Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart

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Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
Interstellar Scattering
New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM

Jean-Pierre Macquart
ICRAR/Curtin University
ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
The Importance of Interstellar Turbulence

                                                                                              Wisps and sheets of
                                                                                           dust and gas in a giant
                                                                                           star-forming molecular
A map of polarization gradients in the Galaxy
reveals turbulent magnetic field structure
(Gaensler et al 2011).
                                                 The galaxy M82 spectacularly demonstrates
                                                 the relationship between starlight (white), and
                                                 turbulent gas (purple).

                                                                                                      A map of the diffuse ionized medium across
                                                          Turbulence                                  the plane of our Galaxy

                                                       Pervades all interstellar space
                                                          The energy respository
                                                          of massive and dying stars
                                                       Drives Galactic magnetic field

  The magnetic field of a galaxy like our own.
                                                    Regulates star formation (stars and
                                                   planets like our Sun and Solar System)            The distribution of turbulent neutral hydrogen
  This field is created by a dynamo                                                                  in a small section of our Galaxy.
  process that is driven by turbulence.              Distorts background radio sources,
                                                      causes intensity time variations
                                                                                                 The remains of an
          Like the twinkling of stars through Earth’s atmosphere,                            exploded massive star.
          the radio quasar J1819+3845 varies when its emission
          propagates through interstellar turbulence
          (Macquart & de Bruyn 2007).
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
The Standard “Model” for structure
          in the Ionized ISM
The ionized Interstellar Medium of
our Galaxy follows a power law on
scales 106m up to 1014-1018m

The slope of the spectrum is

surprisingly close to the value

expected for Kolmogorov turbulence,


    Armstrong, Rickett & Spangler 1995   de
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
Unresolved Puzzles
        our view of the interstellar turbulence is incomplete

• Extreme Scattering Events
   – Overdense structures?
      • should explode
   – Current sheets?

• Hyperstrong scattering at the Galactic Centre

• The Intermittency of Intra-Day Variability in quasars
• Extremely anisotropic turbulence

Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
                                                               j2r N D
                                                                  e 0 \
                                                                            A B
                                                                        JjD 2 1
                                                                                jr N .
                                                                                            impact parameter of R/2, along with the data for 0954!65
                                                                                            To simulate
                                                                                                      (14)       the nonzero size of the real source, the theoretic
                                                                  na2    a    n e 0
                                                                                            curvestheare smoothed by convolution with Gaussian function
                                     We have written a in this second form to emphasize
                                     essential physics. The phase advance through the lens is
                                                                                            The adopted source model corresponds to 50% of the sourc
                                     jr N /n. The Fresnel scale is (jD)1@2. Thus, the properties of
                                        e   0
                                     the lens are determined by the square of the flux      ratio of being
                                                                                                       the      contained within a compact (lensed) componen

            Scattering Events
                                     Fresnel scale to the lens size and the phase advance through
                                     the lens. The larger the parameter a, the greater      with  are this
                                                                                                       the    component having a brightness temperature of 8 #
                                     observable e†ects due to the lens. Hence a weak             11 lens,
                                     jr N /n > 1, can produce large observable e†ects       10 if the K.
                                        e 0 scale is sufficiently larger than the lens size. Simi-
                          Fielder et al.
                                             a strong lens, jr N /n > 1, need not produce large
                                                                                                The main qualitative features of these light curves are a
                                                                  e  0
                        Goodman etobservable
                                        al. 1987                                            counted
                                                     e†ects if the Fresnel scale is small relative  to the for as follows. The phase velocity of the wave is in
                                     lens size. Numerically,
                   Romani, Blandford & Cordes
                                          a \ 3.6
                                                   A j B2A1987      N
                                                                           BA D BA a creaseda
                                                                                                   . (15)
                                                                                                            by the presence of free electrons, so the cloud acts a
                                                                                                                  lens. At low frequencies, the lens is powerf
                       Walker & Wardle 1998           1 cm      1 cm~3 pc 1 kpc 1 AU
                                        Upon substitution of the above dimensionless        enough
                                                                                               variables, that almost all rays are refracted out of the line of sigh

Refractive or Diffractive, Planar,   the following expressions are derived for the
                                     properties of a Gaussian lens :
                                                                                                     only a small flux is measured when the lens is aligned wi

                                                                                                   source;     this behavior is generic to all blobs of free electron
                                              h (u)/h \ [au exp ([u2) ; (refraction angle) (16)

cylindrical or spherical?                      r      l
                                                 u[1 ] a exp ([u2)] [ c \ 0 ; (ray path)
                                       G \ [1 ] (1 [ 2u2)a exp ([u2)]~1 ; (gain factor)
                                                                                                               of the details of their density distribution. Cons
                                                                                                      (18) this regime of a very strong lens is not particular
                                          k                   k             k
                                                      n P `=                                helpful        in distinguishing our model from other possible electro
                                       I(u@, a) \ ;            B(b )G (u@, a, b )db . (total intensity)
                                                                   s k         s s          density distributions. At higher frequencies, however, the r
                                                    k/1 ~=
Refractive models require electron densities                          (19)

>1000 cm-3 in 0.3-1 AU sized clouds
                             . CHARACTERISTIC LIGHT CURVE PRODUCED BY A
                                                4                                                                  FIG. 2.ÈSchematic diagram of refraction by a Gaussian plasma lens.
                                                                                                                See ° 4.1 for a complete description of this Ðgure.
                                                                    GAUSSIAN LENS
                                                 When transverse motion between source, lens, and obser-
                                              ver is assumed, e.g., motion of the observer along the u@ axis,
                                              I(u@, a) translates into a light curve I(u@, a ; t, v), since
Implies extreme thermodynamic properties;     u@(t) \ u@(t \ 0) ] vt, where t is time and v is the relative
                                              transverse velocity. We will show that interpretation of
                                                                                                                   In the limit of geometrical optics, the rays of energy Ñux
                                                                                                                travel perpendicular to the constant-phase surfaces. The
                                                                                                                direction of travel of the rays is indicated schematically by
>103 overpressured wrt normal ISM.            radio light curves in terms of plasma lenses that can be
                                              approximated as Gaussian in proÐle can lead to inferences
                                                                                                                the small arrows in the Ðgure. Extending this concept, we
                                                                                                                have drawn the path of approximately 100 rays as they
                                              regarding the physical properties of the lens.                    travel perpendicular to the constant-phase surface after
                                                                                                                emergence from the lens. The ray path is shown for a total
                                                                 4.1. General Description                       distance D along the lens axis. An observer located close to
                                                 We will present numerical results in the following sec-        the lens plane but far from the lens axis (e.g., the upper left
Such clouds should be short-lived, making     tions. Here we will Ðrst develop a physical understanding
                                              for the basic characteristics of refraction by a Gaussian
                                                                                                                and upper right regions of the ray trace) sees an unchanged
                                                                                                                source : There is no change in the observed Ñux density (no
them much less common than is observed        plasma lens (Fig. 2). Plane waves from an inÐnitely distant
                                              source are incident on the lens screen. The plane waves are
                                                                                                                change in the number density of the rays) or in the sourceÏs
                                                                                                                position (the direction of arrival of the rays).
                                              indicated by straight dotted lines in the Ðgure, and the lens        Somewhat farther from the lens and slightly o†-axis, in
(~0.013 yr-1 source-1)                        is represented by a plot showing the electron column
                                              density as a function of coordinate u along the lens plane.
                                                                                                                the ““ Focusing Regions ÏÏ marked in Figure 2, the rays begin
                                                                                                                to converge and their number density increases. An obser-
                                              This representation is purely schematic, as the lens is           ver located in this area of the ray trace would see a source of
                                              assumed to have a negligible but uniform width along the          enhanced brightness somewhat displaced from its ““ true ÏÏ
                                              line of sight. Upon emergence, the constant-phase surfaces        position, as evident from the increased number density and
                                              are distorted into contours that mimic the function N (u), as     skewness of the rays, respectively. At the same distance from
                                              represented by the inverse GaussianÈshaped dotted lines.          the lens, but closer to the lens axis, the rays are spread apart
                                              The lines are inverse GaussianÈshaped because the phase           by the lens. An observer in this region would see a source of
                                              velocity is greatest through the center of the lens, where N      decreased brightness due to the lower number density of
                                              reaches its maximum value of N .                             e    rays. The source would be o†set from its true position by an
                                                                               0                                                                         5
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
Ionized ISM is highly anisotropic
        and intermittent
The Annual Cycle in J1819+3845
(Dennett-Thorpe & de Bruyn 2003;
Macquart & de Bruyn 2006)     Scattering due to turbulence at ~2pc (!)
                               of Earth with CN         pc m
                                                > 0.7 ∆L−1   −20/3
Axial ratio     14−8

Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
IDV intermittency

                                            Statistics of– Intra-Day
                                                           8–        Variability
                                            from the VLA MASIV survey

Intermittency is the rule:
of the 482 sources surveyed,
only 12% exhibited IDV in all
four epochs

   Lovell et al. 2008
                 Fig. 2.— The variability statistics for the 482 sources surveyed. Sources are divid
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
Snapshot speckle imaging
  and ISM holography

   032 "                          3ECONDARY SPECTRUM

                      fU tQi2 Qj2

                     |FFT|               ft tQi Qj).vscint
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart
Structure in the Secondary Spectrum

delay (conjugate to  Ds ! 2    2
                                 "  φi    φj
  frequency axis) τ=     θi − θj −     +
                     2cβ           2πν   2πν
                       1                        this term usually unimportant
   Doppler shift
(conjugate to time
                   ω=    (θi − θj ) · v⊥

                                 •    Interferometry: complex visibility
                                     breaks (ω,τ) (-ω,-τ) symmetry of
                                     intensity sec. spect. The symmetric
                                     part of the phase:
                                            ∆φ =     ∆r · (θi + θj )
                                           interferometric baseline
Interstellar Scattering - New diagnostics of pulsars and the ISM Jean-Pierre Macquart

                                   Isotropic                          2


                                                    -3     -2   -1        1    2   3


-3    -2   -1        1    2   3

                -2                                                                     10





     -4              -2                 2       4        q-4              -2                         2   4
                                              negative delay axis not shown
                                       since secondary spectrum of the intensity is symmetric
                                                 about the delay=0, Doppler=0 axis
Brisken Extreme
         et al. Scattering
                2010 towards PSR B0834+06

              The “symmetric”
              part of the phase
Speckle reconstruction

                              20    322.5 MHz


Relative Declination (mas)








                               30     20          10        0       −10     −20
                                           Relative Right Ascension (mas)
Structure on the primary disk

       Does it even follow a 1-D Kolmogorov
                                   – 30 –   spectrum?



                                  !1                                                                  !1.5
                  log10 (B(!))


                                 !2.5                                                                 !2.5


                                  !4                                                                  !3.5
                                    30   25   20   15   10    5     0    !5   !10   !15   !20   !25      !8   !9   !10   !11   !12   !13   !14   !15   !16   !17
                                                             !|| (mas)                                                         ! (mas)

Scattered brightness        against
            Fig. 6.— Left:Scattered      θ! along
                                     brightness  against the    main
                                                          θ! obtained  for arc.   Thethethree
                                                                           points along            over-
                                                                                            main arc via the
plotted curves    are for
            back-mapped       a 1-Din Kolmogorov
                          astrometry     §4.4, averaged from model.           The (blue).
                                                                 all four sub-bands    middle      curve
                                                                                              The individual
was fitted to   the
            peaks  are observations
                       as narrow as 0.1 masover
                                              as shownthein range        shown
                                                              the expanded    view ininthegreen.     The
                                                                                           right panel. The
other two curves      have theoretical
            three overplotted the same        total
                                          curves         flux
                                                  (red) are for adensity      for Kolmogorov
                                                                  one-dimensional   the pulsar        but
                                                                                                 model. The
are wider and    narrower.
            middle  curve was fitted to the observations over the range shown in green. The other two
of a single turbulence model. If rdiff is the length scale                                                               spectrum. We
    which the RMS phase changes by one radian on this                                                                       an estimate of
0, each sub-image      Off-axis    spreads
                                 VLBI        Structure
                                          IMAGING radiation         into
                                                         OF SCATTERING  Scattering
                                                                                  opening             ParametersWB: Get
∼ (krdiff )−1 , where k = 2π/λ is the wavenumber. Scat-Table 4 What I want
ng   • through
          Not a purely        “refractive”
                        an angle          84 mas cloud  requires rdiff 2Model     = 3.6 Parameters for5Distance and Velocity, Assuming β = 0.353
                                                                                              × 10 m.                       general in the
  322.5   MHz
s is to–beComposed   compared       of many
                                         with diffractive         3.5 × 107 DmParameter
                                                   rdiff 1 = speckles                     implied by                        a   Value
                                                                                                                           1171 ± 23 pc
 5 min timescale  which interfere          with those
                                   diffractive             on the primaryobserved
                                                        scintillations            Veff!               from                305 ± 3 km s−1
                  disk and themselves                                             Veff⊥                                  −145 ± 9 km s−1
 primary scattering disk. For a Kolmogorov! Scattering                                 poweraxisspec- −25.2 ± 0.5 deg east of north
     • Location does not scale with λ - position is                               ⊥ Scattering axis                −115.2 ±4.3           High
                                                                                                                              0.5 deg east  of north a
m of      turbulence this implies a difference in the                                 a    scattering
          essentially fixed with frequency          3
                                                                                  Ds                                         415 ± 5 pc
 sure by a factor 2.0 × 10 between the two                                        V s!
                                                                                           scattering                    −16
                                                                                                                            We ± 10 km s−1
                                                                                                                                    now  −1 consi
             – static structures                                                  V s⊥                                    0.5 ±  10 km  s
 s.                                                                               α                                         sub-images
                                                                                                                             27 ± 2 deg             on
  The• 9 present
             AU from the   ESS   primary
                                     detectiondisk, 0.6     AU across
                                                         implies      a cloudNotes.   surface          den-                 theare locations
                                                                                            Note that the first five quantities      measured; the
     • contributesto
  comparable                4%that of thededuced
                                             total scatteredfrompower the rate    others ofareExtreme
                                                                                               calculated from these assuming the pulsar distance
                                                                                                                            of position alo
                                                                                  and velocity as cited in the text.
     • Implies  Eventsan ESE based        on observations
                                    density     of 1 per 8x10-6pc       towards
                                                                           3             extragalac-
                                                                                  a Assumes     Dp = 640 pc; the error in Dsintrinsic          width
                                                                                                                             due to the uncertainty
           sources.   -8pcThe
                            2 projected),
                                                  ESE rate to      of the             Dp is much
                                                                         0.013 binsource         −1larger ∼40%.
                                                                                                      yr   −1
                                                                                     Including errors from uncertainty in   long       axis.andTh
                                                                                                                               pulsar distance
            et al. 1987) value
 dler quasar-derived                 is equivalent to one cloud                               per pro-
                                                                                  proper motion.
                                                                                                                            metric image
 0            −20              0             20 −8          40                                              2
ed area AESE                 = 1.9 × 10 (D/1 AU)(vc /50 km s )pc
                      Doppler (mHz)
                                                                                                              ,             true ratio           beca
                                                                          velocity (>200 km s−1 ) for the scattering                  screen relativ
 plottedD     is thethe
          against          typical
                      Doppler               cloudat 322.5
                               fD for the sub-band      diameter
                                                             MHz.          and
                                                                          the the cloud                              low SNR sub-i
  with cyan “×”
tromspeed      from    ESE
                 across         rate
                          are sampled  of  0.013
                                        from         source
                                             the inner
                                                               -1    -1
                                                       main arc inyr (Fiedler
                             the line of sight. The present observations
      a line through
               et    the1987)
                   al.  1 ms feature. Black points are from apexes                            4.3. Estimating the Image     though
                                                                                                                                 Center there a
be         cone 1 ms apexes
                      whose  whichradius
                                   are red.     a distance D from                    the observer
                                                                             In the discussion so far we have assumed       itivethat  Doppler
                                                                                                                                           the astrom
 τ         cD(1 − D/D )] , where τ                                      =is correctly
                                                                             2 ms iscentered the max- on the emission centroid. However, s
What about the magnetic field?
            Speckle Imaging Relates ne to v and B
•   Can track motions of speckles relative to the ISM bulk flow
     – Individual motions are ~20% of the mean transverse velocity, requiring high S/
       N from bright pulsars to locate the speckles with high precision

•   Relation between density and magnetic field is vital to understanding turbulence
     – magnetic field fluctuations induce variability in the circular polarization
        • speckle-imaging & scintillation-induced circular polarization in B0834+06
          probes ~0.001 rad m-2 RM differences on sub-AU scales



                      plasma wedge
                                               planar incident wavefront
Macquart & Melrose 2000                                               rotation measure gradient
Current Sheets
        Goldreich & Sridhar (2006), Pen & King (2011)
• ESEs explained in terms of converging underdense regions

   – Resolves overpressure problem
   – Resolves energetics problem at the Galactic Centre
• Scattering is dominated by the most edge-on current sheet
• BUT such regions are not flux-conserving (it is argued that
  ESEs are)
• Projection of the apparently closely-spaced features on
  scattering disks

Lensing from a current sheet
Source moving across the short-axis of the sheet               Interst
          3 images: two bright and one faint

                                       Positions of all three
                                       images for lensing of a
                                       point-like source

                                       Magnification of all three
                                       images for lensing of a
                                       point-like source
                                       Negative magnification
                                       corresponds to image parity
                                       change, observable in the
                                       pulsar reflex motion

                                       Total magnification if source
                                       is half the size of the lens

Holography and Phase Retrieval

•   We want to find the phases of U(ν,t) based on the dynamic
    spectrum: I(ν,t) = U(ν,t) U*(ν,t)

•   If we take the Fourier transform of I(ν,t):
                   ˜ ω) = Ũ (τ, ω) # Ũ ∗ (τ, ω)
•               ˜ ω) is the autoconvolution of Ũ (τ, ω)
    we see that I(τ,

•   Decompose the wavefield into a sum of plane waves:
                   !                  !
      U (ν, t) =        uj (ν, t) =        ũj e2πi(ντj +ωj t)
                    j                  j
                           delay relative to unscattered wave
                                            Doppler shift, or “fringe rate” in VLBI parlance
•   In the Fourier domain:
           Ũ (τ, ω) =         ũj δ(τ − τj )δ(ω − ωj )
                     Walker et al. 2008
 M. Amplitudes
    A. Walker and D.of
                     R. the  scattered
                        Stinebring                              wave                  Comparison
  iteration (i.e. every time another component wave is                                     From intensity to E-field                1283
e model). Only components whose scale parameters are
n some value (we employed 2 × 10−3 ) are included in               cisely, the job is to find the phase of U, since the amplitude is known
 uares minimization; these criteria mean that 13 scattered         directly from I. This emphasizes the importance of a fact mentioned
                                                                   in the Introduction: this type of problem, i.e. phase-retrieval, has pre-
 onents are routinely included. In addition, because the
                                                                   viously been addressed in various contexts in the optics literature,
 wave (τ , ω = 0) is often very strong this component is           and future work on dynamic spectrum decomposition should make
ed in the optimization, making 14 wave components in               full use of that resource. Our particular application corresponds to
                                                                   the problem of retrieving a ‘complex-valued object’√                  !)
                                                                                                                           (in our case, U
 dual ‘freeze-out’ of component amplitudes, as the                 from the modulus of its Fourier transform (|U | = I ); this is rec-
 le parameter gradually decreases, was incorporated into           ognized as a difficult problem (McBride et al. 2004). An acceptable
hm in order that components with similar amplitudes                model should yield noise-like residuals (in both dynamic and sec-
multaneously adjusted (optimized) in an efficient way.             ondary spectra), and should satisfy the constraint that the number of
                                                                   free parameters be very much less than the number of independent
  of the algorithm has an additional benefit: it helps to
 st the possibility of spurious parameter determinations
                                                                         Data                              Model
                                                                   measurements of the dynamic spectrum. Our current algorithm fails
                                                                   on the first of these criteria. We expect that a globally optimized so-
m local, rather than global minima found by AMOEBA.                lution – in which all free parameters are simultaneously adjusted –
finds a local minimum, with correspondingly erroneous              would come much closer to achieving noise-like residuals, but
 amplitudes, on a given iteration, it may well find its way        we have not yet demonstrated this. With such a large number of
ocal minimum to reach the global minimum on the next               free parameters, a global optimization would be computationally
 cle. Only one of the 14 component amplitudes ceases               challenging.
 ed on each cycle, so the algorithm has a fair degree of              An important limitation of the algorithm we have presented is
                                                                   that it is restricted to finding scattered waves with τ " 0. Under
 o the potential problems caused by local minima in the
                                                                   many circumstances, this limitation does not cause problems. How-
urface. If, for some reason, the algorithm were to fix a           ever, if there are multiple refracted images19present then problems
 amplitude at a value that is badly in error, then that error
E1     E1      E1
                                        Pulsar size & Reflex motion                      10

                                              • Interference between disks 1 & 2 occurs on a projected
                                                          1a              baseline of r=1.27x1012m. Pulsar emission region less

                                                                          than ~850 km.              RA offset mas
                                                     20        15        10       5              5
                EE*=E1E1*+E1E2*+E2E1*+E2E2*                   •           Closure amplitude: four-element interferometer:

                                                           1b             visibility amplitude on 1a-1b, 1-2 and 2a-2b baselines
                                                                          measured from the amount of scattered power visible

   2b                                                                     in the secondary spectrum associated with each of
                                        Delay s
                                                                          these features.

                                                                          The pulsar is substantially resolved if
                                                                                         P1−1 P2−2
                                                                               R=           2      >1                0.03
                                      0.0004                                               P1−2

                                                                               Doppler Rate Hz
            0.06        0.04   0.02       0.00    0.02     0.04         0.06

 illustration of the scattering geometry that gives rise to the observed secondary spectrum. Interference between

    •       Reflex motion: combine scintillations
elds from the various regions gives rise to distinct features in the secondary spectrum. Bottom: the features in the
that correspond to interference between the wavefields of the two associated scattering regions. Note that no attempt
            coherently (using holography) for maximum
oduce the detailed structure of the observed secondary spectrum.

            S/N. Determine phaseTheshift
nterference between the primary and sec-
                                                        in Sec Spect as
                                                   spur width is related to the shape of the speckle
disks yieldsa
               offset Θ = 20.7of
                                    from    shift and
                                         distribution in the with
                                                             ESS. A pulse
                                                                      narrow spur arises from a lin-
Based on the range of observed delays of ear feature and a broad spur from a more circular feature.
 the secondary  spectrum, the difference A quantitative measure is obtained using eq. (6) given v                       0
                                                                                                                            0   0.5   1                 1.5   2   2.5
t point in the secondary disk to its far-            and β2 . The speckle distribution hence has a dispersion of                      gate separation
e to the image centre is ∆θ = 1.19 mas,              0.81 mas (0.39 AU at the ESS distance) resolved along the
 linear size 0.60 AU.                                direction of v. This is considerably smaller than its 0.60 AU                         20
•   Anomalous scattering in the ISM may be more the norm than the exception
      – What causes anomalous scattering in the ISM? What processes in the
        dynamics of the Galaxy is it related to?

•   Speckle imaging and holography are probe
      – pulsars on the nano-arcsecond scale --- pulsar reflex motions
      – interstellar turbulence on scales from ~50 AU down to ~109m

•   What is the relation between magnetic field, velocity and density fluctuations in
    the ISM?
      – Density fluctuations observed arise as a by-product of v and B
               – A direct discriminant of the various turbulence theories

    Current intensity and magnetic field
    lines in a simulation of the flow of
    an electrically conducting fluid
Sub-microarcsecond probes of AGN jets
                                  Macquart et al. submitted
                                  PKS 1257-326, ATCA, 2011 Jan 15

Flux density (Jy)


                           4540 MHz   5564 MHz   8040 MHz   9064 MHz
                           4668 MHz   5692 MHz   8168 MHz   9192 MHz                                                                                !""
                           4796 MHz   5820 MHz   8296 MHz   9320 MHz
                    0.16   4924 MHz   5948 MHz   8424 MHz   9448 MHz
                           5052 MHz   6076 MHz   8552 MHz   9576 MHz                                                                                    *+,- .//0-1 0
                           5180 MHz   6204 MHz   8680 MHz   9704 MHz                                                                              &""
                           5308 MHz   6332 MHz   8808 MHz   9832 MHz
                           5436 MHz   6460 MHz   8936 MHz   9960 MHz
                    0.14                                                             %" """                                                       "
                           16           18            20          22            24                                                               %" """
                                                     Time (hr UT)                               $"""
     Jet core-shift scales as                                          ν-0.1   and            ν% '()

                                                                                                       #"""                             ν& '()
     diameter as ν-0.6                                                                                                      #"""

     Not explainable in terms of the usual                                                                    !"""   !"""
     Blandford-Konigl jet model. Requires a
     jet traversing a steep pressure gradient

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