Insect Succession and Decomposition Pattern on Pig Carrion During Warm and Cold Seasons in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa

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Insect Succession and Decomposition Pattern on Pig Carrion During Warm and Cold Seasons in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa
Journal of Medical Entomology, XX(X), 2021, 1–11
doi: 10.1093/jme/tjab099

Arthropod/Host Interaction, Immunity

Insect Succession and Decomposition Pattern on Pig
Carrion During Warm and Cold Seasons in Kwazulu-Natal

                                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 12 July 2021
Province of South Africa
Danisile Tembe1,3, and Samson Mukaratirwa1,2,
Discipline of Genetics, School of Life Sciences, College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science, University of KwaZulu- Natal,

Durban 4001, South Africa,2One Health Center for Zoonoses and Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Ross University School of Veterinary
Medicine, Basseterre, West Indies, and 3Corresponding author, e-mail:

Subject Editor: Adrienne Brundage

Received 6 January 2021; Editorial decision 5 May 2021

With the aim of identifying insects with potential value as indicator species in postmortem interval (PMI), the
location or season of death of human or monogastric animals, two medium-sized large white pigs were used
for the study during cold and warm seasons. Five stages of decomposition and their durations were observed
and described in the pig carcasses during both seasons. Carcasses were first colonized by flies from seven
taxa during fresh stage. Chrysomya marginalis (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya albiceps,
(Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Musca domestica (Walker) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were recorded
as the overall dominant adult flies found on the carcasses in both seasons. Colonization by beetles began
during the bloated stage in the warm season and active stage in the cold season. Dermestes maculatus (De
Geer) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) and Necrobia rufipes (De Geer) (Cleridae) were the most abundant beetles in
both seasons. Flies and beetles were generally abundant during the warm seasons as compared to the cold
season. However, the difference was only significant for beetles. The highest number of flies were recorded in
the bloated stage for both seasons, however they were reduced in the active stage which coincided with the
introduction of predatory beetles. The arrival time of the different arthropod species and their association with
different stages of decomposition during both seasons pointed to their value in estimating the PMI in forensic
investigations in the locality of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Consequently, they can potentially be useful in the
estimation of PMI and other cases of criminal investigations.

Key words: Diptera, coleoptera, species identification, seasonality, stages of decomposition

Forensic entomology is the scientific study of the use of insects and                     transfer (Sumodan 2002), postmortem interval (PMI), cause and
other arthropods associated with a carrion in forensic investiga-                         manner of death, chemical and drug verification, child abuse and
tions (Wolff et al. 2001, Haskell et al. 2008). This field of study is                    neglect, and other related cases of a forensic investigation (Amendt
accepted and applied in various courts of law worldwide (Amendt                           et al. 2007, Kokdener 2016). However, its application requires ac-
et al. 2007, Amendt et al. 2011), and is now recognized as an impor-                      curacy and consideration of several factors, such as understanding
tant investigative tool in many developed countries (Haskell et al.                       the role of different insect species and their colonization process
2008, Kokdener 2016, Tembe and Mukaratirwa 2020).Medico-                                  throughout carcass decomposition and the effect of temperature,
legal entomology deals with insect evidence collected at the crime                        seasons, and climatic zones on carrion associated species.
scene, and this field has been gaining more recognition than urban                            According to Parry et al. (2016), carrion-feeding insect species
and stored-product forensic entomology globally (Sukontason et al.                        have been observed to vary in diverse environments. This variation
2007, Haskell et al. 2008).                                                               may be due to factors such as habitat (Matuszewski et al. 2013),
    In medico-legal entomology, insects and other arthropods are                          availability of food, the presence or absence of other insect species
commonly used to confirm relocation of carcasses or postmortem                            (Williams 2002), and season (Richards et al. 2009b). Therefore,

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Insect Succession and Decomposition Pattern on Pig Carrion During Warm and Cold Seasons in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa
2                                                                                Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX

studying, recording, and comparing the different insect species found    Materials and Methods
in a specific geographic area and location in different seasons can
provide valuable information on the availability, abundance, and di-     Study Location
versity of carrion-feeding insect species, subsequently improving the    The study was conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
existing knowledge and understanding of their adaptive responses         Ukulinga Research and Training farm located in Pietermaritzburg,
to different environmental conditions. This information is of impor-     South Africa (29.6627° S, 30.4050° E) (Fig. 1). The farm is under
tance in the field of forensic entomology (McIntyre 2000, Kitching       uMgungundlovu district of KwaZulu-Natal province, South
2013) and sub-Saharan African countries including South Africa are       Africa. The area is characterized by warm to hot summers and
still lagging behind (Tembe and Mukaratirwa 2020).                       mild winters, which are often accompanied by irregular frost
     Matuszewski et al. (2013), observed that certain insect species     (Kiala et al. 2017). The average monthly temperature ranges be-
display a strong habitat and seasonal associations, which make them      tween 13.2°C and 21.4°C, with an annual mean temperature of

                                                                                                                                                 Downloaded from by guest on 12 July 2021
valuable as potential indicator species to determine the location and    17°C (Mills and Frey 2004, Everson et al. 2013, Kiala et al. 2017).
season of death. Mann et al. (1990) stated that season is one of the     The area receives an annual precipitation of 680 mm in over 106
most important factors influencing the rate of decomposition, likely     d per annum (Kiala et al. 2017) and it falls under the Southern
caused by changes associated with temperature, rainfall, and insect      Tall Grassveld and mainly herbaceous as a result of long-term
activity. Previous studies have shown that an increase in rainfall is    burnings (Mills and Frey 2004, Kiala et al. 2017). The cold season
presumed to speed up decomposition through leaching and supply of        is experienced from the month of May to end of August, whilst
moisture for bacterial and carrion-associated insect activities (Mann    the warm season is from September to April. The cold season
et al. 1990, Lopes de Carvalho and Linhares 2001, Archer 2004).          trial of this study was conducted from June to August 2019, with
However, other authors have also stated that while there is anecdotal    measured average temperature ranging between 18°C and 19°C,
evidence that rainfall speeds up the rate of decomposition on large      and the warm season trial was conducted from November 2019
animals (Mann et al. 1990, Lopes de Carvalho and Linhares 2001),         to January 2020, with measured average temperature ranging be-
according to Archer (2004) the effect of rainfall have never been sta-   tween 21°C and 23°C.
tistically studied separately from that of temperature.
     According to Richard et al. (2009a,b), flies normally show fluc-    Study Animals
tuations in population sizes which is strongly influenced by seasonal    Two pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) with an average live weight of
changes, with observed population size peaking at particular times       80 kg were donated by Hmb School Trust piggery in Greytown,
of the year (Parry et al. 2016). The authors further stated that these   South Africa. After sacrifice, three knife stabs were made around the
peaks in population sizes are usually due to the existing climatic       neck region to create wounds that mimic the cases of an illegally
factors, such as humidity and temperature and strongly influence         killed animal carcasses. The carcasses were immediately translocated
the presence and abundance of fly species (Richards et al. 2009a,        to the University of KwaZulu-Natal Ukulinga Research and Training
Parry et al. 2016). Hence, most fly species have been observed to        farm (approximately 60 km from the piggery).
be abundant during the warm season compared to the cold season
(Parry et al. 2016). However, other authors have demonstrated that       Sampling Procedure
some fly species tend to be more prevalent during the cooler seasons     On arrival at the farm, each carcass was immediately placed in a
(Braack and De Vos 1987, de Souza and Linhares 1997, Brundage            metal cage (100 cm × 100 cm × 100 cm) which was placed in an
et al. 2011, Parry et al. 2016). Nonetheless, the succession pattern     open space in one of the farm paddocks. The cage was covered with
of insects commonly follows the same pattern at a family level, with     mesh wire to protect the carcass from scavengers such as rats and
documented variation at a genus and species level among different        other small vertebrates but allowing free movement of arthropods.
locations (Tabor et al. 2004).                                           The day the animals were killed was recorded as day 0 and marked
     Although the effect of seasons and other environmental factors      the initiation of each trial which lasted 59 d.
on the decomposition rate and succession pattern of arthropods               Stages of decomposition of carcasses were determined as de-
have been previously studied in other countries including few re-        scribed by Martinez et al. (2007) and Wolff et al. (2001). The fol-
gions of South Africa, the seasonal colonization pattern and activity    lowing information was collected daily during course of the study,
of many carrion-associated arthropods to determine PMI and relo-         through visual observation and recordings from the carcass and its
cation of a carcass remains scantily studied in Africa (Parry et al.     surroundings; physical changes of the carcasses, odor, and intensity
2016). A number of studies have been previously conducted in some        and the presence of arthropods during each stage of decomposi-
provinces of South Africa, on diversity of arthropods associated with    tion at given days and times as shown in Table 1. Temperature of
animal carrion (Braack 1986) and seasonal variation related to dif-      carcass and that of the soil surrounding the carcass were measured
ferent stages of decomposition and succession pattern of arthropods      once a day at 09:00 am using a MAC-AFRIC infrared thermom-
(Kelly et al. 2008, 2011, Gilbert 2014, Williams and Villet 2019)        eter (Adendorff machinery mart) (Temperature range −50~380°C,
which have a different ecological niche from KwaZulu-Natal prov-         ± 2%). Adult arthropods found on and around the carcasses were
ince, where this study was conducted. Therefore, this study aimed        collected using either fly traps which were hanged on the cages or
at determining the decomposition pattern of a pig carcass during         by direct hand-picking for a period of two hours each day (09:00 –
the warm and cold season, and further assess the dipteran and co-        11:00 am). Collected arthropods were preserved in 70% ethanol for
leopteran species associated with pig carrion and their sequence of      further processing and identification. Eggs and larvae of arthropods
arrival and colonization immediately after death and throughout the      on and around the carcass during decomposition were not collected
different stages of decomposition during the two seasons. The pig is     to avoid disturbance of the maggots establishing on the carcasses,
an acceptable model for this type of study as they resemble humans       which could consequently interfere with the rate of decomposi-
and larger monogastric animals in terms of quantity of body hair         tion of the carcass. Therefore, only adult arthropods were sampled
and process of decomposition (Wolff et al. 2001, Tabor et al. 2004).     during the study period.
Insect Succession and Decomposition Pattern on Pig Carrion During Warm and Cold Seasons in Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX                                                                                                 3

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Fig. 1. Map showing location of the study in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa.

Table 1. Summary of the physical characteristics of decomposition of pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) carcass, sampling times, and the
presence of Dipteran and Coleopteran species during the warm and cold season

Stages of                  Period      Sampling time           Physical changes                      Foul odor          Presence of       Presence of
decomposition              (days)                                                                                       Dipteran          Coleopteran
                                                                                                                        species           species

Fresh (0–1 d)                2         9:00 – 11:00            - Soft torsos                         - None             Yes               No
                                                               - Flexible limbs
Bloated (2–6 d)              5         9:00 – 11:00            - Body color darkened                 - Present          Yes               Yes
Active (7–12 d)              6         9:00 − 11:00            - Skin peeling commenced              - Present and      Yes               Yes
Advanced (13–51 d)         40          9:00 − 11:00            - Extensive peeling of the skin       - Present          Yes               Yes
                                                               - Dry skin
                                                               - Loss of soft tissue
Dry (52–58 d)                7         9:00 − 11:00            - No moisture on carcass              - None             Yes               Yes
                                                               - Dry skin

Morphological and Molecular Identification of                                     using mitochondrial primers as described by Folmer et al. (1994)
Collected Adult Arthropods                                                        and Zhuang et al. (2011) Voucher specimens of arthropods were de-
Prior to identification, collected adult arthropods were cleaned by               posited in the Parasitology Lab, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
immersing them in distilled water for 10–15 min to remove excess
ethanol and air-dried. Arthropods were then morphologically iden-                 Data Analysis
tified under the stereo microscope following identification keys de-              To determine the statistical differences in the abundance of Dipteran
scribed by (Byrd and Castner 2001, Kolver 2009, Iqbal et al. 2014,                and Coleopteran groups between the different seasons, a χ 2 and
Lutz et al. 2018, Lubbe et al. 2019, BugGuide 2020). Molecular                    Fisher exact test was performed and P < 0.05 was considered sta-
techniques were used to confirm arthropod species identification                  tistically significant.
4                                                                                        Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX

Results                                                                         temperature and carcass temperature regardless of season and
                                                                                decomposition stage. The carcass temperature followed the tem-
Five decomposition stages were observed in the pig carcasses
                                                                                perature trend of that of the soil (Fig. 3A and B). There were
during the warm and cold season based on the postmortem
                                                                                no observed differences in the duration decomposition stages be-
changes of the carcass and categorized as shown in Fig. 2A and
                                                                                tween the two seasons.
B. The results also showed a marked relationship between soil

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Fig. 2. Photographs showing decomposition stages of pig carcass during the warm season (A) and cold season (B). Images (a–e) represents different stages of
decomposition: (a) fresh stage, (b) bloated stage, (c) active stage, (d) advanced stage, (e) dry stage.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX                                                                                                 5

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Fig. 3. Comparison between body temperature of a pig carcass and soil temperature during different stages of decomposition during the warm (A) and cold
season (B) in KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa.

Fresh Stage (0–1 d)                                                           albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya
The fresh stage for both seasons, commenced directly after the animals        chloropyaga (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Lucilia cuprina
were humanely killed, and it was associated with soft torsos and flexible     (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Musca domestica (walker)
limbs and no foul odor (Table 1; Fig. 2Aa and Ba). There was an ob-           (Diptera: Muscidae), and Sarcophaga calicifera (Boettcher, 1912)
served decrease in the body temperature from 25.4°C to 15.4°C during          (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). The species were the first to arrive and colo-
the cold season and 37°C to 24°C during the warm season (Fig. 3A and          nize on the pig carcasses within few hours of death in both warm and
B). Seven arthropod taxa (Dipteran) were recorded in this stage during        cold seasons (Table 2). Higher numbers of necrophagous flies were col-
both warm and cold seasons (Fig. 4), and comprised of the following           lected during the warm season (n = 76) as compared to the cold season
species; Chrysomya marginalis (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae),           (n = 34, Table 3). M. domestica (n = 22), and Ch. albiceps (n = 16) were
Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya             more abundant during the warm season, whereas, M. domestica was
6                                                                                             Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX

the most abundant species in the cold season (n = 11, Table 3). There               Ch. putoria, Ch. albiceps, Ch. chloropyga, L. cuprina, M. domestica,
was no significance difference in the abundance of necrophagous spe-                S. calcifera) for both seasons (Table 2). However, there was an addi-
cies collected during different seasons (P = 0.082) (Table 3).                      tional new species Antherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae),
                                                                                    found on the carcass during the cold season. A. soccata and Ch.
Bloated Stage (2–6 d)                                                               putoria were last collected and recorded during this stage (Table 2).
At this stage, the body color of both carcasses changed from white                      There was an increase in the total number of necrophagous flies
and became darkened, a foul odor was being emitted from the car-                    collected on the pig carcasses during the warm season (n = 152) and
casses (Table 1; Fig. 2Ab and Bb). In the warm season, the carcass                  cold season (n = 92) (Table 3), however, the difference was not statisti-
temperature at the beginning of the bloated stage was 32.5°C, an in-                cally significant (P = 0.150, Table 3). The results also show that the re-
crease from 24°C recorded on the last day of the fresh stage (Fig. 3A).             corded numbers of M. domestica (n = 38), Ch. albiceps (n = 38), and Ch.
On the second day of this stage, the temperature then decreased to                  marginalis (n = 35) were higher during warm season than in the cold

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21°C, followed up by an increase to 38.6°C until the fourth day of                  season (M. domestica [n = 26]), Ch. albiceps [n = 14] and Ch. marginalis
the stage. On the last day of the bloated stage, the carcass temperature            [n = 22]) (Table 3). In addition to the dipteran species collected during
decreased to 28.7°C (Fig. 3A). A different trend was observed during                this stage, 24 beetles were collected comprising four species, namely
the cold season, where the body showed an increase in temperature                   Dermestes maculatus (n = 11) (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae),
in the first two days (26.5°C and 28.7°C) of the bloated stage, then                Thanatophilus micans (n = 4) (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Silphidae),
decreased on the third day to 22.7°C (Fig. 3B). The body tempera-                   Onthophagus crassicollis (n = 5) (Boucomont, 1913) (Coleoptera:
ture then increased to 24.8°C until the last day of this stage (Fig. 3B).           Scarabaeidae), and Hycleus lunatus (n = 4) (Pallas, 1782) (Coleoptera:
The body temperature was slightly higher than that of soil tempera-                 Meloidae) during the warm season. These four species persisted on
ture, during both seasons (Fig. 3A and B). The number of arthropod                  the carcass until the last stage of decomposition (dry stage) except
taxa increased during both warm (n = 11) and cold seasons (n = 8,                   H. lunatus which was recorded only during this stage of decomposition.
Fig. 4). The Dipteran species observed and recorded during the fresh
stage persisted on the carcasses to the bloated stage (Ch. marginalis,
                                                                                    Active Stage (7–12 d)
                                                                                    The foul odor from decomposing tissues from the carcasses was more
                                                                                    intense, exudates were discharged by the body, and peeling of skin
                                                                                    commenced was observed in carcasses during the two seasons (Table
                                                                                    1; Fig. 2Ac and Bc). During the warm season, the carcass temperature
                                                                                    at the beginning of the active stage was 17.5°C, which subsequently
                                                                                    increased until the last day to 38.9°C (Fig. 3A). During the cold season,
                                                                                    the active stage began with the carcass body temperature of 22.8°C,
                                                                                    which then slightly declined to 22.2°C on the second day of the ac-
                                                                                    tive stage, increasing to 31°C until the last day of the stage (Fig. 3B).
                                                                                    There was a slight decrease in the total number of arthropods observed
Fig. 4. Arthropods taxa richness at different stages of a decomposing pig car-      and collected during the warm season (n = 10), however in the cold
cass during the warm and cold season in KwaZulu-Natal province of South             season, the total number of arthropods taxa remained the same (n = 8,
Africa.                                                                             Fig. 4). The total number of necrophagous flies collected during this

Table 2. Succession pattern of different arthropods (Diptera and Coleoptera) species attracted during the five different stages of
decomposition of pig carcass during the warm and cold seasons at Ukulinga research and training farm in the province of KwaZulu-
Natal, South Africa

    Black fill arrow – represents warm season; black dotted arrow – represents cold season.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX                                                                                                         7

Table 3. Abundance of adult Dipteran and Coleopteran species associated with different stages of pig carcasses during different stages of
decomposition during the cold and warm season

Ecological      Order        Family           Genus/               Fresh           Bloated          Active        Advanced        Dry           Total
category                                      species             (0–1 d)          (2–6 d)         (7–12 d)       (13–51 d)    (52–58 d)

                                                                 CS      WS       CS      WS        CS    WS      CS     WS    CS     WS      CS    WS

Necrophagous Diptera         Calliphoridae Chrysomya              6         10     22         35    18    40       9     26     0      0      55    111
Necrophagous Diptera         Calliphoridae Chrysomya              2          5      4          7     0        0    0      0     0      0       6        12
Necrophagous Diptera         Calliphoridae Chrysomya              4         16     14         38     9    30       7     15     0      0      34        99

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Necrophagous Diptera         Calliphoridae Chrysomya              5          8     11         13     3        9    0      5     0      0      19        35
Necrophagous Diptera         Calliphoridae Lucilia                5         11      9         15     5        7    0      0     0      0      19        33
Necrophagous Diptera         Muscidae      Musca                 11         22     26         38    26    42      13     19     5     10      81    131
Necrophagous Diptera         Muscidae      Atherigona             0          0      2          0     0        0    0      0     0      0       2         0
Necrophagous Diptera         Sarcophagidae Sarcophaga             1         4       4          6     1        3    2      7     1      4       9        24
Total Diptera                                                    34      76       92     152        62 131        31     72     6      14    225    445
χ2/Fisher exact P-value                                          P = 0.082a       P = 0.150a       P = 0.116a     P = 0.102a   P = 0.001a*   P = 0.134a
Necrophagous Coleoptera Dermestidae           Dermestes           0       0        0      11        18     28     22     34    26      39     66    112
Predators       Coleoptera Cleridae           Necrobia            0          0     0           0    10    13      18     22    20     27      48        62
Predators       Coleoptera Silphidae          Thanatophilus       0          0     0           4     0        9    2     13     0     18       2        44
Coprophagous Coleoptera Scarabaeidae          Onthophagus         0          0     0           5     0    12       4     15     5     10       9        42
Incidental      Coleoptera Meloidae           Hycleus             0          0     0           4     0        0    0      0     0      0       0         4
Total Coleoptera                                                  0          0     0          24    28     62     46      84   51      94    125     264
χ2/Fisher exact P-value                                               N/A               N/A        P = 0.002a*     P = 0.08a   P = 0.002a*   P < 0.001a*

  CS, cold season; WS, warm season; Nd, not done; aFisher's exact; *Significant at P < 0.05.

stage decreased from 152 to 131 during the warm season, and from                  arthropod taxa decreased (n = 9) during the warm season but re-
92 to 62 during the cold seasons (Table 3). During both seasons, Ch.              mained the same during the cold season (n = 8, Fig. 4). Species of
marginalis, Ch. albiceps, Ch. chloropyga, L. cuprina, M. domestica,               Ch. marginalis, Ch. albiceps, M. domestica, and S. calcifera persisted
and S. calcifera continued to persist on the carcasses (Table 2).                 on the pig carcasses during both seasons and Ch. chloropyga during
However, Ch. chloropyga did not persist from this stage during the                the warm season only (Table 2). However, the number of individ-
cold season and L. cuprina during both seasons (Table 2). There was               uals collected on the carcasses decreased (Table 3). The total number
an increase in the total number of beetles collected at this stage during         of necrophagous flies collected from both carcasses declined at this
the warm season (Table 3). The number of beetle individuals collected             stage in comparison to the previous stages in both warm (n = 72)
in the warm season of this stage was significantly higher than those              and cold (n = 31) seasons (Table 3). The total number of beetles con-
collected during the cold season (P = 0.002) (Table 3). The number                tinued to increase in both warm (n = 84) and cold seasons (n = 46)
of flies collected during both seasons decreased, with the exception of           (Table 3). Additionally, T. micans (n = 2) and O. crassicollis (n = 4)
Ch. marginalis and M. domestica which increased in the warm season                appeared on the pig carcass for the first time during the cold season
(Table 3). However, the number of M. domestica remained constant                  (Tables 2 and 3).
(n = 26) during the cold season (Table 3). An increase in the number
of D. maculatus (n = 28), T. micans (n = 9), and O. Crassicollis (n=              Dry Stage (52–58 d)
12) was observed during the warm season. Furthermore, D. maculatus                Both carcasses had dry skin during this stage of decomposition
was collected for the first time in the cold season and Necrobia rufipes          (Table 1; Fig. 2Ae and Be). A similar pattern of body temperature
(De Geer) (Coleoptera: Cleridiae) in both seasons (Table 3).                      was observed as in the advanced stage, where body temperature
                                                                                  was similar to soil temperature (Fig. 3A and B). M. domestica and
Advanced Stage (13–51 d)                                                          S. calcifera were the only Diptera species which persisted on pig car-
This stage was characterized by a massive peeling and drying out of               casses to this stage during both warm and cold seasons (Table 2).
the skin, and loss of the soft tissue of both carcasses (Table 1; Fig.            There was a decrease in the total number of arthropod taxa recorded
2Ad and Bd). For the majority of days during the advanced stage,                  during the warm (n = 6) and cold season (n = 5, Fig. 4). The number
the temperature of both carcasses was the same with that of the                   of beetle species remained constant during the warm season (n = 5)
surrounding soil temperature (Fig. 3A and B). The total number of                 and decreased during the cold season (n = 4). However, the total
8                                                                                  Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX

number of beetle individuals collected continued to increase on both      It was further observed that during both seasons the carcass body
warm (n = 94) and cold (n = 51) seasons, and the difference in the        temperature was slightly higher than that of the soil temperature.
number of beetle individuals collected was statistically significant      Similar observations were made by Payne (1965), whereby the tem-
(P = 0.002) (Table 3). T. micans disappeared from the pig carcass         perature of the pig carcass was slightly higher than the soil tempera-
during the cold season (Table 3).                                         ture during the bloated stage. Furthermore, as the carcasses released
                                                                          foul odor, the numbers of Ch. marginalis, Ch. putoria, Ch. albiceps,
                                                                          Ch. chloropyga, L. cuprina, M. domestica, and S. calcifera visiting
Discussion                                                                the carcasses also increased during both seasons and according to
The decomposition pattern and time taken by the carcass exposed           Verheggen et al. (2017), odor plays a crucial role in attracting ne-
to warm season was the same as that of the carcass exposed to the         crophagous insect species.
cold season. This was not expected as most studies show that car-             Our results further showed that Coleoptera species, D. maculatus,

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casses exposed to the summer season decompose faster than that            T. micans, O. crassicollis, and H. lunatus were the first beetle spe-
one exposed to winter (Bass 1996, Gilbert 2014). The observed sim-        cies to visit the pig carcass during the bloated stage and persisted
ilar period of decomposition of carcasses between seasons in this         through to the last stage of decomposition (dry stage) during the
study may have been due to rainfall experienced mostly when the           warm season with exception of H. lunatus, which was only found
warm season experiment was taking place. According to Lyu et al.          during the bloated stage. The presence of these beetles on the carcass
(2016) rainfall wets the carcass and expel fly maggots from the car-      as early as bloated stage supports the findings of other several studies
cass (Singh and Bala, 2019), and as a result affect the rate at which     that reported the early arrival of Coleoptera species on carcasses
the carcass decomposes. Archer (2004) also reported that rainfall         (Early and Goff 1986, Braack 1987, Mayer and Vasconcelos 2013,
delay the rate of decomposition by reducing the carcass temperature       Singh and Bala 2019). According to VanLaerhoven and Anderson
through evaporative cooling, and hence as the carcass becomes wa-         (1999), the presence of these beetles during the bloated stage may
terlogged, the mass loss become slower.                                   be due to seasonal peaks appearance rather than the decomposition
    This study also showed that the duration of the decomposition         stages (Mabika et al. 2014). This could also explain the absence of
stages was similar to that described by Wolff et al. (2001) in a pig      these species on the carcass during the bloated stage of decomposi-
carcass with the difference in the dry stage in our study, which was      tion during the cold season. The occurrence of H. lunatus in lower
shorter. During the first stage (fresh) of decomposition, the car-        numbers only in the bloated stage of the warm season may indicate
casses had soft torsos (abdomen and thorax) and flexible limbs and        that the beetles could have accidentally landed on the carcass, as
there was no odor during both warm and cold seasons. However,             they are normally associated with crops (Gorthy et al. 2017) than
there was an observed decrease in the body temperature of carcasses       dead bodies and their role in decomposing carcasses is still not clear.
in both warm and cold seasons. Similar observations were made                 Arthropod taxa (Dipteran and Coleopteran) richness increased
by Kelly et al. (2008, 2011), where the fresh stage was associated        during the bloated stage in the warm and cold season, and simi-
with soft torso and flexible limbs with no odor during the winter         larly Shi et al. (2009) observed and reported the highest taxa rich-
and summer experiments. Furthermore, Grisales et al. (2010) made          ness during the bloated stage of a rabbit carcass. Furthermore, the
similar observations where body temperature of pig [Sus scrofa            number of dipteran species collected during the bloated stage were
(L.)] carcass decreased from 38°C to 22°C during the fresh stage          higher compared to other stages during both cold and warm season
of decomposition. Species from the families Calliphoridae (Ch.            and the dominant species were Ch. albiceps, M. domestica, and Ch.
marginalis, Ch. putoria, Ch. albiceps, Ch. chloropyga, L. cuprina),       marginalis. However, the highest number of Dipteran species were
Muscidae (M. domestica), and Sarcophadidae (S. calcifera) were the        collected during the warm season. Similar results were reported
first colonizers in both carcasses mainly for feeding and breeding        by Keshavarzi et al. (2019), where the highest number of arthro-
purposes. Similarly, Shi et al. (2009), confirmed Sarcophagidae           pods were observed during the bloated stage of albino rats and the
species as primary colonizers of a rabbit carcass in warmer tem-          dominant species were Ch. albiceps, Calliphora vicina, and S. africa
peratures and tropical areas. However, Mabika et al. (2014) and           during the autumn season.
Martinez et al. (2007) recorded Sarcophagidae family as secondary             The active stage was also characterized by the presence of foul
colonizers and Calliphoridae and Muscidae as primary colonizers           odor of decay and skin peeling. However, as the insect maggots fed
in rabbit and pig carcasses respectively. According to Mabika et al.      on the carcass the foul odor became more pronounced. Our results
(2014), species from these families play an important role during         correspond with those reported by Kelly et al. (2008, 2011), where
the early stages of decomposition, and due to the predictable se-         the active stage of a pig carcass was characterized by a strong foul
quence of arrival on the carcass they are potential indicators of         odor which became prominent as maggots fed on the carcass and
PMI and determining clues in cases of criminal investigations es-         persisted until the carcass started deflating. Furthermore, the ob-
pecially if the body tissue is still fresh (Padonou et al. 2017, Tembe    served skin peeling of carcasses might have occurred due to the skin
and Mukaratirwa 2020).                                                    drying out and erupting and tearing (Kelly et al. 2008). The early
    The bloated stage of both carcasses during the two seasons was        days of this stage were also characterized by a decrease in carcasses
associated with a change in body color from white to dark, with           body temperature, which subsequently increased from day two until
a foul odor. Similar observations were made by Kelly et al. (2011)        the last day of this stage in the warm season. However, in the cold
where during the bloated stage the pig carcass body color darkened.       season it decreased on the second day and subsequently increased
Verheggen et al. (2017), reported that the bloated stage of vertebrate    until the last day of decomposition. Martinez et al. (2007), also ob-
carcasses is characterized by the presence of a perceived odor as also    served low body temperature of pig carcass that increased in the last
confirmed by Mabika et al. (2014) in a rabbit carcass. Furthermore,       days of this stage. The observed increase in carcass body temperature
during the bloated stage we observed an increase in the body temper-      may be due to insect larval activity as the body burst (Wolff et al.
ature of the carcasses of which according to Martinez et al. (2007),      2001) or peel which allows insect maggots to feed underneath it
this may be due to high insect activity taking place during this stage.   (Kelly et al. 2011). Additionally, according to Kelly et al. (2011), the
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX                                                                                          9

observed slightly decrease in carcass body temperature may be due        N. rufipes. These observations were supported by Mayer and
to the emission of gases by the body as the skin erupted.                Vasconcelos (2013) and Mashaly et al. (2018), where D. maculatus
    Chrysomya chlorophaga numbers were slightly higher during the        and N. rufipes were reported to be strongly associated with the dry
warm season as compared to the cold season and it persisted on           stages of a decomposing pig (Arnaldos et al. 2004). Due to their
the carcass up to the advanced stage in the warm season, whereas         feeding preference, these species can be used as potential indicators
it did not pass through this stage during the cold season. Similarly,    of PMI in forensic investigation.
Williams and Villet (2019), found Ch. chloropyga in high numbers             As in other previously reported studies, Ch. marginalis, Ch.
during November (warm season), and stated that this species seems        albiceps, and M. domestica were most dominant and abundant
to be restricted by the maximum and minimum temperature ex-              in this study throughout both seasons, although there were more
cesses. This might explain the observed low numbers in both sea-         in numbers in the warm season as compared to the cold season.
sons. The number of flies collected during the active stage, decreased   Kelly et al. (2011) showed that Ch. marginalis, Ch. albiceps, and

                                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 12 July 2021
in both seasons, coinciding with the introduction of N. rufipes and      M. domestica were the dominant species in the summer and au-
D. maculatus and increase of D. maculatus and O. crassicollis in         tumn experiments and Calliphora vicina and Ch. chloropyga
cold and warm seasons respectively. Campobasso et al. (2001)             during the winter season in Bloemfontein. However, the absence
and Kelly et al. (2008) also noted that Dipteran species usually in-     of Calliphora vicina in our study may be due to differences in geo-
crease in numbers during the early stages of decomposition, whereas      graphic regions and climate (Shin et al. 2015). Williams and Villet
Coleoptera species only increase in numbers as the decomposition         (2019) also noted that Ch. albiceps occurred most of the year,
progresses. This may be caused by the presence and the increase in       although reduced in numbers from July to September in Eastern
the number of predator beetles, which feeds on the fly maggots and       Cape province of South Africa. Chrysomya albiceps was also found
consequently reducing the number of the dipteran flies produced.         in high numbers on the pig carcass during the spring and summer
Although Goff (1993) listed only three predator beetle families,         in Argentina (Battán Horenstein et al. 2007). Furthermore, Braack
which included Silphidae, Staphylinidae, and Histidae as the main        (1986) also reported that Ch. marginalis was more abundant in
fly maggot's feeders, only the species from the family Silphidae was     summer in the Kruger National Park of South Africa. However,
collected along with other predator beetles from the family Cleridae     Gilbert (2014), showed that Ch. albiceps appeared only during
in this study.                                                           summer whereas in our study this species was one of the dom-
    The advanced stage of decomposition was characterized by a           inant species during both cold and warm seasons. Coleoptera
reduction in foul odor and the carcasses showed extensive peeling        species, N. rufipes and D. maculatus were the most dominant spe-
and drying out of the skin and there was significant loss of soft        cies in both warm and cold seasons, and T. micans was the third
tissue. The carcass body temperature was consistent with that            dominant species. However, T. micans and O. crassicollis were
of the surrounding soil temperature. Our finding corresponds             present in less numbers during the cold season. Similarly, Kelly
with that of Wolff et al. (2001), where the recorded pig body            et al. (2008), reported that species of N. rufipes and D. maculatus
temperature was almost similar to that of the environment sur-           were the most dominant Coleoptera species present and breeding
rounding the carcass during both advanced and dry stages of de-          on the carcasses through all seasons and only recorded T. micans
composition. The number of Chrysomya flies (Ch. marginalis, Ch.          during the warm season. Villet (2011) reported that D. maculatus
albiceps, and Ch. Chloropyga) continued to decrease and were             is more common in summer, and Braack (1986) reported their
last observed during this stage in both seasons. However, only           highest occurrence in late autumn. Braack (1987) reported that
M. domestica and S. calcifera remained on the carcass up to the          D. maculatus beetles are usually present and uses the carcass-
dry stage. Similar observations were made by Rosa et al. (2011),         habitat throughout the year and this could explain their observed
where the numbers of fly species from the families Calliphoridae,        high numbers in both seasons in this study. Although high number
Sarcophagidae, and Muscidae decreased from the advanced                  of flies were collected in warm season, these findings point out
decay stage as compared to the early stages of a decomposing             that there is still a huge debate on the correlation concerning tem-
pig. This might be explained by the association and attraction of        perature and arthropods taxa richness (Shi et al. 2009).
most Dipteran species to the carcass when the tissues are still soft         According to the classification of ecological relationship be-
(Goff 1993) and the presence of strong foul odor (Verheggen et al.       tween the insects and carcasses by Smith (1986), Goff (1993), and
2017). The number of N. rufipes and D. maculatus continued to            Martinez et al. (2007), the following ecological categories were also
increase during both seasons and T. micans and O. crassicollis           observed in this study: necrophagous species which mainly fed on
during the warm season of this study. Kelly et al. (2011) also ob-       the soft tissues of the carcass and those species were Chrysomya spe-
served N. rufipes and D. maculatus to be associated with the ad-         cies, L. cuprina, M. domestica, and S. calcifera. These species have
vanced stage of decomposition in all seasons and T. micans in            been reported to be of forensic value because of their predictable
warmer seasons. Furthermore, in the study of Kelly et al. (2008),        time of appearance and hence may be used to estimate PMI in fo-
D. maculatus were observed in high numbers during this stage,            rensic investigation; predator species which prefer feeding on the
however, N. rufipes remained in the same numbers as in the ac-           larvae and pupae of necrophagous species and these were N. rufipes
tive stage of decomposition. The presence of these species in high       and T. micans. This group is considered as the second most signifi-
numbers during this stage could be due to their preference to-           cant group of species associated with the carcass decomposition and
wards the dry skin (Mashaly et al. 2018).                                they are also significant in forensic investigations and; coprophagous
    During the dry stage of decomposition, the carcass showed little     species which feed mainly on the fecal material or excrement from
moisture and dry skin and the foul odor was reduced. Subsequently,       the carcass and only O. crassicollis species were recorded in this cat-
most of the time the body temperature of the carcass was consistent      egory and lastly incidental species which according to Villet (2011),
with that of the surrounding soil temperature. This stage was mainly     constitutes any organism (airborne or mobile terrestrial insect) that
dominated by the presence of D. maculatus and N. rufipes followed        may land on the carcass unintentionally and according to Braack
by T. micans and O. crassicollis in the warm season. However, in         (1986) this group occurs in low numbers and in our study these
the cold season this stage was dominated by D. maculatus and             species were recorded as H. lunatus and Atherigona soccata which
10                                                                                         Journal of Medical Entomology, 2021, Vol. XX, No. XX

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