MADELINE GRANT looks at the mating game- and concludes it's all about the numbers - Institute of Economic Affairs

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MADELINE GRANT looks at the mating game- and concludes it's all about the numbers - Institute of Economic Affairs
MADELINE GRANT looks at the mating game –
  and concludes it’s all about the numbers…

            c s     D a t i n g
Eco n o m i     o f

MADELINE GRANT looks at the mating game- and concludes it's all about the numbers - Institute of Economic Affairs
     n 1992, Gary Becker            with helping turn the tide         to recommend them, were
     received the Nobel Prize       towards romantic love and the      shipped out to colonial India
     for extending economic         nuclear family by living out       to find mates. Nicknamed the
     analysis to spheres of         their domestic idyll in public.    ‘Fishing Fleet,’ these groups
human behaviour previously             The couple popularised          sought to take advantage of the
considered the preserve of          many      of     the    romantic   huge surplus of men working
sociologists and psychologists.     traditions      we    nowadays     there, compared to available
  These included education,         take for granted, including        ‘marriageable’ women.
racial discrimination, medicine,    engagement rings, the white           It didn’t take long for East
drug addiction and even             wedding dress and gift-giving      India Company officials to see
traffic flows.                      on anniversaries.                  a business opportunity. Rather
  Becker’s       ‘people-centric’      Yet the expansion of the        than paying women to travel
approach has been hugely            family unit developed from         out to India, the company
influential, and he remains one     economic realities as well as      realised they could start
of the most cited economists of     changing sensibilities.            charging       husband-seekers
the last 50 years.                                                     who had been unable to
                                       Industrialisation and the       make a good match at home,
  One of Becker’s key insights      boom in material wealth            so desperate were families
was simply that humans              triggered a huge expansion         to offload their unwed
respond to supply, demand           of the middle classes. Millions    daughters.
and incentives away from            of    additional     households
traditional arenas like the         could establish themselves as         In China, the legacy and
labour market.                      independent economic units         skewed demographics of the
                                    for the first time, away from      One Child Policy have left a
  In a seminal paper, he                                               highly competitive marriage
emphasised marriage as a            extended families.
                                                                       market, where decision-making
crucial, if neglected issue            The           inward-looking,   power rests with women.
to which economic analysis          traditional nuclear family
should be applied.                  with     its     emphasis     on      This, combined with the
                                    companionship and division of      fact that Chinese women are
  ‘Econ 101’ may seem like a                                           increasingly      well-educated
clunky and unromantic way           labour into ‘separate spheres’,
                                    was hugely influenced by           and financially independent,
to view love, but people have                                          means that men must work
                                                                       harder than ever to capture a
ROYAL COURTSHIP… IT WASN’T                                             woman’s heart, by signalling
                                                                       their trustworthiness and
UNTIL THE VICTORIAN ERA THAT                                           ability to provide.
LOVE AND COMPANIONSHIP WERE                                               Chances of marrying in this
                                                                       female-scarce      environment
WIDELY ACCEPTED AS                                                     are materially increased by
PRE-REQUISITES FOR MARRIAGE                                            owning your own home. One
                                                                       survey of Chinese mothers
                                                                       found that more than four
employed economic principles        these shifts. Even the concept     fifths would object to their
in their relationship decision-     of ‘dating’ didn’t exist until     daughters marrying a non-
making for generations.             industrialisation and changing     homeowner.
                                    demographic trends expanded           In contrast, societies where
  Economic trends govern            freedom, leisure time and
even our basic understanding                                           men are in short supply tend
                                    disposable income.                 towards permissiveness and
of love. Although Jane
Austen wrote about it, and            Throughout history, scarcity     lower levels of commitment.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and             on the dating market has              The First World War had a
Juliet acted it out, it wasn’t      impacted our behaviour in          seismic impact on romantic
until the Victorian era that        significant, if hidden ways.       behaviour. More than 700,000
love    and     companionship         Between the 17th and early       British men were killed during
were widely accepted as pre-        20th centuries, thousands of       World War One, with as many
requisites for marriage.            otherwise       ‘unmarriageable’   left seriously wounded or
  In Britain, Queen Victoria        British women, the illegitimate    incapacitated. According to
and Prince Albert are credited      or those without dowries           the 1921 UK census, there

MADELINE GRANT looks at the mating game- and concludes it's all about the numbers - Institute of Economic Affairs
                                    Recent years have seen a surge
                                    in online dating apps, led by
                                    number-crunchers and maths
                                    majors in Silicon Valley. These
                                    allow users to bypass many
                                    of the traditional obstacles to
                                    meeting new people, thereby
                                    expanding their own personal
                                    dating market.
                                      According     to    economic
                                    theory, increasing the size of
were 1,209 single women for         the market in this way should           In heterosexual apps, women
every 1,000 men aged 25-29.         improve dating by making             are often in short supply
                                    successful matches more likely,      and effectively the ‘shared
   Following the war, many
                                    which is largely borne out in        resource’. Female users of apps
blamed jazz music and even
                                    the evidence.                        like Tinder tend to lose patience
the burgeoning automobile
                                                                         and interest if bombarded
for the emergence of the              Survey data suggest that
                                                                         with ‘low-quality’ messages.
‘Flapper’    generation      and    online     dating     generally
                                                                         Since it usually costs no
the growing permissiveness          leads to ‘better matches’ and
                                                                         money       to    match      with
documented in poems like TS         greater reported happiness
                                                                         someone, the opportunities
Eliot’s The Waste Land.             – presumably because of the
                                                                         for     such    messages      are
   Yet a far more likely            wider choice of partners.
explanation is simply a good
game. Author Jon Birger
                       numbers        APP-Y EVER AFTER? SURVEY DATA
hypothesises that the wartime         SUGGESTS ONLINE DATING GENERALLY
death toll created a lopsided
dating market which persisted
                                      LEADS TO BETTER MATCHES AND
into the ‘Roaring 20s’. The           GREATER REPORTED HAPPINESS
remaining men, responding
to their inflated value on the         Online and app-based dating       practically endless.
marriage market, ‘shopped           carry especial benefits for
                                                                           The     app     Bumble    has
around’      and     postponed      people whose preferences make
                                                                         attempted to correct this
commitment.                         discovering partners harder
                                                                         by only letting women send
   Birger    believes     similar   due to social or geographical
                                                                         messages first, thus shifting
demographic           disparities   isolation. One big winner
                                                                         the power balance, lowering
drive contemporary ‘hookup          has been same-sex dating,
                                                                         the possibility of vast amounts
culture’,    particularly     on    which necessarily operates in a
                                                                         of    meaningless      messages
college campuses.                   smaller pool than heterosexual
                                                                         being sent from men (and of
                                    romance and is illegal or socially
   Women in the UK are now                                               women abandoning the app
                                    unacceptable in many places
35% more likely than men to                                              in frustration).
                                    around the world.
attend university. American                                                One of the most powerful
women outnumber men at                 Yet the skewed gender
                                                                         arguments        against    the
most universities, sometimes        ratio on many apps can
                                                                         hubris of central planners is
by ratios of more than 3-1.         also destabilise. Men, in the
                                                                         the ubiquity of markets. As
When men ‘control’ the              main, outnumber women on
                                                                         Gary Becker knew - and the
dating market through supply        heterosexual apps (two-to-
                                                                         modern-day dating scene
and demand, hookup culture          one on Tinder).
                                                                         attests - even our personal
quickly becomes the norm,              This disparity can in turn        relationships can’t be divorced
as single males, like their         trigger an economic effect           from economics•
forebears in the 1920s, play        known as the ‘Tragedy of the
the field and delay marriage.                                                             Madeline Grant
                                    Commons’, where individuals
                                                                                 Madeline is the former
   However, just as economic        try to reap the greatest benefit
                                                                               Editorial Manager at the
trends shape our fates on           from a given resource, yet end
                                                                          Institute of Economic Affairs.
the dating market, data and         up hurting the common good of
                                                                            She’s now on the Comment
algorithms offer solutions to       all    individuals   in     their
                                                                           team at the Daily Telegraph.
some of the associated pitfalls.    shared setting.

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