Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys

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Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys

                                                                                                       Whirlpool in Western Passage at the
                                                                                                       entrance to Passamaquoddy Bay, with
                                                                                                       Deer Island in the background.

      Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains
         Students to See Through Turbulent Systems
 By Kristina Cammen, Gabriella Marafino,          ABSTRACT. Despite the availability of interdisciplinary academic training pro-
Sarah Burton, Jillian Dow, Emma Dullaert,         grams, the practice of environmental science is often hampered by a lack of conver-
            Madalyn Jorge, Kate Macolini,         gence across diverse disciplines. This gap is particularly salient in settings character-
   Louise McGarry, Christopher Tremblay,          ized by complex environmental issues, such as multiple-use coastal ecosystems. In
        Jessica Jansujwicz, Tora Johnson,
                                                  response, we developed and implemented a training, research, and communication
                                                  framework to provide undergraduates with an authentic operative experience work-
        Lauren Ross, and Gayle Zydlewski
                                                  ing at the interface of interdisciplinary science and public decision-​making within a
                                                  case study of marine renewable energy. In our program, students gained hands-on
                                                  experience with the scientific process and learned how to make information rele-
                                                  vant, useful, and accessible to diverse stakeholder groups. Application of this frame-
                                                  work demonstrates that the process of integrating data from biological (visual and
                                                  acoustic monitoring of fish and marine mammals), physical (hydrodynamics), and
                                                  social (local ecological knowledge) sciences can provide a more complete under-
                                                  standing of complex and turbulent ecosystems for better informed decision-
                                                  making. We offer several recommendations to facilitate the adaptation and imple-
                                                  mentation of our interdisciplinary framework to diverse research contexts, with a
                                                  focus on interdisciplinary training for the next generation of marine scientists.

64     Oceanography
             | March| 2021
                                 Online Release
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
INTRODUCTION                                   energy in coastal areas and the associated     room setting hampers efforts to translate
Environmental science is inherently an         need for environmental impact monitor-         knowledge into action.
interdisciplinary field, with academic         ing. Traditional environmental monitor-           In this paper, we first outline our train-
training programs that include course-         ing programs often fall short in settings      ing, research, and communication frame-
work in the physical, biological, and          where environmental impacts are likely         work and describe the case study that moti-
social sciences. Yet, the practice of envi-    to be highly complex and distributed           vated the development of the WPSRC.
ronmental science is often hampered by a       across diverse components of an ecosys-        We then share how undergraduates were
lack of convergence among these diverse        tem (Thomas, 1993; Maurer et al., 1999).       engaged in an integrated approach to data
disciplines. This gap exists despite sig-      Effects of renewable energy develop-           collection, analysis, and communication,
nificant efforts to design training pro-       ment in coastal systems can include, for       and discuss the challenges we faced along
grams in environmental and sustainabil-        example, changes to the physical struc-        the way. We conclude by offering several
ity sciences that aim to prepare students      ture of an environment, altered biology,       recommendations to facilitate the adap-
to “craft usable knowledge” through inter-     and cascading effects on associated nat-       tation and implementation of our inter­
disciplinary collaborations and stake-         ural resource-dependent human com-             disciplinary, student-​focused framework
holder partnerships (S.G. Roy et al.,          munities (Dadswell et al., 1986; Cullen-​      to diverse research contexts.
2019). Improvements to curriculum-​            Unsworth et al., 2013; McDowell and
based training programs alone may not          Ford, 2014). Policy development and            AN INTERDISCIPLINARY
be sufficient to produce environmental         decision-​making in these systems are fur-     TRAINING, RESEARCH, AND
practitioners that are fluent in inter-        ther complicated by multiple, compet-          COMMUNICATION FRAMEWORK
disciplinary research and communica-           ing marine resource uses and uncertainty       The University of Maine is one of many
tion. These limitations are particularly       surrounding cumulative impacts (Lester         institutions nationwide that promote
salient in settings that are characterized     et al., 2010; Fox et al., 2017).               interdisciplinary research to train under-
by complex and dynamic environmental              Although several frameworks for             graduates in innovative and integra-
and societal issues, such as coastal oceans.   holistic monitoring and management             tive ways of thinking (Davis et al., 2015;
   Here, we describe the development and       of coastal ecosystems have been pro-           S.G. Roy et al., 2019). Multidisciplinary
implementation of a training, research,        posed (Levin et al., 2009; Christie, 2011;     and team-based approaches to under-
and communication framework to provide         Alexander et al., 2019), their implemen-       graduate research have been shown to
undergraduates with an authentic expe-         tation is stymied by barriers to integra-      promote students’ academic engage-
rience working at the interface of inter-      tion across different disciplines and dif-     ment (Koch et al., 2017) and their acqui-
disciplinary science and public decision-      ferent types of knowledge (Cash, 2006).        sition of skills important for employ-
making within the context of marine            In particular, synthesizing knowledge          ability following graduation (Juhl et al.,
renewable energy. Students are increas-        into a form that is practical for manag-       1997; Doerschuk et al., 2016). We
ingly interested in professional paths         ers to use in making day-to-day deci-          approached these goals through a train-
that offer active engagement in solving        sions continues to be a significant chal-      ing, research, and communication frame-
sustainability problems. Recognition of        lenge (Clark et al., 2016). Efforts to         work that engaged students, alongside
the benefits of using a sustainability sci-    strengthen research collaborations that        research mentors and diverse stakehold-
ence problem, such as marine renew-            transcend disciplinary approaches and          ers (e.g., industry and community mem-
able energy, as a focal point for student      include input from various communities         bers, policy- and decision-​makers), with
training is emerging (Hart et al., 2016).      of knowledge, including all relevant disci-    the integration of physical, biological,
By bringing together faculty and students      plines and stakeholder groups, has gained      and social science data relevant to a cur-
from different disciplines to actively         considerable momentum (e.g., Lang              rent environmental and societal issue
engage in solving a complex sustainability     et al., 2012). However, while these previ-     (Figure 1). The key tenets of our frame-
science problem, we aim to “re-envision        ous experiences offer guidance on what         work include (1) a training program that
the role of students” and build future         should be considered when designing            emphasizes experiential, bidirectional
capacity (Hart et al., 2016).                  and conducting integrative collaborative       learning across diverse epistemologies,
   We established the Western Passage          research (e.g., Jansujwicz and Johnson,        (2) an interdisciplinary research program
Student Research Collaborative (WPSRC)         2015), student training opportunities          that is intentionally open to iteratively
in the spring of 2019 to engage under-         are not explicitly considered. A lack of       reconsidering objectives and method-
graduates in a one-year training pro-          such opportunities to provide upcoming         ologies to ensure their continued rele-
gram focused on research relevant to an        marine scientists with practice in inter-      vance, and (3) a communication plan
area of growing interest and contention:       disciplinary thinking outside of the more      that emphasizes reflexive communication
the development of marine renewable            traditionally disciplinary-distinct class-     among researchers and stakeholders.

                                                                               Oceanography    |
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
TRAINING. The research collaborative             room into practice. Students engaged             COMMUNICATION. Our stakeholder-​
intentionally included people from dif-          with the scientific process from start to        engaged approach to data collection and
ferent disciplines (e.g., physical, bio-         finish, including planning and executing         sharing emphasizes the need for pro-
logical, and social sciences), differ-           fieldwork and data analyses as well as pre-      active and transparent communica-
ent career stages (e.g., undergraduate to        senting research findings in written and         tion throughout the interdisciplinary
early career and tenured faculty), and dif-      oral formats. Through turning data into          research process. We committed to fre-
ferent career tracks (e.g., academic and         stories and stories into data, students          quent meetings in person or via remote
non-academic), who each brought their            gained insight into how to make informa-         conferencing to provide space and time
own way of knowing or seeing the world           tion relevant, useful, and accessible.           for formal and informal discussions
(i.e., unique epistemologies). The WPSRC                                                          and learning. Interdisciplinary discus-
included five undergraduates who were            RESEARCH. Drawing upon discrete dis-             sions at full research collaborative meet-
co-mentored by individuals from differ-          ciplinary areas of expertise, our initial        ings were fodder for “aha” moments
ent disciplines, including one graduate          approaches to the research were based            that are harder to come by in isola-
student, five faculty, two research asso-        within the methods and practices of sin-         tion. Communication with stakeholders
ciates, and one marine extension asso-           gular disciplines. However, the process of       was key to ensuring research questions
ciate. WPSRC members represented the             troubleshooting challenges in data col-          were informed by stakeholder needs and
diverse fields of marine biology, coastal        lection and interpretation required that         research products were presented in a
engineering, human dimensions of nat-            we remain open to revisiting objectives          usable and useful form that encouraged
ural resources, and geospatial sciences.         and methodological approaches, and to            the uptake of information.
Explicitly acknowledging the value of this       bringing in new disciplinary experts as
diversity encouraged bidirectional learn-        questions arose that required additional            As a result of the persistent and engaged
ing, with students learning from faculty         insights. In fact, the WPSRC was itself          commitment of all team members to the
and vice versa. As part of our one-year          an outcome of such an iterative process,         tenets of our training, research, and com-
interdisciplinary research collaborative,        being identified as a need when tradi-           munication framework, the WPSRC suc-
students gained hands-on experience that         tional monitoring approaches fell short,         cessfully integrated diverse data sources
puts the training they receive in the class-     as described further below.                      to contribute to a more complete under-

FIGURE 1. This training, research, and communication framework is designed to provide undergraduates with an authentic experience working at the
interface of interdisciplinary science and public decision-making within the context of marine renewable energy.

Oceanography   | March 2021 Early Online Release
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
standing of a complex, turbulent coastal       energy sites in the United States (Kilcher           current flow (Rao et al., 2016).
ecosystem. By adopting a stakeholder-​         et al., 2016), but it is also a unique and              Social turbulence in this system results
engaged approach, we ensured that our          valuable natural environment. It includes            from past and ongoing changes to the
research questions and outputs are rele-       iconic physical (largest tidal whirlpool             socio-​ecological system of Western Pas-
vant, useful, and accessible to better sup-    in the Western Hemisphere), biological               sage and its surrounding communities.
port informed decision-making around           (habitat for endangered marine mam-                  For centuries, fish and other marine
coastal development, using marine re-          mals), and social (traditional and com-              resources in this region have held signif-
newable development as an exemplary            mercial fishing grounds, ecotourism                  icant spiritual, cultural, and subsistence
case. Students participating in this inter-    attractions) features that require care-             value for indigenous Passamaquoddy
disciplinary work built a transferable skill   ful consideration in coastal development.            communities (Bassett, 2015). The herring
set that will be broadly applicable and        The combination of these factors cre-                fishery was also central to the economic
desirable as they progress along their         ates a broadly defined “turbulent system,”           vitality of this region until its decline,
chosen career paths.                           with both physical and social contribu-              and the loss of associated fish process-
                                               tions to turbulence.                                 ing plants (canning, drying, and smok-
A CASE STUDY OF MARINE                             The confluence of tides combined with            ing) during the mid to late 1900s resulted
RENEWABLE ENERGY                               complicated seafloor topography cre-                 in increased unemployment, poverty,
Western Passage is located between             ates a complex hydrodynamic environ-                 and outmigration (Johnson et al., 2014).
Maine and New Brunswick, Canada, near          ment dominated by strong current veloc-              More recently, this area has witnessed
the gateway to one of North America’s          ities and physical turbulence, as well as            additional natural resource declines and
preeminent tidal energy (hydrokinetic)         iconic eddies and whirlpools (Figure 2).             subsequent regulations that have limited
resources in the Bay of Fundy (Figure 2).      Water moving through Western Passage,                access to key fisheries, such as groundfish,
This region has been the focus of pro-         which ranges from 1.3 km to 2.8 km wide              urchin, and scallops (Hall-Arber et al.,
posed renewable energy since the 1940s,        and approximately 30 m to 120 m deep at              2001). To address social turbulence and
with renewed interest over the past            mid-​channel (​           remain viable and resilient, these com-
decade. Western Passage ranks as one of        viewers/​bathymetry/), can reach veloci-             munities rely on alternative economic
the top five most promising hydrokinetic       ties of approximately 3 m s–1 at peak tidal          opportunities outside of fishing, such as

                                                     a                                              b                                                 c

                                                          FIGURE 2. (a) Locations of biophysical surveys in Maine’s Western Passage, includ-
                                                          ing a marine mammal visual observations site, deployed passive acoustic monitoring
                                                          (PAM) units, fishing survey sites, starting positions for flood (F) and ebb (E) MicroCTD
                                                          casts, and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and hydroacoustic transects.
                                                          (b and c) Illustration of flood (b) and ebb (c) tidal currents (arrows indicate direction only).
                                                          Flood tide illustrates the turning of the tidal flow into Western Passage and the reflec-
                                                          tion of the incoming tidal currents from Indian River and Head Harbor Passage, induc-
                                                          ing turbulence and the formation of the Old Sow Whirlpool. Within Western Passage
                                                          during ebb tide, the tidal currents flow through the Passage without changing direction,
                                                          and elevated turbulence and whirlpools do not result. This figure was adapted from
                                                          Figure 4 presented in International Passamaquoddy Fisheries Board (1960).

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Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
marine tourism and renewable energy             In addition, a focus on student training      Importantly, these studies have infre-
development (Johnson et al., 2014).             can attract new sources of funding for        quently considered ecosystems as a whole
   Environmental monitoring and deci-           such efforts. The WPSRC emerged as a          and have often excluded the human com-
sion-​making around tidal energy devel-         strategy for overcoming barriers to inter-    ponent (Bonar et al., 2015).
opment is complicated by the physi-             disciplinary science and problem solving         Ironically, the impressive currents that
cal and social turbulence that typifies         by placing student training at the fore-      are favorable to tidal energy develop-

“  The professional relationships that developed between students, research
mentors, and diverse stakeholder groups during this year of study and the
experiential learning gains achieved across all levels provide critical building
blocks for further exploration of this system and others.
coastal ecosystems like Western Passage.        front of developing, implementing, and        ment, such as those in Western Passage,
Yet, with the growing interest in devel-        evaluating an ecosystem-level monitor-        pose one of the challenges to conducting
oping marine energy technologies and            ing program. Our research collaborative       ecosystem-level studies (i.e., studies that
other coastal infrastructure, managers are      was funded through an internal institu-       integrate across these traditionally siloed
increasingly called upon to make timely         tional grant for interdisciplinary student    disciplines) (Melvin and Cochrane,
decisions regarding the siting and permit-      training programs.                            2015). Many research approaches that are
ting of new marine uses despite signifi-                                                      typically used to monitor marine species
cant data gaps. Over the past 10–15 years,      INTEGRATING DIVERSE DATA                      (e.g., hydroacoustics, trawling, passive
tidal energy development and commer-            SOURCES ILLUMINATES THE                       acoustic monitoring) have limited capa-
cialization have been significantly ham-        IMPORTANCE OF TIDES                           bility for collecting viable data through-
pered by lack of data or data that are          Demonstration and testing of new              out such dramatic tidal cycles. To over-
insufficient or not well integrated into        marine renewable energy technologies          come this challenge, the WPSRC drew
a form that can be readily used (Leeney         have thus far resulted in mostly singu-       upon the expertise, tools, and theories
et al., 2014; Copping, 2018).                   lar disciplinary knowledge of the poten-      of diverse natural and social science dis-
   Key challenges that contribute to these      tial effects of tidal power on marine ani-    ciplines to study the fish, marine mam-
critical data gaps were identified by the       mals and hydrodynamics. For example,          mals, humans, and hydrodynamics of
Maine Tidal Power Initiative (MTPI)             in our previous research, we discovered       Western Passage (Figure 3). Our aim
during an earlier effort to bring together      that fish were commonly present in the        was to engage students and stakeholders
stakeholders and researchers from dif-          wake of a test turbine, that schools of       in the design and implementation of an
ferent disciplines to address questions         fish had a lower probability of entering      interdisciplinary research program that
related to tidal power development.             a turbine than individual fish (Viehman       would lead to a better understanding of
Securing funding for large interdisciplin-      and Zydlewski, 2015), and that fish           baselines across multiple components of
ary initiatives (~$1.5M annually, in this       counts were not linked to current speed       this complex ecosystem.
case) and the high level of commitment          (Viehman and Zydlewski, 2017). Studies           Overall, our integrated approach to
required to sustain and manage them             of how tidal turbine farms impact hydro-      data collection and analysis revealed a
were two of the challenges identified. The      dynamics elsewhere have found that            common theme across all data types.
MTPI also found that student involve-           tidal turbines may locally reduce current     Tidal dynamics were found to be a sig-
ment can foster linkages between disci-         velocities in estuaries and tidal channels,   nificant factor affecting biological, phys-
plinary teams and is critical to training the   which can ultimately lead to a decrease       ical, and social data, highlighting their
next generation of scientists and decision-     in sediment fluxes (Defne et al., 2011;       importance to the Western Passage eco-
makers (Jansujwicz and Johnson 2015).           Fallon et al., 2014; Thiébot et al., 2015).   system and future monitoring programs

Oceanography   | March 2021 Early Online Release
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
FIGURE 3. Timeline and objectives for training, research, and communication elements that undergraduates participated in as part of the Western
Passage Student Research Collaborative (WPSRC) from May 2019 to May 2020. Research included disciplinary and interdisciplinary physical (P), bio-
logical (B), and social (S) science components. Preceding activities (dashed lines in the timelines) that informed WPSRC activities were conducted by
research mentors and a graduate student research assistant.

for coastal development in this region.            the tidal cycle in ways that would inform          on biological data collection, biologists
Recognizing this link enabled syner-               biological data collection. This goal was          and coastal engineers collaborated to
gies between data streams that would               intentionally envisioned to integrate              concurrently collect hydroacoustic and
not have been possible if each were con-           physical and biological components of              hydrodynamic data (turbulence and cur-
sidered alone. Here, we provide an over-           our research team. Hydroacoustic meth-             rent velocities). Throughout a spring and
view of the research methods employed              ods, using sonar, are employed to increase         a neap tidal cycle in Western Passage,
by our student research collaborative              understanding of many components of                WPSRC students gained hands-on tech-
and the preliminary findings that were             aquatic ecosystems, including bathym-              nical training while working alongside
an outcome of our focus on integrating             etry and the presence and distribution             their research mentors during fieldwork
disciplines to better understand a tidally         of fish (Shen et al., 2016; Viehman et al.,        and subsequent analysis of data collected
dynamic ecosystem. Further details on              2018; Staines et al., 2019). However, it is        in Western Passage.
individual methods are provided in the             difficult to collect data using hydroacous-           Integration of the concurrently col-
online supplementary materials.                    tic methods in highly turbulent environ-           lected hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic
                                                   ments because the presence of velocity             data was critical to documenting the
Hydrodynamics Inform Biological                    shears and air entrained in the water can          source (physical or biological) of the
Data Collection                                    obfuscate the backscatter from biological          dominant backscatter signal observed in
A primary goal of our research collabo-            sources (Ross and Lueck, 2005; Lavery              Western Passage throughout each tidal
rative was to describe the currents and            et al., 2007; Warren and Wiebe, 2008). To          cycle. The concurrently collected hydro-
turbulence of Western Passage across               quantify the influence of physical forces          acoustic, turbulence, and current veloc-

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Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
ity data sets together showed that elevated              Observing Across Trophic                      guided by decision-makers, including
   backscatter observed during the flood tide               Levels Indicates the Importance               federal and state regulators who incor-
   co-occurred with the period of strongest                 of the Flood Tide                             porate baseline information on marine
   mixing rates (Figure 4). Together, these                 With guidance from biological ocean-          species when considering permitting of
   data suggest that the high level of back-                ographers who provided knowledge of           marine renewable energy projects. To
   scatter measured during the dynamic                      tidal influence on species biology, marine    fulfill these needs, the WPSRC sought to
   flood-tide flow in Western Passage was not               ecologists who considered the trophic         describe the frequency and distribution
   solely from a biological source (i.e., fish)             relationships among species, and social       of species across trophic levels, includ-
   and precluded our ability to use hydro-                  scientists who focused on the human           ing fish and the marine mammals that
   acoustics to observe the distribution and                dimensions and value of local ecologi-        feed on fish.
   abundance of fish. These findings confirm                cal knowledge, the WPSRC developed               Given that the fast-flowing and highly
   that traditional hydroacoustic approaches                alternative monitoring approaches to          turbulent conditions preclude safe and
   have limited capacity in this physically                 describe the frequency and distribu-          effective net tows to ground truth hydro-
   turbulent system, necessitating alternative              tion of fish and marine mammal species        acoustic data, regulators who were
   monitoring approaches to observe biolog-                 in Western Passage. This component of         engaged in decision-​     making around
   ical activity during the flood tide.                     our research was in part motivated and        marine permitting in this region recom-

                                           a                                                                                 b


                          Depth (m)


                    –37               50
                    –43               60
Sv (dB re: 1 m–1)

                    –49               70
                                           c                                                                                 d
                    –55                0
                    –61               10
                    –67               20
                          Depth (m)




                                                                                                                                 10 –7       10 –5       10 –3
                                                                                                                                  log10 (TKE) (W kg–1)

   FIGURE 4. Depth traces for MicroCTD profiles (black lines) overlaid on hydroacoustic echograms collected during the flood (a) and ebb (c) phases of
   the spring tide to provide a visual representation of the backscatter observed concurrent with the MicroCTD data collection. These time intervals were
   chosen to characterize the most extreme instance of hydroacoustic backscatter (during spring flood tide) and the most limited instance (during the sub-
   sequent ebb tide). MicroCTD turbulence profiles are provided for comparison with hydroacoustic backscatter (b,d). Measurements of turbulent kinetic
   energy (TKE), a proxy for mixing, were three orders of magnitude greater during the flood than the ebb tide. Warmer colors (red) represent stronger
   observed backscatter (Sv ) while cooler colors (blue) represent weaker backscatter. The color bar is provided in increments of 3 dB. An increase/
   decrease of 3 dB indicates a doubling/halving of the observed backscatter. Every 10 dB is an increase/decrease by an order of magnitude. Bathymetry
   is indicated by the black region at the bottom of the echograms.

   Oceanography              | March 2021 Early Online Release
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
mended testing recreational fishing gear          itive relationship between water level                                              Expanding Understanding in
as an alternative approach. WPSRC stu-            and harbor porpoise detections but not                                              Time and Space Through Local
dents worked with a marine extension              mackerel catch during the flood tide                                                Ecological Knowledge
associate to test fishing with sabiki rigs,       (Figure 5), yet importantly, our fishing                                            The WPSRC’s final research objective was
which are equipped with several small             efforts did not cover the full tidal range or                                       to document local ecological knowledge
hooks, as a method to characterize spe-           target all prey species. We therefore pres-                                         in the Western Passage region in order
cies presence and size. In July and August        ent these preliminary results primarily                                             to expand the temporal and spatial reso-
2019, four boat-based sites and one land-         as an example of the ecological hypoth-                                             lution of the knowledge gained through
based site were surveyed. Our diverse             eses that students explored using a data                                            biophysical surveys. Although partici-
catch of both pelagic and ground fish sug-        integration approach.                                                               patory methods and alternative sources
gests that fishing with recreational gear
can provide insights into fish biodiversity
in the region.
   From May to October 2019, WPSRC
students, research associates, and faculty                                    50        a
with marine mammal expertise also used
a combination of visual surveys and pas-
                                              Mackerel CPUE

sive acoustic monitoring to study marine                                      30
mammals in Western Passage. Through
the iterative process of collaboratively
creating and testing survey protocols, stu-                                   10
dents learned firsthand about the logistics                                         0
and challenges associated with both land-
and boat-based marine mammal research                                                   b
                                              Harbor porpoise sightings

in a tidally dynamic system. The marine
mammal species we most commonly
sighted in Western Passage was the har-                                       20
bor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). The
students observed these small odonto-                                         10
cetes during almost every one of their
twice weekly visual surveys, detecting                                              0

them during all hours of acoustic record-
                                                      log(habror porpoise clicks)

                                                                                    8   c
ings from July through October. The har-
bor porpoise were most frequently seen
and heard during the flood tide, with                                               4
detections increasing as water levels                                               2
increased in Western Passage and declin-
ing as water levels ebbed (Figure 5).                                                   Low     Flood    High          Ebb   Low
   Students integrated data from fish-                                                      0   2   4      6      4      2    0
ing and marine mammal surveys to test                                                               Tidal height (m)
hypotheses that may explain trends in
biological activity in Western Passage;
                                                  FIGURE 5. Integration of discrete data sets from fishing, marine mammal visual surveys, and pas-
for example, does the increase in harbor          sive acoustic monitoring to assess relationships between detections of prey and predators across
porpoise detections during the flood tide         the tidal cycle during a one-month period (September 9, 2019–August 8, 2019) in Western Passage.
                                                  Fish and porpoise detections are compared to verified tidal heights extracted from NOAA Tide &
correlate with increased prey/fish abun-          Currents database ( for the Eastport, Maine, station. (a) Catch
dance in the Passage? Atlantic mack-              per unit effort (CPUE by hour) of mackerel caught using recreational fishing gear at four boat-based
erel (Scomber scombrus), the fish most            sites in Western Passage (blue circles, Figure 2). (b) Number of harbor porpoise sighted per half-
                                                  hour of visual land-based survey from Eastport (red diamond, Figure 2). (c) Harbor porpoise clicks
frequently caught in Western Passage              detected per half-hour from a passive acoustic recorder deployed in Western Passage (western
with recreational fishing gear, is a com-         yellow star, Figure 2). Significant linear models predicting detections from water level, with shaded
mon prey species for harbor porpoise              95% confidence interval, are shown for harbor porpoise sightings on flood (F1,40 = 19.61, p < 0.0001,
                                                  r2 = 0.329) and ebb tides (F1,28 = 4.705, p < 0.05, r2 = 0.144), and for harbor porpoise clicks on flood
(Smith and Gaskin, 1974). Our prelim-             (F1,357 = 30.83, p < 1 × 10–7, r2 = 0.079) and ebb tides (F1,378 = 34.91, p < 1 × 108, r2 = 0.085). Relationships
inary analyses suggest a significant pos-         between mackerel CPUE and tidal height were not significant during either tide.

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Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
of knowledge are increasingly appreci-            an understanding of how fish and fish-             and marine mammal observation sites.
ated for their contributions to design-           ing are valued within the community. In            Furthermore, engaging with the local
ing more effective monitoring protocols           addition to informal conversations at the          community also led to other collaborative
(Chambers, 2006), acknowledgment of               pier, the WPSRC also convened a public             efforts, including working with fishermen
local communities as an important source          meeting to engage community members,               to collect fishing and phenology data that
of place-based knowledge is often missing         including local commercial and recre-              will further expand our understanding of
when researchers attempt to understand            ational fishermen, in participatory map-           the Western Passage ecosystem. We aim
an ecosystem (Mackinson and Nottestad,            ping exercises. This meeting built off an          for these additional data to ultimately be
1998; Ames, 2003; Teixeira et al., 2013).         earlier public meeting in the local com-           incorporated into decision support tools,
The WPSRC therefore used an engaged               munity where community members                     such as those described in the following
and participatory approach, as described          shared personal connections to the adja-           section, alongside the data collected by
below and in the online supplementary             cent Western Passage and recorded their            the WPSRC students.
materials, to gather and share data with          knowledge of fish and other marine spe-
local communities. A strong baseline of           cies directly on hard-copy nautical charts         Data Visualization Strengthens
trust that emerged from earlier MTPI              (Figure 6). This recorded knowledge                Decision-Support Tools
interactions between the research team            included memories of observed changes              Data visualization in space became a key
and individual community members                  in the ecosystem over time, as well as how         WPSRC tool for integrating, interpret-
contributed significantly to critical long-       species presence fluctuates daily with             ing, and communicating different kinds
term working relationships (Jansujwicz            the tidal cycle.                                   of knowledge. Maps constructed through
and Johnson, 2015).                                  Integration of local ecological knowl-          participatory mapping activities formed
   Beyond its value for biological data           edge regarding fish and marine mam-                the foundation for a geospatially refer-
collection, a secondary objective for fish-       mal presence significantly expanded the            enced collection of local ecological knowl-
ing with recreational gear from one land-         temporal and geographic scope of our               edge. Adding our contemporary fish cap-
based site (a local pier) was for students        understanding of the ecological commu-             ture and marine mammal sighting data to
to engage with local fishermen, note their        nity beyond our hydroacoustic transect             these maps of recent and historical obser-
observations of fish in the area, and gain        lines and the limited scope of our fishing         vations contributed to our understanding

FIGURE 6. Nautical chart used in the participatory mapping activity (left panel) with handwritten local ecological knowledge collected during a 2017
community meeting in Eastport. We intentionally did not zoom in to these handwritten notes for confidentiality purposes. These data were digitized
using ArcGIS Pro to produce an interactive map (middle panel). A “notable event” on these maps is defined as an unusual or noteworthy occurrence,
such as legislation, development, or other human impact. Clicking on a selected point opens a pop-up window with the attribute table (right panel).

Oceanography   | March 2021 Early Online Release
Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative Trains Students to See Through Turbulent Systems - Tethys
of baselines and potential for change in       with different individuals responsible           training opportunity to a small number
species presence and distribution. Finally,    for coordinating research team meetings          of students but suggest that some ele-
a WPSRC student mentored by a geo-             and the overall student training expe-           ments of our program provide a scalable
spatial scientist also worked to create a      rience, fieldwork, and communication             structure. These elements include co-​
three-dimensional base map of bathyme-         with stakeholders. Faculty and students          mentoring, clear roles and responsibili-
try in Western Passage that provided crit-     alike acknowledged and reflected upon            ties, frequent meetings, and an emphasis
ical context for interpreting how phys-        the challenge and value of conducting            on boundary objects as well as dedicated
ical features affect biological and social     interdisciplinary work regularly through-        time and space to learn from different
dynamics in this turbulent environment.        out the process. As evident in this article,     disciplinary perspectives.
   Overlaying the student-collected data       maps often served as boundary objects
on this three-dimensional bathymetric          for the WPSRC to foster dialogue and             RECOMMENDATION 2: RESEARCH
model will ultimately form the basis of        learning among this interdisciplinary            Be open to an iterative research pro-
a web-based, interactive map that will         and diverse group of collaborators (Cutts        cess. A process with multiple aims and
be accessible to local community stake-        et al., 2011; Luna-Reyes et al., 2018).          multiple disciplines is inherently com-
holders and managers to inform future             To conclude, we reflect on the value          plex, and this complexity often precludes
decision-​making. We are continuing to         of our training, research, and commu-            defining a straight path to success at the
add information from multiple sources to       nication framework (Figure 1) and offer          beginning of the process. Rather, remain-
this map with feedback from stakeholders       three general recommendations for facil-         ing open to an iterative process of revis-
about its utility and their data needs. We     itating the broader implementation or            iting objectives and methodological
view tools and maps like this one as com-      adaptation of the framework to other             approaches was integral to our frame-
ponents critical to an engaged, interdis-      contexts in oceanography, marine ecol-           work and allowed our research collabora-
ciplinary, ecosystem-based monitoring          ogy, coastal development, as well as non-​       tive to be flexible and responsive to shift-
approach. It represents a clear shift from     aquatic environments.                            ing needs. After recruiting students to
the unidirectional information exchange                                                         our team, our first several meetings were
that typifies traditional reporting of envi-   RECOMMENDATION 1: TRAINING                       focused on revisiting and refining research
ronmental monitoring data to a two-way         Build a team that acknowledges the               objectives and methodologies. Students
exchange that determines how compiling         value of diverse epistemologies and              presented their research proposal to an
all sources of information can be useful       bidirectional learning in student train-         external audience of regional stakehold-
to communities (Cvitanovic et al., 2015).      ing. Our interdisciplinary framework was         ers at a local scientific meeting early in
                                               based on the equal involvement of peo-           the project period. Following subsequent
CHALLENGES AND                                 ple from different disciplines and differ-       field trials, methods were further refined
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR                            ent career stages who each brought their         and new synergies among disciplines were
EFFECTIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY                    own way of knowing or seeing the world.          discovered through this process.
TRAINING, RESEARCH, AND                        As a training model, it was valuable for
COMMUNICATION                                  students to share the learning experience        RECOMMENDATION 3:
The experience of the WPSRC provides           with their mentors, who were also learn-         COMMUNICATION
a striking example of what can be gained       ing from new disciplines. When form-             Adopt a reflexive approach to com-
through the integration of diverse dis-        ing our team, we considered the exist-           munication within the research team
ciplines. However, this approach is not        ing knowledge gaps in our study system           and with external stakeholders. In all
without challenges. Similar to other stud-     and identified individuals with discrete         of our interactions, we remained open to
ies of interdisciplinary science, the pri-     areas of expertise who would approach            adapting our approaches to how we con-
mary challenges encountered by the             data collection to fill these gaps in multi-     duct research to ensure that the questions
WPSRC included the time commitment             ple, complementary ways. Students were           we investigated fit the needs, values, and
needed to coordinate with large and            co-mentored by practitioners from dif-           interests of diverse groups. Key to our
diverse research teams (E.D. Roy et al.,       ferent disciplines. The inclusion of indi-       ability to remain reflexive was a commit-
2013; Pischke et al., 2017) and the cog-       viduals with training and prior experi-          ment to frequent meetings and both elec-
nitive load required to engage meaning-        ence in collaborative research methods           tronic and in-person communication.
fully in conversations about unfamiliar        and undergraduate research mentor-               Students met weekly, or more frequently
disciplines and different ways of know-        ing, as well as the relatively small size of     as needed, with their mentors. Our
ing (MacLeod, 2018). To address these          our collaborative, also contributed to our       team held biweekly meetings of the full
challenges, members of our research col-       success. We acknowledge here the trade-          research collaborative (all students and
laborative shared coordination roles,          offs inherent in offering an in-depth            their mentors) and approximately quar-

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  M. Kuhlberg, V.P. Risso, S.R. Veron, and others.         International Marine Energy Journal 1:9–18,                COPYRIGHT & USAGE
  2017. Barriers and solutions to conducting large                      This is an open access article made available under
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  Ocean Dynamics 66:41–57,                                                                   license, and indicate the changes that were made to
                                                                                                                      the original content.
  s10236-015-0906-y.                                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Rehme, S.E., L.A. Powell, and C.R. Allen.                We offer our sincere appreciation to Chris Bartlett,
  2011. Multimodel inference and adap-                   Chris Johnson, Bob Lewis, Butch Harris, Pat Donahue,
  tive management. Journal of Environmental              the Bishop family, and others of the Eastport com-
  Management 92:1,360–1,364,​           munity who assisted, guided, advised, and partic-
  10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.10.012.                         ipated in our study. The WPSRC was supported

                                                                                                      Oceanography     |
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