Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt

Page created by Jason Day
Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
Specialist Magazine for the work protection
trade and for decision makers of industry,
economy and administration

                                              Media-Data 2018
6 Issues
Price List No. 6
Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt

    Ergonomie Markt:                    Adverttising-test              19
    Price list                      4   EM-Direkt Campaign             20
    Format plan                     7   Seminars                       21
    Magazin profile                 8   Corporate films                21
    Editorial and topic schedule    9   Ad banner spaces               22
    Circulation and                     Flash-Newsletter               23
    distribution analysis          10   Internet guide                 23
    Readers-structure-analysis     12
    Media-profile                  17   Trade fair Issue:
    Short discription of the            Special trade fair issue for
    evaluation method              17   “Arbeitschutz Aktuell”         24

    Special Insertions:                 References:
    Top partner campaign           18   Clients` list                  26

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt

                page: 22

page: 4   page: 23

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
P                Price List No. 6
                                                                                                                         November 2017, valid from 1.1.2018

    1. Print run:                                                                     4. Publication dates:
    7.031 copies, IVW-verified (2nd Quarter 2017)                                     6 issues

                                                                                      Publication dates and avertising deadline:
                                                                                      See Editorial and Publication Schedule

    2. Magazine size:
    Magazine size: 210 mm wide, 297 mm high (DIN A4),
                                                                                      5. Publishing house:
    Type area: 179 mm wide, 262 mm high                                               Knittler Medien GmbH
                                                                                      Mittlerer Hubweg 5, 72227 Egenhausen
                                                                                      Tel.: +49 (0)74 53/9 38 57 87 | Fax: +49 (0)74 53/9 38 57 97
                                                                                      Web: | E-Mail:
    3. Technical data:
    Printing method: Offset, Binding: Perfect binding
    Programms for digital mechanicals: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator,
    QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign                                      6. Terms of payment:
    Data please send: PDF/X-3 via E-Mail to                        Net within 30 days from the date of invoice,
                                                                                      2 % discount within 10 days
    Please note for colour advertisements:
    Binding colour reproduction cannot be guaranteed without a proof. We cannot       Bank details:
    admit any complaints in case of incomplete or erroneous data/printing material.   Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw, sort code 666 500 85,
    Should you have any further questions or transmission problems please             account no. 4 840 879
    call: +49 (0)74 53/9 38 57 87                                                     IBAN-No. DE92666500850004840879
                                                                                      BIC: PZHS DE 66
    Graphics department: Ingmar Micheel

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
Price List

Magazine size: ISO A4 210 mm wide, 297 mm high · Type area: 179 mm wide, 262 mm high

 Advertisement           Width x height in mm              Format                      b/w                    2-colour                  4-colour
                         (type area / bled off)

 1/1 page                179 x 262 / 210 x 297             Portrait format              € 1.690                 € 2.010                       € 2.575

                         179 x 175 / 210 x 199             Landscape format
 Juniorpage                                                                             € 1.135                 € 1.395                       € 2.010
                         118 x 262 / 132 x 297             Portrait format

                         179 x 131 / 210 x 155             Landscape format
 1/2 page                                                                                € 825                  € 1.030                       € 1.505
                         88 x 262 / 102 x 297              Portrait format

                         179 x 88 / 210 x 112              Landscape format
 1/3 page                                                                                € 570                    € 785                       € 1.030
                         57 x 262 / 72 x 297               Portrait format
                         179 x 65                          Landscape format
 1/4 page                42 x 262                          Portrait format               € 425                    € 610                        € 900
                         88 x 131                          Double-column
                         179 x 33                          Landscape format
 1/8 page                88 x 65                           Double-column                 € 210                    € 395                        € 395
                         42 x 131                          Portrait format
                         88 x 32                           Double-column
 1/16 page                                                                               € 105                    € 260                        € 260
                         42 x 60                           Portrait format

Price per mm: 42 mm wide (single-column) = 3,50 €
 Special surcharges:                                                           Special advertisements:
 front cover package (front cover+ 1/2 page 4c)           2.990€               Price for the campaign “Top Partner“ (Issue 1/2018) one page     1.805 €
 Inside front cover or outside back cover 4-c             2.680 €              Special price Internet guide (1/4 page, 4-c)                       390 €

 Bleed, gutter bleed and binding placement regulations:                        Job advertisements: 50 % off basic rate
 10 % of basic rate                                                            “Employment wanted” advertisements: 70 % off basic rate
Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
P                Price List No. 6
                                                                                                                                November 2017, valid from 1.1.2018

    7. Special advertisements:                                                              11. Bound inserts:
    Advertisements in the ERGONOMIE MARKT source of supply:                                 2 pages (1 sheet)                                      3.400,– €
    42 mm wide (single-column). This price includes the publication                         4 pages (2 sheets)                                     5.800,– €
    on our website which has over 25,037 page
    impressions a month.                                                                    Delivery 14 days before issue. Send sample to publisher with order.
    If you want to link to your website                                                     Format: Untrimmed size 216 mm wide, 303 mm high.
    the price is 2.00 € 4c per mm.                                                                   Multi-page inserts should be folded to this size.

    8. Seminar advertisements:                                                              12. Loose inserts:
    The Seminars are printed in the seminar category and published                          (not discountable)
    on, the price for one seminar is 20,00 € /monthat
                                                                                            Up to 25 g (= 7.000 copies)                            1.285,– €
                                                                                            incl. printing                                         1.685,– €
                                                                                            For each additional 25 g                               885,– €
    9. Discount:
                                                                                            Delivery 14 days before issue. Send sample to publisher with order.
    Staggered repeat discount.                                                              Max. sheet size: 205 mm wide x 290 mm high.
    Starting from the first publication of the advertisement:
    Frequency discount rate: 3 ads 3%,    6 ads 5%
    Volume discount rate:    3 pages 10%, 6 pages 15%                                       13. Tip-on cards:
                                                                                            on request

    10. Combinations:
    In bookings in different publications in the same order year (e. g. Reinigungs Markt,
                                                                                            14. Mailing address for bound/loose inserts:
    Gebäudereiniger) frequency discounts are granted as follows:                            on request
    2 publications 3% in 3 publications 5 %, in 4 publications 10%.

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
P   Format plan
All formats are final formats. Bled off advertisments need to have additional 3 mm bleed.
                        1/8 Portrait                                     column
                       Width: 42 mm                                      W: 88 mm
                      Height: 131 mm                                    H: 131 mm

  1/8 double-column       1/8 Landscape              1/4 Portrait           1/4 Landscape           1/3 Landscape                   1/3 Portrait            1/2 Landscape                 1/2 Portrait
  Width: 88 mm               Width: 179 mm           Width: 42 mm              Width: 179 mm        Width: 179 mm                 Width: 57 mm              Width: 179 mm               Width: 88 mm
  Height: 65 mm             Height: 33 mm            Height: 262 mm           Height: 65 mm         Height: 88 mm                 Height: 262 mm            Height: 131 mm              Height: 262 mm

  Junior-Page           Junior-Page bled off         1/1                            1/1 bled off   1/3 Landscape bled off      1/3 Portrait bled off       1/2 Landscape bled off    1/2 Portrait bled off
  Width: 133 mm                Width: 147 mm         Width: 179 mm              Width: 210 mm      Width: 210 mm                    Width: 72 mm           Width: 210 mm                  Width: 102 mm
  Height: 179 mm              Height: 203 mm         Height: 262 mm             Height: 297 mm     Height: 112 mm                   Height: 297 mm         Height: 155 mm                 Height: 297 mm

                                                                                                                                                              In case of texts and pictures running
                                                                                                                                                              across the gutter, please note that –
                                                                                                                                                             due to perfect binding – in the gutter
                                                                                                                                                                 next to the 3 mm bleed per page
                                                                                                                                                               (trim margin) another approx. 3 mm
                                                                                                                                                             per page are not optimally legible and
                                                                                                                                                                    therefore have to be laid out

2/1 bled off                                         2/1                                                Front cover bled off
Width: 420 mm                                        Width: 392 mm                                           Width: 154 mm
Height: 297 mm                                       Height: 262 mm                                          Height: 228 mm

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
1         Brief profile

    1. Brief profile                                                                6. Organ:                ECN, Corporate Health Netzwerk,
    ERGONOMIE MARKT is a specialist Magazine for the work protection and                                     Corporate Health Award
    cleaning trade and covers news, innovations and principal themes, especially    7. Publisher &
    out of the market segments “personal protective equipment”, “work protection”      Chief editor:         Reinhard Knittler (
    and products for the requirements of the working place to make work easier
    or to prevent accidents or chronic diseases.                                    8. CEO:                  Daniel Knittler (
    Main target group are specialist dealers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland,
    means the wholegerman-speaking area.                                            9. Publishing house:     Knittler Medien GmbH
    The other important target groups are top-decision-maker from the industry,                              Mittlerer Hubweg 5, 72227 Egenhausen
    economy and administration (see circulation –and recipients-structure).                                  Tel.: +49 (0)74 53/9 38 57 87
    We espacially target work öabour directors and the person in charge for the                              Fax: +49 (0)74 53/9 38 57 97
    corporate health management.                                                                   
    2. Volume/year:                6th year/2018                                    10. Editors:             Andreas Rubisch
    3. Frequency of                                                                                          Volker Beck, M.A., Daniel Faust,
       publication:                6 issues                                         11. Advertising
    4. Web:                                             assistent:            Christine Egeler, Mirjam Knittler,
                                                                                                             Petra Mayer, Marion Renz
    5. Memberships:                IVW, SZV und VDZ
                                                                                    12. Advertising Sales:   Martina Wurster

Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
T                   Editorial and Publication Schedule

  Edition               Closing date (CD)      Special insertion           Trade Fairs                                                  Main Topics
                        Publishing date (PD)
                                                                                                                                        Safety shoes
                                                                          InservFM: 27.02 - 01.03. in Frankfurt/Germany
                          CD: 26.01.2018       Top Partner of the         Tag der Arbeitssicherheit: 08. - 09.03. in Fellbach/Germany   Protective clothing against heat and flame stress
                                                                          Tage der Ergonomie: 09. - 10.03. in Friedrichshafen/Germany
                          PD: 16.02.2018       work protection sector     Logimat: 13. - 15.03. in Stuttgart/Germany
                                                                                                                                        Ergonomic solutions for standing/seated work
                                                                          Light & Building: 18. - 23.03. in Frankfurt/Germany           Workplace lighting

                                                                          Personal Swiss & Corporate Health: 17. - 18.04.               Safety gloves
  2/2018                  CD: 23.03.2018       Prevention and             in Zürich/Switzerland                                         First aid at the workplace
                                               Corporate Health           Corporate Health Convention: 24. - 25.4.
                          PD: 13.04.2018       Management                 in Stuttgart/Germany
                                                                                                                                        Selection of work clothes
                                                                          Rettmobil: 16. - 18.05. in Fulda/Germany                      Ergonomics in the industrial sector and assembly

                                                                                                                                        UV skin care products
  3/2018                  CD: 17.05.2018       Industry 4.0                 Arbeits Sicherheit Schweiz: 19. - 21.06.
                                                                            in Bern/Switzerland                                         Protection against noise and vibration
                                               Challenges for
                          PD: 07.06.2018                                                                                                Ergonomics in the office
                                               work safety
                                                                                                                                        Safe height acces technics

                                                                                                                                        Safety clothes and corporate fashion
  4/2018                  CD: 29.06.2018                                    Platformers Days: 14. - 15.09. in
                                                                            Hohenroda/Germany                                           Workplace mats
                                               Copy test 2018                                                                           Foot and knee protection
                          PD: 20.07.2018                                    Zukunft Personal: 11. - 13.09.
                                                                            in Cologne/Germany                                          Hand and skin protection at work

                                               Anniversary edition                                                                      Pure air at work
  5/2018                 CD: 20.09.2018        5 years of                  Arbeitsschutz Aktuell: 23. - 25.10.                          Safety goggles/face protection
                                                                           in Stuttgart/Germany
Trade Fair Issue                               Ergonomie Markt                                                                          Ergonomic workplace systems
                         PD: 11.10.2018                                    Orgatec: 23. - 27.10. Cologne/Germany
Arbeitsschutz Aktuell                          Print run: 10,000 copies                                                                 Selection of working gloves
                                                                                                                                        Ergonomic Tools
  6/2018                 CD: 20.11.2018        Product data base                                                                        Use and selection of hearing protection
                                               EM direct                                                                                PPE – Fall protection
                         PD: 12.12.2018
                                                                                                                                        Corporate fashion and work safety
Media-Data 2018 6 Issues Price List No. 6 - Ergonomie Markt
2                    Circulation and
                                                                                                                  distribution analysis

     13. Purchase Price:        Annual subscription   € 48,00   (incl. VAT)   Business management+IT+Law+
                                Single issue          € 10,00   (incl. VAT)   Professional training                            20,8      6,6%
                                                                              Editorial                                        6         1,9%
     14. ISSN:                  2195-5506                                     Association News                                 9,33      3,0%
     15. Volume analysis:       6/2016 to 5/2017      = 6 issues              Contents + Preview + Imprint                     16        5,1%
         Magazine size:         ISO DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm
                                                                              Total (6/2016 bis 5/2017)                        312,88    100%
         Total pages:           440                   = 100,00 %
         Editorial section:     312,88                = 71,11 %
         Advertising section:   127,13                = 28,89 %
         Loose inserts:         10
                                                                              17. Circulation audit:
     16. Content analysis by the Editor:
     Personal Protective Equipment                    39,87           12,7%   18. Circulation analysis: Copies per issue/average for
     Ergonomics in the office                         29,64            9,5%                               01.07.16 – 30.06.17
                                                                                  Print run:              7,063
     Ergonomics at the industrial workplace           42,46           13,6%
                                                                                  Total circulation:      6,752     other countries:    750
     Work protection work safety                      42,07           13,4%
     Trade fair reports and products                  50,75           16,2%       Archive and
                                                                                  personal copies:          311
     News from the industry                           32,07           10,2%
     Corporate Health Management                      23,89            7,6%

2              Circulation and
                                                                                      distribution analysis

19. Geographical distribution analysis:
                                                            Copies      %
Germany total                                                6,002   100,0
Nielsen-Area l                                               0786    13,09

                                                                                          I     VI
Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Bremen
Nielsen-Area ll                                             01,290   21,49
North Rhine-Westphalia
Nielsen-Area llla                                            0906    15,09

Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland
Nielsen-Area lllb                                           01,030   17,16

Nielsen-Area lV                                             01,002   16,69

Nielsen-Area V                                              00.384    6,39

Nielsen-Area Vl                                             00.235    3,91

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt
Nielsen-Area Vll                                            00.349    5,81
Thuringia, Saxony

other countries                                              0750
thereof:                  Austria                             302
                          Switzerland                         348
                          other European countries             86
                          Overseas                             14
Total circulation:                                           6,752
3L            Readers-structure-analysis

     Print run and recipients-structure-analysis

     ERGONOMIE MARKT ist published six times a year with a total print run of 7,000 copies each.
     It is a new specialist magazine with the main target groups work protection trade and top
     decision makers of industry, economy and administration for ergonomic products.

     Recipients-Structure                                      Copies
      Work protection trade and technical trade
       in Germany, Austria and Switzerland                        2,100
      Specialized cleaning trade                                  550
      Working directors and decision makers in
       the industry (limited companies)                          1,750
      Decision makers of assurances, banks and trade             1,300
      Decision makers of municipalities and
       federal and regional authorities                            926
      Scaffolders                                                 225
      Archive and specimen copies                                 176
          Total circulation                                       7,000

3L       Readers-structure-analysis
                                                                        first recipients

How many employees work at your workplace (without any other subsidiaries or branch offices
and as appropriate headquarters)?

under 20 employees                                                                      40,2%
20 up to 49 employees
50 up to 99 employees
100 up to 199 employees                                                                  9,4%
200 up to 499 employees                                                                 11,0%
over 500 employees                                                                      13,8%
not specified                                                                            1,6%

                          0   10       20         30          40         50 %

3L     Readers-structure-analysis
                                                                             first recipients

     What is your completed vocational training or graduation?

     completed vocational training                                                     11,0%
     craftsman's examination                                                            5,5%
     German „Fachschulabschluss“                                                       11,0%
     university of applied sciences                                                    24,8%
     university degree                                                                 30,7%
     PhD thesis / habilitation                                                          2,4%
     other                                                                              2,8%
     not specified                                                                     11,8%

                                      0   5     10         15      20      25 %

3L      Readers-structure-analysis
                                                                      first recipients

How many people – except you – read your copy of Ergonomie Markt in your company regularly?

no further readers                                                                   45,3%

1-2 readers                                                                          20,1%

3-4 readers                                                                          23,6%

5+ readers                                                                            8,7%

not specified                                                                         2,4%

                     0    10          20         30          40         50 %

4        Media-profile

     Title profile                                                                             Chance of contact per page
                                                  Share in the investigated readers (%)                                        Share in the investigated readers (%)
                                               to the point   to some extent       incorrect   total or almost total                                            34,8
     gives total and complete information           43,6              52,8              3,6    approx. three quarters                                           15,0
     professional and capable                       66,2              32,8              1,0
     reports objectively and professionally         51,6              41,9              6,5    approx. half of the magazine                                     15,4
     on the spot                                    64,8              33,7              1,5    approx. one quarter                                              13,7
     reports in a critical way                      20,9              62,1             16,9    only few pages                                                   17,6
     extremely readable and understandable          87,9              11,1              1,0    (almost) no pages                                                 3,1
     diversified/entertaining                       34,9              53,6             11,5
     clearly-arranged                               70,1              24,7              5,2    no data supplied                                                  0,4
     should be recommended                          72,8              25,1              2,1    total                                                          100,0
     contains useful product advertisements         63,5              30,7              5,7    Chance of contact per page: 59%
     can not be replaced by another magazine        19,4              59,4             21,2
     reference figure: 6,063 readers

                            Importance of topics
                                                                                                   Share in the investigated readers (%)
                                                                          very important       important      less important    unimportant
                            News                                                13,6              48,2                29,8            8,4
                            Trade fair reports                                  13,1              50,8                26,2            9,9
                            Work Protection Work Safety                         46,6              41,9                 8,9            2,6
                            Conference / Congress                                8,9              26,3                40,5           24,2
                            Personal Protective Equipment                       39,3              33,5                13,6           13,6
                            Ergonomics at the industrial workplace              35,6              40,8                17,8            5,8
                            Preview for trade fairs                             15,3              39,5                34,2           11,1

Short discription of the evaluation method

Short description of the evaluation method for the readership analysis
Readership analysis through Evaluation by phone and written – sample            Target person for the survey:
                                                                                first recipients of the magazine „Ergonomie Markt“
Total amount of recipients:
All adresses are based in a recipients data                           6,022     Time space of the survey:
                                                                                written: 05.12.2016 to 28.02.2017
                                                                                telephonically: 02.03.2017 to 08.06.2017
Day of the sample draft:                                         25.11.2016

Description of the sample:                              Simple random choice    Realisation of the survey:
                                                                                Bonner Institut für Markt-, Meinungs-, Absatz- und
First sample (used adresses)                                  1,351             Sozialforschung marmas bonn GmbH/Germany
quality neutral failures                                        597
Cleared brutto sample                                           754 = 100 %

qualitative failures
aborts                                                            4
Total rejection                                                 298
Target person could not be reached after ten contacts           198
realised interviews                                             254 = 34 %

Special advertisement

     Top Partner Campaign in Issue 1/2018
     Under the motto “Top Partner” we offer you the opportunity to present
     your product range and concepts – on one or two pages – in the Issue
     Take advantage of this campaign to introduce your company as a
     powerful partner to the readers of ERGONOMIE MARKT. Additional, your
     page(s) are one year online on
     There are about 25,037 Page Impressions per month (October 2017)
     on These are 300,444 Page Impressions in
     one year for you.
     And here’s how it works:
     You provide us
     • a brief, written description of your company, philosophy and
         product range
     • a reproducible (ready-to-print) master of your corporate logo
     • as well as a small selection of photos (single products/total
         product range/factory, etc.)

     Our copy and layout experts will design your presentation in close
     cooperation with you. An one-page presentation costs € 1.805 and a      Issue: 1/2018
     double page costs € 3.605.                                              Closing Date: 26.01.2018
     All prices are are not discountable.                                    Contact: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 87

                                                                                        Special advertisement occasions

Advertising Test in Issue 4/2018                                                                                 Copy
The test shows how your advertisement comes across to the reader and
how you could possibly improve your advertising. In the advertising test
readers rate the advertisements published in ERGONOMIE MARKT
(minimum size 1/3 page). For this purpose a questionnaire is enclosed
with this issue of ERGONOMIE MARKT. As an additional incentive, every
participating reader will receive a small gift.

Rating criteria                                                            ‘ hospital administrator rate your advertisement differently than
Each advertisement (minimum size 1/3 page) is rated                          the owner of a cleaning company?) and functions (does a general
according to the following criteria:                                         manager rate the advertisement differently than an administrator?)
                                                                           ‘ Free service for advertisers: The advertisement price includes the
• How well does it attract attention?
                                                                             conduction, evaluation and documentation of the test
                                                                           ‘ The top ads will be awarded a certificate
• How great is its appeal?
• Does it provide valuable information?
• What is the degree of activation?

Benefits for the advertiser
‘ Your advertisement will attract great attention
‘ Longer dwelling time on your advertisement                               Our next advertising test is on
‘ Feedback on the effect of your advertisement                             Issue: 4/2018
  (also in comparison with competitors’ ads)                               Closing Date: 29.06.2018
‘ Individual rating also with regard to target groups (does a              Contact: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 87

Special advertisement occasions

     Ergonomie Markt-Direct Campaign in Issue 6/2018
     Issue 6/2018 will be used to build up a product data base on our home-
     page which will be established according to
     the structure of advertisements in this issue. Each customer who wants
     to place an advertisement starting from 1/4 page upwards can supply
     an additional product information (approx. 700 characters incl. spaces)
     and a coloured photograph (300 dpi). Our editorial staff will produce a
     product report from that material which will be published in this issue
     as well as in our online product data base on the publication date of
     12th of December 2018. On the internet the name of your website will
     be placed under the product report together with a link to your website.
     The product report and link will remain online for 12 months.
     There are about 25,037 Page Impressions per month (October 2017)
     on These are 300,444 Page impressions for

     Benefits for the advertiser
     ‘ You will reach 7,000 qualified readers with your advertisement
     ‘ In addition you will receive a product report including a 4-colour photo
     ‘ This product report will be placed on our website with a link to your

     Issue: 6/2018
     Closing Date: 20.11.2018
     Contact: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 87
Special advertisement occasions


The seminars will be published in the „seminars“-column and on Price per seminar: € 20,00 per month.

Company films with a short description and announcement in the Flash-Newsletter
You can book a corporate film with different content (e.g. company presentation, product
presentation or how-to-clips) on our homepage
The film will be visible for all visitors in an embedded video n our homepage (and media
center). The website has 25,037 page impressions (last edited October 2017). In addition
the film will be announced in our Flash-Newsletter (even more 1,329 addresses)

The embedding is available for € 600 per month.

Special advertisement occasions

 Banner advertising space

 The website has 25,037 page impressions (last

                                                                Full Banner
 edited October 2017). The banner will be linked

 to your homepage.

 Banner Size:                    price per month:                  € 800
 Skyscraper Banner: 160px x 600px          € 850
 Full Banner: 1140px x 250px               € 800

                                                                                       € 850
 Big Web Banner: 720px x 250px             € 700

                                                    Big Web Banner
                                                        € 700

Special advertisement occasions

                                                              Company logo with link to your homepage in the Flash-Newsletter

                                                              Clients, booking Top Partner are entitled to book their logos in our
                                                              Flash-Newsletter. The Flash-Newsletter is published in German or
                                                              English. The logo will be linked to your homepage.
                                                              Price per month €280

                                                              The German Flash-Newsletter has 1,329 addressees.
                                                              (last edited October 2017)

Internet guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – Anzeigen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ührer 201

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            WICHTIGE ADRESSEN IM INTERNET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    57 97
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0 74 53/938
                                                                                                                                                                                      ie Markt                    57 87, Fax:
                                                                                                                                                                               Ergonomausen, Telefon: 0 74 53/938

In our category “Ergonomie Markt Internet guide” you have the chance to             Wenzel und
                                                                                                Kurz Gmb
                                                                                            nberg, Telefo
                                                                                    63843 Nieder
                                                                                                         n: 0 60 28/991
                                                                                                                        00, Fax:
                                                                                                                                 0 60 28/99
                                                                                                                                            10 50
                                                                                                                                                                                72227 Egenh

present your homepage together with a brief description of the main content
on a 1/4 page in our magazine.                                                                                                                         ent im Intern
                                                                                                                                                                                            Der Ergonom handel und berichte

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         n „Persön
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  el, den
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            und Grundsa
                                                                                                                                                                                           Kurzprofil ie Markt erreicht den t uber Neuheiten usrustung“, „Arbeits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  liche Schutza des Menschen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   – vor
                                                                                                                                                                                            ReinigungsfachMarktsegmente latz auf die Bedurfn terkrankungen Schweiz. Somit
                                                                                                                                                                                             allem aus e, die den Arbeitsp Unfällen und Langzei        und der
                                                                                                      :                              ungsequipm                                                                                             Österreich
                                                                                                                                                                                             und Produkt erleichtern oder in Deutschland, smäßig abgedeckt.
                                                                                                                     lettes Reinig                    p                                                Arbeit
                                                                                                                                                                                              bzw. die sind die Fachhändler ge Raum vertrieb
                                                                                                        Sie Ihr komp                   tlicher Websho
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With an Internet Guide in Ergonomie Markt 7,000 potential clients from                             Druckere
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Contact: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 87

Special trade fair isssue for "Arbeitssschutz Aktuell"

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                                                                 Print ru

     Special trade fair isssue for
     "Arbeitssschutz Aktuell"
     in Stuttgart/Germany with an
     increased print run of 10,000


Special trade fair issue for "Arbeitssschutz Aktuell"

                                                              te   20.09.2018
                                                    Closing Da

For the Trade fair issue the prices are the same.

List of references

25 Issues = 142 clients from 13 countries
The following companies have decided to book an advertisement in the twentyfive issues of the ERGONOMIE MARKT:
2pluxx GmbH, Rapperswil/Switzerland               Comcoplast Comco Commercial Cooperation            Global Stole A/S, Ulstrup/Danemark
3 M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss/Germany               GmbH, Willich/Germany                              Gustav Daiber GmbH, Albstadt/Germany
                                                  Peter Cramer GmbH & CO. KG, Hagen/Germany          Günzburger Steigtechnik GmbH,
ABS Safety GmbH,Kevelaer/Germany                                                                     Günzburg/Germany
Aeropur GmbH, Tamm/Germany                        Dassy Europe BVBA, Brügge/Belgium Dauphin
ALBA & N srl, Trani/Italy                         Human Design Group                                 Haider Bioswing GmbH, Pullenreuth/Germany
Aliens Bergsport & Arbeitssicherheit e.K. Altec   GmbH + Co. KG, Offenhausen/Germany                 Harema GmbH, Rodgau/Germany
GmbH, Singen/Germany                              Deb Stoko Europe GmbH, Krefeld/Germany             Hase Safety Group AG, Jever/Germany
AMPri Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Stelle/Germany     Dr. Schnell GmbH, München/Germany                  Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG,
AS Arbeitsschutz (Nitras), Bedburg/Germany        Driesen+Kern GmbH , Bad Bramstedt/Germany          Freiburg/Germany
Asatex AG, Bergheim/Germany                       Du Pont de Nemours s.a.r.l,                        Haus der Technik e.V., Essen/Germany
ASUP GmbH, Seevetal/Germany                       Contern/Luxemburg                                  HAVEP, AA Goirle/Netherland
ATG Lanka (PVT) Ltd., Katunayake/Sri Lanka                                                           Heckmann GmbH, Hannover/Germany
Atlas-Schuhfabrik GmbH & Co.KG,                   ECN Ergonomie Kompetenz Netzwerk,                  Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Bonn/Germany
Dortmund/Germany                                  Friedrichshafen/Germany                            Herwe GmbH, Sinsheim-Düren/Germany
August Penkert, Technische Leder- und             Ergotrading GmbH, Hamburg/Germany                  Hinte GmbH, Messegesellschaft,
Kunststofferzeugnisse, Mülheim/Germany            Elbe-Werkstätten GmbH/Germany                      (Arbeitsschutz Aktuell) Karlsruhe/Germany
                                                  Elka Rainwear A/S, Sunds/Denmark                   Hoppe Unternehmensberatung,
Baak GmbH & Co. KG, Straelen/Germany              Elteks, Bursa/Turkey                               Heusenstamm/Germany
Bardusch GmbH & Co KG, Ettlingen/Germany          Elten GmbH, Uedem/Germany                          Hugo Josten Berufskleiderfabrik,
Bernexpo (Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz),                                                                Grefrath/Germany
Bern/Switzerland                                  Fellowes GmbH, Hannover/Germany                    Hutafors Group Germany GmbH,
BIG Arbeitsschutz GmbH, Buchholz/Germany          fetra Fechtel Transportgeräte GmbH,                Vlotho/Germany
Bingold Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG,               Borgholzhausen/Germany                              Hüdig + Rocholz GmbH & Co. KG,
Hamburg/Germany                                   Flexlift Hubgeräte GmbH, Bielefeld/Germany         Velbert/Germany
Blakläder Deutschland GmbH, Ratingen/Germany      Floor-Tec International Ltd., Marschacht/Germany   HV Corporate Concepts AG,
BOA TECHNOLOGY GMBH, Mondsee Austria              Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH,                         Ludwigsburg/Germany
Bording Exposition SA, Mannheim/Germany           Merching/Germany
brainLight GmbH, Goldbach/Germany                 Friedrich Münch GmbH + Co.KG,                      In-Line Software GmbH, Reinfeld/Germany
Brecht GmbH, Bretten/Germany                      Mühlacker/Germany                                  Invista Textiles Ltd. (Cordura), Gloucester/
Bruns & Debray GmbH, Warendorf/Germany            Fristads Kansas Deutschland GmbH,                  United Kindom
                                                  Norderstedt/Germany                                ISM Heinrich Krämer GmbH & Co. KG
Coba Europe, Korschenbroich/Germany               Georg Schmerler GmbH & Co. KG,                     (Puma Safety), Lippstadt/Germany
COFRA S.r.l. Barletta/Italiy                      Veitsbronn/Germany                                 item Industrietechnik GmbH, Solingen/Germany
List of references

JK Technischer Handel, Kempen/Germany          Messe Düsseldorf/A+A, Duesseldorf                  Sedus Stoll Aktiengesellschaft,
JM Metzger GmbH, Möckmühl/Germany              Messe Essen/SHK, Essen/Germany                     Waldshut-Tiengen /Germany
JSP Ltd. Johnstone Safety Products,            Messe Stuttgart/Coporate Health Convention,        Simloc/Incanto fashion GmbH,
Oxford/United Kingdom                          Stuttgart/Germany                                  Bielefeld/Germany
                                               Messe Zürich/Personal Swiss, Zurich/Switzerland    Skylotec GmbH, Neuwied/Germany
Keiler Schutzhandschuh Handelsgesellschaft     Messe Zürich/Sicherheit 2013, Zurich/Switzerland   SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG,
mbH, Monschau/Germany                          Mey Chair Systems GmbH,                            Übach-Palenberg/Germany
Kemmer GmbH, Bottrop/Germany                   Sesslach-Merlach/Germany                           Spring Messe Management GmbH,
Kimberly-Clark Professional, Koblenz/Germany   MIC GmbH, Herford/Germany                          Mannheim/Germany
Kind Arbeitssicherheit GmbH,                                                                      Stünings Medien GmbH, Krefeld/Germany
Hannover/Germany                               Notrax Floor Matting, Handelsvertretung
KNEETEK, Klaus Bachmann, Köln/Germany          Uwe Rudnick, Nieheim/Germany                       The Andersen Company, Ronse/Belgium
Kober & Moll GmbH, Pfalzgrafenweiler/Germany   Nürnberg Messe/Kommunale,
KONSTANT Arbeitsschutz GmbH,                   Nürnberg/Germany                                   Umweltinstitut Offenbach GmbH,
St. Thomas/Austria                                                                                Offenbach am Main/Germany
Krause-Werk GmbH, Alsfeld/Germany              Ötscher Berufsbekleidung Götzl GmbH,               U. GROUP S.r.l., Paruzzaro Novara/Italy
Kübler Bekleidungswerk GmbH & Co. KG,          Amstetten/Austria                                  Uvex-safety group GmbH & Co. KG,
Plüderhausen/Germany                                                                              Fürth/Germany
                                               Persson Vertriebs GmbH, Ahrensburg/Germany
Leipold + Döhle GmbH, Eschwege/Germany         Peter Greven Physioderm GmbH,                      Verein Deutsche Fachpresse,
Leipziger Messe GmbH, Leipzig/Germany          Euskirchen/Germany                                 Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Litz-Konfektion Gmbh & Co KG,                  Pionier Berufsbekleidung GmbH, Herford/Germany     Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH,
Mauerkirchen/Austria                           Planam Arbeitsschutz Vertriebs GmbH,               München/Germany
Livornous Enterprises, Glenmont/USA            Herzebrock-Clarholz/Germany                        VNR Verlag für die deutsche Wirtschaft AG,
Louis STEITZ SECURA GmbH + Co. KG,             Plum Deutschland GmbH, Cuxhaven/Germany            Bonn/Germany
Kirchheimbolanden/Germany                      Priebs GmbH & Co. KG, Haltern am
Löw Ergo, Michelstadt/Germany                  See/Germany                                        W+R Seiz GmbH, Metzingen/Germany
                                               Pro Femina e.V, Heidelberg/Germany                 Werksitz GmbH, Zeil am Main/Germany
Männel Textile Kennzeichnungen GmbH Mapa       PROTECT Laserschutz GmbH,                          Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH, Schonach /Germany
Professional, Zeven/Germany                    Nürnberg/Germany                                   Wilhelm Fitzner Arbeitsschutz e.K.,
Marmara Tanitim Furacilik, Istanbul/Turkey     PSA Vertrieb, Dormagen/Germany                     Preußisch-Oldendorf/Germany
Martor KG, Solingen/Germany                                                                       Willax GmbH Bekleidungswerk,
Mascot International A/S, Silkeborg/Denmark    Reindl GmbH, St. Willibald/Austria                 Beilngries/Germany
Maxguard GmbH, Krefeld/Germany                 Richard Leipold GmbH, Kaufungen/Germany            Wir-machen-Druck GmbH, Backnang/Germany
Mesago Messe Frankfurt Group,                  Röckelein GmbH, Nuremberg/Germany
facility mamagement, Frankfurt/Germany         Rudolf Uhlen GmbH, Haan/Germany                    ZAGO S.r.l, S. Angelo di Piove/Italy
Messe Berlin GmbH/CMS, Berlin/Germany          Salli Systems, Rautalampi/Finland                  Zarges Leichtbau GmbH, Weilheim/Germany

                        Knittler Medien GmbH ● Mittlerer Hubweg 5 ● 72227 Egenhausen/Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 87 ● Fax: +49 (0)74 53/938 57 97 ● E-mail: ● Internet:
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