Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...

Page created by Dwight Gill
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Jan–Aug 2021
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Explore changing perspectives.
When the world is changing, it can bring opportunities
for a shift in perspective. It can inspire us to try new
things, challenge our pre-existing beliefs, or awaken a
desire to better understand the world around us.

At Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria, we
offer an ever-evolving selection of courses and programs
each term; and our online delivery styles make it easy
to explore a world of changing perspectives, from the
comfort of home.

     /uviccontinuingstudies                         /ContinuingstudiesCa

    Find the calendar online!
    The calendar is available online in an interactive format—nothing to
    download, just flip the pages and click on a course title to register.

                    Published by Marketing Services, Division of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria.
                    Design and layout: Ashley Davis, Nicole Sobel. Printed in Canada on 10% recycled paper (Nature Web) using vegetable
                    based inks by Mitchell Press, Vancouver BC, an environmental award-winning, FSC® certified and G7 accredited company.

2                                                                                                                       ( Certificate/diploma   # Online
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
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find something?
Courses are categorized by topic area

04 Courses by start date                   EDUCATION, LEARNING                  LANGUAGES AND TRAVEL
07 Welcome to Online Learning              AND DEVELOPMENT                      46 French Language
                                           30 International Education           48 World Languages
ARTS                                       31 Teacher Professional              55 Travel Tours
08 Art History                                Development
09 Music                                   31 Training and Adult Education      56 Instructor spotlight:
10 Photography                                                                      World Languages
                                           HEALTH, WELLNESS AND SAFETY
11 Visual Arts                                                                  SCIENCE AND ECOLOGICAL
14 Online Art and Design                   32 General Health and Wellness       RESTORATION
14 Writing and Literature                  33 Current Concepts in Gut
                                              Health Series                     60 Ecological Restoration
16 5 lessons gained from a                 34 Health Professional Development   61 General Science and Math
   turbulent year                          35 Occupational Health and Safety    62 The Future Series
                                           35 Population Health Data Analysis   62 Horticulture and Nature Tours
PUBLIC RELATIONS                           35 PROGRAMS                          GENERAL INFORMATION
18 Business, Management                                                         64 Campus services
                                           37 Learning the way forward
   and Leadership                                                               65 Visiting campus
22 Computing and Technology                HUMANITIES AND                       66 How to register
24 Public Relations                        SOCIAL SCIENCES                      66 Cancellations,
                                                                                    withdrawals, refunds
25 Coping with stress in                   40 Humanities and Social Sciences
   unprecedented times                     42 In Pursuit of Knowledge Series    67 Campus map
                                           43 Digital Reactionaries:
CULTURE, MUSEUMS AND                          Conspiracism and Extremism
INDIGENOUS STUDIES                            in Online Spaces Series
28 Heritage and Museum Studies             44 University 101
28 Indigenous Language and Culture         44 UVic on the Peninsula Series
28 Intercultural Studies and Practice      45 Deans' Lecture Series

continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                           3
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Courses by start date

       JANUARY                                                                            Documentary Photography: Creating the
                                                                                          Personal Project
                                                                                                                                                                                     Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan. 11............................................................................ 22
                                                                                          Jan. 27............................................................................ 10     Small Business Management
Arts                                                                                      The Art of Type                                                                            Jan. 11............................................................................ 21
Opera in High Definition                                                                  Jan. 27............................................................................ 14     Social Media Marketing
Jan. 14...............................................................................9   The Life and Times of Bob Dylan                                                            Jan. 11............................................................................ 21
Low Impact Basketry                                                                       Jan. 27...............................................................................9    Strategic Leadership
Jan. 17............................................................................ 11    Buffy Sainte-Marie and Gordon Lightfoot                                                    Jan. 11............................................................................ 21
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop                                                           Jan. 28............................................................................ 10
Jan. 18............................................................................ 14    Easy Mini Watercolours: Washes-Mist and                                                    Culture, Museums and
Introduction to SketchUp                                                                  Islands
Jan. 18............................................................................ 14    Jan. 30............................................................................ 12     Indigenous Studies
Writing Flash Nonfiction                                                                                                                                                             Facilitating Intercultural Relationships
Jan. 18............................................................................ 14    Business, Technology and                                                                   Jan. 6............................................................................... 28
Advanced Web Design, CSS and JavaScript                                                   Public Relations                                                                           Understanding “Black Identity” in the Context of
Frameworks                                                                                                                                                                           Canadian Mainstream
                                                                                          Getting Started with Cloud Computing                                                       Jan. 6............................................................................... 29
Jan. 19............................................................................ 14    Jan. 5............................................................................... 22
Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
Jan. 19............................................................................ 14
                                                                                          Business Intelligence and Data Analytics                                                   Education, Learning
Introduction to Video Editing                                                             Jan. 9............................................................................... 23   and Development
Jan. 19............................................................................ 14    Business Administration                                                                    Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Surrealism: Ideas, Methods and Techniques                                                 Jan. 11............................................................................ 18     Jan. 19............................................................................ 31
Jan. 19............................................................................ 11    Business Ethics
Illustration Essentials                                                                   Jan. 11............................................................................ 18     Health, Wellness and Safety
Jan. 20............................................................................ 14    Business Law                                                                               Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum©
Basic Observational Drawing with Graphite                                                 Jan. 11............................................................................ 19     Jan. 22............................................................................ 34
Jan. 23............................................................................ 12    Business Writing                                                                           Wound Management for Health Professionals
Easy Mini Watercolours: Glazing and Negative                                              Jan. 11............................................................................ 19     Level I
Space-Leaves and Flowers                                                                  Change Management                                                                          Jan. 22............................................................................ 34
Jan. 23............................................................................ 12    Jan. 11............................................................................ 19     Wound Management for Health Professionals
Writing Your Sacred Story                                                                 Computing Concepts                                                                         Level II
Jan. 23............................................................................ 14    Jan. 11............................................................................ 22     Jan. 22............................................................................ 34
Third Time’s a Charm                                                                      Economics                                                                                  Palliative Care Pharmacy
Jan. 25...............................................................................9   Jan. 11............................................................................ 19     Jan. 29............................................................................ 34
Basic Observational Drawing with Graphite                                                 Financial Accounting
Jan. 26............................................................................ 12    Jan. 11 ........................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                                                                     Humanities and Social Sciences
Composition and Light                                                                     Human Resource Management                                                                  The Art of Self-Acceptance
Jan. 26............................................................................ 10    Jan. 11............................................................................ 20     Jan. 16............................................................................ 40
How to Write Fast-Paced Novels                                                            International Business                                                                     The Big Melt? Canada’s Interests in a Changing
Jan. 26............................................................................ 14    Jan. 11 ........................................................................... 20     Arctic
Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen                                                                                                                                                      Jan. 21............................................................................ 42
                                                                                          Interpersonal Business Communication
Jan. 26...............................................................................9   Jan. 11............................................................................ 20     Archaeology and Plants
The 60s: Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation                                                                                                                                                 Jan. 27............................................................................ 40
                                                                                          Management Practices
Jan. 26...............................................................................9   Jan. 11............................................................................ 20
Alfred Hitchcock’s Pure Cinema and Film Noir                                              Managing in the Digital Economy
Jan. 27...............................................................................8   Jan. 11............................................................................ 20
Creating Unique Art Books                                                                 Marketing
Jan. 27............................................................................ 12    Jan. 11 ........................................................................... 20
                                                                                          Organizational Behaviour
                                                                                          Jan. 11............................................................................ 21

Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Languages and Travel                                                                     Science and Ecological Restoration                                                         Chinese Victoria: History of Victoria’s Chinatown
                                                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 10............................................................................ 41
Comprehensive French – Level 2                                                           Introduction to Biology and Natural History
                                                                                         Jan. 4............................................................................... 61   How to be Guided by Love
Jan. 11............................................................................ 47
                                                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 20............................................................................ 41
Comprehensive French – Level 1                                                           The Metaphysics of Quantum Physics
                                                                                         Jan. 13............................................................................ 61     Archaeology and Textiles
Jan. 12............................................................................ 46
                                                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 25............................................................................ 41
Comprehensive French – Level 3                                                           Garden Design for the Pacific Northwest
                                                                                         Jan. 21............................................................................ 62     Kids These Days and the Ongoing Evolution of
Jan. 12............................................................................ 47
Japanese: Beginner                                                                                                                                                                  Feb. 25............................................................................ 43
Jan. 18............................................................................ 51
Mandarin: Introductory
                                                                                                FEBRUARY                                                                            Science and Ecological Restoration
Jan. 18............................................................................ 52
Russian: Introductory
                                                                                         Arts                                                                                       The Future: Forecasting the Future
                                                                                         Interior Design Fundamentals                                                               Feb. 4.............................................................................. 62
Jan. 18............................................................................ 53
                                                                                         Feb. 3.............................................................................. 14    The Future: The Near Future
Spanish: Beginner                                                                                                                                                                   Feb. 11............................................................................ 62
Jan. 18............................................................................ 54   Introduction to Adobe InDesign
                                                                                         Feb. 3.............................................................................. 14    The Future: The Distant Future
French Language Conversation Classes:                                                                                                                                               Feb. 18............................................................................ 62
Beginner                                                                                 Screenwriting
Jan. 19............................................................................ 48   Feb. 3.............................................................................. 14    Nurturing a Conservation Ethic
                                                                                         Digital Photography: Shifting to Manual                                                    Feb. 27............................................................................ 63
Spanish: Introductory
Jan. 19............................................................................ 53   Feb. 4.............................................................................. 10
French Language Conversation Classes:
                                                                                         Easy Mini Watercolours: Volume-Pebbles
                                                                                         Feb. 6.............................................................................. 12
Jan. 20............................................................................ 48   Creating Illustrated Children’s Books                                                      Arts
Mandarin: Beginner                                                                       Feb. 18........................................................................... 15
                                                                                                                                                                                    Social Media Marketing for Creative
Jan. 20............................................................................ 52   Garden Photography
Spanish: Introductory                                                                    Feb. 20............................................................................ 11
                                                                                                                                                                                    March 1.......................................................................... 14
Jan. 20............................................................................ 53   Watercolour for Beginners Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                    Intermediate Adobe Illustrator
Spanish: Advanced                                                                        Feb. 20............................................................................ 13
                                                                                                                                                                                    March 2.......................................................................... 14
Jan. 20............................................................................ 54   Low Impact Basketry
                                                                                                                                                                                    iPhone/iPad Artography
French Language Conversation Classes:                                                    Feb. 21............................................................................ 11
                                                                                                                                                                                    March 9.......................................................................... 11
Introductory                                                                             Intermediate Adobe Photoshop
                                                                                                                                                                                    Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald
Jan. 21............................................................................ 47   Feb. 22............................................................................ 14
                                                                                                                                                                                    March 11........................................................................ 10
Russian: Beginner                                                                        Eyes Wide Shut: Drawing What We Imagine
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fabulous Fiction
Jan. 21............................................................................ 53   Feb. 27 ........................................................................... 13
                                                                                                                                                                                    March 13........................................................................ 15
Spanish: Beginner                                                                        Introduction to Portrait Drawing with Graphite
                                                                                         Feb. 27............................................................................ 13     Easy Mini Watercolours: Washes-Mist and
Jan. 21............................................................................ 54
Spanish: Intermediate                                                                                                                                                               March 27........................................................................ 12
Jan. 21............................................................................ 54   Business, Technology and
French Language Conversation Classes:                                                    Public Relations                                                                           Business, Technology and
Advanced                                                                                 Podcasting
Jan. 22........................................................................... 48    Feb. 25............................................................................ 22     Public Relations
Italian: Beginner                                                                                                                                                                   Data Analytics Coding Fundamentals
Jan. 22............................................................................ 50   Health, Wellness and Safety                                                                March 6.......................................................................... 23
Dutch: Introductory                                                                      Strategies and Actions for Independent Living                                              Predictive Data Analytics and Modelling
Jan. 26............................................................................ 49   (SAIL©)                                                                                    March 6.......................................................................... 23
Japanese: Introductory                                                                   Feb. 12............................................................................ 35
Jan. 26............................................................................ 51   Riding it Out: Stress, Coping and Change in the                                            Health, Wellness and Safety
German: Introductory                                                                     New Normal                                                                                 Hakomi Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy Skills
Jan. 27............................................................................ 49   Feb. 16............................................................................ 32     March 6.......................................................................... 32
Japanese: Advanced                                                                       Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum©                                                       Part 1: Changes in the Gut Microbiota Over the
Jan. 27............................................................................ 51   Feb. 26............................................................................ 34     Human Lifespan
Korean: Introductory                                                                     Wound Management for Health Professionals                                                  March 9.......................................................................... 33
Jan. 27............................................................................ 52   Level I                                                                                    Part 2: Probiotics to Restore and Maintain a
German: Beginner                                                                         Feb. 26............................................................................ 34     Healthy Gut
Jan. 28............................................................................ 49                                                                                              March 11........................................................................ 33
Italian: Introductory                                                                    Humanities and Social Sciences                                                             Strategies and Actions for Independent Living
Jan. 28............................................................................ 50                                                                                              (SAIL©)
                                                                                         Black History in Victoria                                                                  March 12........................................................................ 35
Japanese: Intermediate                                                                   Feb. 3.............................................................................. 41
Jan. 28............................................................................ 51                                                                                              Introduction to Emergency Management for
                                                                                         Forensic Anthropology of the Human Skeleton                                                Business Continuity
Korean: Intermediate                                                                     Feb. 9.............................................................................. 41    March 22........................................................................ 35
Jan. 28............................................................................ 52   Artificial Intelligence and You                                                            Living Consciously Expanded
                                                                                         Feb. 10............................................................................ 41     March 27........................................................................ 33

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COURSES BY START DATE
continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Humanities and Social Sciences                                                            Japanese: Introductory
                                                                                          April 13........................................................................... 51
Networks and Borderlands: Bordering Processes
                                                                                          German: Beginner
in the 21st Century
                                                                                          April 14........................................................................... 49
                                                                                                                                                                                    Business, Technology and
March 1.......................................................................... 43
Networks of Rage: Far-Right Extremism Online                                              Japanese: Advanced                                                                        Public Relations
March 8.......................................................................... 44      April 14........................................................................... 51    Digital Communication
The Changing Face of Victoria’s Chinatown in                                              Korean: Beginner                                                                          May 4.............................................................................. 23
the 21st Century                                                                          April 14........................................................................... 52    Business Administration
March 10........................................................................ 42       Mandarin: Intermediate                                                                    May 10............................................................................ 18
”The Storm Rises”: Contemporary Extremism in                                              April 14........................................................................... 52    Business Law
North America                                                                             German: Intermediate                                                                      May 10............................................................................ 19
March 15........................................................................ 44       April 15........................................................................... 49    Business Writing
Victorian Cities of the Dead                                                              Italian: Beginner                                                                         May 10............................................................................ 19
March 20........................................................................ 42                                                                                                 Finance
                                                                                          April 15........................................................................... 50
Conspiracy in the Age of COVID                                                                                                                                                      May 10............................................................................ 21
March 22........................................................................ 44       Japanese: Intermediate
                                                                                          April 15........................................................................... 51    Human Resource Management
America and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict                                                                                                                                        May 10............................................................................ 20
March 23........................................................................ 43       Korean: Intermediate
How to be Your Own Protector                                                              April 15........................................................................... 52
                                                                                                                                                                                    May 10............................................................................ 20
March 27........................................................................ 42       Russian: Intermediate
                                                                                                                                                                                    Microsoft Office Bootcamp
The Beginning of Colonialism in Mowachaht                                                 April 15........................................................................... 53    May 10............................................................................ 22
Territory: The Spanish in the North Pacific                                               French Language Conversation Classes:
                                                                                                                                                                                    Social Media Marketing
March 30........................................................................ 43       Advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                    May 10............................................................................ 21
                                                                                          April 16........................................................................... 48
Science and Ecological Restoration                                                        Italian: Intermediate
                                                                                                                                                                                    Culture, Museums and
Gardens in History: History, Art and Design of                                            April 16........................................................................... 50
Kitchen Gardens                                                                           Spanish: Intermediate
                                                                                                                                                                                    Indigenous Studies
March 3.......................................................................... 63      April 19........................................................................... 54    Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
The Six Senses                                                                            French Language Conversation Classes:                                                     May 10............................................................................ 29
March 4.......................................................................... 63      Beginner
                                                                                          April 20........................................................................... 48    Health, Wellness and Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                    Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum©
       APRIL                                                                              Spanish: Introductory
                                                                                          April 20........................................................................... 53    May 7.............................................................................. 34
                                                                                          French Language Conversation Classes:                                                     Palliative Care Pharmacy
Arts                                                                                      Intermediate                                                                              May 7.............................................................................. 34
Advanced Methods in Portrait Drawing with                                                 April 21........................................................................... 48    Wound Management for Health Professionals
Graphite                                                                                  Spanish: Beginner                                                                         Level I
April 10........................................................................... 13    April 21........................................................................... 54    May 7.............................................................................. 34
Keeping a Sketchbook: Be a Tourist in Your Own                                            Spanish: Advanced                                                                         Strategies and Actions for Independent Living
Town                                                                                      April 21........................................................................... 54    (SAIL©)
April 10........................................................................... 13                                                                                              May 28............................................................................ 35
                                                                                          French Language Conversation Classes:
Business, Technology and                                                                  April 22........................................................................... 47    Science and Ecological Restoration
Public Relations                                                                          Spanish: Intermediate                                                                     Introduction to Chemistry
Data Visualization and Reporting                                                          April 22........................................................................... 54    May 10............................................................................ 61
April 24........................................................................... 23    Spanish: Advanced

Health, Wellness and Safety
                                                                                          April 22........................................................................... 54           JULY
Wound Management for Health Professionals                                                 Science and Ecological Restoration                                                        Science and Ecological Restoration
Level II                                                                                  Gardens in History: Japanese Gardens
April 9............................................................................. 34                                                                                             Introduction to Chemistry
                                                                                          April 7............................................................................. 63   July 5............................................................................... 61
                                                                                          Ecosystems for the Future
Languages and Travel                                                                      April 26........................................................................... 60
                                                                                                                                                                                    Mathematical Skills
                                                                                                                                                                                    July 6............................................................................... 61
French Language Advanced Course
April 7............................................................................. 47
Japanese: Beginner
April 12........................................................................... 51
Mandarin: Beginner
April 12........................................................................... 52
Russian: Beginner
April 12........................................................................... 53
Dutch: Beginner
April 13........................................................................... 49

Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Welcome to Online Learning
HOW IT WORKS –                      Three online delivery styles to suit different learning needs

Synchronous                               Asynchronous                                                   Hybrid
When a group of students are              When learning does not occur in the same place                 A combination of Synchronous
engaging in learning at the               or at the same time. It uses resources that facilitate         and Asynchronous learning.
same time, at a specific time.            information sharing outside the constraints of time
                                          and place among a network of people.

WHAT YOU WILL NEED                                                                                               RECOMMENDED
                                                                                                                 WEB BROWSERS
Œ An Internet-connected                  Speakers or                 Ž A web browser with
     computer running                         a headset                     JavaScript and 		                            Chrome
     Windows or macOS                                                       cookies enabled

Ê                                                                                                                        Safari
             PLUS, if the course includes online               MOBILE DEVICES:
             video-conferencing, you will need                 Not all required course features are
             a webcam with microphone                          available on tablets or smartphones.


    GET ORGANIZED                          MAKE TIME                           LEARN THE                        STAY IN TOUCH
   Keep a calendar, weekly             Give yourself extra time to            TECHNOLOGY                     Use your instructor’s virtual
chart or list of all course work.    complete assignments. Start           Read course guides for           office hours, email or phone;
  Create a regular study and         assignments right away, so if       technology requirements.           and use classroom discussion
    assignment schedule.            issues come up, you have time      Watch for instructor emails and       forums to build community
                                          to seek clarification.        course site announcements.              with your classmates.

   BE ACCOUNTABLE                           GET HELP                           AVOID                             TAKE BREAKS
 Set goals and check in with           Don’t wait until the last            MULTI-TASKING                      Take regular breaks from
 yourself weekly. Or pair up         minute to reach out. Contact         Multi-tasking often ends         sitting, by standing, stretching
  with a fellow classmate as        your instructor or a classmate.      up causing us to take longer      or walking. Unplug for periods
   accountability partners.          For technical issues, contact       to complete projects. Focus           during the day to keep a
                                        the TIL Support Desk.               on one task at a time.                 healthy balance.

                                                                                                         WELCOME TO ONLINE LEARNING
continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                                                 7
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Forming new perspectives...


                                                    what characters in his stories were looking at,
              ART HISTORY                           and what they were thinking. We will examine         FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                                    six public domain classic films by Hitchcock that    Art History
                                                    showcase his style, and his work in the style of     250-721-7797
                                                    film later called film noir. You will gain insight   art.sci@uvic.ca
                                                    into the techniques that Hitchcock employed,         continuingstudies.uvic.ca/art-history
                                                    and the impact his work had on cinema.
                                                    The films include The 39 Steps (1935), The Lady
                                                    Vanishes (1938), Rebecca (1940), Shadow of a
                                                    Doubt (1943), Notorious (1946) and Strangers on
                                                    a Train (1951).

                                                    Instructor: Peter Sandmark

                                                    Delivery style: Online Hybrid
                                                    Date:           Wednesdays, Jan. 27 to
                                                                    March 3
 NEW Alfred Hitchcock’s Pure
                                                    Time:           7 to 8:30 pm
Cinema and Film Noir #                              Register by:    Saturday, Jan. 23
Alfred Hitchcock defined the concept of pure        Duration:       6 sessions
cinema, during his career in the time of silent     Fee:            $90 plus $4.50 GST
films, developing ways to tell stories using only   Code:           ASHA145 2021S D01
pictures. He stated that he was putting pieces
of film together like notes of music in a melody.
His films used montage to create ideas but
also to create action and emotions, becoming
a master of using the camera’s gaze, revealing

8                                                                                                                  ( Certificate/diploma   # Online
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
Delivery style: Online Hybrid                         NEW The Life and Times of Bob
                    MUSIC                              Date:           Mondays, Jan. 25 to March 22        Dylan #
                                                                       (no class Feb. 15)
                                                                                                           Is Bob Dylan a poet or a songwriter? Did he
                                                       Time:           9:30 to 11:30 am
                                                                                                           nearly die in a 1966 motorcycle accident?
                                                       Register by:    Thursday, Jan. 21                   What do his lyrics mean? There are more
                                                       Duration:       8 sessions                          questions than answers about the enigmatic Mr.
                                                       Fee:            $150 plus $7.50 GST                 Zimmerman, but the only things that do matter
                                                       Code:           ASMU453 2021S D01                   are his music and his lyrics. He doesn’t care for
                                                                                                           labels like “the voice of a generation”, but there
                                                                                                           is no doubt that Bob Dylan had a monumental
                                                       Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen #                   impact on the struggle for Civil Rights and the
                                                                                                           Anti-War movement of the 1960s. In this course,
                                                       Two Canadian folk music icons that changed the
                                                                                                           we’ll explore the life and music of “His Bobness”.
                                                       course of musical history on the world scene:
                                                       one, a prairie girl with small town roots; the
                                                                                                           Instructor: John Mitchell
                                                       other from the Jewish community in Montreal.
Opera in High Definition #                             Both artists had a lot to say and an abundance      Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                       of extraordinary talent. Emerging from the folk
Pacific Opera Victoria’s 2020/21 season may                                                                Date:             Wednesdays, Jan. 27 to March 3
                                                       music renaissance of the early 1960s as solo
be cancelled but opera performances live on                                                                Time:             12:30 to 2:30 pm
                                                       artists armed primarily with their voices and
though digital recordings from the Met and
                                                       acoustic guitars, how did they influence each       Register by:      Saturday, Jan. 23
other major opera houses. In this course we
                                                       other? What is their legacy?                        Duration:         6 sessions
will look at a broad selection of opera favorites
from the Baroque period through Verdi with                                                                 Fee:              $119 plus $5.95 GST
                                                       Instructor: Jan Randall (BMus)                      Code:             ASMU456 2021S D01
an emphasis on fantastic singers in their roles.
This online course will explore the major stylistic    Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
trends in opera through watching excerpts from
                                                       Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 26 to April 13
great performances.
                                                       Time:             7:30 to 8:30 pm
Instructor: Mikki Reintjes (MMus)                      Register by:      Friday, Jan. 22
                                                       Duration:         12 sessions
Delivery style: Online Hybrid                          Fee:              $119 plus $5.95 GST
Date:           Jan. 14 to March 25                    Code:             ASMU448 2021S D01
Time:           Thursdays, Jan. 14 and 28; Feb.
                11 and 25; March 11 and 25,
                7:15 to 9:15 pm                          NEWThe 60s: Talkin’ ‘bout My
Register by:    Sunday, Jan. 10                        Generation #
Duration:       6 sessions                             The 60s was a decade of cultural and societal
Fee:            $119 plus $5.95 GST                    revolution, changes that have reverberated
Code:           ASMU452 2021S D01                      to the present day, and the soundtrack of that
                                                       decade was the seed containing so much of
                                                       the music that followed. Was it just because the         Delivery style definitions
  NEW    Third Time’s a Charm #                        largest demographic, the Baby Boomers, lived it
Threes are ubiquitous in music. The language of        and loved it or was it truly great music? We will        Online Asynchronous – When learning
music uses terms like triad, trio, stacked thirds,     go back and take a closer look at the different          does not occur in the same place or at
raised third, flat third, tertiary harmony, three-     genres that dominated the music of the 60s               the same time. It uses resources that
                                                       and make our own determinations. We’ll ask the           facilitate information sharing outside
voice texture and ternary form. To explore the
                                                       question “Does art in the form of music change           the constraints of time and place
changes in how musicians use threes and thirds
                                                       society or does it merely reflect the times?”            among a network of people.
is to trace the evolution of music. To uncover
the processes by which composers use threes                                                                     Online Synchronous – When a group of
to achieve final results is to illuminate one of the   Instructor: John Mitchell
                                                                                                                students are engaging in learning at the
origin points for musical impact.                                                                               same time, at a specific time.
                                                       Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
In this class we will explore the inner workings       Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 26 to March 2           Online Hybrid – A combination of
of threes in music through some of the great           Time:             12:30 to 2:30 pm                       synchronous and asynchronous learning.
“no. 3” compositions of classical music. No prior      Register by:      Friday, Jan. 22
                                                                                                                Face to Face – When learning occurs in
experience in music is required.                       Duration:         6 sessions                             person, at a physical location.
                                                       Fee:              $119 plus $5.95 GST
Instructor: Mary Byrne (PhD)                                                                                    Blended – A combination of face to face
                                                       Code:             ASMU455 2021S D01
                                                                                                                and any type of online delivery style.

continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                                                                      9
Jan-Aug 2021 - UVic Continuing ...
NEWBuffy Sainte-Marie and                                                                                Documentary Photography:
Gordon Lightfoot #                                               PHOTOGRAPHY                               Creating the Personal Project #
Buffy Sainte-Marie and Gordon Lightfoot both                                                               Learn to apply the techniques of documentary
placed in the top five of CBC’s recent list of                                                             photographers to your personal photo work, and
Greatest Canadian Songwriters of All Time. Born                                                            create a project that will allow you to explore
within three years of each other, they burst into                                                          your creative side while improving your general
the music scene with hit songs in the early 1960s                                                          photography and camera handling skills. Each
and have since continued with many more.                                                                   week you will create new images for your project
Explore their lives and their music to discover                                                            and bring those images to share with the class.
why these artists and their works continue to                                                              This is a course about creativity, not equipment.
endure as legendary.                                                                                       Use whatever camera you own, digital or film.

Instructor: Jan Randall (BMus)                                                                             Instructor: Donald Denton

Delivery style:   Online Hybrid                                                                            Delivery style: Online Hybrid
Date:             Thursdays, Jan. 28 to March 4                                                            Date:           Wednesdays, Jan. 27 to
Time:             2:30 to 4:30 pm
                                                       NEW    Composition and Light #                                      March 17
Register by:      Sunday, Jan. 24                    Digital photography has made pressing the             Time:           6:30 to 9 pm
Duration:         6 sessions                         shutter release effortless. This fast-paced method    Register by:    Saturday, Jan. 23
Fee:              $119 plus $5.95 GST                can be a stumbling block to refining technical        Duration:       8 sessions
                                                     and artistic results. In this course you will build   Fee:            $190 plus $9.50 GST
Code:             ASMU454 2021S D01
                                                     your picture step-by-step by layering your            Code:           ASVA064 2021S D01
                                                     subject, light and composition. Assignments will
Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald #                 focus on researching and implementing your
                                                     ideas to generate signature work.                     Digital Photography: Shifting to
Two rival big bands with two legendary singers.
Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald were at the top                                                         Manual #
                                                     We will begin by examining the five properties
of their game and though their styles were polar     of light to really see light and shape it into the    This course will help you understand the
opposites, the two became friends. This course       desired results. We will address the challenges of    theory behind various camera modes, thereby
provides an in-depth look at the recordings and      both artificial and natural lighting experimenting    sidestepping photographic ‘tripwires’ when
the history of these two amazing women.              with methods and modifiers.                           taking pictures. Each evening we will cover one
                                                                                                           to two key camera settings (Exposure, White
Samplings of their recordings and live               We will identify compositional principles and         Balance, Color, Dynamic Range, JPEG versus RAW,
deconstruction of the music at the piano by your     organize them to support your ideas. Your             etc.), weighing the pros and cons of Automatic
instructor will be included.                         results will be planned photographs where             versus Manual/Auto overrides. The key goal
                                                     the elements of composition and light come            of this course is to understand and simplify—
Instructor: Jan Randall (BMus)                                                                             more importantly select—the menu options of
                                                     together to meet your artistic vision.
                                                                                                           modern digital cameras with confidence.
Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                     Instructor: Andrea Sirois
Date:             Thursdays, March 11 to April 15                                                          Instructor: Gerry Schallié
Time:             2:30 to 4:30 pm                    Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
Register by:      Sunday, March 7                    Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 26 to March 16       Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
Duration:         6 sessions                         Time:             6:30 to 9 pm                        Date:             Thursdays, Feb. 4 to March 11
Fee:              $119 plus $5.95 GST                Register by:      Friday, Jan. 22                     Time:             7 to 9 pm
Code:             ASMU438 2021S D01                  Duration:         8 sessions                          Register by:      Sunday, Jan. 31
                                                     Fee:              $190 plus $9.50 GST                 Duration:         6 sessions
                                                     Code:             ASVA150 2021S D01                   Fee:              $135 plus $6.75 GST
                                                                                                           Code:             ASVA134 2021S D01


10                                                                                                                       ( Certificate/diploma     # Online
NEW    Garden Photography #                                                                                NEW Surrealism: Ideas, Methods
                                                                     VISUAL ARTS                           and Techniques #
From the dawn of image-making, capturing
gardens, plants and flowers has been one of the                                                            Focusing on one of the most influential and
most enduring photographic themes. In this                                                                 provocative art movements of the 20th Century,
course, we’ll explore historical and contemporary                                                          this course introduces many of the ways the
botanicals and examine how, as a subject, they                                                             Surrealists tapped into the unconscious mind to
can provide a viable stream of income. We’ll                                                               liberate and express imagery that still continues
distinguish and practice the various approaches                                                            to inspire.
from close-ups to wide-angle scenes, and how
light and design are foundations to visually                                                               Weekly, we will examine different Surrealists,
strengthen our results.                                                                                    their methodology and art processes that
                                                                                                           include: automatic drawing, collage, frottage,
Assignments will range from tabletop set-ups to                                                            grattage, cubomania and many other techniques
landscapes incorporating compositional layering                                                            that will push your own art practice into
using either artificial or natural light. You’ll be                                                        uncharted waters. You will need to purchase a
encouraged to explore and incorporate your                                                                 small amount of art supplies for this class.
research and vision into your work.                   Low Impact Basketry                                  Instructor: Tony Bounsall (BAPA)
Instructor: Andrea Sirois                             In addition to hands-on learning of basketry
                                                      techniques, we will consider ethical/sustainable     Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
Delivery style: Online Hybrid                         collection of basketry materials. Using non-         Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 19 to Feb. 23
Date:           Saturdays, Feb. 20 to April 17        native, and non-endemic, plant species               Time:             6:30 to 8:30 pm
                (no class April 3)                    (previously collected by the instructor) you will
                                                                                                           Register by:      Friday, Jan. 15
                                                      be supported through the process of making
Time:           2 to 4:30 pm                                                                               Duration:         6 sessions
                                                      a beautiful woven object. Often unwanted or
Register by:    Tuesday, Feb. 16                      overlooked plant materials deemed invasive,          Fee:              $135 plus $6.75 GST
Duration:       8 sessions                            readily found in the Victoria area, can yield        Code:             ASVA152 2021S D01
Fee:            $190 plus $9.50 GST                   fantastic results!
Code:           ASVA151 2021S D01
                                                      Don’t worry if you are “all thumbs”. This class is
                                                      appropriate for both learners with no previous
iPhone/iPad Artography #                              basket weaving experience, as well as advanced
                                                      students. Please wear comfortable clothing. We
With an iPhone/iPad and a few choice apps             will take frequent stretch breaks, but please be
you can push your photographs beyond the              prepared to be sitting most of the day.
ordinary to the extraordinary. We will be covering
several different apps each week and look
                                                      In each class you will walk away with a
at ways to incorporate hand made textures,
                                                      small woven basket or other object, and the
collages and experimental images. Learn to
                                                      techniques to create larger baskets in the future.
collage, blend images together, add textures,
colour and digitally paint elements that look like
                                                      All materials are included. Note: this course is
watercolour and oil paintings. You will need to
                                                      limited to eight students.
purchase a small amount of art supplies as well
as several apps from the App Store, which will be
forwarded to you upon registration.
                                                      Instructor: Aurora Skala (MA)                             Delivery style definitions
                                                      Delivery style:   Face to Face                            Online Asynchronous – When learning
Instructor: Tony Bounsall (BAPA)
                                                      Date:             Sundays, Jan. 17 to 31                  does not occur in the same place or at
                                                      Time:             10 am to 3:30 pm                        the same time. It uses resources that
Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                                                                                facilitate information sharing outside
Date:             Tuesdays, March 9 to April 13       Duration:         3 sessions
                                                                                                                the constraints of time and place
Time:             6:30 to 9 pm                        Fee:              $260 plus $13 GST                       among a network of people.
Register by:      Friday, March 5                                       (includes materials)
Duration:         6 sessions                          Code:             ASVA136 2021S W01                       Online Synchronous – When a group of
                                                                                                                students are engaging in learning at the
Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST                                                                           same time, at a specific time.
Code:             ASVA128 2021S D01                   Instructor: Aurora Skala (MA)
                                                                                                                Online Hybrid – A combination of
                                                      Delivery style:   Face to Face                            synchronous and asynchronous learning.
                                                      Date:             Sundays, Feb. 21 to March 7
  FOR MORE INFORMATION:                                                                                         Face to Face – When learning occurs in
                                                      Time:             10 am to 3:30 pm
  Photography                                                                                                   person, at a physical location.
                                                      Duration:         3 sessions
  art.sci@uvic.ca                                     Fee:              $260 plus $13 GST                       Blended – A combination of face to face
                                                                        (includes materials)                    and any type of online delivery style.
                                                      Code:             ASVA136 2021S W02

continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                                                                    11
Basic Observational Drawing with                     Easy Mini Watercolours: Glazing and                 Easy Mini Watercolours: Washes –
Graphite #                                           Negative Space – Leaves and Flowers                 Mist and Islands
Knowing the fundamental methods of                   These little paintings will explore methods to      These little paintings will explore washes—wet
observational drawing is an important tool           layer colours using glazing to produce decorative   on wet and wet on dry—to create mist effects
for successfully and accurately depicting a          paintings of leaves and flowers. Colour theory      using islands and clouds as the subjects. It is
subject. Using graphite, you will explore the        will be introduced. Suitable for beginners.         recommended that you spend time at the beach
elements of drawing through mark making,                                                                 looking at islands and clouds and drawing the
line, shape, texture and volume. We’ll study         All materials supplied; please bring $20 to class   outlines of some islands to use in the paintings,
basic perspective, work towards understanding        to pay your instructor.                             before the class. Suitable for beginners.
positive and negative space and understand how
light and shade is applied on various forms and      Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)                  All materials supplied; please bring $20 to class
surfaces. This course is for people who are new to                                                       to pay your instructor.
drawing or who want to work on improving their       Delivery style:   Face to Face
basic observational drawing skills.                  Date:             Saturday, Jan. 23                 Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)
                                                     Time:             10 am to 4 pm
Instructor: Jeannette Sirois (MEd)                                                                       Delivery style:   Face to Face
                                                     Duration:         1 session
                                                     Fee:              $70 plus $3.50 GST                Date:             Saturday, Jan. 30
Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                     Code:             ASVA143 2021S W01                 Time:             10 am to 4 pm
Date:             Saturdays, Jan. 23 to Feb. 20
                                                                                                         Duration:         1 session
Time:             9:30 am to 12:30 pm
                                                                                                         Fee:              $70 plus $3.50 GST
Register by:      Tuesday, Jan. 19                   Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)
                                                                                                         Code:             ASVA144 2021S W01
Duration:         5 sessions
Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST                Delivery style:   Face to Face
Code:             ASVA141 2021S D01                  Date:             Saturday, March 13                Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)
                                                     Time:             10 am to 4 pm
                                                     Duration:         1 session                         Delivery style:   Face to Face
Instructor: Jeannette Sirois (MEd)                                                                       Date:             Saturday, March 27
                                                     Fee:              $70 plus $3.50 GST
                                                     Code:             ASVA143 2021S W02                 Time:             10 am to 4 pm
Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                                                                         Duration:         1 session
Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 26 to Feb. 23
                                                                                                         Fee:              $70 plus $3.50 GST
Time:             6:30 to 9:30 pm                      NEW    Creating Unique Art Books                  Code:             ASVA144 2021S W02
Register by:      Friday, Jan. 22
                                                     In this six-week hands-on workshop Victoria
Duration:         5 sessions
                                                     artist Trace Nelson will demonstrate various
Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST                techniques for building, decorating and             Easy Mini Watercolours:
Code:             ASVA141 2021S D02                  transforming found books into unique artist         Volume – Pebbles
                                                     book objects. Techniques will include: mono-
                                                                                                         These little paintings will explore layering to
                                                     printing; collage transformations of found books;
                                                                                                         create volume using pebbles as our subject. We
                                                     creating sketchbooks using simple Japanese          will create shadows, volume and texture using
                                                     book binding; and sketching and journaling          a combination of washes, dry brush and glazing
                                                     exercises to start creating artist books of your    techniques. Some experience using watercolours
                                                     own. Your instructor will provide key supplies      is suggested for this workshop.
                                                     used in the workshops (included in course fee).
                                                     Bring a sketchbook, pen and pencils, scissors and   All materials supplied; please bring $20 to class
                                                     glue stick to the first class.                      to pay your instructor.

                                                     Instructor: Trace Nelson (MFA)                      Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)

                                                     Delivery style:   Face to Face                      Delivery style:   Face to Face
                                                     Date:             Wednesdays, Jan. 27 to March 3    Date:             Saturday, Feb. 6
                                                     Time:             6 to 9 pm                         Time:             10 am to 4 pm
                                                     Duration:         6 sessions                        Duration:         1 session
                                                     Fee:              $205 plus $10.25 GST              Fee:              $70 plus $3.50 GST
                                                                       (includes materials)              Code:             ASVA145 2021S W01
                                                     Code:             ASVA148 2021S W01

12                                                                                                                      ( Certificate/diploma    # Online
Watercolour for Beginners                             Introduction to Portrait Drawing                   Keeping a Sketchbook: Be a Tourist
Workshop #                                            with Graphite #                                    in Your Own Town
This course introduces novice painters to             In this introductory course, we will explore the   While we won’t be travelling far anytime soon,
watercolour painting. We will review everything       complex topic of portrait drawing and break        this six-week workshop will give you a working
from the correct side of the paper to use, to         it down into manageable concepts. With easy-       knowledge of sketching with various drawing
how to hold a brush, how to clean your brushes,       to-follow exercises, we’ll examine the face in     materials, which you can use in keeping a travel
how to mix pigments together to create an             sections and focus on understanding how to get     sketchbook or to record daily life in your home
abundance of colour choices, and washes.              more accurate proportions, how to draw eyes,       town. Techniques covered: preparing a travel
Expect to have fun and learn through still-life and   nose and mouth and how to put it all together in   sketch pack, simple sketching and drawing
abstract painting!                                                                                       techniques, colour schemes, simple perspective,
                                                      a well-proportioned drawing.
                                                                                                         pen and ink, watercolour sketching, collaging
Note: Our first and last classes will be held in                                                         and keeping a travel diary.
                                                      Instructor: Jeannette Sirois (MEd)
person at the UVic campus. The four Tuesday
evening sessions will be taught through UVic’s                                                           Some supplies are required and will be explained
                                                      Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
secure Zoom site. A supply list will be attached to                                                      in the first session.
your receipt.                                         Date:             Saturdays, Feb. 27 to March 27
                                                      Time:             9:30 am to 12:30 pm              Instructor: Trace Nelson (MFA)
Instructor: Joanne Thomson (MAdEd)                    Register by:      Tuesday, Feb. 23
                                                      Duration:         5 sessions                       Delivery style:   Face to Face
Delivery style: Blended                                                                                  Date:             Saturdays, April 10 to May 15
                                                      Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST
Date:           Feb. 20 to March 20                                                                      Time:             1:30 to 4 pm
                                                      Code:             ASVA138 2021S D01
Time:           Saturdays, Feb. 20 and
                                                                                                         Duration:         6 sessions
                March 20, 1 to 4 pm (in class);
                Tuesdays, Feb. 23 to March 16,                                                           Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST
                                                       NEW Advanced Methods in Portrait
                6 to 9 pm (Zoom)                                                                         Code:             ASVA149 2021K C01
Register by:    Tuesday, Feb. 16
                                                      Drawing with Graphite #
Duration:       6 sessions                            This class is for students who have a good grasp
Fee:            $185 plus $9.25 GST                   of portrait drawing but would like to challenge
Code:           ASVA019 2021S B01                     themselves in developing their facial drawing        FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                                      skills. We’ll work on three main areas: eyes,        Visual Arts
                                                      mouth and skin and look at details from veins,       250-721-7797
Eyes Wide Shut: Drawing What We                       to water edges, to reflections and iris details.     art.sci@uvic.ca
Imagine                                               Students will also be shown how to work on           continuingstudies.uvic.ca/visual
                                                      the skin textures such as wrinkles and pores
We have all experienced the desire to portray an      and learn how to successfully use contouring
idea, concept or image we have in mind with a         and tonal ranges to depict accuracy in three
sketch. Maybe we want to capture something            dimensional facial structures.
we see in our mind’s eye. In this workshop,
through brief lectures, discussions and practice,     Instructor: Jeannette Sirois (MEd)
we’ll explore the scope of drawing, try out new
approaches and learn basic techniques.                Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
                                                      Date:             Saturdays, April 10 to May 8
This workshop also welcomes those with                                                                        Delivery style definitions
                                                      Time:             9:30 am to 12:30 pm
diminished eye-sight.
                                                      Register by:      Tuesday, April 6                      Online Asynchronous – When learning
                                                      Duration:         5 sessions                            does not occur in the same place or at
Instructor: Hermann Schmitt                                                                                   the same time. It uses resources that
                                                      Fee:              $165 plus $8.25 GST
                                                                                                              facilitate information sharing outside
Delivery style:   Face to Face                        Code:             ASVA153 2021K D01                     the constraints of time and place
Date:             Saturdays, Feb. 27 to March 13                                                              among a network of people.
Time:             1 to 4 pm
                                                                                                              Online Synchronous – When a group of
Duration:         3 sessions
                                                                                                              students are engaging in learning at the
Fee:              $130 plus $6.50 GST                                                                         same time, at a specific time.
                  (includes some basic supplies)
Code:             ASVA135 2021S W01                                                                           Online Hybrid – A combination of
                                                                                                              synchronous and asynchronous learning.

                                                                                                              Face to Face – When learning occurs in
                                                                                                              person, at a physical location.

                                                                                                              Blended – A combination of face to face
                                                                                                              and any type of online delivery style.

continuingstudies.uvic.ca • 250-472-4747                                                                                                                   13
Delivery style: Online Hybrid
     ONLINE ART AND DESIGN                               FOR MORE INFORMATION:                                  Date:           Saturdays, Jan. 23 to March 6
                                                         Online Art and Design                                                  (no class Feb. 13)
                                                                                                                Time:           10 am to noon
                                                                                                                Register by:    Tuesday, Jan. 19
                                                                                                                Duration:       6 sessions
                                                                                                                Fee:            $135 plus $6.75 GST
                                                          WRITING AND LITERATURE                                Code:           ASWL102 2021S D01

                                                                                                                 NEW How to Write Fast-Paced
                                                                                                                Novels #
                                                                                                                Writing novels like thrillers and mysteries require
                                                                                                                a fast pace combined with strong characters,
                                                                                                                believable situations and plenty of twists and
The Division of Continuing Studies, in                                                                          turns. This four part course includes detailed
partnership with the Ontario College of Art and                                                                 handouts as well as in-class and take home
Design University (OCAD), is pleased to offer                                                                   assignments. Learn how to foreshadow with
online educational opportunities for interested,                                                                clues, both false and real, as well as create strong
creative professionals. Registrants will have the                                                               heroes and villains. Students will learn how
added bonus of networking with other learners                                                                   write in their true voice, how to create a sense
across the country who share your interest in art                                                               of urgency, and how to give the reader a break.
and design. Note: all courses are offered online.                                                               By the end of this course students should have
                                                      Writing Flash Nonfiction #                                a concrete timeline, strong characters, great
The courses that will be available for registration   Flash non-fiction is a tightly written form of            locations and a solid plot.
this spring are:                                      creative non-fiction that packs maximum
• Introduction to Adobe Photoshop                     meaning into a minimum of words (generally 500            Instructor: Darcy Nybo
  Jan. 18 to Feb. 8, $345 plus GST                    to 750 or less). In this course, we’ll read and discuss
                                                                                                                Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
• Introduction to SketchUp                            examples of flash non-fiction by a wide range of
                                                      writers; explore venues that publish flash non-           Date:             Tuesdays, Jan. 26 to Feb. 16
  Jan. 18 to 25, $195 plus GST
                                                      fiction; do guided writing exercises; and exchange        Time:             6:30 to 8:30 pm
• Introduction to Adobe Illustrator                   feedback on the pieces that participants will write       Register by:      Friday, Jan. 22
  Jan. 19 to Feb. 23, $445 plus GST                   each week between sessions.                               Duration:         4 sessions
• Introduction to Video Editing                                                                                 Fee:              $95 plus $4.75 GST
  Jan. 19 to Feb. 23, $445 plus GST                   Instructor: Frances Backhouse (MFA)                       Code:             ASWL112 2021S D01
• Advanced Web Design, CSS and                        Delivery style: Online Hybrid
  JavaScript Frameworks
  Jan. 19 to Feb. 23, $445 plus GST
                                                      Date:           Mondays, Jan. 18 to March 1               Screenwriting #
                                                                      (no class Feb. 15)                        This course is for anyone who loves movies and
• Illustration Essentials
                                                      Time:           6:30 to 9 pm                              is interested in learning what it takes to write a
  Jan. 20 to Feb. 24, $445 plus GST
                                                      Register by:    Thursday, Jan. 14                         screenplay. Film is a visual media, but it all starts
• The Art of Type                                                                                               with a great idea and a well-written script. In
                                                      Duration:       6 sessions
  Jan. 27 to March 3, $445 plus GST                                                                             this course, you will learn to generate concepts,
                                                      Fee:            $155 plus $7.75 GST
• Introduction to Adobe InDesign                                                                                structure a screenplay, and use dialogue,
                                                      Code:           ASWL110 2021S D01                         conflict and characters to bring your stories to
  Feb. 3 to March 10, $445 plus GST
                                                                                                                life. Fun and informative, the class incorporates
• Interior Design Fundamentals                                                                                  film clips, creative exercises, in-class writing
  Feb. 3 to March 10, $445 plus GST                   Writing Your Sacred Story #
                                                                                                                assignments, and samples of screenplays from
• Intermediate Adobe Photoshop                        This class provides an opportunity for writers at         successful movies.
  Feb. 22 to March 29, $445 plus GST                  all levels to engage in the practice of spiritual
                                                      memoir. Through writing exercises, reading                Instructor: Joanne Wannan (MFA)
• Social Media Marketing for
                                                      from well-known works of spiritual memoir, and
  Creative Professionals
                                                      group dialogue we will explore how the ordinary           Delivery style:   Online Hybrid
  March 1 to April 5, $445 plus GST
                                                      experiences of our lives—triumphs, trials,                Date:             Wednesdays, Feb. 3 to March 24
• Intermediate Adobe Illustrator                      confusions, longings, and so-called mistakes—             Time:             6:30 to 9 pm
  March 2 to 23, $345 plus GST                        are part of the patterned fabric of a sacred story.
                                                                                                                Register by:      Saturday, Jan. 30
                                                      Instructor: Jane Dawson (PhD)                             Duration:         8 sessions
                                                                                                                Fee:              $180 plus $9 GST
                                                                                                                Code:             ASWL090 2021S D01

14                                                                                                                             ( Certificate/diploma      # Online
You can also read