Page created by Mike Thornton



GETTING THERE                           The network
                                        for doing
HOME, HOTDESK OR HYBRID                 business
2 UHY GLOBAL May 2021                                                                                   WORD OF WELCOME


                          NEW WORLD OF
                                                 WORD OF
  Is football poised to
  return to normal?
                          AGILE BUSINESS
                          Changing habits
                          that will outlast      Welcome to issue 11 of UHY            One of the biggest symptoms
                          the pandemic           Global, our twice-yearly magazine     of managing the virus has been
                                                 for international businesses. This    a new nationalism including
                                                 is the second ‘lockdown’ issue,       the closing of borders and
                                                 meaning that at the current           contrasting strategies to deal
  Covid lessons for
                                                 time, the Covid-19 pandemic           with the threat. In our feature
  global supply chain
                                                 is still throwing a dark shadow       Global Trade Reset, we examine

                                                 across our world. A year on from      the perfect storm for business of
                                                 the outbreak, travel and social       global disruption under Covid-19
                                                 freedoms remain restricted in         with added Brexit, and a new
                          GAME ON
                                                 many countries, industries and        US administration keen to undo
                          Historic team
                                                 jobs continue to suffer, and so       many of the policies developed

                          weathers storms
                                                 many people continue to lose          by the previous administration.
                                                 their lives. On behalf of UHY
                                                 International, I extend our sincere   I expect to see the resumption
                                                 sympathies to everyone blighted       of many cultural activities lost
                                                 by this dreadful disease.             to us over the last 12 months.
  Strength in numbers
                                                                                       When viral transmission falls, it
  for Central America

                                                 While nothing is certain in the       will be a joy to once again visit
                                                 world, I am taking heart from         the theatre or watch a game of
                          GLOBAL TRADE
                                                 the huge progress being made          soccer. Our regular All Around
                                                 to develop, test, produce and         The World page, opposite, kicks
                          Can the world
                                                 deliver the vaccines we desperately   off this edition of UHY Global,
                                                 need. A substantial proportion of     with a look at how the ‘beautiful

                          economy build
                          back better?
                                                 our most vulnerable populations       game’ is already making a cautious
                                                 will be offered immunisation          comeback. Also in this issue, fans
  VOYAGE OF                                      as 2021 moves forward. I am           can read about KS Cracovia, a
  DISCOVERY                                      also profoundly hopeful that          sporting institution in Poland, and
  Profile of Antonis                             the amazing resilience we have        a client of our Polish member firm.
  Kassapis                                       seen in all of our communities,
                                                 personal and professional, will       These are optimistic stories for

                          23                     help return us to a more normal
                                                 life – with some new perspectives.
                                                                                       a year that promises to put the
                                                                                       worst behind us. I hope you enjoy
                                                                                       reading them. If you would like
                          SERVING CLIENTS,
  Stories from            SERVING                Inevitably, many of our features in   to dig deeper and browse our
  around the world        COMMUNITIES            this issue of UHY Global consider     expanded digital edition of UHY
                          Celebrating our        the impacts of Covid-19 on a          Global, you can find it online, here:
                          inspirational people   range of economic and geopolitical
                                                 activity. For businesses reliant
                                                 on international supply chains,       Dennis Petri
                                                 the pandemic has asked some           Chairman, UHY International
                                                 very tough questions of their
                                                 resilience. In our article: From
                                                 ‘just in time’ to ‘not enough’,
                                                 we look at how pre-pandemic
                                                 production and distribution
  Staying competitive
                                                 models fell short, and what lessons
  under duress
                                                 have been learned, a year on.
ALL AROUND THE WORLD                                                                                                 UHY GLOBAL May 2021 3


Will 2021 mark a return to normal for the        was, but unsustainable in the longer term.       People want to be associated with success,
beautiful game? Two major international          Football clubs are grateful for the support      whether they are college students or
competitions are scheduled to go ahead,          of business where they have it. MKS              potential investors into an area.”
delayed from 2020 because of the Covid           Cracovia, a club in Poland’s top division
pandemic. Euro 2020 (as it is still called) is   and a client of Polish member firm UHY           Successful sports teams not only bring
being played across 12 European countries        ECA Group, is owned by international             direct wealth to a city or region, but
this summer, culminating in the final at         capital group and global software                also contribute economically in terms
Wembley Stadium in London. On the other          developer Comarch S.A. (see client story,        of city visibility, tourism and investment.
side of the Atlantic, the Copa America is        page 19). The organisation’s other activities    That is even more true for host cities
also underway in June and July 2021.             offer some level of financial protection for     of major international tournaments,
                                                 the team.                                        which are boosted by infrastructure
The arrival of effective vaccines has raised                                                      spending before an event, fan spending
hopes that the matches will take place in                                                         during it, and an intense media focus on
                                                 LONG-TERM CHALLENGES
stadiums teeming with cheering fans, but                                                          local amenities, history and tourism.
UEFA – European football’s governing body        In a report for the World Football Summit,
– has made no secret of the fact that it is      which focuses on the business side of the
                                                                                                  HOPING FOR THE BEST
planning for several different scenarios.        game, industry experts suggested that
                                                 many of the challenges created by the            While football’s governing bodies are
                                                 virus will still be felt in 2024, as the sport   keen to stage major tournaments in the
                                                 struggles with limited attendances, reduced      summer, doing so without spectators – or
                                                 sponsorship and a fall in merchandising          with only a limited number – will be a
There is a feelgood                              and licensing revenues. Smaller clubs that       major blow for host cities. Elliott says that
                                                 rely on nurturing young talent before            is especially true when cities have invested
factor that raises                               selling it to larger competitors may also        in infrastructure in the expectation of
                                                                                                  recouping the outlay from the economic
an area’s economy                                suffer from a decline in transfer fees.
                                                                                                  activity of thousands of visiting supporters.
when a football                                  Elliott Buss, a partner at UK member firm
                                                 UHY Hacker Young in Newport, Wales,              “These cities will have been spending in
team is doing well.                              and head of UHY’s national sports group,         expectation of full hotels, packed bars
                                                 says the wider economy of an area is             and restaurants, as well as fan spending
                                                 significantly affected when football fans        in and around grounds,” he adds. “The
                                                 go missing. “It is the pubs and bars in city     lack of fans won’t matter so much in
                                                 centres and around the ground (when              London or Rome, which will have spent
As the pandemic swept across the world
                                                 they are open), the caterers, the security       very little, if anything, on additional
in spring 2020, many professional clubs
                                                 firms... all these rely on an influx of          infrastructure, but remember that cities
were left with plummeting income and no
                                                 football fans from the local area and also       like Bucharest in Romania and Baku in
choice but to continue paying the wages
                                                 away fans from other regions,” he says.          Azerbaijan are due to host matches too.”
of players and staff while maintaining
stadiums and training facilities.                                                                 For the moment, the football industry
                                                 “There is a kind of feelgood factor that
                                                 raises an entire area’s economy when a           is hanging on and hoping for the best.
Since then, football has returned, first
                                                 football team is doing well,” says Elliott.      Everyone involved in the economics of
behind closed doors and more recently in
                                                 “So when a team gets promoted to the             the game is hoping that the rivers of
front of limited numbers of fans in some
                                                 top tier, you see a boost in applications to     revenue from modern top-level football
regions. The situation is better than it
                                                 the local university from foreign students.      will soon flow freely once again. n
4 UHY GLOBAL May 2021

FEATURE – GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAINS                                                                      UHY GLOBAL May 2021 5

                                 A   t the start of the pandemic, manufacturers and retailers
                                     struggled to source the parts and products they needed as
                                 the global supply chain ground to a halt. A year later, what lessons
                                 have been learned?
                                 When coronavirus spread rapidly around         Around the world, businesses were hit
                                 the world in the early months of 2020,         from both sides. As markets shrunk,
                                 the effects on global supply chains were       companies had to fight for every new
                                 immediate and obvious. Health services         piece of business, only to see efforts
                                 quickly ran short of personal protective       to fulfil hard-won orders hamstrung
                                 equipment (PPE). Supermarket shelves           by malfunctioning supply chains.
                                 emptied of staple foods such as rice
                                 and pasta as consumers rushed to stock
                                 up on store cupboard essentials.

                                 While these shortages made headlines
                                                                                The pandemic
                                 around the world, behind the scenes
                                 manufacturers faced their own supply           has provided an
                                 chain challenges. When China went              opportunity to
                                 into lockdown early in the pandemic,
                                 many businesses struggled to source            redefine best practice
                                 the equipment and components they              in warehousing
                                 needed. As the crisis spread across
                                 the globe, supply chains crumbled.             and logistics and

                                 Morito Saito, vice president and director at
                                                                                create stronger
                                 UHY FAS Ltd, Japan, says that in the early     supply chains
                                 months of the pandemic procurement was
                                 a major headache for small and medium-
                                                                                that are better
                                 sized businesses in particular. “These         able to withstand
                                 businesses could not source the quantity of
                                 parts they needed, and they did not know
                                                                                global shocks.
                                 when logistics would recover and parts
                                 would be available again, causing great
                                 uncertainty. In addition, they did not have
                                 the diversified network that could step in
                                 and immediately arrange replacements.”         BACK TO NORMAL?

                                 In Brazil, too, manufacturers suffered         The situation a year later is much
                                 as Chinese workshops shut up shop.             improved, at least on the supply side.
                                 Carlos Bernardo Gonçalves, corporate           Despite many northern hemisphere
                                 finance partner at UHY Bendoraytes &           nations having endured a winter wave
                                 Cia – Auditores Independentes, Brazil,         of Covid-19, PPE shortages are not a
                                 talks of a perfect storm created by a          pressing concern and supermarkets remain
                                 scarcity of supply and the exchange            well stocked. Manufacturers in many
                                 rate depreciation of the Brazilian real        countries might be struggling, but that
                                 at a time of global uncertainty.               is more from a dearth of customers than
                                                                                a scarcity of parts and components.
                                 “We also had some cases of clients who
                                 suffered from the lack of components           So, is the supply chain crisis over? Is it back
                                 and raw materials, especially in areas         to ‘business as usual’ for manufacturers
                                 such as clothing and electronics               and retailers who have in recent
                                 manufacturing, which had China as              years favoured lean and ‘just in time’
                                 their largest supplier,” he adds.              procurement policies? The pre-Covid supply Hor                                                            chain was focused on rapid delivery and
6 UHY GLOBAL May 2021

reducing the costs involved in stockpiling     valuable companies are those that are best      is underpinned by this as well as by
parts and products, but priorities may be      at cutting costs. Lutfey Siddiqi, a visiting    the fragility of links which emerged
shifting. Many experts say it is time for a    professor in practice at London School of       during the crisis.”
re-evaluation of our reliance on the kind of   Economics’ foreign policy think tank LSE
complex international supply chains that       IDEAS, believes that the ‘de-globalisation’
struggled in the face of a global crisis.      associated with the pandemic “has
                                               challenged the value of hyper-efficient,
According to these voices, Covid should        super-optimised supply chains... cost           Manufacturers
act as a wakeup call for the global
procurement sector. They argue that the
                                               cutting is no longer an unequivocal             and retailers are
                                               indicator of returns; it may actually signal
pandemic has provided an opportunity           increased risk and reduced resilience.”         realising that
to redefine best practice in warehousing
and logistics and create stronger supply       In other words, lean and complex
                                                                                               relying on a single
chains that are better able to withstand       supply chains may make companies less           supplier for a
global shocks. They argue that resilience      attractive to investors in future, because
should replace cost as the primary criteria    they are inherently vulnerable. But how
                                                                                               vital component or
of a functioning procurement strategy.         to make supply chains more resilient?           popular product
                                               Using digital tools and AI to model the
That is partly because the Covid pandemic                                                      represents a huge
                                               effects of various shocks and diversify
is by no means over, and partly because        supply accordingly is one potential             business risk.
global supply chains were stretched to         solution. Insisting that suppliers implement
breaking point even before Covid-19.           disaster recovery planning is another.
Global warming is leading to more of
the extreme weather events – floods,           One idea that has gained considerable
fires, hurricanes – that make ‘just in time’   support since the start of the pandemic         Is onshoring realistic? Many national
delivery harder to guarantee. Then there       is the ‘onshoring’ of supply chains,            governments think revitalised local supply
are geopolitical threats, most recently        which simply means sourcing more                chains can help post-Covid economic
highlighted by the US-China trade war.         parts and materials closer to home.             recovery. The PPE crisis at the start of the
Research completed before the pandemic         This reduces the risks associated with          pandemic highlighted the risks of relying
found that companies already expected          shipping goods thousands of miles and           on distant producers for vital materials,
disruption to production lines for one or      gives national governments the power            and at the same time showed that it was
two months every three to four years.          to step in and support producers of vital       possible to create new domestic supply
As the researchers noted, “the fact is         materials who may be struggling.                chains almost overnight. Alan Farrelly, UHY
that the world has more shocks.”                                                               Board member and managing director
                                               British economist and author Paul Ormerod
                                                                                               of UHY Farrelly Dawe White Limited,
                                               believes the pandemic has made the idea
RISKY COST CUTTING                                                                             Ireland, says local production of PPE was
                                               of domestic procurement more attractive.
Modern supply chains were created for                                                          quickly accelerated as the country’s over-
                                               “The crisis has obviously led to geopolitical
cost and efficiency, not for resilience.                                                       reliance on China became clear. “The fact
                                               connections being reconsidered in a pretty
But even stock markets may be starting                                                         that Ireland needed to acquire 15 years
                                               fundamental way,” he says. “The concept
to re-evaluate the idea that the most                                                          of average annual supply from China
                                               of bringing manufacturing back (to the UK)
FEATURE – GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAINS                                                                               UHY GLOBAL May 2021 7


during the first half of 2020 showed the      of new factories and equipment, in          Sectors that are now considered of
need to become more self-sufficient,”         reality local production will struggle to   national importance – the production of
he says. “In the race for supply, quality     compete with Chinese imports on price.      basic medical supplies being one – may
was compromised, and the fact that            Nevertheless, there is evidence that        benefit from public investment and other
alternatives have now been sourced more       Japanese businesses are aware of the        stimulus measures to encourage self-
locally could be the way of the future, for   need to diversify their supplier base.      sufficiency. In other areas, “companies
PPE and other vital products or materials.                                                will start to consider the risk of global
In a short space of time Ireland had to       “Some domestic manufacturers have           pandemics and other shocks in supply
create a new industry, and that will allow    begun to move their supply chains           chain decision-making, tending to
the country to become more self-sufficient    from China to Thailand, as well as          geographically diversify suppliers even
should the need arise in future.”             Vietnam and Indonesia, and are further      if margins are reduced,” he says.
In the Netherlands, too, there are hints      strengthening their local procurement
that businesses in some sectors are trying    and production systems,” Morito says.       Carlos adds that, for business to
to source parts and components closer         But he adds that many Southeast Asian       become more resilient in the long
to home. “I have heard from Dutch             countries have some way to go before        term, investors and stock markets
companies in the high-end electronics         they can match China’s advanced             will have to reward organisations for
industry (dominated by low volume and         manufacturing capabilities, and that        strengthening supply chains without
high complexity) that are looking for         China will remain the preferred supplier    punishing them for increased costs. But
opportunities to make supply chains more      of a wide range of industrial materials     change is clearly needed, and the early
resilient through more regional sourcing,”    and components in the short term.           signs are positive. Manufacturers and
says Paul Mencke, partner at Govers                                                       retailers are realising that relying on a
Accountants/Consultants, Netherlands.                                                     single supplier on the other side of the
                                                                                          world for a vital component or popular
In that case, ‘regional’ sourcing would                                                   product represents a huge business risk.
likely mean the EU, though Paul’s own         Many national                               Supply chain shocks are likely to become
experience is instructive. The pandemic                                                   more common. One positive outcome
struck just as the Eindhoven office           governments think                           of Covid-19 would be the widespread
was having the glass roof in its atrium       revitalised local                           re-evaluation of what constitutes best
replaced, forcing a long delay as the                                                     practice in supply chain management. n
Italian supplier stopped work for an
                                              supply chains can
extended period of lockdown.                  help post-Covid                             For more information about UHY’s
                                                                                          capabilities, email the UHY executive office,
                                              economic recovery.                 or visit
While shortening supply chains may
increase resilience to some extent, no
supply chain is invulnerable. There are
other issues with local procurement.
                                              In Brazil, Carlos Bernardo Gonçalves
Morito Saito says that, while Japanese
                                              agrees that supply chain management is
authorities promote domestic
                                              changing thanks to the pandemic, but
procurement by subsidising the purchase
                                              through evolution rather than revolution.
8 UHY GLOBAL May 2021

FEATURE –- ???
           BEATING THE ODDS                                                                  UHY GLOBAL May 2021 9

                              F ew regions have struggled harder than Central America to forge
                                economic and political viability and unity in a globalising world.
                              How is a joined-up approach to trade benefiting traditional and
                              modern businesses – and how far will recent success in these areas
                              make sure they can bounce back from the challenges of Covid-19?
                              Like the earthquakes and volcanoes           challenges. Sustainable recovery and
                              which define the region’s geology,           new opportunities will only happen
                              the eight nations of Central America         with bold emergency measures and
                              define its future. Belize, Costa Rica,       these must work hand in hand with
                              Dominican Republic, El Salvador,             a longer-term vision. We are here to
                              Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and           support our clients to make these
                              Panama are set to drive the region’s         new measures work for them.”
                              growth and prosperity. They have fought
                              hard, first for their independence and       “Everything we do collectively now could
                              latterly for their reintegration into a      affect our national development over
                              more cohesive whole. 2021 marks              the next decade, and beyond,” he says.
                              30 years since the Organización de
                              Estados Centroamericanos (ODECA) set
                              a new treaty of cooperation in motion,
                              supported, since 1993, by the Central
                              American Integration System (SICA)           Everything we do
                              which is observed internationally by
                              eleven regional advisors, including the US
                                                                           collectively now could
                              and Canada. SICA’s four main pillars of      affect our national
                              support revolve around political, socio-
                              cultural, economical and sustainable         development over
                              management of natural resources and          the next decade,
                              their ongoing commitment has always
                              been to achieve ‘peace, freedom,             and beyond.
                              democracy and development’.

                              STRONGER IN RECOVERY
                              Armed with support from SICA and
                                                                           Foreign investment and technical
                              other organisations, together with
                                                                           assistance are key to new economic
                              clear engagement from regional UHY
                                                                           success. The US, currently Central
                              member firms, clients and governments
                                                                           America’s most important trade and
                              in individual jurisdictions, everyone is
                                                                           investment partner, must target
                              working hard to adapt to global and intra-
                                                                           investments aimed at generating
                              regional opportunities as well as dealing
                                                                           new employment opportunities and
                              with difficult public health and political
                                                                           supporting sectors, essential for growth
                              challenges. The will to thrive as a nation
                                                                           and regional integration. As with other
                              is beyond question – indeed, there’s a
                                                                           countries hit by the pandemic, Central
                              general optimism that the region will be
                                                                           America has experienced weakened
                              stronger in recovery than ever before.
                                                                           fiscal positions and strained public
                              “According to Omar Pérez, managing           resources. Multilateral development
                              partner, UHY Auditores y Consultares         banks and international financial
                              SA, in Honduras: “All our UHY member         institutions must play a major role in
                              firms across this region agree that          financing Central American economies.
                              a positive, far-reaching response
                                                                           POST-COVID PLAN
                              to the crisis must look further than
                              firefighting the immediate post-Covid        The region’s major income relies on
                              impact with all its economic and health      agricultural exports such as coffee, Santos
10 UHY GLOBAL May 2021


bananas and pineapples. Tourism is           opportunities are out there to trigger        community in helping the region to
also fundamental to Central America’s        success but now Central America               promote growth and investment.
sustainability – and this has collapsed in   must find ways to capitalise on them
the wake of Covid’s travel restrictions.     by creating an economic reactivation          INVEST IN CHANGE
                                             plan for a post Covid-19 world.               In recent years US companies have
The impact on both industries                                                              been looking to grow their nearshore
has been devastating but UHY                 The AALAC identifies three key areas          trade into Central America – attracted
member firms across the region are           of opportunity, confirming the region’s       by the region’s competitive wages,
positive about building back.                unique potential to be an integral part       growing young working population
                                             of a robust and sustainable recovery.         and preferential trade access. The
                                             In short, these potential building            understanding is that by diversifying
                                             blocks for long-lasting change are            supply chains and relocating, US
                                             the demographic bonus of a large              businesses will be better protected against
An economic                                  working-age population, nearshoring of        future global disruptions. The advantages
                                             multinational firms to Central America
reactivation plan                            and a renewed appetite for regional
                                                                                           for Central America if this happens,
                                                                                           is that the region will be in a strong
needs to create an                           economic integration. AALAC delivers          position to become the first US choice
                                             constructive, results-oriented solutions to   for nearshoring and foreign investment
incentive for individual                     inform how the public and private sectors     – both of which are critical for boosting
jurisdictions to                             can advance hemispheric prosperity and        job creation and creating competitively
                                             position the region as a core partner         priced supply chain resilience.
attract nearshoring                          in the transatlantic community.               Longstanding foreign investment
business opportunities.                      The challenges are clear. An economic
                                                                                           relies on newly revitalised cooperation
                                                                                           between leaders from the public and
                                             reactivation plan needs to create an
                                                                                           private sectors so that together they can
                                             incentive for individual jurisdictions
                                                                                           create workable solutions to address the
                                             to attract nearshoring business
                                                                                           region’s historic barriers to growth.
The Adrienne Arsht Latin American            opportunities – and AALAC’s support
Center (AALAC) points to strong regional     must be harnessed by both public and          The region’s second-largest trading
benefits, such as dedicated economic         private sectors working together to           partner is Central America itself.
zones and tax advantages – designed          train and empower low-income youth.           Intraregional trade between Honduras,
to improve ease of doing business. The       There is also a role for the international    El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and
FEATURE– BEATING THE ODDS                                                                                     UHY GLOBAL May 2021 11

Nicaragua accounts for 27% of total            AN INTEGRATION RESTART                        their place as a market that offers
exports and 13% of total imports – a           Better understanding and expertise            theeconomies of scale that will
status quo that will continue to flourish      in business technology is central for         lead to new market opportunities,
as each nation’s understanding of              achieving sustainable development – full      enhanced regional competitiveness and
the power of togetherness grows.               economic integration has stalled partly       dynamic job creation programmes.
                                               because of longstanding technical and
It is imperative that governments                                                            “Our offer as UHY member firms in
                                               practical hurdles. A sophisticated uptake
seize Central America’s demographic                                                          Central America is to build our reputation
                                               of technology across the nations will
bonus of a thriving workforce and                                                            on consistent excellence and responsive
                                               encourage growth and unity. Political
build initiatives that encourage young                                                       advisors. Our ability to work across our
                                               leaders must put any tensions aside and
people not to move away from home.                                                           region’s national borders is unparalleled
                                               prioritise an integration agenda with
                                                                                             and one which we are very proud of,”
                                               technology as its beating heart. This
                                                                                             says René Pérez, founding partner of UHY
                                               will comprehensively boost advances
                                                                                             Peréz & Co in Guatemala. “These are
                                               in the implementation in policy, fiscal
                                                                                             unique times though and we will not rest
                                               and monetary coordination, tax
A priority for                                 harmonisation, the adoption of common
                                                                                             until we have done everything we can to
                                                                                             support our clients through the pandemic
Central American                               standards and financial sector integration.
                                                                                             crisis and on to much better times.”n

nations is to achieve                          If the countries of Central America
                                                                                             For more information about UHY’s
                                               act as one now, they will take
structural change                                                                            capabilities, email the UHY executive
                                                                                             office,, or visit
for sustainable                                                                    


Central American nations must invest in
policies, new sectors and industries that
will reduce educational and economic
disparities, improve training for work
in a changing economic landscape,
create new jobs and attract more
women to the labour market. The Inter-
America Development Bank indicates
that these measures could result in a
33% increase in GDP per capita.

An immediate priority for all Central
American nations is to achieve structural
change for sustainable development.
Employment opportunities must be
protected and company closures avoided.
UHY member firms work closely with
clients to strengthen the liquidity of their
businesses and to guide them towards
operating under a ‘new normal’.

“We are introducing new service lines
such as forensic auditing and payroll
administration and we are working
with associated consultants in some
specialised areas,” says Arabellis Calderón,
managing partner, UHY Calderon
Gonzalez & Asociados, Dominican
Republic. “All our staff understand the
importance of excellent service and we
are learning to develop new options
and new thinking whenever we can.”      
12 UHY GLOBAL May 2021



A   n idyllic childhood shattered by war made Antonis Kassapis a
    refugee. The experience gave him tenacity and adaptability,
even allowing him to flourish in a profession he vowed he would
never be part of.                                                                           The career I said
“We have a saying in Cyprus –                Antonis later took a combined degree           I would never follow
‘Whatever you hate and don’t                 in architecture and computer science           was accountancy!
want, you see it all over you’. This         and after graduating had the option
happened with my career.” Despite            to continue in computers or study
his admission that accountancy was           to become an architect. “To study
neither his first or even last choice of     I needed a job to support myself.
career, there is no denying the success      Cyprus was not yet an EU member
                                                                                            it down. In my six years as manager of
Antonis Kassapis has made of it.             so I needed a work permit.”
                                                                                            the offshore business team I had gained
Growing up in the village of Kormakitis      TAKING OPPORTUNITY                             specialist expertise and many contacts.
on the northern shore of Cyprus in                                                          I decided to start my own firm.”
                                             One profession for which it was easier
the 1950s, the director and managing         to get a permit was accountancy. “I            GOING IT ALONE
partner of UHY Antonis Kassapis              got a job as a trainee accountant and
Limited had other dreams. “My father                                                        Antonis set up in a rented office in
                                             qualified in 1984. After the trauma of
was a teacher, we had plenty of books                                                       summer 1991 with a team of five. “One
                                             losing my home in Cyprus I felt settled
to read and I imagined myself as                                                            client brought another and we became
                                             and was at last earning a salary.”
many things – a painter or sculptor,                                                        a ‘one stop shop’ for international
singer, boxer, footballer, architect,        The accountancy profession was on              businesses wishing to use Cyprus.
civil engineer and more. The career          the rise in Cyprus, and Greek speaking         Besides accounting, tax and audit we
I stated categorically I would never         accountants were in demand. In                 offered everything our international
follow was that of accountant!”              1984 Antonis was offered two jobs,             clients needed for setting up in Cyprus.”
                                             one managing a team working with
The childhood idyll ended dramatically in                                                   The UK was in recession when Antonis
                                             offshore companies. “I started my job
1974 when Antonis had to flee from the                                                      left, but things were different in Cyprus.
                                             in Nicosia in March 1985 and stayed
invading Turkish army, leaving his parents                                                  “I saw companies with profits, prospects
                                             six years. I was one of the first in
at home. “My village was the nearest                                                        and hope. With my firm I always had a
                                             Cyprus to specialise in international
point to Turkey so we felt the urgency.                                                     feeling that this could not last for ever,
                                             business and I found it fascinating.”
I ended up a refugee in the UK where                                                        but 20 years later we had 50 staff and
I had an older brother at Birmingham         Opportunity came knocking when                 more work than we could handle. But
University. Having just finished school,     Antonis was 35 and spurred a huge              the economy started shaking in the
I went to college to do A Levels.”           decision – he was offered a lucrative role     second decade of the 21st century.”
                                             with a Middle East company. “I turned
PERSONAL PROFILE                                                                                           UHY GLOBAL May 2021 13

Amid the Greek debt and large bad            THE JOY OF FAMILY
loans the two largest local banks            By 1993 Antonis had embarked on
collapsed. Unlike Greece there was no        another venture – a family. “I married
bail-out for Cyprus. “My country was         Rona, a lawyer, the following year we
the first item in the international news     had a son, Yiannis. Our second son,
for months. Not in a good way.”              Marios, was born in 1995. We separated
                                             in 2017 after our sons (pictured right
                                             with Antonis) had left to study in
                                             London, where they now work.”

We became a                                  Today, the firm continues to flourish, and
                                             engages strongly with the UHY network
one stop shop                                which they joined in 1992. “UHY has
for international                            been an important part of my career
                                             and life. I have seen it grow from a small
businesses wishing                           friendly group to a global network, and
                                             attending meetings helped me think
to use Cyprus.                               about how to improve my firm. Over the       Lockdown gave our
                                             years UHY has referred some good clients
                                             to us and helped some of mine to grow        firm space to do
                                             internationally. I enjoyed my relationship
                                             with UHY people I met over the years.
                                                                                          things we never had
ADAPTING FOR SUCCESS                                                                      time for previously.”
                                             The Covid-19 pandemic proved a
Confidence eventually returned, and
                                             challenge and an opportunity for
today Cyprus has a thriving services
                                             Antonis’s business. “The UHY network
sector, strategically important at the
                                             support has been invaluable. There
crossroads of Europe, north Africa and
                                             have been many positives amid the            MR BEAN AND LIVERPOOL
the Middle East. “It has natural and legal
                                             gloom – Covid forced us to strengthen
advantages which make it attractive                                                       That may involve his favourite pastimes –
                                             our IT systems and online working
to international business and high net                                                    reading, his allotment and travel.
                                             skills. Lockdown gave us space to do
worth individuals,” says Antonis.                                                         “At 40, I took up skiing and speedboat,
                                             things we never had time for previously.
                                                                                          which I found exciting. I love films and
Antonis’s business navigated the             Again, it’s adaptability that counts.”
                                                                                          TV, particularly crazy comedies like
crisis years well and he realised his                                                     Mr Bean, Monty Python and Borat.”
                                             Among other priorities Antonis is
superpower was adaptability. “You have
                                             focusing on succession planning which
to be able to change fast to cope with                                                    His other great love is football –
                                             he hopes will enable the firm to continue
circumstances and take opportunities.                                                     he and his sons support ‘the best
                                             smoothly after him. “I’m looking forward
My relationships with clients were vital.                                                 club in the world’, Liverpool FC.
                                             to an active retirement, doing new things
As well as providing good service I was                                                   “We are happy when they win and
                                             and relaxing with friends and family.”
friends with many and they referred                                                       miserable when they lose!”
me to their associates. This was the
                                                                                          Asked about his inspirations in life
main way my firm grew at that time.”
                                                                                          Antonis does not hesitate. “My parents
                                                                                          gave me the desire to succeed in a
    Antonis and his team
                                                                                          fair and workmanlike way and are
                                                                                          my inspiration. My father Elias died
                                                                                          in 2020 and is buried in his beloved
                                                                                          Kormakitis where my mum Ioanna
                                                                                          still lives. Finding myself a refugee
                                                                                          from Cyprus in England, I had to solve
                                                                                          problems for myself as I had learned
                                                                                          to. My 40-year career has brought me
                                                                                          personal satisfaction, financial comfort
                                                                                          and skills to cope with life situations.
                                                                                          Despite its reputation, accountancy
                                                                                          has never been boring for me.”n

                                                                                          To find out more about UHY
                                                                                          Antonis Kassapis Ltd visit
                                                                                 or email
14 UHY GLOBAL May 2021                                                                                                             GLOBAL NEWS

                                                    Economist and international development          alongside overseeing a USD 81 billion
                                                    expert Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has                operational portfolio in Africa, South
                                                    taken office as the first female and             Asia, Europe and Central Asia.
                                                    first African Director General of the
                                                    World Trade Organization (WTO).                  Speaking on her selection as Director
                                                                                                     General, Dr Okonjo-Iweala highlighted
                                                    Dr Okonjo-Iweala twice served as                 the importance of a collective response
                                                    Nigeria’s Finance Minister and was               to rebuilding the global economy. “A
                                                    responsible for reforms enhancing the            strong WTO is vital if we are to recover
                                                    transparency of government accounts              fully and rapidly from the devastation
                                                    and strengthening institutions against           wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic,”
                                                    corruption. She also had a 25-year               she said. “Our organisation faces a
                                                    career with the World Bank, where                great many challenges but working
                                                    she rose to become managing director             together we can collectively make the
                                                    from 2007-2011 and spearheaded                   WTO stronger, more agile and better
                                                    initiatives to assist low-income countries,      adapted to the realities of today.”

ARM’S LENGTH                                                NEW ERA FOR UK AND EU
GUIDANCE                                                    Following the endorsement of the
                                                            largest ever bilateral trade agreement
                                                                                                         contracts. EU stock trading in the
                                                                                                         UK has ceased and moved to within
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation
                                                            on 30 December 2020, the UK has              the single market. A memorandum
and Development (OECD) has published
                                                            completed its separation from the            of understanding around the
guidance to help address practical
                                                            European Union (EU), with new                regulation of financial markets is
challenges relating to transfer pricing rules
                                                            arrangements now in force for trade,         expected soon and discussions
raised by the coronavirus pandemic.
                                                            travel, immigration and security.            are ongoing. The treaty will be
Developed and approved by the 137                                                                        subject to review every five years.
                                                            Under the post-Brexit trade and
members of the Inclusive Framework on
                                                            cooperation treaty, UK businesses will
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the
                                                            be able to trade products with the EU
guidance seeks to provide clarity on applying
                                                            on a tariff-free and quota-free basis,
the arm’s length principle (ALP) during
                                                            although customs declarations, border
periods impacted by Covid-19. Four key
                                                            checks and special licences for some
areas have been identified where additional
                                                            products have been introduced. Non-
limitations and practical challenges are most
                                                            tariff barriers for medical, chemical
significant: comparability analysis, losses
                                                            and other products have been
and the allocation of Covid-specific costs,
                                                            reduced, and UK and EU businesses
government assistance programmes, and
                                                            will have continued access to bid for
advanced pricing agreements (APAs).                                                              AJA
                                                            each other’s government procurement
For further information, visit www.
                                                            AUDIT QUALITY UPDATE
                                                            The International Auditing and               providers. They also look to increase
                                                            Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)            audit firm leadership responsibilities
                                                            has issued revised standards aimed           and accountability, increase focus
                                                            at strengthening and modernising             on flows of communication and
                                                            audit quality management.                    strengthen the monitoring of quality
                                                                                                         management systems and the
                                                            Recognising the need for proactive
                                                                                                         effective remediation of deficiencies.
                                                            and adaptable quality management,
                                                            the new standards introduce a                The standards are effective from
                                                            risk-based approach focused on               15 December 2022, replacing
                                                            achieving quality objectives and the         the current IAASB standards on
                                                            impacts of technology, networks              quality control and audit.
                                                            and the use of external service
COGS AND WHEELS                                                                                                      UHY GLOBAL May 2021 15 Splash

                                                                                                   “The rapid deployment of relevant
                                                                                                   technologies to provide clients with
                                                                                                   uninterrupted service, has been

                                                                                                   impressive,” he says. “It feels like our
                                                                                                   members have squeezed years of learning
                                                                                                   into just a few months. By sharing
                                                                                                   this on calls and through our regular

H  ow does a global accountancy network stay
   competitive under duress? The answers lie in
knowledge share, relationships and communications.
                                                                                                   communications, ideas, experience and
                                                                                                   recommendations have effectively rolled
                                                                                                   out through the network very quickly.”

While it is expected of most businesses to      multinational clients working with our             PEOPLE FIRST
stay competitive and evolve to meet the         members in different countries. While we           The wellbeing of over 8,500 professionals
changing needs of their market, the global      see this in normal times as a competitive          worldwide has also been a priority for firms,
pandemic is proving to be a disruptor of the    strength, it has now proved to be a major          and the network. To ensure support – both
highest order, forcing leaders to re-evaluate   factor in surviving the pandemic.”                 technical and personal – is always available,
existing models and plan more carefully for                                                        UHY member firms have been scrupulous
the future. From supply chain resilience to     Through regular video calls between the
                                                                                                   in assessing the new working environments
employee wellbeing, company architectures       UHY Board and member firms across the
                                                                                                   and meeting the needs of their people. With
are being redefined at a rapid pace.            world, and by taking its usual regional and
                                                                                                   such a changing mix of Covid restrictions
                                                global conferences online, the network
                                                                                                   and guidelines across the 100 plus countries
For global accountancy and consulting           has been able to maintain the momentum
                                                                                                   in which UHY operates, a plethora of
networks like UHY, comprised of                 of cooperation and communication
                                                                                                   measures and solutions has emerged.
independent member firms, there are             between UHY colleagues. While on-screen
                                                                                                   Leadership, teamwork and personal
additional challenges. Each member will         relationship-building will never replace
                                                                                                   resilience were all issues studied and
manage its own domestic and international       face-to-face networking, Rhys recognises
                                                                                                   debated during the Annual Meeting online
client base, meeting needs, ensuring            that there have been unforeseen benefits.
                                                                                                   in 2020, and member firms have been quick
continuity of service and identifying and
                                                “Our online conferences had a wider                to share their concerns and find solutions
implementing necessary change. The
                                                audience, with more participants working           with their colleagues across the network.
risks of insufficient change, not adapting
quickly enough or simply being unsure of        at an operational level within their firms.
                                                                                                   “Keeping staff safe, effective and motivated
how to move forwards, are clear. Network        They have provided an additional value
                                                                                                   through lockdowns has been of paramount
management must in these circumstances          to discussions and knowledge sharing,
                                                                                                   importance for the UHY Board and the
fulfil its role of catalyst, facilitator and    and further strengthened the practical
                                                                                                   membership of this network,” says Rhys.
motivator, on top of its quality control and    working relationships between firms.”
                                                                                                   “Technology has played a massive part,
member support obligations – no small task.                                                        the key enabler, but I have to credit the
                                                AGILITY AND IMAGINATION                            innovation, imagination and endeavour
WORKING TOGETHER                                As member firms shared their Covid-19              of our colleagues around the world, to
According to UHY International’s chief          journeys throughout 2020, valuable insights        find ways through. There has always
executive officer Rhys Madoc, the               emerged. Not least, the importance of              been an almost familial culture within
network’s longstanding culture of close         maintaining proactive communications               and between UHY member firms. The
collaboration and relationship-building         with clients, providing trusted advice to          pandemic has challenged people like never
between firms has been a key factor in          help steer businesses through the maze of          before, but I am proud of the practical
coming through 2020 relatively unscathed.       government support schemes – and with              and emotionally supportive responses I
                                                an eye to the future, helping clients to           have seen from our firms, which perfectly
“Working together has been a foundation         establish resilient, more agile infrastructures.   exemplify this close-knit network.”
stone of the way UHY operates, right from
the network’s inception nearly 35 years         Top of the list for Rhys has been the              As 2021 moves forward with a Covid-
ago,” says Rhys. “It provides consistency,      speed at which member firms have                   experienced network of member firms,
quality and joined-up personal service to       adapted to remote working.                         and with mass vaccinations a reality,
                                                                                                   recovery and growth beckons for UHY. n
16 UHY GLOBAL May 2021                                        PERSPECTIVES

                          A NEW WORLD OF
                          AGILE BUSINESS
                          STICKING PLASTER SOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 2020
                          ARE MORPHING INTO NEW WAYS OF WORKING
                          FOREVER BY COVID-19. Splash
PERSPECTIVES                                                                                                UHY GLOBAL May 2021 17

n January the chief executive of Unilever told a conference
that a significant part of the firm’s 150,000-strong global
workforce would never go back to the office full time.
                                                                                          “It’s essential to make sure business
                                                                                          clients have secure remote access
                                                                                          to essential systems from any
                                                                                          internet connection including
His words made headlines. Here was          “If there is too much remote                  encrypted connectivity to employees,
further proof that the adoption of remote   supervision, employees feel distrusted,       suppliers and invoices,” he says.
work, an emergency measure when             resulting in possible compromise on
Covid-19 swept across the world in 2020,    work ethics. If it is too little, work        BIG CHANGE AHEAD
was no longer seen as a temporary fix.      and productivity could slacken.”              If remote and hybrid working models
Alan Jope’s comments showed that for                                                      do become the norm after Covid, the
Unilever, there would be no going back.     Still, remote work is likely to continue
                                                                                          consequences will be significant. Hybrid’s
Instead, the company would join a growing   for many employees as part of a hybrid
                                                                                          appeal goes beyond its flexible working
list of businesses determined to offer a    model, when they spend some of the
                                                                                          benefits for staff. Businesses are eyeing
hybrid working model (in which employees    working week in the office and some at
                                                                                          potential savings in equipment costs,
split the working week between the office   home. Employees want it – in a recent
                                                                                          bills for utilities (power and lighting)
and home) after the pandemic ends.          UK survey, 73% of knowledge workers
                                                                                          and even reduced office space.
                                            said they favoured a hybrid arrangement
In that way – and in many others – the      after the pandemic, meaning companies         A well planned hybrid work programme
pandemic has changed business for           that refuse to offer it could face a          could mean companies having to physically
good. Emergency measures that were          recruitment and retention problem.            host less than 65% of their workforce
adopted overnight when Covid first                                                        at any one time. That fact is leading to
struck are morphing into permanent                                                        the reimagining of offices as digitally
solutions that will outlive lockdowns and                                                 advanced, fluid spaces for meetings,
social distancing. The pandemic-fuelled     Remote supervision is                         hotdesking and team bonding, with
transformation of business goes beyond
remote working to include the reimagining   untrodden ground for                          most of the day-to-day work carried out
                                                                                          elsewhere. Research by Cisco Systems
of office space, the accelerated adoption   many organisations.                           found that over half (53%) of larger
of new technology and prioritisation                                                      organisations plan to reduce the size of
of more secure supply chains.                                                             their office space after the pandemic.
The world is in the midst of perhaps the                                                  The result of this shift away from
biggest shake-up to business practice       DIGITAL TOOLS FOR REMOTE SUCCESS              large, centralised offices is potentially
since the invention of the internet.                                                      transformative. UHY firms around the
                                            For companies considering a move
UHY’s global network of member                                                            world have already seen clients reduce
                                            to hybrid working, new digital tools
firms is part of this change, working                                                     office space in preparation for a post-
                                            that promote virtual communication
with businesses on the ground.                                                            pandemic world. In addition, the flight
                                            and collaboration are vital. This could
REMOTE WORKING HERE TO STAY                 mean videoconferencing and file               from city centres could see an increased
                                            sharing software, teamwork tools, and         requirement for co-working spaces in the
According to some estimates, three
                                            cloud-based unified communications            suburbs and small towns where many
or four times as many people could
                                            systems that let employees make               of us live. Remote workers may replace
be working at home after the
                                            professional calls from anywhere.             the social aspect of office life by renting
pandemic than before it began.
                                                                                          communal desk space closer to home.
                                            “You don’t necessarily need to spend
But making remote work as productive
                                            a ton of money; there are many cost-          The appeal of smaller offices away
and collaborative as its office-based
                                            effective solutions out there,” says Adil.    from city centre locations is one Roman
counterpart can be a challenge. Adil
                                            The worry, he adds, is “the digital highway   Seredynski, managing partner at Polish
Buhariwalla, partner at UHY James
                                            suddenly widening, exposing businesses        member firm UHY ECA Group, knows
Chartered Accountants, UHY’s member
                                            to a huge magnitude of potential threat       well. Lockdown has shown that it is
firm in UAE, says the supervision of
                                            traffic, be it unintentional or malicious.”   possible to work efficiently remotely, and
remote workers requires physical
                                                                                          has opened up the possibility of working
distance but ‘virtual closeness’. There     Eran Amir, partner at UHY Shtainmetz-         from smaller offices and premises away
is a fine balance to be maintained.         Aminoach & Co CPAs, Israel, says the          from the expensive centres of major cities.
                                            use of digital tools that give businesses
“Remote supervision of work is untrodden
                                            the ability to switch quickly to home         “Our own firm has set up an audit
ground for many organisations, and
                                            working has become a key measure              subsidiary in a small town near Warsaw,”
threats arise from either too much
                                            of business resilience, and that remote       Roman says. “It’s much cheaper and
or too little of it,” Adil adds.
                                            working will make cybersecurity               it’s a university town, so there isn’t a
                                            even more of a challenge.                     problem finding talented people. It’s
                                                                                          one possible model for the future.”
18 UHY GLOBAL May 2021                                                                                                     PERSPECTIVES

COLLATERAL DAMAGE                            Donna adds that management of                  determination to make up for lost time.
Both the increase in remote work             multinational entities (MNEs) are now          Entrepreneurial opportunities will be
and the flight from city centres have        focused on developing greater supply           unlocked and the widespread shift to
consequences beyond office space and         chain resilience for the months and years      digital platforms also offers possibilities
location. UHY’s professional advisors        ahead. “That might involve finding local       for tech-focused firms and niche retail.
predict that businesses relying on the       suppliers, redefining supplier relationships
                                             and using technology to change the cost        Roberto says that entrepreneurs are already
daily commute – food vendors near
                                             structure where applicable,” she says.         sensing this shift. “Some entrepreneurs
train stations, for example – may suffer,
                                                                                            see opportunities to get into new
or they may decide to relocate in
                                             Adil agrees, but adds that sourcing new        markets now, and venture capitalists
tandem with the workers they serve.
                                             suppliers can prove tricky for many firms.     are making money available. Risk takers
Hospitality businesses that rely on          “Businesses have to forge partnerships         and adapters will be the winners.”
corporate bookings may also lose out         with new often, untried and untested
                                             suppliers. This poses threats in terms of      Agile businesses with flexible workforces,
in the ‘new normal’. In some cases,
                                             reliability, quality, costs, and production    a ‘digital-first’ philosophy and low costs
marketing efforts will need to target
                                             and distribution delays,” he says.             will be in the best position to exploit this
remote working teams who will still come
                                                                                            wave of consumer spending. Eran believes
together regularly for team building days,
                                                                                            professional advisors can help businesses
social contact and creative workshops.
                                                                                            remodel themselves for the post-Covid
Roberto Macho, managing partner at                                                          landscape. Could workforces be leaner and
UHY Macho & Asociados, Argentina,            Lean and agile                                 more agile, perhaps by merging roles or the
believes that some businesses, especially                                                   greater use of contractors and freelancers,
in badly hit sectors like tourism and
                                             businesses that                                he asks? Businesses may require short-term
hospitality, will have mothballed large      quickly adapt                                  credit to increase stock during a period of
parts of their operations during Covid,                                                     limited income, and UHY member firms
and that reshaping them for the post-
                                             to new business                                are on hand to help clients find the very
lockdown world might require “a pivot        realities will thrive.                         best sources of credit for their needs.
through organic innovation and inorganic
                                                                                            Roman also believes that a professional
growth. Some may be forced to abandon
                                                                                            services network like UHY can help
the market in the longer term,” he says.
                                                                                            entrepreneurs grasp opportunities.
                                             OPPORTUNITIES AS BUSINESS RESUMES              “Through an ‘ask the expert’ platform,
                                             There is no doubt that the post-pandemic       supported by the Polish Chamber of
UHY experts agree that changes to supply     era will be a challenging time for many        Commerce, UHY ECA Group shared
chain management may be one of the           businesses. But UHY advisors also predict      information in the areas of labour
lasting hangovers of Covid. “Supply chain    a period ripe with opportunity. Lean           law, civil and commercial law, digital
disruption has clearly materialised with     and agile businesses that quickly adapt        transformation, finance, company
Covid-19,” says Donna Frye, director         to new business realities will thrive.         liquidity and debt, bankruptcy,
of transfer pricing, UHY Advisors Inc.,                                                     restructuring and taxes,” he says.
Michigan, US. “Supply chain reorganisation   Some economists are even predicting
has been constant for many (during Covid)    a 21st century version of the ‘roaring         With good advice and an agile mindset,
and accounting firms like UHY have been      twenties’, a consumer-led spending             many companies will do well but for
helping our clients manage the change.”      spree driven by a post-pandemic                others, the post-pandemic world will
                                                                                            present challenges, as measures adopted
                                                                                            during Covid become permanent.
                                                                                            UHY member can help businesses
                                                                                            navigate a new reality of hybrid work,
                                                                                            accelerated digital transformation and
                                                                                            a fresh focus on secure supply. n

                                                                                            For more information about UHY’s
                                                                                            capabilities, email the UHY executive
                                                                                            office,, or visit
CLIENT STORY                                                                                                    UHY GLOBAL May 2021 19


Founded in 1906, MKS Cracovia is the            performance on the pitch would never          “We quickly agreed on the method
oldest football team and active sports          be undermined by financial issues off it.     of cooperation with UHY ECA Group
club in Poland. Its volatile history includes                                                 and the first audits went smoothly,”
triumphs in the Polish top division (the        For Comarch, UHY ECA Group’s reputation       says Konrad. “All deadlines were met
Ekstraklasa) at one end of the spectrum,        for excellent service was well established.   despite the occurrence of force majeure
relegation and near bankruptcy at the           “We already had positive opinions and         during the audit period in the form of
other. Today, after years in lower leagues      credentials around UHY ECA Group              the pandemic. We are satisfied with
the club is re-established in Poland’s          and UHY is a well-known brand,” says          the quality and timeliness of UHY ECA
top flight, and last year competed in           Konrad Taranski, CFO and vice president       Group’s services as well as with a fully
the Europa League for the first time            of the management board of Comarch            professional approach to cooperation.”
in decades. In 2020 Cracovia won the            S.A. “We could draw on the experience
Polish super cup for the first time. Off        of earlier cooperation between UHY            UHY ECA Group is now tasked with
the pitch Cracovia’s fortunes are also          ECA Group and other entities related          completing the next Cracovia audit, which
on the rise – it is now a subsidiary of         to Comarch, so we were happy to trust         may be more complex still. The Polish
Comarch S.A., the club’s Cracow-based           the firm with the Cracovia account.”          Ekstraklasa was one of the first leagues
sponsor and global software business                                                          to suspend matches due to the pandemic
                                                For UHY ECA Group, Cracovia is a              in March 2020. The league resumed in
listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
                                                labour of love. “Cracovia is more than        May, with games played without fans
Football club finances are a complicated        a football club, it is part of our football   until the end of the competition in July.
business, with income generated through         history,” says Dominik Biel, partner at       So far, 2020/21 season matches have
gate receipts, media earnings, sponsorship,     UHY ECA. “It is the oldest Polish club,       been played behind closed doors.
club shop sales, hospitality franchises and     and the beloved club of Pope John Paul
player transfers. Income can rise and fall      II. Being an auditor of Cracovia is both      As well as shortfalls in ticket revenue,
on an almost weekly basis. A poor run           a private and professional passion.”          the audit will take account of other
of form dampens matchday receipts and                                                         financial pressures caused by Covid,
                                                Associate partner Patryk Steidten             with reductions in hospitality and
shop sales, and success has the opposite
                                                agrees. “Football is my greatest hobby,       media income. Cracovia will weather
effect. Outgoings are equally unstable.
                                                so the analysis of the business was           the storm thanks to the support of
Player wages usually make up the lion’s
                                                one of my favourite projects.”                Comarch, but for UHY ECA it will be a
share, and transfers can dramatically
alter the short term financial picture.                                                       football club audit unlike any other.
                                                CLINICAL FINISH
                                                                                              Happily, the firm has the complete
STRONG PARTNERS                                 The trust between UHY ECA Group and
                                                                                              confidence of the club and its parent
                                                Comarch was reinforced by the smooth
Comarch first acquired shares in Cracovia’s                                                   company to perform to the highest
                                                handling of the first audit. UHY ECA
holding company in 2003, and now holds                                                        standards. Konrad says the cooperation
                                                Group was contracted in 2019, and
66.11% of Cracovia share capital. In 2019                                                     between Comarch and UHY ECA
                                                completed the audit during the first wave
the club turned to Polish UHY member                                                          Group, and the quality of the work
                                                of Covid in 2020. Comarch was impressed
firm UHY ECA Group to audit its financial                                                     so far has put the firm in a strong
                                                by the firm’s commitment despite the
statements and licensee documentation,                                                        position to be considered for further
                                                challenges presented by lockdown.
and to help ensure that the club’s                                                            contracts as the group expands. n
You can also read