Maoist Outlook -July 2019 - Banned Thought

Page created by Ray Vaughn
Maoist Outlook -July 2019
प्रकाशि त शि तित : २०७६ श्रावण २


Let us prepare for building proletarian
All of the contradictions that exist between imperialism and oppressed
nations, labour and capital and the imperialist powers are intensifying in
the world today. The imperialism is undergoing crisis economically,
politically and culturally. At present, the monopoly financial capital has
been awfully centralised, on the one hand, and the impoverished working
class and the oppressed masses are getting infuriated, on the other. From
this perspective, the objective situation is getting favourable for
revolution. Nevertheless, the subjective condition is still weak.
After the death of Mao, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
(RIM) that was constituted among revolutionary communist parties and
organisations of different countries on the theoretical foundation and
ideological guideline of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism had played an
important role for revolution. The new democratic and socialist revolutions
and the national liberation movements had started developing in several
countries in a new way. But, as a result of serious right-revisionist
deviation in a section of main leadership rank of the erstwhile Communist
Party of Nepal (Maoist) and in the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA as
well the RIM has reached an almost dead and defunct condition now.
Hence, the RIM cannot work anymore, and the need to form a new
international has been imminent task.
Several communist parties and organisations that were inside and outside
of RIM are actively engaged in revolution today. Besides, new Maoist
parties have been built up in many countries in this course. Their concern

of building a revolutionary international is growing and some efforts are
also underway in this process. But, they are still inadequate.
Therefore, we have to pay special attention to building a proletarian
international, now. In this context, we have to pay special attention
mainly in two things. Firstly, the ideological basis of such an international
should be Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the parties’ political
programmes should correspond to the socio-economic condition of the
given country and secondly, the Maoist parties and organisations, no
matter which were and which were not in RIM before, should create a
common understanding among them going through intensive and
extensive interactions and necessary two-line struggles. We have to make
a special effort for both of these tasks. This is how the proletarian
international can be built.
Dear comrades, imperialism, different forms of reactions and right-
revisionism can create hindrances to this task and our own limitations and
weaknesses too can stand as challenges before this mission. We have to
go ahead confronting all the hindrances and challenges of this sort. Let us
unite and come forward for the preparation of building a proletarian
international on the basis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
July 11, 2019

Press Communiqué
Chaired by General Secretary Com. Kiran, the Central Committee Meeting
of CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) held from June 27 to July 2, 2019 has been
concluded. This press communiqué has been issued to publicize the
decisions adopted in the meeting.
 1.The meeting had begun with emotional tribute by observing one
 minute silence to those immortal martyrs who laid their lives in the
 course of people’s war and mass movements carried on nationally and

2.General Secretary Com. Kiran presented a political report on behalf of
the central headquarters. After thorough discussion, the CC meeting
unanimously adopted it with necessary amendments. The essence of the
report is as mentioned under:
3.Aimed at establishing their hegemony in the world today, intense
reciprocal competition is going on among various imperialist countries
and power centres in the economic, political and military field. This
competition has now converted into a trade war. The danger of nuclear
war is growing in the world and cyber war also is going on. On the one
hand, several oppressed countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America have
been undergoing unbearable pain caused by the oppression of globalised
imperialism and on the other they have been struggling hard against
those oppressions too.
4.In order to counter the strategy of Belt and Road initiative taken on by
China, the US has pursued an Indo-Pacific strategy. In this situation,
Nepal has turned to be a centre-stage of triangular fight and thus the
question of defending national independence has been more acute.
5.Now, the formation of parliamentarian and neo-reactionary
government, communist by name, has been about 16 months. In this
period, the problems of national independence, democracy and people’s
livelihood have been more acute. Keeping intact the unequal treaties
including the 1950 treaty and increasing aggressions along the border
and to the hydro-power sectors, the Indian expansionism has further
intensified its intervention whereas the government, instead of opposing
and counteracting it, has silently stood by it. By banning political parties,
by killing their leaders and cadres in the name of encounter, by
restraining the freedom of expression of journalists and by seizing right
of the people like workers, peasants, indigenous nationalities, women,
Dalits, Madheshis and Muslims, the present government is heading
towards fascism. By running economy along the lines of neo-liberalism
and by creating an illusion of ‘Prosperous Nepal and Happy Nepali’, the
government is serving imperialism against socialism. The government
has gone to be a centre stage of corruption, land-mafia, smuggling and

commission. It has created the need of organising struggle in a new
  6.The implementation of resolution, policy, plan and decisions adopted
  in the last November CC meeting has been reviewed. In spite of some
  limitations and problems, the CC has concluded that party work is
  advancing towards a positive direction.
  7.When the objective situation has started becoming favourable for
  revolution in Nepal and the world and the subjective condition of the
  revolutionaries the world over is weak, the CC meeting has adopted
  upcoming policy, programme and plan with a resolve of transforming
  the adversity into compatibility, preparing for new democratic revolution
  in the light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, enriching oneself with patience
  and revolutionary optimism to go towards socialism and communism
  and becoming firm in strategy and flexible in tactic. In the situation
  when the oppression, domination and hegemony on the part of
  imperialism and revisionism have been growing and the problems
  related to national independence, democracy and people’s livelihood
  have become more serious, the CC meeting has taken necessary and
  important decisions to enhance struggle in our own initiative and also
  through unity in action with the political parties that have common
  8.Forcefully opposing and condemning the ban by Oli government upon
  Biplab group and murder of their leaders and cadres in the name of
  encounter, the CC has laid emphasis to behave politically with them and
  seek to find political solution to this problem. Also, opposing the
  mysterious political line and working style of Biplab group, the CC has
  drawn their attention to correct them.
Finally, Comrade Kiran, laying emphasis to implement the decisions
adopted by the CC and thanking to the entire comrades, concluded the
Date: July 6, 2019
General Secretary

Correctness of Marxism And The Historical Task
of Revolution
(The paper presented in a workshop organized by CPN (Revolutionary
Maoist) on May 5, 2019)
 1.The bicentenary of Karl Marx (1818-1883), the pioneer of Marxism,
 has been celebrated in several countries of the world by organizing
 different programmes. The real meaning and objective of organising
 Marx’s bicentenary is to go ahead in a conscious and planned way to
 comprehend and mainly change the world by recalling and grasping the
 lessons and contributions of Karl Marx regarding ideology, politics,
 organisation and revolution.
 2.Karl Marx, along with his close associate and co-fighter Frederick
 Engels (1820-1895), pioneered Marxism as a principle of emancipation
 of the world proletariat, oppressed masses and the humanity as a whole
 by way of waging relentless theoretical struggle against unscientific
 thinking, trends and concepts that had appeared in the entire field of
 philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism. It was a unique
 and great epoch-making stride in the world history.
 3.Marxism was borne during the historical period between capitalism
 and the dawn of the socialist revolution. Historically important
 documents like Communist Manifesto and those of Paris Commune were
 prepared in this period. And they had theoretically guided the
 revolutionaries to proceed towards the goal of attaining communism by
 accomplishing socialist revolutions.
 4.Marxism has three component parts; they are: philosophy, political
 economy and scientific socialism. The dialectical and historical
 materialism is Marxist philosophy. It favours scientific materialism
 against all sorts of idealism and metaphysics. Marxian political economy
 is related to the principles of productive forces and the relations of
 production; base and superstructure; social being and social
 consciousness; the struggle between oppressor and the oppressed

classes; the labour theory of value and the theory of surplus value.
Marxian socialism is scientific socialism. It is based on class, class
struggle, concept of violence, dictatorship of the proletariat and the
principles of communism. Marxism is the doctrine of revolution and
liberation of the proletariat. It lays emphasis not only to comprehend
the world but mainly to change it.
5.Marxism demands its application in class struggle and liveliness of
social life. Marxism is a science and it is inseparably linked with
implementation. In their lifetime, Marx and Engels also paid attention to
its application in addition to invention. After that, Lenin played a
remarkable role in application and the development of Marxism. Lenin
implemented Marxism in Russian territory. As a consequence, socialist
revolution succeeded in Russia in October 1917. It shook the world and
imparted influence in several countries of the globe. Leninism emerged
amid successful application and development of Marxism. Mao Tsetung,
successfully applying Marxism-Leninism in China, accomplished New
Democratic Revolution in 1949. The new democratic and socialist
revolutions led by the proletariat succeeded one after another in various
countries of the world during the Second World War and later. The Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) was waged in China under
the leadership of Mao. It created a huge upheaval in the world
revolution. Right in this course, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism emerged
amidst the application and development of Marxism-Leninism.
6.The revolution is a continuous process. It attains its ultimate goal
passing through several revolutions and counter-revolutions. Following
the death of Stalin, counter-revolution took place in Russia under the
leadership of Khrushchev and capitalism was restored. In China too,
counter-revolution took place and capitalism was restored under the
leadership of Teng in 1976 after Mao’s death. The world proletarian
revolution suffered a serious setback. After the counter-revolution in
Russia, Mao had launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in
China in view of preventing it there. Nevertheless, it could not be

7.After this process of counter-revolution and collapse of “Soviet Union”
the reactionaries all over the world started shouting that socialism has
failed. The entire opportunists, scolding the revolutionary Marxists,
started murmuring. The reactionaries, revisionists and revolutionary
Marxists put forward their respective reactions and opinions about the
8.The reactionaries, on the one hand, oppose that the socialist system
led by the proletariat is one party dictatorship while on the other they
maintain that the socialism has failed, communism has ended and the
liberal parliamentary democracy has become immortal. In fact, the
socialism led by the proletariat is not a one party system of the
communists but it is the dictatorship of the proletariat. The communists
do not conceal it. But on the contrary, what is true is that the
parliamentarian system or liberal democracy, as the bourgeoisie say, is
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. In the class society, the state power
is based on dictatorship. The question here is not whether there is
dictatorship or not but the main question is which class exercises
dictatorship upon the other. The bourgeoisie, manoeuvring in the name
of democracy, try to make their dictatorship immortal. However, the
communists, saying in clear words that the dictatorship of the proletariat
is a transitional system and exercising proletarian democracy, make an
effort to establish communism by bringing all sorts of state powers and
dictatorships to an end.
9.The revisionists say that the main reason behind the failure of
socialism in the countries including Soviet Union was a mistake on the
part of communists in practicing democracy and pour serious charges
upon Stalin for this. In fact, the reason behind it does not lie in the
weakness in practicing democracy but mainly in their inability to practice
proletarian dictatorship. Although there had been some mistakes and
weaknesses on the part of Stalin in identifying and solving contradictions
in the then Russian society even then he was a great Marxist-Leninist.
Mao’s evaluation that Stalin was 30 per cent wrong and 70 per cent
right seems to be basically scientific.

10.In the viewpoint of revolutionary communists, there are two reasons
of counter-revolution: objective and subjective. Excessive exercise to
restore capitalism on the part of the deposed reactionaries, petty-
production as the base of capitalist restoration in the socialist society,
backing of imperialist powers to the capitalist-roaders of the given
country, emergence of revisionism within the communist party itself etc.
are the objective reasons behind counter-revolution. The lack of
necessary vigilance on the part of the revolutionaries in identifying
contradictions and the seeds of counter-revolution in the socialist
society, in consolidating the revolutionary forces and weakening the
counter-revolutionary ones in the party and society can be regarded as
the subjective factors behind counter-revolution. Of the aforesaid two
factors, although either one can play principal role for counter-revolution
in different junctures, but ultimately the objective reason is decisive. A
protracted period is necessary for the ultimate victory of the proletariat
in the socialist phase and the victory of revolution in the particular
country is ultimately guaranteed by the victory of world revolution.
Lenin and Mao have shed light well on this question.
11.What the reactionaries think is that the socialist state once it fails
cannot ever regain victory and that failure is the theoretical failure of
Marxism itself. It is utterly wrong. The revolution attains its ultimate
victory amidst a series of victory and defeat. In the history, the
bourgeois democratic revolutions too have gone ahead facing several
defeats. In this context, Mao’s saying is noteworthy. He says that
sometimes the forces that represent progressive class are defeated not
because their ideology is wrong but because they are not as powerful as
the reactionaries in the state of temporary balance of power; but their
final victory is inevitable though they are temporarily defeated. Thus, it
is clear that though the socialist states have failed it is a temporary
failure and ultimately the victory of the proletariat and the oppressed
masses is indispensable.
12.Marxism is scientific and omnipotent from both the theoretical and
practical point of view. The dialectical and historical materialism in the

field of philosophy, labour theory of value and the theory of surplus
value in the field of political economy; class, class struggle, dictatorship
of the proletariat and withering away of state in the field of socialism i.e.
the propositions of communism are both scientific and coherent from
both historical and logical point of view. Conversely, its opposite pole,
capitalism i.e. imperialism is unscientific and incoherent from both the
theoretical and practical standpoint. Today, it has made its theoretical
basis to post-modernism, which declares that history, ideology, man and
reality have all come to an end. In the field of philosophy, it has
embraced metaphysical and idealist thinking based on nihilism,
irrationalism, pluralism and eclecticism. In the field of political economy,
it is entangled in an inescapable vicious circle of monopoly capitalism,
network of multinational companies, centralisation and financialisation of
capital, profitism and economic crisis. In the field of politics, it has been
imposing dictatorship of the minority elite class upon majority masses
by creating an elusive illusion of democracy. It has already been proved
that the freedom, equality and slogans of fraternity it talks of are
nothing other than show-tusks of an elephant. Its ultimate result is
fascism. Today, the globalised imperialism is going towards fascism in
the midst of the intense struggle between neo-liberal open economy and
protectionism. Therefore, from both the standpoint of theory and
practice the future of Marxism is bright and that of monopoly capitalism
is dark. In this way, the ability of resolving all sorts of problems and
contradictions in the present era remains with Marxism and the
significance of Marxism has further increased.
13.Mao had said that all sorts of reactionaries and imperialism are real
tigers tactically and they are paper tigers strategically. It is equally true
in the present context as well. Today, the imperialism is manifested in
an extreme condition of financialisation of capital and in a new show of
multinational companies and global form. Although it has tried to wrap
up the world in the fold of World Bank, International Monetary Fund and
World Trade Organisation, it is getting entangled today in the struggle
between neo-liberalism and protectionism and an awful trade war. The

imperialism seems to be strong in form, but in essence it is getting
weaker day by day. In the same manner, the world proletariat and the
communist movement are weak in form but in essence their future is
bright. The genuine Marxists must pay attention not merely to form but
mainly to essence.
14.After the death of Mao and the restoration of capitalism in the
socialist countries, the revolutionary communist parties and
organisations of different countries of the world, synthesising the
guiding principle of the world proletariat in the form of Marxism-
Leninism-Maoism, propelled the process of revolution forward. Right in
this course, Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) was
founded. People’s war in the countries including Philippines, Peru, India
and Nepal continued developing. It created a new wave of revolution
and encouragement in the world. However, after some time, a serious
rightist opportunism appeared in the rank of main leadership of the
erstwhile CPN (Maoist) and the great people’s war suffered a severe
setback. In the meantime, the leadership of RCP, USA, attacking
theoretically upon the history of the world communist movement and
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, followed the path of post-Marxism. As a
result, the RIM reached to the state of dissolution and the revolutionary
communist parties of the world are taking new initiative to organise a
new international again. The revolution continues in Asia, Africa and
South America as a main trend even today. It is getting organised in a
new way in the developed countries as well.
15.Not only are the reactionaries of different shades but also the
revisionism is attacking upon Marxism today. A kind of revisionists have
been openly advocating neo-liberalism and parliamentarianism and the
revisionists of other kind have been favouring capitalism against Marxian
theory of surplus value in the pretext that the development of science
and technology has made the technology principal not man. The
ideological struggle against revisionism has been necessary for
revolution today. Also, one should pay attention to the fact that the
development of technology is also the development of productive forces.

On the one hand, it demands enrichment of line and on the other the
  development of productive forces also points towards the need of
  revolution in production relations.
  16.In view of the entire aforesaid issues, we have to pay attention to
  the tasks of Nepalese revolution and world revolution as well. In this
  context, the main notable questions are:
First: Guiding principle. The guiding principle of revolution is Marxism-
Leninism-Maoism and we must grasp it well.
Second: General line of revolution. In the context of Nepalese society,
which is in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and mainly neo-colonial condition,
which is oppressed by comprador and bureaucratic bourgeois and feudal
class, which is exploited, oppressed and intervened internally by
comprador and bureaucratic capitalism and externally by imperialism and
expansionism, new democratic revolution is indispensable. New
democracy is an inseparable part of socialism and we can go towards
socialism and communism only by accomplishing new democratic
revolution in Nepal. We should accordingly determine line and path of
struggle. Use of force is inevitable for revolution.
Third: United front. Revolutionary united front is necessary for revolution.
Such a front should be, on the one hand, organised among revolutionary
and progressive political parties and, on the other, should base upon
oppressed classes, nationalities and sex. Till such a front has not been
built, unity in action should be reached on the basis of shared issues.
Fourth: Formation of a unified revolutionary communist party of new type.
Formation of a new type of communist party under the guidance of
revolutionary principle and on the basis of revolutionary line is necessary
to make revolution. We have to unite with genuine communist party and
group and individuals today.
Fifth: Proletarian internationalism. Communist party along with the whole
communist movement is based on proletarian internationalism. So, we
have to, on the one hand, reorganise the international communist

movement in a new way and, on the other, it has been an urgent need to
build an anti-imperialist united front as well.
We have to take special initiative and make effort to organise necessary
discussion among the communist revolutionary forces on these questions
to reach a correct conclusion. In this context, it is necessary to grasp the
dialectics of unity, struggle and transformation.
  17.The real meaning of celebrating the bicentenary of Marx and recalling
  the theoretical contributions and practical lessons taught by Marx is to
  continuously propel forward the process of revolution amid defence,
  application and development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the guiding
  principle of communist party. The historical lesson of world revolution
  and that of Nepalese revolution too is this. Being specially conscious and
  serious on this, we have to make our commitment towards it again.

Rebuilding the International Centre: Challenge
and opportunity
Our party made a clarion call at the occasion of May Day 2014 to all the
genuine communist parties to come forward and take painstaking efforts
to form an international centre of genuine communist parties and
organisations and also disseminated a draft position paper: “March
Ahead to Prepare for the World Proletarian Revolution! Let’s Build
an International Centre of the Proletariat!!”
The paper states, “The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM),
which was formed by the Second International Conference of the Maoist
Parties and Organisations in 1984, has become virtually defunct since
2010. It is an unwelcome event not only for our Party, the Communist
Party of Nepal ̶ Maoist, but for the whole International Communist  Maoist, but for the whole International Communist
Movement (ICM) as well. It is a huge loss for the international proletariat,
necessary to regain. In such a critical moment, our party is ready to
contribute as much as it can and also requests, in the new situation, the

entire Maoist parties and organizations of the world to take on collectively
the painstaking task of regrouping the genuine revolutionaries at the
international level.”
The document clearly states about the nature of the centre, “Since the
RIM has now become virtually defunct, it is not necessary to confine
ourselves to make this unity effort only within the framework of the
Maoist forces united in former RIM. We think that this initiative should be
further broadened to carry on collective efforts from all the Maoist forces
of the world irrespective of which was in the RIM and which was not.”
Main reasons for the debacle in the RIM have been clearly pointed out as,
“There may be many reasons behind the present debacle in the RIM, but
two main reasons seem to be obvious. One, it was due to the neo-
revisionist deviation that emerged in the main leadership of the erstwhile
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Prachanda-Baburam clique. This
clique collaborated with the imperialist and expansionist forces, betrayed
the Nepalese revolution and deliberately played its destructive role to
paralyze the RIM. Two, it was due to “new synthesis” of Bob Avakian, the
Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP, USA) that
intended to introduce it as the guiding line of the RIM. When the question
of imposing “new synthesis” as its guideline and replacing certain
questions of MLM emerged in the RIM, naturally it created a kind of havoc
in the movement. It gave rise to a sharp dispute within the Movement.”
Role of neo-revisionists to sabotage the RIM
The position paper presented by our party has clearly explained the role of
its former leaders, who sabotaged the RIM: “One of the founder parties of
the RIM, the erstwhile CPN (Maoist) that led great People’s War in Nepal
for ten years (from 1996 to 2006) had played a very significant role in
strengthening and advancing it. In the course of time, the main leaders of
the party, the Prachanda-Baburam neo-revisionist clique divorced from
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, capitulated to imperialism, especially to Indian
expansionism and betrayed the Nepalese people’s revolution. Working
hand in glove with the international reactionary forces, they deliberately

played a destructive role to liquidate the RIM, which was founded by
waging sharp struggles against all shades of revisionism.” So far the
decision of the party to adopt “Prachanda path” to be suffixed in MLM is
concerned it was completely unable to influence the RIM. So called
Prachada path which was added in the guiding principle of erstwhile
CPN(M) namely Marxism-Leninism-Maoism did not remain for a long
period of time .In the later period the formulation was opposed by the red
faction. Later, it was removed even in the same party led by Prachanda.
In this way, today there is no any sign of Prachanda path anywhere. So it
died a natural death. Now it is waste of time to carry on this point as
debate of ICM.
The role of RCP, USA has also been clearly exposed in the paper, “The
RCP, USA, one of the founder parties of the RIM, played an important role
in advancing it in the past. But the ambitious design of this party and its
leader Bob Avakian to impose “new synthesis” as the guiding line of the
RIM has contributed a lot to liquidating this international centre of the
Maoist revolutionaries.” Now it is clear to everybody about the anti-
Marxist, neo-revisionist and liquidationist trend of “new synthesis”
expounded by Bob Avakian and how it was instrumental in sabotaging the
RIM. But at the beginning it created confusion in the ranks of RIM. That is
the reason why the paper has spent lot of pages in the polemic with RCP
regarding the new synthesis”, to prove that it was anti-Marxist and right
liquidationist deviation.
Positive step forward
In course of time, some parties responded to our call positively. Bilateral
discussions were held with some parties. Similar initiatives were taken by
other parties as well, which is a welcome step. In this regard, joint
statements which were signed by some parties and organisations have
come out publicly. Debates and discussions are taking place extensively
concentrating in the same issue. Loud voice has been heard widely in
favour of forming an International Centre of genuine Communist Parties
and Organisations. We should consider these developments as positive
step forward in the formation of such a centre.

Basis of unity
It seems that broad agreement is going to be achieved among all Maoist
parties and organisations which are standing for an International Centre
regarding three cardinal issues, namely, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as
guiding principle, fighting against revisionism of all shades and acceptance
of inevitability of Peoples’ war for all types of countries. All other issues
will emanate from these fundamental issues. It has been proved from the
consecutive joint statements brought out by Maoist forces at yearly May
Days. It reflects that we are very close to initiate such ‘international
centre’. Definitely it represents a positive step forward in our long course
of rebuilding an ‘international centre’.
Public debate regarding disagreements
What we have presented before about the ‘basis of unity’ is regarding the
question of minimum level of unity required for the regrouping of the
genuine communist parties and organisations in a single international
centre. It does not mean that we have achieved unity without a scope of
any difference. We have differences which should be recognised. In spite
of that we have agreements on basic issues of unity for the reconstruction
of a single centre. The method of shorting out the differences is through
internal and friendly struggles among the parties and organisations.
But, side by side, public discourse has been started in various political
issues among some parties, which are part of the process of forging unity
at the international level. This act of public polemic has been practically
reflected in the field of organisation. As a reflection of broader unity
among genuine Maoist forces, one single May Day statements was
expected to be essential. But we were surprised to get two parallel
statements with basically same positions. This event has raised the
eyebrows of many communists who want to see unity among the genuine
communist parties. Such activities have consciously or unconsciously
paved the way for emerging two parallel centres in the name of “unity”.
Carrying out public criticism and counter criticism will not help achieve
unity. It does not mean that there should not be debate and lines’

struggle within the ICM. But it should be carried out on the basis of
accepted norms. Immaturity regarding the inner struggle of the
movement will not help achieve the goal of reshaping the international
There is no scope of any doubt about the necessity of a strong
International Centre of Moist parties and organisations. There is a real
basis to materialise this urgent task. But there are also problems and
difficulties. It is necessary to be cautious while carrying out public debate
with fraternal parties. We should be prudent enough to resolve the
confronting problems and fulfil the task bestowed upon us by the history.
July 9, 2019

Some Crucial Issues Facing By The Communist
Slackness in Ideological Struggle:
More than one and a half century has been elapsed since the bringing out
of Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels in 1848,
innumerable ups and downs, turns and twists have taken place in terms of
revolutions and counter revolutions the worldwide, so to say, from the
establishment of epoch-making first socialist state in the USSR to New
Democratic Revolution in China as well as the collapse of Revisionist
Camp of former Soviet Union and East European countries along with
occurrence of counter revolution and the restoration of capitalist roaders
in china.
In Russia, commencing from Khrushchev and coming down to Gorbachev,
the Soviet revisionism came to resort to its liquidation by abandoning
Marxism-Leninism as the guiding principle of the party. In China, the Deng
Clique introduced the bizarre theory of “one country two systems” and
“whether the cat is black or white, it must catch the rat”.

Just after passing away of comrade Joseph Stalin in the USSR and
Comrade Mao Zedong in China, the succeeding leadership deviated from
Marxist-Leninist ideological path abandoning fundamentals of
revolutionary communist movement such as upholding of dictatorship of
proletariat, continuation of class struggle and use of force for seizure of
An overall theoretical and ideological struggle was carried out by
Communist Party of China under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong
against Soviet revisionism known as “Great Debate”. By then, the world
communist movement saw its division into two camps leaning towards
CPC and CPSU respectively.
There has been slackness in terms of ideological struggle against all forms
of revision and deviation on the part of Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries.
Now, it is our urgent and topmost duty to uphold ideological and
theoretical struggle to combat against all forms of revisionists and
deviationists trends and elements.
Leadership Crisis:
Comrade Stalin and Comrade Mao played great role and provided
leadership to move forward the world communist movement. But, Nikita
Khrushchev, the proponent of revisionism usurped party leadership of
CPSU right after demise of Stalin. Likewise, Huwa Guwa Feng, the middle
roader, was elevated to the leadership of CPC by Mao himself proved so
feeble and was easily superseded by Deng clique.
Comrades like, Chang Ching and Chan Chun Chuwao, the front runners
during “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” were denied access from
assuming leadership both in party and the state. Furthermore, they were
arrested and imprisoned for life and passed away inside the bars.
Currently there is a dearth of established world leadership in the scene of
International Communist Movement after the death of comrade Mao

History and experiences have taught us lessons that genuine leadership
and correct principle are important and prerequisites for accomplishing
and continuation of revolution. But, leadership is all important before and
after seizure of state power by the communists, because, such a
leadership could come out successful to resolve the mistakes and
weaknesses pertaining to theory and principle.
Personality Cult:
The culture of “personality cult” is prevalent within communist movement
and communist parties as well and as a result of this culture the principle
of collective leadership, one of the fundamentals of Leninist organizational
principles is disregarded and overlooked to greater extent and caused
harms to the movement.
Right and Left Deviations:
Communist movement has been suffering both from right and left
deviations since the time of Marx and Engels. The Critique of Gotha
Program by Marx/Engels is self- evident in this context. Communist
parties, who adhered to correct Marxist-Leninist principles and played
revolutionary role have deviated from right path time and again.
The Right deviation has been the serious threat for revolutionary
communist movement. The main causes are due to its rejection and non-
adherence to guiding principle (Marxism-Leninism-Maoism), dictatorship
of proletariat, class struggle and two line struggle within party, use of
force and armed struggle in the name of “creative application” of
The Left deviation can be deemed as ultra “left” one and its passion for a
“prompt revolution”. And the main errors on its part are its blind
replication and mechanical imitation of other “friendly” and “fraternal”
Sectarian trend has been one of the problems within communist
movement and parties that has led to unnecessary splits and divisions

without any serious ideological differences. The result has been
disintegration of Marxist-Leninist-Maoists parties and revolutionary forces
and making their strength weaker and feeble.
Lack of Organizational Network:
After dissolution of Third International, there has always been absence of
an international organizational network to bring Marxist-Leninist-Maoists
revolutionary parties and organizations together the world over. Even
comrade Mao could not move forward to form an international platform
during his lifetime.
As there is a lack of such a common platform and dearth of forging
solidarity among fraternal and friendly parties as well as exchanging ideas
and experiences among them. That is why it is most urgent and need of
hour to build an organizational network for the same.
Likewise, there is weakness in building cooperation in launching joint
struggle and agitation based upon common programs and slogans in favor
of the oppressed peoples and nations the world over.
The founding of Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) was an
effort as an international forum. But, because of erroneous policies and
tendencies maintained by some of the leaders of some parties in the
Committee of RIM (CoRIM), it could not come out successful to keep itself
intact and is now almost non-existent.
Communist movement has come across a long history of more than one
and half centuries, and, we have seen, experienced and gone through
many epoch making phenomena over this period of time. On the backdrop
of all these phenomena, we should and must look at the things that where
and how the successes have achieved and mistakes and weakness have
committed as the movement went on.
At this juncture, even though, Communist Movement has been a global
phenomenon and Communist Parties are in existence in several countries
around the world (it is a known fact that more than one communist

parties are in existence and functioning within a country too) and running
their activities, however, they have not been capable of leading any
victorious revolution.
We have to be effortful to maintain friendly and fraternal relationship
among Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionary parties and thereby move
ahead to forge a principled unity for world revolution. We have labored to
some extent to make this goal a success. Now, our utmost duty is to
move forward by strengthening relationship both in theoretical and
organizational fields to combat all sorts of no-revolutionary ideas and
 At the same time, we must be vigilant in terms of day-to-day world
affairs and express our views upon such issues. Likewise, we must initiate
theoretical discussions to make both retrospection and introspection of the
failures and successes in the history of the communist movement to pave
a righteous way in the time to come so that a favorable condition could be
burgeon to constitute a common international platform and organization.

Marxism and role of technology in the
development of society
Man is a conscious animal. He is involved in labour to bear out his
material necessities. The use of man’s knowledge, skill and tools as a
whole in social practice is known as labour. Marxism believes that the
basis of development of society is labour and it makes man different from
animal. Man’s necessities are incremental; as a result, he needs to
develop his knowledge, skill and tools as well to help meet his new needs.
All he does this is through social practice. In the language of political
economy, the human labour and the tools he utilises in production as a
whole is known as productive force. Marxism regards that this very
productive force is the motive force of the given society.

In the beginning of savagery, man used to live natural life and his body
organs were his tools of labour. In the course of his struggle for survival,
his body organs turned insufficient to meet his needs. In order to fulfil his
necessity man first started using hand-projectiles, developed bows and
arrows, discovered fire and forged iron by smelting iron ores in due
course. Had not man developed the tools of his labour i.e. technology,
perhaps he would have been wandering in jungles and eating roots even
today or would have extinct a long before. With growing necessity of
mankind and the development of society, tools and the technology too
developed further. This very process of development continues even today
and will do so in the days to come as well. It is, in fact, the manifestation
of dialectical unity between the necessity and freedom i.e. the matter and
What do knowledge and tools mean? Mao says, “Man’s cognition stems
from practice. We use the axe and machinery to transform the world, and
our cognition, is thus deepened. Tools are extensions of human organs.
The axe is an extension of our arms while the telescope is an extension of
our eyes. The human body and its organs can all be extended.” 1This is
Marxist outlook as regards cognition and the instruments of labour. In
view of this, the development of instruments of labour i.e. technology is
the development of productive forces. Precisely in this context, Lenin
writes, “The development of these natural resources by methods of
modern technology will provide the basis for the unprecedented progress
of the productive forces.”2 Thus, Marxism regards that the basis of
development of human society is the development of productive force,
which advances ahead with the infinite process of development of man’s
cognition and science and technology. Nevertheless, man’s role is decisive
in it.
In his famous work, ‘The origin of the family, private property and the
state power’, Engels has stated that the main reason behind the change of
ages is connected with the development of instruments of labour. In his
opinion, bows and arrows that men developed during their natural life of
savagery was a milestone marking the entrance into barbarous age.

Likewise, the invention of iron by smelting iron ores had in fact opened
the door for the mankind to enter into civilized age from the barbarous
one. It is the historical materialist view as regards the interrelation
between technology and the development of human society.
With the passing of time, the productive forces developed further and it
resulted in a considerable growth in production. It not only generated
growth but also raised a question of ownership that who is to possess the
excess production i.e. the surplus. It was in fact the manifestation of
contradiction between productive forces and the relations of production.
Marxism believes that this very contradiction is the motive force of human
society. When this contradiction culminates to the point of antagonism
then the old relations of production change and, as a result, it takes the
society to a new height. This is how the society develops. Right on this
question, Marx writes, “At a certain stage of development, the material
productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of
production or – this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms —
with the property relations within the framework of which they have
operated hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces
these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social
revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to
the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.” 3 This is what
Marxism says about the development of society.
In the long course of history, the human society has undergone
development through many stages. In the past, the slave-owning society
had emerged from the womb of primitive society; the feudal society had
emerged from the womb of slave-owning society and the capitalist society
had emerged from the womb of feudal society exactly through this
process. And, this is the very objective process through which the
communism, via scientific socialism, will emerge from the womb of
capitalism itself. The dialectical and historical materialism teaches us this.
Though the invention of bows and arrows and iron was not less significant
in relation to the development taken place in the then primitive society,
however, the counting of industrial revolutions in the modern world has

begun from the invention of steam engine. The invention of steam engine
is considered to have brought the first industrial revolution. The invention
of electricity and steel, the development of computer technology and
lately the development of robotics and artificial intelligence are regarded
as the bases that second, third and the fourth industrial revolutions have
rested on respectively. The previous revolutions too had created debate at
the outset. But, the domain of those debates was narrow as compared to
that of today. The robotics i.e. automation and artificial intelligence, the
bases of the fourth industrial revolution, have qualitatively widened the
field of this debate today. Noteworthy now is that the things believed to
be impossible a few years before have been practically proved to be an
objective reality now.
An online media published from Hong Kong had publicised news with a
heading “12 Chinese robots taking over our everyday jobs” 4. The news
goes: one, “Chinese firm halves worker costs by hiring army of robots to
sort out 200,000 packages a day”. Two, “Chinese court named as Qiaoxi
has introduced robot guides, who can guide where you need to go based
on the services you are looking for, have knowledge about court
proceedings and litigation, and also are able to provide legal consultation
services to visitors”. Three, “Roughly a quarter of China’s ammunition
factories have replaced workers with robots”. Four, “A robot named Aidam
scored 134 out of 150 in the maths paper for Gaokao, China’s college
entrance exam, in less than 10 minutes”. Five, a “Chinese robot dentist is
first to fit implants in patient’s mouth without any human involvement”.
Six, “Xiaoyi, became the first artificial intelligence robot to pass China’s
medical licensing exam”. Seven, “A dumpling factory in China is unstaffed
and the robots do all the work 24 hours a day but those dumplings are not
as tasty as those prepared by man” etc. All these things were beyond
imagination before. However, they have become an objective reality
before our eyes now.
The latest development of science and technology is not limited to a
certain sector only. It is multi-dimensional. It extends to a wide range of
3D-Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Nano Technology,

Autonomous Drones and Vehicles, Biotechnology, Neuro-technology etc.
All this has brought about a profound effect in the human society today.
Some of them along with examples have been presented as follows.
Apart from this, many machines like Hadrian X that can lay 1000 bricks an
hour to erect a building wall and Transplanter that can sow paddy
seedlings in one Hectare of farmland only in three hours have turned up in
daily use. The drones without pilots and vehicles without drivers have
been successfully tested, and the developed nations are preparing to work
with them soon. Many people are aware that a ‘female’ robot named
Sophia has been awarded citizenship by the Government of Saudi Arabia.
She can spontaneously and instantaneously reply questions asked by any
person. It is today’s reality created by the development of science and
Although Marx did not have opportunity to perceive these developments in
his lifetime but, he has dealt with the relation between workers and the
automation of machines. He writes, “Once adopted into the production
process of capital, the means of labour passes through different
metamorphoses, whose culmination is the… automatic system of
machinery… set in motion by an automaton, a moving power that moves
itself; this automaton consisting of numerous mechanical and intellectual
organs, so that the workers themselves are cast merely as its conscious
linkages.”5 Even in the initial stage of technological development Marx had
correctly anticipated that the development of technology can reach to
automatic machines and said whatever the level of its development be it
is man’s consciousness that controls the machine, not the machine itself.
The point on which I want to draw attention is that the first and the
second industrial revolutions had in due course created a wide field of
employment for workers, though some questions were raised in the
beginning. But now, the robotics and artificial intelligence, the foundation
on which the fourth industrial revolution rests, have started replacing man
by robots from those jobs the first and the second industrial revolutions
had created and consequently have placed man at such a role that he
establishes conscious linkage with the machines. It has affected not only

the manufacturing field but the service sector as well. It is a new
phenomenon very much different from that of the first and second
industrial revolutions.
This phenomenon has come up with an alarming contradiction. When the
robots, involved in production, do not purchase but the people who
consume are deprived of purchasing power caused by job loss, then what
is to do with the production? The obvious result it leads to is not only the
collapse of capitalism but also the complete dissolution of the human
civilization as a whole. It is the main aspect of the challenge posed by the
development of science and technology at present. In addition, the
ecologists too have been raising fingers that the uncontrolled use of
technology is pushing the entire humanity towards complete destruction.
In this context, David Attenborough says “The collapse of civilisation and
the natural world is on the horizon”6. He said it in the UN Climate Summit
held in Poland among delegates gathered from more than 200 countries
Precisely in this context, Peter Frase, a left sociologist and a senior
journalist, has brought to public an important book in 2016. It is named
as – Four Futures: Life after Capitalism. Right in the first sentence of
introduction of that very book, he writes, “Two spectres are haunting
Earth in the twenty-first century: the spectres of ecological catastrophe
and automation.” In this book, the conclusion he has drawn is that the
end of capitalism is at close because of these two spectres.
Not only has he drawn up a conclusion that the end of capitalism is
imminent in that book but also has anticipated four possible social
systems that come into being depending upon the then level of production
and the policy of distribution the society adheres to. They are: one, when
the production is abundant and the policy of distribution is egalitarian
after capitalism, then the social system will be Communism; two, when
the policy of distribution is egalitarian but the production is not abundant,
then the social system after capitalism will be Socialism; three, when the
production is abundant through renting of software by a few rich people
but the social hierarchy does not change, then the social system after

capitalism will be Rentism and four, when there is scarcity in production
and the class hierarchy too does not change in the post-capitalist society
then a tiny section of the privileged elite class will resort to exterminate
the entire jobless and ‘useless’ people to make their way unchallenged
forever. He has termed it Exterminism. The four possibilities he has
anticipated in the post-capitalist era are not merely the outcome of his
subjective imagination, there is objective basis to arrive at this conclusion.
The effects of the development of science and technology are rampantly
visible here and there these days. It has come with a sharp debate in the
world. Obviously, the angles of deliberation are different but the debate is
sharp and expressive. This debate as a whole can be categorised into two
main streams. They are: the status quo bourgeois stream and the pro-
change proletarian stream. They have been discussed in brief as follows.
First of all, let us talk about the status quo bourgeois stream. Mainly the
working class people who stand by this stream think that the robotics and
artificial intelligence may put at risk the opportunity of jobs and, as a
consequence, bring about an existential threat to the humanity itself. Tom
Watson, a columnist has published an article headed “When robots do all
the work, how will people live?”7 Likewise, a report prepared by McKinsey
and Company writes, the “Robot automation will take 800 million jobs by
2030”8. Wall Street Journal writes, “Half of Japan’s working population
could be replaced by robots or artificial-intelligence programs within the
next 10 to 20 years, Nomura Research Institute said in a report released
Wednesday.”9 In the same way, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, a famous historian
and professor of the Hebrew University Israel, states the “Artificial
intelligence and automation will create a ‘global useless class'” 10 etc. The
working class people that side with this stream seem to be more
apprehensive because they see their jobs lost to robots but don’t see any
alternative way to deal with this problem.
The capitalists and their institutions also have their say on the social role
of automation and AI as well. They seem very happy with this. “The Bank
of America has recently claimed that automated systems will be doing
nearly half of all manufacturing jobs within a generation – saving an

astonishing $9 trillion in labour costs”11, Tom Watson writes. Likewise, the
PwC report proudly writes, “AI will contribute $15.7 trillion to the global
economy in 2030, more than the current output of China and India
combined”12. All this shows the seriousness of the upcoming situation, the
fourth industrial revolution is giving birth to. It must not be taken casually
as before.
On the other, responding to a question – how can the problems of
unemployment that automation has caused be solved – Bill Gates, one of
the richest persons of the world, says, “The robot that takes your job
should pay taxes.”13 Not only this, he has indirectly signalled that the tax
so collected should compensate to those workers, who lose their jobs to
robots, and those who need. The capitalist class that extract extra surplus
value by using technology are very much content with the development of
artificial intelligence and the robotics.
Now let’s talk about the pro-change proletarian stream. Those, who call
themselves a communist, claim to represent this stream. However, all the
wings, which fall under this stream, do not have common position vis-à-
vis the possibilities and challenges brought in by the development of
science and technology. They are divided into different trends, which can
mainly be categorised as follows.
First, it is a trend that claims to be proletarian in name but represents the
bourgeois trend in deed. It can be said as the rightist revisionist trend.
They seem to be worried about the challenges created by robotics and
artificial intelligence, nonetheless, they neither have a clear idea of nor
have any agenda to solving the challenges in a scientific way. In essence,
this trend does not have any basic difference than that of status quo
bourgeois stream. It is a trend that trails behind the status quo
Second, it is a trend that claims to be revolutionary in name but is
orthodox in deed. The followers of this trend agree that technology comes
with new possibilities accompanied by challenges in the beginning, but do
not think necessary to go into the depth of the problem. They put this

question aside by recalling the precedent of the past that the Luddite
rebels in the beginning had broken machine-run handlooms for they
thought their jobs were snatched, but when more jobs were created, they
were happy. They think it as a usual process and so don’t think necessary
to take note of the role the development of technology plays in deciding
ideological and political line, strategy and the tactic of revolution. Without
taking trouble of undergoing concrete analysis of the concrete condition
they think what they understood correct yesterday is so today as well. In
this way, they fall prey to subjectivism in analysing the objective condition
of the country and in sorting out a revolutionary line to fit it. In essence, it
is a conservative Marxist trend. It takes hold of revolution in a dogmatic
way but cannot develop it.
Third, it is a trend that places technology at the fore and pushes Marxism-
Leninism-Maoism aside in the pretext of creatively analysing the specific
objective condition created by technological development. The apologists
of this trend believe that man’s role in production has been plummeting
because technology has become the main productive force in the society.
According to them, anyone can make use of science and technology as per
his necessity because it is a non-class thing like nature and everyone can
entertain equal right with them now as man did with nature in the early
days of primitive society. They argue no capitalist state power can control
science and technology because it is the knowledge that any person
irrespective of the class he comes from can use it. By so saying, they
argue that class struggle is no more principal aspect in the present day
Right in this context, a Nepali academic left theoretician Ramesh Sunuwar
writes, “As a result of the revolutionary change, the revolution, which the
science-technology has brought in the field of production, it is possible
that the entire problems and conflicts that emerge from the lack of
necessary means in the social life are going to end.” 14 This concept that
believes the development of science and technology solves the problem of
class conflict does not go along the lines of Marxism. Without a doubt, it is
related to post-modernism and post-Marxism, not to the dialectical and

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