Invasive grass negatively affects growth and survival of an imperiled butterfly

Page created by Christopher Klein
Invasive grass negatively affects growth and survival of an imperiled butterfly
Vol. 45: 301–314, 2021               ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH
                                                                                                 Published August 12              Endang Species Res


          Invasive grass negatively affects growth and
               survival of an imperiled butterfly
                     Cale S. Nordmeyer1, 2,*, Erik Runquist1, Seth Stapleton1, 2
                          Conservation Department, Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, MN 55124, USA
       Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA

       ABSTRACT: With only ~1% of native prairie remaining in North America, populations of many
       prairie-obligate species, including the imperiled Dakota skipper butterfly, have drastically de-
       clined in recent decades. Unfortunately, population recovery is impeded by an insufficient under-
       standing of Dakota skipper biology. Because larvae have never been naturally observed in the
       wild, even basic life history elements including preferred host plant(s) are not well understood,
       and potential hosts have been inferred from grasses inhabiting remnant sites rather than direct
       observations. To improve our understanding of Dakota skipper biology and habitat needs and
       inform recovery efforts, we conducted a no-choice performance experiment offering larvae 1 of 5
       commonly occurring native grasses and 2 pervasive invasive grass species found across their his-
       toric range. We monitored larvae during key life history intervals and evaluated host plant quality
       by measuring larval and pupal mass, time to pupation, and survivorship. Larvae fed on all offered
       host grasses, but mass, phenology, and survivorship varied among treatments. Larvae reared on
       prairie dropseed and porcupine grass had the highest survival, the shortest time to adulthood, and
       the greatest mass, whereas larvae provided smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass fared poorly
       for all observed metrics. All other grasses offered during the study were deemed ‘medium’ quality.
       Our results suggest that although larvae can feed on a variety of potential host plants, these hosts
       vary in quality. Invasive grasses across prairies in North America may pose an ecological trap to
       the conservation of Dakota skipper and other prairie-obligate Lepidoptera.

       KEY WORDS: Ecological trap · Hesperia dacotae · Host quality · Invasive species · Larval
       development · Lepidoptera · Prairie · Skipper

                  1. INTRODUCTION                              This reduction and degradation of habitat has re-
                                                               sulted in the decline of many prairie-obligate species
  Grasslands are among the most imperiled ecosys-              (Leach & Givnish 1996, Brennan & Kuvlesky 2005,
tems in North America (White et al. 2000), with less           Miles & Knops 2009).
than 1% of native tallgrass prairies remaining (Sam-             The Dakota skipper Hesperia dacotae (Skinner,
son & Knopf 1994). The widespread loss of grass-               1911) is a habitat specialist of northern tallgrass and
lands over the last century has largely resulted from          upland dry mixed prairies (Royer & Marrone 1992)
agricultural conversion and other development (White           that has been severely impacted by habitat loss.
et al. 2000), markedly reducing habitat available to           Once predictably common from southeastern Sas-
prairie-dependent species and yielding an increas-             katchewan and southern Manitoba through North
ingly fragmented landscape which promotes coloni-              Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and north-
zation by non-native plant species (Cully et al. 2003).        ern Illinois (McCabe 1981, Dana 1991, Cochrane &
                                                               © The authors 2021. Open Access under Creative Commons by
*Corresponding author:              Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un-
                                                               restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.
                                                               Publisher: Inter-Research ·
302                                    Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

Delphey 2002), Dakota skipper populations have             & Warner 2015) and/or scientific rigor (Daniels et al.
declined precipitously in recent decades. The species      2018).
is now extirpated from more than 76% of its known            One of the most basic information needs for the
historic localities and is listed at national COSEWIC      conservation of an herbivorous insect is an under-
2014, USFWS 2014 and international levels (Royer           standing of the relationships between the target spe-
2019). Even in protected remnant grassland parcels,        cies and their prospective host plants, particularly as
populations of some prairie endemic butterflies con-       novel potential host plants are invading suitable
tinue to decline (Schlicht et al. 2009, Swengel &          habitat. We designed and implemented a no-choice
Swengel 2015). Habitat degradation may now pose a          performance experiment to better understand the
more significant threat to the long-term viability of      relationship between larval host plants and Dakota
Dakota skipper populations than complete habitat           skipper ecology and fitness. We leveraged the exist-
destruction, although the mechanism(s) underlying          ing Dakota skipper ex situ conservation program at
the declines remain(s) unclear (e.g. displacement of       the Minnesota Zoo (Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA)
necessary nectar sources, preferred larval hosts, or       and measured key life history parameters of larvae
something else entirely) (USFWS 2011, 2018). Indeed,       reared on different potential host grasses. This study
non-native plants may pose additional novel threats        improves our understanding of Dakota skipper host
to imperiled Lepidoptera by creating population            plant associations and promotes their conservation
sinks and even ecological traps if use of those novel      by informing in situ prairie management and
plants as oviposition sites and/or larval hosts is mal-    enabling ex situ programs to optimize husbandry
adaptive (Schlaepfer et al. 2005, Keeler & Chew 2008,      protocols.
Yoon & Read 2016).
   Dakota skipper life history under in situ condi-
tions is poorly understood (Dana 1991, Cochrane &                    2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Delphey 2002, USFWS 2014). As with other grass
skippers, Dakota skipper larvae feed exclusively on                           2.1. Study design
graminoids like grasses and sedges. Larvae have
never been observed in the wild, however, so it is            We implemented a no-choice performance study
unclear if Dakota skipper larvae are specialists           design in which Dakota skipper larvae were offered
(e.g. feeding on species in a single genus, or even a      a single host plant species during their entire larval
single species) or polyphagous (perhaps due to vari-       period. Dakota skippers are univoltine, with just a
ability in availability). Host plants are assumed for      single generation annually. We conducted the exper-
many grass skippers based on oviposition observa-          iment with the 2016−2017 and the 2017−2018 Dakota
tions, adult proximity, or unsubstantiated reports         skipper generations (Gen 1 and Gen 2, respectively)
from field guides or other anecdotal sources (Mac-         reared at the Minnesota Zoo. For each cohort, we
Neill 1964, Narem & Meyer 2017). To date, research         randomly assigned larvae annually to 1 of 7 treatment
has focused on developing environmental and ve-            grass species, including 5 native species: big bluestem
getative associations of Dakota skippers in remnant        Andropogon gerardii, side-oats gramma Bouteloua
populations (Royer et al. 2008, Rigney 2013, Seidle        curtipendula, porcupine grass Hesperostipa spartea,
2018), but these efforts have not been paired with         little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium, and prai-
observed interactions. A better understanding of how       rie dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis; and 2 inva-
Dakota skippers use prairie vegetation at a fine spa-      sive species: smooth brome Bromus inermis and Ken-
tial scale (e.g. host foraging and shelter construc-       tucky bluegrass Poa pratensis (Table 1). We initially
tion) is needed to inform conservation actions, in-        intended to incorporate Junegrass Koeleria cristata
cluding in situ habitat management (Rigney 2013)           as an eighth host plant, but it was ultimately re-
and ex situ breeding and reintroduction programs           moved from the study due to poor survivorship of
(Delphey et al. 2016, USFWS 2019). Indeed, despite         available plants. These grass species were chosen as
the increasing use of ex situ breeding and reintro-        they are major dry-mesic prairie grasses co-occur-
duction programs as conservation tools for imper-          ring with Dakota skippers and had either been used
iled butterflies (Crone et al. 2007, Thomas et al.         in a previous no-choice performance experiment
2011), their successes historically have been limited      conducted by Dana (1991; Table 2), or were specu-
and difficult to quantify (Oates & Warren 1990);           lated to be used by Dakota skippers in situ.
many likely are unsuccessful due to poor species-             We assessed survival at multiple life history stages
specific knowledge (Schultz et al. 2008, Bierzychudek      and transitions and collected biometric data includ-
Nordmeyer et al.: Host plant impacts on grassland butterflies                           303

Table 1. The different host plant treatment species offered to Dakota skipper    ing wet mass (ten-thousandth of a
larvae at the Minnesota Zoo during 2016 to 2018. For analyses, host plants       gram) at the time of winter diapause
were grouped as native or non-native and as cool season (C3) or warm season
                                                                                 (late October to early November), pupa
(C4). The experiment was conducted for 2 generations (Gen 1 and Gen 2) with
differing numbers of larvae being randomly assigned to each host treatment       mass (mid- to late June; ten-thousandth
                                                                                 of a gram) and cumulative degree-
                                                                                 days (DD) from post-winter diapause
 Host species                  Origin     Seasonality n (Gen 1)    n (Gen 2)
                                                                                 to pupation.
 Big bluestem                  Native         C4          27          29
  Andropogon gerardii
 Side-oats grama               Native         C4          27          33                  2.2. Larval husbandry
  Bouteloua curtipendula
 Porcupine grass               Native         C3          26          29            Larvae were reared following proto-
  Hesperostipa spartea                                                            cols developed by the Minnesota Zoo.
 Little bluestem               Native         C4          27           28         Within a few hours of hatching, we
  Schizachyrium scoparium                                                         placed neonates individually in a 50 ml,
 Prairie dropseed              Native         C4          25           31         transparent plastic tube with living leaf
  Sporobolus heterolepis                                                          blades of the randomly assigned host
 Smooth brome                Non-native       C3          27           27         grass fed through a foam stopper in
  Bromus inermis                                                                  the top. Grasses and vials with larvae
 Kentucky bluegrass          Non-native       C3          27           35         were kept indoors in a temperature-
  Poa pratensis                                                                   controlled laboratory, at a constant
                                                                                  25°C under full spectrum, T5 fluores-
                                                                                  cent grow lights, and timers were set
Table 2. Graminoid species offered to Dakota skipper larvae
                                                                  to mimic natural day−night cycles in Apple Valley,
at the Minnesota Zoo ex situ. All of the graminoid species
have solicited a feeding response from neonate larvae. Non-       Minnesota (44.765º N, 93.201º W) in mid-July. All lar-
native species that have been introduced to North America         vae showed signs of feeding (e.g. notches in the
                    are indicated in bold                         leaves, frass accumulation) within 72 h of placement.
                                                                    After 1 to 2 wk, at the second instar developmental
 Scientific name                     Common name                  stage (i.e. early August), we transitioned larvae to a
                                                                  host grass planted in Vigoro® All-Purpose Garden
 Andropogon gerardiia,c               Big bluestem                Soil, in 4 inch diameter, 4 inch tall, round plastic pots.
 Bouteloua curtipendulaa,b         Side-oats grama
 Bouteloua dactyloides                Buffalo grass               All plants were in their second growing season and
 Bouteloua gracilis                    Blue grama                 approximately 20 to 25 cm tall; culms comprised ap-
 Bromus inermisa                     Smooth brome                 proximately 25% of the growing surface. We used
 Bromus kalmia                       Prairie brome                plants that had enough biomass to potentially sustain
 Elymus canadensis                 Canada wild-rye
 Hesperostipa comate            Needle-and-thread grass
                                                                  a Dakota skipper throughout its entire larval de-
 Hesperostipa sparteaa,b,c          Porcupine grass               velopment, but were not so massive as to not fit in a
 Koeleria macranthab,c                  Junegrass                 4 inch pot. We sealed the pots with an upright, fine-
 Muhlenbergia racemosa                Marsh muhly                 mesh screen cage to prevent the escape of larvae and
 Muhlenbergia richardsonis             Mat muhly
                                                                  invasion by larval predators while providing the lar-
 Nassella viridula                Green needlegrass
 Panicum virgatum                     Switchgrass                 vae full access to the host plant (Fig. 1). We selected
 Phleum pretensec                    Timothy grass                this life stage to transition larvae to full plants to
 Poa pratensisa,b.c               Kentucky bluegrass              accommodate an apparent shift in feeding strategies
 Schizachyrium scopariuma.b         Little bluestem               for Dakota skipper larvae, from chewing notches
 Sorghastrum nutans                   Indian grass
 Sporobolus cryptandrus             Sand dropseed                 mid-way on the grass leaf, to shelter building at the
 Sporobolus heterolepisa.b         Prairie dropseed               base of host grass (Minnesota Zoo unpubl. data).
 Carex brevior                     Plains oval sedge              Because the amount of dead material and duff was
 Carex pensylvanica               Pennsylvania sedge              inconsistent among plants, all dead material was
  Species incorporated into this study; bSpecies offered to       removed from each plant prior to placing the larvae.
 neonate Dakota skippers as part of a similar no-choice           We added segments of dried leaf blades of each
 performance experiment by Dana (1991); cSpecies of-
 fered to neonate Dakota skippers as part of a similar no-
                                                                  respective assigned host, 5 cm in length and weigh-
 choice performance experiment by McCabe (1981)                   ing a total of 2 g, to each pot to standardize the
                                                                  amount of material available for shelter construction.
304                                        Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

Fig. 1. (Left) Experimental husbandry setup used to rear Dakota skippers. Setups consisted of a 4 inch plastic pot containing
1 of 7 different host grass species, and covered with nylon mesh. Larvae were reared in an outdoor, open-air, hoop-house at
the Minnesota Zoo before and after winter diapause. (Right) Fifth instar Dakota skipper larva peering out of a shelter made
                                              from woven prairie dropseed leaves

Larvae and their associated potted plants were then              the water-repellant wax which encases their shelters
housed in an outdoor, screened hoop-house at the                 near the time of pupation (McCabe 1981, Dana 1991).
Minnesota Zoo.                                                   We extracted pupae from their shelters, and weighed
   Host plants were bottom-watered and exteriors                 and sexed each individual.
were inspected daily for mesh damage, host plant                   Research specimens that survived to pupation were
health and potential predators. If a host grass died or          incorporated into the Minnesota Zoo’s formal reintro-
was nearly entirely consumed, the larva was re-                  duction program to a site in southwestern Minnesota
moved and placed on a new host plant of the same                 from which the species had been recently extirpated
species. Because Dakota skipper larvae spend most                (Delphey et al. 2017). For this reintroduction pro-
of the time concealed in their shelters and minor dis-           gram, individuals were brought out to the release
turbance can lead to shelter abandonment (Min-                   site as pupae, kept in a sealed enclosure at the site,
nesota Zoo unpubl. data), we only censused them                  and released daily as they eclosed as adults. We
during key life stage transitions (i.e. when all individ-        monitored eclosion date and status. Adult morpho-
uals could be censused simultaneously), or oppor-                metrics (wing size, shape, and total dry mass) and re-
tunistically to change a failing host plant.                     productive output were not recorded in order to min-
   Entering winter diapause, we located and removed              imize handling of adults and maximize health and
larvae from their shelters and measured head cap-                survival post-release.
sule widths and mass. Dakota skippers enter dia-
pause as either third or fourth instar larvae (Dana
1991). In keeping with the Minnesota Zoo Dakota                                        2.3. Analysis
skipper husbandry protocols to maximize larval sur-
vivorship, we overwintered larvae in artificial dia-               We evaluated stage-specific and cumulative sur-
pause conditions by placing each individual in a 5 ml            vival of Dakota skippers using known fates analyses
plastic vial lined with paper towel. Vials were posi-            in the program MARK, version 9.0 (White & Burn-
tioned in plastic cups filled one-third with water-sat-          ham 1999). After initial placement of neonates on
urated HydroStone® gypsum cement (United States                  host plants, we censused all individuals during 5
Gypsum Company). Cups were then maintained in                    sampling occasions: second instar (~1−2 wk after
an environmental growth chamber at −5°C to mimic                 hatching), pre-diapause (~12 wk after the previous
natural winter hibernation conditions until the fol-             sampling occasion), post-winter diapause emer-
lowing spring. We recorded the mass of all individu-             gence (~26 wk), pupation (~8−10 wk), and adult
als again post-diapause (early May).                             emergence (1.5 wk). During each sampling occa-
   We transitioned post-diapause larvae back to their            sion, we recorded an individual as alive, dead, or
respective host plants in early May and housed them              unrecovered. We censored unrecovered individuals
again in the outdoor, screened hoop-house. Larvae                from survival analyses for that sampling occasion.
were passively observed daily until they pupated.                Although these stages varied in length, they were
We determined pupation date by the appearance of                 the most biologically relevant for evaluating survival
Nordmeyer et al.: Host plant impacts on grassland butterflies                         305

of Dakota skippers and minimized disturbance to               ern Minnesota (G. Selby unpubl. data). We used this
larvae.                                                       approach for controlling for phenology to accommo-
   We created a set of 8 candidate models based on a          date differences in temperature conditions between
priori hypotheses to explain variability in larval sur-       the 2 years of the experiment and because larval
vivorship (see Table 3). We explored models incorpo-          removal from diapause varied by up to 5 calendar
rating the 7 host plant species as well as time-varying       days within each generation. We calculated DD to
survival and time-constant survival. We considered            pupation (rather than adult emergence; cf. Dearborn
additive and interactive relationships between the            & Westwood 2014) because the exact dates of eclo-
host plant species and time steps (e.g. to test the hy-       sion were not known for some individuals that were
pothesis that survival varied among host plant treat-         included in an ongoing reintroduction project.
ments differently over time). We also hypothesized               We conducted ANOVAs to evaluate variability in
that some aspects of host plant biology may affect lar-       accumulated DD from post-diapause to pupation by
val survivorship. We first pooled the host plants into        host plant treatments and used post-hoc Tukey tests
natives (i.e. big bluestem, side-oats grama, porcupine        where appropriate. Sexes were analyzed separately
grass, little bluestem, prairie dropseed) and exotics         because Dakota skipper are known to exhibit pro-
(i.e. smooth brome, Kentucky bluegrass), hypothesiz-          tandry, in which males eclose before females (Dana
ing that native grasses (those grass species Dakota           1991), similar to many other butterflies (Fagerström &
skipper had most recently evolved with) would sup-            Wiklund 1982). For all mass and phenology analyses,
port higher survivorship than the non-native species.         we examined Q-Q plots and residuals, and con-
We also pooled host plants into C3 (porcupine grass,          ducted Shapiro-Wilks tests to confirm that assump-
smooth brome, Kentucky bluegrass) and C4 (big blue-           tions of normality were met.
stem, side-oats grama, little bluestem, prairie drop-
seed) subsets for analyses. It has been hypothesized
that C3 (cool-season) grasses are nutritionally superior                            3. RESULTS
to C4 (warm-season) grasses (Caswell et al. 1973), and
because C4 grasses are often tougher than C3 grasses,           We randomly assigned 398 Dakota skipper larvae
they are more difficult for insect herbivores to con-         to 1 of the 7 host plant treatments. A total of 121 indi-
sume (Caswell & Reed 1976). To control for potential          viduals survived to pupation, and we documented
variation in survival between study years, we incorpo-        variability in the target life history metrics: survival,
rated a ‘generation’ covariate in some models. We as-         mass of immature stages, and phenology.
sessed support for candidate models using Akaike’s
information criteria (AIC; Akaike 1974).
   We completed all analyses for mass metrics and                                   3.1. Survival
phenology using R Statistical Software, version 3.5.3
(R Core Team 2019). We evaluated variability in pre-            The most highly supported models explaining vari-
diapause larval and pupal mass among host plant               ation in survival included terms for all host plant spe-
treatments with ANOVAs and, where appropriate,                cies with full time variation (i.e. independent esti-
completed post-hoc Tukey tests. For the analyses in           mates of survival for each host plant species at each
which pupal mass was assessed, we conducted sepa-             time step, or life history stage); the 2 most-supported
rate analyses by sex because Dakota skipper adults            models included > 99% of all model weight (Table 3).
are sexually dimorphic (females are typically about           Because the second most-highly supported model
30% larger than males; Minnesota Zoo unpubl. data).           only differed from the top model in its inclusion of a
Preliminary analyses suggested that results were              term for ‘generation’, we considered ‘generation’ an
consistent across generations, so we did not incorpo-         uninformative parameter and based our inference on
rate variability by generation in further analyses.           the most highly supported model (Arnold 2010).
   We determined timing of individuals to pupation            Although the host plant × time model required esti-
after winter diapause using a standard degree-                mation of many parameters relative to the treatment
day (DD) model (i.e. (maximum daily temperature +             sample sizes, its support in this modeling framework
minimum daily temperature)/2 − lower temperature              suggests that there is significant variation in Dakota
threshold), modified from Dearborn & Westwood                 skipper survival among different host grasses, which
(2014). We used 10°C as the lower temperature                 is affected by life history stage. Modeling provided
threshold rather than 6°C based on previous Dakota            no support for more simplistic models (e.g. time vary-
skipper models developed by Gerald Selby for south-           ing including an additive relationship with host plant
306                                           Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

Table 3. Model selection results of candidate models explaining variability in survival of Dakota skippers reared on different
           host plants at the Minnesota Zoo during 2016 to 2018. AICc: corrected Akaike’s information criterion

 Model description                                                   ΔAIC      AICc       Model      Number of    Deviance
                                                                              weight    likelihood   parameters

 Survival varies by host plant treatment type, with an interactive    0.00     0.59        1.00          35        1163.94
  effect with life history stages
 Survival varies by host plant treatment type, with an interactive 0.71        0.41        0.70          36        1162.53
  effect with life history type and an additive effect of generation
 Survival varies by host plant treatment, with an additive effect     8.72     0.01        0.01          11        1222.56
  of life history stage
 Survival varies by native and introduced grass types, with an       20.71     0.00        0.00          10        1236.60
  additive effect of life history stage
 Survival varies by cool- (C3) and warm-season (C4) grass types, 34.49         0.00        0.00          10        1250.38
  with an additive effect of life history stage
 Survival varies by life history stage only                          36.50     0.00        0.00           5        1262.52
 Survival varies by host plant treatment only                        44.12     0.00        0.00           7        1266.09
 Survival constant across life history stages and host plant         75.46     0.00        0.00           1        1309.52

species; time-constant) or models that pooled host                          3.2. Immature stage masses
plant species by biological characteristics.
   Cumulative survival rates derived from the most              Larval mass entering winter diapause varied among
highly supported model varied significantly among            host treatments (F6, 212 = 3.620; p = 0.0019). Larvae
larvae reared on different host plants (Fig. 2), with        reared on porcupine grass were significantly larger
survival rates exceeding the pooled treatment aver-          than those grown on big bluestem, although larval
age for individuals reared on porcupine grass, prairie       mass did not significantly differ among other treat-
dropseed, and side-oats grama across nearly all              ments (Table 4). Preliminary analyses suggested that
life history stages (Fig. 3). Addition-
ally, stage-specific survival rates var-
ied among host plant species (Fig. 4).
All host plant treatments supported
relatively high survivorship of larvae
(73 to 89%) over winter diapause (i.e.
the life history stage between pre- and
post-diapause). For the pupae to adult
eclosion life history interval, survival
exceeded 93% for larvae reared on all
treatments other than smooth brome;
by contrast, only approximately 43%
of pupae reared on smooth brome suc-
cessfully eclosed. Although 7 individu-
als reared on smooth brome survived
to pupation, the only 2 males died as
pupae, and 3 of the surviving females
failed to eclose properly and were
unable to fly as adults. Notably, these
were the only 3 individuals during the
course of the experiment (on any host
                                            Fig. 2. Cumulative survival estimates for Dakota skippers integrated in an ex-
plant) that survived to adulthood but       periment evaluating different host plant species at the Minnesota Zoo during
were unable to expand their wings.                              2016 to 2018. aInvasive grass species
Nordmeyer et al.: Host plant impacts on grassland butterflies                             307

                                                            Fig. 3. Total survivorship of Dakota skipper by offered host
                                                            plant species at defined life-history intervals. (solid line)
                                                            Cumulative survival at each time step for each host plant
                                                            treatment; (dotted reference line) mean cumulative survival
                                                               across all treatments and years; a invasive grass species

although generation (i.e. Gen 1 or Gen 2) did not           and Kentucky bluegrass (Table 4). Because only 2
affect size, pupal mass varied by sex, so we con-           males reared on smooth brome survived to pupation,
ducted individual ANOVAs by sex to evaluate the             this treatment was excluded from the analysis.
relationship between host plant and pupal mass.
Females reared on porcupine grass as larvae were
significantly larger as pupae than females reared on                             3.3. Phenology
smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass (Table 4).
Males reared on prairie dropseed were signifi-                DD did not significantly differ between generations
cantly larger than males reared on big bluestem             (F1,123 = 0.833; p = 0.364), but did vary by sex (F1,117 =
308                                      Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

                                                             Fig. 4. Stage-specific survival rates of Dakota skippers by
                                                             offered host plant species. The labels on the x-axis reflect
                                                             the life history stage ending points; for example, ‘Second
                                                             instar’ refers to the survival rate from hatching to second
                                                                             instar. a Invasive grass species

31.732; p < 0.001), so male and female DD were ana-          as noted earlier, males reared on smooth brome were
lyzed separately. DD accumulation from winter dia-           excluded from this analysis due to poor survivorship.
pause to pupation varied among host plant treat-
ments for female pupae (F6, 52 = 8.561; p < 0.001), with
individuals reared on smooth brome taking signifi-                               4. DISCUSSION
cantly longer to reach pupation than those reared on
little bluestem, side-oats grama, porcupine grass, or          Determining what a caterpillar eats seems like an
prairie dropseed (Fig. 5). Male pupae did not differ         easily answered question, but in the case of Dakota
by DD to pupation (F5, 60 = 0.771; p = 0.599; Fig. 5), but   skipper and many other graminoid-feeding grass-
Nordmeyer et al.: Host plant impacts on grassland butterflies                                 309

Table 4. Dakota skipper mean pre-diapause larval and pupal mass (g) by offered host plant species (95% confidence inter-
vals). N: individuals surviving to that sampling event. Cells within columns that do not share a letter are significantly different
from each other (at α = 0.05) with Tukey’s post-hoc test. na: not applicable (as only 2 males reared on smooth brome survived
                                    to pupation, this treatment was excluded from the analysis)

                           N     Pre-diapause larvae          n     Female pupae                    n     Male pupae

 Big bluestem              17    0.021 (0.018−0.024)A         4     0.213 (0.182−0.244)AB           5     0.197 (0.169−0.225)A
 Side-oats grama           38    0.026 (0.024−0.028)AB        7     0.233 (0.214−0.253)AB          16     0.226 (0.221−0.242)AB
 Porcupine grass           33    0.029 (0.027−0.031)B        13     0.273 (0.252−0.294)B           12     0.230 (0.212−0.248)AB
 Little bluestem           34    0.026 (0.024−0.028)AB        6     0.219 (0.194−0.243)AB           7     0.204 (0.180−0.225)AB
 Prairie dropseed          46    0.026 (0.025−0.028)AB       11     0.260 (0.238−0.283)AB          15     0.245 (0.229−0.262)B
 Smooth bromea             19    0.024 (0.021−0.027)AB        7     0.201 (0.170−0.231)A           na              na
 Kentucky bluegrassa       32    0.024 (0.022−0.027)AB        7     0.204 (0.177−0.230)A            9     0.197 (0.176−0.182)A
  Invasive grass species

Fig. 5. Accumulated degree-days (DD) to pupation after winter diapause for female (left) and male (right) Dakota skippers.
Within each box, black lines denote median values; boxes extend from the 25th to the 75th percentile of each group’s distri-
bution of values; whiskers denote adjacent values; x-marks denote outliers. No male Dakota skippers survived to adulthood
on smooth brome. Different letters indicate results that are significantly different from each other as analyzed with a post hoc
                                              Tukey test. a Invasive grass species

land specialist insects, the answer can be obscure                  reflected host plant quality, such that we categorized
and complex. We documented that Dakota skipper                      each metric as ‘Low’ (1), ‘Medium’ (2), or ‘High’ (3)
larvae will feed on a wide range of commonly avail-                 quality. For female pupal mass and timing to pupa-
able graminoid hosts that can solely sustain them                   tion, we assigned scores based on the results of post-
through all their developmental stages, suggesting                  hoc Tukey tests. Host plants that supported statisti-
they are fairly polyphagous with respect to gramin-                 cally larger individuals and individuals that pupated
oids. However, variation in pupal mass, timing to                   more rapidly were assigned ‘High’ rankings for
pupation, and total survivorship to adulthood high-                 pupal mass and timing to pupation, respectively,
lights that there are differences in host plant quality.            whereas host plants that yielded statistically smaller
   To assess overall host plant quality, we developed a             individuals and larvae that required longer to reach
post-hoc scoring system summarizing the parameters                  pupation were assigned ‘Low’ scores for the respec-
evaluated in this study (Table 5). Our system was                   tive categories. For cumulative survival, host plant
based on how results from individual metrics likely                 treatments were categorized as ‘Low’ if larvae reared
310                                        Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

                                                                          that historically occurs sympatrically
Table 5. Host plant quality rankings. Metrics to assess Dakota skipper per-
formance on different host plants were categorized as ‘Low’ (score = 1),  with the Dakota skipper.
‘Medium’ (2), or ‘High’ (3). Scores were added to produce a final rank quality
                                                                            Larval host plants are often deter-
                  of 3 to 9, with 9 the most optimal host plant
                                                                          mined by observing oviposition events.
                                                                          For many Lepidoptera, it is often as-
                        Pupal mass Timing to    Total       Rank
                                                                          sumed that adults will oviposit on their
                          (female) pupation survivorship   quality
                                                                          optimal host plant and that doing so
  Big bluestem         Medium (2) Medium (2)   Low (1)   Medium (5)       will optimize their fitness (Ehrlich &
  Side-oats grama      Medium (2) Medium (2)   High (3)  Medium (7)       Raven 1964, Levins & MacArthur 1969,
  Porcupine grass         High (3)  High (3)   High (3)   High (9)        Jaenike 1978). However, observations
  Little bluestem      Medium (2) Medium (2)   Low (1)   Medium (5)
  Prairie dropseed     Medium (2)   High (3)   High (3)   High (8)        of oviposition alone do not necessarily
  Smooth bromea            Low (1)  Low (1)    Low (1)    Low (3)         indicate that the recipient plant is an
  Kentucky bluegrassa Low (1)       Low (1)    Low (1)    Low (3)         optimal, or even a palatable, host
   Invasive grass species                                                 (Casagrande & Dacey 2007). Although
                                                                          many herbivorous insects will oviposit
                                                                          on optimal host plants, this trend ap-
on that species exhibited survival rates below the       pears less pronounced in polyphagous species with
pooled treatment mean or ‘High’ if larvae survived at    abundant access to edible species, and additional in-
a rate above the combined mean (Fig. 3). This post-      formation is needed to improve our understanding of
hoc assessment identified porcupine grass and            the response of polyphagous species (Gripenberg et
prairie dropseed as the most optimal hosts of the pro-   al. 2010). It is often the case that graminoid-feeding
vided graminoid species with the highest survival,       Lepidoptera in grassland habitats will oviposit nearly
the largest pupae, and the shortest time to pupation,    randomly on available substrates, presumably be-
and these ranked highest in our post-hoc assessment      cause potential host plants are in close enough prox-
of overall host plant quality. We classified big blue-   imity for the neonate larvae to find on their own (Wik-
stem, side-oats gramma, and little bluestem as mod-      lund 1984). Dakota skipper oviposition has been
erate hosts, whereas the 2 invasive species, smooth      rarely observed in the wild (Selby 2006), but includes
brome and Kentucky bluegrass, ranked poorly and          native bunchgrasses and invasive grasses, as well as
are considered inferior hosts.                           other unsuitable live and dead non-graminoid plant
   Many herbivorous insects have tight host plant        material and even inert surfaces (McCabe 1981, Dana
niches that may be brought about by a co-evolu-          1991, Minnesota Zoo unpubl. data). Similar oviposi-
tionary arms race with their respective hosts, result-   tion ‘mistakes’ have been recorded in other Hesperia
ing in specialization on just a few plant species or     (MacNeill 1964). Thus, female Dakota skipper ovipo-
genera (Ehrlich & Raven 1964). This is often not the     sition behavior may not be mediated by optimal
case for graminoid feeding insects, which are char-      hosts, though more research is needed.
acterized as having a broader taxonomic host range          McCabe (1981) first documented that Dakota skip-
(Tscharntke & Greiler 1995). Although grasses do         per neonate larvae accepted big bluestem, porcupine
defend themselves from herbivory (Vicari & Bazely        grass, Junegrass, Timothy grass Phleum pretense,
1993), this is often achieved less by means of sec-      Kentucky bluegrass, prairie dropseed, and an un-
ondary metabolites than through mechanisms such          specified Carex species. Twenty-two graminoid spe-
as silicates (Massey et al. 2006), fungal endosym-       cies have been offered to neonate Dakota skipper
bionts (Ball et al. 2006), and leaf toughness (Naka-     larvae over the course of the ex situ program at the
suji 1987, Moore & Johnson 2017). Despite this bat-      Minnesota Zoo (Table 2), and neonates have fed on
tery of defense mechanisms, many grass skippers          all of them within 72 h of hatching. Although trigger-
overcome these barriers. Grass skipper larvae hatch      ing a feeding response by a neonate larva is a good
with large head-capsules relative to other Lepido-       indicator of the plant being a candidate host, it does
ptera, allowing them to feed on some of the toughest     not necessarily indicate that it is a quality, or sustain-
grass leaves (Nakasuji 1987, Seko & Nakasuji 2004).      able food source (Gómez Jiménez et al. 2014). Thus,
Additionally, fungal endosymbionts, although found       it is clear that an understanding of host plant effects
to be toxic to many livestock, do not impact the         throughout development is essential when evaluat-
development and survivorship of the tawny-edged          ing the importance of different hosts for a particular
skipper Polites themistocles (Jokela et al. 2016),       insect herbivore and detecting potential sub-lethal
another Hesperiinae grassland specialist butterfly       effects.
Nordmeyer et al.: Host plant impacts on grassland butterflies                        311

  Our results suggest that Dakota skipper perform-            themselves from predators and the elements in con-
ance does vary among different host plants. We doc-           structed shelters at the base of their host plants (Mac-
umented variability in all performance metrics for            Neill 1964). Second instar larvae begin stitching
larvae provided different host grass treatments. Dana         blades of grasses together, and the larvae feed and
(1991) reported the high quality of prairie dropseed,         overwinter in these shelters until finishing develop-
but suggested that porcupine grass was likely an              ment the following spring. The cryptic larvae and
unsuitable host given its leaf toughness. Although            their shelters are virtually undetectable in the land-
we did not measure leaf toughness in this experi-             scape, and it is unknown how structure construction
ment, even neonate larvae were capable of feeding             might vary across host grass species, though varia-
on porcupine grass, and our results suggest it is a           tion has been observed within dicot feeding Pyr-
high-quality host. Importantly, Dana (1991) con-              rhopygini skippers (Greeney et al. 2010a). Due to
cluded his studies prior to winter diapause, where            interspecific variation in leaf size and basal architec-
larvae had only gone through half their developmen-           ture, we expect that larval shelter construction will
tal stadia. Our research indicates that performance           necessarily vary among host grasses, and that some
differences among host plants become amplified in             of these variants may be disadvantageous to Dakota
later stages after winter diapause.                           skipper larvae. For example, a more tightly bound
                                                              shelter may be possible with prairie dropseed (numer-
                                                              ous narrow leaf blades around a circular base) rela-
                  4.1. Future work                            tive to little bluestem (fewer broad blades around a
                                                              flattened base). These differences may result in vari-
   Our controlled, no-choice performance experimen-           ations in visibility to predators and parasitoids and
tal design may not account for variation in host uti-         microclimatic differences that may influence survivor-
lization under wild conditions (Forister 2008). As the        ship and/or growth rates (Greeney et al. 2010b). An-
native prairie habitat of the Dakota skipper is made          ecdotally, over the course of this study, variation in
up of a mosaic of grasses, a next step in understand-         shelter size and orientation above or below surface of
ing their host plant dynamics is to implement a               the soil line was observed.
choice study in which larvae have access to multiple
species. Although some Lepidoptera larvae may be
unable to discern between suitable and unsuitable                         4.2. Management implications
host plants (Gómez Jiménez et al. 2014), some poly-
phagous species have demonstrated selection (Nylin              The invasion of smooth brome into prairies appears
et al. 2000, Gamberale-Stille et al. 2014) and are            to represent a sink that complicates Dakota skipper
even able to modify their feeding preference in the           conservation efforts. Despite the apparent lack of
presence of predators (Bernays & Graham 1988) or              female oviposition preference provided by oppor-
differentially choose alternative hosts if parasitized        tunistic observations, larvae reared exclusively on
(Smilanich et al. 2011). We were unable to determine          this exotic grass consistently had the lowest survivor-
if Dakota skippers can discern between suitable and           ship, smallest pupal mass, and took the longest to
unsuitable hosts, or if foraging on multiple hosts            reach pupation. Extended development time could
would promote a fitness advantage (e.g. larger, more          indicate that smooth brome does not provide suffi-
fecund adults). Similarly, observations of neonate be-        cient larval nutritional content (Bauerfeind & Fischer
havior and mobility (Thompson 1983) in situ or in             2005). Notably, greater pupal mass corresponded
controlled areas similar to those conducted by Bier-          with higher overall survivorship and shorter develop-
zychudek & Warner (2015) would improve our under-             ment time (e.g. individuals fed prairie dropseed and
standing of Dakota skipper ecology and the threat             porcupine grass), suggesting that longer develop-
posed by smooth brome and other invasive species.             ment time is indicative of a nutritional deficiency or
Unfortunately, traditional experimental host choice           stress.
studies are less feasible with obligate shelter-build-          In addition to lower survivorship and mass, de-
ing butterflies like Dakota skippers than they can be         layed development on suboptimal hosts, like smooth
with other butterflies that will initiate feeding with-       brome, may have serious negative impacts on
out first building a complex shelter.                         Dakota skipper populations. Host plant quality can
   Shelter morphometrics and potential variation              impact the number of annual generations and may
among grass hosts also require further research. Like         have an even greater impact on phenology than tem-
many other grass skippers, Dakota skippers defend             perature in some Lepidoptera (Abarca et al. 2018).
312                                    Endang Species Res 45: 301–314, 2021

For a univoltine species with a short reproductive         & Westwood 2014), anecdotal observations from field
window like the Dakota skipper, delayed develop-           surveys suggest that little bluestem often may not
ment and a shift in adult flight could prevent overlap     have growth available for forage at this time. Though
with potential mates, or asynchrony with preferred         not characterized to the same extent as little blue-
adult nectar resources (Van Dyck et al. 2015). In-         stem, porcupine grass and prairie dropseed (Royer &
deed, smooth brome-reared Dakota skippers reached          Marrone 1992) also commonly occur at remnant
adulthood up to 2 wk later than their siblings reared      prairie sites supporting Dakota skipper and are avail-
on other more suitable hosts. Adult Dakota skipper         able earlier in the growing season.
lifespan under natural conditions is likely less than         Land management practices developed for the
2 wk. Thus, individuals feeding exclusively on smooth      support of Dakota skipper should prioritize porcu-
brome may not reach adulthood until after the flight       pine grass and prairie dropseed and emphasize the
and thus be excluded from the year’s reproduction.         suppression of smooth brome. Given the widespread
   Egg-laying females seem to exhibit little to no         and sometimes near complete invasions of smooth
oviposition selection for optimal plant hosts (McCabe      brome into North American prairies, this may be a
1981, Minnesota Zoo unpubl. data), and as docu-            tricky prospect and novel approaches may be needed
mented here, Dakota skipper neonate larvae will            to avoid the potential ecological trap that it may pres-
consume host plants that result in poor performance        ent to Dakota skippers (Schlaepfer et al. 2005).
in the long term. As a result, both adults and larval      Methodologies utilized to determine Dakota skipper
Dakota skippers may be unable to distinguish opti-         host plant suitability may inform important research
mal hosts. The inability to distinguish optimal from       for other imperiled graminoid-feeding specialist in-
suboptimal plants has been observed in other Lepi-         sects for which much of the life history is unknown
doptera (Gómez Jiménez et al. 2014). Indeed, female        (e.g. Poweshiek skipperling Oarisma poweshiek).
host preference appears to evolve independently
                                                           Acknowledgements. We thank Dr. Tara Harris, Dr. Ralph
from larval host performance (Forister 2005, Friberg
                                                           Holzenthal, Dr. Kelly Nail and Dr. Karen Oberhauser for
et al. 2015). The apparent inability of Dakota skipper     their input on an early version of the manuscript. The man-
to identify prime host plants suggests that the pres-      uscript was improved by the input from 3 anonymous
ence of large patches or complete invasions of smooth      reviewers. We also extend our gratitude to our past col-
brome may represent population sinks for Dakota            leagues in the Prairie Butterfly Conservation Program at the
                                                           Minnesota Zoo: Emily Royer, Clayton Burgraff, Grant Piep-
skipper. As smooth brome has already largely in-           korn, and Megan Trautmiller. This work was funded by the
vaded much of the Dakota skipper range (DeKeyser           Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Grant
et al. 2013), it may be a significant stressor for rem-    Fund and the Disney Conservation Fund (CGF #15-1290),
nant populations.                                          Minnesota’s Environment and Natural Resources Trust
                                                           Fund (M.L. 2016, Chp. 186, Sec. 2, Subd. 03c1), and Min-
   Little bluestem has been closely associated with
                                                           nesota’s Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment Arts
Dakota skipper habitats (Royer & Marrone 1992,             and Cultural Heritage Fund. Dakota skipper husbandry
Rigney 2013, Seidle et al. 2018), and big bluestem is      activities were conducted under USFWS Native Endangered
the dominant grass species at extant Dakota skipper        and Threatened Species Recovery Permit #TE64079B-2.
                                                           Minnesota Endangered and Threatened Species Special
sites (Rigney 2013). Indeed, native bunch grasses,
                                                           Permit# 23229 and USDA/APHIS Permit #P526-18-01480.
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Editorial responsibility: Brendan Godley,                        Submitted: February 12, 2021
 University of Exeter, Cornwall                                  Accepted: May 25, 2021
Reviewed by: 3 anonymous referees                                Proofs received from author(s): August 7, 2021
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