Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...

Page created by Carolyn Walker
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
                  Annual Report
Leading through
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
Preparing Victorians for new
   environment protection laws

                                  400+                                                                      Contents
                                  Activities and
                                  events to support
                                  awareness and compliance
                                                                                                            01 Declaration                                                                  2

           3,000+                                                    1,000+                                 02 About EPA Victoria and this Annual Report

                                                                                                            03 Chair’s report

                                                                               Registrations with
           Organisations                                                           EPA’s Industry           04 Chief Executive Officer’s report                                             5
           engaged                                                           Partnership Program
                                        +13,000                                                             05 How EPA works

                                                                                                            06 Our response to the pandemic

                                        Webinar views (on EPA’s
                                        YouTube channel)                                                    07 2020–21 performance                                                         10

                                                                                                            08 Financial performance summary                                              54

                                                                                                            09 Organisational structure and governance arrangements                       55

                                                                                                            10 Occupational health and safety                                             62
                                                           environmental harm
                                                                                                            11   Workforce data                                                           65

                                                                                                            12   Other disclosures                                                        69

     18,121                                                                                                 13


                                                                                                                 Disclosure index

     26%    increase
            on 2019-20              487                                       9,115                         15   Responsible body’s declaration                                            87
     Pollution reports              Pollution abatement                       Fines for                     16   Independent Auditor’s Report                                             88
     from community                 notices issued                            environmental
                                                                              offences                      17   How these financial statements are structured                            90

                                                                                                            18   Comprehensive Operating Statement                                         91

                    2,595                           22                                                      19   Balance Sheet

                                                                                                            20 Statement of Changes in Equity

                    Inspections                     Prosecutions
                                                                                                            21   Cash Flow Statement                                                      94

                                                                                                            22 Notes to the Financial Statements                                          95

Our Zero Tolerance
Fire Prevention                                           352                                               All images in this annual report were taken in accordance with relevant public health measures at the time.
Program                                                   inspections
                                                          across 213 sites
                                                                                                            Cover images: Top: EPA officers inspect the Broderick Road cleanup site. This clean-up will see the removal
                                                                                                            and safe disposal of approximately 335,000m3 of waste and is on track for completion by mid-2022.

                                                                                                            Bottom left: A Senior Environment Protection Officer attends the August 2020 MRI Battery Recycling fire
                                                                                                            in Campbellfield to monitor fire fighting run-off quality.
                                                                                                            Bottom right: Supporting local businesses to understand their obligations under Victoria’s new
                                                                                      comprehensive         environment laws.
                                                                                      fire investigations

Fire                                     Revised
prevention                               guidelines                          43%
onsite posters                    for combustible                  of inspected sites
translated into                   recyclable and                   issued with a notice
five languages                    waste materials                  or sanction referral                                                                                                                EPA Annual Report 2020/21   1
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
01   Declaration                                                                                   02      About EPA Victoria
                                                                                                           and this Annual Report

     In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, we are pleased to present               Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA)
                                                                                                                                                            Our purpose
     Environment Protection Authority Victoria’s Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2021.   is an independent statutory authority under the
                                                                                                   Environment Protection Act 2017. EPA’s Governing         We protect the environment and people by
                                                                                                   Board is responsible for the governance, strategic       preventing and reducing harm from pollution
                                                                                                   planning and pursuit of EPA’s objective — to protect     and waste.
                                                                                                   human health and the environment by reducing the
                                                                                                   harmful effects of pollution and waste. EPA is part of   Our values
                                                                                                   the portfolio of the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister
                                                                                                                                                            Successful implementation of EPA’s
                                                                                                   for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and
                                                                                                                                                            organisational strategy, Our environment,
                                                                                                   Minister for Solar Homes.
                                                                                                                                                            Our health, requires every staff member to live
     Professor Kate Auty                             Mr Lee Miezis
                                                                                                                                                            our values. These values, applied consistently
     Chair                                           Chief Executive Officer                       Our vision                                               by our people in our interactions with Victorians,
     Responsible Body                                Accountable Officer
                                                                                                   A healthy environment that supports a liveable           will deliver one experience of EPA.
     Melbourne                                       Melbourne                                     and prosperous Victoria now and always.                  In addition to being exemplars of the Victorian
     1 November 2021                                 1 November 2021
                                                                                                                                                            Public Service values, EPA’s values are:
                                                                                                   Our strategic goals
                                                                                                   To do our part in creating a healthy environment,
                                                                                                   we focus on five goals:                                  ›   We focus effort for best result
                                                                                                   1.	Prevent harm: We prevent harm from pollution         ›   We are evidence and risk based
                                                                                                       and waste by leveraging good environmental           ›   We learn from experience
                                                                                                       performance across community, business
                                                                                                       and government.
                                                                                                                                                            ›   We are agile and innovative.

                                                                                                   2.	Equip community and business: We support             Partnership
                                                                                                       Victorians to understand the condition of their      ›   We support each other
                                                                                                       environment and we work to ensure shared
                                                                                                       responsibility is accepted and understood
                                                                                                                                                            ›   We welcome diversity

                                                                                                       by community and business.                           ›   We listen and learn

                                                                                                   3.	Be an influential authority: We are a trusted        ›   We involve people in decisions that affect them.
                                                                                                       source of advice on Victoria’s environment           Accountability
                                                                                                       and influential in working with others to
                                                                                                       address complex problems resulting from              ›   We do what we say we will
                                                                                                       pollution and waste.                                 ›   We make timely decisions

                                                                                                   4.	Respond to harm: We hold polluters to account        ›   We use sound judgement
                                                                                                       and work with our partners to respond to             ›   We are transparent and objective.
                                                                                                       pollution, emergency incidents and legacy
                                                                                                       contamination to minimise harm to Victoria’s         Definitions
                                                                                                       environment and people.
                                                                                                                                                            Scientific and technical terms used in this
                                                                                                   5.	Organisational excellence: As an organisation,       annual report are defined on page 83.
                                                                                                       we commit to delivering on our goals by
                                                                                                       enabling a high-performance culture that
                                                                                                       values our people and supports them with
                                                                                                                                                            EPA publications
                                                                                                       fit-for-purpose systems and expertise.               All publications referred to in this Annual Report can
                                                                                                                                                            be accessed at www.epa.vic.gov.au/publications

                                                                                                                 EPA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the first peoples and Traditional custodians of the
                                                                                                                 land and water on which we live, work and depend. We pay respect to Aboriginal Elders
                                                                                                                 past and present. As Victoria’s environmental regulator, we pay respect to how Country has
                                                                                                                 been protected and cared for by Aboriginal people over many tens of thousands of years.
                                                                                                                 We acknowledge the unique spiritual and cultural significance of land, water and all that
                                                                                                                 is in the environment to Aboriginal people and Traditional custodians – and the continuing
                                                                                                                 connection and aspirations for Country.

2                                                                                                                                                                                      EPA Annual Report 2020/21     3
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
03   Chair’s report                                                                                     04      Chief Executive Officer’s report

     As Victorians navigated the challenges of a global pandemic and a year of                          2020-21 marked a year of change and uncertainty as we continued to navigate
     significant uncertainty, our focus on Leading through Change could not be                          the global pandemic.
     more relevant.
                                                                                                        For EPA, this called for new ways to deliver our     This program resulted in more than 360
     This year marked a significant milestone for EPA, with the commencement of new laws that           services and a focus on supporting our people,       inspections across 200 sites since January, with
     provide us with the regulatory tools and powers to be more agile and support our focus of          vulnerable communities and government                our officers addressing hazards and unsafe
     proactively working with others to reduce the risk of harm from pollution and waste before         partners involved in responding to coronavirus       practices such as oversized and poorly separated
     it occurs.                                                                                         (COVID-19).                                          waste stockpiles, as well as a lack of fire
                                                                                                        The year also saw the conclusion of our              prevention and firefighting controls.
     This shift to preventative action in our regulatory focus required extensive engagement
     with stakeholders to explain our new legislation in the context of their operations. Due to the    multi-year transformation program with the           In June, we launched a Regional Sensor Pilot
     pandemic, this engagement took new forms, including online webinars and live question and          commencement of the Environment Protection           Project to report on the levels of fine particles less
     answer sessions.                                                                                   Act 2017 on 1 July 2021 — new laws that equip EPA    than 2.5 micrometres in diameter (PM2.5) in the air
                                                                                                        with stronger and more contemporary regulatory       from sources such as smoke in an additional 49
     I would like to acknowledge and thank our former Chief Executive Officer, Dr Cathy Wilkinson,
                                                                                                        powers to prevent harm to communities and the        regional Victorian towns.
     for her tremendous contribution during her five years with EPA and welcome incoming Chief
                                                                                                        environment from pollution and waste.                This rollout complemented the 41 existing
     Executive Officer, Mr Lee Miezis, who joined us in February.
                                                                                                                                                             monitoring sites across Melbourne, Geelong
     It was also with some sadness — but also great pride — that EPA farewelled Victoria’s inaugural    Supporting Victoria’s coronavirus                    and the Latrobe Valley, as well as the Victoria
     Chief Environmental Scientist, Dr Andrea Hinwood, following her appointment as Chief Scientist     response                                             State Emergency Service community smoke
     with the United Nations Environment Programme.
                                                                                                        As part of the Victorian Government’s response       monitoring program and EPA’s incident air
     I look forward to working with our new Chief Environmental Scientist, Professor Mark Patrick       to the pandemic, EPA supported industry and          monitoring capacity.
     Taylor, who joined us in July from Macquarie University where he was Professor of Environmental    business compliance through participation in a
     Science and Human Health, specialising in environmental contamination.                             multi-agency surveillance program focused on         Responding to harm
     I also acknowledge our Governing Board for their commitment and ongoing support to me in my        high-risk industries. Key to compliance was our      Throughout the year, EPA responded to 104
     capacity as chair. In October 2020 we welcomed Ms Kay Rundle, an accomplished business leader      oversight of clinical waste treatment and disposal   emergency incidents (almost double the number
     and chair of both the Public Transport Ombudsman and Western Leisure Services. A special           facilities and secondary storage sites.              of incidents in 2019–20) and 14 major incidents,
     thank you to former board member, Professor Rebekah Brown, for her contribution to EPA.            We also partnered with the Department of             including crisis management and compliance
     Finally, I want to thank our many stakeholders and the community for their support, and our        Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)        support for Victoria’s pandemic response, fires
     people at EPA for their resilience during a year of unprecedented change.                          and the Municipal Association of Victoria to         at waste and recycling sites, and wastewater
                                                                                                        manage onsite domestic wastewater systems,           treatment plant pollution.
     Notwithstanding the challenges of the past year, EPA continues to protect both the health of our
                                                                                                        and developed noise pollution guidance in            Following Victoria’s bushfires in 2019–20, work
     environment and our community from the harmful effects of pollution and waste — fundamental
                                                                                                        response to the increase in people working from      continued to safely remove and dispose of
     work for Victoria’s future prosperity and liveability.
                                                                                                        home, as well as extended hours of operation         waste materials in Gippsland and the state’s
     I eagerly anticipate the year ahead as we continue to work together with, and on behalf of,        for essential services and important projects.       northeast region.
     all Victorians.                                                                                    This guidance was used by DELWP and Local
                                                                                                                                                             EPA was also part of a working group established
                                                                                                        Government Victoria to shape policy and
                                                                                                                                                             to achieve consistency across states and
                                                                                                        communications approaches more broadly.
                                                                                                                                                             territories in air quality categories and
                                                                                                                                                             messaging by the Commonwealth Government’s
                                                                                                        Preventing harm to our community
                                                                                                                                                             Environmental Health Standing Committee.
                                                                                                        In 2020–21, EPA continued work on several
                                                                                                        cleanups of high-risk sites, including Broderick     Preparation for 1 July
     Professor Kate Auty
                                                                                                        Road at Lara, which is due for completion in
     Chair                                                                                                                                                   With the 1 July introduction of Victoria’s new
     Environment Protection Authority Victoria                                                                                                               environment protection laws, EPA engaged
                                                                                                        About 200 tonnes of hazardous waste was              extensively with Victorian industry and business
     1 November 2021
                                                                                                        removed from an illegal chemical waste dump          through reference groups and online webinars.
                                                                                                        at Lemon Springs in Victoria’s Wimmera region
                                                                                                                                                             As part of our Business Support Model, we
                                                                                                        as part of a remediation project that started
                                                                                                                                                             launched a Small Business Program pilot to
                                                                                                        in March.
                                                                                                                                                             educate small to medium-sized businesses on
                                                                                                        Early this year, EPA launched a Fire Prevention      their obligations under our new laws.
                                                                                                        Program to respond to the high risk of fires at
                                                                                                        waste and resource recovery facilities.

4                                                                                                                                                                                       EPA Annual Report 2020/21     5
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
04   Chief Executive Officer’s report
                                                                                                                05    How EPA works

     This program was developed with the support of          Thank you                                           EPA is an independent statutory authority. The principal environmental legislation in
     the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce                                                                Victoria we operated under during 2020–21 was the Environment Protection Act 1970.
                                                             I would like to acknowledge our former Chief
     and the Drycleaning Institute of Australia and
                                                             Executive Officer, Dr Cathy Wilkinson, who left     This Act defines EPA’s powers, duties and functions, and provides a framework for the
     included participation by 75 dry-cleaning,
     automotive repair and maintenance and body
                                                             EPA in early January 2021, and thank her for her    prevention and control of air, land and water pollution, industrial noise and waste.
                                                             leadership and contribution to the organisation.
     repair businesses.
                                                             I look forward to building on her work and
     To support compliance, onboarding for a new                                                                 During this financial year there were two other    The responsible Minister for the 2020–21 reporting
                                                             commitment to Victoria’s environment
     GPS-enabled waste tracking system, Waste                                                                    relevant environment protection acts: the          period was the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister
                                                             and community.
     Tracker, commenced in May. As of 1 July, more                                                               Environment Protection Act 2017, which sets out    for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
                                                             Thank you to our board members for their            our governance structure and objectives, and the    and Minister for Solar Homes.
     than 500 businesses had registered, including
                                                             invaluable guidance and support during a            Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018,
     more than 80 per cent of high-volume users.                                                                                                                    EPA works closely with portfolio partners —
                                                             challenging year. Going forward, a key goal         which introduces many key reforms to Victoria’s
     This year also saw the development of a new                                                                                                                    Department of Environment, Land, Water and
                                                             for EPA’s Governing Board and executive             environment protection legislation. From 1 July
     digital notifications tool that enables EPA to triage                                                                                                          Planning and Sustainability Victoria — to develop
                                                             management is delivering our roles and              2021, the 1970 Act was repealed and the EPA now
     notifications of contaminated land and focus our                                                                                                               environment protection policy and legislation
                                                             responsibilities under the new Environment          operates under the 2017 Act (as amended by
     regulatory efforts based on risk of harm.                                                                                                                      and deliver programs that support protection
                                                             Protection Act, implementing our operating          the 2018 Act).                                     of the environment.
     Under the new laws, anyone in management                model planned for the first quarter of 2021–22,
                                                                                                                 EPA engages and works with community and           EPA also works closely with local government and
     or control of contaminated land is required to          and achieving our aspiration of being a
                                                                                                                 industry across Victoria. We have regional         other Victorian Government departments and
     minimise risks of harm to human health and the          world-class regulator in protecting Victorian
                                                                                                                 offices in Bendigo, Dandenong, Geelong, Preston,   regulators to achieve better environmental and
     environment so far as reasonably practicable            communities and the environment from the
                                                                                                                 Sunshine, Traralgon and Wangaratta. EPA’s          health outcomes and ensure better long-term
     and to notify EPA if land is contaminated in            impacts of pollution and waste.
                                                                                                                 Centre for Applied Sciences is located in          economic development. These include WorkSafe
     certain circumstances.                                  Finally, my thanks to EPA’s people for their        Macleod. Our central office is located at          Victoria, the Department of Health (formerly the
     A key priority for EPA was also building the            resilience and unwavering commitment to our         200 Victoria Street, Carlton.                      Department of Health and Human Services) and
     regulatory capability of our people, with 92 per        work during a year of tremendous change to
                                                                                                                                                                    emergency services.
     cent of our authorised officers completing a            the lives of all Victorians.
     learning and development program in the lead-           I look forward to the year ahead as we continue
     up to 1 July. This program combined face-to-face        to adapt to new ways of working, embrace
     and virtual classroom sessions, coaching with           opportunities and deliver services that meet
     mentors, webinars, digital learning, workplace-         the needs of our community and environment
     based practice and assessment.                          in a rapidly changing and evolving world.

     Lee Miezis
     Chief Executive Officer
     Environment Protection Authority Victoria
     1 November 2021

6                                                                                                                                                                                            EPA Annual Report 2020/21   7
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06   Our response to the pandemic

     EPA staff actively supported our internal Agency        ›   Providing a quarterly waste crime report on
     Command team and whole-of-government                        high-risk waste sites
     response to the pandemic which included:                ›   Providing targeted communications (fact
     ›   Providing regular intelligence summaries                sheets and posters) for aged care waste
         about coronavirus impacts on EPA’s regulatory           management and wastewater authorities.
         landscape                                           During 2020–21, working from home was the
     ›   Identifying sites of concern and adapting           default option for our workforce. Initiatives were
         the risk assessment approach to include             implemented to support the physical and mental
         coronavirus-specific risk attributes                health of our people as they continued to deliver
                                                             our regulatory services.

                                                                                                                        This image was taken in accordance with relevant public health measures at the time.


     Clinical waste increased significantly in 2020–21 across workplaces, aged care                                 ›     Additional guidance for industry and the                         ›   Direct advice to clinical waste transporters
                                                                                                                          community about clinical waste management                            and treaters.
     centres and hospitals, leading to risks of stockpiling and mismanagement and                                         and temporary storage applications                               We have continued to collaborate with the
     the potential for illegal waste disposal. This followed the declaration of a State
     of Emergency in Victoria on 16 March 2020 in response to the pandemic.
                                                                                                                    ›     Delivery of online training on waste                             Department of Environment, Land, Water and
                                                                                                                          management for aged care and disability                          Planning and other agencies to inform the
                                                                                                                          facilities                                                       State Government’s broader oversight of clinical
     As Victoria’s environmental regulator, EPA’s            related to the coronavirus health response.            ›     Updated web pages and social media content                       waste issues.
     oversight of clinical waste treatment and disposal      Coronavirus (COVID-19): Disposing of PPE at home             with advice for generators, transporters and
     facilities, and secondary storage sites increased       and in the workplace was used by households and              treaters of clinical waste
     markedly.                                               workplaces using personal protective equipment
     We expedited emergency approvals and permit             and workplaces undergoing a deep clean.
     requests to enable more transport and storage           We also participated in webinars for health care,
     capacity for clinical waste waiting for treatment       aged care and disability services and participated
     and disposal and developed new conditions
     under section 30A of our legislation to support
     onsite volume reporting.
                                                             in waste sector meetings facilitated by the Minister
                                                             Energy, Environment and Climate Change.                Waste
                                                                                                                                                                                  39 additional
                                                             What we delivered                                                                                                    waste transport vehicles
     Through industry engagement we found
     that many aged care facilities were taking a            ›   A rapid deployment of additional authorised        achievements
     conservative approach to categorising waste and             transport and storage capacity for clinical
     disposing food waste and small furniture items as           waste, including:
     clinical waste.                                             • 39 additional transport vehicles                                                                                                            Clinical waste storage
     Workplaces without cases were also eager to
     dispose of masks, gloves and other personal
                                                                 • Storage for an additional 215 tonnes and                                                                                                   for an additional
                                                                    35 shipping containers (equating to about

     protective equipment.                                          1,000 cubic metres)
     As a result, EPA developed new guidance to                  • Increased capacity for safe treatment

                                                                                                                    30                                                                                         tonnes
     support better decision making around what                     and disposal
     constitutes clinical waste and personal protective
                                                                 • Interstate waste movement approvals
     equipment disposal in workplaces. Coronavirus
     (COVID-19): Disposing clinical waste was used by
     aged care facilities, disability services, workplaces
                                                             ›   Heightened regulatory oversight, including
                                                                 inspections and monitoring
                                                                                                                    applications                                                                               plus 35 shipping
     with confirmed coronavirus cases, community-            ›   Improved reporting requirements for                to enable emergency waste
      based health services and any other services               emergency approvals                                management (transport,
                                                                                                                    storage and disposal/

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EPA Annual Report 2020/21   9
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
07   2020–21 performance

                                                                                                  GOAL 1 Prevent harm
     EPA’s work is guided by our                                                                  We prevent harm from pollution and waste by leveraging good
                                                                                                  environmental performance across community, business and government.

     organisational strategy,
     Our environment, Our health.                                                                 Outcome 1.1
                                                                                                  Regulatory effort delivers greatest
                                                                                                                                                         coronavirus medical waste, an avian flu outbreak
                                                                                                                                                         and flooding events.
                                                                                                                                                         In a Supreme Court determination relating to
                                                                                                  preventative effect, informed by
                                                                                                                                                         Melbourne Regional Landfill, the court supported
     2020–21 was the fourth year of the strategy’s implementation.                                science and intelligence.                              EPA’s approach in assessing applications for
     Our annual plan sets out our delivery priorities according to our                                                                                   works approvals, including application of the
                                                                                                  Works approval and statutory approval
     five key goals:                                                                              applications
                                                                                                                                                         State Environment Protection Policy (Air Quality
                                                                                                                                                         Management). It also supported EPA’s risk
                                                                                                  Over the past year, EPA provided 22 works              assessment in the absence of odour modelling
                                                                                                  approvals. Of these, six were complex assessments      or adequate odour modelling to inform the works
                                                                                                  (one of which was ultimately withdrawn) involving      approval process using field odour assessment
                                                                                                  Great Southern Waste, Chunxing, GB Energy,             techniques.
                          1. Prevent harm                                                         Longwarry Saleyard, Camperdown Compost and             This year, EPA received three environment
                                                                                                  AGL Crib Point. There were 52 works approval           management plans for approval under the
                                                                                                  exemptions, where it was determined that a works       Environment Protection (Management of Tunnel
                                                                                                  approval was not required.                             Boring Machine Spoil) Regulations 2020.
                                                                                                  Works approvals allow individuals and                  Three companies (Hi-Quality Quarry Products,
                                                                                                  businesses to conduct works or make changes            Western Soil Treatment and Cleanaway
                          2. Equip community and business                                         to their premises that may pose some risk
                                                                                                  to the environment. They can be for building
                                                                                                                                                         Operations) submitted the plans as part of a
                                                                                                                                                         tender process, run by the joint venture building
                                                                                                  construction, installing new plant equipment, or       the West Gate Tunnel Project, to identify where
                                                                                                  changing infrastructure, discharge or emission         tunnel boring machine spoil from the project
                                                                                                  limits, or work processes.                             would be taken.
                                                                                                  In many cases, proposals received for works            The plans were reviewed and approved on the
                                                                                                  approvals are significantly improved through
                          3. Be an influential authority                                          the application process, with applicants
                                                                                                                                                         basis EPA was satisfied they met strict conditions
                                                                                                                                                         designed to protect human health and the
                                                                                                  required to clearly demonstrate how they will          environment. The approvals were dependent on
                                                                                                  achieve regulatory standards. Section 20B of           additional detailed information being provided to
                                                                                                  the Environment Protection Act 1970 allows us to       EPA about the construction methods and quality
                                                                                                  invite all or any interested parties to a conference   control measures.
                                                                                                  to assist in a just resolution of any matter. This
                                                                                                  year, we completed several section 20B online          Following legal action lodged against the approval
                          4. Respond to harm                                                      conferences to consider the views and concerns         of the Western Soil Treatment environment
                                                                                                                                                         management plan and out of an abundance of
                                                                                                  of communities and stakeholders in relation to
                                                                                                  upcoming proposals. They enable us to explain          caution, EPA determined it would be appropriate
                                                                                                  the works approval application and assessment          to void the original approvals and require all three
                                                                                                  process, and the current status of a proposal.         companies to resubmit applications incorporating
                                                                                                  Participants can also ask questions and hear           the additional information relating to construction

                          5. Organisational excellence                                            about issues raised in submissions.                    methods and quality control measures. All three
                                                                                                                                                         companies submitted new plans and EPA again
                                                                                                  Section 30A is an overriding provision of the Act.     reviewed and approved them on the basis they
                                                                                                  It allows EPA to authorise discharges, emissions,      met the strict conditions.
                                                                                                  storage, treatment, disposal and handling of
                                                                                                  waste in emergencies and other temporary               While EPA is not responsible for the ultimate
                                                                                                  situations that would otherwise be an offence          decision on where tunnel boring machine
                                                                                                  under the Act. This year there were 81 section 30A     spoil from the project will be taken, we will
        This section of the annual report summarises EPA’s performance against our annual plan.                                                          closely monitor compliance with the approved
                                                                                                  emergency decisions, many of which related to

10                                                                                                                                                                                 EPA Annual Report 2020/21    11
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07   2020–21 performance continued

                                                                                                                          BROOKLYN INDUSTRIAL PRECINCT

     environment plans and hold any site receiving spoil       was scientifically justified and considered an         Efforts to improve air quality for the                   Under the new Act, EPA will continue to work with
     from the West Gate Tunnel Project to account.             appropriate list of potential contaminants. EPA has    Brooklyn community in Melbourne’s                        all stakeholders to improve air quality for the
                                                               used the knowledge gained through this process to                                                               Brooklyn community. Future activities will include
     We have also played a key role in assessing spoil                                                                western suburbs were boosted in
                                                               advise on similar aspects for Suburban Rail Loop                                                                communications and engagement to support
     management plans for the North East Link Project,                                                                2020–21 with a project focused on
                                                               and Melbourne Airport Rail projects.                                                                            duty holders to understand and comply with the
     ensuring that in situ classification of spoil material
                                                                                                                      dust emissions from material recycling                   new laws, while maintaining a strong regulatory
                                                                                                                      and container storage activities in the                  presence leveraging EPA’s new powers to drive
                                                                                                                      Brooklyn Industrial Precinct.                            improvements.
                                                                                                                                                                               Hobsons Bay Council passed a motion to develop
                                                                                                                      Within this triangle-shaped precinct, bordered by        a Brooklyn Air Quality Advocacy Plan, bringing
     TRACKING REPORTABLE PRIORITY WASTE WITH WASTE TRACKER                                                            Kororoit Creek and Geelong and Somerville roads,         together all parties responsible to address the
                                                                                                                      are more than 60 industries, including quarrying,        issues that have impacted this community for
                                                                                                                      former landfill, abattoirs, material recycling, tallow   so long.
                                                                                                                      producers, container storage and a variety of
     This year, EPA prepared industry for                      Reportable priority waste is generally hazardous
                                                                                                                      small businesses from light industrial to retail
     the introduction of our new GPS-                          and carries the highest levels of controls because
                                                                                                                      and manufacturing.
                                                               it poses the greatest risk to the community and
     enabled waste tracking system, Waste                                                                             EPA has 12 active remedial notices addressing
                                                               the environment. Anyone who handles reportable
     Tracker. This system allows us to track                   priority waste will need to advise EPA every time it   dust emissions with an estimated total cost of
     hazardous waste movements in real                         changes hands.                                         compliance of about $12.5 million. These notices
     time and will enable early intervention                   Waste Tracker can be accessed via our EPA
                                                                                                                      related to the installation of controls to prevent:
     and action by EPA and stakeholders.                       portal and the Waste Tracker mobile app. The           ›   Dust from onsite traffic by sealing hard stands

     The new environmental laws will demand stricter
                                                               portal opened in May so that waste producers,          ›   Dust from materials-handling activities
                                                               transporters and receivers could log in and start
     reporting about hazardous waste transport                 onboarding their drivers and staff ahead of 1 July.
                                                                                                                      ›   Mud tracking out onto public roads.
     to protect Victorians and the environment                 We also released several guides that articulated       In 2020–21, the daily standard for PM10 (particles
     from harm due to mismanagement and illegal                the steps required to perform transactions, such       less than 10 micrometres in diameter) was
     behaviour. They will raise the bar for hazardous          as creating a waste record.                            achieved more frequently than in any other
     waste management. Producers, accredited                                                                          year. This improvement is thought to be due to
                                                               Building on previous engagement to support             a combination of above-average rainfall and
     consigners, transporters, drivers and receivers of
                                                               businesses to prepare for the introduction of the      increased regulatory action.
     reportable priority waste will be required to use
                                                               new system, EPA held a Waste Tracker webinar for
     Waste Tracker to complete transactions.
                                                               600 industry members in February.
                                                               We also engaged directly with Victoria’s peak
                                                               industry bodies, the Victorian Waste Management        Dust from truck movements on unsealed
                                                               Association, the Waste Management and                  roadways at a Brooklyn container storage site.
                                                               Resource Recovery Association, and Australian
                                                               Industry Group, further supporting industry to
                                                               register a Waste Tracker account in preparation
                                                               for the system’s commencement.
                                                               As of 1 July, more than 500 businesses — or 80
                                                               per cent of the businesses that represent 80
                                                               per cent of waste movements — had been fully
                                                               onboarded to use the Waste Tracker tool. More
                                                               than 2,000 new waste records were created,
                                                               assigned and received via Waste Tracker during
                                                               the first three days of July.

     EPA prepared the waste industry for the introduction of
     our new GPS-enabled waste tracking system — Waste
     Tracker — through webinars, online resources and
     direct engagement activities.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                      EPA Annual Report 2020/21   13
Leading through change - Environment Protection Authority ...
07   2020–21 performance continued

     FIRE PREVENTION PROGRAM INCREASES DUTY HOLDER                                                                     Chemical waste and recyclable materials             Licensed Operator Risk Assessment
     AWARENESS AND COMPLIANCE                                                                                          EPA coordinates statewide compliance and            EPA successfully ran our Licensed Operator Risk
                                                                                                                       enforcement programs, targeting unsafe waste        Assessment in April. This initiative is the driving
     Since July 2017, EPA has conducted more than 1,300 inspections at                                                 management practices in the chemical waste          force behind EPA’s Strategic Licence Compliance
     high-risk resource recovery sites.                                                                                and recyclable materials sector.                    Assessment Program, ensuring all sites that hold
                                                                                                                       We coordinated our response to complex              an EPA licence are inspected based on an annual
     The Fire Prevention Program, established in                  prevention-based program to reduce the number        sites and entities to help them improve their       assessment of the potential risk they pose to
     January 2021, builds on this successful work                 and severity of fires by addressing their root       performance. This included strategy development,    human health and the environment. It provides a
     program and responds to the high risk of fires at            cause. To do this, EPA:                              tasking and coordination, technical leadership,     consistent and transparent approach to prioritise
     waste and resource recovery facilities. Since it                                                                  delivering compliance and enforcement activities,   our planned licence compliance inspections
                                                                  • Works with industry, fire agencies and co-
     was launched, the Fire Prevention Program has:                                                                    and monitoring and evaluation of the overall        based on the risk of each site and may include:
                                                                  regulators to improve understanding of fire risk
     ›   Conducted 352 inspections across 213 sites               and the controls required to prevent fires           effectiveness of interventions. We also responded   ›   Intensive pig and poultry farming
     ›   Issued 149 notices to ensure operators                   ›   Updates guidance to reflect the changing
                                                                                                                       to significant sector issues such as the sudden     ›   Waste treatment and storage
                                                                                                                       departure of two major e-waste recyclers from the
         are complying with waste management                          legislative settings and includes fire
                                                                                                                       national market.
                                                                                                                                                                           ›   Paper, food and drink manufacturing
         rules, reducing fire risk, and protecting our
         environment and communities from harm
                                                                      prevention principles
                                                                                                                                                                           ›   Waste incineration activities
                                                                  ›   Publishes materials (including posters in        EPA also provided technical support for the
                                                                                                                                                                           ›   Landfills
     ›   Served 20 official warnings and 12 penalty                   multiple languages and website resources)        development of new permission requirements
         infringement notices                                         and conducts proactive industry engagement       and guidelines such as the Combustible              ›   Printing

     ›   Started 11 comprehensive investigations                  ›   Delivers a significant program of proactive
                                                                                                                       Recyclable Waste Material Guideline and the         ›   Production and processing of metals
                                                                                                                       Battery Storage and Handling Guideline.                 and steels
     ›   Issued 70 sanction referrals.                                site inspections
     Industry has been put on notice that EPA has zero            ›   Focuses on enforcement and action where                                                              ›   Cement and lime activities.

     tolerance for deliberate non-compliance and                      practices are unsafe.                            Outcome 1.2                                         Landfill levies audit
     unsafe waste management practices.                           EPA also worked with the Department of               Regulatory effort supports good                     Every year, EPA receives quarterly and annual
     The Fire Prevention Program initially focused on the         Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Fire
                                                                                                                       performance, creates a level playing                landfill levy statements from licensed landfills
     metal recycling sector, because of serious fires at          Rescue Victoria, independent fire prevention
                                                                  specialists and fire management professionals
                                                                                                                       field and encourages continuous                     that receive waste. In 2020–21 we validated the
     these types of facilities early this year. In March, it                                                                                                               levy statements of all 51 landfills that receive
                                                                  to review the causes of previous fires at waste      improvement.
     was extended to a wider group of high-risk facilities.                                                                                                                waste. We also completed detailed assessments
                                                                  and resource recovery sites and design future fire
     Jointly delivered by EPA and the Department of                                                                    New regulations for the new laws                    of all five annual recycling rebate claims and
                                                                  prevention initiatives.
     Environment, Land, Water and Planning, this is a                                                                                                                      conducted 10 comprehensive audits selected on
                                                                                                                       On 16 December 2020, proposed final versions
                                                                                                                                                                           an intelligence-informed risk basis to ensure a
                                                                                                                       of the Environment Protection Regulations and
                                                                                                                                                                           representative coverage of facilities. Underpaid
                                                                                                                       Environmental Reference Standard were released
                                                                                                                                                                           waste levies of $80,862 were identified at three
                                                                                                                       on EPA’s website. This gave industry, business,

                                                                                                                                                                           landfills and collected during this levy audit cycle.
     Fire prevention                                                                                                   government and the community six months to
                                                                                                                       become familiar with the subordinate legislation    As part of the Victorian Government’s Recycling

     achievements                                              inspections
                                                                                                                       before its commencement alongside the new Act
                                                                                                                       on 1 July 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                           Victoria policy, a review of the landfill levy audit
                                                                                                                                                                           program was completed by December 2020. The
                                                                                                                                                                           review involved an evaluation of current guidance
                                                               across 213 sites                                        At the same time, the Environment Protection
                                                                                                                                                                           and procedures, assessment of recent legislative
                                                                                                                       regulations and standards: Response to public
                                                                                                                                                                           cases, consideration of additional powers
                                                                                                                       comment report was published by the Victorian
                                                                                                                                                                           available under the Environment Protection Act,
                                                                                                                       Government. This responded to the key issues

         11                                                                          Revised                                                                               a comparison with interstate levy programs and
                                                                                                                       raised in more than 317 submissions received by
                                                                                                                                                                           consultation with Victorian stakeholders. In all,

                                                                                     guidelines                        EPA in 2019 on the draft subordinate legislation.
                                                                                                                       Across the first half of 2021, EPA published
                                                                                                                                                                           23 recommendations for program redesign were
                                                                                                                                                                           made, including additional guidance documents
                                                                                                                       information to support industry and the             and data requirements for duty holders which will
         fire investigations                                                         for safe management
                                                                                                                       community to better understand the subordinate      provide greater oversight of material movements
                                                                                     storage of combustible
                                                                                                                       legislation, including web content, frequently      at landfills. EPA will continue strong enforcement
                                                                                     recyclable and waste
                                                                                                                       asked questions, EPA staff guidance and external
                                         Onsite posters
                                                                                                                                                                           action against businesses that avoid appropriate
                                                                                                                       presentations. A webinar about the new laws was     waste levy payments.
                                         translated into                                                               held in February and received 10,189 views on our
                                                                                                                       YouTube channel by 30 June.
                                          five languages

14                                                                                                                                                                                                    EPA Annual Report 2020/21    15
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07   2020–21 performance continued

                                                                                                                        EPA’S BUSINESS SUPPORT MODEL

     Outcome 1.3                                            our people on hand to answer questions about            In 2020–21, EPA implemented a Business Support Model to help educate businesses
                                                            how the new Act will affect small business owners       about their obligations under Victoria’s new environment protection laws.
     Increased participation by business                    and explain the EPA approvals process and how
     and community in preventing and                                                                                This initiative focused on small to medium-sized enterprises and had three
                                                            the general environmental duty will interact with
     managing environmental risk.                           their business operations.                              main elements: a small business self-assessment tool, industry-specific guides,
                                                                                                                    and the Small Business Program pilot.
                                                            Operated by Small Business Victoria, the bus
     Support for business
                                                            visited Melbourne and regional Victoria as a
                                                                                                                    EPA published the small business self-assessment      pilot was established to offer free expert advice
     Under the Business Support Model, EPA has              travelling office offering friendly, professional
                                                                                                                    tool on 31 January 2020, and it was translated        to individual businesses about managing risks.
     developed:                                             assistance and expert advice.
                                                                                                                    into multiple languages in September to increase      The pilot began in November 2020 with 75
     ›   A self-assessment tool for small businesses        EPA toured with the bus to various council areas        its accessibility.                                    eligible dry-cleaning, automotive repair and
         — available in 11 languages — which helps          including Cowes, Leongatha and Traralgon, as well
                                                                                                                                                                          maintenance, and body repair businesses
         businesses understand whether their activities     as Yarra City, Darebin City, Whittlesea City, Greater
                                                                                                                                                                          applying to participate. A survey of participants
         that may potentially cause harm to the             Geelong and Hume, Surf Coast, Brimbank and
                                                                                                                                                                          at the commencement of the program found that

                                                                                                                     26 languages
         environment and human health are being             Greater Shepparton, and returning to Darebin and
                                                                                                                                                                          only 6 per cent had very good awareness of the
         adequately managed                                 Yarra. Locations were promoted via EPA Twitter,
                                                                                                                                                                          new environmental laws.
     ›   Sector guides — for seven key industries           with a full schedule also available online.
                                                                                                                                                                          EPA engaged a consultancy to deliver
         (waste and recycling, mining and quarrying,                                                                 Industry guidance translations
                                                            Community litter reports                                                                                      personalised visits to each business from
         retail, construction, agriculture, manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                          February 2021, which will continue throughout
         and local government) — that provide:              Be the solution                                         In October 2020, we published seven guides for        2021 and into 2022. EPA’s Program Manager said
         • A
            n overview of legal obligations under the      As Victorians flocked to camping grounds and            the following sectors: waste and recycling, mining    early feedback on the program was positive.
           Environment Protection Act, starting with        enjoyed the great outdoors last summer, EPA             and quarrying, retail, construction, agriculture,     ‘Businesses reported that they feel confident
           the general environmental duty that applies      launched a new campaign to encourage the                manufacturing and local government.                   in their understanding of the new environment
           under the new laws                               community to be the solution and report litter          EPA’s Senior Industry Guidance Officer said that      protection laws following their visit and would
         • Information about Environment Protection        and pollution.                                          the guides were developed with support from           recommend the program to others.’
            Regulations 2021 that may apply to industrial   Be the solution aimed to increase community             members of EPA’s Industry Reference Groups.

            activities                                      confidence to minimise the impact of litter on the      ‘Working with our industry reference group
         • Information about managing risks, including     environment and public health. Victorians were          members was a great way to ensure that the
           examples of how this can be done using a         encouraged to report littering from a vehicle via       guides meet the needs of the industry. Feedback
           four-step process                                our website or the 24-hour hotline. Littering is
                                                            against the law, with fines for individuals of up to
                                                                                                                    was positive, affirming them as a useful resource.’
         • A list of common hazards in the sector                                                                  In June 2021, EPA updated the sector guides
                                                            $363 for a small piece of litter and $727 for a lit     to include relevant information from the
     ›   The Small Business Program pilot that offers       cigarette or burning litter. Nearly 60 per cent of      Environment Protection Regulations 2021. The
         free expert advice to eligible businesses about    all litter from vehicles consists of cigarette butts    guides now include tailored information on
                                                                                                                                                                          EPA’s Small Business
         managing risks                                     or packaging. These pollute Victoria’s roadsides        the waste and contaminated land duties, the           Program pilot
     ›   Sector-specific guidance, such as the              and waterways, and butts can be a serious fire          permissions framework and the new noise
         sector guides Local government — guide             hazard. As a result of the campaign, EPA received       framework. The sector guides will also be
         to preventing harm to people and the               11,007 reports and issued 8,431 infringements.          supported by posters that highlight common            Early findings from the program included a high
         environment and Construction — guide               EPA also strengthened links with local councils by      hazards in specific industries.                       percentage of sites with acceptable or good risk
         to preventing harm to people and the               providing them with a range of communications                                                                 management leadership. When asked if there
                                                                                                                    In collaboration with the Victorian Automobile
         environment, which have received positive          materials to help them enforce the law against                                                                were any parts of the first consultant visit that
                                                                                                                    Chamber of Commerce and the Drycleaning
         feedback from external stakeholders.               litterers.                                                                                                    went well, responses included:
                                                                                                                    Institute of Australia, the Small Business Program
     More than 130 EPA publications were produced
                                                            Litter enforcement officers                                                                                   ›   Great overall explanation and understanding
     or updated during 2020–21, providing information                                                                                                                         of obligations.
     and guidance about the new legislation and             EPA has an important and ongoing relationship
                                                                                                                                                                          ›   Friendly and not intimidating. Confident of our
     ensuring all information was consistent with it to
     help with stakeholder and community readiness.
                                                            with the Litter Enforcement Officer Network which
                                                            supports joint regulators of the Environment            Sector                                                    actions required going forward.

     Small Business Bus
                                                            Protection Act, especially local government and
                                                            Parks Victoria.
                                                                                                                    guides                                                ›   Consultant was well prepared, listened and
                                                                                                                                                                              observed and didn’t come with a ‘one solution
     In April, EPA joined Victoria’s Small Business Bus,                                                            for construction, manufacturing,                          for all’ approach.
                                                            Now a program of Keep Victoria Beautiful, network       waste and recycling, mining and
     talking to business owners and members of the
                                                            membership consists mainly of litter enforcement        quarrying, agriculture, retail and
     public about EPA-related matters. It was a great
                                                            officers from local government, Parks Victoria,         local government
     opportunity to explain EPA’s new legislation, with
                                                            State Government and community groups.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                  EPA Annual Report 2020/21   17
07   2020–21 performance continued

     This year, EPA worked with network members on                  at the former Sunshine landfill site alerting
                                                                                                                         GOAL 2 Equip community and business
     the development of the new Regulating litter and               landowners to the presence of potentially
     other waste: toolkit which explains the new litter             contaminated land                                    We support Victorians to understand the condition of their environment
                                                                                                                         and we work to ensure shared responsibility is accepted and understood by
     and waste laws, and powers of litter authorities           ›   Technical advice in relation to potential legacy
                                                                                                                         community and business.
     and litter enforcement officers.                               contamination at the site of the Cairnlea
     EPA subject matter experts presented at four                   residential development project — formerly
     of the network’s meetings throughout the year,                 used by the Commonwealth Government for
     explaining the new laws and answering questions.               the Albion Explosives Factory — as well as           Outcome 2.1                                           emergency incidents and help us provide tailored
     Online platforms enabled between 40 and 60                     advice in relation to separation distances                                                                 information to the community when air quality
                                                                                                                         Timely, accessible information on the                 becomes hazardous to health.
     network members to attend each meeting.                        from nearby industries as part of a submitted
                                                                    noise assessment                                     condition of our environment and expert
     Supported by EPA, the network developed an                                                                                                                                AirWatch adopts national one-hour
                                                                                                                         advice on the human health impacts of
     online training course for litter enforcement              ›   Advice to Hepburn Shire Council in relation to
                                                                                                                         pollution and waste.
                                                                                                                                                                               PM2.5 categories
     officers about the new laws. The Regulating Litter             amendments to the Hepburn Planning Scheme
                                                                                                                                                                               Australia’s 2019–20 bushfire season highlighted the
     and Other Waste training course assists those                  to restrict further development of buildings for
                                                                                                                         Real-time air quality information                     variation in PM2.5 pollution categories, management,
     authorised under the Environment Protection Act                accommodation and a subdivision within 500
                                                                                                                         with AirWatch                                         and messaging use by different jurisdictions.
     1970 to transition to the Environment Protection               metres of the Daylesford Material Recovery
                                                                                                                                                                               Throughout 2020, a working group established by
     Act 2017 and to understand its provisions in                   Facility — sited on a former landfill — to protect   EPA monitors Victoria’s air quality and provides
                                                                                                                                                                               the Environmental Health Standing Committee
     relation to litter.                                            the facility and community from harm.                continuous reporting to the public via AirWatch,
                                                                                                                                                                               focused on achieving national consistency for air
                                                                                                                         which shows the level of pollutants in the air at
     At a members meeting on 2 June 2021, the                   Land use and development                                                                                       quality categories and messaging.
                                                                                                                         sites throughout the state.
     network provided free scenario-based training                                                                                                                             In addition to Victoria and Tasmania, all
                                                                We ensure issues are understood and advice is            EPA’s AirWatch platform uses one set of air
     to help officers transition to the new Act.                                                                                                                               states have now committed to display hourly
                                                                provided effectively to influence major project          quality categories and health messaging for all
                                                                environment effects statement decisions and                                                                    concentrations on their websites. Providing early
                                                                                                                         pollutants. This provides end users with hourly
                                                                                                                                                                               notification of worsening air quality is essential
     Outcome 1.4                                                prevent harm. An important element of our role           PM2.5 concentrations and up to 48 hours of data
                                                                is to provide advice for major projects (including                                                             as it enables the community to take timely and
     Provision of early advice to influence                                                                              in an easy-to-understand format, supplying
                                                                transport infrastructure and energy) and earth                                                                 preventative action.
                                                                                                                         Victorians with information to protect their health
     land use planning decisions.                               resources industry projects through the process.         in real time.                                         International award for 2020 bushfire service
                                                                EPA input is important because these activities
     Our response to referrals                                  present significant environmental risks that can         In addition to general health advice about all        In September 2020, EPA’s website and AirWatch
     EPA continues to provide planning authorities with         impact generations. This year, we contributed to         pollutants, a mobile-friendly display ensures         page won an international award (Asia–Pacific
     timely advice to prevent harm to human health              16 environment effects statements relating to six        AirWatch is widely accessible.                        Japan) for delivering real-time health messaging
     and the environment from conflicting land use              mining and resource, seven energy, one transport         In 2020–21, more than 97 per cent of daily air        to the community during the 2019–20 bushfires.
     (buffer) issues, including in relation to planning         infrastructure, and two miscellaneous projects.          quality forecasts on AirWatch were delivered          The Sitecore Experience Award for EPA, in
     amendments and applications, and major projects.           EPA is on the Technical Reference Group for a            by 5.30 pm.                                           conjunction with Deloitte Digital (Australia), was
     We responded to 830 planning referrals, 41                 variety of projects, including Suburban Rail Loop,       During the pandemic we continued the                  in the Most Impactful Human Connections in a
     Environment Protection and Biodiversity                    Avonbank, Wimmera and Fingerboards Mineral               maintenance and management of both the                Changing World category.
     Conservation Act referrals and 11 environment              Sands projects and Western Victoria Transmission         EPA ambient air quality network and the               The fully rebuilt website and mobile-friendly
     effects statement referrals.                               Line. Environment effects statements completed           Latrobe Valley co-design network to ensure            AirWatch platform saw EPA replace our existing
     In addition to advising local councils on a range of       this year were Crib Point and Golden Beach.              the availability of air monitoring data to the        air quality index this year with one-hour PM2.5
     projects, EPA also provided advice to key planning         We also provided ongoing support and advice to           community via AirWatch. We led the review             averages, delivering vital forecasts and health
     agencies such as the Department of Environment,            major transport infrastructure projects outside          of standards set for ozone, nitrogen dioxide          warnings to Victorians in real time.
     Land, Water and Planning, the Victorian Planning           the formal environment effect statement process          and sulfur dioxide to establish the National          EPA adapted an existing air quality index and
     Authority, the Victorian Civil and Administrative          as required. This included expert advice for major       Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality)          developed a cloud-based platform to feed timely
     Tribunal, Planning Panels Victoria, ministerial advisory   transport infrastructure projects such as Suburban       Measure. The review accounts for evidence of          air quality information into the new website.
     committees, and inquiry and advisory committees.           Rail Loop, West Gate Tunnel, North East Link, Metro      the health effects of these pollutants and will be
                                                                                                                         considered for adoption as reference standards        During the bushfires, Victorians were able to
     Our advice has resulted in amendments across a             Tunnel, Melbourne Airport Rail, Mordialloc Bypass                                                              access air quality conditions in their local area,
                                                                and the Level Crossing Removal projects. We              in Victoria following the commencement of the
     variety of projects, including:                                                                                     new legislation on 1 July.                            four-day forecasts and links to health advice for
                                                                provided support on the new legislation, early works
     ›   Working in partnership with Invest Victoria            approval, spoil management and environment               We continued to collaborate with CSIRO and
                                                                                                                                                                               vulnerable groups, including children, people over
                                                                                                                                                                               65, pregnant women and those with pre-existing
         and Brimbank City Council to apply                     management plans. Of note was the approval of            the Bureau of Meteorology to deliver modelled
         appropriate planning controls at the former                                                                                                                           medical conditions.
                                                                environment management plans from three sites            data that provides a better statewide overview
         Sunshine Harvester site to reduce the impact           that were seeking to be selected by the West Gate        of our air quality. Daily forecasts at nine weather   Feedback from the public was positive, with the new
         of legacy contamination from past uses, as             Tunnel Project to manage tunnel boring machine           districts are used to provide information during      website supporting significant increases in user
         well as early advice to Brimbank City Council          spoil generated by the project.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                       EPA Annual Report 2020/21    19
07   2020–21 performance continued
                                                                                                                     WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION GLOBAL
                                                                                                                     ATMOSPHERIC WATCH
     traffic. Our previous record for traffic on the site   Water quality at Victorian beaches
     was 97 users per minute, but during the peak of                                                             Air pollution in Victoria and other parts                   This investigation resulted in the opportunity to
                                                            The Beach Report and Yarra Watch programs
     the bushfire season the EPA website and AirWatch                                                            of the world has been impacted by                           collaborate with nearly 100 other researchers
                                                            help the community make informed decisions
     were handling nearly 5,000 users per minute.                                                                                                                            around the world on a joint World Meteorological
                                                            about swimming and other recreational water-         changes in human activity due to
                                                                                                                                                                             Organization Global Atmospheric Watch paper led
     Bushfire submission highlights AirWatch                based activities during summer. They are             the pandemic.                                               by Professor Ranjeet S Sokhi. This is being split into
                                                            conducted at 36 beaches in Victoria’s Port Phillip
     Victoria was recognised as the only state with                                                                                                                          an observation paper and a modelling paper.
                                                            Bay and four sites on the Yarra River.
     easy-to-understand air quality reporting through                                                            EPA scientists investigated data from EPA’s                 The observation paper analysed data from more
     AirWatch.                                              In 2020–21, these sampling programs showed           air monitoring network, along with changes                  than 500 monitoring stations from 63 cities
                                                            that water at the Bay and Yarra River sites was      in traffic volumes, during the lockdowns and
     The Centre for Air pollution, energy and health                                                                                                                         across the globe and has been submitted to an
                                                            safe for swimming 91 and 66 per cent of the          found that concentrations of air pollutants such
     Research made a submission to the Bushfire                                                                                                                              international journal for consideration.
                                                            time, respectively. There was an increase in the     as fine particles (PM2.5) and oxides of nitrogen
     Royal Commission’s Issues Paper: Health                                                                                                                                 The second paper on modelling the observed
                                                            number of ‘poor’ water quality forecasts issued      decreased, while others such as ozone increased.
     arrangements in natural disasters. Among                                                                                                                                changes in air pollution because of public
                                                            this season, which was expected with the La          As restrictions changed and winter approached,
     its recommendations were to standardise air                                                                                                                             health measures in different cities is currently
                                                            Niña climate pattern of above-average rainfall,      some of these changes were impacted by
     quality reporting, including real-time (minimum                                                                                                                         being written, with EPA’s senior modeller leading
                                                            especially in summer. Dredging in the bay near       decreasing temperatures and increased wood
     of hourly) data, and a visual dashboard display                                                                                                                         this work in Australia. The modelling results
                                                            Werribee also meant an increase in poor water        heater use. This demonstrated the complexity of
     consolidated to one website.                                                                                                                                            show good agreement with observed pollutant
                                                            quality forecasts.                                   air pollution in Victoria and its many sources. The
     We adapted AirWatch to replace our existing air                                                                                                                         concentration changes before, during and after
                                                            Between December 2020 and March 2021, EPA            investigation was published in the March 2021
     quality index with one-hour PM2.5 averages. A new                                                                                                                       restrictions.
                                                            provided twice-daily water quality forecasts to      edition of the Clean Air Society of Australia and
     mobile-friendly AirWatch provided Victorians with                                                           New Zealand Clean Air Journal and presented at              This important work illustrates implications on
                                                            the community.
     important health messages during the 2019–20                                                                the 25th International Clean Air and Environment            future policy development for transport and other
     bushfire season, offering general advice on            We also provided water quality alerts throughout
                                                                                                                 Conference in May 2021. The work showed the                 activities causing air pollution in Melbourne
     all pollutants.                                        the year when we detected an issue affecting a
                                                                                                                 impact that we can have on air pollution by                 and Victoria.
                                                            waterway in the Greater Melbourne, Mornington
     According to the centre’s submission, Victoria                                                              changing the way we work and travel, and the
                                                            Peninsula, Geelong or Bellarine areas. The
     met all criterion for hourly and concentrated data                                                          opportunity ahead to reduce air pollution and
                                                            information in these alerts is used by the
     of PM2.5, offered health advice on pollutants, and                                                          improve air quality for all Victorians.
                                                            community to better understand potential risks
     provided data that was easy to understand for
                                                            from exposure and support their decision making.
     a general audience.
                                                            Monitoring our water
     Regional Sensor Pilot Project
                                                            This year EPA’s Marine Fixed Sites Network
     EPA has rolled out a major initiative to monitor
                                                            conducted monthly sampling in Port Phillip Bay,
     and report on air quality in regional Victoria.
                                                            Western Port and the Gippsland Lakes, with eight
     The Regional Sensor Pilot Project expanded our         sampling trips in each of the three embayments.
     existing network to monitor and publicly report        We also acquired a new vessel, the Corinella,
     on the levels of fine particles (PM2.5) in the air     to sample Western Port Bay, inland waters and
     from sources such as smoke in an additional 49         on-water emergency events, and expanded
     regional Victorian towns.                              our marine monitoring network to cover Lake
     Hourly air quality categories from each sensor,        Reeve, which is one of the new State Environment
     indicating the level of smoke and other fine           Protection Policy (Waters) segments.
     particles in the town, was available through EPA’s     EPA continued to work closely with co-regulators,
     AirWatch website from June this year.                  Melbourne Water and Agriculture Victoria,
     The rollout complements the 41 existing monitoring     to improve water quality in the middle Yarra
     sites across Melbourne, Geelong and the Latrobe        catchment. The collaboration follows work
     Valley, as well as the Victoria State Emergency        published by EPA in 2019 showing a range of
     Service community smoke monitoring program             agricultural pesticides in the water, which pose
     and EPA’s incident air monitoring capacity.            a risk to aquatic ecosystems and may affect
                                                            Melbourne’s drinking water supply in the future.
     Most of the new sensors are located at Victoria
                                                            The discussions will support future work to
     State Emergency Service sites, building on an
                                                            explore what role the new general environmental
     existing relationship established through the
                                                            duty can play in a co-regulatory solution to
     community smoke monitoring initiative. Sensors
                                                            help land managers implement better practices
     are also at some Country Fire Authority sites,
                                                            on farms.                                            EPA scientists have been investigating the impact on air quality of changes in movement due to the pandemic.
     councils and educational institutions.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                       EPA Annual Report 2020/21    21
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