Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India

Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
JULY, 2021

                    Game Changer
                The Covid Global

Rakesh Kumar                            Deepak Amin                   Aviral Saini
CEO & Executive Director                Promoter, Managing Director   CFO & Executive Director
Light Microfinance                      Light Microfinance            Light Microfinance
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Overview                                             CONTENT

       he pandemic has turned the world              Rakesh Kumar, CEO & Executive Director, Light Microfinance.................03
       upside down. It has taken lives               Deepak Amin
       and jobs, damaged the industries,             Promoter, Managing Director, Light Microfinance..................................................03
and turned unimaginable into reality. It
                                                     Aviral Saini
has affected millions of people across
                                                     CFO & Executive Director, Light Microfinance..........................................................03
the world. The pandemic has united
the medical community of the world                   Abhishek Sharma, CEO, Foundation Holding....................................................06
in an unprecedented way. The doctors
                                                     Ashok Goyal, Founder & CEO, Tirupati Group...................................................07
are working 24*7 and making sure that
their patients are recovering. They have             Dr. Amandeep Kaur
adopted new-age technologies in the                  Director, Amandeep Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (AHPL)..................................................08
hospital to monitor their patients and
staff. Over the last year, the doctor-
                                                     Dr. Deepak Birewar
patient    relationship   has    evolved             Chairman & Managing, Inventys Research Company...........................................09
manifolds. They have realized that it is             Dr. Dheeraj Nagore
not always necessary to call patients to             CEO & Founder, Mprex Healthcare Pvt Ltd.................................................................10
the hospital. They can follow up with
their patients on video calls.                       Dr. M. Kuppusamy
                                                     Founder & Managing Director, Tergene Biotech Pvt. Ltd...................................... 11
While the government is taking necessary
steps to curb the ongoing pandemic,                  Dr. Rampapa Rao Ambati
some organizations have come forward                 Chairman, PACCS HEALTH CARE PVT LTD.................................................................12
to help the people find the supplies they
                                                     Dr. Rajnish Bharti - Ph.D
need like oxygen, cylinders, medicines,
                                                     General Manager, Promega Biotech India Pvt Ltd....................................................13
and more. Different organizations are
contributing to society differently. In              Felix Paul Joe
this issue, we will look at how frontline            CEO & Director, GeneX India Bioscience Pvt Ltd.....................................................14
workers and organizations are working
                                                     Liberatha Kallat
together to overcome the challenges of
                                                     Founder & MD, DreamFolks Services Pvt Ltd............................................................ 15

Malavika Sacchdeva
                                                     Michael Collura
                                                     President and CEO, Bowes In Home Care.................................................................... 16
                                                     Michael Collura
Marketed By                                          President and CEO, In Home Personal Services........................................................17
                                                     Nathan J. Degodt
                                                     CEO, Community Healthcare Accreditation Partner.............................................. 18
                                                     Navneet Trehan, CEO, Genaxy Scientific Pvt. Ltd........................................... 19

Plot No. 4 Laxmi Garden,                             Rishabh Goel, Co-Founder & CEO, Credgenics.................................................20
Kirti Nagar, New Delhi- 110015
Email: info@digitechview.com
                                                     Sricharan Devineni, Executive Director, Tenet Diagnostics.......................21
Website: www.digitechview.com                        Sandeep Aggarwal, Founder & CEO, Droom Technologies.....................22
Mobile: +91 8130967640
                                                     SANJAY SHAH,
                                                     Chairman & Managing Director, Sakar Healthcare Ltd......................................... 24
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in
this supplement are not endorsed by Network 18
Media and Investments Limited. This is a marketing
                                                     Vikas Chadha, MD, GI Outsourcing.......................................................................... 26
initiative and Forbes India journalists were not
involved in producing this supplement.               Vikas Agarwal, Director, Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd...............27

2 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Light Microfinance: Transforming the
Lives of Low-Income Households in India

               icrofinance has played an
               important role in promoting the
               economic growth of low-income
               borrowers by creating access to
credit for their microbusinesses. The industry
is creating opportunities and transforming the
lives of millions of people by providing loans
that were previously beyond their reach. In
India, banks, NBFC-MFIs, NBFCs, SFBs, and
not-for-profit MFIs engage in microlending.
Among these, NBFC-MFIs hold 32% or the
second-largest share of the loan portfolio.
One of the fastest-growing microfinance
companies in India with the best asset quality
is Light Microfinance (Light), a privately held
NBFC-MFI registered with the Reserve Bank
of India; the company operates 132 branches
across 68 districts of Gujarat, Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, and Haryana. It caters to
more than 220k borrowers and employs over
1400 people.
     Currently, the company offers debt capital,
ranging from 50k to 75k to its borrowers, to
further their businesses and enhance their
household incomes, while securing their cash
flows during times of distress through apt
insurance products. It also enables its borrowers
to participate in the digital transformation at
the rural level through smartphone financing
and digitized operations.                                 Rakesh Kumar                        Deepak Amin                         Aviral Saini
     41 Financial Institutions, including 16            CEO & Executive Director        Promoter, Managing Director          CFO & Executive Director
Banks, have partnered with Light to enable
unhindered growth. The company is backed              Explorer browser and was the lead engineer       microfinance to Bihar at scale. He then went on
by three leading European Impact Investors in         for Microsoft Windows Networking. He             to expand SKS operations across 7 North Indian
Triple Jump, Incofin, and Nordic Microfinance         cofounded Covelix, Inc, the US and India-based   states, and played a key role in its rapid growth
Initiative. They have invested close to INR 73        international software consulting company,       by building a borrower base of over 150,000 and
crores in the company to support growth and           that provides services to global enterprise      a robust portfolio of over INR 100 crores.
technology investments.                               technology companies. Putting his immense             He brings invaluable field experience in
     As consumers evolve at the bottom of             experience with technology to worthy effect,     setting up microfinance operations from the
the pyramid, more cash-flow driven and                he serves on the Technology Advisory Council     ground up and scaling it across geographies.
customer-centric products are becoming the            of Grameen Foundation for Microfinance,          He is focused on making Light a large
need of the hour. Light Microfinance aims to          USA, working to uplift the underprivileged by    successful organization by developing teams,
provide the most relevant, reliable, affordable,      providing access to finance and technology.      installing systems, and setting complete work
and convenient solutions. It has identified the           Deepak is working as an Independent          processes. Aviral Saini is Co-Founder & CFO
next set of products and started investing in         Director on the board of SBI Life Insurance      at Light.
technology to enrich the customer experience.         Ltd. He is also the Chairman of the Technology        He has brought focus on process
                                                      Committee of the board and a member of the       optimization,       innovation,       and     risk
The Core Team                                         Audit Committee and the Risk Management          management. He has developed and
Deepak Amin founded Light Microfinance in             Committee of the board. He also served as an     implemented first-inindustry initiatives such
2009 to leverage his experience and expertise in      Independent Director on the Board of State       as digitization of the entire operations onto an
technology and deliver reliable and affordable        Bank of India (SBI).                             indigenously designed customizable mobile
financial services to the large unbanked                  Rakesh Kumar, Co-Founder, & CEO,             platform, and independent tech-enabled credit
segment in India. He started his career at            Light Microfinance, started his career with      model. With an eye for future trends, Aviral
Microsoft USA, where he was instrumental              Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited (erstwhile    identifies new growth and financial strategies
in the development of the original Internet           SKS Microfinance) with a mission to bring        to establish Light’s leadership in the industry.

                                                    FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 3
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Light Microfinance, with an assiduously put     awaited clarity to all stakeholders putting the         The onset of the Covid pandemic brought
together passionate and capable management          industry back on to growth path.                    sudden and cataclysmic change across the
team, is led by a highly professional and stellar        In 2016, the country witnessed                 industries and economies. The pandemic
Board of Directors bringing vast experience         demonetization. It was the first pan-India          compelled individuals and entities to think
from banking, compliance, governance, risk          disruption of microfinance operations and           only about survival. The leaders with the
management, technology, and microfinance.           induced significant stress in portfolios across     most conservative approaches towards
                                                    geographies. With a balance sheet of                risk management were astonished by this
Resilience Redefined                                     INR 100 Cr, Light was precariously placed      unprecedented event.
The rapidly growing microfinance industry           and despite taking over a year to consolidate           Aviral Saini, CFO at Light says, “COVID-19
has its unique challenges such as lack of           and stabilize, came out much stronger with new      presented a unique disruption of field
formal credit history, absence of collateral,       technology enabled enhanced underwriting,           operations while also creating severe stress on
lack of developed infrastructure in the areas       sourcing, and collection processes.                 liquidity for the industry as a whole. However,
of operations, lower literacy and awareness              When the IL&FS scandal hit the supply          we focused on developing a technology-led
levels in employees and customers, and some         side severely in 2018, it resulted in a liquidity   Business Continuity Plan, with the idea of
of the strictest compliances put forth by RBI.      crisis for all NBFCs. Light again came out          identifying and prioritizing the list of activities
According to the Microfinance Institution           stronger, doubling its loan portfolio in the        and putting them into action, including,
Network (MFIN) report, the industry has             year. It managed its liquidity extremely well,      preserving the relations with borrowers,
grown 4x from INR 609 Bn in Mar `13 to INR          leveraged on its lender relationships, and          lenders, and investors without compromising
2,593 Bn in Mar `21. Outreach has increased         even drove an industry-level securitization         the safety of the borrowers and employees.
by 3.5x to 59 Mn customers. However, the            transaction to enable smaller MFIs to gain          This exemplifies our philosophy of focusing
demand is estimated to be more than INR             some liquidity.                                     on the fundamentals of business and aligning
8,000 Bn. The portfolio at risk (PAR) has been                                                          the right set of actions to infuse confidence
on an upward trend since June 2020. The                                                                 among internal and external stakeholders. This
Andhra Pradesh crisis took place in the second                                                          ensures not just surviving the crisis but even
half of 2010, leading to a downturn due to the                                                          creates the opportunity to come out on top.”
alleged malpractices by some MFIs. The sector         Calmness across the ranks,                            Light engaged with lenders and investors
had to deal with rising delinquency ratios            putting the identified priorities                 intensively with regular transparent updates
and recovery rates that fell from 99% to 10%          into action and engaging the                      and engaged with borrowers humanely. This
in some states, leading to huge stress on the                                                           helped Light gain industry transcending
                                                      stakeholders appropriately
functioning of MFIs. This led to the first set of                                                       performance, with one of the best portfolio
dedicated operational guidelines from the RBI         ensured Light came with                           qualities (NPAs at less than 1/6th that of
based on the Malegam Committee report in              industry-leading performance                      industry) and a 30% growth in its asset size in
2011. The recommendations brought much-               during this global pandemic.                      one of the most turbulent times of the industry.

4 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
30.0%                                                    Total PAR        30+ DPD          90+ DPD
25.0%                             23.4%
                                                                          18.9%              18.9%                                       19.5%
                                      17.3%                       16.9%                                              16.4%
                                                                               14.8%                 15.5%                                     15.2%
                                           12.8%                                                                          12.1%
                                                                                                        10.3%                                       10.6%
10.0%                                                                               9.2%                                        8.7%

                   LIGHT           M NBFC-MFIs             SFBs               Banks              NBFCs               Rest of Industry      Total Industry
 Source: Equifax

    Across all these major crises, the Light               Speaking about creative thinking, Deepak          empower them to make informed decisions.
leadership team was focused on maintaining             says, “Innovation is a core value at Light. It        Key suggestions include: a) replacing pricing
calm across ranks and transparently                    is encouraged at every level and is embraced          cap with risk-based pricing of loan, b) removal
engaging all stakeholders while ensuring               with openness. Light is a performance-                of Margin Cap of 10%, c) replacing two
employee morale, customer connections,                 oriented and data-driven organization.                NBFC-MFI lenders and maximum household
tight liquidity management, and product                The teams are encouraged to challenge the             income of INR 1.25L with cash-flow-based
and process innovation.                                status quo-think about how the company                assessment and capping of total EMIs, and d)
                                                       can do better; how can our customers be               removal of up to 50% of loans for nonincome
Innovative, Driven,                                    served better faster, at a lower cost; how            generating purposes.
Grounded                                               can a process be made faster; how can we                   Microfinance customers will benefit
The leadership team at Light Microfinance              eliminate manual processes; how fraud                 greatly from the proposed changes as their
strongly believes in creating a successful             detection can happen; and how analytics and           consumption-related financial needs will be
organization by building an efficient and capable      AI can be used on the gigabytes of data that          met by MFIs at lower rates. This will lead to
team grounded in reality and empathy. The              resides with the company. Any idea enabling           the introduction of new relevant products for
management team at Light consists of diverse,          the organization to meet its goal, strategic          customers, better credit underwriting, and
passionate, and high-integrity people, who are         or tactical, is discussed with an open mind.          also enable microfinance operators to absorb
some of the most qualified and accomplished            Each management stakeholder participates              additional expenses for risk management.
professionals in their fields. They together bring     in the process while bringing inputs from her         Increased earnings and stricter underwriting
over 150+ years of experience with a clear focus       team. Once identified as a goal, a periodic           will result in appropriate technology spreading
on execution to deliver on Light’s vision to           review mechanism further ensures the focus            out to more remote locations. “Light is the
become the leading microfinance products and           is maintained and teams constantly strive to          only MFI that conducts rigorous cash-flow-
services company in India.                             innovate to ensure delivery on the promise.”          based assessment of all its borrowers through
    “For us, our employees and customers                                                                     an independent credit team and is beautifully
have been the focus of every decision. Happy           Digitized Future                                      placed vis-à-vis the proposed guidelines. This
employees and customers make a good                    Speaking about the future, Rakesh says,               gives us a good head start of a couple of years.
business. We work with like-minded growth              “The Future holds a lot of opportunities              With socio-economic and cash flow data from
partners (lenders and investors). They have            for us to become the most valued financial            over 400,000 households, our investments
always supported our decision-making                   service provider by reaching out to more              in AI-driven customer engagement and risk
process. Each decision is taken based on               underserved sections of society, covering             assessment interventions will ensure we fulfill
rigorous data analysis with participation from         more geographical regions, providing more             our vision of becoming the most preferred
every management team member that ensures              tech-enabled flexible financial services, and         financial service provider for the underserved,”
accountability and enables innovation. The             diversifying the business in other areas. In          asserts Rakesh.
decision is transparently communicated to all          this tech-savvy world, we plan to launch                   Rakesh Kumar advises the young
stakeholders, thus, aligning everyone to one           our venture in the world of fintech that uses         generation, “Change does not come without
goal. Once agreed and aligned, the team will           technology to enhance or automate financial           struggle. It is the struggles that shape the
move mountains to reach their goal and, in their       services, and processes. To support the growth        character of a great movement. If you have set
pursuit, trigger innovations which enhance our         and vision of the company, another significant        out to create a great organization, be assured
delivery for future,” explains Deepak Amin, MD         equity investment plan is underway.”                  that you will face significant hurdles. These
at Light. For their professional, transparent,             Recently, RBI has proposed a framework            will be the moments you stand your ground,
and innovative qualities, Light team members           for harmonizing the microfinance guidelines           hold onto your conviction, and push forward.
find good standing in the industry and                 across various entities. The aim of the new           Specifically for financial services, focus on
regularly share inputs and learnings to improve        framework is to protect the microfinance              credit, collection, costs, and liquidity while
the industry overall.                                  borrowers from over-indebtedness and                  always keeping the customer at the centre.”

                                                     FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 5
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Foundation Holdings, a Leading
Investment Firm, Transforms Businesses
through Growth Strategies
                                                      They use four key pillars to measure social        installments—without incurring any extra
                                                      impact:                                            cost. These measures remain in place today
                                                      1. Increased access to healthcare and/or           as we continue our work towards sustainable
                                                          education,                                     education,” he asserts.
                                                      2. Improved quality of healthcare and/or                Abhishek takes his responsibility very
                                                          education,                                     seriously. He says, “It’s incumbent upon
                                                      3. Improved affordability of healthcare and/       investors like us to provide our businesses with
                                                          or education, and                              all of the mental, physical, and financial support
                                                      4. Strengthened human capital.                     they need to deliver their critical functions in
                                                          Foundation believes in driving change that     society day in and day out.”
                                                      creates a more prosperous future by finding             For him, every day is a new challenge,
                                                      innovative solutions—reflected by USD 130          whether it’s finance, operational or strategic
                                                      million worth of private investments impacting     planning. Foundation's best practice to deal
                                                      3.5 Mn lives and creating 5,000 jobs in the last   with these obstacles is to place short-term
                                                      three years.                                       targets that safeguard their portfolio. Later, the
                                                                                                         company reviews actual performance against
                                                      About the Founder                                  these short-term targets.
                                                      Abhishek Sharma serves as the Founder CEO               Speaking about ensuring the health and
                                                      of Foundation Holdings, a strategic, global        safety of the workforce, Abhishek says “We have
                                                      investment firm building sustainable, industry-    provided quality health insurance, an annual
                                                      defining companies in the impactful healthcare     wellness program, and measures to ensure a
                                                      and education sectors across India and the         healthy work-life balance.” When the COVID
                                                      GCC countries.                                     -19 pandemic hit, Foundation Holdings’ first
                                                           Abhishek has over 20 years of global          step was to provide adequate awareness within
                                                      investment experience across the United States,    the workforce. The company held periodic
                                                      GCC countries, and India. He serves on several     (virtual) sessions to communicate safety
                                                      boards in India and the GCC countries, and         guidelines and procedures, and updates from
                                                      is a member of the Healthcare and Education        health authorities.
                                                      Steering Committee with the Indian Business
                                                      and Professional Council (IBPC).                   Decision-Making is an Art
Abhishek Sharma                                            “Our senior leadership team includes          Decision-making is a vital aspect of any
CEO, Foundation Holdings                              experienced operators who have delivered           organization as it affects the lives of all the
                                                      outstanding results for the world’s largest        stakeholders. It also has the potential to change

                                                      healthcare and education companies, bringing       the course of the organization. Taking the
            oundation Holdings is a healthcare        immense knowledge and value to the company,”       right decision at the right time can help an
            and education investment firm. The        says Abhishek.                                     organization achieve its goal. Abhishek makes
            company transforms businesses                                                                sure that he inspires people working for him.
            in India and the Gulf Cooperation         Education and the Pandemic                         This involves creating an environment where all
Council (GCC) countries into global champions         During the pandemic, Foundation Holdings’          the employees truly believe in their work and
by enhancing human capital at its portfolio           education ecosystem came together to support       make customers feel valued, listened to, and
companies along with improving their service          teachers, students, and parents both in terms      cared for.
quality, growth trajectory, and brand equity.         of delivering education and paying for it. Their       The company has emphasized the
Improvements in quality that create genuine,          Ryan EduNation schools offered discounts           digitization of workflows to establish a more
positive social impact can only be achieved by        to parents to ease the financial burden and        cost-effective communication network. They
investing in teams driven by impact. Foundation       ensured student continuity. “Our EdTech            have also launched internal communication
Holdings exists to unleash the true potential of      platform, Toppr, enabled Ryan Edunation to         platforms and online real-time tools to
the human capital in these teams, thus advancing      quickly adopt an online learning platform at       effectively oversee projects and initiatives.
the interests of all stakeholders in the healthcare   a large scale for its students. Our GrayQuest      Today they are impacting over 3.5 million lives.
and education ecosystem with excellence,              verticle, an innovative provider of student            Abhishek says, “My family has always been
integrity, and tangible social impact.                loan solutions, helped to further ease the         there for me. The constant love and support they
     The company’s objective is to deliver social,    financial burden by enabling parents to pay        have given me keeps me motivated and inspires
environmental impact and market rate returns.         annual education fees in up to 12 monthly          me to work harder for them every day.”

6 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
“We manufactured close to 400 Million
Vitamins & Supplement tablets and 57
thousand KL of Sanitizers to help share the
burden of COVI D relief,” says Ashok Goyal
                                                        Nutrition, Hygiene Solutions, Cosmetics,              educate and sensitize the rural populations of
                                                        and Herbal. The exhaustive list of dosage             the Covid-appropriate behavior. We partnered
                                                        forms includes Tablets, Oral Liquids, Oral            with hospitals and nursing homes to offer our
                                                        Powder, Emulsions, Creams, Lotions, Gels,             ambulance services to help get critical patients
                                                        and Aerosols (with/without Gas), etc. They            much-needed medical attention at the earliest.
                                                        thrive on the philosophy of delivering “Health,            While we tried to keep everyone safe, it was
                                                        Immunity and Hygiene” solutions to the masses         heartening to see the workforce pool in their
                                                        at affordable costs, driven through innovation.       energies in helping us manufacture and make
                                                                                                              available products for Covid management. We
                                                        Providing Help During                                 manufactured close to 400 million vitamins
                                                        the Pandemic                                          and supplement tablets and 57,000 KL of
                                                        The COVID-19 pandemic is a one-in-a-                  sanitizers to help share the burden of Covid
                                                        century calamity that comes with a specific set       relief,” he explains.
                                                        of challenges. The company followed a three-               The dynamic nature of the challenges
                                                        pronged approach, that is resources, services,        during Covid made it very difficult for Ashok
                                                        and network. Ashok says, “It was important            to plan ahead of time. He indulged in a lot of
                                                        that the private players like us put in efforts to    focused group discussions to listen to people
                                                        support the district and the state administration     and offer emotional support. The hardships
                                                        in these trying times. We made necessary funds        and challenges have helped develop a sense
                                                        available in the form of donations to Central,        of empathy for people around him. He even
                                                        State, and District initiatives. Mass-sanitization    conducted motivational training for all
                                                        tunnels were installed at key hospitals such as       employees to keep their morale high.
                                                        PGI Chandigarh, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
                                                        Delhi, and various other public and private           Taking Care of People
                                                        hospitals in Paonta Sahib. We made necessary          For Ashok Goyal, Tirupati Parivar (employees)
                                                        arrangements to develop 50-bed Covid-                 is his foremost priority, which is followed by
                                                        isolation facilities for residents of Paonta Sahib.   society and business. When the pandemic
Ashok Goyal                                             We also offered technical support to ensure           hit, his main focus was to ensure continuity
Founder & CEO, Tirupati Group                           efficient working of medical equipment like           of employment. He made sure that the

                                                        ventilators & oxygen lines in the district.”          most vulnerable class of the workforce was
              shok Goyal is the Founder & CEO                Ashok made sure that his company                 taken care of by ensuring a place to stay and
              of Tirupati Group, one of the largest     activated a network of Pharma associations            uninterrupted food and supplement supply.
              and fastest-growing Contract              to ensure the supply of critical medicines                 “We have ensured regular sanitization
              Development and Manufacturing             and vaccines that were in short supply and            of people, equipment, and vehicles by
Organization (CDMOs), providing end-toend               were being required to treat and manage               fumigators. We made necessary arrangements
solutions from research to product launch               infected patients.                                    to ensure social distancing within our plant by
with multiple manufacturing facilities. He is a              He also rendered his best team to become a       adjusting the timetable without disrupting the
first-generation entrepreneur and has grown             part of the state think-tank that developed and       plant operations.
the group to a buzzing 1100 crores empire.              executed strategies for the state administration           In our administrative blocks, we have taken
Known as a progressive leader with a vision, his        to tackle the situation. This was critical in the     steps to ensure Covid -appropriate behaviors.
inclusive and collaborative approach towards            second wave when despite being one of the             We installed sanitizers at all entrances. We
administration is admired by those who work             highest oxygen producers itself, Himachal             stretched the canteen timings to ensure social
closely with him. He is an innovative, proactive,       Pradesh faced problems of shortage due to             distancing,” he explains.
quick decision-maker, and disciplined, which            supply-chain disruption.                                   While the nation was in lockdown, Ashok
help him in identifying and developing                       “The cities had their challenges, but the        ensured that his staff received regular supplies
businesses ahead of their time. Giving back to          risk of infections rose multi-fold in the second      of essential items such as groceries, medicines,
society is a key aspect of his persona.                 wave in the rural areas as well. We ensured           and supplements. His company helped cover
     Founded in 2005, the Tirupati and Pontika          the proper spread of information through              the expenses of medical treatment for their
Group is highly diversified, catering to a variety      education by partnering with Gram-panchayats          employees and their family members. They have
of broad segments like Pharmaceuticals,                 and block offices. We donated PPE kits, masks,        also begun a vaccination drive for all employees
Clinical Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, General           and sanitizers in the requisite quantities to         and their families to ensure their safety.

                                                      FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 7
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Fighting for the
Greater Good
A revered medical professional,
Dr Amandeep Kaur approaches
healthcare with equal parts
compassion and dedication

             pediatrician by profession, Dr.     medical workers, who worked night
             Amandeep Kaur is known for          and day to perform lifesaving acts. We
             her patient-centric approach.       distributed face masks and hand sanitizers
             Besides heading AHPL, she           among the needy, apart from conducting
serves as the president of IMA, Association      food distribution drives, all while keeping
of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI), and        our own hospitals well-sanitized.
Association of National Board Accredited
Institutions (ANBAI), North Zone. What           What do you do as a socially
corroborates her dexterity further is her        responsible organization?
effective management of several hospitals        As part of our corporate social responsibility
and outpatient departments (OPD) across          initiatives, we held in-house trainings and
northern India.                                  webinars. We also collaborated with the
    Here is what Dr Amandeep has to say          Amritsar Municipal Corporation and major
                                                                                                  Dr Amandeep Kaur
                                                                                                  Director, Amandeep Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (AHPL)
about healthcare during the pandemic.            corporate houses to hold “Nukkad Nataks”,
                                                 in order to generate mass awareness about
What was your role during                        COVID-19. Our initiatives, such as the           What are the most
the pandemic?                                    Smile Train (treating cleft lips surgically),    important decisions
My family, my team and I have never turned       the CATT Trust (sponsoring medication            you have made for your
our backs on any patient, regardless of the      and free treatment for needy patients),          organization?
complications and challenges involved in         NAARI (educating women about menstrual           I love children, and my job as a pediatrician
their treatment. Take, for instance, the cases   issues), and our first aid initiatives that      involved catering to their health needs.
of two police officers (both frontline Covid     started years ago, bear testimony to our         More than a profession, pediatrics was
warriors) needing reimplantation and two         social outreach.                                 my passion, which I had to give up when
Covid -positive expectant mothers, all                Our vision is to offer quality healthcare   faced with the need to contribute towards
spurned by other hospitals due to the risks      to people in need and Amandeep College of        the hospital’s administration as our group
involved. We received them warmly and            Nursing along with Amandeep Educational          began to grow. Not only was the transition
treated them as per their needs.                 Services is another initiative of ours that      tough, but also painful, as I was no longer
    The Chest Clinic at Amandeep Hospital        aims at producing expert operation theater       able to meet the kids. I was called upon to
and the Amandeep COVID Care Centre               technicians, laboratory technicians, and         ensure a democratic environment to boost
are equipped with high-end infrastructure        critical care. We have even launched the         employee-patient relations in compliance
and the best consultants, medical officers       Amandeep Cricket Academy for Women to            with our vision and mission. For this,
and nursing staff to serve people in these       empower women through sport.                     I pursued an online degree in hospital
unprecedented times. Norms to ensure                                                              and health management. I believe that
staff and patient safety, and initiatives to     What helps you stay                              decision proved to be a turning point for
keep the staff well-motivated to do their        motivated?                                       my organization.
best for the service of the Covid -scarred       The happy smiles that adorn the faces of my          COVID-19 has been another big
humanity, are duly implemented. My               patients at the time of their discharge make     challenge to my leadership. Unlike various
team and I were fortunate to develop and         me even more determined to lead from the         organizations that laid their staff off, I
collaborate with the Government to launch        heart. I believe in moving on no matter how      made sure that no employee was sacked,
a care app to help COVID-19 patients. As         tough the road ahead may seem. It’s my           and divided them into 15-day-long shifts.
the president of IMA, Amritsar Chapter, I,       never-say-die attitude towards life that has     This was no cakewalk, but we learnt to
along with my team, organized awareness          brought me this far in both my professional      manage things with proper planning and
lectures for pulmonologists and critical         and personal lives. The continuous support       scheduling. However, the most important
care intensivists.                               of my dedicated team of doctors, nurses,         decision that I made during this time was
    We also organized sessions to appreciate     and paramedics, as well as my family, is my      to be the first to be immunized along with
the efforts of doctors, nurses, and other        greatest inspiration at all times.               my staff and family.

8 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Inventys: Dependable Indian manufacturing
partner of global supply chains in
agrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors
                                                    GMP standards. Known for ontime delivery,           with excellent project management know-
                                                    innovative chemistry, best in-class engineering     how, which is of vital importance for rapid
                                                    skills, and state-of-theart automated plants,       implementation of process technology.
                                                    the company is today catering to clients in         Our scientists and engineers are trained to
                                                    Western Europe, the USA, and Japan.                 work under pressure to focus efforts quickly
                                                                                                        to develop the process and produce the
                                                    About Dr Deepak Birewar                             compound of interest,” says Dr Birewar.
                                                    Dr Deepak Birewar completed his Chemical
                                                    Engineering from IIT Mumbai and PhD                 The R&D team focuses on:
                                                    from Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He            • Route evaluation and development
                                                    started his career with Dupont Corporation          • Optimization of reaction condition
                                                    as a research scientist in the Central Research     • Quality by process design
                                                    Department, Wilmington, DE, in USA. He              • Green chemistry
                                                    then moved to the software industry to sharpen      • Critical process parameter assessment
                                                    his skills in optimization algorithms and           • Polymorph screening and salt selection
                                                    large-scale math programming techniques.            • Analytical method development and more
                                                    Dr Birewar eventually rose to the level of vice
                                                    president at i2 Technologies, Dallas, USA.               The company’s core value revolves
                                                    With close to three decades of vast experience      around a passion for the science of chemicals
                                                    in various markets and industries, Dr Birewar       manufacturing,      providing     cutting-edge
                                                    started Inventys Research Company, known            solutions to their customers, and adhering
                                                    for its innovative products and strategies in the   to ethical business practices. Inventys has
                                                    chemical manufacturing industry.                    always focused on building trust and ensuring
                                                                                                        transparency to forge long-term relationships
Dr Deepak Birewar                                   Research and Superior                               with their customers. “We are driven by
Chairman & Managing, Inventys Research Company
                                                    Process Engineering is the                          innovation, and we strive to continuously

                                                    Cornerstone of the Inventys                         improve our practices to be customer-centric.
     nventys     Research    Company       was      growt h strategy                                    It is our passion for excellence that keeps us
     founded by Dr Deepak Birewar in 2005.          Inventys offers tailored services based on          going forward,” Dr Birewar states.
     Inventys strives to provide dependable         its competence in handling challenging
     manufacturing services to the global           chemistry and designing state-of-the-art            Teamwork Improves
supply chains—especially in the Life                automated plants for efficient manufacturing.       Productivity
Sciences area. Inventys is now a well-reputed       Inventys provides real-time monitoring              The company believes in the combined efforts
provider of customized manufacturing                along with advanced process control, which          of each employee’s contribution. “At Inventys,
services for chemicals, APIs, AIs, agricultural     greatly helps in reducing RM consumption,           we follow fair and ethical codes of conduct,
intermediates, and advanced intermediates.          minimizing off-quality products, and                and we work as a team to achieve synergy
Initially, Inventys started its operations as       minimizing the formation of by-products.            and add value to what we do. Our team is
a custom manufacturing provider. Having             Growing a product from laboratory stage to          our biggest asset, and we learn, re-learn,
developed over 36 products that include             MT-level production is a complex task and           and upskill to stay ahead of competition. We
generic APIs and other specialty chemicals,         one of our core strengths. We can absorb or         motivate our employees by providing them
Inventys today boasts of their very own             develop bench scale chemistry. Scale it up to       with new opportunities to grow and learn.
product catalog, which they have developed          Kilo Scale safely and efficiently. Inventys can     I believe that if you love what you do, you
over the past three years.                          also build a pilot facility if appropriate (or      can achieve more, both professionally and
     Inventys operates five automated               pilot your molecule using our multipurpose          personally,” he asserts.
multipurpose plants with 15 sections. These         pilot plant) and then manufacture using                 Inventys skill to breathe innovation into
versatile multipurpose plants can handle            a dedicated facility or a shared facility           their products sets them apart from their
various reactions including continuous gas/         (depending on the scale of requirement and          competitors. The company provides innovative
liquid phase reactions, fixed-bed continuous        type of chemistry involved).                        technology with unique and unrivaled
reaction, high-temperature catalytic reactions,          “We develop processes based on our own         chemistry by investing heavily in technology
high-pressure hydrogenation, Cyanation at a         know-how or optimize existing processes for         and science. Their goal is to minimize their
large scale, etc. They provide state-of-theart      full commercial production. Our expertise           dependency on China by offering at an
competence in process R&D, small to medium          lies in good science, expert evaluation skills,     affordable price, while generating more job
scale manufacturing conforming to ISO and           a frugal and innovative mindset combined            opportunities in India.

                                                  FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 9
Heroes Game ChanGer The Covid Global - Forbes India
Dr Dheeraj Nagore, a visionary leader
behind prospering Mprex Healthcare Pvt Ltd:
Contributing service to mankind in Covid-19
pandemic through clinical research

             r Dheeraj Nagore is the Founder and                                                       more than 5,000 COVID -19 participants over
             CEO of Mprex Healthcare, a leading                                                        different clinical trials since June 2020. They
             Asian contract research organization                                                      have successfully completed clinical trials of
             that provides advanced clinical                                                           nutraceuticals, Ayurveda, homeopathy, and
research solutions and consultation through                                                            ozone therapy-based interventions which
a broad suite of expert capabilities across                                                            provided hope to the medical fraternity and
every field of therapeutics. Mprex Healthcare                                                          patients when there were very few therapeutic
provides the full range of clinical trial services                                                     drugs working for Covid 19.
to the herbal, nutraceutical, biopharmaceutical,                                                            “We had the privilege to give back to society
medical device, and diagnostic apparatus, for                                                          through hope, light, and positivity to pilot
all trial phases, registration, and post-marketing                                                     through this pandemic. Though the journey
trials. Dr. Dheeraj has expertise in the field of                                                      was not easy; the pandemic tested scientists,
product development, regulations, research,                                                            leaders, entrepreneurs, and humans in the
clinical trials, safety studies, manufacturing,                                                        Mprex team,” he adds.
packaging & designing, marketing, patent, and                                                               During the pandemic, they faced many
medical writing.                                                                                       challenges such as country/state lockdowns,
     He has many awards to his credit like Best                                                        sites being taken over for COVID-19 related
Scientist of India, Young Researcher National                                                          care, interruptions to the supply chain for
Awards, Outstanding Researcher Award, and                                                              the investigational product, and more. To
was named Top 25 Researchers of India. He                                                              overcome these challenges, they came up with
has trained more than 60 scientists who are                                                            a solution where they divided the team into
now working with renowned pharmaceutical                                                               two groups: one was given the responsibility to
companies. Within a short period of time,                                                              go to COVID-19 hospital and the other team
he has developed more than 100 unique                                                                  was sent to the CRO office for data filing. The
pharmaceutical, nutraceuticals, ayurvedic,           Dr. Dheeraj Nagore                                team used CDM software to acquire the data
and herbal products, and 500 methods for             CEO & Founder, Mprex Healthcare Pvt Ltd.          from COVID -19 hospital to CRO. “We had a
authentication, identification, and quality              Dr Dheeraj traverses effortlessly from        day-to-day follow-up system which avoided
assessment of medicinal plants. Today, he            the ancient knowledge of medicine to the          data loss due to the pandemic. We provided
has more than 100 international research             ultramodern     technology-based      sciences.   the development of a proper informed consent
publications and many patents to his credit.         He bridges the gap between the known and          form with clarity on risk and benefits to the
     As an Innovative Product Researcher, he has     the unidentified technologies and unfolding       patient. And, we successfully completed the six
found many proven solutions for various lifestyle    primordial science to explore and experience      clinical trials in Traditional Herbal Medicine
diseases and holds unique products and design        the novel dimensions of the medicinal world.      for the treatment of COVID-19,” he says.
patents. He has also been invited as a speaker                                                              Dr Dheeraj shares, Principles of process
for many international conferences in France,                                                          optimization sailed us through the tough
Dublin, Ireland, Dubai, China, UK, etc. Currently,   Overcoming Challenges                             time where they when operating in a dynamic
he is connected as Director on the boards of         during COVID -19                                  scenario with a fairly static process flow to follow.
many national and international companies            In March 2020, we all were suddenly struck        The utilization of AI and Digital platforms from
like MB Group of Industries, Education and           hard by the COVID -19 pandemic. There was         reporting, quality control, quality assurance,
Research, Aayush Healthcare, and Education           sheer confusion, uncertainty, and great fear      and clinical trial management helped us a lot.”
Trust (RMBSS), etc. He is also socially active and   everywhere. The whole world got locked down.           Dr Dheeraj ingenious enough to design and
working as President at Mprex Foundation and         However, Mprex soon realized that their clients   develop a Centralized Decision System (CDS)
Education Trust (RMBSS). Both his NGOs are           and society need their services. “We at the       for clinical trial management which enabled
working in the education and health sector.          management level decided to be operational.       them to take timely decisions over ever-evolving
     Dr Dheeraj developed the concept                Still being apprehensive we confronted the        situations and salvaging the damaged processes.
and technology called Concentric Quality             situation and became functional from May 2020.    As a part of this Mprex implemented end-to-end
Intelligence (CQI). It is used to predict            We were one of the very few CROs in India         quality control "Concentric Quality Intelligence"
the problems and solutions of any sort of            who started conducting clinical trials when       (CQI), where the quality assurance department
business related to research and quality. This       there were so many uncertainties and hesitancy    was in command aggressively controlling
concept helps in planning for start-ups till         using innovative products and approaches in the   damages to keep processes on timelines.
the implementation of any kind of products,          Covid treatment protocol,” Dr Dheeraj says.            He adds to the conversation, “Team Mprex
services, market analysis, and financial                  Mprex Healthcare completed more than         is now more strong, united, and focused to
forecasting. Its features range from R&D to          15 clinical trials for nutraceutical and herbal   provide the best of services to their clients and
quality control of products and services.            drugs for Covid management. They screened         all stakeholders in the healthcare industry.”

10 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Tergene Biotech is Developing an
indigenous Asia-specific, affordable
15 valent Pneumococcal Conjugate
Vaccine (Pneuteger 15®)

                                              hase I & II Human Clinical           antigens in one vaccine and are conjugated
                                              Trials completed. Phase III in       to a highly immunogenic carrier protein,
                                              1,130 infants across India is        CRM197. There are more than 700 quality
                                              underway.                            control tests being conducted on every
                                       Tergene Biotech Pvt Ltd (a subsidiary       batch of the vaccine. The entire technology
                                   of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd) was founded            platform was developed in-house by
                                   by Dr M. Kuppusamy and Mr Sathyan               Tergene,” says Dr M. Kuppusamy.
                                   Kuppusamy in 2008 with a vision to                  Pneuteger 15® has been evaluated
                                   develop lifesaving vaccines against             in 166 subjects in Phase I and Phase II
                                   Pneumonia—the single largest infectious         clinical trials, with encouraging safety
                                   cause of death in children worldwide.           and immunogenicity results. The vaccine
                                   Dr M. Kuppusamy is a scientist turned           will be evaluated in 1,130 infants in Phase
                                   entrepreneur, who has worked in the field       III clinical trials across India for safety,
                                   of vaccines and biotherapeutics for over        immunogenicity, and efficacy.
                                   four decades. He started his journey with           “We are adapting to changes in our
                                   the renowned Pasteur Institute of India         work environments and in our daily lives, as
                                   (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,           the COVID-19 pandemic continues. These
                                   GOI) and also served as a scientist             measures have allowed us to keep working
                                   for Indian Council for Medical                  as we remain prudent and vigilant. Every
                                   Research (ICMR).                                day we thrive to learn our way of working
                                       Today, the vaccine discovery company,       to address the unprecedented challenges
                                   after a decade of research in developing a      posed by the pandemic. Our team did not
                                   15 valent Pneumonia vaccine, is entering        take any break during the first Covid wave
                                   Phase III clinical validation. With funding     in 2020 as well as in the current Covid
                                   support from BIRAC, a public sector             scenario. Our manufacturing plant is up
                                   enterprise set up by the Department of          and running producing clinical lots. Our
                                   Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Tergene          quality control lab and R&D activities are
Dr. M. Kuppusamy                   is under mission mode to complete the           continuously under operation even during
Founder & Managing Director        pivotal clinical study and launch the           these testing times. This is all thanks to
Tergene Biotech Pvt Ltd            vaccine in 2022. Once the vaccine gets          the commitment shown by our dedicated
                                   approved, it will be supplied to the Nation’s   and resilient team who are taking all the
                                   Universal Immunization Programme                necessary precautionary measures in
                                   (UIP). The vaccine will prevent infant          protecting themselves, their families and
Our manufacturing plant (Bio-      deaths and hospitalizations due to              colleagues,” he explains.
safety level 2 containment         Pneumococcal Pneumonia.
facility) has the capacity to          Pneuteger 15® can protect against 15        Role of PCV in Covid-19
                                   serotypes of Streptococcus Pneumoniae.          Some observational and non-systemic
produce 100 million doses
                                   Based on seroprevalence data, these 15          studies reveal that adults with prior PCV
of Pneumococcal Conjugate          serotypes are the cause for 80% of the          immunization were associated with a
Vaccine (PCV ) per annum.          Pneumococcal disease burden in India.           lower incidence of COVID-19 diagnosis,
The production process is so       This vaccine aims to give broader coverage      hospitalization, and fatality. According to
complex for this vaccine as        and maximum protection.                         the hypothesis, protection arose from the
there are 15 antigens in one           “Our manufacturing plant (Biosafety         prevention of early stages of COVID-19
                                   level 2 containment facility) has the           pathogenesis rather than prevention of
vaccine and are conjugated to      capacity to produce 100 million doses of        severe post-infection sequelae, which
a highly immunogenic carrier       Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)            would have led to higher effectiveness
protein, CRM197.                   per annum. The production process is so         estimates      against      hospitalization
                                   complex for this vaccine as there are 15        and death.

                                FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 11
Taking PACCS to the next level:
From Anaesthesia practice to a
conglomerate of varied companies

           stablished in 1997, PACCS                                                                postacute management of diseases, and to
           HEALTHCARE was started by a                                                              reduce post-hospitalization complications,"
           team of medical professionals with                                                       says Dr Ambati Rampapa Rao, Managing
           specialization and experience in                                                         Director, PACCS Healthcare.
anaesthesia and intensive care. They provide                                                             “Our units have in-patient facilities
anaesthetic and intensive care services to                                                          that are equipped to ensure ventilatory
hospitals. Their aim is to improve the post-                                                        support and oxygen supplies for patients
surgical outcomes, ensure absolute safety                                                           having severe pulmonary problems in post-
and reduce morbidity in the peri-operative                                                          Covid phase. We have structured ourselves
phase (in relation to surgical procedures                                                           to take the patients through the entire
in hospitals). Their practice started in                                                            regime of rehabilitative processes at about
1997 by associating with two specialty                                                              25-30% of the cost of a hospital bed. We
branches of oncology and obstetrics. By                                                             have well-documented systems to measure
2020, it spread across to every known sub-                                                          risk-stratified outcomes of patients in the
specialty of anaesthesia practice including                                                         rehabilitation phase. So far our experience
Renal,     Gastrointestinal,    hepatobiliary,                                                      has been encouraging as these rehabilitative
orthopaedics, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery,                                                        regimes are helping the majority of patients
minimally invasive surgical procedures to                                                           to recover in a short time,” he adds.
robotics surgery.                                                                                        Retaining the staff was the biggest
    The number of post-surgical ICU beds                                                            challenge the company faced during the
under the managed care of PACCS swelled                                                             pandemic as most of the staff were skeptical
from six in 1997 to about 104 by 2019. The                                                          and apprehensive of the possibility of
practice of critical care medicine is extended                                                      acquiring infection themselves. “We actually
to Medical ICUs too.                                                                                had hired staff for our second unit which
    PACCS has identified few gaps in the                                                            we had to close down due to the lockdown.
existing healthcare infrastructure and                                                              So, we had a surplus of staff at our unit 1,
ecosystem. It has discerned the lack of                                                             but to retain them was a challenge,” he says.
perihospital care in the healthcare system                                                          Since it is a 24/7 care facility the staff work
in India. This gap is leading to inadequate       Dr Rampapa Rao Ambati                             in three shifts, and organizing transport for
monitoring of patient populations in the post-    Chairman, PACCS HEALTHCARE PVT LTD                staff was another challenge. They had to
hospital discharge period exposing them to a                                                        take permission from the police and various
high risk of morbidity. This is more relevant     a common medical record with progression          health authorities to commute to and from
in acute medical conditions like heart failure,   scales and for data management. It is an          work. The company also had to ensure that
neurological strokes, neurotrauma, etc. The       internet, cloud & web-based technology            the staff was following Covid protocols and
rehabilitation programs are essential for         platform. In the last two years, PACCS            wearing PPE kits.
these categories. Hence, In the year 2018,        diversified into the gaming and advertising            “We had a strict rule to not allow visitors
the management and shareholders of PACCS          sectors by creating three other wholly-owned      to meet the patients during covid-surge
have decided to initiate a new activity to        subsidiary companies namely VoidPeak              times to prevent transmission of infection.
provide transitional, tehabilitative medical,     games (video game design, development, and        Fortunately, we came out of the two waves
and support care services to needy patients.      production company), Marks & Methods              very well with not a single patient turning
These services are provided under the brand       (branding and marketing), and Eitri Studio,       freshly positive for covid in the facility and
name “Ucchvas”. PACCS decided to establish        (game art asset creation company).                without any impact in terms of recovery,”
‘Ucchvas’ to fill the gap in the spectrum of           “During the pandemic, we witnessed           he asserts.
holistic care. Ucchvas focuses on treating        various neurological conditions including              The company plans to expand its
patients who need to recoup after a complex       strokes in patients infected with the             business across the country. They have
medical condition with individualized care.       coronavirus. Many patients were admitted          standardized protocols of physical therapy
    PACCS has not only expanded its               to our rehab units. The prolonged stay of         regimes in various specialties, including
services in transitional care, rehabilitation,    critical Covid patients in the hospital ICUs      neurology and neurosurgical patients. They
and anaesthesia but also embarked on              resulted in critical illnesses associated with    are compiling the clinical data of patients,
creating a digital platform in the physical       neuro-myopathies that required 6-8 weeks of       and after correlating and analysing the
rehabilitation space to facilitate seamless       the rehabilitation process. At our center, we     outcomes, will be able to share the reports in
connectivity among all stakeholders, share        aim for faster recovery of patients, post-acute   the coming year.

12 FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021
Promega: a Covid warrior
in the fight against COVID-19

            romega is a global leader in                                                                    Promega also worked to support
            providing innovative solutions                                                              customers during these difficult times,
            and technical support to life                                                               keeping them up to date on their latest
            scientists in academic, industrial,                                                         offerings. The company conducted various
and government settings. The company has a                                                              webinars, virtual events, and social media
portfolio of more than 4,000 products covering                                                          campaigns to reach customers in new ways.
the fields of genomics, protein analysis and                                                            Promega developed Virtual Instrument apps
expression, cellular analysis, drug discovery,                                                          to remotely demonstrate various instruments
and genetic identity. Promega Biotech India                                                             like GloMax, Maxwell & Spectrum.
Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Promega Corporation,                                                               Products for COVID-19 response
became fully operational on 1 August , 2014.                                                            make up a small fraction of the company’s
Located in New Delhi, India, the branch                                                                 overall portfolio. Despite the challenges
provides customers with industry-leading                                                                of the pandemic, Promega continued to
services, support, and rapid access to products                                                         provide customers innovative products like
and technologies.                                                                                       microsatellite instability (MSI) technology to
     Promega is a core supplier in the fight                                                            help investigate the best treatment path for
against COVID-19. The company supports                                                                  cancer, NanoBRET™ TE Intracellular Kinase
scientists working around the world to                                                                  Assay for drug discovery and development,
understand the molecular mechanisms by which                                                            and STR chemistry for leading forensic labs
emerging viruses infect humans and animals,                                                             in India.
and to develop accurate detection methods.
The company is committed to supporting                                                                  Promega’s Initiatives
scientists’ efforts and continues to increase the     Dr Rajnish Bharti - Ph.D                          In April 2021, India was going through a severe
production of COVID-19-related reagents and           General Manager, Promega Biotech India Pvt Ltd    oxygen supply crisis. Dozens of hospitals in the
instruments in response to the unprecedented                                                            cities were running short of oxygen. During
global demand. Promega components support             shift. Today, we are catering to customers from   these times, Promega India came forward
approximately 30 COVID-19 test kits around            Life Sciences, Diagnostics, Genetic Identity      and partnered with Sambhav Foundation to
the world. Since the beginning of the epidemic        and the Biopharma domain,” says Dr. Rajnish       donate oxygen concentrators, BiPAP machines
in January 2020, Promega has provided enough          Bharti, General Manager, Promega Biotech          to combat the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Second
amplification reagents and enzymes to enable          India Pvt LTD.                                    Wave in the country. Promega distributed
testing an estimated 800 million samples for                                                            medical equipment to hospitals to augment
SARS-CoV-2 worldwide. In the last year, based         The Pandemic Times                                their capacity to help patients infected with
on historical output, Promega has produced            “For us, keeping employees safe was one of        COVID-19 across Delhi/NCR.
the equivalent of more than 46 years’ worth of        the biggest challenges. As a leader, our main          Promega India has partnered with
R Nasin® Plus and 20 years’ worth of GoScript™        focus was to ensure the emotional support and     The Akshaya Patra Foundation to provide
RT Mix for 1-step RT-qPCR. Both products are          well-being of our employees as well as their      Happiness Kits for COVID-19 food relief
key reagents used in COVID-19 testing globally.       family members. So, we started working from       efforts for government school children.
     The Maxwell® HT Viral TNA Kit and                home since the beginning of the pandemic and      Currently, the company is also distributing
ReliaPrep™ Viral TNA Miniprep Kit, both               transformed into a digital company,” he says.     free-of-cost hand sanitizer and face masks
Promega RNA extraction kits, are validated                To keep employees motivated, the company      to testing labs and local communities. The
and approved by the Indian Council of Medical         conducted regular Yoga and Mindfulness            company also extended support by providing
Research (ICMR) to extract viral total nucleic        sessions that focused on developing emotional     PPE kits and face shields.
acid. The public-private initiative is taken to       stability in today’s scenario. Through                 “We have successfully organized a
increase COVID-19 testing capacity by using           these sessions, employees learned how to          COVID-19 vaccination drive in collaboration
Promega Maxwell instruments in India. In a            manage stress.                                    with Sambhav Foundation and Felix Hospital,
major step to counter the coronavirus crisis,             “Our products and work culture make us        Noida,” says Dr. Rajnish. “The drive created
Promega India has offered use of automated            unique,” says Dr. Rajnish. “Employees are one     awareness among people about vaccines. We
instruments to government and ICMR                    of the biggest strengths of our organization.     have also vaccinated our employees, families,
approved labs.                                        To foster a supportive and dynamic work           security staff, and people who are not getting a
     “The Maxwell® RSC instrument is a                environment, Promega embraces the                 first dose at their nearby centres,” he adds.
compact, automated RNA extraction platform            principles of emotional and social intelligence        Promega plans to conduct a few such
that processes up to 48 samples simultaneously        (ESI). ESI helps employees improve                drives in the coming months. The company
in less than 35 minutes. The automated                relationships, manage stress and strengthen       also plans to launch new technology in the
Promega solution allows laboratories to               the emotional infrastructure at Promega to        coming years that will further differentiate
process up to 400 samples in a typical 8-hour         support a strong future.”                         Promega in the market.

                                                    FORBES INDIA MARQUEE • Game Changer- The Covid Global Heroes • JULY 2021 13
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