseer in many of his
                                                    works besides dealing with tigers and
with the creed and culture of the society.
                                                    leopards in India. The Angler in India on
The early evolution of fishing as recreation
                                                    the Mighty Mahseer authored by Dhu
is not lucid in the history of sport fisheries.
                                                    (1923) and Circumventing the Mahseer and
It is possible that antecedents of recreational
                                                    Other Sporting Fishes by A. St. J.
fly fishing arrived in England with                 Macdonald (1948) are worth mentioning in
the Norman conquest of 1066 (McCully,               this regard (Sehgal, 1987). British anglers
2000). Although the point in history where          have introduced first time brown trout
fishing could first be said to be recreational      (1860s) and rainbow trout (1909) in streams
is not clear, it became conspicuous with the        and rivers of the Himalayas and Western
publication of ‘The Compleat Angler’ by             Ghats (Sehgal, 1999a, b).
Izaak Walton in 1653. The book is one of
the earliest works that describes fishing’s         Although recreational angling struggled to
value as a recreational pastime. It is              maintain its popularity after India’s
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                   5

independence, interests of both foreign and                 the Beas River in the Kullu Manali
Indian anglers began to focus on Indian                     region are well known for Brown
freshwater systems and its fish species in                  Trout. The cold mountain streams
the 1970s. Established and emerging                         are well suited for trout, and are
angling organizations across the country                    home to some of the biggest varieties
invested both time and money to build on                    of Trout. The best beats are at Larji
the earlier foundations of sport fishing                    valley, situated on the confluence of
(Gupta et al., 2015a). The All India Game                   the river Larji and Tirthan. Sainj,
Fishing Association acting as a pivotal role                which is also a trout stream, flows
in popularizing sport fishing in India with
                                                            on the other side.
its state and regional representatives. It is a
non-profit making, charitable organization                 Uttar Pradesh - Dodital Lake nestled
with its regional affiliates like Mustad,                   among the snow-clad peaks in the
Maharashtra State Angling Association                       Uttarkashi Himalayas is a fresh water
(MSAA)-Powai (Maharashtra), SHIMANO,                        lake and a tempting trout pool, where
The Rogue Angler, Anglers Association                       you can get a good catch, during all
(Futala Lake)-Nagpur (Maharashtra),                         seasons. The forest rest house at
Gypsy’s Camp-Bhakhra (Himachal) and                         Dodital and Barkot are ideal for the
Dasvino Town & Country Club.                                night stay. Other options for fishing
                                                            Mahseer in Uttar Pradesh are in the
Sport fishing sites in India                                Ramganga and the Sharda rivers in
The major sites of recreational fishing                     the range of Jim Corbett National
in India centered round the following                       Park. You can also go to Rishikesh
places:                                                     that offers good fishing sites.
   Kashmir- with its network of rivers,                  South India - The best season to go
      streams and high altitude lakes, all                 trout-fishing in the southern India is
      abounding in trout, both brown and                   from April to September.
      rainbow, has been rightly defined as                 Accommodation is available at the
      an ‘angler’s paradise’. Major points                 forests bungalows. One can even go
      of angling in the state are the Indus                camping, if the idea is to have some
      and Lidder rivers, their tributaries                 added adventure. Cauvery Fishing
      and a network of smaller rivers and                  Lodge near Mysore is a great place
      streams. The best time for fishing                   to catch Mahseer. In Kerala streams
      here are early mornings and late                     around the hill stations of Munnar
      evenings. There is an, ‘ideal’ fishing               are ideal for sport fishing.
      permit that allows you to fish                 However, more specifically the major
      exclusively, in a beat of 2 km.                angling sites in India are presented in
      Himachal Pradesh - Streams feeding            Table 1.
6                         Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

Table 1. Important angling sites in India
State                       Location                             Sport Fish
Uttarakhand                 Ramganga River                       Golden Mahseer,
                                                                 Goonch catfish
Himachal Pradesh            Sangla Valley                        trout
Kashmir                     Gulmarg                              brown trout
Karnataka                   Kaveri River                         Mahseer
Andamans                    -                                    Marine sport fish
Himachal Pradesh            Manali                               trout, brown trout
Uttarakhand                 Beas Gha                             Golden Mahseert
                            Pancheshwar Mahakali
                            Saryu rivers
Uttarakhand                 Dakpatthar                           Red-finned and yellow-
                                                                 finned Mahseer
                            River Yamuna                         Indian trout
                                                                 Goonch catfish Mahseer
                            Tributaries of the Yamuna            Brown trout, in upper
                            River Tons and Pabbar                reaches

North Sikkim                Teesta                               -
Meghalaya                   Ranikhor                             Golden Mahseer,
                                                                 Goonch catfish
Assam                       Jia Bhoroli adjacent to              Golden Mahseer, Goonch catfish,
                            Nameri National Park                 Indian trout

Arunachal Pradesh           Brahmaputra and its                  -
                            tributaries Tezu
                            on the LohitTipi and
                            Bhalukpong on the
                            Bhoroli Pasighat, on the Siang

Developmental phages of sport fishing                 stocking of mahseer fingerlings, catch and
in India                                              release angling using rod and line was
Earlier development: Wildlife Association             permitted for both domestic and
of South India (WASI) has taken a 22 km               international anglers (Gupta et al., 2015a).
stretch of the Cauvery River in Karnataka             Local fishing guidelines were generally
through lease in 1976 to protect the mahseer          followed by the anglers for sustainability.
from anthropogenic threats also, the                  In 1978, a collaborative venture was taken
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                   7

by the Indian Tourism Development                    Recent development: Through Indian
Corporation (ITDC) with Air India and                Wildlife Protection Act (WPA), a legal
WASI by organizing an event with the                 notice was issued to Karnataka Forest
Trans World Fishing Expedition (TWFE)                Department for temporary construction of
and Boote Mission to get important                   the privately owned Bush Betta fishing
information about mahseer (Sehgal,                   camp within the Cauvery Wildlife
1999b). After that, the National                     Sanctuary (Pinder and Raghavan, 2013) as
Commission on Agriculture recommended                it helped to draw the attention to the
a comprehensive survey of mahseers in the            potential violation of the WPA by
Indian water bodies.                                 permitting angling within the boundaries
                                                     of the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary.
Coorg Wildlife Society (CWS) began
                                                     However in due course, the Union Ministry
protecting mahseer primarily on a 28 km
                                                     of Environment and Forest (MoEF) has
stretch of the Cauvery River in 1993
                                                     stopped angling within the Cauvery
(Sehgal, 1999b) which increased to 92 km
                                                     Wildlife Sanctuary. In July 2012,
in 2006 (Dinesh et al., 2010). The
Department of Fisheries, Karnataka, set up           recreational angling was prohibited in all
a mahseer hatchery during 1987 to produce            protected areas (PAs) of the country as per
fingerlings for ranching in rivers and               the directives of the Apex Court of India.
reservoirs in the Western Ghats (Sehgal,             As of now, recreational angling is permitted
1999b). In 2004, a group of local                    only on river reaches outside PAs where
stakeholders from the Mahseer                        recreational anglers can go for game
Conservancy secured a lease from the                 fishing. Gupta et al. (2015a) documented a
Forest Department for a 24 km stretch of             number of species which is usually targeted
the Ramganga River encompassed within                by the anglers in India which include Tor
the boundaries of Corbett National Park in           sp., T. putitora, T. khudree, Neolissochilus
the State of Uttarakhand (Mahseer                    hexagonolepis and Gibelion catla.
Conservancy, 2014). Jeremy Wade, a world             Occasionally caught other Indian native fish
renowned recreational angler, helped to              species include Channa diplogramma, C.
promote the mahseer and the goonch catfish           marulius, C. punctata, C. striata, Wallago
(Bagarius bagarius) in his television series         attu, Hemibagrus maydelli, Bagarius
“Jungle Hooks India” and “River Monsters”            bagarius, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus
(Gupta et al., 2015a). In northern India,            cirrhosus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,
special bylaws of the Indian Fisheries Act           Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella
permitted capturing of brown and rainbow             and Aristichthys nobilis.
trout in the Himalayan region with rod and
line using artificial and live baits within the      In northern India, State fisheries
regulated fishing season, bag limits, and            departments continuously monitor
prescribed baits.                                    recreational fishing by providing rod
8                          Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

licenses on a daily basis. Sport fishing in        regulations have also been formulated by
marine waters has also evolved as a popular        local level anglers associations for
recreational activity in the Indian Ocean,         safeguarding their interests and ecological
the Bay of Bengal and in the lagoons and           concerns. Sehgal (1987) documented
seas around the Andaman Islands. In marine         important issues as major constraints for
fishing, vessels have to obtain licenses from      management and conservation of sport
the respective State Fisheries Departments.        fishes. These are poaching, unlawful
On an average, more than 100 boats operate         fishing, competitions among sport fishers
per month in the marine waters during the          and local stakeholders, impact of river basin
peak angling season extending from                 projects on fish habitat, flow of industrial,
October to April. Likewise documentation           domestic and pesticide wastes. Domestic
of fresh water game fishes, Gupta et al.           waste water discharge in Dal and Wular
(2015a) documented important marine                Lake in Kashmir, Naini Tal Lake in
species for sporting and gaming as Caranx          Kumanon are well known which has a direct
ignobilis, Cynoglossus macrostomus,                bearing upon the native aquatic fauna
Gymnosarda unicolor, Lates calcarifer,             including the sport fishes. Moreover, the
Sphyraena sp., Rachycentron canadum and            Ganga river system including her tributaries
Thunnus obesus.                                    and distributaries viz. the Yamuna, the
Based on the Marine Fisheries (Regulation          Sone, the Gomoti are affected by industrial
and Management) Bill, 2012, guidelines and         wastes and pollutants as heavy fish
regulatory measures have been formulated           mortalities during 1980 near Allahabad was
by the Department of Fisheries, Govt. of           recorded (Sehgal, 1987). Run-off water
Andaman and Nicobar Islands particularly           mixed with pesticide viz. DDT, aldrin,
focusing towards vessel fishing of marine          BHC, malathion, parathion from livestock
sport fishes. A uniform regulation of 61 day       and agriculture field adversely affects the
monsoon fishing ban upto 31st July including       riverine fisheries in India. Such happenings
sport fishing has been imposed during 2017-        are not uncommon in marine fisheries as in
18 throughout the Western maritime states          2017; there was high fish mortality along
viz. Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra           the Mumbai coast of the Arabian Sea
and Gujarat.                                       primarily because of oil spills.
                                                   Management measures in recreational
Major threats to sport fisheries and its           fisheries are primarily focused on stock
management                                         enhancement, increase in heterogeneity
For both freshwater and marine water sport         through species introductions, habitat
fishes the rules and regulations of sport          improvements, elimination of pest species,
fishing are mainly based on Indian Fisheries       control of piscivorous avian and fish
Act, 1897. However, some rules and                 predators. Fisheries regulations are
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                     9

formulated and imposed primarily to                  Therefore, recreational fisheries could play
regulate fishing effort particularly during          a significant role in sustaining research on
closed seasons and closed areas; catch               such freshwater species which are
limits, gear restrictions and size restrictions      demonstrated through a recent study using
on harvest. However, recreational fisheries          angler catch data to generate biological
are constrained by conflicts with                    information for conservation and
commercial fisheries, other water-based              management of mahseers in the Cauvery
recreational users, water resource                   (Gupta et al., 2015a). Lack of scientific
development programmes, ecological                   knowledge and co-ordination among
alterations and water quality degradation.           government and anglers association/ fishing
Cowx (2000) opined that if the status of             communities are the major causes of the
recreational fisheries is to be sustained,           absence of a uniform strong regulatory
more appropriate techniques are developed            measure for holistic management of sport
to provide sound economic valuation of the           and game fishing of the country.
fisheries and an integrated approach to
                                                     Lack of perception about biotic
aquatic resource management is promoted.
                                                     responses: No studies have been conducted
                                                     on post-capture mortalities in mahseer or
Issues in recreational angling sector in
                                                     other species targeted by anglers in India,
                                                     but studies have implicited that high
Despite the potential benefits of recreational
                                                     mortality will be due to exhaustion, injuries,
fisheries in India, there are various issues
                                                     and associated infections (Dinesh et al.,
that need urgent attention as they could be
                                                     2010) and also due to use of different types
constraining the sustainable development
                                                     of fishing rods (Rocklin et al., 2014).
of this sector (Gupta et al., 2015a). The
                                                     Natural, worm-baited and live baits have
fisheries managers and anglers have to be
                                                     been shown to increase the higher mortality
concerned about various issues towards
                                                     rates than use of artificial lures and flies
conservation of endangered fish species and
                                                     among fish species due to deeper hooking
to maintain the natural biotic system for
                                                     (Wilde et al., 2000). Also, use of circle
sustainable development. Though, several
                                                     hooks helps to decrease angling mortality
studies are available on the natural history
                                                     among fish species in that they promote
of some mahseers (Nautiyal, 2014), the
                                                     shallow hooking (Cooke and Suski, 2004).
ambiguities contiguous species taxonomy
                                                     Barbless hooks tend to reduce the handling
and distribution make these of little value
                                                     time required to remove the hook
for practical conservation planning and
                                                     (Schaeffer, 2002) and lessen the tissue
action. The condition is related for the
                                                     damage to fish species (Casselman, 2005).
goonch, Bagarius bagarius, one of the
largest freshwater catfish occurring in the          Need for best management practice for
Indian subcontinent.                                 sustainable angling promotion: Presently,
10                         Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

there are no official guidelines specifically      in India has been guided by stocking and
focused towards recreational fisheries in          introduction of both exotic species and
India. In June 2014 an “All India Fresh            captive bred populations of native species.
Water Angling Competition” organized by            Many upland lakes and upper reaches of
AIGFA in partnership with Maharashtra              rivers were regularly stocked with exotic
State Angling Association and WASI in              salmonids to develop recreational fishing
River Cauvery was organized where over             opportunities during the British Raj (Sehgal,
30 skilled recreational anglers participated.      1999a). Similar stocking programs have been
A set of nine recreational angling guidelines      carried out in the Nilgiri, Anamalai and
was provided to each of the anglers as a           Cardamom hills of the Western Ghats
precondition to participate and stay in the        (Sehgal, 1999b), with trout hatcheries set up
competition. However, such practices are           in Avalanche (Nilgiris) and Eravikulam-
neither advocated nor used by many angling         Rajamalai (Munnar, Kerala). Now a day,
associations. Growing awareness through            recreational trout fishing is commercially
angler education and cheering fulfillment          encouraged by the local angling associations
through enforcement by a legal entertaining        for self-sustaining populations of the exotic
angling body is extremely required (Gupta          species and their continuous stocking from
et al., 2015a).                                    the local hatcheries.
Gupta et al. (2016) envisaged that as the          A specific need to assess in detail the
anglers targeting multiple fishing locations       preferences and awareness among C&R
throughout India, there is a need for              anglers regarding the targeting of native and
consistent governance structures and policy        non-native fishes, to understand the extent
instruments to support the development of          to which anglers target non-native fish
sustainable recreational fisheries while           species (Nguyen et al., 2013), and to
minimizing conflict with other stakeholder         estimate support for stocking to enhance
groups and also the impacts of catch and           recreational fishing (Granek et al., 2008).
release (C&R) fisheries interactions on            Large-scale stock replenishment of various
individuals and populations (especially for        “species” of mahseer has been carried out
threatened species) need to be studied in the      in the Western Ghats region, particularly
Indian context. Direct participation by            in the Cauvery River (Ogale, 2002), which
recreational anglers in C&R research could         has resulted in the proliferation of hybrids
strengthen broader conservation and                and the suspected decline of native lineages
management initiatives throughout the              (Pinder et al., 2015).
country by increasing stewardship (Gupta           Concern about biodiversity hotspots: The
et al., 2016).                                     most popular fishing locations are mainly
Unregulated stocking and introductions             situated in the Himalayas and Western
The development of recreational fisheries          Ghats, two of the important biodiversity
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                     11

hotspots which are also currently threatened        in conflicts in recreation angling areas.
by numerous anthropogenic pressures
(Dahanukar et al., 2011). Due to angling,           Requirement of scientific adaptive
some species have shown a dilapidated               measures: A general lack of evaluation is
population trend and are listed as threatened       presently the major concern about the
in the IUCN Red List (e.g., T. khudree and          condition of recreational fisheries in India.
T. putitora assessed as “Endangered”; the           Few registered angling associations have
goonch catfish, B. bagarius assessed as             maintained a record of effort, catch, harvest,
“Near Threatened” and Cirrhinus cirrhosus           and release rates of fish species but they
assessed as “Vulnerable”), no one of these          are not maintaining any record on fishing
assessments list recreational angling as a          behaviors and information during angling
threat to the species (Gupta et al., 2015a).        seasons (Gupta et al., 2015a). Additionally,
                                                    no scientific studies have been conducted
Poor interference of governance                     to understand the impacts of recreational
authorities : Raghavan et al. (2012) opined         fisheries on fish population structure or
that multi-jurisdictional nature of fisheries       evaluate impacts of recreational fishing
governance in India has slowed down the             activity. An adaptive management approach
development of recreational fisheries               is necessary from the experiences of the
sector. Majority of angling associations in         stakeholders so as to build on management
India are registered and catalogue the              successes (FAO, 2012). Setting up of
practice of recreational angling through            freshwater fish safe zones on river reaches
paid permits, however, a number of                  monitored by local communities could be
unlicensed angling associations continue to         an ideal solution (Gupta et al., 2014a). The
operate in major angling locations of India         suggestion to Legislative support (central
(Gupta et al., 2015a). Communicational              or state level) for recreational angling could
lapse among the sport fisheries management          provide an overall structure to this leisure
associations and government agencies is an          activity and highlight its associated benefits
additional impediment to the sustainable            (FAO, 2012).
development of recreational fisheries sector        Sport fishing should be promoted by male
in India. Even if recreational angling              and female members of fishing community.
tourism provides social and economic                The recreational fisheries sector in India is
benefits to some local communities (Pinder          also dependent on the assistance and
and Raghavan, 2013), there is prevailing            support from local communities living near
low transparency during profit-sharing              the angling locations, thus recreational
stages of local stakeholders in India.              fisheries associations would do well to
Moreover, preventing the artisanal fishers          incorporate village communities in their
from capturing food fish from water bodies          planning for the long-term success of their
protected by angling associations resulted          organizations (Gupta et al., 2014b). Also
12                         Indian Journal of Animal Health, June, 2018

Govt. should initiate the river ranching           Silver Mahseer, Silver Gray Mahseer, Black
facilities for more diversification of fish        Mahseer, Trout, Rohu, Katli, Brown Trout
species to maintain the genetic viability.         are found in these rivers. The coastal waters
                                                   also have some amazing variety of fishes
Eco-tourism and sport fishing                      like Sea Bass, Mackerel, Marlin etc.
Eco-tourism contributes to environmental           Keeping in mind the potential of fishing in
conservation by providing socio-economic           promoting tourism and adventure sports, the
benefits through the non-consumptive uses          fishing departments of different states have
and indirect values of the natural biological      started hatcheries and fish sanctuaries.
resources. Fishery based eco-tourism is an         Fishing license is a major issue for
emerging potential area for employment             promoting angling tourism. Also most of
generation and recreational fishing. Among         the trout and mahseer farms are not well
the Himalayan streams and river, Beas and          connected by roads. Therefore, institutional
its tributaries and the river Giri (Himalchal      support and co-ordination is the utmost need
Pradresh), Yamuna between Tajwala                  to augment sport-tourism in India.
(Hariyana) to Dhak Pathar, Ganga between
Rishikesh to Tehri, river Chenab and its           Conclusion
tributaries and river Jia-bhorelu, Dibang,         The sport fisheries in India are confined
Subarnasiri and Manas (NEH region) are             only to certain regions and the development
important fishing sites. Presently a few           pattern is not uniform. As sport fishing
enthusiastic farmers in Kullu-Manali (HP)          sector is still in its infancy in India with
and in Sikkim have developed their trout           enough scope and possibilities, various
farms near highways or tourist places as a         issues comes in the way as attributes likely
sport fishery enterprises. In Pithoragarh          river ranching, genetic viability and
district of Uttarakhand has also developed         stability, fish diversification, species
an excellent exotic carp based sport fishery       conservation, awareness among the
enterprise with integration of boating and         stakeholders etc. Also sport or recreational
swimming facilities. There are also further        fishing has a great influence on the local
scope to enhance the income through                fishing community as it helps to generate
additional aqua sports and adventuring             employment opportunity through eco-
sports.                                            tourism business activities and creation of
The biggest advantage in India is that all         social capital. Besides, there is enough scope
the major rivers are sited in easily reachable     of documentation of indigenous traditional
places and near major cities. Some major           and technical knowledge particularly in
rivers and its tributaries where fishing can       designing gears, formulations of baits etc.
be enjoyed are Mahanadi, Yamuna, Kaveri,           as the country is extremely rich with such
Ganga, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Teseta. A           knowledge with diverse topology and
wide variety of fishes like Golden Mahseer,        habitats. However, the stakeholders must be
Future scope of sport fisheries development in India                     13

aware of the fall-outs of overall                    operation and co-ordination among the
anthropogenic activities in the fishing              stakeholders will be a best approach for
ground to sustain the environment and                development and promotion of sport
biodiversity as a whole. Therefore, co-              fisheries in various states in India.

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Article received on 10.04.2018 and accepted for publication on 08.05.2018
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