Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India

Page created by Jordan Dixon
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
for Amadeus users in the
Indian subcontinent
January 2021

Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
from Director’s desk

     Good tidings for
     new year

                                               Dr. Ankur Bhatia
                                               Amadeus Indian subcontinent

       Greetings to everyone for the year        and the wide & effective rollout of       At Amadeus, we see a key role for
       2021. I wish everyone good health         vaccines.                                 technology in helping the industry
       and prosperity for the year ahead. I                                                deliver a frictionless and safe
       sincerely hope that the year brings       Recent Amadeus research showed            traveller experience. Specifically,
       us all hopeful & progressive times        there is pent-up demand among             we see technology helping in 3
       as we tide over difficult times in        travelers for the freedom to travel.      key areas: health status indication,
       the year gone by..                        All that is lacking is the opportunity.   travel information & touchless
                                                 It will certainly take a sustained        solutions.
       Last year, the spread of Covid and        and collaborative effort for the
       our response to it forced us all to       industry to fully regain traveller’s      I look forward to collaborating with
       make big changes in the way we            trust and confidence.                     you, as we move forward on this
       live our lives and the way we do                                                    journey of rethinking travel.
       business. As the dark chapter that        So, as we all work to rethink
       is the year 2020 comes to a close,        travel, the top five ways to build        I hope that that 2021 can be a
       the success of the travel industry        traveller confidence worldwide            better year for the global travel
       hinges on our collective ability to       include providing access to flexible      market and for everyone. Protecting
       adapt, innovate, and collaborate to       change, cancellations policies            travelers interests & encouraging
       make travel easier, safer and more        and payment terms, an ability for         safe travel in 2021 would be our
       seamless than ever before. Now,           travellers to socially or physically      top priority. I take this opportunity
       with rapid COVID tests and mass           distance themselves throughout            to thank all our travel partners
       vaccination programs being rolled         the journey, having visibility to and     for their unstinting supportand
       out across the globe, people can          assurance of sanitization, hygiene        wisheverybody a great and safe
       think about meeting up with friends       and safety measures in hotels &           2021.
       and loved ones again. Hence, the          accommodations and effective
                                                 test, track & trace programs in           Let’s get the world travelling again.
       global restart of the travel industry
       is linked to rapid health checks          place.
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India

             INDUSTRY SPEAK               EVENTS
             05                           11

             PRODUCT+                     PROVIDERS
             15                           21

             GLOBAL NEWS

TEAM LEAD - Sibendra Kumar Sahoo
DESIGN BY - Lalit Mohan Sharma CONTENT BY - Nidhi Bajaj & Gunjan Dogra
WEB CIRCULATION BY - Deep Chandra Lakhchaura & Mamta Rohilla
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
Aviation news

From the press room
Travel tourism trends 2021
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India

    From the press room
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India

    Travel tourism trends 2021

    By Anil Mathur
    What will 2021 be like for the travel     they talking points, minds and hours?     later.
    industry, which saw very bad times in
    2020 because of Covid 19 and what         What changes will be seen as a            J Taneja, of TSI, says that
    will be its impact on various facets      result of the Covid 19 or will life be    vaccine has given much hope
    of life, both at home and at work?        once again back to square one?            but administering it will pose a
                                                                                        challenge. The campaign to boost
    No doubt there will be much focus         Will hotels, agents and the travellers    domestic tourism has done well.
    on the vaccine, which is expected         as such be the same or will we see        He says people will now prefer
    to bring much relief to and for the       a sea change in things at the ground      responsible tourism, wellness
    people, all over the world.               level.                                    tourism, environment friendly tours
                                                                                        and nature destinations.
    The pandemic and the lockdowns            Perhaps only time will tell but some
    that it brought with it impacted          indication is given by industry players   Subhash Goyal, of STIC group,
    life from all angles, be it humane,       on the shape of things to come.           feels that agents will have to
    economic, social, medical or any                                                    create innovative itineraries, and
                                              Nakul Anand, the much respected
    other aspect of life. Of course, death                                              people would like to visit remote
                                              Executive Director of ITC Hotels,
    in many families because of Covid                                                   destinations and places less
                                              and chairman of FAITH, the apex
    was in itself cause for much suffering                                              crowded.
                                              body of travel associations, says that
    and pain.                                 there will be much stress and focus       Sunder Advani, industry vereran of
    To call the year 2020 unprecedented       on health and hygeine, and sanitising     hotels, cruises and other segments,
    would meet the approval of most           will be the key word. Hotels will         points out that insurance will play a
    people.                                   practice distancing and disinfecting.     key role in travel, even as the vaccine
                                              Interestingly, Anand points out           will help. Differing quarantine rules
    Now, all eyes and ears are on what        that the old slogan of location,          are an irritant.
    is in store for us, as far as the once    location, location, will be replaced by
    vibrant travel industry is concerned.     cleanliness, cleanliness, cleanliness.    Domestic travel will pick up quicker
                                              The vaccine will play an important        and outbound may take some time.
    Of course, there cannot be any            role and while domestic travel will
    one or uniform answer to this             pick up, international tourism will       Sunil Gupta, of Travel Bureau,
    vital, perplex question but the very      take more time.                           based in Agra, feels that curbing
    variety of responses to the issue                                                   the numbers for the Taj makes no
    pose challenges to the planners and       Priya Paul, of the fast expanding         sense. He says that tourism will pick
    practitioners alike, not to mention the   Park hotel, of Apeejay Surrendra          up only after October 2021. MICE
    actual travellers and the hospitality     Group, reveals that they are already      and business traffic will have to wait
    industry as such.                         seeing 70 per cent in their hotels and    another year. So far only weekend
                                              what is more at the same ARRs as in       travel in own vehicles is taking place
    Interestingly, many webinars were         2019. Tourism will pick up, as people     and hotels with low tariff are not
    held during the lean months but how       want to travel, she says, adding that     gaining much.
    much did we gain from them or were        international travel may grow a bit
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India

Arun Dang, of the Grand Agra, feels that jobs in the
hospitality industry will be lost if the number of tourists to Taj is
curbed. Better train and air connectivity is required to fill the 500
hotels and 100 guest houses.

Krishna Mohan Alpati, of the Southern Travels, with hotels
in Delhi, Jaipur in South, says travel is yet to pick up and only
a little road traveling by own conveyance is taking place. After
April 2021, some increase can be expected.

Rajindera Kumar, director, The Ambassador, New Delhi,
says that hotels should look at volumes rather than ARRs till the
situation improves.

Bhim Singh, Rajasthan Tours, feels that it may take some
time before tourism picks up. His large fleet of cars and coaches
in Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer is lying idle, although there
has been some movements in Udaipur and other Rajasthan
cities of domestic travellers. Unless visas and flights pick up, not
much will happen.

Ajay Bakaya, of the large Sarovar Hotels, is looking at 2021
with "cautious optimism'. Leisure will pick up but business will
be later. He expects 2021 to end with 70 per cent revenue of
2019. He quips that webinars were educational but there has
been no response from the officials. Sarovar is one of the fast
expanding management chains, spread in many parts of the

Sahib Gulati, of Ellbee Hotels, hopes that the trend seen over
x mas and new year will continue in 2021. They have properties
in Rishikesh and Mussorie. He expects domestic travel to pick up
and the vaccine news will help. Foreign travel will come later.
Interface for Amadeus users in the Indian subcontinent - January 2021 - Amadeus India
Across Amadeus Indian subcontinent

Amadeus information session - The Safe Travel Ecosystem
Webinar series to learn more about how we work with startups

     Amadeus information session -
     The Safe Travel Ecosystem
                                                                             17th Dec 2020

     The global restart of the travel industry is linked to the increasing availability of
     rapid health checks and the wide rollout of effective vaccines. Today, new processes
     such as travel corridors or fully tested flights and a new ecosystem of key contribu-
     tors are emerging in order to enable safe travel.
     We are actively engaging with customers from across the industry and with new players like test centers and digital
     health information aggregators to incorporate ‘fit to travel’ health information into our IT solutions.
     In our initial 60-minute information session, "Safe Travel EcoSystem" Amadeus provided a strategic overview and
     update on collaborative solutions that we are convinced will improve the way the world travels.

     Key highlights of the webinar
     ✈ What a safe travel ecosystem could look like
     ✈ Real-world examples explaining how we see technology as the connector that joins the many
       promising initiatives
     ✈ Firsthand insights from partners like Commons Project & Temasek

Webinar series to learn
more about how we
work with startups
                                            05th Aug 2020

In this digital world, travelers
are now more empowered
                                   Key highlights of the webinar
and demanding. This is thanks      ✈ Introduction to Amadeus and OTAs
to the convenience of online       ✈ How we can support you to become an online travel agency
platforms that will continue
                                     •   Building a flight booking engine step by step
to be a significant channels
for purchasing travel globally.      •   The role of Amadeus, consolidators & startups
New disruptors are challenging     ✈ Amadeus air booking APIs at a glance: how to use our APIs to build a flight
traditional business models.         booking engine
And travel providers are
equipping themselves for
further digital transformation.
All this is mounting pressure
on online travel agencies
(OTAs) as they try to break
through a more complex
Product & Training

All Fares in Selling Platform Connect

     All Fares in Selling Platform Connect
     Quick Card

                 Welcome to the new All Fares
                 All Fares is the Amadeus solution that allows travel apents to easily access multiple
                 sources of air content, and pet the best available fares in just a few clicks.
                 Accessible from Selling Platform Connect graphical interface, All Fares has renewed
                 its look and feel. It now includes powerful customization tools that make searching,
                 comparing and booking travel recommendations (from both EDIFACT and other sources)
                 simpler than ever.

                 How to access All Fares
                 You have two options to access All Fares:
                 _From New Booking File in the main navigation
                 bar on top, by clicking on Air.

                                                                      All Fares is automatically pre—selected in the
                                                                      Search by field found at the bottom of Your Air
                                                                      Search Options.

                                                                      Search by

                 _From the main graphic or command page, by
                 clicking on the plane icon in the upper right
PRODUCT + I INTERFACE             17

Try the new look and feel                                         Old all Fares display
A new All Fares version is available from Selling Platform
Connect graphical interface.
You can try it for free, and return to the old version
A banner on top of Your Air Search Options page
informs you about it. To switch to the new version, click on
the button inside the banner.

The new version has an improved design with features
that make bookings easier and enhance the user experience.

                                                                  You can choose your preferred version of all Fares, and
                                                                  switch from one display to the other anytime you want. Both
                                                                  versions include the main functionalities to start searching for
                                                                  all fares.

                                                                  How to search for a flight
                                                                  1.   Select One Way, Round Trip or Multi Destinations
                                                                       (to choose up to 6 destinations)
                                                                  2.   Select origin and destination
                                                                  3.   Calendar Search option (+/- 3 days)
To return to the old version of All Fares, you can either click
on the top right button or select it from your air search         4.   Search for fares that include baggage
on top of the page.                                               5.   Select the Fare Types: Public, Negotiated, Corporate or
                                                                       IT fares
                                                                  6.   Choose the number and type of passengers
                                                                  7.   Click on Search

     New All Fares display

How to read the search results
All Search results are
displayed in a single
page, with the lowest
one available on top,
_Fare information
and services
_Badges indicating
the content type
(for example: NDC
_Upgrades available
_Filters on the left
column to refine your
results based on
different criteria

     More information at a glance                                        Displaying the fare details
     When you’re looking at your search results, the New All Fares       All the details of a specific flight can be easily displayed from
     also includes the following tools to help you choose the best       the Results page.
     available option:
                                                                         Click on the angle—down icon •      to expand them and you
     _A responsive design                                                will see the following:
     _ Accessible guidelines to ease your workflow
     _Multiple content sources available, including NDC
     (New Distribution Capability)

     How to upgrade a fare
     Some recommendations may also display a list of available
     upgrades at the bottom.
     Click on a specific upgrade to see its details, then select it by
                                                                         _Departure and arrival details including times, airports
     clicking on Book button below.
                                                                         and terminals.
                                                                         _Connection and stopovers (if any).
                                                                         _Fare Family name
                                                                         _Booking class and cabin
                                                                         _Services included
                                                                         _Baggage information
Airline news & joint promotions

Amadeus has renewed its multi-year distribution agreement with
Air New Zealand
Jazeera Airways is available on Amadeus Bangladesh
Turkish Airlines makes the digital shopping experience quicker,
more accurate and relevant with Amadeus
Team Amadeus Bangladesh celebrated Vistara inaugural flight
SpiceJet is now on Amadeus in Bangladesh
Amadeus Ticket changer (ATC) - Automated reissue & refund
functionality is now available on Amadeus for Vistara
Amadeus Bangladesh team visited Biman Bangladesh Airlines
HDQ to celebrate their 49th anniversary
Air India introduces non-Stop flights from Bengaluru – San


               Amadeus has renewed its multi-year distribution
               agreement with Air New Zealand
               Under the agreement, the
               airline will continue to make
               its fares and air content
               available to Amadeus-
               connected travel agencies
               via the Amadeus Travel
               Platform. Amadeus Agents
               enjoy access to Air New
               Zealand’s flight schedules,
               load changes, seat maps
               and ancillaries, including
               real-time updates. Through
               this platform, Air New          agencies, online travel          as well as helping agents
               Zealand will continue to be     agencies, metasearch,            drive upsell opportunities
               able to reach travel sellers    media players, as well as        and increased revenue for Air
               of all types, such as travel    corporations. This enables       New Zealand.
               management companies,           more choice and the best
               tour operators, retail travel   possible service for travelers

               Jazeera Airways is available on Amadeus Bangladesh
               Jazeera Airways is now
               available on Amadeus
               Bangladesh for Sale and
               Team Amadeus visited
               Jazeera Airways office
               to celebrate together.

Turkish Airlines makes the digital shopping experience
quicker, more accurate and relevant with Amadeus

This new long-term IT             The Turkish flag carrier           Amadeus Offer Suite,
agreement combined with           is aiming to expand its            comprised of:
a recent fleet expansion          customer reach with a series
                                                                     •   Flex Pricer Premium
will take the airline into its    of new shopping solutions
next phase of international       from Amadeus’ Offer Suite.         •   Massive Search
growth.                           These flexible and modular         •   Instant Search
                                  solutions will allow the airline   •   Fare Quote Mini Rules
Following a recent expansion
                                  to connect with new market         •   ATC Reissue, Shopper
of its fleet, Turkish Airlines
                                  channels and develop a                 and Refund
is now fueling its vision with
                                  future-proof retail strategy.
new technology. The airline
has signed an IT deal with        The airline was already
Amadeus that will help it         using the Amadeus Flex
deliver personalized offers to    Pricer solution and it has
travellers across all platforms   now signed for the entire
and devices.                      Shopping portfolio in the

Team Amadeus Bangladesh celebrated Vistara
inaugural flight DEL-DAC-DEL

Team Amadeus Bangladesh visited the Vistara office to wish them good luck
for their inaugural flight DEL-DAC-DEL which started operating effective 5th

               SpiceJet is now on Amadeus in Bangladesh
                SpiceJet is now
                on Amadeus in
                Bangladesh for sale
                & ticketing effective
                Team Bangladesh
                visited SpiceJet
                office to celebrate

                Amadeus Ticket changer (ATC) - Automated reissue &
                refund functionality is now available on Amadeus for
                Amadeus Ticket Changer
                (ATC) -Automated
                Reissue & Refund
                functionality has been
                implemented for Vistara
                on Amadeus effective 14
                It is applicable on retail
                fares as of now.

Amadeus Bangladesh team visited Biman
Bangladesh Airlines HDQ to celebrate their
49th anniversary.
SpiceJet is now
on Amadeus in
Bangladesh for sale
& ticketing effective
Team Bangladesh
visited SpiceJet
office to celebrate

Air India introduces non-stop flights from Bengaluru
– San Francisco
                                      Air India introduces non -
                                      stop flights from Bengaluru
                                      – San Francisco effective 11
Across the Amadeus world

10 things you need to know about NDC [X]
Amadeus and Singapore Airlines reach deal to bring content via
NDC to Amadeus- connected travel agents.
Traveling for business made easier through new joint partnership
between Amadeus, and Conferma Pay

               10 things you need to know
               about NDC [X]
               NDC. New Distribution Capability. This is one, yet critical,
               enabler in the larger vision of enhanced travel retailing. It’s
               one of the biggest changes the industry has seen in a long
               time. At Amadeus, NDC is a key strategic priority. So much
               so, we have a program dedicated to it called NDC [X]

               1. NDC content is available       Now that the prime booking        NDC way. It’s one of the
               and live in Amadeus:              flow (the ability to book a       biggest changes the industry
               Content via NDC from Air          flight) with NDC is widely        has seen in a long time.
               Canada, Air France-KLM,           standardized across all
                                                                                   5. Implementing NDC is
               American Airlines, Finnair,       airlines, we are doubling our
                                                                                   complex. And adopting it
               Japan Airlines, Qantas,           efforts on servicing (post-
                                                                                   is difficult and will require
               Singapore Airlines and United     booking activities such as
                                                                                   changes from all players
               Airlines is currently being       exchange, cancellation or
                                                                                   in the distribution chain.
               implemented, in pilot mode,       incident recovery processes),
                                                                                   At Amadeus, we have the
               or already live and available     which are not yet sufficiently
                                                                                   expertise, the technology
               for travel sellers to book via    standardized across different
                                                                                   and the network to help
               Amadeus systems.                  providers and airlines, nor do
                                                                                   get the industry to the
                                                 they fully meet travel seller
               2. Technology is the                                                next level and, in turn, to
               backbone of NDC and                                                 ensure greater adoption:
               Amadeus has the best in           4. NDC is part of a               The success of NDC will
               the industry: State of the        broader vision to enhanced        eventually be measured
               art, high performing tech         travel retailing, requiring       by the level of sustainable
               is needed to process travel       time and commitment.              adoption not merely by
               bookings via NDC. Airlines        Amadeus is in it for the          airlines but by all players in
               need it. Travel agencies          long-haul: Amadeus has            the travel distribution value
               need it. Intermediaries need      actively been involved in the     chain. Travel sellers’ adoption
               it. Companies need it. This       creation of NDC and was           is critical to NDC’s success
               is in our DNA. Actually, our      the first travel tech player      and travel sellers require
               company was founded by            to implement XML in our           solutions that allow them to
               airlines who still to this day,   global distribution system.       provide top-notch customer
               over 30 years later, rely on      And actually, it’s not even the   service integrated into their
               us for our technological and      end-goal. It’s the foundation     existing travel management
               industry expertise.               for a broader industry vision     infrastructures.
                                                 toward other initiatives such
               3. Simply booking a                                                 6. Traveler needs and
                                                 as ONE Order, Dynamic Offers
               flight without servicing                                            desires are shaping
                                                 or One Identity. In fact, if
               capabilities is not good                                            NDC. Putting these first
                                                 we were to start with travel
               for customer service.                                               is important, otherwise,
                                                 distribution from scratch
               Amadeus is making full                                              what’s the point? Amadeus’
                                                 today – all over again, from
               omnichannel NDC servicing                                           traveler-centric mindset
                                                 zero, we would do it in an
               capabilities available.                                             will ensure the whole
journey, not only while booking        and airline partners to understand      program in early 2018 and now
an offer via NDC, is positively        what would work well for them in        has approximately 50 active
impacted: Amadeus’ philosophy          the future. After consolidating this    partners. We have a long-list of
is that all new approaches to          from all of our partners around         early adopters of our NDC-enabled
merchandising and technology           the world, and outlining some           solutions too! In everything we
standards such as NDC must focus       recommendations, we created a           do, we work in an agile mode.
on the end customer’s needs first      guide for NDC adoption. We are          This way we can add and remove
and foremost. Travelers today          actively collaborating with key         functionalities and integrate
want simplicity, transparency,         stakeholders to strengthen the IATA     feedback from all the parties as
and personalization. Their wish        NDC implementation guide for the        we progress.
is achieved thanks to access to        industry.
                                                                               10. The certifications to back
personalized offers and services,
                                       8. NDC means New Distribution           up our claims – Amadeus is
and the ability to compare and
                                       Capability. It’s a technical            certified by IATA: We currently
shop for those offers in the channel
                                       standard, not a business model.         hold dual Level 4 NDC
of their choosing.
                                       All distribution has a cost for         certifications from IATA: as an
7. If the industry interprets          providers, through whichever            IT provider through Altéa NDC,
the standard differently, NDC          channel. Whether advertising fees       and as an aggregator with the
will fail. It should be obvious -      to drive traffic to their website via   Amadeus Travel Platform. And
industry standards need to be          search engines or metasearch, or        both Finnair and Singapore Airlines
standardized. We’re committed          to connect to a global network of       have reached the IATA @Scale
to that. We’ve not only been           travel sellers through the Amadeus      certification based on Altéa NDC.
advocating the need for this           Travel Platform.                        We are also certified as ONE
across the industry, we’ve been                                                Order Capable as an IT and Order
                                       9. NDC requires the industry to
influencing the definition of them.                                            Management System Provider.
                                       collaborate and work in agile
We set up a team in our NDC [X]                                                But what do these certifications
                                       mode. Amadeus is bringing
program to focus on building a                                                 actually mean?
                                       people together and leading the
list of use cases where standards
                                       discussion and the development:
were lacking clarification. We asked
                                       Amadeus launched its NDC [X]
for input from our travel seller

     Amadeus and Singapore Airlines
     reach deal to bring content via
     NDC to Amadeus- connected travel
     Singapore Airlines makes content available via NDC through the Amadeus Travel
     Platform, reaching the world’s largest travel agency network

     When Singapore Airlines first joined          book, and pay for all Singapore Airlines      cancelation, void, refund and
     Amadeus NDC [X], the carrier focused          offers made available through NDC             modification of NDC bookings. It’s a
     on digital transformation, enhancing          as part of the airline’s KrisConnect          one-stop-shop that brings together all
     retailing capabilities, and creating a        program. This includes ancillary services     relevant travel content from any source
     more personalized experience for its          such as seat selection, excess baggage,       (EDIFACT, NDC, and other APIs) into a
     travelers. Today, Singapore Airlines          special fares, and personalized               single view, allowing agents to search,
     deepens this commitment to modern             merchandising offers for loyalty              compare, buy, and service bookings
     retailing, supported by Amadeus               members and corporate travelers.              all from one display. This will ensure
     technology, by making its NDC offers          This is just the start of more exciting       travel sellers can continue to deliver
     available to travel sellers through the       opportunities that NDC will bring, with       fast, professional service levels to their
     Amadeus Travel Platform.                      more content becoming available soon          travelers and at the same time help
     Travel agents worldwide connected             such as dynamic fares.                        Singapore Airlines drive the adoption of
                 to the Amadeus Travel             The content will be available in the          NDC.
                          Platform will soon       Amadeus NDC-enabled solutions used            Bryan Koh, Divisional Vice President,
                                   be able to      by agents today, providing a familiar         E-Commerce and Distribution,
                                           shop,   and efficient booking environment.            Singapore Airlines says,
                                                   The Amadeus Travel Platform includes          “We look forward to providing more
                                                            critical servicing functionalities   attractive and customized offers on
                                                                      that agents need,          Amadeus’ extensive travel agency
                                                                              such as the        network via NDC. Singapore Airlines
                                                                                                 remain committed to improving our
                                                                                                 retail capabilities and extending them
                                                                                                        to travel agents through multiple
                                                                                                                channels and touchpoints
                                                                                                                        such as self-

tools, web services, travel agency    Amadeus Travel API – starting         centric approach and full control
front office solutions, and           from January 2021 in several          over its offers across all channels.
mobile.”                              markets in APAC and beyond. The       “This exciting announcement
Cyril Tetaz, Executive Vice           airline’s NDC-sourced content         is yet another leap forward for
President, Airlines, Asia Pacific,    will continue to be progressively     Amadeus in our NDC journey.
Amadeus comments, “Singapore          rolled out in other markets           Driving NDC forward and realizing
Airlines is truly transforming the    globally throughout H1 2021           its next generation retailing
way offers are created, sold and      in order to reach all Amadeus-        capabilities for our customers
serviced across channels, so that     connected agents. In addition,        is a key part of our long-term
the airline can continue to pioneer   Amadeus’ flagship solution for        global strategy. We have
in the area of customer-centric       corporations, Amadeus cytric          processed NDC bookings through
retailing and merchandising.          Travel & Expense, will be able        the Amadeus Travel Platform
This partnership is further proof     to process Singapore Airlines’        since 2018, and the capabilities
of our strategic commitment           bookings via NDC during 2021.         and content are not only here
to NDC, as we are delivering          Today’s announcement builds           today but also continually being
sustainable, long-term value for      on Singapore Airlines and             enriched as more and more
our customers, which is more          Amadeus’ existing partnership         airlines and travel sellers gear up
important than ever amid the          in NDC. Singapore Airlines            on NDC. We are working closely
current market circumstances. We      has been using Amadeus                with the industry to increase
are working hand-in-hand with         Altéa NDC, a full Offer and           adoption and drive volume by
Singapore Airlines to increase        Order Management solution,            delivering the performance,
NDC adoption and enhance              and Amadeus Anytime                   scalability, market reach, and
retailing capabilities through our    Merchandising, since 2018.            global support that airlines
best in-class technology and the      The combination of these              and travel sellers need,” adds
world’s largest travel agency         technologies together with the        Javier Laforgue, Executive Vice
network.”                             latest integration of content into    President, Airlines Distribution
Travel sellers will be able to make   the Amadeus Travel Platform           and Content Sourcing,
bookings through Amadeus’ NDC-        ensures full retailing capabilities   Amadeus.
enabled solutions – Amadeus           and servicing for Singapore
Selling Platform Connect and          Airlines, with a truly customer-

                Traveling for business made
                easier through new joint
                partnership between Amadeus,
       and Conferma Pay
                Thanks to this partnership, business travelers that book
                content won’t have to pay the hotel with their credit card at checkout; one
                can bill the company directly, thus removing a key friction point
                When traveling for business in this new era for travel, the last thing a
                corporate traveler wants is to think about how to pay for the trip or hotel
                stay. It needs to be easy and automated rather than a stressful experience.
                This is why Amadeus, and Conferma Pay, have partnered
                together to allow business travelers to simplify the checkout payment

                Bolstered by the new simplified        one million properties      When business travel is arranged
                payment system, the existing           available on the Amadeus                through Amadeus’ solutions
                partnership between Amadeus            platform, curated specifically to       (such as Amadeus Selling
                and continues to           meet the needs of their corporate       Platform Connect, Amadeus Web
                grow. The number of        travel clients. These properties are    Services, and Amadeus cytric
                properties available to be paid with   able to directly invoice the business   Travel & Expense), Conferma Pay
                Amadeus Hotel Billback has now         traveler’s employer through billback    automatically generates a virtual
                increased from 20% to 80%. This        or the employer’s travel agent, via     card number, which
                allows business travelers to access    the use of virtual cards.               then sends on to the property. At
                the vast majority of the more than                                             checkout, the property charges the

booking to the virtual card, and the   combined with the introduction of    choosing properties.
booking and payment data is then       the simplified payment process       It will allow agents to quickly
reconciled. Amadeus facilitates        through the Amadeus Hotel            reconcile any bookings they have
and enables the communication          Billback system, really does         paid on behalf of clients, and
between Conferma Pay and               keep the business traveler front     reduce the manual effort involved, who is now able to        and centre of all of our efforts,    in booking and paying for hotels
contact each property directly and     improving the overall travel         on behalf of corporate customers,”
provide the payment information.       experience.”                         said Katja Bohnet, Director of
                                                                            Hotel Distribution, Hospitality,
Amadeus Hotel Billback which           The addition of
can also be combined with              content in Amadeus Hotel Billback
Amadeus B2B Wallet, is a global        powered by Conferma Pay
solution that removes the need         gives TMCs and their corporate
for an employee to incur expenses      customers a new opportunity
on personal cards. It also provides    to use virtual payment for all
companies with complete visibility     their hotel reservations. Both the
over hotel stays. Virtual cards        traveler and the agent can benefit
are easy for travel agents to          from automated reconciliation,
reconcile, they come with less risk    minimize the risk of fraud, and
of fraud, and help companies track     experience a simple, secure,
expenses.                              frictionless process from purchase
                                       to payment” said Kelly Cleeton,
Commenting on the strengthened
                                       Director, Global Business
relationship with Amadeus,
                                       Development, Conferma Pay.
Michael Miller, Global Director,
Business Travel,           “Thanks to these upgrades
said, “Partnering with Amadeus         between Amadeus,
has helped us bring more than          and Conferma, travel agents will
a million properties from around       be able to offer hotel billback
the globe to the Amadeus Travel        as an additional advantage
Platform. This breadth of choice,      that travelers can receive when
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