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2                                                CONTENTS                       IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                            COMMITTEE & IPC RELATIONS

        IGF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT                                        YOG DAKAR 2022

                     IGF BOARD                                                WATC FRANCE 2022
                                                  IOC RELATIONS

         IGF ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE                                             WATC 2023
                                                 ASOIF RELATIONS

            IGF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                        OLYMPIC GAMES PARIS 2024
                                                 GAISF RELATIONS

            IGF ATHLETES’ COMMITTEE                                        OTHER MULTI-SPORT EVENTS
                                           NATIONAL FEDERATION MEMBERS        AND ORGANISATIONS

                                                WATC IRELAND 2018          IGF FINANCIAL REPORT 2018

                                              YOG BUENOS AIRES 2018        IGF FINANCIAL REPORT 2019

                                            OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020              APPENDICES


INTERNATIONAL GOLF FEDERATION                                                                  Tel +41 21 623 12 12
Avenue de Rhodanie 54                                                                          Fax +41 21 601 64 77
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland                                                                     www.igfgolf.org
3                                                     IGF PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                        IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                            IGF President’s Message
                      “The comradeship and goodwill consistently demonstrated by golf
                      people is our sport’s greatest strength and I could not have wished
                               for greater support during my term as President.”

This is my final message as President of                                                the professional game and in
the International Golf Federation (IGF)                                                 addition to our long-standing National
as I will be retiring at the end of 2020, and                                           Federation (NF) membership we now
perhaps this is a natural time to pause                                                 boast the inclusion of golf’s major
for some reflection on our progress and                                                 championship organisers, professional
to think of the challenges ahead.                                                       tours and PGAs.
                                                           PETER DAWSON
Much has been achieved and our                                                          Golf’s history dictates that our sport’s
organisation has expanded enormously            2016 in Rio de Janeiro were met with    governance has evolved in a different
from its beginnings in 1958 as the World        great acclaim and we have established   way from many others. Nonetheless
Amateur Golf Council. After many years          golf as a core Olympic sport until at   it clearly works well and it has been
of hard work we were successful in our          least 2028.                             extremely gratifying that Olympic golf
bid to reinstate golf to the programme                                                  has been such a powerful catalyst for
of Olympic sports at the Copenhagen             These accomplishments were made         further strengthening the bonds and
International Olympic Committee (IOC)           possible by a total restructuring       cooperation between the bodies which
session in 2009. Our return events in           of our organisation to include          lead our great game so well.

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3                                                   IGF PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                           IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

Since Copenhagen 2009 the IGF                and have achieved recognition as           is simply not possible to predict the
has been busy both on and off the            the International Federation               immediate future with any confidence.
golf course. As well as golf’s return to     representing golf by the International     In such challenging circumstances it
the Olympics in Rio we have staged           Paralympic Committee.                      was good to see that golf was one
memorable competitions in two Youth                                                     of the first sports to return to active
Olympic Games, in Nanjing and Buenos         Of particular note is the 34% increase     competition albeit without fans present
Aires. With the traditional involvement      in our NF membership from 110 to 151       at the venues. The organisers are to be
of The R&A and the USGA we have              reflecting golf’s international growth     congratulated on the safe and efficient
continued to organise the World              and the importance of Olympic sports       operation of these events and I hope
Amateur Team Championships (WATC)            to so many nations.                        we can use the foundations they have
in Argentina, Turkey, Japan, Mexico                                                     built to ensure that we can continue
and most recently in Ireland. All of these   All of these past achievements are         to enjoy top level competition in these
events have been fiercely competitive        certainly positive for golf but the        difficult times.
while at the same time demonstrating         present is of course dominated by the
the lasting friendships which sport          misery and uncertainty caused by the       For golf, one heartening effect of
can inspire.                                 COVID-19 pandemic in every aspect          the pandemic has been a rapid rise
                                             of our lives. In our world it has caused   in our game’s popularity as lengthy
We have forged an increasingly               Tokyo 2020 to be postponed and the         periods of lockdown have reinforced
strong relationship with the IOC             2020 WATC to be cancelled, and it          the value of regular outdoor exercise.
3                                                     IGF PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                        IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                                                                Credit: Pablo Elías/Buenos Aires 2018
Golf facilities around the world have
reported substantial increases in rounds
played and membership numbers, and
the challenge for our NFs is to find ways
of making these gains permanent in
the tough economic times which surely           IGF President
                                                Peter Dawson
lie ahead.                                      and IOC President
                                                Thomas Bach,
                                                YOG 2018
Looking to the future, the IGF will remain
committed to representing our sport as
an active and contributing member of          our work, our NFs stage our events        It has been a privilege and pleasure
the Olympic Family and to ensuring that       and supply the volunteers who give so     for me to work with them both.
golf avails itself of the benefits that our   freely of their time, and our dedicated
Olympic status can bring.                     and capable staff are second to none.     The comradeship and goodwill
                                                                                        consistently demonstrated by golf
So many organisations and individuals         Our Executive Director, Antony Scanlon,   people is our sport’s greatest strength
work hard to help the IGF achieve its         and our Vice President, Ty Votaw, have    and I could not have wished for greater
aims. Our delivery partners provide           applied their wealth of experience to     support during my term as President.
much of the resource necessary for            positioning golf in the Olympic world.    My thanks and best wishes to all.
4                                            IGF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT                          IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                         due to the COVID-19 pandemic.                (IOC) to postpone the Olympic Games
                                         No one would have predicted the times        Tokyo 2020 and the IGF to cancel
                                         of extreme uncertainty that we are now       the 2020 WATC, have impacted the
                                         experiencing, nor the far-reaching           IGF substantially.
          ANTONY SCANLON                 consequences of the coronavirus crisis
                                         around the world.                             Accordingly, like many of you, the IGF
                                                                                       undertook an immediate review of the
IGF Executive                            This pandemic has significantly affected      effects the COVID-19 pandemic has

Director’s Report                        all areas of society, including all of us
                                         in golf. The unprecedented decisions
                                                                                       had (and will continue to have) on
                                                                                       the financial and operational activities
                                         of the International Olympic Committee        of the IGF for 2020. This review
Dear Members,                                                                                           reconfirmed the strength
                                                                                     IGF Lausanne staff and adaptability of the
Much has happened since the 2018                                                                        IGF’s delivery model,
Biennial meeting and the exciting 2018                                                                  which consists of a
World Amateur Team Championships                                                                        small number of core
(WATC) held in Ireland where there was                                                                  staff and the reliance on
heightened enthusiasm about the future                                                                  our Delivery Partners’
growth of our sport. No one would have                                                                  resources to deliver our
conceived back then that the world                                                                      specific projects and
would be changed so dramatically                                                                        day-to-day activities.

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4                                              IGF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT                            IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

 “We quickly secured financing             the IOC to ensure continuity in our         IGF and implore the IGF membership
 from the IGF Delivery Partners            operations and the delivery of the          to appoint more women to leadership
and the IOC to ensure continuity           Olympic Games in 2021.                      roles within their administration and
    in our operations and the                                                          governance, as well as advocate and
 delivery of the Olympic Games             The 2020 Biennial meeting will see the      implement significant gender equality
             in 2021.”                     implementation of the changes to the        initiatives so that girls and women are
                                           IGF Constitution that were passed at        given greater access and opportunity
We were able to quickly cancel or          the 2016 Biennial meeting which will        to play golf.
suspend a number of projects and           increase the representation of women
modify our operations to work remotely     on the 2020-2022 Administrative
and achieve efficiencies without           Committee and appoint a Women’s
seriously impacting the delivery of our    Chair to the IGF Board. These gender
key activities or the immediate issue of   equality initiatives will provide greater
dealing with the postponement of the       opportunities for women to contribute
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.                  in roles of influence and decision-
                                           making in our sport and will encourage
With no Olympic Games in 2020, the IGF     diversity of opinion, which is a key
does not receive the IOC’s contribution    factor of good governance. We will
for golf’s participation at Tokyo 2020.    continue to take a leadership role
However, we quickly secured financing      and to promote and implement more
from the IGF Delivery Partners and         gender equality initiatives within the      Emilie Oeveraas of Norway, YOG 2018
4                                              IGF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT                   IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

The year 2020 will end the implementation   › successful delivery of Youth          › creation of International Golf
of the IGF’s first Strategic Plan where       Olympic Games Nanjing 2014 and          Coaching Framework.
we have been able to deliver the              Buenos Aires 2018;
following key initiatives, including:                                               Following the 10 December 2019
                                            › successful delivery of four WATCs;    Board meeting, the IGF Board held a
› consolidating a place on the                                                      Strategic Planning Session to reflect
  Olympic Games programme                   › thirty-four per cent growth           on its current structures, strategies,
  through to 2028;                            in National Federation (NF)           activities and approach to delivery. The
                                              Memberships – 110 to 151;             insights and perspectives provided by
› strengthening relationships with                                                  the Board during this session and on
  the Olympic Movement through              › recognition as the International      the strategic direction of the IGF are
  the IGF’s active participation in           Federation (IF) for golf by           now being used to develop the strategic
  Commissions and working groups;             International Paralympic              business plan for the period 2021-
                                              Committee (IPC);                      2028. The final version of the plan will
› successful delivery of Olympic                                                    be approved by the IGF Board at the
  Games Rio 2016;                           › compliance with World Anti-Doping     December 2020 Board meeting. With
                                              Agency (WADA) Anti-Doping Code;       three Olympic Games, a Youth Olympic
Jordan Thompson of Nigeria,                                                         Games and five WATCs to be delivered
YOG 2018
                                            › compliance with Association of        during this period, we have much to
                                              Summer Olympic International          look forward to and many opportunities
                                              Federations (ASOIF) Principles        to showcase the greatness of our sport
                                              of Governance and IOC Code of         and inspire the growth of golf around
                                              Ethics; and                           the world.
5                                                     IGF BOARD                                     IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Board
The member federations appoint the      the responsibility for implementing
Board Members to govern the IGF. The    the Strategic Plan and managing the
IGF Board maintains a strategic focus   IGF’s operating activities rests with the
in its governance of golf. However,     Executive Director.

                               IGF Board Members

                                                                                                       Olivia Mehaffey of Ireland,
                                                                                                                     WATC 2018
            PETER DAWSON                             KEITH PELLEY
            PRESIDENT (IGF)                        (EUROPEAN TOUR)

               TY VOTAW                            MARTIN SLUMBERS
                                                                                           IGF Board Meetings
          VICE PRESIDENT (IGF)                        (THE R&A)

             JAY MONAHAN                             SETH WAUGH
            CHAIR (PGA TOUR)                       (PGA OF AMERICA)                          The IGF Board met
                                                                                         on the following occasions
             MIKE DAVIS                              SIDNEY WOLF
                                                   GOLF ASSOCIATION)                › 4 December 2018 › 10 December 2019
        (JAPAN GOLF ASSOCIATION)                      MIKE WHAN
                                                        (LPGA)                      › 10 April 2019       › 8 April 2020
              WILL JONES
                                                                                    › 16 July 2019        › 14 July 2020
6                                         IGF ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE    IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                  Mohamed Alhajeri of the
                                                                           United Arab Emirates, YOG 2018

The Administrative Committee is
responsible for the approval of National
Federation (NF) Membership, the
oversight of the organisation of the
golf competition at the Youth Olympic
Games and the WATC and the financing
of the IGF’s activities undertaken by the
Executive Committee. The Committee
also oversees the interaction between
NF Members and National Olympic
Committees (NOCs).

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6                                          IGF ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE                  IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                   Administrative Committee Members

            IAN PATTINSON                      ANTTI PELTONIEMI                  NAADIR AGHERDIEN

            MIKE DAVIS                              VACANT                       JOHN BODENHAMER
           JOINT CHAIR                        (INDIAN GOLF UNION)         (UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION)
                                               NOBUKO HIRAYAMA
                                          (KOREA GOLF ASSOCIATION)
    (ARGENTINE GOLF ASSOCIATION)             CAROLINE HUYSKES             Committee Meetings
                                        (NETHERLAND GOLF FEDERATION)
          (GOLF AUSTRALIA)                       SIDNEY WOLF
                                        (PUERTO RICO GOLF ASSOCIATION)
       LAURENCE APPLEBAUM                                                 The Administrative
          (GOLF CANADA)                     GONZAGA ESCAURIAZA            Committee met on the
                                       (ROYAL SPANISH GOLF FEDERATION)
                                                                          following occasions:
      (CHILE GOLF FEDERATION)                     ALICK BISSET
                                                   (THE R&A)
                                                                          › 16 January 2020
      (CHINA GOLF ASSOCIATION)                                            › 5 May 2020
7                             IGF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                             IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                     IGF Executive
                     The Executive Committee is responsible        the Olympic Games and the financing
                     for the approval of Professional              of the IGF’s activities undertaken by
                     Membership, the oversight of the              the Executive Committee.
                     organisation of the golf competition at

                                           Executive Committee Members

                         PETER DAWSON                      WILL JONES            MARTIN SLUMBERS
                         PRESIDENT (IGF)                (AUGUSTA NATIONAL           (THE R&A)
                                                            GOLF CLUB)
                           TY VOTAW                                                 SETH WAUGH
                      VICE PRESIDENT (IGF)                JAY MONAHAN             (PGA OF AMERICA)
                                                           (PGA TOUR)
                           MIKE DAVIS                                              MR MIKE WHAN
    Takumi Kanaya     (UNITED STATES GOLF                 KEITH PELLEY                (LPGA)
         of Japan,        ASSOCIATION)                  (EUROPEAN TOUR)
       WATC 2018
8                          IGF ATHLETES’ COMMITTEE                            IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF                  The IGF recognises the                      again the absolute necessity, and added
Athletes’            importance of the rights and                value, of involving athletes at the heart
                                                                 of Olympic Games project planning.
Committee            obligations of our athletes.
                                                                 In April 2019, our Athletes’ Committee
                                                                 Chair, Heather Daly-Donofrio, attended
                     The IGF Athletes’ Committee acts as         the ninth edition of the International
                     a consultative body and link between        Athletes’ Forum, organised by the IOC
                     active athletes and ensures that their      in Lausanne, Switzerland, together
                     interests are protected. The Athletes’      with some 350 athlete representatives
                     Committee met on 11 March 2019 at           from 185 National Olympic
                     the PGA TOUR HQ, as every year,             Committees (NOCs), 50 IFs and other
                     where all key aspects of competition        Olympic Movement constituents.
                     rules and athlete services planning for     During the course of the Forum, the
                     the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 were           attendees devised concrete proposals
                     discussed. An outline of Tokyo’s climate,   to further increase support for athletes
                     the heat conditions expected in summer      at all levels.
                     and foreseen countermeasures were
                     also presented. Athlete representatives     In August 2019, the Athletes’ Committee
Blanca Fernández
Garcia-Poggio        on the Committee provided valuable          Chair, together with a wider IGF
of Spain, YOG 2018   feedback and recommendations on             Delegation, attended the Golf Test
                     the draft plans, demonstrating once         Event at the Kasumigaseki Country

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8                                                  IGF ATHLETES’ COMMITTEE                     IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

Club (KCC), the venue for the Tokyo       The Athletes’ Committee met again       Games known at that time were also
2020 Olympic golf competition, to         on 9 March 2020 at the PGA TOUR         discussed. After the IOC decided to
observe delivery components of both       HQ, where the latest status of          postpone the Olympic Games, the
competition and venue operations.         preparations for the Olympic Games      Athletes’ Committee, through the
Ms Daly-Donofrio and the IGF Delegation   Tokyo 2020, especially in the field     Athlete Relations liaisons, actively
contributed to the debrief and outlined   of athlete servicing, were presented.   informed the athletes and their
the lessons learnt with the Tokyo 2020    The developing COVID-19 pandemic        entourage of the situation and related
Organising Committee to adapt and         and potential impacts on athlete        developments, and continues to
fine-tune their operational plans.        training and qualifications for the     do so.

                                                                                          Athlete Members
                     Athletes’ Committee Members
                                                                                            THONGCHAI JAIDEE

     CHAIR (LPGA)              (EUROPEAN TOUR)               (EUROPEAN TOUR)                   (NORWAY)

   ALEXIS ABRAHAM                DAVIDE LANTOS                BILLY SCHRODER                  SO YEON RYU
        (LPGA)              (LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR)               (PGA TOUR)                     (KOREA)

      TYLER DENNIS              ANDY LEVINSON                 MICHAEL WOOD                    ALENA SHARP
       (PGA TOUR)                 (PGA TOUR)             (LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR)                 (CANADA)

                                                                                             HENRIK STENSON
9                                                 IGF COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE                      IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Competitions Committee
                                                                                           Committee Members
Overseeing Olympic golf
The IGF Competitions Committee aims to ensure the best Olympic
golf events possible by overseeing the management and presentation                              TYLER DENNIS
of the Olympic golf competitions.                                                              CHAIR (PGA TOUR)

                                                                                            HEATHER DALY-DONOFRIO
The Competitions Committee makes
sure that all athletes nominated to                                                             DAVID GARLAND
compete in the Olympic golf competition                                                        (EUROPEAN TOUR)

are eligible to participate. It also                                                             KERRY HAIGH
recommends referees and officials for                                                          (PGA OF AMERICA)
the Olympic golf competition.
                                                                                                 DAVIDE LANTOS
                                                                                            (LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR)
The Olympic Games function (OGF)
provides support to the Competitions                                                            SHONA MCRAE
                                          Mateo Fernández de Oliveira and Ela Anacona of          (THE R&A)
Committee. It works closely with          Argentina (bronze medallists), YOG 2018
the Organising Committee for the                                                                THOMAS PAGEL
Olympic Games (OCOG) to ensure            standards. The OGF also oversees the               (UNITED STATES GOLF
that all elements of the venues and the   overall service provision to athletes,
field of play conform to IGF technical    IGF personnel and technical officials

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9                                                            IGF COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE                   IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                      Alessia Nobilio of Italy (silver
                medallist), Grace Kim of Australia
              (gold medallist) and Emma Spitz of
             Austria (bronze medallist), YOG 2018

at the competition venues to enable
them to conduct their Games-time
roles, in support of the competition.
During the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020,
the IGF will oversee the running of
the Olympic event in conjunction
with the Tokyo 2020 Organising
Committee and provide the focal
point for OCOG contact in relation to
competition issues.

As was done for the Olympic Games
Rio 2016, the Competitions Committee
released the Olympic Golf Regulations
for Tokyo 2020 which provide the official                On the occasion of the Golf Test    members travelled to Tokyo to observe
rules and regulations for the Olympic                    Event in August 2019 at the         course conditions at that time of
golf competition. They include both                      Kasumigaseki Country Club, the      year and progress on planning for
field of play policies and procedures as                 venue for the Olympic Games Tokyo   the set-up of the course for the
well as Olympic-specific regulations.                    2020, a number of the Committee     Olympic events.
10                                    IGF COACHING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE         IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Coaching & Development Committee
The IGF Coaching & Development Committee is responsible for
the development of golf, from grassroots to the highest levels,
with the aim of inspiring future players and fans to play golf and
increase participation in the sport.

                              Coaching & Development Committee Members

          DOMINIC WALL                           ANDREW GUNN                    KYLE PHILLPOTS
         CHAIR (THE R&A)                     (PGA OF SOUTH AFRICA)               (IGF ADVISOR)

           MATT ALLEN                             JOHAN HAMPF                   GEOFF STEWART
         (PGA OF CANADA)                        (PGA OF SWEDEN)               (PGA OF AUSTRALIA)

          ARJUN CHOWDRI                        MARTIN HASENBEIN                MARTIN WESTPHAL
         (PGA OF AMERICA)                      (PGA OF GERMANY)               (CONFEDERATION OF
                                                                              PROFESSIONAL GOLF)
        DAVID COLCLOUGH                          DAWES MARLATT
       (THE PROFESSIONAL                        (PGA OF AMERICA)

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10                                             IGF COACHING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE                                    IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

The Coaching & Development                   Olympic Solidarity
Committee is currently working
towards developing qualification             A number of IGF National Federation
specifications for each of the four          (NF) Members applied for Olympic
levels of coaching qualifications and        Solidarity funding for the organisation
awards, as per the objectives defined        of Technical Courses for Coaches
in the IGF Coaching Framework.               through their National Olympic
The collaboration and contribution of        Committee (NOC). Unfortunately, due                  Technical Course for Coaches in Tunisia
several education experts from the           to the COVID-19 pandemic and
PGAs and The R&A is critical to the          restrictions in international travel,                in Lebanon and Benin have been put
project and is highly valued.                courses scheduled to take place                      on hold.

Courses that have been conducted to date:
  NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE       NATIONAL FEDERATION                         COURSE LEVEL                               COURSE DATES
            Colombia               Colombian Golf Federation        Pilot course between Level 1 and Level 2                  April 2017
            Vietnam                 Vietnam Golf Association                        Level 1                                   April 2018
             Bahrain                Bahrain Golf Association                        Level 1                                 October 2018

                                                                         Modular Course for Coaches –               October 2018, May 2019
              Malta                     Malta Golf Association
                                                                            ‘Golf to School’ project           November 2019, May 2020 – postponed

                                                                                                                    February 2019 – L2 course
             Tunisia                 Tunisia Golf Federation                        Level 2
                                                                                                                   September 2019 – assessment

           Afghanistan             Afghanistan Golf Federation           Introduction course + Level 1                       March 2019
10                                            IGF COACHING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE                      IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

Olympic Scholarships for Coaches and                                                      for these programmes through Olympic
                                               Technical Course for Coaches in Colombia
Development of National Sport Systems                                                     Solidarity and encourages the NFs to
are additional programmes offered by                                                      explore these opportunities further.
Olympic Solidarity under its ‘Coaches
Programme Unit’. These give NOCs the                                                      Olympic Scholarships for
possibility of further incorporating coach                                                Athletes ‘Tokyo 2020’
training into their strategic plans. The
IGF has received the first applications                                                   This Olympic Solidarity programme is
                                                                                          aimed at all NOCs and their athletes,
                                                                                          particularly those with the greatest
There are nine scholarship holders for golf:                                              need, by providing financial and
                                                                                          technical support to elite athletes with
        NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE                               ATHLETE
                                                                                          the potential to qualify for the Olympic
                   Morocco                                    Maha Haddioui
                                                                                          Games. The scholarship provides
                     Chile                               Joaquin Niemann Zenteno
                 Virgin Islands                               Amira Alexander
                                                                                          athletes with access to the appropriate
                   Paraguay                         Arnaldo Fabrizio Zanotti Cavazzoni    facilities in their own country or to a
                   Paraguay                                 Julieta Pa Granada            training centre abroad, where they
                 Saudi Arabia                                Hanee Anbarserri             will receive suitable technical, medical
                   Bulgaria                                  Lyubomir Kostov              and scientific support, as well as
                    Ireland                                   Leona Maguire               reimbursement of travel expenses for
                     Israel                                    Laetitia Beck              Olympic qualifying competitions.
11                                                IGF MEDICAL COMMITTEE                   IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Medical                                  Committee for the Olympic Games
                                                                                    Medical Committee
Committee                                    (OCOG) and defining requirements
                                             for athletes and spectators                Members

Ensuring a healthy sport                   › Participate in meetings and research
The IGF Medical Committee                    and advise on topical medical issues
                                             such as injury and illness reporting        TOM HOSPEL
provides medical advice to the                                                         CHAIR (PGA TOUR)
                                             and gender.
IGF and deals with all medical
                                                                                        ROGER HAWKES
issues enabling or encouraging             IGF Medic al C ommit tee                        (EDGA)
participation in golf as a safe            Meetings                                   JONATHON LAVELLE
and healthy sport.                                                                        (THE R&A)
                                           › 11 March 2019 and 9 March 2020
                                                                                       ANDREW MURRAY
The mission for the Medical Committee        at the PGA TOUR headquarters in           (EUROPEAN TOUR)
for the coming years is to:                  Ponte Vedra (USA);
                                                                                     PATRICK SCHAMASCH
                                                                                        (IGF ADVISOR)
› Provide event coverage (staffing) for    › 19 September 2019 at BMW PGA
  the Olympic Games                          Championship in Wentworth (UK);            BRUCE THOMAS

› Discuss medical policy and               › phone meetings on 22 May 2019            MARK WOTHERSPOON
  procedures for the Olympic Games, in       and 4 February 2020 on gender          (LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR)
  particular working with the Organising     issues.

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11                                                               IGF MEDICAL COMMITTEE                       IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                          18th hole, East Course,
                                                          Kasumigaseki Country Club

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 –
Medical Services

› The IGF Office is in regular contact
  with the Tokyo 2020 Organising
  Committee about the medical
  services that will be provided
  during the Olympic Games. At the
                                         Koji Aoki/AFLO

  time of writing, Tokyo has yet to
  communicate to the IGF whether
  the decision to postpone will have
  any impact on the medical services.

› The IGF will send two medical                           these health professionals will not    IGF Extreme Heat Guidelines
  doctors and three physiotherapists                      be incorporated into the Organising
  to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020                         Committee’s volunteer workforce as     › The IGF developed the IGF Extreme
  in order for the golf athletes to                       was the case in Rio and will instead     Heat Guidelines and published
  receive the best level of medical                       be accredited by the IGF as part of      these non-mandatory guidelines in
  care. Due to differing policies,                        the IGF medical team.                    September 2019. The guidelines
11                                            IGF MEDICAL COMMITTEE                             IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                       › The IGF has provided the Tokyo              member, Dr Andrew Murray. The
                                         2020 Organising Committee                   aim of this consensus is the
                                         with recommendations for the golf           systematic and harmonised
                                         event based on the IGF Extreme              collection of epidemiological data
                                         Heat Guidelines, and the IGF is             in order to have more robust data to
                                         monitoring closely the overlay              inform injury and illness prevention
                                         plans and the positioning of not only       strategies in golf.
                                         the athlete heat mitigation initiatives
                                         that will be deployed at KCC but          › The international consensus for golf
                                         also those for the spectators.              has been drafted and agreed upon
                                                                                     and is expected to be published in
Caterina Don of Italy,
WATC 2018                              Prevention of injury and illness              a reputable scientific journal in the
                                       in golf                                       second half of 2020.

    contain risk factors, mitigation   › A project to create an international      Gender
    strategies and recommendations       consensus on the reporting of
    that can be applied to any golf      injuries and illnesses in golf has        › There is much debate at an
    event for players, caddies and       been carried out throughout 2020            international level between
    spectators.                          and led by Medical Committee                medical, sports and human
11                                                   IGF MEDICAL COMMITTEE                           IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

   rights professionals as to the best          currently underway in England at        COVID-19
   way to approach transgender,                 Loughborough University.
   hyperandrogenism and disorders                                                       › Throughout March 2020, the
   of sex development (DSD) in order          The Golf and Health Research                IGF Office provided regular
   to maintain a level playing field          Project                                     and relevant updates on the
   in sport.                                                                              Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and
                                              › Several members of the Medical            the COVID-19 pandemic to the
› The IGF follows the guidance of the           Committee have been involved              IGF Athletes’ Committee, the
  IOC in this area and, at the time of          in this project, supported by the         IGF Medical Committee, the IGF
  writing, the IOC are in the process           World Golf Foundation, which has          Anti-Doping Committee, the IGF
  of updating their gender guidelines.          shown evidence that golfers live          Competitions Committee, the IGF
  The IGF is reticent to implement any          longer, have better overall health        International Technical Officials
  gender specific eligibility rules with        and gain wellness and mental health       (ITOs) and IGF Olympic staff. These
  testosterone limits in golf at this stage     benefits due to a combination of          updates contained information
  without the IOC’s active backing              walking, muscular activity and social     on official IGF statements and
  or leadership.                                interaction. The project is receiving     communications received by the
                                                global interest and more studies          IOC, Tokyo 2020 and other key
› A transgender case study in golf is           are underway.                             Olympic stakeholders.
12                                       IGF ANTI-DOPING COMMITTEE                    IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Anti-Doping                                                            World Anti-Doping Code in Vaals,

Committee                                  Anti-Doping
                                        Committee Members
                                                                           Netherlands, from 15-17 January

                                                                         › The IGF Anti-Doping and Medical
Keeping golf clean                                                         Project Manager participated in
                                               DAVID GARLAND               WADA’s Youth Olympic Games anti-
The IGF is committed to ensuring              (EUROPEAN TOUR)
that its competitions, athletes                                            doping outreach programme on 8
                                               DAVIDE LANTOS               January 2020 at the Olympic Village
and members safeguard the                 (LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR)           in Lausanne.
integrity of golf and to protecting
                                                MICHAEL LEE
clean athletes through the fight      (UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION)   › The IGF Anti-Doping Committee met
against doping.                                                            by phone on 20 November 2019.
                                               ANDY LEVINSON
                                                 (PGA TOUR)
                                                                         › The IGF Executive Director and
Anti-Doping Meetings and                       SHONA MCRAE                 IGF Chief Medical Officer attended
                                                 (THE R&A)
Events                                                                     the WADA World Conference held
                                                 LIZ MOORE                 in Katowice, Poland, on 4-6
› The IGF Anti-Doping and Medical                  (LPGA)                  November 2019.
  Project Manager attended the                ANTONY SCANLON
  ICIC 2020 Conference on the                      (IGF)                 › The IGF Anti-Doping Project
  implementation of the 2021                                               Manager attended the Institute

                                                  READ MORE
12                                              IGF ANTI-DOPING COMMITTEE                        IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

  of National Anti-Doping Organisations     IGF at WADA’s World Conference on      International Testing Agency
  (iNADO) Conference on 12 March            Doping in Sport, which was held from   (ITA) Relations
  2019 in Lausanne and the WADA IF          5-7 November 2019 in Katowice.
  Symposium on 13-14 March 2019                                                    › The IGF Executive Director and IGF
  in Lausanne with presentations on       › The IGF Anti-Doping and Medical          Anti-Doping and Medical Project
  the proposed changes to the 2021          Project Manager attended the             Manager had a number of meetings
  Code.                                     Maison du Sport International            throughout 2019 and 2020 with the
                                            (MSI)’s clean sport seminar on anti-     ITA Director General and the ITA
› The IGF Professional Members’             doping education, ‘Protecting the        staff in preparation for the Olympic
  Anti-Doping Workshop was held on          Next Generation’, on 12 November         Games.
  11 March 2019 at PGA TOUR HQ              2019 (organised in collaboration
  with 28 participating in the meeting.     with WADA).                            The 2021 World Anti-Doping
                                                                                   Code and 2021 IGF Anti-Doping
WADA Relations                                                                     Policy
› The IGF Executive Director and                                                   › WADA has drafted a revised World
  IGF Anti-Doping and Medical                                                        Anti-Doping Code and International
  Project Manager met with WADA’s                                                    Standards that will come into effect
  International Federation Relations                                                 on 1 January 2021. This 2021 Code,
  Director on 30 September 2019.                                                     the relevant standards and a new
                                                                                     Anti-Doping Charter of Athlete
› The IGF Executive Director and IGF                                                 Rights were approved in Katowice
  Chief Medical Officer represented the                                              in November 2019 and ended a
12                                             IGF ANTI-DOPING COMMITTEE                                IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                   Rebecca Kay of Australia,
                                                                                   WATC 2018

  two-year consultation process with                                                   the IGF’s Olympic anti-doping
  IFs, including the IGF, and other                                                    programme has been postponed
  stakeholders. The IGF has drafted                                                    by a year and will now be subject to
  its own 2021 Anti-Doping Policy for                                                  the 2021 anti-doping rules.
  use in 2021 in line with the 2021
  World Anti-Doping Code and eight          encouraging rehabilitation             › The ITA will be carrying out many
  mandatory International Standards         programmes when substances are           of the IOC’s anti-doping activities
  for 2021 (results management,             taken out of competition with no         before and during the Olympic
  education, testing & investigations,      intent of performance enhancement.       Games Tokyo 2020. The ITA Pre-
  therapeutic use exemptions,               ‘Recreational Athletes’, tested by       Games Expert Group will provide
  laboratory, code compliance by            anti-doping organisations, will also     recommendations to the IFs and
  signatories, protection of privacy        be subject to a more flexible and        ITA on testing gaps in the lead up
  & personal information and the            lenient sanctioning approach.            to the Olympic Games. IOC and ITA
  prohibited list).                                                                  samples will be analysed and stored
                                          Olympic Games Tokyo 2020                   in WADA-accredited laboratories
› The 2021 Prohibited List will contain   Anti-Doping Programme                      and the hearings and decisions
  the new category ‘Substances of                                                    will be carried out by the Court of
  Abuse’ which will be associated         › Due to the postponement of the           Arbitration for Sport Anti-Doping
  with more lenient sanctions,              Olympic Games Tokyo 2020,                Division (CAS ADD).
  13                                                       & IPC RELATIONS
                                                                                                           IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IGF Golfers
with Disabilities                                          Golfers with Disabilities Committee Members

Committee &                                        TONY BENNETT                      ROGER HAWKES                ANDY STUBBS

IPC Relations                                    CHAIR (IGF ADVISOR)                    (EDGA)                 (EUROPEAN TOUR)

                                                    KEVIN BARKER                      BETH MAJOR                    TOMMY
                                                      (THE R&A)                   (UNITED STATES GOLF       TANGTIPHAIBOONTANA
                                                                                   ASSOCIATION, 2019)        (UNITED STATES GOLF
The IGF Golfers with Disabilities                CHRISTIAN HAMILTON                                              ASSOCIATION)
                                                  (GOLF AUSTRALIA)                 DERRICK SHERIDAN
Committee is an advisory                                                                 (IBGA)
body appointed by the Board
and established to advise on
all matters related to golf for
the disabled.                               In 2019 and 2020, its activities included:        is complete in 13 languages
                                                                                              and is ready for dissemination.
The IGF is recognised by the                › The creation of a pathway for all               Training for therapists, first touch
International Paralympic Committee            golfers with a disability to sample,            introducers and coaches is under
(IPC) as the IF for golf and is committed     take part and compete, from club                development.
to the development of golf for the            level through to international events.
disabled. It promotes participation                                                        › The World Ranking for Golfers
in and accessibility to golf for the        › A poster campaign featuring                    with Disability (WR4GD) gathered
disabled.                                     seven different impairments                    momentum under the umbrella

                                                             READ MORE
13                                                & IPC RELATIONS
                                                                                                              IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                               IPC Relations/Paralympic Games
                                                                                               Paris 2024 bid
                                                                                               › Attendance at the IPC General
                                                                                                 Assembly and Conference in Bonn,
                                                                                                 October 2019, confirmed that the
                                                                                                 IPC were permitted to have 23
                                                                                                 sports take part in the Paris 2024
                                                                                                 Paralympic Games, and that the IPC
                                                                                                 had decided that no further sports

                                                                                Credit: EDGA
                                                                                                 would be added to the 22 existing
                                                                                                 sports competing in the Paralympic
                                                                                                 Games Tokyo 2020.

of the World Amateur Golf Ranking     per cent increase in players, while                      › Meetings took place with the
(WAGR). The number of tournaments     a growth of 44 per cent and 34.1                           Paralympic Games Sport and
grew, as did the number of players    per cent in the net and stableford                         National Paralympic Committee
involved in the rankings, to over     rankings was also noted until the                          Services Senior Manager and the
800. The gross ranking enjoyed a 51   end of August 2019.                                        IPC Medical and Scientific Director
  13                                                            & IPC RELATIONS
                                                                                                              IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                 Establish and manage an                         has been made towards a world
                                                 international eligibility and                   standard.
                                                 classification system for Golfers
                                                 with Disability (GwD)                        World Rankings for Golfers with
                                  Credit: EDGA
                                                                                              a Disability (WR4GD)
                                                 › In March 2020, a consensus meeting
                                                   of 23 participants from 14 countries       › After a period of consultation, in
                                                   was the culmination of several               November 2018, responsibility
  regarding the feedback received                  months of online work to construct           for calculating the WR4GD was
  from the IGF’s Paralympic Games                  a robust eligibility and classification      agreed to be transferred from EDGA
  Paris 2024 application, and initial              standard for GwD.                            to WAGR from 1 January 2019. The
  discussions took place on what may                                                            Golfers with Disabilities Committee
  be in store for a 2028 application.            › The development of an enhanced               had been fully informed of the initial
                                                   training provision for eligibility           development of the Ranking by
› The Golfers with Disabilities                    assessors has been ongoing                   EDGA, along with the process of
  Committee will commence the                      through 2019 and early 2020 and              transition. The Ranking is open to all
  development of a structured bid                  together with the European Disabled          golfers with a disability who possess
  strategy at the 2020 meeting, ahead              Golf Association (EDGA) and the              a WR4GD pass, and a nationally-
  of presenting this to the Board.                 Shirley Ryan Ability Lab progress            recognised golf handicap.
14                                                SUSTAINABILITY                             IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

Sustainability                                                                    IOC on 18 September 2019 at the
                                                                                  IOC’s Olympic Museum.
Golf is a sports leader in sustainable practices and providing social
and environmental benefits. The IGF represents golf at a number                 › The Sport Positive Summit, which
of environmental international non-government organisations                       brings together global sports and
and forums promoting the sustainable actions of its member                        environment stakeholders and holds
                                                                                  the annual meeting organised by the
                                                                                  UN for the Framework’s signatories,
                                                                                  was initially scheduled for March
Inter national Union for                  examples from golf in North America     2020 in London and has been
Conservation of Nature (IUCN)             and Europe and is expected to be        rescheduled for October 2020.
guide on urban biodiversity and           published towards the end of 2020
                                          or the beginning of 2021.
› The IGF has provided golf-specific    IOC/United Nations Framework
  input to the IUCN and the San         Convention on Climate Change
  Francisco Estuary Institute for the   (UNFCCC) Sports for Climate
  ICUN’s upcoming guide on urban
                                        Change Framework
  biodiversity and sports, which will
  be part of a series of IUCN guides    › The IGF Executive Director attended
  on sustainability in sports.            the Sports for Climate Change
                                          Framework Meeting organised by
› This IUCN guide will contain            the United Nations (UN) and the

                                                      READ MORE
14                                                SUSTAINABILITY                            IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                              4. Promote sustainable and responsible

                                                                              5. Advocate for climate action through

                                                                              › After carefully assessing the UN’s
                                                                                framework with the IOC and the Golf
› Climate-related risks to health,     › The UN invited IFs to be a part of     Environment Organization (GEO),
  livelihoods, food security, water      Sports for Climate Action through      the IGF Executive Director signed
  supply, human security, and            five principles:                       a letter of intent to implement the
  economic growth are projected                                                 principles in the Sports for Climate
  to increase with global warming      1. Undertake systematic efforts to       Action Framework on 22 August
  of 1.5°C. The UN has created a          promote greater environmental         2019. Through this action, the IGF
  new climate action for sport            responsibility                        showed its support to the Framework,
  movement with the IOC’s guidance                                              and was able to express an interest
  for sports organisations to work     2. Reduce overall climate impact         the following month in being part of
  together in the climate neutrality                                            the working groups, which are being
  journey.                             3. Educate for climate action            created by the UN and the IOC to
14                                        SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                    IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                          The International Olympic Committe
                                                                and Dow have recognised

                                                  International Golf Federation

   define the future approach in sport,                                                                                       › The IOC and Dow awarded the
   as well as being eligible to apply for                                                                                       IGF with carbon credits to offset
                                                                                     reduce owned
                                                    for their actions to measure and

   the IOC-Dow Carbon Initiative.                                                                                               its 2019 carbon footprint at the IF
                                                                                    and for joining the
                                                  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
                                                                                    Action Framework.
                                                  United Nations Sports for Climate
                                                                                       have been fully
                                                  The unavoidable 2019 GHG emissions
                                                                                  Partnership through
                                                  offset by the IOC – Dow Carbon
                                                                                     GHG projects.

                                                                                                                                Forum Sustainability Session in
                                                      a portfolio of ICROA-compliant

› Based on the calculations using                  Thomas Bach
                                                   IOC President

                                                                    Lausanne, 30 October 2019
                                                                                                      Jim Fitterling
                                                                                                Dow Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                October 2019.
  the UN carbon footprint calculator
  recommended by the IOC in its                                                                                               UN Clean Seas Campaign
  Sustainability Essentials Sports for
  Climate Action, the IGF’s carbon                                                                                            › The Clean Seas campaign was
  footprint is 181 tonnes/year for 2019.                                                                                        launched by UN Environment with
                                                                                                                                the aim of engaging governments,
› The IGF will readjust the scope of                                                                                            the general public, civil society
  the IGF footprint and recalculate                                                                                             and the private sector in the
  on a yearly basis, continue to track                                                                                          fight against marine plastic litter.
  the IGF’s emissions, aim to reduce                                                                                            The IGF became a member at the
  these emissions and compensate                                                                                                end of 2018.
  (offset) unavoidable emissions with
  the support of the IOC.
15                                                IOC RELATIONS                               IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

IOC Relations                          › The Executive Director was                House headquarters on 23 June
                                         reappointed by the IOC President          2019. During this session the 2024
The IGF has forged a strong              to the IOC Digital and Technology         and 2028 Olympic Games were
partnership with the IOC and             Commission, which has been                simultaneously awarded to Paris
continues to work closely with           created to advise the IOC Session,        and Los Angeles respectively, and
their staff and that of the              the IOC Executive Board and the           golf’s place at the Olympic Games
Organising Committees for the            IOC President on issues relating          Paris 2024 was also confirmed.
                                         to the effective and secure use of
Olympic Games.
                                         digital and information technologies.   › The Executive Director attended the
                                         He has attended every Commission          135th IOC Session held in Lausanne
The IGF holds regular meetings with      meeting that has been held.               on 10 January 2020, prior to the
the IOC Director of Sport, the IOC                                                 Winter Youth Olympic Games
Olympic Games Executive Director,      › The Executive Director attended the       Lausanne 2020.
and other Directors and staff at the     133rd IOC Session held in Buenos
IOC on mutual matters concerning         Aires, Argentina, from 8 to 9 October
the Olympic Games and the Olympic        2018, prior to the Youth Olympic
Movement.                                Games Buenos Aires 2018.

More specifically, during 2019 and     › The IGF President and the Executive
2020 the relationship between            Director also attended the historic
the IOC and the IGF has been             134th IOC Session in Lausanne,
further strengthened through the         which also coincided with the
following activities:                    opening of the IOC’s new Olympic
16                                         ASOIF RELATIONS         IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

ASOIF Relations
The IGF is an active and influential member of the Association
of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF), which
aims to unite, promote and support all of the International Summer
Olympic Federations, while also representing them on issues
of common interest in the Summer Olympic Games and the Olympic
The IGF Executive Director holds
regular meetings with the ASOIF
Executive Director and the ASOIF
President, and is a member of the
ASOIF Olympic and Multisport Games
Advisory Group (OMGA) and Chair of
the ASOIF Commercial Advisory Group
(CAG). He also attended the ASOIF
General Assembly held on 3 May 2019
at the Gold Coast, Australia. The 2020
                                                                            Shannon McWilliam
ASOIF General Assembly has been                                             of Scotland,
postponed until November 2020.                                              WATC 2018
17                                      GAISF RELATIONS    IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                            Jimmy Zheng of New Zealand,
                                                                             YOG 2018

The Global Association of International
Sports Federations (GAISF) is an
umbrella body composed of autonomous
and independent IFs and other
international sport and event-related
organisations. The IGF continues to be
an active member of this organisation
and attended its General Assembly on
6 May 2019 at the Gold Coast. The
2020 GAISF General Assembly has
been postponed and a date for it is yet
to be determined.
18                                   NATIONAL FEDERATION MEMBERS              IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                     IGF has

                                                      National Federation Members
National Federation
The IGF member organisations
continue to reach golfers around
the world.

The IGF recognises 151 National
Federation members from 146 National
Olympic Committees, in addition to
22 professional golf organisations
that have been granted Professional
19                                              WATC IRELAND 2018                          IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                               IRELAND ’18

                                        WATC Ireland 2018
                                        The 2018 WATC saw the first staging of this iconic event in Ireland
                                        since the championship was first played in 1958, with the hosts,
                                        the Irish Ladies’ Golf Union (ILGU) and the Golfing Union of Ireland
                                        (GUI) delivering wonderful and memorable championships.

The IGF is extremely thankful to        Eisenhower Trophy competition       flourish to lift the Espirito Santo Trophy
both host organisations staff and       for men played at the O’Meara and   for the 14th time.
the volunteers who worked tirelessly    Montgomerie Courses at the Carton
to ensure the WATC’s success. All       House estate in County Kildare.     Bolstered by nearly perfect scoring
left impressed with the dedication,                                         conditions and the performances of
friendliness and warmth of the team.    Espirito Santo Trophy – USA         Kristen Gillman – who won the US
                                        wins first Espirito Santo Trophy    Women’s Amateur Championship in
A record number of 58 entries for the   in 20 years                         2016 and 2018 – and McCormack
Espirito Santo Trophy competition                                           medal winner Jennifer Kupcho, USA
for women and 71 entries for the        USA won the Women’s WATC with a     eased to a 10-stroke victory over

                                                     READ MORE
19                                                      WATC IRELAND 2018                                          IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                               Kristen Gillman, Jennifer Kupcho,
                                                                Lilia Vu and Stasia Collins of USA
                                                                    (gold medallists), WATC 2018

Japan on the O’Meara Course for its            be known as the gold medal winners
first gold since 1998 in Chile.                for the 2018 World Amateur Team
                                               Championships – [nobody] can take
“I am so proud of these girls,” said           that away from us.”
American captain Stasia Collins.
“I am so proud of this team, and I am          USA, in winning its first medal since
really happy for them and thrilled for         Argentina in 2010, posted a 29-under-
the United States. They will always            par 551.
                                                                                                     of USA’s victorious Curtis Cup Team
                    Kristen Gillman of USA     Gillman was the driving force of the                  in June.
                           (gold medallist),   day, making an eagle and four birdies
                                WATC 2018
                                               against one bogey in her first nine                   “We have the strong bond already from
                                               holes to make the turn at 5-under. She                the beginning, especially yesterday
                                               added a birdie on the 13th en route to                when we were all struggling, we all
                                               a 6-under 67.                                         fought for each other,” said Kupcho,
                                                                                                     who won the NCAA Women’s individual
                                               Kupcho fired a 4-under-69 to give USA                 title in 2018. “We all wanted to win
                                               a 10-under fourth-round total of 136.                 for each other, and I think that was a
                                               She and Gillman were also members                     big thing coming out of yesterday.
19                                                WATC IRELAND 2018                                     IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

  Yuri Yoshida of Japan
  (silver medallist), WATC 2018

                                                                                    who had won three of the previous
                                                                                    four WATCs, withstood a late rally from
                                                                                    fourth-place the People’s Republic of
                                                                                    China to finish at 18-under 562.

                                                                                    Although there is no official recognition,
                                                                                    the Republic of Korea’s Ayean Cho
                                                                                    was the lowest individual scorer at
                                                                                    17-under 273.

                                                                                       Seoyeon Kwon of Republic
And I think that’s how we got our big   19-under 561. Japan’s previous best            of Korea (bronze medallist),
                                                                                       WATC 2018
lead coming into today.”                finish was fourth in 1984.

Japan’s first appearance on the         Defending champion, the Republic of
medal podium in 28 appearances was      Korea, stalled in its attempt to overtake
formulated by a pair of 3-under 70s     USA and captured the bronze medal,
from 18-year-olds Yuri Yoshida and      which is its fifth consecutive medal-
Yuna Nishimura. Their final total was   winning performance. The Koreans,
19                                                            WATC IRELAND 2018                              IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                       Torben Henriksen Nyehuus,
                   John Axelsen, Nicolai Hojgaard,
                 and Rasmus Hojgaard of Denmark
                      (gold medallists), WAC 2018

Eisenhower Trophy – Denmark
Wins First Eisenhower Trophy
Denmark, bolstered by the stellar
play of 17-year-old identical twins
Nicolai and Rasmus Hojgaard, held
off a surging field to win its first Men’s
WATC at 39-under-par 541 by one
stroke over USA.

The Danes claimed the Eisenhower
Trophy in their 25th appearance as
Nicolai Hojgaard, the 2018 European                  69. Denmark had previously claimed       in second, so this is just amazing.
Amateur champion, posted a 7-under-                  the silver medal in 2010.                It’s pretty nice to go one better.”
par 66 and his brother Rasmus fired
a 6-under-par 67 for a team total                    “It means a lot,” said six-time Danish   Nicolai notched five birdies in his final
of 13-under-par 133 on the par-73                    captain Torben Nyehuus. “Everybody       nine holes and Rasmus logged three
O’Meara Course. Teammate John                        is watching. It’s just amazing. I was    as they took the lead in a tightly-packed
Axelsen posted a non-counting 4-under                with the team in 2010 when we came       leaderboard. Four teams – Denmark,
19                                                  WATC IRELAND 2018                                   IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                    Justin Suh of USA
                                                                                    (silver medallist),
                                                                                    WATC 2018

USA, Spain and New Zealand – were                                                   To medal in my first international
tied at 34-under as the last groups                                                 competition, especially on a stage as
made the turn.                                                                      big as this, is really special.”

“I feel wonderful,” said Nicolai. “This                                             Spain took the bronze medal at
is a dream come true for all of us.                                                 36-under-par 544. New Zealand, which
I had a tough start to this tournament,                                             held the lead through 36 and 54 holes,
so I was just trying to play some good                                              was fourth at 545, followed by Norway,
rounds to help the team. I did that the    (7-under-par 66) and University of       Italy and Thailand tied for fifth at 548,
last two rounds so this is perfect. This   Southern California senior Justin Suh    England in eighth at 549, Canada
is the biggest team event we could         (4-under-par 69) to pass Spain for the   in ninth at 550 and host Ireland and
have won and to do it with Rasmus is       silver medal at 38-under-par 542.        Germany tied for 10th at 553.
perfect. But, also with John. John is a
great friend and we are all having fun.    “It says a lot,” said Hammer, who was    Although there is no official recognition,
This is just wonderful.”                   also the 2018 US Amateur Four-Ball       Spain’s Alejandro “Alex” Del Rey was
                                           champion. “It speaks a lot to the way    the lowest individual scorer at 23-under-
USA used a strong finish by University     our team jelled and how much fun we      par 267. He and England’s Matthew
of Texas freshman and 2018 US              had together. When you are having        Jordan shot the low scores in the fourth
Amateur semi-finalist Cole Hammer          fun playing golf, good things happen.    round at 8-under-par 65.
19                                                                          WATC IRELAND 2018                                            IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

2018 Espirito Santo Trophy Facts                                                       2018 Eisenhower Trophy Facts
                                         (14 gold, three silver and three                                                        in 1992 with a four-player team of Phillip
USA took the lead when Gillman           bronze).                                      Colombia’s Esteban Restrepo scored        Tataurangi, Michael Campbell, Stephen
and Kupcho fired 8-under 65s                                                           the first hole-in-one at the Eisenhower   Scahill and Gordon Moorheard that
on the O’Meara Course in round                                                         Trophy since 2010 on the par-3 seventh    broke the WATC scoring record by
two and went from a one-stroke           The Republic of Korea has won eight           hole of the O’Meara Course using an       11 strokes with an 823. At that time,
lead through 36 holes to a five-         medals (four gold, two silver and             8-iron. He was 3-under on the tee         three scores of four counted and the
stroke lead through 54 holes to          two bronze).                                  and finished with a round of 5-under-     previous mark was 834 set by USA in
a 10-stroke victory.                                                                   par 68. Teammate Ivan Camilo Ramirez      1960 with a team that included Jack
                                                                                       Velandia added a 4-under-par 68 and       Nicklaus. USA finished second that
                                         Juyun ‘Birdie’ Kim, captain of the            they posted a 9-under-par 137 to move     year with two Major winners on the
For the second consecutive day, the      Republic of Korea team, won the               up to 18th place.                         team – Justin Leonard (1997 Open) and
Norwegian duo of Renate Hjelle           2005 US Women’s Open.                                                                   David Duval (2001 Open). Tataurangi
Grimstad (67) and Karoline Stormo                                                                                                and Campbell finished one-two in the
(70) forged another strong move up                                                     Denmark’s identical twins Rasmus and      individual scoring.
the leaderboard with a two-score total   Beatriz Arenas, 70, of Guatemala was          Nicolai Hojgaard had identical 9-under
of 7-under 137 on the Montgomerie        the oldest player in the field. This was      par scores of 208 through 54 holes.
Course. Over the last two rounds,        her eighth time as a player and third                                                   USA won its 26th medal (15 gold,
Norway moved from T33 to T12 and         as a captain.                                                                           nine silver and two bronze).
then to 10th. Their 130-137 finish in                                                  The last one-stroke margin of victory
the last two rounds was 267, 13                                                        was in 1968 when USA prevailed over
under par.                               Lebanon made its first appearance             Great Britain and Ireland (868-869)       Spain won its fourth overall medal and
                                         in the Espirito Santo Trophy while            in Australia.                             first since a bronze medal finish in 2014.
                                         Bulgaria made its second appearance.
USA has won 20 total medals in the
Espirito Santo Trophy competition                                                      New Zealand was vying for its first       Defending champion Australia
                                                                                       medal (fifth overall) since it won gold   finished T12.
20                                                YOG BUENOS AIRES 2018                        IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                                                                                                           Karl Vilips of Australia
                                                                                                                 (gold medallist),
                                                                                                                        YOG 2018

                Australia strike golden double
                Grace Kim and Karl Vilips, from Australia, were crowned
                Youth Olympic Games champions while Thailand won
                the mixed team event in a thrilling conclusion at the
                historic Hurlingham Club in Buenos Aires.

After a spectacular debut in Nanjing,     women’s individual 54-hole stroke play
the People’s Republic of China, in        tournaments and the 72-hole mixed
2014, golf was once again on the sports   gender team event.
programme for the third edition of the
Youth Olympic Games (YOG) held in         The women’s field included the likes
Buenos Aires in October 2018.             of 16-year-old Lucy Li, of the USA,
                                          who at the age of just 11 became the     Also teeing it up were Thailand’s
The Argentine capital’s historic          youngest ever player to appear in the    Atthaya Thitikul    who in 201
Hurlingham Club welcomed 64 of the        US Women’s Open and entered the          became the youngest ever winner on
finest junior golfers from around the     Youth Olympic Games in the top 10        the Ladies European Tour when she
world for three events – the men’s and    of the World Amateur Golf Rankings.      won the Ladies European Thailand

                                                         READ MORE
20                                                       YOG BUENOS AIRES 2018                               IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

                        Emma Spitz of Austria
                          (bronze medallist),
                                   YOG 2018

Championship at the age of just 14
Yuka Saso of the Philippines,
who arrived in Buenos Aires off the
back of winning two gold medals at the
Asian Games, and three members of
the European 2018 Junior Ryder Cup
team Emma Spit (Austria), Alessia
Nobilio (Italy) and Amanda Linner
                                                eventually signed for a 69, making             The Italian then dropped four shots
It was 16-year-old Nobilio who set the          her the only player able to break par          over the next four holes, while Kim
early pace, with her two-under-par              in the windy conditions and moving             bounced back with birdies at the fifth,
opening-round 68 giving her an early            her level with Nobilio at the top of the       11th and 16th to secure the gold medal
three-stroke lead over a group of five          leaderboard following the Italian’s 2.         by three strokes.
players that included Saso and Kim.
                                                In contrast to her fast start on day two,      Nobilio’s 4 dropped her into a three-
The following day saw Kim get off to            the final round saw Kim bogey two of           way tie with Spit and Saso, whose
a flying start with three birdies in her        the opening four holes, with Nobilio           final-round 69 was the lowest score
opening four holes. The Australian              taking the lead after a birdie on the fifth.   of the day. In the ensuing sudden-
20                                                 YOG BUENOS AIRES 2018                               IGF Biennial Report 2019-20

death play-off for the silver and bron e   Romano and Vilips, who birdied three       Akshay Bhatia of USA
                                                                                      (silver medallist), YOG 2018
medals, Nobilio birdied the par-4 first    of the final five holes in his 69.
to claim second place, with Spit parring
the hole to take the bron e, while the     Vilips picked up where he left off in
unlucky Saso’s bogey saw her miss          round two, with birdies at the second,
out on the podium.                         fourth, seventh and 1 th holes helping
                                           him to a two-under 68 and a one-stroke
The men’s event featured a similarly       lead over Bhatia, who shot a second
impressive field, including the likes      successive 69.
of Eisenhower Cup winner Nicolai
Hoejgaard of Denmark and USA’s             The American took control in wet
Akshay Bhatia, who was a member of         conditions in the final round, moving
the successful 2018 USA Junior Ryder       into a three-stroke lead with just six
Cup team and the first player ever to      holes to play, but the left-hander’s
win back-to-back Boys Junior PGA           double-bogey at the 14th opened the
Championship titles.                       door for Vilips, who birdied four of the
                                           final six holes to shoot 69 and clinch a
Bhatia’s pedigree showed during            golden double for Australia. Bhatia’s
the opening round, as his 69 left            0 meant he secured silver, two
him in a four-way tie at the top of        strokes behind Vilips, while Jerry Ji of
the leaderboard alongside Thailand’s       the Netherlands shot a closing 68 to
Vanchai Luangnitikul, Italy’s Andrea       clinch bron e.
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