Human Reproduction, Vol.24, No.8 pp. 2014– 2022, 2009
Advanced Access publication on April 29, 2009 doi:10.1093/humrep/dep113

                                  ORIGINAL ARTICLE Reproductive genetics

                                  Genetic polymorphisms of GnRH and
                                  gonadotrophic hormone receptors
                                  affect the phenotype of polycystic
                                  ovary syndrome

                                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
                                  O. Valkenburg 1,5, A.G. Uitterlinden 2,3, D. Piersma 2, A. Hofman 3,
                                  A.P.N. Themmen 2, F.H. de Jong 2, B.C.J.M. Fauser 4, and J.S.E. Laven 1
                                    Division of Reproductive Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Room HS508,
                                  P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center,
                                  Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
                                    Department of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
                                      Correspondence address. Tel: þ31-10-4633571; E-mail:

   background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex genetic disorder. Multiple functional polymorphisms have been ident-
   ified in genes that regulate the hypothalamic –pituitary– gonadal (HPG) axis that regulates ovarian function. The present study aims to
   examine the influence of genetic variants of the HPG-axis on the severity of clinical features of PCOS and disease susceptibility.
   methods: We included 518 Caucasian PCOS women and 2996 unselected controls from the general population (the Rotterdam study).
   Genotype distributions were compared between patients and controls. Subsequently, associations with clinical features of PCOS were
   studied. Single nucleotide polymorphisms were selected in GnRH (Trp16Ser [rs6185]), the FSH-receptor (FSHR, Ala307Thr [rs6165] and
   Asn680Ser [rs6166]) and the LH-receptor (18insLQ, Asn291Ser [rs12470652] and Ser312Asn [rs2293275]).
   results: FSHR Ser680 was associated with higher levels of gonadotrophic hormones (FSH: P , 0.01, LH: P ¼ 0.01), and testosterone
   (P ¼ 0.05) and a higher frequency of hyperandrogenism (P ¼ 0.04). No differences in risk for PCOS in association with the FSH-receptor
   variants were observed.
   conclusion: Genetic variants of the HPG-axis were associated with a modest but significant effect on the phenotype of PCOS. FSHR
   variants were strongly associated with the severity of clinical features of PCOS, such as levels of gonadotrophic hormones and the presence
   of hyperandrogenism, but not disease risk.
   Key words: polycystic ovary syndrome / FSH receptor / LH receptor / GnRH / polymorphism

                                                                                          pathogenesis of PCOS is not fully understood. Although an intrinsic
Introduction                                                                              abnormality of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator in women
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrinopathy that                          with PCOS has been proposed in the past (Zumoff et al., 1983;
occurs in 5–8% of women of reproductive age (Azziz et al., 2004).                         Venturoli et al., 1992), more recent evidence suggests that this
PCOS constitutes a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction characterized                          should be regarded as a secondary phenomenon due to disturbed
by anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary (PCO) mor-                          feedback at the level of the hypothalamus (Chhabra et al., 2005).
phology. PCOS is associated with alterations in the function of the                       Notwithstanding the uncertainty with regard to the role of the
hypothalamic –pituitary –gonadal (HPG) axis that may result from                          HPG-axis in the pathogenesis of PCOS, this pathway does play a
increased frequency and amplitude of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse                          central role in the pathophysiology of the syndrome. Therefore, we
generator (Dalkin et al., 1989). Changes in the secretion of gonado-                      hypothesized that common genetic variants of the HPG-axis may
trophic hormones consist of elevated LH levels in combination with                        affect the phenotype of PCOS and possibly disease susceptibility.
normal serum FSH concentrations (Yen et al., 1970). However, the                             A number of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
extent to which changes in the HPG-axis contribute to the                                 have been described in genes that are involved in the HPG-axis.

& The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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Gene polymorphisms and polycystic ovary syndrome                                                                                             2015

GnRH1 is an important candidate gene for delayed puberty and                Subjects and Methods
idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Thus far, no major
defects within GnRH1 have been found in these patients (Sedlmeyer           Subjects and phenotyping
et al., 2005; Vagenakis et al., 2005). However, a polymorphism in
                                                                            Anovulatory subjects attended our infertility outpatient clinic between
the first exon of GnRH1 has been described, constituting an amino
                                                                            1994 and 2004. Inclusion criteria were oligomenorrhea (interval
acid variation at codon 16 (Trp16Ser). This genetic variant has been
                                                                            between consecutive menstrual periods .35 days) or amenorrhea
examined recently in two studies focusing on clinical end-points in
                                                                            (absence of vaginal bleeding for at least 6 months) and serum FSH con-
relation to altered estrogen exposure. Rather contradictory, the
                                                                            centrations within normal range (1–10 IU/l) (van Santbrink et al., 1997;
results of these studies were consistent with both decreased exposure
                                                                            Schipper et al., 1998). The diagnosis of PCOS was established on the
to endogenous estrogens (decreased bone mineral density Iwasaki
                                                                            basis of the 2003 European Society for Human Reproduction and
et al., 2003), as well as increased estrogen exposure (shorter disease-
                                                                            Embryology/American Society for Reproductive Medicine Rotterdam
free survival in breast cancer patients Piersma et al., 2007a). However,
                                                                            criteria (2004). In agreement with these criteria hyperandrogenism

                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
direct assessment of estrogen exposure was not reported in either
                                                                            was defined as the presence of either biochemical or clinical signs of
                                                                            androgen excess. For the purpose of this study clinical hyperandrogen-
   A well-known combination of two polymorphisms in the FSH
                                                                            ism was assessed by means of the Ferriman Gallway (FG) score, and
receptor (FSHR) gene has been of particular interest with regard to
                                                                            was defined as FG-score 8. Biochemical hyperandrogenism was
PCOS. Both polymorphisms, which are in near total linkage-
                                                                            determined by calculation of the free androgen index (FAI) as: (Testo-
disequilibrium, have been identified as coding SNPs at codon-positions
                                                                            sterone [nmol/l]/sex hormone-binding globulin [(SHBG)nmol/l]) *
307 and 680 in exon 10 (Simoni et al., 1999). This exon covers the
                                                                            100. A cutoff level of 4.5 was used for the definition of hyperandrogen-
signal transducing transmembrane domain. It was shown that the pres-
                                                                            ism (van Santbrink et al., 1997). The presence of PCO was detected by
ence of the minor allele at position 680 (Ser680) is associated with sig-
                                                                            vaginal ultrasound examination. PCO was defined as the presence of
nificantly higher basal FSH levels and altered response to ovarian
                                                                            12 follicles in one or both ovaries, and/or increased ovarian
stimulation using exogenous FSH for IVF (Perez Mayorga et al.,
                                                                            volume (.10 ml) (Balen et al., 2003). Ethnicity and country of birth
2000). A subsequent comparison of allele frequencies in normogona-
                                                                            were registered. Exclusion criteria were non-Caucasian ethnic origin
dotrophic anovulatory patients and controls showed a higher fre-
                                                                            and/or the presence of related disorders with similar clinical presen-
quency of Ser680 in anovulatory subjects (Laven et al., 2003).
                                                                            tation, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing’s syndrome.
However, the presence of this allele did not negatively affect the
                                                                               Controls were derived from the Rotterdam study. The design of
chances of success for ovulation induction using recombinant FSH.
                                                                            this study has been described previously (Hofman et al., 1991,
Apparently, although the Ser680 allele is associated with a less respon-
                                                                            2007). In short, this is a single-center, prospective, population based
sive FSH receptor, its influence can be overcome relatively easily by
                                                                            study of determinants of chronic disabling diseases in the elderly,
the administration of exogenous FSH.
                                                                            aged 55 years and over (n ¼ 7012). Participants from the Rotterdam
   Like FSH, multiple polymorphisms have been described in the LH
                                                                            study derive from a specific area near Rotterdam (Ommoord) that
receptor (LHR) that are associated with altered LHR functionality.
                                                                            constitutes a homogeneous population-based sample of Caucasian
LHR is overexpressed in theca cells from PCOS patients (Jakimiuk
                                                                            elderly men and women. All women with age at onset of menopause
et al., 2001). LH promotes the secretion of androgens by ovarian
                                                                            .45 years and available DNA (n ¼ 2996) were included in the
theca cells, which may result in follicular maturation arrest (Laven
                                                                            present analysis. Written informed consent was obtained from all ano-
et al., 2002). An insertion of two amino acids (leucine [L] and gluta-
                                                                            vulatory patients as well as controls. This study was approved by the
mine [Q]) in the signal peptide of LHR (18insLQ) was shown in vitro
                                                                            institutional review board at the ErasmusMC Medical Center.
to result in increased receptor activity (Piersma et al., 2006). The
18insLQ insertion polymorphism was also associated with shorter
disease-free survival in breast cancer patients (Powell et al., 2003;       Hormones
Piersma et al., 2006). In addition, exon 10 of LHR contains two             Anovulatory patients underwent a standardized initial screening that
coding SNPs that cause a change in amino acids (Asn291Ser and               was performed after an overnight fasting period on a random
Ser312Asn). Although in vitro the Asn291Ser polymorphism was                cycle-day between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Clinical examination included
associated with increased receptor sensitivity, this variant was not        a structured interview and physical examination. Transvaginal ultraso-
associated with tumor characteristics or survival of breast cancer          nography was performed in order to assess ovarian volume and follicle
patients (Piersma et al., 2007b). A slightly higher frequency of the        count for both ovaries. Blood samples were drawn on the day of clini-
Asn312 allele was noted among breast cancer patients, possibly              cal examination and processed within 2 h after withdrawal. Serum was
because of increased action of ovarian steroid hormones (Piersma            stored at 2208C until assayed. Endocrine evaluation included serum
et al., 2007b). In a different study in men, a lower frequency of the       levels of gonadotrophic hormones (LH, FSH) and estradiol (E2), tes-
Asn312 allele was found in association with impaired spermatogenesis        tosterone, androstenedione (AD), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
(Simoni et al., 2008b), further substantiating the hypothesis of            and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), progesterone and
increased receptor activity in association with this polymorphism.          17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), SHBG, fasting glucose and
   The present analysis of functional polymorphisms of the HPG              insulin, thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin. Hormone assays have been
pathway in patients with PCOS examines the extent to which these            described in detail elsewhere (Imani et al., 1998). LH, FSH, TSH,
subtle genetic variations affect the severity of clinical features of       SHBG, progesterone, AD, DHEA, prolactin and insulin were
PCOS and disease susceptibility.                                            measured by immunoradiometric assay (Immulitew platform,
2016                                                                                                                                                                        Valkenburg et al.

Diagnostic Products Corporation, Breda, the Netherlands). Testoster-                                Statistical analysis
one and E2 were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA, Diagnostic
                                                                                                    Genotype and allele frequencies were determined for all polymorph-
Products Corporation) and 17-OHP was determined using an
                                                                                                    isms and subsequently tested for Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
in-house assay. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were
                                                                                                    (HWE). Calculation of linkage disequilibrium (D0 ) and correlation
,5 and ,15% for LH, ,3 and ,8% for FSH, ,3 and ,5% for tes-
                                                                                                    (r 2) between multiple SNPs in the same gene was performed using
tosterone, ,8 and ,11% for AD, ,5 and ,7% for E2 and ,4 and
                                                                                                    the EMLD software package (,qhuang/
,5% for SHBG, respectively. Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels
                                                                                                    Software/pub.htm). LHR haplotypes were inferred on the basis of
were determined in a subgroup of 354 patients using an in-house
                                                                                                    Bayesian linkage disequilibrium analyses (Stephens et al., 2001).
double-antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Intra-
                                                                                                        Genotype frequency comparisons were conducted using logistic
and inter-assay coefficients of variation were ,10 and ,5%, respect-
                                                                                                    regression analysis. P  0.05 was considered statistically significant.
ively. Glucose levels were measured using a Hitachiw 917 analyzer
                                                                                                    Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated
(Roche Diagnostics, Almere, the Netherlands).
                                                                                                    to assess risk. For the cross-sectional analysis of anthropometric

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
                                                                                                    data, medians and ranges were computed and compared between
Genotyping                                                                                          the different genotypes. Variables were checked for normal distri-
                                                                                                    butions with the one-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and log-
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral venous blood according
                                                                                                    transformed when necessary. Analysis of variance was used to test
to standard procedures. Genotypes were determined using the
                                                                                                    for differences between genotype groups and Bonferroni’s correction
Taqman allelic discrimination assay. The Assay-by-Design service
                                                                                                    was used to adjust for the number of SNPs tested. In order to test for
( was used to set up a Taqman allelic
                                                                                                    allele-dose effects, the between group variation was tested for linear
discrimination assay for the FSHR Asn680Ser, GnRH1 Ser16Trp,
                                                                                                    association. Statistical analysis was performed using a commercially
LHR Asn291Ser and LHR Ser312Asn polymorphisms. Rs numbers,
                                                                                                    available software package (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
primer and probe sequences are provided in Table I. The PCR reac-
                                                                                                    version 12; SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA).
tion mixture included 2 ng of genomic DNA in a 2 ml volume and the
following reagents: probes (200 nM), primers (0.9 mM), 2  Taqman
PCR master mixes (ABgene, Epsom, UK). PCR cycling reactions                                         Results
were performed on an ABI 9700 PCR system (Applied Biosystems
Inc., Foster City, CA, USA) and consisted of initial denaturation at                                Subjects
958C (15 min), and 40 cycles with denaturation (15 s at 958C) and                                   From a total of 580 normogonadotrophic anovulatory women, 518
annealing and extension (60 s at 608C).                                                             women were diagnosed with PCOS. Hyperandrogenism was present
   In addition, all PCOS patients and a sub-set of 2419 controls were                               in 51% of all anovulatory women although PCO was present in 81%
genotyped for a six base pair insertion polymorphism in exon 1 of LHR                               of subjects. Baseline characteristics, endocrine and ultrasound par-
(LHR insLQ). Exon 1 was amplified as described by Atger and col-                                     ameters of the study group are shown in Table II.
leagues (1995) using a 50 -hexachlorofluorescein-labeled forward
primer. Separation and sizing of the PCR fragments and assignment                                   Genotyping
of LHR insLQ genotype was performed on an ABI Prism 3100 auto-                                      All polymorphisms were in HWE within the PCOS population and
mated capillary DNA sequencer using Genescan and Genotyper soft-                                    controls, except for LHR Asn291Ser in the control population. Homo-
ware packages (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA, USA).                                      zygosity for the presence of the minor allele (Ser291) at this locus did

   Table I Primers and probe sequences used in the study of polymorphisms in PCOS women and controls

  Gene variant               Rs number                PCR primers                                                                     Taqman probes
   Ser16Trp                  rs6185                   Fw         AATTCAAAAACTCCTAGCTGGCCTTA                                           VIC          CACGCACCAAGTCA
                                                      Rv         CATAGGACCAGTGCTGGCT                                                  FAM          ACGCACGAAGTCA
   Ala307Thr                 rs6165                   Fw         GCAACAAATCTATTTTAAGGCAAGAAGTTGA                                      VIC          TGACCCCTAGTCTGAGTC
                                                      Rv         TGTCTTCTGCCAGAGAGGATCT                                               FAM          ACCCCTAGCCTGAGTC
   Asn680Ser                 rs6166                   Assay on demand (Applied Biosystems, C_2676874_10)
   Asn291Ser                 rs12470652               Fw         CTGAAGTCCAAAAGCTCAAATGCT                                             VIC          CAGACAGAATTTTTC
                                                      Rv         TGTGCTTTCACATTGTTTGGAAAAGT                                           FAM          CAGACAGAGTTTTTC
   Ser312Asn                 rs2293275                Fw         TTTTCCAAACAATGTGAAAGCACAGT                                           VIC          TTACAGTGTTTTGTTATTCACTT
                                                      Rv         GATACGACTTCTGAGTTTCCTTGCA                                            FAM          CAGTGTTTTGTTACTCACTT

 FSHR: FSH receptor, LHR: LH receptor.
Gene polymorphisms and polycystic ovary syndrome                                                                                                                   2017

   Table II Clinical and endocrine parameters of 518
                                                                                             FSH receptor
   Caucasian women with PCOS                                                                 In 399 PCOS cases, linkage disequilibrium (D0 ) for the two SNPs in
                                                                                             exon 10 of FSHR (Ala307Thr and Asn680Ser) was 0.98 (r 2 ¼ 0.94),
                                              Median         Interquartile range             indicating near-complete linkage disequilibrium. All remaining PCOS
                                                                                             cases and controls were genotyped for the Asn680Ser polymorphism
   Baseline characteristics and ultrasound parameters
                                                                                             only. The frequency of the minor allele (Ser680) and the distribution of
   Age (years)                                28.7           (25– 31.7)
                                                                                             genotypes at this locus were similar in women with PCOS and con-
   BMI (kg/m2)                                26.2           (22.4– 31.2)
                                                                                             trols (Table III).
   Mean number of folliclesa                  18             (13– 25)                           There was a strong association of this FSHR polymorphism with
   Mean ovarian volume (ml)a                  8.8            (6.5–11.6)                      phenotypic characteristics of PCOS patients. The Ser680 allele was
   Endocrine parameters                                                                      associated with higher levels of gonadotrophic hormones: FSH
   LH (IU/l)                                  7.6            (4.9–11.4)                      (0.6 IU/l increase per allele copy, P  0.01) and LH (1.1 IU/l increase

                                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
   FSH (IU/l)                                 4.9            (3.6–6.4)                       per allele copy, P  0.01) (Table IV). Likewise, the Ser680 allele was
   Estradiol (pmol/l)                         231            (169– 345)                      associated with a higher frequency of hyperandrogenism (OR [per
   Progesterone (nmol/l)                      1.6            (1.0–2.9)                       minor allele copy] 1.41 [95% CI 1.09 –1.82], P ¼ 0.04) ranging from
   17 (OH) Progesterone (nmol/l)              2.6            (1.9–4.0)                       53.7% among non-carriers to 70.2% among homozygous carriers of
   Testosterone (nmol/l)                      1.9            (1.4–2.4)
                                                                                             the Ser680 allele.
   SHBG (nmol/l)                              37             (25– 57)
   FAI                                        5.0            (2.9–8.2)
                                                                                             LH receptor
   AD (nmol/l)                                11.8           (9.2–15.1                       MAF for the insertion polymorphism at codon 18 of exon 1 (insLQ) in
                                                                                             PCOS subjects and controls were 24.9 and 28.0%, respectively (P ¼
   DHEA (nmol/l)                              40             (28– 59)
                                                                                             0.04). Genotype frequency comparisons revealed a significant negative
   DHEAS (mmol/l)                             5.1            (3.6–7.1)
                                                                                             association of the minor allele (LHR 18insLQ) with PCOS, showing
   Glucose (mmol/l)                           4.0            (3.7–4.4)
                                                                                             15% lower risk for PCOS per minor allele copy (OR 0.85 [95% CI
   Fasting insulin (pmol/l)                   58             (38– 91)
                                                                                             0.73 –0.99], P ¼ 0.04). However, the slightly lower frequency of the
 Clinical and endocrine parameters of 518 Caucasian women with PCOS.                         18 insLQ insertion polymorphism among PCOS cases compared
 AD: androstenedione; SHBG: sex hormone-binding globulin; DHEA:                              with controls was not significant after Bonferroni’s correction for
 dehydroepiandrosterone; DHEAS: dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FAI: free androgen
                                                                                             the total number of SNPs that were tested. Among women with
  Mean of left and right ovary.                                                              PCOS, homozygous carriers of the minor allele showed 24.1%
                                                                                             lower levels of E2 (179 versus 236 pmol/l, P ¼ 0.01), in combination
                                                                                             with 21.3% lower ovarian volume (7.0 versus 8.9 ml, P ¼ 0.01) com-
not occur in PCOS patients and in only 16 controls. As the chi-square                        pared with the other genotypes.
test is more prone towards type I errors in case of very low minor                              The frequency of the minor allele of LHR Ser312Asn (Asn312) was
allele frequencies (MAF), HWE was recalculated with an exact test                            similar in PCOS patients and controls. A significant trend towards
(Wigginton et al., 2005) using the Pedstat software package (Wiggin-                         higher FSH levels in carriers of the Asn312 allele did not persist after cor-
ton and Abecasis, 2005). Again the LHR Asn291Ser polymorphism                                rection for the total number of polymorphic variants (P ¼ 0.10). As
was out of HWE (P ¼ 0.006). Consequently, this polymorphism was                              multiple polymorphisms were genotyped within the LHR gene, we
not used for the comparison of allele frequencies and haplotype distri-                      explored the possibility that specific combinations of allelic variants
butions in PCOS cases and controls.                                                          may have a more pronounced influence on phenotype. To this
                                                                                             purpose, the allele frequencies of four possible LHR haplotypes were
GnRH                                                                                         calculated in PCOS cases, i.e. H1 (nonLQ18/Ser312, 50.4%), H2
The distribution of the Trp16Ser alleles of GnRH1 was similar in PCOS                        (nonLQ18/Asn312, 23.6%), H3 (insLQ18/Ser312, 9.3%) and H4
cases and controls. Results for the comparison of genotype frequen-                          (insLQ18/Asn312, 16.7%). The distribution of LHR haplotypes was
cies in PCOS cases and controls are summarized in Table III.                                 similar in women with PCOS and controls. The presence of H1,
   GnRH1 Trp16Ser was not associated with gonadotrophic hormone                              which is characterized by the absence of polymorphic variants, was
levels. The influence of this polymorphism and others on the pheno-                           associated with lower levels of FSH. Median FSH levels were 5.1 IU/l
type of PCOS patients was primarily tested using a model for allele-                         (complete absence of H1), 4.5 IU/l (one copy of H1) and 4.4 IU/l (2
dose effects. In this way, no significant associations were observed                          copies of H1) (P for allele dose effect ¼ 0.02). Linear regression analysis
for this polymorphism. However, a somewhat more benign phenotype                             showed no additional benefit for the use of haplotype 1 over LHR
was noted in carriers (homozygous or heterozygous) of the minor                              Ser312Asn genotype in predicting FSH levels (P ¼ 0.69). No other
allele (Ser16) compared with non-carriers, showing 5.3% lower levels                         associations were observed for the presence of haplotypes one to
of testosterone (1.8 versus 1.9 nmol/l, P  0.01), lower FAI (4.7                            four with the phenotype (including LH levels) of PCOS patients.
versus 5.4, P  0.01), lower fasting insulin levels (54 versus
65 pmol/l, P  0.01) and lower follicle count (18 versus 19, P ¼                             Interaction of FSHR and LHR polymorphisms
0.05). No differences in the frequency of PCO or hyperandrogenism                            Both genetic variants of FSHR (Ser680) and LHR (Asn312) showed evi-
were observed among the various genotype groups (Table IV).                                  dence of an association with higher FSH levels. Therefore, the
2018                                                                                                                                                                        Valkenburg et al.

   Table III Distribution of genotypes and MAF in 518 Caucasian PCOS women and 2996 healthy controls

   Genotypes                         PCOS                                          Control                                       OR                      (95% CI)                        Pb
                                     ...........................                  .............................
                                     N                      %                      N                      %
   GNRH1 16
   Trp/Trp                           282                    54.9                   1570                   53.3                   1                       (reference)
   Trp/Ser                           187                    36.4                   1172                   39.8                   0.89                    (0.73– 1.09)                    0.25
   Ser/Ser                             45                    8.8                    202                     6.9                  1.24                    (0.88– 1.78)                    0.22
   MAF (Ser)                                                26.9                                          26.8                   1.01                    (0.87– 1.17)                    0.91
   FSHR 680
   Asn/Asn                           123                    24.8                    782                   26.9                   1                       (reference)

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
   Asn/Ser                           248                    50.1                   1500                   51.5                   1.05                    (0.83– 1.33)                    0.68
   Ser/Ser                           124                    25.1                    630                   21.6                   1.25                    (0.96– 1.64)                    0.10
   MAF (Ser)                                                50.1                                          47.4                   1.12                    (0.97– 1.28)                    0.12
   LHR InsLQ a
   non/non                           283                    55.4                   1220                   52.0                   1                       (reference)
   non/ins                           202                    39.5                    934                   39.8                   0.93                    (0.76– 1.14)                    0.49
   ins/ins                             26                    5.1                    190                     8.1                  0.59                    (0.38– 0.91)                    0.02
   MAF (ins)                                                24.9                                          28.0                   0.85                    (0.73– 0.99)                    0.04
   LHR 291
   Asn/Asn                           466                    92.5                   2630                   89.8                   1                       (reference)
   Asn/Ser                             38                    7.5                    283                     9.7                  0.76                    (0.53– 1.08)                    0.12
   Ser/Ser                               0                   0.0                       16                   0.5
   MAF (Ser)                                                 3.8                                            5.4                  0.69                    (0.49– 0.97)                    0.03
   LHR 312
   Ser/Ser                           184                    36.6                    978                   33.5                   1                       (reference)
   Ser/Asn                           240                    47.7                   1426                   48.9                   0.90                    (0.73– 1.10)                    0.30
   Asn/Asn                             79                   15.7                    512                   17.6                   0.82                    (0.62– 1.09)                    0.17
   MAF (Asn)                                                39.6                                          42.0                   0.90                    (0.79– 1.04)                    0.15

 OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval.
   Genotyped in all PCOS cases and 2419 controls.
   P-values are not corrected for multiple testing.

hypothesis was explored that an interaction between both genetic var-                               at codon 18 in exon 1 of the LHR gene. Among PCOS cases, homo-
iants may have a more distinct effect on the phenotype. To this                                     zygous carriers of this genetic variant also showed 24% lower E2 levels
purpose the PCOS population was stratified into five subgroups, i.e.                                  and 21% lower estimates of ovarian volume. Likewise, multiple associ-
carriers of zero to four polymorphic alleles (FSHR Ser680 or LHR                                    ations were identified between genetic variants of the HPG-axis and
Asn312). Median FSH levels rose from 3.9 IU/l in women with no poly-                                the phenotype of PCOS patients, including gonadotrophic hormone
morphic variants (n ¼ 45) to 6.0 IU/l in women who were homozy-                                     levels as well as the presence of hyperandrogenism.
gous carriers of the variant allele at both polymorphic loci. The total                                The primary aim of the current study was to identify risk alleles
number of variant alleles was significantly associated with increasing                               for PCOS. With the possible exception of the LHR 18insLQ poly-
FSH levels (P  0.01) (Fig. 1). Carriership of zero to four allelic variants                        morphism, we observed no differences in the frequency of these
was equally distributed among PCOS women and women from the                                         polymorphisms in PCOS cases and controls. Contrary to what was
control population (X2 test, P ¼ 0.34) with an average of two allelic                               expected, we observed a lower frequency of the LHR 18insLQ poly-
variants per individual (both PCOS women and controls).                                             morphism among PCOS patients. However, this finding was not sig-
                                                                                                    nificant after Bonferroni’s correction and should therefore be
                                                                                                    interpreted with caution. No other differences were observed in
Discussion                                                                                          allele frequencies and/or genotype distributions in PCOS cases
The present study compares the presence of genetic variants of the                                  and controls. In contrast to a prior report (Laven et al., 2003), we
HPG-axis in Caucasian PCOS patients and unselected controls. All                                    were unable to confirm a difference in the distribution of the
polymorphisms, except LHR insLQ, were equally distributed among                                     FSHR genotypes in PCOS cases and controls. This discrepancy
cases and controls. A 40% decrease in risk for PCOS resulted from                                   may originate from the limited number of controls (n ¼ 30) that
the homozygous presence of a 6-nucleotide insertion polymorphism                                    were included in the former study.
Gene polymorphisms and polycystic ovary syndrome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
  Table IV Clinical and endocrine characteristics of 518 anovulatory women with PCOS, stratifications by genotype

                             GNRH1 TRP16                       (P)         FSHR 680                           (P)            LHR 18 InsLQ                        (P)        LHR 291                 (P)        LHR 312                            (P)
                             ...............................               ...............................                   ................................               ....................               ...............................
                             Trp/       Trp/        Ser/                   Asn/        Asn/       Ser/                       Non/         Non/         Ins/                 Asn/        Asn/                   Ser/       Ser/        Asn/
                             Trp        Ser         Ser                    Asn         Ser        Ser                        Non          Ins          Ins                  Asn         Ser                    Ser        Asn         Asn
  Baseline characteristics and ultrasound parameters
  BMI (kg/m2)                26.8       25.2        26.6        0.50      25.7        25.5       27.6        0.50          25.5         26.9         26.8      0.50      26.2        27.3        0.50      26.2       26.6        25.1        0.50
  Mean follicle              19         18          16          0.50      19          18         19          0.50          19           18           19        0.50      18.00       17.25       0.50      18         19          16          0.50
  Mean ovarian               8.8        8.8         7.9         0.50      8.8         8.8        8.5         0.50          8.5          9.2          7.0       0.50      8.57        9.32        0.50      8.4        9.1         8.2         0.50
  Endocrine parameters
  LH (IU/l)                  7.4        7.6         7.9         0.50      7.0         7.7        8.7           0.01         7.6          7.6          7.2       0.50      7.5         8.0         0.50      7.6        7.4         8.4         0.50
  FSH (IU/l)                 4.6        5.1         5.4           0.35     4.2         5.0        5.6           0.00001      4.9          4.8          5.6       0.50      4.9         4.9         0.50      4.8        4.9         5.3           0.10
  Estradiol (pmol/l)         232        230         228         0.50      228         231        230         0.50          232          241          179       0.50      229         259         0.50      227        231         240         0.50
  Testosterone               1.9        1.7         1.9           0.30     1.7         1.9        2.0           0.08         1.8          2.0          1.9       0.50      1.8         2.2         0.50      1.8        1.9         1.8         0.50
  FAI                        5.4        4.3         4.8         0.50      4.7         4.6        5.8           0.22         4.6          5.6          4.7       0.50      5.0         4.8         0.50      5.0        5.1         4.2         0.50
  Fasting Insulin            65         54          56            0.20     55          58         65            0.35         58           58           65        0.50      58          57          0.50      63         58          60          0.50
  AMHb (mg/ll)               10.4       9.6         10.0        0.50      10.3        9.6        9.9         0.50          9.2          11.2         11.1        0.15     10.0        12.4        0.50      9.6        10.4        9.8         0.50
  Features of PCOS
  PCO (%)                    96.0       94.3        97.6        0.50      92.1        97.9       93.3        0.50          94.4         96.9         95.8      0.50      95.3        97.2        0.50      94.9       97.0        91.9        0.50
  Hyperandrogenism           60.3       49.7        68.9        0.50      53.7        52.8       70.2          0.04         53.7         61.4         53.8      0.50      56.7        68.4        0.50      58.7       57.5        51.9        0.50

Values are medians. Hyperandrogenism was defined as the presence of either clinical (FG score 8) or biochemical (FAI  4.5) signs of androgen excess. P-values were corrected for the number of SNPs tested (Bonferroni correction). P-values
were calculated for allele-dose effects using analysis of variance (continuous variables, log transformed if not normally distributed) or Chi-square (polycystic ovaries and hyperandrogenism).
 Mean of left and right ovary.
  AMH levels available in a subgroup of 354 PCOS-patients.

2020                                                                                                                                 Valkenburg et al.

                                                                            1987). Therefore, decreased FSHR sensitivity may disturb normal fol-
                                                                            liculogenesis causing a decrease in the production of E2 and inhibin B
                                                                            that exert an inhibitory feedback action at the level of the pituitary
                                                                            gland. The resultant increase in FSH and LH levels can also explain
                                                                            the finding of increased androgen levels due to persistent stimulation
                                                                            of ovarian theca cells by LH. Indeed we observed a significant corre-
                                                                            lation between LH level and the level of ovarian androgens (testoster-
                                                                            one [P  0.01] and AD [P  0.01]), but not with adrenal androgens
                                                                            (DHEA and DHEAS). Although the influence of the FSHR variants
                                                                            on gonadotrophic hormone levels and hyperandrogenism is relatively
                                                                            large and consistent with an allele-dose effect, a more subtle influence
                                                                            was observed for the GnRH1 Trp16Ser polymorphism. The presence
                                                                            of either one or two copies of the Ser16 allele, which is the minor allele

                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 08 February 2021
                                                                            in the European population, is associated with a somewhat more
                                                                            benign phenotype with regard to carbohydrate metabolism and hyper-
                                                                            androgenism (slightly lower testosterone levels and fasting insulin).
  Figure 1 Median FSH levels in women with PCOS, stratified                  However, no significant differences in gonadotrophic hormone levels
  according to number of allelic variants (FSH receptor Ser680 and LH
                                                                            are noted, which would argue against a direct influence of this poly-
  receptor Asn312).
                                                                            morphism on the function of GnRH as a stimulant at the level of
                                                                            the pituitary. Evidently, this genetic variant does not influence PCOS
   The present study is limited by the absence of phenotype data in         susceptibility as we found similar genotype distributions in PCOS
controls. Therefore, controls could not be selected for the absence         cases and controls.
of PCOS. As it is known that 5–8% of women in the general popu-                We have shown that genetic variations in the HPG-axis are capable
lation will develop PCOS, we expect that the current results will rep-      of altering the phenotype of women with PCOS. More specifically
resent an underestimation of the actual difference between cases and        these changes seem to be centered on the levels of gonadotrophic
controls. The concomitant loss-of-power will be partially overcome by       hormones, insulin sensitivity and the presence of hyperandrogenism
the relatively large number of patients and controls that were included     (either clinical or biochemical). The contribution of these polymorph-
in the present study. Secondly, there is an apparent age difference         isms to the phenotype of PCOS is small and may only be relevant in
between controls (.55 years) and PCOS cases of reproductive age.            conjunction with other genetic variants that contribute to minor phe-
However, it is known that the distribution of genotypes will be             notypical variation (Simoni et al., 2008a). Therefore, the combined
stable in subsequent generations of a large population. Therefore, pro-     influence of multiple polymorphisms can be expected to be much
vided that the presence of these polymorphisms does not shorten life-       more pronounced. This is clearly illustrated by the results for FSH
span significantly, the higher age of controls is not regarded as a likely   levels, showing nearly two times higher levels in compound homozy-
confounder. Hence, the lower frequency of the LHR insLQ variant in          gous carriers of FSHR-Ser680 and LHR-Asn312 compared with non-
PCOS cases cannot be easily explained in such a fashion.                    carriers. Although there is a clear association with FSH levels, this
   The secondary aim of this study was to assess the extent to which        interaction of genotypes does not seem to influence PCOS suscepti-
these genetic variants influence the severity of clinical features of        bility, as we observed no differences in the distribution of these
PCOS. In this regard, the most striking associations were observed          allelic variants in PCOS cases and controls. These findings show that
for the FSHR polymorphisms. The present results are consistent              polymorphic variants of the FSHR and LHR are important determi-
with prior reports concerning the role of FSHR variants in normogo-         nants of the physiological setpoint of the HPG-axis that might contrib-
nadotrophic anovulation (Simoni et al., 2002; Laven et al., 2003). Both     ute to the pathophysiology of PCOS.
studies show higher basal FSH levels in association with the FSHR              In summary, genetic variants of the HPG-axis are associated with a
Ser680 allele. In women undergoing ovarian stimulation, this receptor       modest but significant effect on the phenotype of PCOS. FSHR var-
variant results in lower E2 levels following FSH stimulation, suggesting    iants are strongly associated with the severity of clinical features of
lower FSHR sensitivity (Behre et al., 2005). FSH levels in women with       PCOS, such as levels of gonadotrophic hormones and the presence
PCOS are within normal limits (Laven et al., 2002). Therefore, it does      of hyperandrogenism, but not disease risk.
not seem likely that altered FSH sensitivity contributes to the ovula-
tory dysfunction that is usually present in PCOS. Apparently, the pitu-
itary is capable of a compensatory rise in FSH levels in carriers of the
Ser680 allele that is able to overcome the increased FSH threshold.         A.P.N. Themmen has received honoraria from Diagnostic Systems
Our results further substantiate this hypothesis by the fact that this      Laboratories-Beckman, B.C.J.M. Fauser has received fees and grant
variant did not constitute a risk allele for PCOS and no association        support from the following companies (in alphabetical order):
with the number of antral follicles or AMH levels was observed. In          Andromed, Ardana, Ferring, Merck Serono, Organon, Pantharei Bio-
addition to the finding of higher FSH levels in carriers of the FSHR         science, PregLem, Schering Plough, Schering, Serono and Wyeth,
Ser680 allele, we also report higher LH levels in association with the      J.S.E.L. has received fees and grant support from the following com-
FSHR Ser680 allele. During folliculogenesis, FSH stimulates the activity    panies: Ferring, Genovum, Merck-Serono, Organon, Schering Plough
and synthesis of aromatase in ovarian granulosa cells (Steinkampf et al.,   and Serono. O.V., A.G.U., D.P. and A.H. have nothing to disclose.
Gene polymorphisms and polycystic ovary syndrome                                                                                               2021

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