Grace Notes July/August-2021 - Grace Memorial Episcopal Church

Page created by Leroy Harmon
Grace Notes July/August-2021 - Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
Grace Notes

                                                  Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
 The Rt. Rev. Morris Thompson, Bishop             100 West Church Street
 The Very Rev. Paul Bailey, Rector                Phone: 985.345.2764
 JoAnn Ziller, Senior Warden            
 Paul Bartow, Junior Warden                       Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00-4:00 p.m.

                                                  to keep everyone apprised, here are the
GRACE GROUP COORDINATORS                          current Grace Groups and their Coordinators:
                                                  --Christian Formation (Coordinators:
For many of you, what follows below will be       adults—Debbie Valenti; children and youth—
old news, but it never hurts to offer an update   Laurie Bailey, Christian Formation Director)
on our ministry teams, which we call Grace        This Grace Group is responsible for the
Groups. Each of these groups has a                educational ministries of the church and
coordinator or two whose responsibility is to     includes Sunday School teachers, helpers,
envision ministries, invite people to             youth workers, adult class leaders, and all
participate in those ministries, reflect on       others involved in our education ministries in
outcomes, and of course be in prayer for the      any way.
church. Its possible you may be in a Grace        --Communications (Coordinator: Dorothy
Group without being explicitly aware of it; for   Bartow) The ministry of this group includes
example, if you read lessons in worship,          advertising, inter-parish communications, the
you’re a part of the Worship Grace Group.         development of electronic communications
And if you are interested in the ministry of      formats, and anything else that might help us
any of these groups, please just be in touch      stay connected with one another.
with the Coordinator or Fr. Paul. God calls us    --Community Life (Coordinators: vacant, and
all into ministry; what we bring to the church    Margie Adams) This ministry team
is what makes the church effective in the         coordinates newcomer ministries (Margie),
world. What ministries do you feel called to?     plans fellowship events and receptions
What do you enjoy? What are you drawn             (vacant) and is in general attentive to bringing
toward, even it may seem new or risky? Just       us together as a community in ways that will
                                                  enrich our common life.
Grace Notes July/August-2021 - Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
--Finance (Coordinator: vacant) The Finance
team is comprised of people with interests in     From the Office:
helping the church manage its finances and        Please remember to submit any
plan for growth. This group draws up the          information for the service sheet
yearly budget, monitors expenses, conducts        announcements by Tuesday of each week.
the annual audit, and performs other such
ministries as suggested by the temporal needs     Office Hours: Monday, Thursday 8-4 p.m.
of the church.
--Inreach (Coordinator: Anne Raxsdale) This       September’s newsletter deadline is Tuesday,
group is a team of folk who are in ministry to    August 24th.
those within our church family who are in         ***Please notify the office if you have any
need of basic pastoral care; team members           changes to your contact information
visit the hospitalized or shut-in, send cards,
take meals, and are attentive to pastoral needs
as they arise.                                     CHRISTIAN FORMATION
--Outreach (Coordinator: Laura Freeze) This
Group is responsible for ministries to the        Christian Formation News ~ Save the
larger community; the Pumpkin Patch, Grace        dates: August 13-15th and August
Baskets, and international student projects all
fall within this Grace Group. People with a
passion for ministry to the world are             Diocesan Fall Kick Off will be an in-
encouraged to become a part of this group.
--Stewardship (Coordinator: Vestry) This          person event at the Solomon Episcopal
team is responsible for ongoing stewardship       Conference Center in Robert to be held
teaching and for preparing stewardship            August 13 – 15, 2021. Sessions for 6th
programs; people with a passion for               – 8th graders, as well as 9th-12th graders
understanding and communicating the
fullness of stewardship, and who are              will be presented. Cost is $75.
interested in deepening their own journey in      Registration will open soon.
stewardship, will want to become a part of        Participants who are fully vaccinated
this Group.                                       will not be required to mask indoors.
--Worship (Coordinator: Howard Nichols)
This Group is comprised of people who serve       Best practices will be used during the
the church in its worship life, and it includes   event to keep all attending safe. Watch
Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Acolytes,         your email for more information as it is
Musicians, the Altar Guild and the Flower         posted.
                                                  Parish Sunday School Kick Off ~ We
    St. Margaret’s                                will begin our Christian Formation
         Guild                                    program on Sunday, August 22nd. At
                                                  the time of this writing, all details have
                                                  not been finalized for our program. We
                                                  will again this year follow the best
                                                  practices as stated by the diocese to
                                                  keep everyone safe. Please watch
The St. Margaret’s Guild is taking its summer     bulletin announcements for more
break and will hopefully start up again in        information as it becomes available.
September. See you then!
                               Tudy Moore
Grace Notes July/August-2021 - Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
Annual Backpack Blessing (for those               Vestry provides spiritual leadership and a
who teach and those who learn) will be            sense of vision and mission for the church.
                                                  Consequently, we are beginning the
during both worship services on                   nomination process somewhat earlier this year
Sunday, August 22nd. Plan to bring                in order to allow time for a thoughtful and
your backpack, book sack, briefcase,              prayerful discernment about who God might
                                                  be lifting up for leadership among this faith
computer case or instrument case to
church and have it blessed that                            In order to run for the Vestry, there are
morning. Surround your year with                  some canonical requirements which must be
God’s blessing.                                   met; further, there are some other qualities we
                                                  hope to encourage among the Vestry. The
                                                  requirements are as follows: In order to serve
GRACE BASKETS UPDATE                              on the Vestry, one must
                                                           --Be a baptized Christian.
                                                           --Be an adult communicant in good
I would like to extend a heart filled “thank               standing that is regular in attendance
you and gratitude” for all those that                      at worship and in giving of financial
contributed to our Grace Basket Outreach                   resources to the church, and an
during Lent. With your generous                            active participant in the life and
contributions you raised $2070.00 so that                  ministries of the church.
Project Renew may assist families by buying                --Be a confirmed or received
them cleaning supplies to help keep families               member of the Episcopal Church,
together. This is such a vital ministry to our             ‘resident’ in this parish (that means
community and once again while we might be                 your letter of membership must be at
small in numbers, we are large in heart and                Grace Memorial).
your generosity is greatly appreciated                     --Be present at the parish meeting
especially during what had been a very trying              and available to attend Vestry
time for all.
                                                  In addition, though not canonical
Once again thank you so very much,                requirements, a Vestry member should be:
                                                          --a person of prayer, committed to
       Laura Freeze, Outreach Coordinator                 praying for the Vestry, our
                                                          congregation, and the Rector and staff
 Vestry Nominating Committee                              of a daily basis.
                                                          --a mission-minded person, committed
                                                          to building up the Body of Christ here
                                                          at Grace Memorial.
            The period of ‘nominations from               --a person who enjoys working
        the floor’ for the next Vestry class at           cooperatively with others.
        Grace Memorial is July 1 to
        September 30th. If you would like to      Does this description fit you? Or someone
nominate someone to serve on the Vestry, or       here that you know? If so, please make this
would like to stand for election yourself,        known to the vestry Nominating Committee.
please let one of the Vestry Nominating           If you wish to nominate someone, please
Committee know. They are: John Baiamonte          ascertain from them first whether they meet
and Don Fellows.                                  all the requirements for serving on the Vestry,
The Vestry is playing an increasingly             and that they are willing to serve a three-year
important role in the life of this faith          term.
community. Canonically, the Vestry is
responsible for administering the temporal
matters of the church; but even more, the

                                The me

                              July Birthdays
Richard Colucci       07/04               Jai-Li Colucci          07/19
Sydney LeGuyader      07/05               David Wasson            07/23
David Wyld            07/06               Deborah Valenti         07/23
Jerry Voorhees        07/08               Carolynn Gaiennie       07/27
Tom Ragan             07/08               Rebecca Davis           07/30
Margie Ann Jenkins    07/13
John Lobdell          07/19

                         August Birthdays
Bruce Sullivan        08/01               DeSha Viola             08/19
Max Miller            08/01               Kelly Miller Jamerson   08/25
Wilson Sharp          08/02               Fay Zachary             08/26
Allison Tucker        08/12
Elizabeth Nichols     08/15

            The me

                           Scripture Readings
   July 4, 2021                July 11, 2021                        July 18, 2021
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10         2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19                  2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Psalm 48                     Psalm 24                                Psalm 89:20-37
2 Corinthians 12:2-10        Ephesians 1:3-14                        Ephesians 2:11-22
Mark 6:1-13                  Mark 6:14-29                            Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

   July 26, 2021               August 1, 2021                         August 8, 2021
2 Samuel 11:1-15             2 Samuel 11: 26-12:13a                 2 Samuel 18: 5-9, 15, 31-33
Psalm 14                     Psalm 51: 1-13                         Psalm 130
Ephesians 3:14-21            Ephesians 4: 1-16                      Ephesians 4: 25-5:2
John 6:1-21                  John 6: 24-35                          John 6: 35, 41-51

   August 15, 2021             August 22, 2021                       August 29,2021
1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14      1 Kings 8: [1,6,10-11], 22-30, 41-43   Song of Solomon 2:8-13
Psalm 111                    Psalm 84                               Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10
Ephesians 5:15-20            Ephesians 6:10-20                      James 1:17-27
John 6:51-58                 John 6:56-69                           Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
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