MATHEMATICS 2021 World Scientific

MATHEMATICS 2021 World Scientific
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                                         M O R E D I G I TA L P R O D U C T S O N W O R L D S C I N E T
MATHEMATICS 2021 World Scientific
Highlights                                                                                  Mathematics Catalogue 2021

                page   5                                        page    5                                       page                                      page   11

         by Tzuong-Tsieng Moh                            by James S Milne                     by Harold Cohen (California State University, by Wenxiong Chen (Yeshiva Univ., USA),
        (Purdue University, USA)                    (University of Michigan, USA)            Los Angeles, USA) & Daniel Gallup (Pasadena      Yan Li (Yeshiva Univ., USA) & Pei Ma
                                                                                                           City College, USA)                    (Nanjing Forestry Univ., China)

                page   16                                     page    16                                       page   17                                  page   17

           by Cuihong Cai                edited by Marc Hallin (Université libre de Bruxelles, edited by Douglas Cenzer (Univ. of                      by Gary Mar
       (Fudan University, China)        Belgium), Marco Lippi (Einaudi Institute for Economics Florida, USA), Christopher Porter               (Stony Brook University, USA)
                                        and Finance, Italy), Matteo Barigozzi (London School (Drake Univ., USA) & Jindrich Zapletal
                                               of Economics and Political Science, UK),               (Univ. of Florida, USA)
                                        Mario Forni (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
                                          & Paolo Zaffaroni (Imperial College London, UK)

                page   19                                      page   20                                       page   22                                  page   24

      by Alexei A Kornyshev &               by Alexey P Isaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear             edited by Bruce R Vogeli                     by William Layton &
           Dominic O’Lee                    Research, Dubna, Russia & M V Lomonosov                  (Columbia University, USA) &                    Myron Sussman
    (Imperial College London, UK)            Moscow State University, Russia) & Valery                  Mohamed E A El Tom                     (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
                                            A Rubakov (Russian Academy of Sciences,                 (Ministry of Education, Sudan)
                                            Moscow, Russia & M V Lomonosov Moscow
                                                     State University, Russia)

                page   25                                   page   25                                       page   28                                     page   28

 by Didier Henrion, Milan Korda (LAAS-CNRS,             by Jozsef Beck                              by Ricardo V Teixeira &                        by Alfred S Posamentier
   France & Univ. of Toulouse, France & Czech       (Rutgers University, USA)                     Jang-Woo Park (University of                (City University of New York, USA)
Technical Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic) & Jean                                                    Houston-Victoria, USA)
Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS, France & Inst. of
     Mathematics, Univ. of Toulouse, France)
MATHEMATICS 2021 World Scientific
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MATHEMATICS 2021 World Scientific
Mathematics Catalogue 2021

                                                  ALGEBRA & RELATED TOPICS

    Gröbner – Shirshov Bases                                                    Non-Diophantine Arithmetics in
    Normal Forms, Combinatorial and                                             Mathematics, Physics and Psychology
    Decision Problems in Algebra                                                by Mark Burgin (University of California,
    by Leonid Bokut (Sobolev Institute of                                       Los Angeles, USA) & Marek Czachor
    Mathematics, Russia), Yuqun Chen (South                                     (Politechnika Gdańska, Poland)
    China Normal University, China), Kyriakos
    Kalorkoti (University of Edinburgh, United                                  This book provides a detailed exposition of
                                                                                the theory of non-Diophantine arithmetics and
    Kingdom), Pavel Kolesnikov (Sobolev Institute
                                                                                its various applications. Reading this book,
    of Mathematics, Russia) & Viktor Lopatkin
                                                                                the reader will see that on the one hand, non-
    (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)
                                                                                Diophantine arithmetics continue the ancient
    The book is about (associative, Lie and other) algebras, groups,            tradition of operating with numbers while on the other hand, they
    semigroups presented by generators and defining relations. They play a      introduce extremely original and innovative ideas.
    great role in modern mathematics. It is enough to mention the quantum
                                                                                Key Features:
    groups and Hopf algebra theory, the Kac – Moody and Borcherds algebra
                                                                                    ○    It is a unique book on this ground-breaking topic, which
    theory, the braid groups and Hecke algebra theory, the Coxeter groups
                                                                                         not only changes people’s understanding of numbers and
    and semisimple Lie algebra theory, the plactic monoid theory. One of the
                                                                                         operations with them but also provides diverse applications
    main problems for such presentations is the problem of normal forms of
                                                                                         in different areas, which change not only mathematics
    their elements. The first book that describes Gröbner – Shirshov bases
                                                                                         and science but also some essential aspects of social
    method for Lie algebra in full details
    Readership: Researchers in algebra and combinatorics.
                                                                                Readership: Researchers and graduate students in mathematics,
    308pp                            Jul 2020                                   physics, psycholody, and philosophy.
    978-981-4619-48-6                US$138     £120                            800pp                            Nov 2020
                                                                                978-981-121-430-1                US$188        £165
    Series on Knots and Everything - Vol 65
    Mathematics of Harmony as a                                                 P-adic Analytic Functions
    New Interdisciplinary Direction and                                         by Alain Escassut (Blaise Pascal University, France)
    “Golden” Paradigm of Modern Science                                         P-adic Analytic Functions describes the definition and properties of p-adic
    Volume 1: The Golden Section, Fibonacci                                     analytic and meromorphic functions in a complete algebraically closed
    Numbers, Pascal Triangle, and Platonic Solids                               ultrametric field. Various properties of p-adic exponential-polynomials
    by Alexey Stakhov (International Club of                                    are examined, such as the Hermite Lindemann theorem in a p-adic field,
    the Golden Section, Canada & Academy of                                     with a new proof. The order and type of growth for analytic functions are
    Trinitarism, Russia)                                                        studied, in the whole field and inside an open disk. P-adic meromorphic
                                                                                functions are studied, not only on the whole field but also in an open disk
    Volume I is the first part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony
                                                                                and on the complemental of a closed disk, using Motzkin meromorphic
    as a New Interdisciplinary Direction and “Golden” Paradigm of Modern
                                                                                products. Finally, the p-adic Nevanlinna theory is widely explained,
    Science. “Mathematics of Harmony” rises in its origin to the “harmonic
                                                                                with various applications. Small functions are introduced with results of
    ideas” of Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims
                                                                                uniqueness for meromorphic functions. The question of whether the ring
    to promote more deep understanding of ancient conception of the
                                                                                of analytic functions — in the whole field or inside an open disk — is a
    “Universe Harmony, “ the main conception of ancient Greek science,
                                                                                Bezout ring is also examined.
    and implementation of this conception to modern science and education.
                                                                                Readership: The target audience consists of researchers and post-
    Readership: High school, college and university students and
                                                                                graduate students in ultrametric analysis and number theory. Also
    teachers, professionals, scientists and investors interested in history
                                                                                appropriate for researchers in Levi-Civita fields in p-adic physics.
    of mathematics, Fibonacci numbers, golden section and their
    generalization.                                                             350pp                            Jan 2021
    248pp                            May 2020                                   978-981-122-621-3                US$128        £115
    978-981-120-710-5                US$88      £75
                                                                                 Essential Textbooks
    Invitation to Algebra                                                       Elements of Linear and Multilinear
    A Resource Compendium for Teachers,
    Advanced Undergraduate Students and
                                                                                by John M Erdman (Portland State Univ., USA)
    Graduate Students in Mathematics
    by Vlastimil Dlab & Kenneth S Williams                                      This set of notes is an activity-oriented introduction
4   (Carleton University, Canada)                                               to linear and multilinear algebra. The great
                                                                                majority of the most elementary results in these
    This book presents a compendium style account
                                                                                subjects are straightforward and can be verified
    of a comprehensive mathematical journey from
                                                                                by the thoughtful student. Indeed, that is the
    Arithmetic to Algebra. A number of topics that are
                                                                                main point of these notes — to convince the beginner that the subject is
    missing in present-day textbooks, and which may be attractive to students
                                                                                accessible. In the material that follows there are numerous indicators that
    at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level in mathematics,
                                                                                suggest activity on the part of the reader: words such as “proposition”,
    for example, continued fractions, arithmetic progressions of higher
                                                                                “example”, “theorem”, “exercise”, and “corollary”, if not followed by a proof
    order, complex numbers in plane geometry, differential schemes, path
                                                                                (and proofs here are very rare) or a reference to a proof, are invitations
    semigroups and path algebras, have been carefully presented.
                                                                                to verify the assertions made.
    Readership: Graduates, advanced undergraduates in mathematics and
                                                                                Readership: Upper division undergraduates, beginning graduate
    professors, teachers of mathematics.
                                                                                students, instructors of linear and multilinear algebra.
    452pp                            Jul 2020
                                                                                160pp                            Jan 2021
    978-981-121-997-9                US$138     £120
                                                                                978-981-122-272-6                US$68         £60
For more information, visit:                                                                      WORLD SCIENTIFIC

 Written by MOH TZUONG-TSIENG                                        Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra
                                                                     by John M Erdman (Portland State University, USA)
Series on University Mathematics - Vol 10
Linear Algebra and its                                               This book contains an extensive collection of exercises
                                                                     and problems that address relevant topics in linear
Applications                                                         algebra. Topics that the author finds missing or
by Tzuong-Tsieng Moh                                                 inadequately covered in most existing books are also
(Purdue University, USA)                                             included. The exercises will be both interesting and
From Tzuong-Tsieng Moh, a long-time                                  helpful to an average student. Some are fairly routine
expert in algebra, comes a new book                                  calculations, while others require serious thought.
for students to better understand linear                             The format of the questions makes them suitable for teachers to use in quizzes
algebra. Writing from an experienced standpoint, Moh touches         and assigned homework. Some of the problems may provide excellent topics
on the many facets surrounding linear algebra, including             for presentation and discussions. Furthermore, answers are given for all odd-
but not limited to, echelon forms, matrix algebra, linear            numbered exercises which will be extremely useful for self-directed learners.
transformations, determinants, dual space, inner products, the
Gram – Schmidt Theorem, Hilbert space, and more. It is ideal         Readership: Students and teachers of linear algebra.
for both newcomers and seasoned readers who want to attain a
                                                                     200pp                            Nov 2020
deeper understanding on both the basics and advanced topics of
                                                                     978-981-122-040-1                US$78      £70
linear algebra and its vast applications. The wide range of topics
combined with the depth of each discussion make it essential to      978-981-122-107-1(pbk)           US$38      £35
be on the shelf of every mathematical beginner and enthusiast.
                                                                     Series on Knots and Everything
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested
in the basic and advanced topics of linear algebra and its           Mathematics of Harmony as a
applications.                                                        New Interdisciplinary Direction and
316pp                            Nov 2020                            “Golden” Paradigm of Modern Science
978-981-3235-42-7                US$98       £86                     Volume 2: Algorithmic Measurement Theory,
                                                                     Fibonacci and Golden Arithmetic’s and Ternary
                                                                     Mirror-Symmetrical Arithmetic
Elliptic Curves                                                      by Alexey Stakhov (International Club of the Golden
2nd Edition                                                          Section, Canada & Academy of Trinitarism, Russia)
by James S Milne
(University of Michigan, USA)                                        Volume II is the second part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony as
                                                                     a New Interdisciplinary Direction and “Golden” Paradigm of Modern Science.
This book uses the beautiful theory of                               “Mathematics of Harmony” rises in its origin to the “harmonic ideas” of
elliptic curves to introduce the reader to                           Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims to promote more deep
some of the deeper aspects of number                                 understanding of ancient conception of the “Universe Harmony, “ the main
theory. It assumes only a knowledge of
                                                                     conception of ancient Greek science, and implementation of this conception to
the basic algebra, complex analysis,
                                                                     modern science and education.
and topology usually taught in first-year
graduate courses. The first three chapters develop the basic         (Refer to Page 4 for more information on Volume I)
theory of elliptic curves.
                                                                     Readership: High school, college and university students, teachers,
For this edition, the text has been completely revised and           professionals, scientists and investors interested in history of mathematics,
updated.                                                             Fibonacci numbers, golden section and their generalization.
Readership: Graduate students and lecturers in mathematics,          300pp                            Sep 2020
specifically number theory courses.
                                                                     978-981-121-346-5                US$98      £85
316pp                            Sep 2020
978-981-122-183-5                US$98       £85                     Series on Knots and Everything
                                                                     Mathematics of Harmony as a New
Classical and Dynamical                                              Interdisciplinary Direction and “Golden”
Markov and Lagrange Spectra                                          Paradigm of Modern Science
Dynamical, Fractal and Arithmetic                                    Volume 3: The “Golden” Paradigm of Modern
Aspects                                                              Science: Prerequisite for the “Golden” Revolution
by Davi Lima (Universidade Federal                                   in Mathematics, Computer Science, and
de Alagoas, Brazil), Carlos Matheus                                  Theoretical Natural Sciences
(CNRS, France), Carlos G Moreira                                     by Alexey Stakhov (International Club of the Golden
(IMPA, Brazil) & Sergio Romaña                                       Section, Canada & Academy of Trinitarism, Russia)
(Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)                                                     Volume III is the third part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony as      5
                                                                     a New Interdisciplinary Direction and “Golden” Paradigm of Modern Science.
The book intends to give a modern presentation of the classical      “Mathematics of Harmony” rises in its origin to the “harmonic ideas” of
Markov and Lagrange spectrum, which are fundamental                  Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims to promote more deep
objects from the theory of Diophantine approximations and            understanding of ancient conception of the “Universe Harmony, “ the main
of their several generalizations related to Dynamical Systems        conception of ancient Greek science, and implementation of this conception to
and Differential Geometry. Besides presenting many classical         modern science and education.
results, the book includes several topics of recent research on
the subject, connecting several fields of Mathematics — Number       (Refer to Page 4 for more information on Volume I)
Theory, Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry.
                                                                     Readership: High school, college and university students, teachers,
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Number              professionals, scientists and investors interested in history of mathematics,
Theory and Dynamical Systems.                                        Fibonacci numbers, golden section and their generalization.
224pp                            Nov 2020                            196pp                            Sep 2020
978-981-122-528-4                US$88       £75                     978-981-121-349-6                US$78      £70
Mathematics Catalogue 2021

            Notable Titles in Algebra and                                          Principles and Techniques in
             Related Topics (2018-2019)                                            Combinatorics
                                                                                   Solutions Manual
                                                                                   by Kean Pew Foo, Mingyan & Simon Lin
    Higher Dimensional Categories                                                  (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
    From Double to Multiple Categories                                             The solutions to each problem are written from
    by Marco Grandis (Università di Genova, Italy)                                 a first principles approach, which would further
    The study of higher dimensional categories                                     augment the understanding of the important and
    has mostly been developed in the globular                                      recurring concepts in each chapter. Moreover, the
    form of 2-categories, n-categories, omega-                                     solutions are written in a relatively self-contained
    categories and their weak versions. Here we                                    manner, with very little knowledge of undergraduate mathematics
    study a different form: double categories, n-tuple                             assumed. In that regard, the solutions manual appeals to a wide
    categories and multiple categories, with their                                 range of readers, from secondary school and junior college students,
    weak and lax versions. This book wants to show                                 undergraduates, to teachers and professors.
    the advantages of this form for the theory of adjunctions and limits.          Readership: Students doing combinatorics.
    Furthermore, this form is much simpler in higher dimension, starting with
    dimension three where weak 3-categories (also called tricategories) are        440pp                              Oct 2018
    already quite complicated, much more than weak or lax triple categories.       978-981-3238-84-8(Set)(pbk)        US$45    £40
    Readership: Graduate and postgraduate students, researchers.                   See Pg34 for Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics

    536pp                            Oct 2019
    978-981-120-510-1                US$168       £150                                COMPUTER MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE
     2019 Bestseller                                                               Linear Algebra and Optimization
    Series on Knots and Everything - Vol 63
                                                                                   with Applications to Machine
    Board Games                                                                    Learning
    Throughout the History and
                                                                                   Volume I: Linear Algebra for Computer
    Multidimensional Spaces
                                                                                   Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning
    by Jorma Kyppö (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
                                                                                   by Jean Gallier & Jocelyn Quaintance
    In this richly illustrated book, Dr Jorma Kyppö                                (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    explores the history of board games dating back
    to Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China.                                This book provides the mathematical
    He provides a description of the evolution and various interpretations of      fundamentals of linear algebra to practicers in
    chess. Furthermore, the book offers the study of the old Celtic and Viking     computer vision, machine learning, robotics, applied mathematics,
    board games and the old Hawaiian board game Konane, as well as a               and electrical engineering. By only assuming a knowledge of calculus,
    new hypothesis about the interpretation of the famous Cretan Phaistos          the authors develop, in a rigorous yet down to earth manner, the
    Disk. Descriptions of several chess variations, including some highlights      mathematical theory behind concepts such as: vectors spaces, bases,
    of the game theory and tiling in different dimensions, are followed by a       linear maps, duality, Hermitian spaces, the spectral theorems, SVD,
    multidimensional symmetrical n-person strategy game model, based on            and the primary decomposition theorem. At all times, pertinent real-
    chess. Final chapter (Concluding remarks) offers the new generalizations       world applications are provided. This book includes the mathematical
    of the Euler-Poincare’s Characteristic, Pi and Fibonacci sequence.             explanations for the tools used which we believe that is adequate for
                                                                                   computer scientists, engineers and mathematicians who really want
    Readership: Researchers in combinatorics, complex manifolds and                to do serious research and make significant contributions in their
    topology, game theory.                                                         respective fields.

    344pp                            Jul 2019                                      Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students.
    978-981-3233-52-2                US$118       £105
                                                                                   824pp                           Feb 2020
                                                                                   978-981-120-639-9               US$198        £175
     Essential Textbooks                                                           978-981-120-771-6(pbk)          US$98         £85
    A Bridge to Linear Algebra
    by Dragu Atanasiu (University of Borås,                                        From Fractals and Cellular
    Sweden) & Piotr Mikusiński (University of
    Central Florida, USA)
                                                                                   Automata to Biology
                                                                                   Information as Order Hidden Within Chance
    The book makes a first course in linear algebra                                by Alberto Strumia (Istituto Nazionale di Alta
    more accessible to the majority of students and                                Matematica “Francesco Severi”, Italy)
    it assumes no prior knowledge of the subject.
                                                                                   The didactical level of exposition, together
6   It provides a careful presentation of particular
                                                                                   with many astonishing images and animations,
    cases of all core topics. Students will find that the explanations are
                                                                                   accompanied by the related simple computer
    clear and detailed in manner. It is considered as a bridge over the
                                                                                   programming codes (in Python and POV-Ray
    obstacles in linear algebra and can be used with or without the help of
                                                                                   languages) make this book an extremely and
    an instructor. While many linear algebra texts neglect geometry, this
                                                                                   unique useful tool to test the power of algorithmic information in
    book includes numerous geometrical applications. For example, the
                                                                                   generating ordered structure models (2D and 3D) like regular geometric
    book presents classical analytic geometry using concepts and methods
                                                                                   shapes, complex shapes like fractals and cellular automata, and
    from linear algebra, discusses rotations from a geometric viewpoint,
                                                                                   biological systems as the organs of a living body. Informational biologists
    gives a rigorous interpretation of the right-hand rule for the cross product
                                                                                   besides mathematicians and physicists of complexity may learn to test
    using rotations and applies linear algebra to solve some nontrivial plane
                                                                                   their own capabilities in programming and modelling ordered structures
    geometry problems.
                                                                                   starting from random initial conditions at different scale of each system.
    Readership: Undergraduate students taking a first course in linear
    algebra.                                                                       Readership: Mathematicians, Physicists, Biologists, Bioengineers,
                                                                                   Computer Programmers, Science philosophers (of all graduate level).
    508pp                            Jun 2019
    978-981-120-022-9                US$148       £130                             328pp                           Aug 2020
    978-981-120-146-2(pbk)           US$78        £70                              978-981-121-715-9               US$138        £120
For more information, visit:                                                                               WORLD SCIENTIFIC

World Scientific Series in Information Studies - Vol 11                        World Scientific Series in Information Studies - Vol 10
Theoretical Information Studies                                                Philosophy and Methodology of
Information in the World                                                       Information
edited by Mark Burgin (University of California,                               The Study of Information in the Transdisciplinary
Los Angeles, USA) & Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic                                     Perspective
(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden &                                   edited by Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (Chalmers
Mälardalen University, Sweden)                                                 University of Technology, Sweden & Mälardalen
The book presents results of collaboration across                              University, Sweden) & Mark Burgin (University
research fields within info-computational and                                  of California, Los Angeles, USA)
info-structural frameworks, in attempt to better                               The book gives up-to-date, multi-aspect
theoretically and conceptually capture the phenomenon of information           exposition of the philosophy and methodology of information, and related
and its dynamics (such as computation and communication), as they              areas within the nascent field of the study of information. It presents the
appear on different levels of organization, on different scales and in         most recent achievements, ideas and opinions of leading researchers in
different contexts. It covers the broadest range of phenomena related          this domain, as well as from physicists, biologists and social scientists.
to information, with their structures and processes, as well as meta-level     Collaboration of researchers from different areas and fields opens
investigation of the nature of the study of information including its logic,   new perspectives for the understanding of information essential in the
metatheory and methodologies                                                   innovative development of science, technology and society.
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Information Theory.           The ideas presented give new insights for those who develop or
536pp                              Apr 2020                                    implement scientific, technological or social applications. They are
978-981-3277-48-9                  US$158        £140                          especially for those who are participating in setting the goals for science
                                                                               in general and sciences of information in particular.
                                                                               Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Information Theory.
Codes and Modular Forms
A Dictionary                                                                   576pp                              May 2019
by Minjia Shi (Anhui University, China),                                       978-981-3277-51-9                  US$158        £140
YoungJu Choie (Pohang University of Science
and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea),
Anuradha Sharma (Indraprastha Institute of                                      DIFFERENTIAL & INTEGRAL EQUATIONS
Information Technology Delhi, India) &
Patrick Solé (University of Aix Marseille, France)
                                                                                 Essential Textbooks
There are connections between invariant theory
and modular forms since the times of Felix Klein,
                                                                               An Introduction to Differential
in the 19th century, connections between codes and lattices since the          Equations with Applications
1960’s. The aim of the book is to explore the interplay between codes          by Harold Cohen (California State University,
and modular forms. Here modular form is understood in a wide sense             Los Angeles, USA) & Daniel Gallup
(Jacobi forms, Siegel forms, Hilbert forms). Codes comprises not only          (Pasadena City College, USA)
linear spaces over finite fields but modules over some commutative
                                                                               This book is for students in a first course in
rings. The connection between codes over finite fields and lattices has
                                                                               ordinary differential equations. The material is
been well documented since the 1970s. Due to an avalanche of results
                                                                               organized so that the presentations begin at a
on codes over rings since the 1990’s there is a need for an update at
                                                                               reasonably introductory level. Subsequent material is developed from
book level.
                                                                               this beginning. The book contains methods of approximation to solutions
Readership: Graduate students and researchers.                                 of various types of differential equations with practical applications,
                                                                               which will serve as a guide to programming so that such differential
232pp                              Nov 2019                                    equations can be solved numerically with the use of a computer. Students
978-981-121-291-8                  US$88         £75                           who intend to pursue a major in engineering, physical sciences, or
                                                                               mathematics will find this book useful.
The Power of Computational                                                     Readership: Undergraduate students studying mathematics, physics,
Thinking                                                                       engineering, business, economics and banking.
Games, Magic and Puzzles to Help You
                                                                               816pp                              Sep 2020
Become a Computational Thinker
                                                                               978-981-3276-65-9                  US$168        £150
by Paul Curzon & Peter W McOwan
(Queen Mary University of London, UK)
                                                                               Solving Linear Partial Differential
“A wonderful book full of ideas with which to
inspire and engage in computational thinking.
Core concepts and principles are brought to life                               Spectra
in fun and engaging ways through puzzles, magic                                by Martin Schechter (University of California,
tricks and games. This is a must-have book for Computing teachers.”            Irvine, USA)
Dr Kevin R Bond, Managing Director, Educational Computing                      This book examines the general linear partial
Services Ltd                                                                   differential equation of arbitrary order m. Even
                                                                               this involves more methods than are known. We
The book has a unique and enjoyable introduction. The authors describe
                                                                               ask a simple question: when can an equation be
the elements of computational thinking — such as algorithmic thinking,
                                                                               solved and how many solutions does it have? The answer is surprising
decomposition, abstraction and pattern matching — in an entertaining
                                                                               even for equations with constant coefficients. We begin with these
and accessible way, using magic tricks, games and puzzles, as well as
                                                                               equations, first finding conditions which allow one to solve and obtain a
through real and challenging problems that computer scientists work on.
                                                                               finite number of solutions. It is then shown how to obtain those solutions
Readership: Suitable as a general book for all those interested in lay         by analyzing the structure of the equation very carefully.
science or recreational maths, or just interested in learning more about
                                                                               Readership: Graduate students, researchers and specialists who come
computational thinking;
                                                                               across linear partial equations in their work in the fields of mathemetics
232pp                              Mar 2017                                    and the physical sciences.
978-1-78634-183-9                  US$58         £48
                                                                               408pp                              Jul 2020
978-1-78634-184-6(pbk)             US$24         £20
                                                                               978-981-121-630-5                  US$148        £130
Mathematics Catalogue 2021

    Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 9
                                                                                 Essential Textbooks
    Boundary Value Problems for
    Fractional Differential Equations                                           Difference Equations for Scientists
    and Systems                                                                 and Engineering
    by Bashir Ahmad (King Abdulaziz University,                                 Interdisciplinary Difference Equations
    Saudi Arabia), Johnny Henderson (Baylor                                     by Michael A Radin (Rochester Institute of
    University, USA) & Rodica Luca (“Gheorghe                                   Technology, USA)
    Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania)                              “Radlin has done a nice job in producing a
                                                                                textbook which provides a learner friendly
    This book is devoted to the study of existence of
                                                                                introduction to difference equations. It would
    solutions or positive solutions for various classes                         suit as a core text for a first year course in the topic, aimed, as the
    of Riemann – Liouville and Caputo fractional differential equations, and    title suggests, at physical science or engineering undergraduates.
    systems of fractional differential equations subject to nonlocal boundary   The student who is prepared to work through the book will get a good
    conditions. The monograph draws together many of the authors’ results,      grounding in basic techniques and gain a feel for the possible behaviours
    that have been obtained and highly cited in the literature in the last      of standard equations. He will also be given some indication of the
    four years.                                                                 usefulness and potential complexity of discrete systems in modern
                                                                                science and engineering.” London Mathematical Society
    Readership: Mathematical and scientific researchers, and graduate
    students in mathematics and science interested in the existence of          We introduce interdisciplinary research and get students and the
    solutions for fractional differential equations and systems.                audience familiarized with the difference equations; solving them
                                                                                explicitly, determining the long-term behavior of solutions (convergence,
    328pp                             Feb 2021                                  boundedness and periodicity). We help to develop intuition in analyzing
    978-981-122-445-4                 US$118          £105                      convergence of solutions in terms of subsequences and analyzing
                                                                                patterns of periodic cycles. Our book helps you learn applications in
    Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics - Vol 22                         biology, economics and business, computer science and engineering.
    Control and Inverse Problems for                                            Readership: Students and researchers in mathematics, physics, science
    Partial Differential Equations                                              and engineering.
    edited by Gang Bao (Zhejiang University, China),                            332pp                              Oct 2019
    Jean-Michel Coron (Université Pierre et
                                                                                978-981-120-385-5                  US$118         £105
    Marie Curie, France) & Tatsien Li (Fudan
                                                                                978-981-120-296-4(pbk)             US$58          £50
    University, China)

    This book is a collection of lecture notes for the                          Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation - Vol 9
    LIASFMA Hangzhou Autumn School on “Control                                  Nonlinear Waves
    and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential                               A Geometrical Approach
    Equations” which was held during October 17 – 22, 2016 at Zhejiang          by Petar Popivanov & Angela Slavova
    University, Hangzhou, China. This autumn school is one of the activities    (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
    organized by Sino – French International Associate Laboratory in Applied
    Mathematics (LIASFMA). Established jointly by eight institutions in         This volume provides an in-depth treatment of
    China and France in 2014, LIASFMA aims at providing a platform for          several equations and systems of mathematical
    many leading French and Chinese mathematicians to conduct in-depth          physics, describing the propagation and
    researches, extensive exchanges, and student training in broad areas        interaction of nonlinear waves as different
    of applied mathematics.                                                     modifications of these: the KdV equation,
                                                                                Fornberg – Whitham equation, Vakhnenko equation, Camassa – Holm
    Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers             equation, several versions of the NLS equation, Kaup – Kupershmidt
    in partial differential equations.                                          equation, Boussinesq paradigm, and Manakov system, amongst others,
    264pp                            Jun 2019                                   as well as symmetrizable quasilinear hyperbolic systems arising in fluid
    978-981-3276-14-7                US$108           £95                       dynamics.

                                                                                Readers not familiar with the complicated methods used in the theory
                                                                                of the equations of mathematical physics (functional analysis, harmonic
     Essential Textbooks
                                                                                analysis, spectral theory, topological methods, a priori estimates,
    Partial Differential Equations                                              conservation laws) can easily be acquainted here with different solutions
    Methods, Applications and Theories                                          of some nonlinear PDEs written in a sharp form (waves), with their
    2nd Edition                                                                 geometrical visualization and their interpretation. This volume is self-
    by Harumi Hattori (West Virginia University, USA)                           contained and equipped with simple proofs. It contains many exercises
                                                                                and examples arising from the applications in mechanics, physics, optics
    This is an introductory level textbook for partial
                                                                                and, quantum mechanics.
    differential equations (PDEs). It is suitable for
    a one-semester undergraduate level or two-                                  Readership: University and graduate students, mathematicians,
8   semester graduate level course in PDEs or                                   physicists, engineers and specialists in the fields of evolution PDEs
    applied mathematics. This volume is application-oriented and rich in        and their applications.
    examples. Going through these examples, the reader is able to easily
    grasp the basics of PDEs. Partial differential equations are becoming a     208pp                              Jan 2019
    core subject in Engineering and the Sciences. This textbook will greatly    978-981-3271-60-9                  US$88          £75
    benefit those studying in these subjects by covering basic and advanced
    topics in PDEs based on applications.                                          Textbook: Request Inspection
    Readership: Undergraduate students in mathematics, science, and                Copy at
    engineering.                                                                   or scan the QR code
    428pp                             Jul 2019
                                                                                             eTextbooks Available!
                                                                                           Digital resources made convenient
                                                                                            for your students at a lower cost.
For more information, visit:                                                                          WORLD SCIENTIFIC

                                                    GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY

 Essential Textbooks                                                 Biharmonic Submanifolds and Biharmonic
An Elementary Overview of                                            Maps in Riemannian Geometry
                                                                     by Ye-Lin Ou (Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA)
Mathematical Structures                                              & Bang-Yen Chen (Michigan State University, USA)
Algebra, Topology and Categories
by Marco Grandis                                                     Written by 2 experts in the subject, the book aims
(Università di Genova, Italy)                                        to present a comprehensive survey on biharmonic
                                                                     submanifolds and maps from the viewpoint of Riemannian
This book can be used as a textbook for                              geometry. It provides some basic knowledge and tools
undergraduate studies and for self-study.                            used in the study of the subject as well as an overall
It can provide students of Mathematics                               picture of the development of the subject with most up-
with a unified perspective of subjects which are often kept apart.   to-date important results. Since 2000, biharmonic submanifolds and maps have
It is also addressed to students and researchers of disciplines      become a vibrant research field with a growing number of researchers around
having strong interactions with Mathematics, like Physics and        the world, with many interesting results have been obtained.
Chemistry, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering.
                                                                     This book containing basic knowledge, tools for some fundamental problems
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in                   and a comprehensive survey on the study of biharmonic submanifolds and
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences, Chemistry,                  maps will be greatly beneficial for graduate students and beginning researchers
Statistics, Engineering.                                             who want to study the subject, as well as researchers who have already been
                                                                     working in the field.
385pp                           Sep 2020
978-981-122-031-9               US$118       £105                    Readership: Graduate students and researchers from the fields of geometry
                                                                     and analysis.
Algebraic Surfaces in                                                540pp                           Apr 2020
Positive Characteristics                                             978-981-121-237-6               US$178       £155
Purely Inseparable Phenomena
in Curves and Surfaces                                               Fractals and Dynamics in Mathematics, Science, and the
by Masayoshi Miyanishi (Osaka                                        Arts: Theory and Applications - Vol 5
University, Japan) & Hiroyuki Ito                                    Analysis, Probability and Mathematical
(Tokyo University of Science, Japan)                                 Physics on Fractals
This is the first book which explains                                edited by Patricia Alonso Ruiz (Texas A&M University,
the phenomena arising from purely                                    USA), Joe P Chen (Colgate University, USA),
inseparable coverings and Artin – Schreier coverings. In most        Luke G Rogers (University of Connecticut, USA),
cases, the base surfaces are rational, hence the covering            Robert S Strichartz (Cornell University, USA) &
surfaces are unirational. There exists a vast, unexplored world      Alexander Teplyaev (University of Connecticut, USA)
of unirational surfaces. In this book, we explain the Frobenius
sandwiches as examples of unirational surfaces.                      This book introduces background and recent progress on these problems,
                                                                     from both established leaders in the field and early career researchers. The
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the fields          book gives a broad introduction to several foundational techniques in fractal
of Algebraic Geometry, Fields and Rings, and Commutative             mathematics, while also introducing some specific new and significant results
Algebra.                                                             of interest to experts, such as that waves have infinite propagation speed on
                                                                     fractals. It contains sufficient introductory material that it can be read by new
456pp                           Jul 2020                             researchers or researchers from other areas who want to learn about fractal
978-981-121-520-9               US$138       £120                    methods and results.
                                                                     Readership: Academic mathematicians and physicists, both pure and applied,
Arc Schemes and                                                      working on fractals or rough spaces or interested in fractal media; Scientists
Singularities                                                        from the many areas in which fractal models are important,
edited by David Bourqui (Université de
Rennes 1, France), Johannes Nicaise                                  596pp                           Mar 2020
(Imperial College London, UK & University                            978-981-121-552-0               US$158       £140
of Leuven, Belgium) & Julien Sebag
(Universitéde Rennes 1, France)                                      A Guide to Lie Systems with Compatible
This title introduces the theory of arc                              Geometric Structures
schemes in algebraic geometry and                                    by Javier de Lucas (University of Warsaw, Poland)
singularity theory, with special emphasis on recent developments     & Cristina Sardón Muñoz (Instituto de Ciencias
around the Nash problem for surfaces. The main challenges are        Matemáticas, Spain)
to understand the global and local structure of arc schemes, and                                                                                          9
how they relate to the nature of the singularities on the variety.   The book presents a comprehensive guide to the study
Since the arc scheme is an infinite dimensional object, new tools    of Lie systems from the fundamentals of differential
need to be developed to give a precise meaning to the notion         geometry to the development of contemporary research
of a singular point of the arc scheme.                               topics. It embraces several basic topics on differential
                                                                     geometry and the study of geometric structures while
Other related topics are also explored, including motivic            developing known applications in the theory of Lie systems. The book also
integration and dual intersection complexes of resolutions of        includes a brief exploration of the applications of Lie systems to superequations,
singularities. Written by leading international experts, it offers   discrete systems, and partial differential equations. Offering a complete overview
a broad overview of different applications of arc schemes in         from the topic’s foundations to the present, this book is an ideal resource for
algebraic geometry, singularity theory and representation theory.    Physics and Mathematics students, doctoral students and researchers.
Readership: Graduate students interested in algebraic
                                                                     Readership: The book is aimed at Physics and Mathematics students finishing
geometry and the theory of arc schemes and the solution of
                                                                     their degree, doctoral students, and researchers.
the Nash problem for surfaces.
312pp                           Apr 2020                             424pp                           Feb 2020
978-1-78634-719-0               US$108       £95                     978-1-78634-697-1               US$148       £130
Mathematics Catalogue 2021

     Metacyclic Groups and the                                                    Singularities — Kagoshima 2017
     D(2) Problem                                                                 Proceedings of the 5th Franco-Japanese-
     by Francis E A Johnson                                                       Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities
     (University College London, UK)                                              The 5th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese
                                                                                  Symposium on Singularities
     This book solves the D(2) problem for a large,                               Kagoshima, Japan, 27 Oct – 3 Nov 2017
     possibly infinite, number of finite metacyclic                               Editors-in-chief: Masaharu Ishikawa (Keio
     groups G(p, q). Prior to this the author had solved                          University, Japan) & Shoji Yokura (Kagoshima
     the D(2) problem for the groups G(p, 2). However,
                                                                                  University, Japan)
     for q > 2, the only previously known solutions
     were for the groups G(7, 3), G(5, 4) and G(7, 6),                            The main theme of the symposium was Singularity
     all done by difficult direct calculation by two of the author’s students,    Theory in a broad sense, including complex and real algebraic varieties,
     Jonathan Remez (2011) and Jason Vittis (2019).                               functions and mappings, and topology of singularities. This volume
                                                                                  includes three surveys of recent trends based on the lectures in the
     The method employed is heavily algebraic and involves precise analysis       mini-school organized in the first two days of the symposium and articles
     of the integral representation theory of G(p, q). Some noteworthy features   presenting recent progress in Singularity Theory.
     are a new cancellation theory of modules (Chapters 10 and 11) and a
     simplified treatment (Chapters 5 and 12) of the author’s theory of Swan      Readership: Graduate students and researchers.
     homomorphisms.                                                               312pp                          Jul 2020
     Readership: Academic mathematicians; postgraduate and higher.                978-981-120-602-3              US$128       £115

     280pp                           Jan 2021
     978-981-122-275-7               US$85        £75
                                                                                                 Notable Titles in
                                                                                              Geometry and Topology
     Lectures on the Geometry of
     Manifolds (3rd Edition)                                                      Lectures on Convex Sets
     by Liviu I Nicolaescu                                                        (2nd Edition)
     (University of Notre Dame, USA)                                              by Valeriu Soltan (George Mason University, USA)
                                                                                  “This is an extremely complete book on the
     The goal of this book is to introduce the reader to
                                                                                  fundamentals of the algebraic and topological
     some of the main techniques, ideas and concepts
                                                                                  properties of convex sets. This is a well-written
     frequently used in modern geometry. It starts
                                                                                  book, which should be of considerable use to
     from scratch and it covers basic topics such as
                                                                                  researchers in convex geometry.” Zentralblatt
     differential and integral calculus on manifolds,
     connections on vector bundles and their curvatures, basic Riemannian
     geometry, calculus of variations, DeRham cohomology, integral geometry       The second edition essentially extends and revises the original book.
     (tube and Crofton formulas), characteristic classes, elliptic equations on   Every chapter is rewritten, with many new theorems, examples,
     manifolds and Dirac operators. The new edition contains a new chapter        problems, and bibliographical references included. It contains three new
     on spectral geometry presenting recent results which appear here for         chapters and 100 additional problems with solutions.
     the first time in printed form.
                                                                                  Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics,
     Readership: Graduate students and researchers in global analysis,            optimization and operations research.
     differential geometry.
                                                                                  612pp                          Jan 2020
     680pp                           Sep 2020
                                                                                  978-981-120-211-7              US$148       £130
     978-981-121-481-3               US$180       £160
                                                                                  978-981-120-351-0(pbk)         US$78        £70
     978-981-121-595-7(pbk)          US$98        £85

     Geometric Foundations of Design                                               Bestselling Author
     Old and New                                                                  Differential Geometry of Curves
     by Jay Kappraff
     (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
                                                                                  and Surfaces
                                                                                  by Masaaki Umehara & Kotaro Yamada
     This book is meant to serve either as a textbook                             (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
     for an interdisciplinary course in Mathematics                               translated by Wayne Rossman
     of Design, or as a trade book for designers. It                              (Kobe University, Japan)
     will also be of interest for people interested in
     recreational mathematics showing the connection                              “The book will serve as a very useful reference
     between mathematics and design. Topics from                                  for a broad range of applied mathematicians, physicists, as well as
     the book can also be adapted for use in pre-college mathematics. Each        theoretical geophysicists seeking a precise, systematic presentation
     chapter will provide the user with ideas that can be incorporated in a       of the differential geometry underlying much of modern theory. After
10   design. Background materials will be provided to show the reader the         reading the book the reader should have a good feeling for the
     mathematical principles that lie behind the designs.                         material presented, provided that he has done all the exercises! For
     Key Features:                                                                mathematically oriented readers, I recommend also the additional
         ○    The book is highly graphic oriented with many examples of           material.” Pure and Applied Geophysics
              incorporating mathematics in design
                                                                                  This engrossing volume on curve and surface theories is the result of
         ○    Additional designs will be offered to the purchaser in a website
                                                                                  many years of experience the authors have had with teaching the most
         ○    Many topics are novel and have not been presented elsewhere
                                                                                  essential aspects of this subject. Surface theory from the viewpoint of
         ○    Every effort has been made to make the topics accessible
                                                                                  manifolds theory is explained, and encompasses higher level material
              to non-mathematicians while at the same time being of
              interest to experienced mathematicians                              that is useful for the more advanced student.

     Readership: General Public, undergraduates and designers who are             Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers
     interested in seeing the connection between mathematics and design.          interested in differential geometry of curve and surface theories.

     275pp                           Oct 2020                                     328pp                          Jun 2017
     978-981-121-970-2               US$98        £85                             978-981-4740-23-4              US$88        £73
                                                                                  978-981-4740-24-1(pbk)         US$48        £42
For more information, visit:                                                                              WORLD SCIENTIFIC

Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical
                                                                               Essential Textbooks
Sciences, National University of Singapore - Vol 37
                                                                              Advanced Textbooks in Mathematics
Mathematics of Shapes and
                                                                              Conformal Maps and Geometry
Applications                                                                  by Dmitry Beliaev (University of Oxford, UK)
edited by Sergey Kushnarev (Singapore
University of Technology and Design, Singapore),                              Though Riemann mapping theorem is frequently
Anqi Qiu (National University of Singapore,                                   explored, there are few texts that discuss general
Singapore) & Laurent Younes (Johns Hopkins                                    theory of univalent maps, conformal invariants,
University, USA)                                                              and Loewner evolution. This textbook provides an
                                                                              accessible foundation of the theory of conformal
The volume illustrates this wealth of subjects by                             maps and their connections with geometry.
providing new contributions on the metric structure of diffeomorphism
groups and shape spaces, recent developments on deterministic and             It offers a unique view of the field, as it is one of the first to discuss general
stochastic models of shape evolution, new computational methods               theory of univalent maps at a graduate level, while introducing more
manipulating shapes, and new statistical tools to analyze shape datasets.     complex theories of conformal invariants and extremal lengths. This book
In addition to these contributions, applications of shape analysis to         is an ideal resource for graduate courses in Complex Analysis or as an
medical imaging and computational anatomy are discussed, leading, in          analytic prerequisite to study the theory of Schramm – Loewner evolution.
particular, to improved understanding of the impact of cognitive diseases     Readership: Advanced undergraduate or graduate students in
on the geometry of the brain.                                                 mathematics, especially those interested in analysis or theory of
Readership: Graduate students, applied mathematicians, statisticians,         Schramm – Loewner Evolution.
computer scientists and biomedical engineers.                                 240pp                              Dec 2019
220pp                            Nov 2019                                     978-1-78634-613-1                  US$88          £75
978-981-120-012-0                US$88         £75
                                                                                           MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS
Fundamental Concepts in
Modern Analysis (2nd Edition)                                                   Essential Advance Level Textbooks
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis
by Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen                                                     A Course in Analysis
(Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)                                    Vol. V: Functional Analysis, Some
With: Poul G Hjorth                                                           Operator Theory, Theory of Distributions
                                                                              by Niels Jacob & Kristian P Evans
Review of the First Edition:                                                  (Swansea University, UK)
“It is written in a dense but very deep and
conceptual style. Its evident instructive character                           The book is an advanced textbook and a
is also one of the advantages of this textbook.” Mathematics Abstracts        reference text in functional analysis in the wide
                                                                              sense. It provides advanced undergraduate and
In this book, students from both pure and applied subjects are offered an     graduate students with a coherent introduction
opportunity to work seriously with fundamental notions from mathematical      to the field, and leads them to more demanding
analysis that are important not only from a mathematical point of view        topics such as the spectral theorem, Choquet theory, interpolation theory,
but also occur frequently in the theoretical parts of, for example, the       analysis of operator semigroups, Hilbert – Schmidt operators and Hille
engineering sciences. It is a useful resource for many sciences that          – Tamarkin operators, topological vector spaces and distribution theory,
depend on fundamental techniques from mathematical analysis.                  fundamental solutions, or the Schwartz kernel theorem.
In this edition, the notions of compactness and sequentially compactness      Readership: Advanced undergraduate students, graduate students,
are developed with independent proofs for the main results. This edition      researchers in analysis.
also covers a new section on partial derivatives, and new material has
been incorporated to make a more complete account of higher order             856pp                              Mar 2020
derivatives in Banach spaces, including full proofs for symmetry of higher    978-981-121-549-0                  US$198         £175
order derivatives and Taylor’s formula.                                       978-981-121-633-6(pbk)             US$98          £85
Readership: Lecturers and students in pure and applied mathematics,
theoretical engineering and the physical sciences.                             Bestselling Author
304pp                            Nov 2019                                     The Fractional Laplacian
978-981-120-940-6                US$98         £85                            by Wenxiong Chen (Yeshiva University, USA),
                                                                              Yan Li (Yeshiva University, USA) & Pei Ma
 Bestseller                                                                   (Nanjing Forestry University, China)
                                                                              This is a unique book that provides a compre-
Differential Forms                                                            hensive understanding of nonlinear equations
by Victor Guillemin & Peter Haine
                                                                              involving the fractional Laplacian as well as other
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)                                                                                                                       11
                                                                              nonlocal operators. Beginning from the definition
There already exist a number of excellent graduate                            of fractional Laplacian, it gradually leads the readers to the frontier of
textbooks on the theory of differential forms as                              current research in this area. The explanations and illustrations are
well as a handful of very good undergraduate                                  elementary enough so that first year graduate students can follow easily,
textbooks on multivariable calculus in which this                             while it is advanced enough to include many new ideas, methods, and
subject is briefly touched upon but not elaborated                            results that appeared recently in research literature, which researchers
on enough. The goal of this textbook is to be readable and usable for         would find helpful. It focuses on introducing direct methods on the
undergraduates. It is entirely devoted to the subject of differential forms   nonlocal problems without going through extensions, such as the direct
and explores a lot of its important ramifications.                            methods of moving planes, direct method of moving spheres, direct
                                                                              blowing up and rescaling arguments, and so on.
Readership: First-year graduate and advanced undergraduate students
in math programs.                                                             Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in analysis
                                                                              and differential equations.
272pp                            Mar 2019
978-981-3272-77-4                US$88         £75                            344pp                              Jul 2020
978-981-121-377-9(pbk)           US$48         £40                            978-981-3223-99-8                  US$128         £113
Mathematics Catalogue 2021

     Bounded Symmetric Domains in Banach                                                   Bestseller
     Spaces                                                                               Essential Textbooks in Mathematics
     by Cho-Ho Chu (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
                                                                                          A Friendly Approach to
     This timely book exposes succinctly recent advances in                               Functional Analysis
     the geometric and analytic theory of bounded symmetric                               by Amol Sasane (London School of
     domains. A unique feature is the unified treatment to both                           Economics, UK)
     finite and infinite dimensional symmetric domains, using
     Jordan theory in tandem with Lie theory. The highlights                              “This is a nice and modern introduction
     include a generalized Riemann mapping theorem, which                                 to the topic ... If the reader is a student
     realizes a bounded symmetric domain as the open unit ball                            who wants to be become proficient in the
     of a complex Banach space with a Jordan structure. Far-reaching applications         subject, then solving the exercises, or as many as possible, is
     of this realization in complex geometry and function theory are discussed.           an excellent way to acquire the necessary skills. The flexible
     This monograph is intended to be a convenient reference for researchers and          possibilities provided — the text can be used as lecture notes for
     graduate students in geometric analysis, infinite dimensional holomorphy as well     a course, or as a tool for self study, and even as a handbook to
     as functional analysis and operator theory.                                          look up some definitions or theorems.” European Mathematical
     Readership: Graduate students and researchers in diverse mathematical fields
     including complex geometry, function theory, functional analysis and operator        This book constitutes a concise introductory course on
     theory. It would also appeal to algebraists who are interested in the applications   Functional Analysis for students who have studied calculus
     of Jordan and Lie algebras.                                                          and linear algebra. The topics covered are Banach spaces,
                                                                                          continuous linear transformations, Frechet derivative, geometry
     404pp                          Oct 2020                                              of Hilbert spaces, compact operators, and distributions. In
     978-981-121-410-3              US$98        £85                                      addition, the book includes selected applications of functional
                                                                                          analysis to differential equations, optimization, physics (classical
     Lectures on Functional Analysis and                                                  and quantum mechanics), and numerical analysis. The book
                                                                                          contains 197 problems, meant to reinforce the fundamental
     Applications (2nd Edition)                                                           concepts. The inclusion of detailed solutions to all the exercises
     by V S Pugachev & I N Sinitsyn
                                                                                          makes the book ideal also for self-study.
     (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
                                                                                          Readership: Graduate students in functional analysis, operator
     This volume is not only intended for mathematicians
                                                                                          theory and mathematical physics.
     who deal with applications of functional analysis, but
     also for those having only a moderate background                                     396pp                            Apr 2017
     in mathematics in their areas of work. The materials                                 978-1-78634-333-8                US$118        £98
     covered, which includes practically all the information                              978-1-78634-334-5(pbk)           US$68         £56
     on functional analysis that may be necessary for those
     working in various areas of mathematics applications, as well as the simplicity
                                                                                          Series on Number Theory and
     of presentation, differentiates this book from others. The method and style of
                                                                                          Its Applications - Vol 14
     presentation of materials make it digestible and easily understood by readers.
                                                                                          Problems and Solutions in
     This second edition includes new and updated 300 examples and more than
     500 problems to help readers understand and master the theories presented. In        Real Analysis (2nd Edition)
     addition, necessary improvements for bringing the contents more up to date with      by Masayoshi Hata
     current fundamental and applied developments in Chapters 1 – 10 were made.           (Kyoto University, Japan)

     Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers in            This second edition introduces an
     applied mathematics, and engineers.                                                  additional set of new mathematical
                                                                                          problems with their detailed solutions in
     800pp                          Jun 2021                                              real analysis. It also provides numerous
     978-981-3203-17-4              US$178       £148                                     improved solutions to the existing problems from the previous
     978-981-3203-18-1(pbk)         US$88        £73                                      edition, and includes very useful tips and skills for the readers
                                                                                          to master successfully. There are three more chapters that
                                                                                          expand further on the topics of Bernoulli numbers, differential
     Krzyz• Conjecture: Theory and Methods                                                equations and metric spaces.
     A Research Diary of a Mathematician
     by Ronen Peretz (Ben Gurion University of                                            Problems and Solutions in Real Analysis can be treated as a
     the Negev, Israel)                                                                   collection of advanced exercises by undergraduate students
                                                                                          during or after their courses of calculus and linear algebra. It
     This book is about one of the beautiful topics in                                    is also instructive for graduate students who are interested in
     mathematics. It describes an on-going research on                                    analytic number theory. Readers will also be able to completely
     bounded analytic functions which are defined on the                                  grasp a simple and elementary proof of the Prime Number
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                                                                                          978-981-3142-82-4(pbk)           US$48         £40
     The book includes much more than just a review on the Krzyż Conjecture.
     It includes topics on inner functions within the context of problems that are
     different from the Krzyż Conjecture as well as other topics on general bounded

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     analytic functions.
     Readership: Complex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory, Extremal
     problems, for graduate students and experts in those areas.                                                      environment
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