Java PathExplorer - A Runtime Verication Tool

Page created by Shirley Cobb
Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics & Automation in Space:
           i-SAIRAS 2001, Canadian Space Agency, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22, 2001.

                Java PathExplorer - A Runtime Veri cation Tool
                                            Klaus Havelund
                                          Kestrel Technology
                                       NASA Ames Research Center
                                        Mo ett Field, CA, 94035

                                             Grigore Rosu
                          Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science
                                    NASA Ames Research Center
                                      Mo ett Field, CA, 94035

Keywords Software testing, runtime veri cation,            very ad hoc and do not allow for formal speci cation
event tracking, temporal logic based monitoring, er-       and veri cation or testing of the properties that a
ror pattern analysis, concurrent programs, dead-           system needs to satisfy.
locks, data races, Java, byte-code instrumentation.           The Automated Software Engineering group at
Abstract                                                   NASA Ames Research Center has for the last three
                                                           years worked on developing advanced veri cation
We describe recent work on designing an environ-           and testing technology for space applications. Part
ment, called Java PathExplorer, for monitoring the         of this work has consisted of performing case studies
execution of Java programs. This environment fa-           using formal methods, in particular model checking,
cilitates the testing of execution traces against high     to analyze space craft software [6]. Based on the
level speci cations, including temporal logic formu-       experiences of these case studies, two tools have fur-
lae. In addition, it contains algorithms for detecting     thermore been developed, both supporting full state
classical error patterns in concurrent programs, such      space exploration of Java programs using explicit
as deadlocks and data races. An initial prototype of       state model checking techniques [7, 14]. These tech-
the tool has been applied to the executive module of       niques allow for checking temporal logic properties
the planetary Rover K9, developed at NASA Ames.            on programs that have a few million states, but fail
In this paper we describe the background and mo-           to apply on large programs. Abstraction is required
tivation for the development of this tool, including       in order to increase the applicability of such tech-
comments on how it relates to formal methods tools         niques, an often manual and labor-some process.
as well as to traditional testing, and we then present        We present a new runtime veri cation system,
the tool itself.                                           Java PathExplorer (JPaX), for monitoring of Java
                                                           program execution traces. The general concept con-
                                                           sists of extracting events from an executing program,
1 Introduction                                             and then analyzing the events via a remote observer
                                                           process. The observer performs two kinds of ver-
Software is getting an increased importance in             i cation: logic based monitoring and error pattern
the development of space craft and rover technol-          analysis.
ogy within the space agencies. It is recognized               Logic based monitoring consists of checking exe-
that future space crafts will become highly au-            cution traces against user-provided formal require-
tonomous, taking decisions without communication           ment speci cations, written in high level logics.
from ground. Hence, the required software is be-           Logics are currently implemented in the speci ca-
coming more complex, increasing the risk of mission        tion language Maude [1], a high-performance system
failures. Testing of such systems therefore becomes        supporting both membership equational logic and
crucial. Traditional testing techniques, however, are      rewriting logic. Maude allows to de ne new logics in
a exible manner, such as for example temporal log-                  scribes the overall architecture of the system. Section
ics, together with their operational semantics. Cur-                3 describes the underlying logic formalisms for writ-
rently we support future time and past time linear                  ing requirement speci cations, while Section 4 de-
temporal logic as prede ned logics. The implemen-                   scribes some of the error detection algorithms for de-
tation of both these logics cover less than 130 lines,              bugging concurrent programs. Finally, Section 5 con-
hence de ning new logics, for example domain spe-                   tains conclusions and a description of future work.
ci c ones, should be very feasible for an advanced
user. The current version of Maude can do up to
3 million rewritings per second on 800Mhz proces-                   2 System Architecture
sors, and its compiled version is intended to support               The architecture of JPaX is shown in Figure 1. The
15 million rewritings per second. Hence Maude can                   input to JPaX consists of two entities (or rather
be used as the monitoring engine that performs the                  pointers to these): the Java program in byte-code
conformance checks of events against speci cations.                 format to be monitored (created using a standard
   Error pattern analysis consists of analyzing execu-              Java compiler) and the speci cation script de ning
tion events using various error detection algorithms                what kind of analysis is requested. The output is a
that can identify error-prone programming practices.                (possibly empty) set of warnings printed on a special
Examples are unhealthy locking disciplines that may                 screen.
lead to data races and deadlocks. For example, a
deadlock potential can be discovered from a single                                                Specifications

trace, even if that particular trace has no deadlocks,                                   Instrumentation              Verification
if it can be observed that lock acquisitions do not
follow a partial order. By not requiring the errors to
actually occur in order to be detected, this is a way                      Java                                                                  Observer
to obtain a high degree of coverage although only                            Program
one execution trace is examined. In general, we try                   Compile

                                                                                                       Event Stream
to identify various concurrency error patterns.                                                                                                     Datarace

   The idea of using temporal logic in program test-
                                                                                                                                                      LTL      Maude
ing is not new, and has already been pursued in the                  Instrument
commercial Temporal Rover tool (TR) [3], and in                           Instrumented

the MaC tool [10]. TR allows the user to specify                            Bytecode        Execute

temporal formulae as comments in programs. The

MaC tool is closer to what we describe in this pa-
per, except that its speci cation language is very                                    Figure 1: JPaX Architecture
limited compared to the Maude language. In ad-
dition, we combine speci cation checking with error                    The speci cation script consists of an instrumen-
pattern analysis. In a tool like Visual Threads [4, 13],            tation script and a veri cation script. The instru-
these runtime analysis algorithms have been hard-                   mentation script de nes how the program should be
wired into the system and are therefore dicult to                  instrumented while the veri cation script de nes ex-
change or extend by a user.                                         actly what kind of analysis should be performed, and
   Eventually the system should allow to monitor                    if logic based monitoring is requested: what proper-
programs composed of subprograms written in dif-                    ties should be veri ed. Currently, the scripts are
ferent programming languages including also C++                     written in Java, which calls Maude if needed. Thus,
and C. The system described in this paper will focus                high level Java language constructs can be used to
on Java. A case study of 90,000 lines of C++ code                   de ne the boolean predicates to be observed. Then
for a rover controller has been carried out, leading to             the values of those predicates are shipped to Maude
the detection of a deadlock with a minimal amount                   for deeper logic-based analysis.
of e ort. It is our main goal to make the system as                    JPaX can be regarded as consisting of three
general and generic as possible, allowing to handle                 main modules: an instrumentation module, an
multiple language systems, and allowing new veri -                  observer module, and an interconnection module
cation rules to be de ned, even de ning new spec-                   that ties them together through the observed event
i cation logics using Maude. This way we hope to                    stream. The instrumentation module performs a
make the system a basis for experiments rather than                 script-driven automated instrumentation of the pro-
a xed system.                                                       gram to be observed. The instrumented program,
   The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-                 when run, will emit relevant events to the interaction

                                                           Page 2
module, which further transmits them to the obser-                  easily de ne new logics or enrich the existing ones.
vation module. The observer may run on a di erent                   Notice that multiple logics can be used in parallel, so
computer, in which case the events are transmitted                  each property can be expressed in its most suitable
over a socket. User de ned options allow to de ne                   language. Since the Maude implementations of the
the general setup.                                                  current logics are quite compact, we took the liberty
   The instrumentation is performed using the Jtrek                 to include them in the paper.
Java byte-code engineering tool [2] from Compaq.
This tool allows to read Java class les (byte-code
  les), traverse them as abstract syntax trees while
                                                                    3.1 The Maude Language
examining their contents, and insert new code in a                  Maude [1] is a modularized speci cation and veri -
highly exible manner. The inserted code can access                  cation system that eciently implements rewriting
the contents of the method call-time stack at run-                  logic. It is relatively widely accepted that rewrit-
time, hence giving access to information needed in                  ing logic acts like a universal logic, in the sense that
the analysis. The extracted information is transmit-                other logics, or more precisely their syntax and op-
ted in the events. The observer receives the events                 erational semantics, can be implemented in rewrit-
and dispatches these to a set of observer rules, each               ing logic. Furthermore, Maude provides support for
rule performing a particular analysis that has been                 meta-programming, so complex logic dependent rea-
requested. Observer rules can be written in Maude                   soning strategies can be implemented as well; how-
or in a traditional programming language such as                    ever, we didn't need the meta-level yet, but we ex-
Java, or even C if speed is crucial. Generally, the                 pect to need it soon, as JPaX will be extended.
rule based design allows a user to easily de ne new                 There is not enough space to present the Maude no-
runtime veri cation procedures.                                     tation in more detail here, but we'll introduce some
   The only language speci c part of the system is the              of it \on the y" as we give examples, such as the
instrumentation module. If one wants to set up the                  following one.
environment for a di erent language, such as C++,
one will only have to replace this module. We tried                 3.1.1 Propositional Calculus
this together with Rich Washington, a member of
the Robotics group at NASA Ames, on a 90,000 line                   The following module for propositional calculus,
C++ application, just activating the deadlock detec-                which is heavily used in JPaX, implements an ef-
tion rule, and located a deadlock. This work will be                 cient procedure due to Hsiang [9] to decide validity
presented in a di erent publication.                                of propositions:
                                                                        fmod PROP-CALC is pr FORMULA .

3 Logic based Monitoring
                                                                        *** Constructors ***
                                                                          op _/\_ : Formula Formula -> Formula [assoc comm] .
                                                                          op _++_ : Formula Formula -> Formula [assoc comm] .
                                                                          vars X Y Z : Formula . var As* : AtomState* .

As previously mentioned, JPaX currently allows two                        eq true /\ X = X . eq false /\ X = false .
                                                                          eq false ++ X = X . eq X ++ X = false .
conceptually independent methodologies for runtime                        eq X /\ X = X .

veri cation. One is speci cation based monitoring,                        eq X /\ (Y ++ Z) = (X /\ Y) ++ (X /\ Z) .
                                                                        *** Derived operators ***
which is the subject of this section, and the other                       op _\/_ : Formula Formula -> Formula [assoc] .

is error pattern analysis presented in the next sec-                      op !_    : Formula -> Formula .
                                                                          op _->_ : Formula Formula -> Formula .
tion. The main di erence between the two is that                          op __ : Formula Formula -> Formula .

the rst counts upon an underlying logic in which                          eq X \/ Y = (X /\ Y) ++ X ++ Y .
                                                                          eq ! X = true ++ X .
the user can express any application dependent logi-                      eq X -> Y = true ++ X ++ (X /\ Y) .

cal requirements, while the second implements more                        eq X  Y = true ++ X ++ Y .
                                                                        *** Data structure & Semantics
or less standard programming language dependent                           eq (X /\ Y){As*} = X{As*} /\ Y{As*} .

algorithms that detect typical concurrency error po-                      eq (X ++ Y){As*} = X{As*} ++ Y{As*} .
tentials. In this way, we believe that JPaX o ers a
large, if not a full, spectrum of possibilities for run-            The underscores stay for arguments. The mod-
time veri cation.                                                   ule FORMULA which is \protected" (or imported) de-
   In order to write a runtime requirement speci ca-                  nes the infrastructure for all the user-de ned logics.
tion, the user should rst choose an appropriate logic               That includes some designated basic sorts (or types)
to express the intended properties. JPaX currently                  such as Formula for syntactic formulae, FormulaDS for
provides linear temporal logics, both future time and               formula data structures needed when more informa-
past time, as builtin logics, but one could relatively              tion then the formula itself should be kept for the

                                                           Page 3
next transition as in the case of past time linear                 even undiscovered ones, could be of greater interest
temporal logic, AtomState for assignments of boolean               than pure LTL. In the next subsections we brie y
values to atomic propositions and AtomState* for as-               describe our simple implementations of future time
signments as above together with nal assignments,                  and past time LTL in Maude.
i.e., those that are followed by the end of trace (our
semantics for the end of the execution trace is that of            3.2.1 Future Time LTL
a continuous process that doesn't change the state).
The user is free to extend these types and/or pro-                 Future time LTL can be implemented more easily
vide appropriate implementations for them as in the                than we initially thought on top of propositional cal-
module above. Perhaps the most important oper-                     culus. It basically needs only 8 rules, a pair for each
ation provided by the module FORMULA is an oper-                   operator:
ation f g:FormulaDS AtomState -> FormulaDS which
updates the formula data structure when an (ab-                        fmod FT-LTL is ex PROP-CALC .

stract) state change occurs during the execution of                    *** Syntax ***
                                                                         ops ([]_) (_) (o_) : Formula -> Formula .
the program. Notice that this update operation acts                      op _U_ : Formula Formula -> Formula .

like a morphism for propositional calculus, so it ba-                  *** Data structure & Semantics
                                                                         vars X Y : Formula . var As : AtomState .
sically evaluates the propositions in the new state.                     eq ([] X){As } = ([] X) /\ X{As} .
                                                                         eq ([] X){As *} = X{As *} .
                                                                         eq ( X){As } = ( X) \/ X{As} .

3.2 Linear Temporal Logics                                               eq ( X){As *} = X{As *} .
                                                                         eq (o X){As } = X .
                                                                         eq (o X){As *} = X{As *} .
Linear temporal logics (LTL) are widely accepted                         eq (X U Y){As } = Y{As} \/ (X{As} /\ (X U Y)) .
                                                                         eq (X U Y){As *} = Y{As *} .
as reasonably good formalisms to express require-                      endfm

ments of reactive systems. However, there is a tricky
aspect of speci cation based monitoring which dis-                   Each pair of rules says how a formula transforms
tinguishes it from other formal methods techniques,                during the execution of the program. More precisely,
such as model checking and theorem proving: the                    they implement the following simple equivalences:
end of trace. Sooner or later, the monitored pro-
gram will be stopped and so its execution trace. At                             st j= ' i      t j= 'fsg
that moment, the observer needs to take a decision                               s j= ' i      'fsg = true;
regarding the validity of the checked properties. Let
us consider for example the formula (p ! q). If                  where st is a trace formed by a state s followed by
each p was followed by at least one q during the mon-              a nonempty trace t, while s can also be viewed as
itored execution, then, at some extent one could say               the trace consisting of s followed by the end of trace.
that the formula was satis ed; but one should be                   A proof of correctness of this algorithm is given in
aware that this is not a de nite answer because the                [8]. Despite its overall exponential complexity, this
formula could have been very well violated in the fu-              algorithm tends to be quite acceptable in practical
ture if the program hadn't been stopped. If p was                  situations. We couldn't notice any sensible di erence
true and it was not followed by a q, then one could                in global concrete experiments with JPaX between
say that the formula was violated, but it may have                 this simple 8 rule algorithm and an automata based
been very well satis ed if the program had been let to             one that implements in 1,400 of Java code a Buchi
continue its execution. However, there are LTL prop-               automata algorithm adapted to nite trace LTL (see
erties that give the user absolute con dence during                Subsection 3.3).
the monitoring. For example, a violation of a safety
property re ects a clear misbehavior of the moni-                  3.2.2 Past Time LTL
tored program.
   The lesson that we learned from experiments with                Past time LTL is useful for especially safety prop-
LTL monitoring is twofold. On the one hand, we                     erties. These properties are very suitable for logic
learned that, unlike in model checking or theorem                  based monitoring because once they fail we know for
proving, LTL formulae and especially their violation               sure that the program is not correct. The imple-
or satisfaction must be regarded with provisions dur-              mentation of past time LTL is a bit more tedious.
ing monitoring. On the other hand, we developed a                  It is also built on top of propositional calculus, by
belief that LTL may not be the most appropriate for-               adding the usual two past time operators, ~ for pre-
malism for logic based monitoring; other more spe-                 vious and S for since, and then appropriate data
ci c logics, such as real time LTL, interval logics, or            structures and semantics:

                                                          Page 4
fmod PT-LTL is ex PROP-CALC .                                            O(nm), where n is the size of the trace and m is
*** Syntax
  op ~_ : Formula -> Formula .
                                                                         the size of the formula. Unfortunately, that algo-
  op _S_ : Formula Formula -> Formula .                                  rithm visits the execution trace backwards, meaning
*** Data structure & Semantics
  op ptLtl : Formula -> FormulaDS .
                                                                         that a formula can be tested only after the program
  op atom : Atom Bool -> FormulaDS .                                     is stopped and all its execution trace stored. Fortu-
  ops prev : FormulaDS Bool -> FormulaDS .
  ops and xor since : FormulaDS FormulaDS Bool -> FormulaDS .
                                                                         nately, the same idea applied on past time LTL yields
  vars X Y : Formula . vars D Dx Dy D' Dx' Dy' : FormulaDS .             by dualization a forwards algorithm which runs in
  var B : Bool . var A : Atom . var As : AtomState .
  eq ptLtl(true){As} = true . eq ptLtl(false){As} = false .
                                                                         the same time; it is hard to believe that one can test
  eq ptLtl(A){As} = atom(A, (A{As} == true)) .                           past time LTL formulae on nite traces faster.
  eq ptLtl(~ X){As} = false .
 ceq ptLtl(X S Y){As} = since(Dx, Dy, [Dy])                                 Taking into account the continuously decreasing
    if Dx := ptLtl(X){As} /\ Dy := ptLtl(Y){As} .                        price of storage, the backwards algorithm for future
 ceq ptLtl(X /\ Y){As} = and(Dx, Dy, [Dx] and [Dy])
    if Dx := ptLtl(X){As} /\ Dy := ptLtl(Y){As} .                        time LTL [12] is acceptable even beyond the proto-
 ceq ptLtl(X ++ Y){As} = xor(Dx, Dy, [Dx] xor [Dy])                      typing stage of the tool. Our colleague Dimitra Gi-
    if Dx := ptLtl(X){As} /\ Dy := ptLtl(Y){As} .
  eq [atom(A,B)] = B .                                                   annakopoulou took the challenge and implemented
  eq [prev(D,B)] = B .                                                   in about 1,400 lines of Java code a modi ed version
  eq [since(Dx,Dy,B)] = B .
  eq [and(Dx,Dy,B)] = B . eq [xor(Dx,Dy,B)] = B .                        of a Buchi automata algorithm that takes into ac-
  eq atom(A,B){As} = atom(A, (A{As} == true)) .                          count the particularities of nite trace LTL; the de-
  eq prev(D,B){As} = prev(D{As},[D]) .
 ceq since(Dx,Dy,B){As} = since(Dx',Dy',[Dy'] or B and [Dx])             tails of her implementation will appear elsewhere. It
    if Dx' := Dx{As} /\ Dy' := Dy{As} .                                  seems that nite trace LTL is a signi cantly simpler
 ceq and(Dx,Dy,B){As} = and(Dx',Dy',[Dx'] and [Dy'])
    if Dx' := Dx{As} /\ Dy' := Dy{As} .                                  and more computable logic than the standard in nite
 ceq xor(Dx,Dy,B){As} = xor(Dx',Dy',[Dx'] xor [Dy'])                     trace LTL. In particular, we were able to show the
    if Dx' := Dx{As} /\ Dy' := Dy{As} .
  eq atom(A,B){As *} = true .                                            existence and then generate a minimal standard au-
  eq prev(D,B){As *} = true .                                            tomaton from any formula, automaton that accepts
  eq since(Dx,Dy,B){As *} = true .
  eq and(Dx,Dy,B){As *} = true .                                         exactly those nite traces that satisfy the formula;
  eq xor(Dx,Dy,B){As *} = true .                                         this construction will also appear elsewhere.
                                                                            Our main concern at this stage is to investigate
   The operation ptLTL initializes/creates the data                      more suitable logics for monitoring than future time
structure associated to a past time LTL formula, the                     LTL rather than generating ecient implementa-
operation [ ] reads the current truth value of a for-                    tions for formula checkers. The exibility and ease
mula, while the operator f g updates a formula data                      in developing and/or modifying logics in rewriting
structure.                                                               logic, as well as its expressivity, eciency and sup-
                                                                         port for meta-programming, make Maude a perfect
                                                                         choice as a logic engine to validate user de ned re-
3.3 Observer Generation                                                  quirements at this early stage of JPaX.
As one naturally expects, monitoring via event ex-
traction can signi cantly slow down the normal ex-
ecution of the monitored program. In particular,                         4 Error Pattern Analysis
the two event bu ers of JPaX (one from the instru-
mented program to the observer and the other from                        Error pattern analysis is conceptually based on an-
the observer to Maude) sometimes slow down the                           alyzing an execution trace using various algorithms
original program by an order of magnitude. We are                        that are able to detect error potentials even though
still investigating the real reasons for this, but at this               errors do not explicitely occur in the examined exe-
stage we believe that a signi cant factor comes from                     cution trace. The goal is to extract as much infor-
the bu er communication between the observer im-                         mation as possible from a single execution trace to
plemented in Java and the logic engine implemented                       be able to suggest problems in other execution traces
in Maude. Therefore, it may be desirable to device                       that have not been explored. Two examples of such
Java implementations that directly check formulae                        algorithms focusing on concurrency errors have been
against execution traces, at least for those logics that                 implemented in JPaX: a data race analysis algo-
turn out to be heavily used.                                             rithm and a deadlock analysis algorithm. Previously,
   Since JPaX only uses linear temporal logics, we                       both algorithms have been implemented in the Vi-
concentrated only on future time and past time LTL                       sual Threads tool [4] to work for C and C++. Also,
so far. In [12] we showed how one could generate a                       in recent work we implemented the data race algo-
dynamic-programming based algorithm from any fu-                         rithm and a variant of the deadlock algorithm in the
ture time LTL formula, showing that it runs in time                      Java PathFinder tool [5] to work for Java by mod-

                                                                Page 5
ifying the Java Virtual Machine described in [14].                           an unsynchronized method get for reading the vari-
Our contribution here is to make these algorithms                            able. The Task class is a thread class, instances of
work for Java using byte-code instrumentation; to                            which can be started with the start method to ex-
integrate them with logic based monitoring; and to                           ecute their run method. Two such tasks are started
make it possible for an advanced user to program                             in the main program on two instances of the Value
new error pattern analysis rules in a exible manner.                         class. When running JPaX with the Eraser option
   Error pattern analysis algorithms typically do not                        switched on, a data race potential is found, report-
guarantee that errors are found since they, after all,                       ing that the variable x in class Value is accessed
work on a single arbitrary trace. They also may                              unprotected by the two Task threads in lines 4 and 6
yield false positives in the sense that analysis results                     respectively. The problem detected is that one Task
indicate warnings rather than hard error messages.                           thread can call the add method on an object, say v1 ,
What is attractive about such algorithms is, however,                        with a parameter Value object v2 , and this method
that they scale very well, and that they often seem                          in turn calls the unsynchronized get method on v2 .
to catch the problems they are designed to catch.                            The other thread can simultaneously make the dual
That is, the randomness in the choice of run does                            operation, hence, call the add method on v2 . Hence
not seem to imply a similar randomness in the anal-                          the x in v2 may be accessed simultaneously by the
ysis results. In the following we will shortly describe                      two threads. In fact two data race warnings are emit-
the data race and deadlock detection algorithms.                             ted since the same situation is possible with v1 and
                                                                             v2 interchanged.
4.1 Data Race Analysis                                                          One could argue that all methods should be syn-
                                                                             chronized such that data races can be detected us-
This section describes the Eraser algorithm as pre-                          ing simple type checking. However it is often seen
sented in [13], and how it has been implemented in                           that Java programmers avoid de ning all methods as
JPaX to work on Java programs. A data race oc-                               synchronized in order to optimize the program (syn-
curs when two concurrent threads access a shared                             chronization slows down an application somewhat).
variable and when at least one access is a write, and                        Furthermore, synchronization can alternatively be
the threads use no explicit mechanism to prevent the                         achieved by executing synchronized statements such
accesses from being simultaneous. The Eraser algo-                           as:
rithm detects data races in a program by studying
a single run of the program, and from this trying to
conclude whether any other runs with data races are                                }

possible. We will illustrate the data race analysis                          In this case it becomes impossible to detect data race
with the following example.                                                  potentials syntactically. This is the situation in lan-
 1.   class Value{                                                           guages such as C and C++ using Pthreads [11].
 2.     private int x = 1;                                                      The basic algorithm works as follows. Two data
 4.       public synchronized void add(Value v){x = x + v.get();}            structures are maintained in the observer: a thread
 5.                                                                          map keeps track of which locks are owned by any
 7.   }
          public int get(){return x;}
                                                                             thread at any point in time. The second data struc-
 8.                                                                          ture, a variable map, associates with each (shared)
      class Task extends Thread{
        Value v1; Value v2;                                                  variable in the program at any point in time the
11.                                                                          biggest set of locks that has been commonly owned
          public Task(Value v1,Value v2){
            this.v1 = v1; this.v2 = v2;                                      by all accessing threads in the past. If this set be-
14.         this.start();                                                    comes empty a data race potential exists. That is,
                                                                             when a eld is accessed for the rst time, the locks
17.       public void run(){v1.add(v2);}                                     owned by the accessing thread at that time are stored
                                                                             in this set. Subsequent accesses by other threads
20.   class Main{                                                            causes the set to be reduced to its intersection with
        public static void main(String[] args){
          Value v1 = new Value(); Value v2 = new Value();                    the locks owned by those threads. An extra state ma-
23.       new Task(v1,v2); new Task(v2,v1);                                  chine is introduced for each eld to keep track of how
25.   }
                                                                             many threads have accessed the variable and how.
                                                                             This is used to reduce false positives in the case for
  The Value class de nes an integer variable x, a                            example elds are initialized by a single thread with-
synchronized method add for updating the variable                            out locks (which is safe) or several threads just read
(adding the contents of another Value variable), and                         a variable after it has been initialized (which is also

                                                                    Page 6
safe). Amongst the events that are important for the                5 Conclusions
data race analysis are monitor lockings and releases;
either resulting from executing Java's synchronized                 A brief description of JPaX, a runtime veri cation
statements or from calling/returning from synchro-                  environment currently under experimentation and
nized methods. Furthermore, all accesses to eld                     development, was presented. Motivation and inte-
variables and class variables are analyzed.                         gration in the overall NASA Ames automated soft-
                                                                    ware engineering e ort was highlighted, emphasizing
                                                                    that our main goal was to smoothly combine test-
Deadlock Detection                                                  ing and formal methods, while avoiding some of the
                                                                    pitfalls from ad hoc testing and the complexity of
A classical deadlock situation can occur where two                  full-blown theorem proving and model checking. A
threads t1 and t2 share two locks v1 and v2 , and they              general system architecture of JPaX was depicted,
take the locks in di erent order. The deadlock will                 followed by more detailed explanations of its com-
arise if t1 takes v1 and t2 immediately after takes v2 .            ponents, especially logic based monitoring and error
Now t1 cannot get v2 and t2 cannot get v1 . Using                   pattern analysis.
the previous example, we can create such a situation                   In future work on logic based monitoring, we will
if we wrongly try to repair the data race by de ning                experiment with new logics in Maude more appro-
the get method in line 6 as synchronized:                           priate to monitoring than LTL, such as interval and
                                                                    real time logics and UML notations. The latter al-
                                                                    lows to check original designs (via state charts and/or
      6. public synchronized int get(){return x;}

Now the x variable can no longer be accessed simulta-               sequence diagrams) against "real" execution traces.
neously from two threads, and the data race module                  A longer term agenda is oriented toward fast imple-
will no longer give a warning. However, when run-                   mentations of designated logics in more conventional
ning JPaX on the modi ed program, a lock order                      programming languages than Maude, thus improving
problem not present before is found and a warning                   the overall speed of the monitoring process. Future
states that two object instances of the Value class are             work on error pattern analysis will try to develop
taken in a di erent order by the two Task threads,                  new algorithms for detecting other kinds of concur-
and it indicates the line numbers where the threads                 rency errors than data races and deadlocks, and of
may potentially deadlock, hence where the access to                 course to try to improve existing algorithms.
the second lock may fail: line 4 where the call of the                 We will also study completely new functionalities
get method from the add method will lock the sec-
                                                                    of the system, such as guided execution via code in-
ond object. Note that this deadlock does not need                   strumentation to explore more of the possible inter-
to occur in the execution in order for this warning                 leavings of a non-deterministic concurrent program
to be issued. In fact, any execution of this example                during testing; and guidance of the program dur-
program will cause a warning to be issued.                          ing operation once a requirement speci cation has
   The algorithm works as follows. Two data struc-                  been violated. Dynamic programming visualization
tures are maintained in the observer: as in the data                is also a future subject, where we regard a visualiza-
race algorithm a thread map keeps track of which                    tion package as just another rule in the observer.
locks are owned by any thread at any point in time.                    A more user friendly interface, both graphical and
The second data structure, a lock graph, maintains                  functional, will be provided, in addition to an im-
an accumulating graph of all the locks taken by                     proved modularization of the whole system such that
threads during an execution, recording locking or-                  to easily adapt it to various programming languages
ders as edges. That is, an edge is introduced from a                and various instrumenting methodologies. Of course,
lock v1 to a lock v2 in case a thread owns v1 while                 the tool will be evaluated on real case studies.
taking v2 . If this graph ever becomes cyclic it re-
  ects a deadlock potential. Note that this algorithm
can catch deadlock potentials between many threads
as illustrated for example by the classical dining                   [1] M. Clavel, F. J. Duran, S. Eker, P. Lincoln,
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