Learning to Sample Replacements for ELECTRA Pre-Training

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Learning to Sample Replacements for E LECTRA Pre-Training

                                                                 Yaru Hao†‡∗, Li Dong‡ , Hangbo Bao‡ , Ke Xu† , Furu Wei‡
                                                                                      Beihang University
                                                                                      Microsoft Research

                                                                   Abstract                              model, which substitutes masks with the tokens
                                                                                                         sampled from its MLM predictions. The discrimi-
                                             E LECTRA (Clark et al., 2020a) pretrains a dis-
                                                                                                         nator learns to distinguish which tokens have been
                                             criminator to detect replaced tokens, where
arXiv:2106.13715v1 [cs.CL] 25 Jun 2021

                                             the replacements are sampled from a gener-                  replaced or kept the same. Experimental results on
                                             ator trained with masked language modeling.                 downstream tasks show that E LECTRA can largely
                                             Despite the compelling performance, E LEC -                 improve sample efficiency.
                                             TRA suffers from the following two issues.                     Despite achieving compelling performance, it
                                             First, there is no direct feedback loop from dis-           is usually difficult to balance the training pace be-
                                             criminator to generator, which renders replace-             tween the generator and the discriminator. Along
                                             ment sampling inefficient. Second, the gen-
                                                                                                         with pre-training, the generator is expected to sam-
                                             erator’s prediction tends to be over-confident
                                             along with training, making replacements bi-                ple more hard replacements for the detection task in
                                             ased to correct tokens. In this paper, we                   a curriculum manner, while the discriminator learns
                                             propose two methods to improve replacement                  to identify the corrupted positions. Although the
                                             sampling for E LECTRA pre-training. Specif-                 two components are designed to compete with each
                                             ically, we augment sampling with a hardness                 other, there is no explicit feedback loop from the
                                             prediction mechanism, so that the generator                 discriminator to the generator, rendering the learn-
                                             can encourage the discriminator to learn what               ing games independent. The absence of feedback
                                             it has not acquired. We also prove that the ef-
                                                                                                         results in sub-efficient learning, because many re-
                                             ficient sampling reduces the training variance
                                             of the discriminator. Moreover, we propose                  placed tokens have been successfully trained while
                                             to use a focal loss for the generator in order              the generator does not know how to effectively
                                             to relieve oversampling correct tokens as re-               sample replacements. In addition, a well trained
                                             placements. Experimental results show that                  generator tends to achieve reasonably good MLM
                                             our method improves E LECTRA pre-training                   accuracy, where many sampled replacements are
                                             on various downstream tasks. Our code and                   correct tokens. In order to relieve the issue of
                                             pre-trained models will be released at https:
                                                                                                         oversampling correct tokens, E LECTRA explored
                                                                                                         tweaking the mask probability larger, raising the
                                         1   Introduction                                                sampling temperature, and using a manual rule to
                                                                                                         avoid sampling original tokens.
                                         One of the most successful language model pre-                     In this paper, we propose two methods, namely
                                         training tasks is masked language modeling (MLM;                hardness prediction and sampling smoothing, to
                                         Devlin et al. 2019). First, we randomly mask some               tackle the above issues. First, the motivation of
                                         input tokens in a sentence. Then the encoder learns             hardness prediction is to sample the replacements
                                         to recover the masked tokens given the corrupted                that the discriminator struggles to predict correctly.
                                         input. E LECTRA (Clark et al., 2020a) argues that               We elaborate on the benefit of a good replacement
                                         MLM only produces supervision signals at a small                mechanism from the perspective of variance reduc-
                                         proportion of positions (usually 15%), and uses                 tion. Theoretical derivations indicate that the re-
                                         the replaced token detection task as an alternative.            placement sampling should be proportional to both
                                         Specifically, E LECTRA contains a generator and a               the MLM probability (i.e., language frequency)
                                         discriminator. The generator is a masked language               and the corresponding discriminator loss (i.e., dis-
                                                 Contribution during internship at Microsoft Research.   crimination hardness). Based on the above conclu-
sion, we introduce a sampling head in the generator,      order to focus on more hard examples. Generative
which learns to sample by estimating the expected         adversarial networks (Goodfellow et al., 2014) is
discriminator loss for each candidate replacement.        trained to maximize the probability of the discrimi-
So the discriminator can give feedback to the gener-      nator making a mistake, which is closely related to
ator, which helps the model to learn what it has not      E LECTRA’s training framework. In this work, we
acquired. Second, we propose a sampling smooth-           aim at guiding the generator of E LECTRA to sample
ing method for the issue of oversampling original         the replacements that are hard for the discrimina-
tokens. We adopt a focal loss (Lin et al., 2017)          tor to predict correctly, therefore the pre-training
for the generator’s MLM task, rather than using           process of the discriminator can be more efficient.
cross-entropy loss. The method adaptively down-
weights the well-predicted replacements for MLM,          3   Background: E LECTRA
which avoids sampling too many correct tokens as          An overview of E LECTRA is shown in Figure 1.
replacements.                                             The model consists of a generator G and a dis-
   We conduct pre-training experiments on the Wik-        criminator D. The generator is trained by masked
iBooks corpus for both small-size and base-size           language modeling (MLM). Formally, given an
models. The proposed techniques are plugged               input sequence x = x1 · · · xn , we first randomly
into E LECTRA for training from scratch. Exper-           mask k = d0.15ne tokens at the positions m =
imental results on various tasks show that our            m1 · · · mk with [MASK]. The perturbed sentence
methods outperform E LECTRA despite the simplic-          c is denoted as:
ity. Specifically, under the small-size setting, our
model performance is 0.9 higher than E LECTRA                  mi ∼ uniform{1, n} for i = 1, · · · , k
on MNLI (Williams et al., 2018) and 4.2 higher on              c = replace(x, m, [MASK])
SQuAD 2.0 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016a), respectively.
                                                          where the replace operation conducts masking at
Under the base-size setting, our model performance
                                                          the positions m. The generator encodes c and per-
is 0.26 higher than E LECTRA on MNLI and 0.52
                                                          forms MLM prediction. At each masked position i,
higher on SQuAD 2.0, respectively.
                                                          we sample replacements from MLM output distri-
                                                          bution pG :
2   Related Work
                                                                          x0 i ∼ pG (x0i |c) for i ∈ m
State-of-the-art NLP models are mostly pretrained
on a large unlabeled corpus with the self-supervised                      xR = replace(x, m, x0 )
objectives (Peters et al., 2018; Lan et al., 2020; Raf-   where masks are replaced with the sampled to-
fel et al., 2020). The most representative pretext        kens. Next, the discriminator encodes the corrupted
task is masked language modeling (MLM), which             sentence xR . A binary classification task learns
is introduced to pretrain a bidirectional BERT (De-       to distinguish which tokens have been replaced
vlin et al., 2019) encoder. RoBERTa (Liu et al.,          or kept the same, which predicts the probability
2019) apply several strategies to enhance the BERT        D(xR      R                          R
                                                               t , x ) to indicate how likely xt comes from
performance, including training with more data            the true data distribution.
and dynamic masking. UniLM (Dong et al., 2019;               The overall pre-training objective is defined as:
Bao et al., 2020) extend the mask prediction to                  X
generation tasks by adding the auto-regressive ob-         min        E [LθGG (xi ,c)]+λ E [LθDD (xR      R
                                                                                                      t ,x )]
                                                          θG ,θD         i∈m               t∈[1,n]
jectives. XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) propose the                    x∈X

permuted language modeling to learn the depen-            LG (xi , c) = −log pG (xi |c)
dencies among the masked tokens. Besides, E LEC -
                                                                             −log D(xR      R
                                                                                        t ,x )   xR
                                                                                                  t = xt
TRA (Clark et al., 2020a) propose a novel training        LD (xR
                                                               t  , x R
                                                                        ) =
                                                                             −log(1−D(xt , x )) xR
                                                                                            R  R    6 xt
                                                                                                  t =
objective called replaced token detection which
is defined over all input tokens. Moreover, E LEC -       where X represents text corpus, and λ = 50 sug-
TRIC (Clark et al., 2020b) extends the idea of E LEC -    gested by Clark et al. (2020a) is a hyperparame-
TRA by energy-based cloze models.                         ter used to balance the training pace of generator
   Some prior efforts demonstrate that sampling           and discriminator. Once pre-training is finished,
more hard examples is conducive to more effective         only the discriminator is fine-tuned on downstream
training. Lin et al. (2017) propose the focal loss in     tasks.
the          the                                                                the                          original

      cat         [MASK]                        MLM head                             door                          replaced
                               Generator                         Sample from p"#"               Discriminator
       is           is                                                                   is                        original

    cute           cute                                                              cute                          original

Figure 1: An overview of E LECTRA. The MLM head of the generator learns to perform MLM and samples
replacements at each masked position from the MLM distribution. For the corrupted sequence, the discriminator
learns to distinguish which tokens have been replaced or kept the same.

      the          the                         MLM head                             the                         original
                                               (Focal Loss)
      cat         [MASK]                   Sampling Head                          door                          replaced
                              Generator     (Estimate ℒ# " )    Sample from                   Discriminator
       is           is                                         p% ∝ p'(' ℒ# "       is                          original

      cute         cute                                                           cute                          original
                                                               ℒ" Feedback

Figure 2: An overview of our model. The generator has two prediction heads. The MLM head learns to perform
MLM through the focal loss instead of the cross entropy loss. The sampling head is trained to estimate the
discriminator loss over the vocabulary. Our model samples the replacements from a new distribution, which is
proportional to both the MLM probability and the corresponding discriminator loss. The discriminator is trained
to distinguish input tokens and the loss feedback is transferred to the generator for the sampling head to learn.

4      Methods                                                        more replacements that the discriminator has not
                                                                      successfully learned.
4.1         Hardness Prediction
                                                                         Notice that Equation (1) uses the actual discrim-
The key idea of hardness prediction is to let the                     inator loss LD (x0 , c), which can not be obtained
generator receive the discriminator’s feedback and                    without feeding xR into the discriminator. As an al-
sample more hard replacements. Figure 2 shows                         ternative, we use the estimated loss value L̂D (x0 , c)
the overview of our method. Besides the original                      to sample replaced tokens, which approximates the
MLM head in the generator, there is an additional                     actual loss for the candidate replacement. During
sampling head used to sample replaced tokens.                         pre-training, we use the actual loss as supervision,
   Given a1 replaced token x0 in the input sequence                   and simultaneously train the sampling head. We
c, let LD (x0 , c) denote the discriminator loss for                  describe the detailed implementations of loss esti-
the replacement. Rather than directly sampling                        mation in Section 4.1.2.
replacements from the MLM prediction pG , we
propose to sample from pS :                                              By considering detection hardness in replace-
                                                                      ment sampling and giving feedback from the dis-
                    pG (x0 |c)LD (x0 , c)                             criminator to the generator, the components are no
    pS (x0 |c) =                                               (1)    longer independently learned. E LECTRA (Clark
                   EpG (x∗ |c) [LD (x∗ , c)]
                                                                      et al. 2020a; Appendix F) also attempts to achieve
             xR = replace(x, m, x0 )           x0 ∼ pS (x0 |c)
                                                                      the same goal by adversarially training the gen-
                                                                      erator. However, it underperforms the maximum-
where the corrupted sentence xR is obtained by
                                                                      likelihood training, because of the poor sample ef-
substituting the masked positions m with sampled
                                                                      ficiency of reinforcement learning on discrete text
replacements x0 . The first term pG (x0 |c) implies
                                                                      data. More importantly, their generator is trained
sampling from the data distribution. The second
                                                                      to fool the discriminator, rather than guiding the
term LD (x0 , c) encourages the model to sample
                                                                      discriminator by data distribution, which breaks
    For notation simplicity, we assume only one token is              the E LECTRA training objective. In contrast, we
masked in each sentence.                                              still retain the MLM head, and decouple it from re-
placement sampling. So we can take the advantage             4.1.2   Two Implementations of Hardness
of the original training objective.                                  Prediction
4.1.1 Perspective of Variance Reduction                      We design two variants of the sampling head. The
                                                             first one is to explicitly estimate the discriminator
We show that the proposed hardness prediction
                                                             loss (HPLoss ). The second method is to approxi-
method is well supported from the perspective of
                                                             mate the expected sampling distribution (HPDist ).
variance reduction.
Proposition 1. Sampling replacements from                    HPLoss guides the generator to learn the probabil-
pS (x0 |c) can minimize the estimation variance of           ity predicted by the discriminator that the sampled
the discriminator loss.                                      token x0 is an original token. In this case, the output
                                                             layer of the sampling head is actually a sigmoid
Proof. At each masked position, the expectation of           function same as the discriminator:
the discriminator loss we aim to estimate can be
summarized as Z = EpG (x∗ |c) [LD (x∗ , c)]. Under                   D̂(x0 , c) = sigmoid(w(x0 ) · hS (c))
pG , the estimation variance of the discriminator loss
is:                                                          where hS (c) denotes the contextual representations
                                                             projected by the sampling head, and w denotes
          VarpG (x∗ |c) [LD (x∗ , c)]                        the projection parameters. Then the loss of the
        =        pG (x∗ |c)(LD (x∗ , c) − Z)2                sampling head at the masked position is:
            x∗ ∈vocab
              X                                                      LS (x0 , c) = (D̂(x0 , c) − D(x0 , c))2
        =               pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c)2 − Z2
            x∗ ∈vocab                                           When sampling replacements over the vocab-
   Similar to importance sampling, we can select an          ulary, the estimated discriminator probability
alternative distribution pS different from pG , then         D̂(x0 , c) can be easily rewritten to the estimated
the expectation Z is rewritten as:                           discriminator loss L̂D (x0 , c):
         EpG (x∗ |c) [LD (x∗ , c)]                                              − log D̂(x0 , c)       x0 = x
                                                                L̂D (x0 , c) =
                                                                                − log(1 − D̂(x0 , c)) x0 6= x
       =         pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c)
           x∗ ∈vocab
                                                             Multiplying the MLM probability factor pG , we
             X                      pG (x∗ |c)
       =               pS (x∗ |c)              LD (x∗ , c)   obtain the sampling distribution:
                                    pS (x∗ |c)
           x∗ ∈vocab
                         pG (x∗ |c)                                                   pG (x0 |c)L̂D (x0 , c)
       = EpS (x∗ |c) [              LD (x∗ , c)]                 pS (x0 |c) = P
                         pS (x∗ |c)                                                               ∗       ∗
                                                                                 x∗ ∈vocab pG (x |c)L̂D (x , c)

By making a multiplicative adjustment to LD , the                               pG (x0 |c)L̂D (x0 , c)
estimation variance of Z under the new sampling                                EpG (x∗ |c) [L̂D (x∗ , c)]
distribution pS is converted to:
                                                             HPDist aims to directly approximate the expected
                     pG (x∗ |c)                              sampling distribution as in Equation (1), instead of
     VarpS (x∗ |c) [             LD (x∗ , c)]
                     pS (x∗ |c)                              the discriminator loss. In this case, the sampling
      X          pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c) 2                     head produces an output probability of the token
  =         pS (                          ) − Z2
                             p S                             x0 with a softmax layer:
      x ∈vocab
        X         (pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c) − pS (x∗ |c)Z)2                           exp(e(x0 ) · hS (c))
                                pS (x∗ |c)                     pS (x0 |c) = P                    ∗
      x∗ ∈vocab                                                                x∗ ∈vocab exp(e(x ) · hS (c))

   Based on the above derivation, it is obvious              where e represents the token embeddings. For the
that we obtain a zero-variance estimator when                sampled token x0 , we define the loss of the sam-
we choose pS (x∗ |c) = pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c)/Z as            pling head as:
Equation (1). This theoretically optimal form pro-
vides us insights into designing the above sampling                              pG (x0 |c)
                                                               LS (x0 , c) = −              LD (x0 , c) log pS (x0 |c)
scheme.                                                                          pS (x0 |c)
Then we show that minimizing the above loss                    4.3      Pre-Training Objective
LS (x0 , c) pushes sampling distribution of Equa-              Adopting the above two strategies, we jointly train
tion (2) to our goal. Specifically, the loss expecta-          the generator and the discriminator together as the
tion over the whole vocabulary is:                             original E LECTRA model. The word embeddings
                                                               of them are still tied during the pre-training stage.
EpS (x∗ |c) [LS (x∗ , c)] =
                                                               Formally, we minimize the combined loss over a
     X                  pG (x∗ |c)                             large corpus X :
−             pS (x∗ |c)            L (x∗ , c)log pS (x∗ |c)
                               ∗ |c) D
                        p S (x
  x∗ ∈vocab                                                               X
          X                                                        min            E [Lfc,θ G
                                                                                             (xi , c)]+
=−                pG (x∗ |c)LD (x∗ , c) log pS (x∗ |c)             θG ,θS ,θD          G
       x∗ ∈vocab                                                                                               
                                                                   λ1 E [LθSS (xR
                                                                                i , c)] + λ2 E [LθD R
                                                                                                 D (xt , x R
                                                                      i∈m                   t∈[1,n]
According to the Lagrange Multiplier method, the
optimal solution p̃S of the loss function LS (x0 , c)
                                                               where λ1 , λ2 are two hyperparameters to adjust
is consistent with Equation (1):
                                                               three parts of the loss. We only search λ1 value
                       pG (x0 |c)LD (x0 , c)                   and keep λ2 = 50 for the fair comparison with
      p̃S (x0 |c) = P              ∗         ∗                 E LECTRA. After pre-training, we throw out the
                   x∗ ∈vocab pG (x |c)LD (x , c)
                                                               generator and only fine-tune the discriminator on
                  pG (x0 |c)LD (x0 , c)
               =                                               the downstream tasks.
                 EpG (x∗ |c) [LD (x∗ , c)]
                                                               5      Experiments
4.2    Sampling Smoothing
                                                               5.1      Setup
Along with the learning process, the masked lan-
guage modeling tends to achieve relatively high                We implement E LECTRA+HPLoss /HPDist +Focal on
accuracy. As a consequence, the generator over-                both the small-size setting and the base-size setting.
samples the correct tokens as replacements, which              The two prediction heads share both the genera-
renders the discriminator learning inefficient.                tor and the token embeddings, which avoids the
   In order to address the issue, we apply an al-              unnecessary increase in model complexity. We fol-
ternative loss function called focal loss (Lin et al.,         low most settings as suggested in E LECTRA (Clark
2017) for MLM of the generator. Compared with                  et al., 2020a). In order to enhance the E LECTRA
the vanilla cross-entropy loss, focal loss adds a              baseline for a solid comparison, we add the relative
modulating factor for the weighting purpose:                   position (Raffel et al., 2020). Experimental results
                                                               show that our methods can improve performance
      Lfc                        γ
       G (x, c) = −(1 − pG (x|c)) log pG (x|c)                 even on the enhanced E LECTRA baseline.
                                                                  We pretrain our models on the same text corpus
where γ ≥ 0 is a tunable hyperparameter. Besides               as E LECTRA, which is a combination of English
using a constant γ, we try the piecewise function              Wikipedia and BooksCorpus (Zhu et al., 2015). We
γ = 1(pG > 0.2) ∗ 3 + 1(pG ≤ 0.2) ∗ 5 in our                   also adopt the N-gram masking strategy which is
experiments as suggested by Mukhoti et al. (2020).             beneficial for MLM tasks. The models are trained
   In other words, the focal loss is used to adap-             for 1M steps for small-size models and 765k steps
tively down-weight the well-classified easy ex-                for base-size models, so that the computation con-
amples and thus focusing on more difficult ones.               sumption can be similar to baseline models (Clark
When applying the focal loss to the MLM head                   et al., 2020a). The base-size models are pretrained
for the generator, we notice that if a token is easy           with 16 V100 GPUs less than five days. The small-
for the generator to be predicted correctly, i.e.,             size models are pretrained with 8 V100 GPUs less
pG (x|c) → 1, the modulating factor is greatly de-             than three days. We use the Adam (Kingma and
creased. In contrast, if a token is hard to predict,           Ba, 2015) optimizer (β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999) with
the focal loss approximates to the original cross              learning rate of 1e-4. The value of λ2 in the train-
entropy loss. Therefore, we propose to employ the              ing objective is kept fixed at 50 for a fair compari-
focal loss in order to smooth the sampling distribu-           son with E LECTRA. For HPLoss , we search λ1 in
tion, which in turn relieves oversampling correct              {5, 10, 20}, the best one is 5. For HPDist , we keep
tokens as replacements.                                        λ1 = 1. We search the focal loss weight γ in {1, 4}
MNLI       QNLI     QQP     RTE    SST    MRPC      CoLA     STS
                                        -m/-mm       Acc     Acc     Acc    Acc     Acc      MCC      PCC
      E LECTRA (reimplementation)       80.3/80.6   89.0     89.2    62.2   89.0     87.3     59.6    86.3
      E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal            81.2/81.7   89.1     89.6    66.1   89.2     86.6     59.3    86.7
      E LECTRA+HPDist +Focal            81.0/81.8   89.3     89.6    62.5   89.2     86.8     59.7    86.8
      BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)         84.5/-     88.6     90.8    68.5   92.8     86.0     58.4    87.8
      RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019)         84.7/-      -        -       -     92.7      -        -       -
      XLNet (Yang et al., 2019)          85.8/-      -        -       -     93.4      -        -       -
      E LECTRA (Clark et al., 2020a)     86.2/-     92.4     90.9    76.3   92.4     87.9     65.8    89.1
      E LECTRIC (Clark et al., 2020b)    85.7/-     92.1     90.6    73.4   91.9     88.0     61.8    89.4
      E LECTRA (reimplementation)       86.7/86.5   92.6     91.4    80.4   92.6     89.1     66.5    91.0
      E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal            87.0/86.9   92.7     91.7    81.3   92.6     90.7     66.7    91.0
      E LECTRA+HPDist +Focal            86.8/86.8   92.3     91.6    80.0   92.7     89.8     67.3    90.9

Table 1: Comparisons between our models and previous pretrained models on GLUE dev set. Reported results are
medians over five random seeds.

on both the base-size and small-size model, the best       the supplementary materials.
configuration is γ = 1. The detailed pre-training             Results are shown in Table 1. With the same con-
configurations are provided in the supplemental            figuration and pre-training data, for both the small-
materials.                                                 size and the base-size, our methods outperform
                                                           the strong reimplemented E LECTRA baseline by
5.2   Results on GLUE Benchmark                            0.6 and 0.4 on average respectively. For the most
The General Language Understanding Evaluation              widely reported task MNLI, our models achieve
(GLUE) benchmark (Wang et al., 2019) is a col-             87.0/86.9 points on the matched/mismatched set,
lection of diverse natural language understanding          which obtains 0.3/0.4 absolute improvements. The
(NLU) tasks, including inference tasks (MNLI,              performance gains on the small-size models are
QNLI, RTE; Dagan et al. 2006; Bar-Haim et al.              more obvious than the base-size models, we spec-
2006; Giampiccolo et al. 2007; Bentivogli et al.           ulate that is due to the learning of the small-size
2009; Williams et al. 2018; Rajpurkar et al. 2016b),       generator is more insufficient and suffers from the
similarity and paraphrase tasks (MRPC, QQP, STS-           above issues more significantly. The results demon-
B; Dolan and Brockett 2005; Cer et al. 2017), and          strate that our proposed methods can improve the
single-sentence tasks (CoLA, SST-2; Warstadt et al.        pre-training of E LECTRA. In other words, sampling
2018; Socher et al. 2013). The detailed descriptions       more hard replacements is more efficient than the
of GLUE datasets are provided in the supplemen-            original masked language modeling.
tary materials. The evaluation metrics are Spear-
man correlation for STS-B, Matthews correlation            5.3   Results on SQuAD 2.0
for CoLA, and accuracy for the other GLUE tasks.           The Stanford Question Answering Dataset
   For small-size settings, we use the hyperparam-         (SQuAD; Rajpurkar et al. 2016a) is a reading
eter configuration as suggested in (Clark et al.,          comprehension dataset, each example consists
2020a). For base-size settings, we consider a lim-         of a context and a question-answer pair. Given a
ited hyperparameter searching for each task, with          context and a question, the task is to answer the
learning rates ∈ {5e-5, 1e-4, 1.5e-4} and training         question by extracting the relevant span from the
epochs ∈ {3, 4, 5}. The remaining hyperparam-              context. We only use the version 2.0 for evaluation,
eters are the same as E LECTRA. We report the              where some questions are not answerable. We
median performance on the dev set over five dif-           report the results of both the Exact-Match (EM)
ferent random seeds for each task. All the results         and F1 score. When fine-tuning on SQuAD, we
come from the single-task fine-tuning. For more            add the question-answering module from XLNet
detailed fine-tuning configurations, please refer to       on the top of the discriminator as Clark et al.
SQuAD 2.0             Model                 MNLI-m         SQuAD 2.0
                                      EM   F1
                                                            E LECTRA                 80.3           71.3
                                                            E LECTRA + HPLoss
  E LECTRA (reimplementation)         68.9   71.3
                                                            λ1 = 5                   80.9           74.2
  E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal              71.8   74.3           λ1 = 10                  81.1           75.1
  E LECTRA+HPDist +Focal              73.2   75.5           λ1 = 20                  81.0           74.1
  Base-size                                                 E LECTRA
                                                                     + HPLoss (λ1 = 5) + Focal
 BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)           73.7   77.1           γ=
                                                                  3   pG > 0.2
                                                                                     81.0           74.7
 RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019)            -     79.7                 5   pG ≤ 0.2
 XLNet (Yang et al., 2019)            78.2   81.0           γ = 1.0                  81.2           74.3
 E LECTRA (Clark et al., 2020a)       80.5   83.3           γ = 4.0                  80.9           74.2
 E LECTRIC (Clark et al., 2020b)      80.1    -
 E LECTRA (reimplementation)          82.4   85.1       Table 3: Ablation studies on small-size models. We an-
                                                        alyze the effect of the hardness prediction loss weight
  E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal              83.0   85.6       λ1 and the focal loss factor γ. Reported results are me-
  E LECTRA+HPDist +Focal              82.7   85.4       dians over five random seeds.

Table 2: Comparisons between our models and previ-
ous pretrained models on SQuAD 2.0 dev set. Reported    are not sensitive to the loss weight hyperparam-
results are medians over five random seeds.             eter. Next, we fix λ1 at 5 and understand the
                                                        effect of the focal loss factor γ. We observe
                                                        that the application of the focal loss with piece-
(2020a). All the hyperparameter configurations          wise γ = 1(pG > 0.2) ∗ 3 + 1(pG ≤ 0.2) ∗ 5
are the same as E LECTRA. We report the median          and γ = 1 can improve the performance on two
performance on the dev set over five different          datasets, which proves the effectiveness of the sam-
random seeds. Refer to the appendix for more            pling smoothing.
details about fine-tuning.
   Results on SQuAD 2.0 are shown in Table 2.           6     Analysis
Consistently, our models perform better than E LEC -
TRA baseline under both the small-size setting and      To better understand the main advantages of our
the base-size setting. Under the base setting, our      models over E LECTRA, we conduct several analy-
models improve the performance over the reimple-        sis experiments.
mented E LECTRA baseline by 0.6 points (EM) and
                                                        6.1     Impacts on Sampling Distributions
0.5 points (F1). Especially under the small setting,
our models outperform the baseline by a remark-         We first provide a comparison between the sam-
able margin. E LECTRA+HPDist +Focal obtains 4.3         pling distributions of E LECTRA and our models
and 4.2 points absolute improvements on EM and          illustrate the effect of our proposed methods. We
F1 metric.                                              conduct evaluations on a subset of the pre-training
                                                        corpus. Figure 3 demonstrates the distribution of
5.4   Ablation Studies                                  the maximum probability of the two sampling dis-
We conduct ablation studies on small-size E LEC -       tributions at the masked positions. We observe
TRA +HPLoss +Focal models. We investigate the ef-       that the ratio of the maximum value under E LEC -
fect of the loss weight λ1 of the sampling head and     TRA sampling distribution between [0.9, 1] is much
the focal loss factor γ in order to better understand   higher than that of our models. In other words,
their relative importance. Results are presented in     the original distribution suffers from over-sampling
Table 3.                                                the high-probability tokens and the discriminator is
   We first disable the focal loss and only under-      forced to learn from these easy examples repeatedly.
stand the effect of λ1 . As shown in Table 3, no        In contrast, the distribution of the maximum value
matter what the value of λ1 is, our models ex-          of our models in each interval is relatively more
ceed the baseline by a substantial margin, which        uniform than E LECTRA, which indicates that our
demonstrates that the hardness prediction can in-       methods can significantly reduce the probability of
deed improve the pre-training and our methods           sampling the well-classified tokens and smooth the
25                                                             Model         Masked Positions       All Positions
Percentage of samples
                    20                                                             E LECTRA              0.81                0.96
                    15                                                             Ours                  0.72                0.95

                    10                                                            Table 5: Replacement detection accuracy of E LECTRA
                                                                                  and E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal. The models are evalu-
                        5                                                         ated on 15% masked positions and all input tokens re-
                                                                                  spectively. Our method samples more hard examples.
                        0 0.0       0.2       0.4      0.6          0.8     1.0
                                            Max Probability
                              (a) Sampling Distribution of E LECTRA               ulate that the sampling probability of the original
                    25                                                            tokens is generally higher than the replacements, so
Percentage of samples

                                                                                  the sampling head tends to receive more feedback
                                                                                  from these original tokens.
                                                                                  6.3    Prediction Accuracy of the Discriminator
                    10                                                            In order to verify the claim that the sampling distri-
                        5                                                         bution of our models indeed considers the detection
                                                                                  difficulty, we evaluate the prediction accuracy of
                        0 0.0       0.2       0.4      0.6          0.8     1.0   the discriminator under the two sampling schemes
                                            Max Probability                       of E LECTRA and E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal. Re-
                              (b) Sampling distribution of our models             sults are listed in Table 5. No matter evaluating
                                                                                  at all positions or only at the masked positions,
Figure 3: The distribution of the maximum probabil-
                                                                                  the detection accuracy under our sampling distri-
ity at the masked positions under the sampling distribu-
tions of E LECTRA and our models.                                                 bution is relatively lower than under masked lan-
                                                                                  guage modeling in original E LECTRA. Because the
                                                                                  unmasked tokens constitute the majority of input
                   Token Type             Original     Replaced           All     examples, the difference of the all-token accuracy
                   Corr. Coeff.             0.78             0.61         0.64    between two models is not so distinct compared
                                                                                  to the masked tokens. This phenomenon is consis-
Table 4: Correlation coefficient between the actual                               tent with our original intention. It proves that our
discriminator loss and the estimated value for E LEC -                            models can sample more replacements that the dis-
TRA +HPLoss +Focal. “Original”: sampling correct to-
                                                                                  criminator struggles to make correct predictions. In
kens as replacements. “Replaced”: the positions that
are substituted to incorrect tokens.
                                                                                  contrast, the replacements sampled from E LECTRA
                                                                                  are easier to distinguish.

whole sampling distribution.                                                      7     Conclusion
                                                                                  We propose to improve the replacement sampling
6.2                         Estimation Quality                                    for E LECTRA pre-training. We introduce two meth-
In order to measure the estimation quality of dis-                                ods, namely hardness prediction and sampling
criminator loss, we evaluate our models on a held-                                smoothing. Rather than sampling from masked
out set of pre-training corpus and compute the cor-                               language modeling, we design a new sampling
relation coefficient between the actual discrimina-                               scheme, which considers both the MLM probabil-
tor loss LD (x, c) and the estimated value L̂D (x, c).                            ity and the prediction difficulty of the discriminator.
The results of E LECTRA+HPLoss +Focal are shown                                   So the generator can receive feedback from the
in Table 4. We report the estimation quality of the                               discriminator. Moreover, we adopt the focal loss
original tokens and the replaced tokens separately.                               to MLM, which adaptively downweights the well-
The correlation coefficient value is 0.64 over two                                classified examples and smooth the entire distribu-
types of tokens, which proves that LD (x, c) and                                  tion. The sampling smoothing technique relieves
L̂D (x, c) correlate well. Furthermore, we observe                                oversampling original tokens as replacements. Re-
that the estimation quality over the original tokens                              sults show that our models outperform E LECTRA
is relatively higher than the replacements. We spec-                              baseline. In the future, we would like to apply
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                                                             tional Linguistics.
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Hyperparameter                               Value
                 Learning Rate            3e-4 for Small, {5e-5, 1e-4, 1.5e-4} for Base
                 Adam                                         1e-6
                 Adam β1                                        0.9
                 Adam β2                                      0.999
                 Layerwise LR decay                             0.8
                 Learning rate decay                          Linear
                 Warmup fraction                                0.1
                 Attention Dropout                              0.1
                 Dropout                                        0.1
                 Weight Decay                    0 for Small, {0, 0.01} for Base
                 Batch Size                                     32
                 Train Epochs             {10, 15, 20} for RTE, {3, 4, 5} for other tasks

                    Table 6: Fine-tuning details about ELECTRA baseline and our models.

    Hyperparameter             Small     Base          nal articles on linguistic theory. The task is to
                                                       determine whether a given sentence is grammatical
    Number of layers            12        12
                                                       or not. The dataset contains 8.5k train examples.
    Hidden Size                256       768
    FFN inner hidden size     1024       3072
                                                       STS-B The Semantic Textual Similarity Bench-
    Attention heads              4        12
                                                       mark (Cer et al., 2017) is a collection of sentence
    Attention head size         64        64
                                                       pairs drawn from news headlines, video and image
    Embedding Size             128       768
                                                       captions, and natural language inference data. The
    Generator Size             1/4        1/3
                                                       tasks is to predict how semantically similar two
    Mask percent                15        15
                                                       sentences are on a 1-5 scale. The dataset contains
    Learning Rate Decay       Linear    Linear
                                                       5.8k train examples.
    Warmup steps              10000     10000
    Learning Rate              5e-4      1e-4
    Adam                      1e-6      1e-6          B    Pre-training Details
    Adam β1                     0.9       0.9
    Adam β2                   0.999     0.999          We did not search any hyperparameters during pre-
                                                       training. Most of our pre-training configurations
Table 7: Pre-training details about ELECTRA baseline   are same as the original ELECTRA (Clark et al.,
and our models.                                        2020a). The learning rate for base-sized model
                                                       is changed from 2e-5 to 1e-5 on both ELECTRA
SST The Stanford Sentiment Treebank (Socher            baseline and our models, because we expect the fair
et al., 2013) consists of sentences from movie re-     comparison with BERT and RoBERTa. We keep
views and human annotations of their sentiment.        λ2 = 50 for both ELECTRA-EL and ELECTRA-
The task is to predict the sentiment of a given sen-   AD. The full set of pre-training hyperparameters is
tence. The dataset contains 67k train examples.        provided in Table 7.

MRPC The Microsoft Research Paraphrase Cor-
                                                       C    Fine-tuning Details
pus (Dolan and Brockett, 2005) is a corpus of sen-
tence pairs automatically extracted from online
                                                       For base-sized models, we searched the learning
news sources. The task is to predict whether two
                                                       rate and pre-training epochs on both ELECTRA
sentences are semantically equivalent or not. The
                                                       baseline and our models. For small-sized models,
dataset contains 3.7k train examples.
                                                       we use the same hyperparameters as suggested in
CoLA The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptabil-              ELECTRA. All the results come from the single-
ity (Warstadt et al., 2018) consists of English ac-    task fine-tuning. The full set of fine-tuning hyper-
ceptability judgments drawn from books and jour-       parameters is provided in Table 6.
D                     Prediction Accuracy of the


Prediction Accuracy


                      0.7                            pg_masked
                      0.6                            pg_all
                            200k   400k    600k     800k 1000k
                                   Pre-training Steps
Figure 4: The prediction accuracy of the discriminator.
Blue lines indicate sampling replacements according to
pG , red lines are according to pS . The solid line rep-
resents the prediction accuracy evaluated on the 15%
masked tokens and the dashed line represents the pre-
diction accuracy of all input tokens.
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