ICE CREAM COMPETITION - 2020 - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

Page created by Allen Bowen
ICE CREAM COMPETITION - 2020 - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
ICE CREAM COMPETITION - 2020 - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
                                   2020 ICE CREAM COMPETITION                                                                      816

                                Presented by

                                                                   COMPETITION INFORMATION
          Chair: William Roberts Entry Closing Date:                                 Thursday, September 10, 2020
     Vice Chair: Tania Ganassini
                                          Entry Fee:                                 $40.00 per entry
            COMMITTEE                Exhibit Arrival:                                Monday, September 21 & Tuesday, September 22,

  Heather Fraser Jean Beauchemin                                                     2020 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
   Steven Backs    Karen Fisher
   Emerie Brine    Paula Deane
     Judy Kingry   Kathleen Fisher
Samantha George    Elizabeth Peeters                                    JUDGING INFORMATION
   Landon Logie    Agatha Podgorski                                       Date:      Thursday, September 24, 2020

                                                       NEW IN 2020!
      In order to celebrate our winners this year, we are requesting a submission of 2-3 photos of your product, work space or
      farm to be featured on our virtual platform.

      In addition, please provide any applicable Instagram or Facebook handles.

      Submissions can be made via AssistExpo, our online entry system, when entering.

      Questions? Please email us directly at

                                            NEW DELIVERY LOCATION
                     Please refer to Rule #1 - Shipping Information for the new 2020 delivery location/address
                                2020 ICE CREAM COMPETITION                                                           816

                                 GET READY TO GROW!
   Metro is sponsoring the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair food competitions for a second straight year. Along
 with their pledge to back locally sourced food, Metro is committed to finding and supporting local suppliers and
manufacturers to feed Ontarians in new and exciting ways. Metro is looking for entrepreneurs who are ready or on
 the cusp of being ready for retail. Local food or beverage companies will have the opportunity to be assessed for
 Metro’s Locally Sourced program and invited to a Metro Buyer’s meeting, with the potential to receive business
                  coaching and finalize their product for distribution in Metro stores in Ontario!

                           We look forward to crowning this year’s Royal Champions!

          For more information or to get involved in the Metro’s Locally Sourced Program, please email

                                                          2020 ICE CREAM COMPETITION                                                                               816

                                                                 RULES AND REGULATIONS
1. All entries must meet the CFIA definition of Ice         4. Entries must consist of two (2) blank containers     7. Ice Cream will be judged on the following criteria:
   Cream as set out in section B.08.062 of the Food            or have the company labels completely covered,          Appearance - 5 points
   & Drug Regulations.                                         minimum pint-size.                                      Aroma - 5 points
                                                                                                                       Texture - 15 points
2. All entries must contain 100% Canadian Dairy.            5. All entries must be accompanied by one additional
                                                                                                                       Flavour - 25 points
                                                               branded/consumer labelled, empty container.
3. All entries must be labelled with an ingredient list                                                                TOTAL - 50 points
   and flavour name in an unidentifiable container.         6. All entries will be the property of the RAWF. No
   Due to potential allergic reactions, ALL ice cream          entries will be returned.
   that includes NUTS, MUST BE LABELED with the
   nut(s) used.

                                          RULES AND REGULATIONS—SHIPPING INFORMATION
1. Exhibits entered for competition must be shipped (prepaid) or delivered to:           3. Exhibits must be accompanied by:
   Ice Cream Competition Coordinator                                                        a. A copy of the RAWF entry form.
   Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Show Office                                              b. Requested ice cream amounts as per Section 816
   c/o Brampton Fairgrounds                                                                 c. A minimum of 2 extra retail labels
   12942 Heart Lake Rd
   Caledon, Ontario, L7C 2J3
2. All exhibits, whether shipped (prepaid) or delivered in person, must arrive at the
   RAWF between Monday, September 21 and Tuesday, September 22, 2020
   between 9:00am to 4:00pm. Late entries will not be accepted. Please ensure
   you provide your courier with the office hours 9:00am - 4:00pm when scheduling
   your shipment.

                                                       2020 ICE CREAM COMPETITION                                                                                  816

1    Classic Vanilla - No Inclusions                                                   4   Chocolate with Inclusions
2    Vanilla with Inclusions                                                           5   Any Other Flavour - With or without inclusions
3    Classic Chocolate - No Inclusions

                                                                  Ribbons will be awarded to 3rd place

Grand Champion Ice Cream                                                              Judges Choice Ice Cream Award
A Grand Champion will be awarded from the first prize winners of Classes 1-5. First   One winner will be selected from among all the Ice Cream entries by the competition
prize entries will be re-evaluated to determine the winner.                           judges. Selection is based on appearance, aroma, texture and flavour, with emphasis on
Winner to receive a Grand Champion Rosette.                                           originality and uniqueness.
                                                                                       Winner to receive a Champion Rosette.

                                                   2020 ICE CREAM COMPETITION                                                                     816

                                                     RAWF COVID-19 STATEMENT

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. The health and safety of our staff, exhibitors,
partners and the community at large are our top priorities, and we will adhere to all recommendations put forward by the government and health officials.

Staff work to ensure that all of our competitions meet the current regulations of the City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario.

                                               HOW WE ARE KEEPING YOU SAFE
                                                                             •   Hand sanitizers for each judging station
•   No-contact drop off location for entries
                                                                             •   Continuous disinfecting of high-touch areas throughout exhibition
•   Masks for all RAWF Show Office staff and competition facilitators
                                                                                 grounds and RAWF Offices
•   Physically distanced judging stations
                                                                             •   Increased hand sanitizer on-site
•   Sanitization of entries between each handler
                                                                             •   Disinfecting of all surface and high-touch areas between competitions
•   Plexiglass separation between judging stations
                                                                             •   Temperature checks for staff, facilitators and judges upon arrival

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