Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24

Page created by Denise Myers
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24

VOL. 4 • NUM 24   13 de Junio de 2021

            Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
2                                                                                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                       13 de Junio de 2021

                                                                      Let’s Talk About It
                                                                     Mexican Flag at Graduation Ceremony
   This grass roots publication is the life
source for a community that is not easily
afforded viable access to diverse and ac-
cessible media. San Antonio and the sur-               By Yvette Tello                        rules. It is a big moment for all    given by the state board and
rounding counties have become accustomed
to relevant news brought to them in both               Southwest Legacy HS graduate           the kids but they need to find a     if she completed she will be
English and Spanish since 1913.                        was booted from graduation             way to correctly show their pride    awarded. HS is usually just
                                                       ceremony after displaying a            and excitement.”                     pomp and circumstance, many
                                                       Mexican flag. She says she still                                            times it’s not even the official             By Leonard Rodriguez
                 Yvette Tello                          hasn’t gotten diploma. South-          Paries Olga: “I am a child of        diploma they get that day. In        This column highlights inspiring sto-
               Interim Publisher                       west ISD said protocols are            Mexican immigrants and very          short, people need to get a life     ries of Latino leaders. For more than
              Ramon Chapa Jr.                          applied to avoid disruptions. Do       proud of my heritage, however        and stop making mountains out        50 years, Latino men and women have
            Community Publisher                        you agree with the student being       this event ceremony was not          of mole hills.”                      positively influenced the face of United                      escorted out during her gradu-         "heritage month". It's respectful                                         States society. Let us celebrate these
                Roxanne Eguia
                Editor In Chief                        ation ceremony for displaying          to her other school mates. What      Kelli Arguello: “Follow the                   outstanding hispanics.                      the Mexican Flag during the            is her statement? Display it at      rules!! That’s it!”
            Nicodemus Gonzalez                         ceremony? Let’s talk about it..        a Soccer Copa America game,
              Graphic Designer
             Dr. Ricardo Romo                                                                 not in the school that is paid by    Armando Cantu: “Y’all guys
                 Contributors                          Beverly Brooks: “This is com-          America Tax dollars to support       are too harsh. If she had a flag
                       pletely just. Let me first state       your free education.”                from Canada or from Europe,
                José I. Franco
                Editor Español                         that I do applaud her for wanting                                           you guys would say something
                Maria Cisneros                         to recognize the hardships of          Monica Mendez: “She could            positive. Y’all guys just show
             Sales Representative                      immigration and bring to light         have decorated her cap to repre-     me and everybody else how
           Community Sponsor:
                                                       the struggles in attaining the         sent the country she's so proud      much hatred you have and what
                                                       American dream. There sim-             of and make her parents proud.       racist you are! You shall be just
                                                       ply are better ways to do this.        Students are given the do's and      as you judge others.”
                                                       She admits she broke protocol          don'ts when graduating and now
                                                       and understood there would be          she is confused? The only state-     Hilda Benny: “She will now
                                                       consequences. That she "didn't         ment being made is that she's        wait for her diploma in the mail
                                                       think" this would be the result        ungrateful to be an American         and no, she will not get an apol-
                                                       is a quick scapegoat and lack          and doesnt appreciate the risks      ogy. Lesson learned young lady.
                                                       of personal accountability. She        her parents took to get here to      She knew exactly what would
                                                       DID think, she CHOSE to break          give her a better life. There is a   happen if she didn’t follow rules             Celia Cruz
                                                       the rules, and now the repercus-       reason they fled Mexico.”            and regulations.”                    Born in Cuba, Celia Cruz in-
                                                       sions are at her dismay and she
                                                       was humiliated by not getting          Augustin C Montemayor:               Carmen Rodriguez: “They              tended to become a teacher, but
                                                       her diploma. It matters not what       “Way over reaction in a country      know the rules. But I give her       after winning a talent show in
                                                       "might have" happened if there         that claims to be a free country.    credit for what she believes in.     1947 where she sang “Nostalgia,”
                                                       was another flag displayed like        She did not hurt anyone, or vio-     Everything has consequences.         her plans changed. By the 1950s,
   La Prensa Texas, Inc., is a Texas non-              that- there simply wasn't and that     late, anyone.”                       The graduation was like a circus.
profit Corporation. We are under new man-              doesn't free her of accountability                                          Many students didn't do what         she became the lead singer for La
agement and not affiliated with La Prensa              for her actions. The irony of it all   Kelly Narvaez: “Rules are            was told. It's hard to see others    Sonora Matancera. For the next
Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publications,
Inc.; La Familia Duran;Duran Duran Inc.;               is that in the middle of what is       rules, they apply to everyone.       following rules while others do      10 years, the group was the rave
or any of the Tino Duran family companies.             meant to be a sacred, humbling,        She knew the risks or else she       as they pleased. That's not how      throughout Latin America. In the
We are not responsible for, nor will we be             pivotal moment into adulthood,         wouldn’t have hid it. She will       life works. Just my opinion…”
liable for the acts, omissions or debts of La
                                                       she got what she asked for- a real     get her diploma just not the                                              ‘70s, Cruz’s popularity soared as
Prensa Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publica-
tions, Inc.; or any of the Tino Duran family           life lesson. If an apology is owed     normal way since she chose to        Valerie Sepulveda: “You can’t        Americans warmed up to salsa.
companies.                                             it's from her to own family. She       go against the rules. It’s valid.”   be denied something that is          Performing with such artists as
La Prensa Texas San Antonio is published once          had free will and she chose to                                              earned, I just don’t understand      Johnny PAcheco and Tito Pu-
a week by La Prensa Texas Inc. San Antonio,            cause a distraction that resulted      Gilbert Dimas Jr.: “ I agree         how schools can do that.”
Texas (210) 686-0600. Subscription price in the
U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions         in disparaging her ceremony.”          100%. You live in the U.S. not                                            ente, Cruz cut several albums
expressed in the editorials of this publication                                               Mexico. If you are proud enough      Jean W. Garcia: “If she didn't       including “Celia and Johnny,”
represent the positions and ideology of this
newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and       Angi Stephens Friesenhahn:             to display that flag, then you       like the result then why didn't      “Tremendo Cache” and “Re-
guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions      “I agree. All of the students in       should be proud enough to stay       she graduate in Mexico then.”
of the management staff or ownership of this                                                                                                                            cordando el Ayer.” A legendary
newspaper; the contents of which they are solely       ALL districts are told what they       in that country.”
and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our      can and cannot do. She could                                                Felix Romo Jr.: “ It has noth-       performer, she has received sev-
readers are welcome and will be published, subject
to space availability so long as they are signed and   have just as easily decorated          Antonio Guerrero Barrón:             ing to do with the flag, the         eral Grammy Awards as well as
have a proper return address. All letters will be      her cap with the flag. But she         “Parece una reacción de pueblo       student knowingly chose to
reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel,                                                                                                                      Billboard’s 1978 Country’s Best
slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling,         CHOSE to hide it in her gown           bananero.”                           break the rules that everyone        Female Performer. She also has
and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa        until getting on stage. Any flag                                            else followed. She wanted to
Texas Inc. is not responsible for advertisements
that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not      would have gotten the student          Thomas Mc: “The good thing           be an individual and she got         released more than 70 albums, 20
guarantee in any way the products or services of-      the same consequences. People          the school can’t hold her di-        individual consequences. The         of them gold. (Photo Courtesy of
fered, of which only the advertiser is responsible.
All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the      are making this about race and         ploma. HS graduation is just a       district doesn’t owe her the apol-  
United States of America.                              that's not it at all. It is about      ceremony and her credits are         ogy she wants”
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
13 de Junio de 2021                                       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                3

                             About the Cover Art:                                                                                Cáñamo Cultivado en SA
                                                                                                                                 Utilizado Para la Construcción

                                Three Sisters
By R. Eguia                       Community members can          the pre-colonial plant-based    realize nature is providing
  As we transition towards        submit their suggestions       nourishment of my ances-        us. If we work to engage
the summer equinox this           for “ideas, themes, people,    tors through food and herbal    our ancestral memory, we
month, there is a universal       [and] histories [that] you     medicine. This painting         will find there is untapped     Por Liliana Teran
push to go outside and be-        want to see at your com-       is based upon the Three         knowledge within us. This
gin to be in closer relation to   munity’s mural site,” here:    Sisters, or the name that       lesson that we are gifted
each other and our environ- .         the Haudenosaunee people        from the Three Sisters is       Tarasco Tropical Delivers a
                                                                                                                                 Brand-New Hit “Big Red Y
ment. Resident cover artist,        Community conversa-          gave to corn, beans, and        that when we mutually           Barbacoa” to San Anto
Suzy González has been            tions via the feedback sur-    squash. These plants have       care for one another and
exploring these ecological        vey is scheduled to end on     long been sacred Indig-         work collectively, we grow
themes this season by in-         June 16th,                     enous food staples on the       stronger. My artwork serves
corporating raw materials           We encourage our com-        land called the Americas.       as a platform for working
                                                                                                                                 Interview by Julia Aguillon
into paintings like husks         munity members to submit       When grown together, the        through my own intersec-        Article by Jackie Velez
and seeds.                        their feedback on what they    corn provides a stalk for the   tions as well as striving for   P8
  The San Antonio Mu-             want to be included in the     beans to climb, the beans       an intercultural conversa-
seum of Art has commis-           murals and begin to be in      provide nitrogen to the         tion with folks outside of
sioned González to curate         closer relation with their     soil, and the squash leaves     my identity labels. This, I     Patty Mills candidato a recibir el
                                                                                                                                 premio NBA Season Long Community
a community mural that            stories and place.             provide shade to the roots.     hope, will open doors to        Assist Award
will be housed on one of                                         They’re known as compan-        compassion and healing in
the exterior museum walls         Artist Statement:              ion species, which work         this world of destruction.”
downtown. During this first                                      together to help one another
phase of the process, she           “Through Xicanx vegan-       grow. If we take the time to     Three Sisters
                                                                                                                                 Por Franco
will propose three themes         ism, I find interest in the    listen and to consider new       Acrylic on canvas              P5
which community mem-              decolonization of one’s        perspectives, we may learn       48 x 60 in.
bers will be able to vote on.     diet, or a desire to reclaim   lessons that we didn't even      2018

                                                                                                                                 Central Electric: Where Familia y
                                                                                                                                 Comunidad Matter

                                                                                                                                 Interview by Clint Westwood
                                                                                                                                 Article by Celinda De La Fuente

                                                                                                                                 “Semper Fidelis” A Conversation
                                                                                                                                 with Queta Rodriguez

                                                                                                                                 By Guillermo Osorio
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
4                                                              La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO             13 de Junio de 2021

                                      Cáñamo Cultivado en SA Utilizado
                                      Para la Construcción Consciente
Por Liliana Teran                  ductos de cáñamo beneficiosos       THC, lo que significa que no
   Cuando pensamos en can-         para el público. Actualmente        puede colocarse. Si la concen-
nabis, la mayoría de nosotros      también están involucrados          tración de THC es superior al
pensamos en marihuana, que         en la extracción de plasma          0,3%, se considera marihuana,
todavía es ilegal en Texas, pero   puro, el proceso de patente         cualquier cantidad inferior al
Eli Rodríguez, propietaria de      de creación de un agua de           0,3% se considera cáñamo.
Stokkers USA, está cultivando      nanopartículas esterilizadas          "Elijo hacer este proyecto en
otro tipo llamado cáñamo.          para la extracción de aceite        San Antonio porque creo en la
Rodríguez posee 200 acres en       de cáñamo y cannabis o un           causa y en ayudar a la gente.
Von Ormy que se dedican al         tratamiento avanzado de oxi-        Estoy emocionado de ser parte
cultivo de cáñamo industrial       dación del agua. Rodríguez se       de algo que en última instancia
y ahora está contratando un        encarga del cultivo, mientras       puede ayudar al planeta", dijo
socio para invertir en material    que Mendoza proporciona los         Mendoza.
de construcción de hempcrete,      materiales de construcción            La presencia de Mendoza
un material biocompuesto uti-      necesarios para crear produc-       en los Estados Unidos es im-
lizado en la construcción.         tos beneficiosos como aceites,      portante para él, ya que pla-
   "Estamos tratando de traer      jugos, alimentos, material de       nea proporcionar material de
a alguien para la construcción     construcción y ropa hecha de        construcción para proyectos
para usar productos de hemp-       cáñamo.                             futuros. Planea expandir su
crete, que son energéticamente       "Sé que este tema conlleva        negocio a otros estados una
eficientes y buenos para el        un estigma, por lo que uno de       vez que sienta que el tema
planeta", dijo Rodríguez.          nuestros objetivos es educar        del hempcrete sea más acep-
   Ahí es donde entra Fer-         a los tejanos sobre la impor-       tado por el público. Texas,
nando Mendoza. Mendoza             tancia de los muchos usos           en particular, sería un estado
tiene su sede en México y es       que ofrece el cáñamo", dijo         perfecto para beneficiarse del
propietaria de una empresa de      Mendoza.                            hempcrete ya que, en com-
construcción que proporciona         El cáñamo se utiliza en los       paración con el hormigón, el
material de construcción de        alimentos para obtener fibra,       hempcrete tiene propiedades
metal.                             es beneficioso para la tierra, ya   de aislamiento superiores de-
   "Durante más de 22 años he      que crea más dióxido de car-        bido a su resistencia al moho
dedicado mi negocio al dis-        bono que los árboles y reduce       y su capacidad para soportar el
eño, fabricación y transporte      los materiales necesarios para      clima de Texas, desde el calor
de metal que se utiliza en la      la construcción o confección        al frío.
construcción. He trabajado         de ropa. Sin embargo, muchos          Debido a todos sus benefi-
con muchos otros socios en         no saben que se puede utilizar      cios, es importante investigar
México y he proporcionado          como material de construc-          y educarnos para comprender
metal para varios proyectos        ción.                               completamente el impacto
importantes de construcción.         Hempcrete se hace mezclan-        positivo que puede tener en
Mi objetivo ahora es llevar        do el cáñamo con cal y agua         nuestra comunidad. Es por eso
negocio a San Antonio, una         y pesa sólo alrededor de un         que la asociación con Men-
ciudad que he llegado a amar,      octavo del peso del concreto        doza y Rodríguez es crucial.
" dijo Mendoza.                    normal. La naturaleza liviana       Mendoza no solo trae su mate-
   El cultivo de cáñamo se le-     del cáñamo también puede            rial sino su visión y amor por
galizó después de que los leg-     reducir la energía incorpo-         nuestra ciudad y estado. Juntos
isladores de Texas aprobaron       rada de un edificio al reducir      planean abrir más tiendas que
HB-1325 o la Ley de cultivo        las emisiones asociadas con         venderán productos de cáñamo
de cáñamo. El cáñamo no solo       el transporte de materiales         al público.
es legal sino beneficioso para     pesados. Dado que el cáñamo           "Stokkers es sinónimo de
muchos. "Se trata de cultivar      industrial también se puede         crear productos que ayudarán
una planta saludable e incor-      cultivar en una amplia gama         al medio ambiente ya las
porar un extracto en productos     de climas y suelos, también es      generaciones venideras. Si
que puedan servir a nuestra        una excelente alternativa como      pudiéramos eliminar incluso
comunidad", dijo Rodríguez.        material de construcción local.     una bolsa de plástico, habría-
   Rodríguez y Mendoza están       La planta de cáñamo parece          mos hecho nuestro trabajo",
colaborando para crear pro-        marihuana pero tiene menos          dijo Rordriguez.
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
13 de Junio de 2021                                       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                        5

         Patty Mills candidato a recibir el premio
        NBA Season Long Community Assist Award
Por Franco                      sábado 19 de junio bajo el         Fans también podrán vo-        reconoce jugadores cada mes     de los 76ers.
  El carismático guardia        patrocinio de Kaiser Perma-      tar en la plataforma Jebbit      quiénes comparten su pasión       Jrue Holiday de Bucks,
australiano Patty Mills de      nente.                           que recolecta y ofrecerá         altruista que es motivada       Patty Mills de los Spurs.
los Spurs de San Antonio,         Los temas en los que juga-     información de jugadores         por la liga y sus integrantes   Donovan Mitchell del Jazz.
ha sido convocado entre         dores han participados son:      nominados.                       retribuyendo el apoyo con       Larry Nance Jr., de los Cava-
nueve basquetbolistas más       COVID-19 Relief. Social            Por Twitter votos serán        la ayuda a sus comunidades      liers, Damian Lillard, de
para ganarse el distinguido     Justice. Youth Development       enviados en #NBACom-             y a la vez, honrando el alto    Trail Blazers. Josh Richard-
premio NBA Seasonlong           entre otros programas.           munityAssist y en #Player-       standard iniciado por el leg-   son de los Mavericks y Rus-
Community Assist Award            En los que los nominados       firstnamelastname. #Davi-        endario “The Admiral” Da-       sell Westbrook de Wizards.
2020-21.                        participaron y apoyaron en       dRobinson.                       vid Robinson, ex jugador de       Más información en el
  Este año el premio incluye    la pasada temporada. Los           Votos depositados vía Jeb-     los Spurs.                      sitió:
el voto de seguidores de los    $25,000 por el ganador serán     bit, serán reportados en Twit-     Aquí la lista de los juga-    assist/. (Fotos de Patty Mills
clubes que forman el circuito   donados a su organización        ter y contados por separado,     dores candidatos: DeAndré       son cortesía de Spurs de San
NBA.                            sin fines de lucro de su pref-   por igual en los “retweets”.     Bembry de Raptors. Devin        Antonio).
  El voto se puede hacer por    erencia.                           Los 10 jugadores nomina-       Booker de Suns. Joel Embiid
Twitter. “Cualquier apoyó en      La votación concluye el        dos incluye el sistema: antes
la votación a favor de Patty,   sábado 19 de junio en el         de la temporada ganador.
será bien apreciado”, indicó    horario de las 11:59 am          Ganadores en seis meses y
un boletín informativo de los   tiempo del este.                 tres jugadores adicionales
Spurs de San Antonio.             En la elección también par-    elegidos por la NBA por su
  De acuerdo al departa-        ticipará un panel ejecutivo de   excelente trabajo comuni-
mento de comunicación de        la NBA, el candidato gana-       tario.
la NBA con sede en Nueva        dor será anunciado durante la      NBA Cares Community
York el período de la vo-       postemporada (playoff de las     Assist Award, patrocina-
tación se extenderá hasta el    conferencias oeste y este).      do por Kaiser Permanente,
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
6                                                                  La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                          13 de Junio de 2021

                                 Carlos Fuentes Unguarded,
                                       written in 1998
                                     Carlos Fuentes began his liter-        testosterone, testosterone every-   there is truth here. "Arrogant, in-    fear and desire–the fear that the
                                     ary career. In a packed lecture        where. "It wasn’t very good."       considerate and rude behavior are      price of desire accomplished is
                                     hall on the old Radcliffe College         He explains, "It wasn’t till I   all forgivable in a writer if thanks   death!” In other words, “sex is
                                     campus,he explains that that was       discovered Borges that I decided    to them HE DOES HIS WORK,”             90% misery and 10% pleasure.”
                                     the year he began producing a          to be a writer in Spanish. Up       and he emphasized these words          Perhaps this is even more true
                                     personal monthly magazine. At          until then I thought I could only   passionately. Like Janus, “books       today. “Who you confide in, lie
                                     the bottom of the back page he         dream, make love, and curse in      look toward both the past and          to, make love to…these are the
                                     neatly printed on each copy:           Spanish."                           the future. And the next reader        things in life that matter."
                                     "Please return when you are               Fuentes always loved Don         is always the first reader."             Fuentes read from his new
                                     finished reading."                     Quixote, but it seemed to him           What are the two biggest les-      work Laura Diaz. It seemed the
                                       It was the 30s. FDR was presi-       there weren’t any other great       sons of literature? "Grandmoth-        audience held its breath as he
                                     dent. He learned that the U.S. is      writers in his native language      ers are the best novelists in the      read a passage in Spanish, a sex
                                     "a country that depends on hu-         until Borges. Reading Borges        world, no doubt.” And “the wind-       scene between the protagonist
By L. Leon                           man and social capital. A vibrant      opened a world for him. "The        mills are giants, never forget."       and Frieda Calho. Contrived, per-
  “I was born under the zodiac       place…"                                crown prohibited novels in the         After America, he taught him-       haps, but there was no doubt of
sign I would have chosen any-           ”[The U.S.] solved the prob-        colonies.” But now the rise of      self French on the steamship           the scene’s beauty. "Mi cuata, mi
way. I am a scorpio."                lems of the world through de-          great African literature, great     to Europe. And under Balzac’s
                                                                                                                                                       cuata de veras.” He closed with
  Born 11 Nov. 1928 in Mexico        mocracy…but politics and poetry        Indian literature, great Latin      influence, he wrote Aura, one
                                                                                                                                                       the words, “Beauty only belongs
City, Fuentes would spend his        would not come together for me         American literature, and great      of his greatest books. "Aura is
                                                                                                                                                       to those who understand it.”
formative years in the U.S. From     until I lived in Chile, where at the   literature written in English is    a novella about time and long-
                                                                                                                                                         In addition to a life of let-
age 4 to age 11 he lived in Wash-    age of 13 I wrote my first novel.“     what he calls “the empire writes    ing. Social reality and fantastic
                                                                                                                                                       ters, Carlos Fuentes served as
ington, DC.                          Melodramatic, debaucherous,            back."                              reality. Fact and imagination.
                                     full of distressed damsels, and           The audience chuckles, but       And the deadly duality between         Mexico’s ambassador to France.
  It was here that at the age of 7
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
13 de Junio de 2021   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   7
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
8                                                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                  13 de Junio de 2021

  Tarasco Tropical Delivers a Brand-New
   Hit “Big Red Y Barbacoa” to San Anto
                                                              mous combination of food
                                                              which originated around
                                                              Central/South Texas, or
                                                              some would say, and since
                                                              Big Red y Barbacoa is a
                                                              staple food in San Anto-        Buscamos estilistas con ganas de construir
                                                              nio and the surrounding
                                                              communities, it’s bound        con nosotros, buena actitud y dispuestos a
                                                              to become a staple around       aprender. Estamos al norte de la ciudad.
                                                              these parts of Texas!
                                                                What’s more awesome is         Requerimientos: color, corte de dama y
                                                              that the official video was     caballero, tratamientos. Bilingüe es buena
                                                              filmed by San Antonio’s
                                                              Lucid House Productions,          calificación, pero no indispensable.
                                                              and captures a typical San        Interesados favor de llamar a Vanessa
                                                              Antonio backyard Fiesta.
                                                              That’s a love letter to be-          al 210-527-4186 para entrevista.
                                                              hold to all San Antonians.
                                                                Ramos also took it upon
                                                              himself to invite Alamo
Interview by Julia Aguil- are the early influences that
                                                              City icon Felipe Aldape to
lon                          helped mold Geo’s current        make a guest appearance
Article by Jackie Velez      sound and serve as the foun-     in the video! Say it with
                             dation for this spectacular      me, peeps, “Nombre, Shut
  Hey, San Antonio! If project.
you’re into cumbia, then       “It’s my roots, my cul-          Ramos decided to invite
Tarasco Tropical is the ture,” said Ramos.
                                                              Felipe Aldape via Face-
band for you to watch out      Tarasco Tropical is com-       book when it came time to
for! They’re releasing their ing in hot with its grand
                                                              record the music video.
debut single “Big Red Y debut single “Big Red y
                                                                “He was skeptical,” said
Barbacoa”                    Barbacoa,” which features        Ramos. “When he met me
  Tarasco Tropical is a Philthy Dronez, Hippie-
                                                              and did the video, we hit it
brand-new cumbia band in cholo, and Corpus Christi’s
                                                              off and we’re friends.”
San Antonio, and they’re own Principe Q who mixed
                                                                So, if you’re tired of
bringing together a fresh and mastered this cumbion
                                                              listening to the same old
new cumbia sound! Front and created the Screwmbia
                                                              songs, check out Tarasco
man Geo Ramos, origi- mix and added the Q sauce
                                                              Tropical’s debut single
nally from Los Angeles, giving the song a com-
                                                              “Big Red y Barbacoa,”on
relocated to San Antonio pletely different vibe remi-
                                                              youtube, which is out now!
at an early age and is a niscent of the screwed and
                                                              Cumbia, San Antonio!
first-generation Chicano chopped sounds originated
                                                                For more information
of Purepecha descent. So, in Houston, TX.
                                                              please visit @Tarasco-
what is Purepecha and how      “Cumbia has been my            Tropical on social media
does it relate to this brand life since I was little,” said
                                                              and subscribe to their offi-
of music? The Purepecha Ramos. “
                                                              cial YouTube channel here:
or Tarascans are a group of    “Big Red y Barbacoa” has
indigenous people centered been in the making since the
in the northwestern region beginning of the pandemic
of Michoacán, Mexico, and and is a tribute to the infa-
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
13 de Junio de 2021                                                  La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                        9

      Sultanes doblegó 4-2 a Mineros, Missions 6 Red Sox 4
          Choforo Jacome, Juan Serrano, El Caminante
                       MVP’s vs Tuneros
Por Sendero Deportivo                 estadio Potranco.                     Romero de emergente jugó en el        García y Efraín Cruz Franco no-           Indios de Nava 9 Desperados 1.
   Espectaculares acciones se eje-       “Dejamos muchos corredores en      jardín central con dos turnos al      queó 15-4 a Potros. Carlos Sierra      Piratas de Sabinas con el retornó
cutaron en el circuito sabatino       base”, dijo Ruiz Sr.                  bate impulsó con jit dos carreras     consumó su tercera victoria. Char-     de su as izquierdo venezolano
Veteranos Potranco 2021.                 “Sin titulares estuvimos en la     qué les dió la ventaja.               ros Potosinos 4 ante Diablos 5.        Gregorio (Goyo) Quintero pudo
   Sultanes de Gabriel Ruiz Sr.,      pelea. No excusas ya qué tenemos         Por Red Sox lanzó el abridor          En el clásico Tuneros vs Águilas    dominar a los siempre peligrosos
con pitcheo combinado de Israel       plan para cuando disputemos la se-    derecho Alfredo Obregón con           de Veracruz ganó con pitcheo de        Bobcats de John Guzman Sr., con
González y Tomás Rodríguez y          rie del playoff. Entonces haremos     relevo de José Espinoza.              su as cubano derecho Juan Ser-         pizarra dev4-2.
salvamento de Julio Aquino der-       buen papel”, indicó Morales.Mine-        “Jugamos en equipo, Martínez       rano, quién tuvo relevos de Leo-          Highsox del Marine, Eddy Ro-
rotó 4-2 a Mineros de Juan Sán-       ros en su saluda de este sábado se    dominó al rival teniendo las bases    nel Montes y el capitán Choforo        dríguez doblegó a Diablos del
chez y Ramiro Morales, qué con-       mide ante Missions a las 10 am.       llenas”, dijo Tabhan.                 Jacome, quien sacó los últimos         estratega Starky Dávila.
taron con buen pitcheo del estelar       Missions SA del timonel y ju-         “Nos ganaron bien. Ahora les       tres outs en un cierre cardíaco con       Por Highsox en el primer epi-
Juan Pedro Reza y Armando “El         gador Mike Tanbhan, quién ante        tocó la suerte a Missions de ganar    pizarra de 9-7.                        sodio pegó jonrón Nick Lerick,
Nopalero” Calderón.                   Red Sox lanzó cinco entradas se       su primer partido de temporada.          La derrota fue para Julio Aquino.   Matt Harrell se anotó la victoria
   Sultanes se mantienen de líder     impuso ante Red Sox de Pedro          Los felicitamos deportivamente”,         Jacome en el quinto episodio        con salvamento de Clay Gentle y
en la campaña en la que este sába-    Espinoza y Catarino Obregón con       apuntó Espinoza.                      pegó jonrón con dos compañeros         Tyler Blair. La derrota fue para el
do 12 de junio disputará el clásico   pizarra de 6-4 carreras.                 Resultados en liga dominical       abordó, Víctor Mercedes “El            abridor Aarón Peralta.
contra el bicampeón Cachorros            Mike abrió y en el quinto episo-   Masters 50+: Tecos de Laredo del      Caminante”, dio de 5-4 con 4 car-         Rol de juegos domingo 13 de
de Nava en el horario de las 2 pm     dio lo relevo Juan Martínez, Juan     manager Jorge Damian con el ex        reras impulsadas.                      junio.
                                                                            lanzador profesional fronterizo          Serrano se apuntó sexto triunfo        10 am Piratas vs Indios. 1 pm
                                                                            derecho Luis Alfonso Velázquez        consecutivo lo qué puso contento       Highsox vs Bobcats. 4 pm Des-
                                                                            derrotó 3-2 a Rangers de la tercia    al timonel zacatecano Luis Cerros.     perados vs Broncos de Reynosa
                                                                            Benito Martínez “El Venado”,             Jacome, Serrano y El Cami-          SA de los esposos Linda y Roberto
                                                                            Alejandro Becerra (Rábano) y El       nante, por La Prensa Texas fuer-       Garza qué tienen tres fechas sin
                                                                            Alacrán Rubén Galindo, qué tuvi-      on elegidos como los jugadores         jugar por descanso y las lluvias.
                                                                            eron en la lomita de los disparos a   MVP’s del partido, qué al final           En las fotografías aparecen:
                                                                            Jorge Morales.                        celebraron con deliciosa cena          Nick Lerick de Highsox qué pegó
                                                                               Astros del scout Frank Torres      preparada por Taquitos al Minuto       jonrón vs Diablos en la primer en-
                                                                            batalló para derrotar a Dodgers       de los esposos Nora y Víctor Silva.    trada. Juan Romero y Mike Tabhan
                                                                            de Mack Rosas con pizarra de 14-         En el campo 3, la nueva orga-       de Missions celebrando triunfo
                                                                            11 con victoria para el relevista     nización Potranco Semi-Pro Men’s       ante Red Sox. Choforo Jacome,
                                                                            emergente Jaime Guerrero quién        Baseball League qué interina-          de Águilas pegándole jonrón a
                                                                            entró por el abridor Luis Sánchez     mente coordina Roberto Garza,          Tuneros con dos compañeros en
                                                                            (El otro biónico).                    qué no había tenido acción por tres    base en el quinto episodio. (Fotos
                                                                               En liga abierta dominical Po-      domingos por las lluvias se regis-     por Franco)
                                                                            tranco los Cardenales de Nacho        traron los siguientes resultados.
Mente Sana, Cuerpo Sano - VOL. 4 NUM 24
10                                                          La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   13 de Junio de 2021
 San Antonio for Growth on
the Eastside (SAGE) Unveils
   Fiesta Inspired Poster
By David Mandujano                 Proceeds will be donated
  The Eastside is home           to a local Eastside initiative,
  to The Hays Street Bridge,     Community Clothes Closet,
an astonishing view of the       housed at the Eastside
Tower of Americas, The             Education Training Cen-
Open Hand-Open Mind              ter. The project provides
Sculpture and home of our        new anddonated clothing
city’s five-time NBA Cham-       and shoes for children and
pions and are featured on this   adults of all ages and sizes.
papel picado inspired Fiesta     All this while also provid-
poster.                          ing information about the
  The return of Fiesta has       campus’ training classes
been long awaited after the      and services provided to
2020 festivities were can-       students and community
celled due to the global pan-    members at no cost to the
demic.                           participants.
  SAGE is excited to bring         SAGE looks forward to
the long-awaited Fiesta spirit   supporting a great commu-
to its Eastside community        nity project while spreading
and partners.                    the much-needed Fiesta
  Only 250 hand-numbered         spirit and keeping the com-
11x17 posters will be avail-     munity Eastside Strong.
able for sale to the general
public starting June 11, 2021.
13 de Junio de 2021                               La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                         11

               Central Electric: Where Familia
                    y Comunidad Matter
Interview by
Clint Westwood
Article by
Celinda De La Fuente
  Central Electric Ent.
& Co., a family owned
company, has been im-
pacting our San Anto
communities in ways
you may not even know.
The Martinez family,
owners and operators of
the Westside business,
are truly passionate         include Lanier, Warren,    through this innovative      tion personnel is prob-     ically advanced. So, the
about carrying on their      Holmes, and South San.     program and exposure         ably right over $50,000     opportunities are there,”
family tradition in their    Juniors and Seniors can    for the future job world     a year,” states Chris       Martinez comments.
work, and it shows. For      speak with their coun-     such as:                     Martinez, President of        Aqui, en San Anto-
the past eight years, this   selors regarding the in-     • Soft skills in the       Central Electric who        nio, we understand that
2nd generation family-       ternship. Students go           workforce               went to St. Mary’s to       building and uplifting
owned company has            to school part-time and      • Time management          be a lawyer, but instead    our gente is an integral
been serving and giv-        work part-time, and          • Organization             picked up the family        component in improv-
ing back to our gente        they are paid for their      • Teamwork and             mantle as an electrician    ing our communities.
through their intern fel-    work which all quali-           collaboration           and continues to build      Aqui, en San Antonio
lowships and career          fies as school credit.       • Multi-tasking            upon what his familia       y Central Electric Ent.
opportunities for young      Upon completion of           • Punctuality              has created.                & Co., Comunidad es
adults where high school     the program, and once        Not only is this a           “For business own-        Unidad.
Juniors and Seniors can      the student graduates,     worthwhile investment        ers, potential students,
learn the trade, receive     the family-owned com-      in our youth, but in the     and for the families,       To Learn More:
credit for the program,      pany can then hire the     community as well.           it’s a great opportunity.   Website: http://cen-
receive payment, and         participants, offering a     “We’re here to break       The average age of an
possible future employ-      career opportunity in      the myth that construc-      electrician is only get-    Address: 2320 South-
ment.                        the electrical field.      tion is not a good ca-       ting older. The pay is      west 36th Street
  Some of the high             Students gain real       reer path. It actually is.   getting better, and it’s    San Antonio, TX 78237
schools which partici-       world experience           The average construc-        getting more technolog-     Phone: (210) 433-9999
pate in the program
12                                                                                  La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   13 de Junio de 2021

     4 property Online Real Estate Auction. Monday June 14th For details about the auction and about the
     properties see web site at

                                                        Lot 103: 2806 Rigsby Ave., San Antonio, TX
                                                        78222 * 5.119± AC/222,983± SF land parcel.
                                                        Lot 101: 2901 Terrell Ave at 4th St., Beaumont,
                                                        TX 77701 * 5,532± SF Structure * 22,980± SF lot,

                                                        Lot 102: 1705 Walton St., Beaumont, TX 77703 *
                                                        2,010± SF Structure * 39,618± SF/0.9095± AC

                                                        Lot 104 ‐ 106:       Located in the 7200 – 7400
                                                        Block of 9th Ave. 8.964± AC

     Auctioneer/Broker, Paul A. Lynn & Associates, LLC TX Auc. Lic. # 9627, TREC Broker Lic. # 9000489. 10%
     Buyer’s Premium added; 2% Co‐op Broker fee offered.

     © Paul A. Lynn & Associates, LLC
13 de Junio de 2021                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                      13

      Walgreens Amplía El Horario De Farmacia Para Aumentar
           El Cover Acceso A La Vacunación De Covid-19
Por Jasmine Rodríguez             Además, Walgreens tiene             abordar las dudas y reducir        nos Unidos (LULAC), con-        de myWalgreens donar
   Como parte del de la Ad-       más de 400 ubicaciones de           las barreras comunes al ac-        tinuar creando conciencia       Walgreens a recompensas
ministración de Biden Mes         farmacias abiertas las 24           ceso a la vacuna COVID-19          sobre el acceso a las vacunas   en efectivo detravés de la
Nacional de Acción, Wal-          horas en todo el país donde         continúan con resultados           y brindar educación conti-      aplicación móvil al Fondo
greens extenderá el horario       las personas pueden recibir         alentadores :                      nua para abordar las dudas      de acceso a vacunas, admi-
de atención de la farmacia        una vacuna COVID-19 sin               Albergó más de 1,000             sobre las vacunas.              nistrado por LISC y fundado
todos los viernes de junio        cita previa.                        clínicas de vacunas en áreas         Se asoció con UnidosUS        en asociación con Uber y
para brindarles a quienes           Los siguientes locales ten-       médicamente desatendidas,          para aumentar la aceptación     la Fundación PayPal, para
tengan tiempo limitado la         drán un horario de atención         con aproximadamente 140            de las vacunas COVID-19         garantizar que las personas
flexibilidad adicional nece-      ampliado en San Antonio:            clínicas adicionales plani-        entre la comunidad latina       puedan continuar recibiendo
saria para obtener una va-                                            ficadas para las próximas          mediante el desarrollo y la     transporte gratuito hacia y
cuna COVID-19. El viernes           3065 RIGSBY AVE                   seis semanas.                      ampliación de recursos bil-     desde las citas de vacuna
11, 18 y 25 de junio, 4.000         2710 NOGALITOS                      Se lanzó una clínica móvil       ingües a través de un recor-    COVID-19 con Uber.
farmacias de Walgreens              7423 BROADWAY ST                  de vacunación COVID-19             rido educativo móvil.              Las personas pueden con-
extenderán el horario de                                              que ha realizado más de              Continuar proporciona-        tinuar programando citas,
atención para las vacunas           Como la fecha límite del          diez paradas en todo el país,      ndo miles de vacunas CO-        incluidas las citas para el
sin cita previa. Las personas     4 de julio de la Adminis-           con 10 paradas adicionales         VID-19 en junio a través        mismo día, según la dis-
pueden visitar Walgreens          tración para tener más del          planificadas para el 5 de          de más de 120 clínicas de       ponibilidad en su área, a
el localizador de tiendas         70 por ciento de los adultos        julio. Se                          vacunas directamente con        través de
en línea de o llamar a sus        en la nación con al menos             agregaron nuevos socios          los empleadores y con las       ScheduleVaccine o llaman-
Walgreens locales para veri-      una dosis de los enfoques           nacionales, incluidos Faith        escuelas y colegios comu-       do al 1-800-Walgreens,
ficar el horario de atención      de la vacuna COVID-19, los          for Black Lives y la Liga de       nitarios durante el verano.     con opciones en inglés y
actualizado de la farmacia.       esfuerzos de Walgreens para         Ciudadanos Latinoamerica-            Permitió a los miembros       español.

         Un líder en la primera línea ante COVID.

     Por preparar a nuestra unidad de COVID-19 contra la pandemia, Ron Estrella es más que un director ejecutivo de enfermería.
     Es un líder excepcional que inspira a su equipo a ofrecer una atención extraordinaria a nuestros pacientes más delicados, con
     empatía, habilidad y dedicación.                                                                                            
14                                                         La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                         13 de Junio de 2021

Bringing the Flavor with Vee’s Street Corn
Interview by                    said Vandross. “I like to         most interesting flavors
Julia Aguillon                  cook, and I just got in the       requested has been the
Article by Jackie Velez         kitchen one day and it            Hot Cheetos. San An-
  Vandross is bringing          kicked off from there.”           tonio loves their Hot
some flavor to popcorn            Vee’s street popcorn            Cheetos. While that one
with his business, Vee’s        has so many tasty flavors         was requested for him
Street Corn.                    like Cheddar Cheese,              to make, it’s actually his
  Vandross has had his          Jalapeno Cheddar, Straw-          sweet tasting Strawberry
hands in other businesses       berry Shortcake, and a            Shortcake that’s the most
like podcasting, but he         popular one, Hot Chee-            popular among buyers,
wanted to try another side      tos. You can purchase             but you don’t have to
business. After thinking        popcorn bags for $4.00            take my word for it. Go
about all his other previ-      or a canister of popcorn          and see for yourself! Get
ous ventures he had been        for $8.00, and if you buy         your day poppin’ with
in, Vandross realized that      the container, you get            Vee’s Street Corn!
one thing that never goes       two refills free. Just send         If you would like more
out of business is food.        Vandross an email letting         information on Vee’s
Thus, began his new ven-        him know you want a               Street Corn, please visit:
ture with popcorn.              refill, and he will deliver       https://www.instagram.
  “I wanted to get into         your flavor of choice to          com/veesstreetcorn/
something that’s going to       your door.                          Watch the full video at
definitely make a mark            Vandross creates his  
and that’s going to sepa-       flavors straight from
rate me from the rest,”         his kitchen. One of his

                      ALAMO COLLEGES DISTRICT
                  Purchasing & Contract Administration

                      Office: 485-0100     Fax: 486-9022
                                                                                   Atención – Oferta De Empleo.
                                                                                   Gane Entre #300-$500 Quincenalmente.
        ALAMO COLLEGES DISTRICT BID/PROPOSAL INVITATION                            Experiencia! Nosotros Entrenamos!
   The Alamo Colleges District is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00    El trabajo consiste de recogiendo la
          PM (CST), unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.                basura enfrente

       CSP #21A-006 Purchase of Tree Maintenance & Trimming Services               de la puertas de los inquilinos.
                                                                                   Desechamos de todo en el basurero de la comunidad.
                       Deadline: June 29, 2021 at 2:00pm.
                                                                                   • Gana hasta $15 la hora con truca
    Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s District website:
                                                                                   • Nuestros empleados trabajan entre 15 –20 For more information, contact Purchasing and          minutos de sus casas
                  Contract Administration 210/485-0100.                            • Nuestro Horarios son de Domingo ha
                                                                                   Jueves empezando entra las 8 ha 11 de la
                                                                                   Para más información llame/texto al 210-
                                                                                   para aplicar directamente escanee
                                                                                   el código qr
13 de Junio de 2021                                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                            15

                             “Semper Fidelis”
                    A Conversation with Queta Rodriguez
By Guillermo Osorio                    responses were extremely slow,         lowed them as if they were put to          GO: What do you think should be      some of these people that have
   Queta Rodriguez is the Regional     leaders take responsibility for the    the wayside almost as if we never       the criteria for qualified personnel    post-traumatic stress from that
Director of FourBlock, A Career        things that they are in control of.    experienced an emergency crisis         in these particular leadership roles?   experience. We understand that we
Preparation Nonprofit Organiza-        For things that are in your sphere     before. They might not have been           QR: We have our legal criteria       cannot control the weather, but we
tion for Assisting Veterans seeking    of influence you have to take          as severe as this, but we have gone     of course and I don’t think you         could have been proactive and we
employment after military service      responsibility and hold people         through crisis situations in the        need to be in a particular profes-      simply were not. We failed badly.
and a former political candidate       accountable. That is something         past, we have been a host refuge        sion to be in a politically elected        GO: What could current leader-
in Bexar County. She will soon be      that is needed and needs to be         for others going through similar        role. We do elect people, we            ship at the city and county levels
featured on the US Department of       discussed so that would be the         situations however we couldn’t          expect that they are there when         do at present in order to address
Veterans Affairs “Veteran of the       first step in solving this problem.    do it for ourselves. As a whole, I      we need them, and trust that they       the poor responses by SAHA
Day” Biographical Blog, written           Secondly, we obviously failed       think our city and county leader-       will be there the most in times of      and management personnel as
by our own Guillermo Osorio,           to respond to the procedures that      ship failed. If you look at last year   crisis, and it was extremely dis-       there have been a number of
who serves as a writing intern         we already had in place for emer-      with COVID-19, we have seen our         heartening and disappointing to         deaths recorded on their watch?
for the VA DME team. Once the          gency response. I know that there      city and our mayor, our county          see that we didn’t have that. I think      QR: First off, we need to hold
blog is posted and published, it       is a committee currently going         judge or the judge’s representa-        that if you have a sense of duty, a     people accountable. If this were a
will have a link to the article pub-   over those items. There could be       tive on television. Every single        sense of compassion, a sense of         corporation, someone would have
lished in the Veterans Section of      the public perception that we are      day on television gave us the daily     responsibility, that it’s your job      been fired already. If this were the
the upcoming BCDP News Digest.         looking at some magical thing that     update, regurgitating numbers yet       to get people through this that is      military, people would have been
   We had the opportunity to get       we can point at rather than really     we didn’t see either one of them        what really matters most. You           relieved of command. You just
some Q&A from Bexar County’s           taking a holistic approach to look     for five days into the winter storm     don’t have to be the most experi-       don’t leave people out to die, you
own Veteran, US Marine Corps           at the things that we did and didn’t   and that was despite the fact that      enced, you know there are people        just don’t do that and that’s what
Capt. Queta Rodriguez and re-          do well and then address those         we had emergency declarations           whose job it is to handle certain       they did, so you start with account-
ceive her personal views on issues     issues. When I say holistically I      that they had signed stating that       functions, we have an emergency         ability. We already know SAHA,
that have affected Bexar County.       mean examine the publicly funded       there was severe or significant risk    operations management center            for example, there’s an emergency
We hope that our readers enjoy         entities such as CPS or SAWS,          of injury or death to our citizens.     that was set up. We have people         plan prepared and developed by
this exclusive interview, and if       boards and commissions where we        So, in my mind, that was a huge         in charge of public transportation,     HUD in 2016 that’s a directive for
you would like to know more            have political appointees assigned,    failure. Our responses were slow,       we have people in charge of our         everyone to create their own emer-
about Queta you can find her           board members and directors that       and there are multiple examples of      fire and police departments, we         gency procedure, to conduct train-
on Twitter @quetalrodgriguez.          failed to take care of our most vul-   this but as a whole, no one stepped     have people in charge who have          ing with residents, training with
Here’s what the Regional Di-           nerable people where San Antonio       up to say obviously we are having       experience to do these things but       staff, none of that was done. In my
rector of FourBlock had to say:        Housing Authority (SAHA) is            an extreme crisis and somebody          what they needed was someone            opinion, if you are put into a posi-
   GO: What are you seeking            one of them. No one has accepted       needs to step up to be in charge        to bring everybody together. We         tion to do something and you fail
in terms of changes to lead-           responsibility for the failures and    and show some leadership. I think       have people in charge of commu-         to do it, then you are no longer able
ership or management at the            tragically for the experience many     it’s kind of an all-around failure.     nications to the public, our public     to serve in that position. You failed
city and county level after the        of these people in the city endured,   There wasn’t an acceptance of           information offices, all of those       to serve the public. Accountability
fallout of the winter storm?           especially our most vulnerable         responsibility on either side.          things. There wasn’t any presence       first and foremost and no one has
   QR: Leaders taking respon-          residents during the winter freeze.    Even if we didn’t know who was          of centralized coordination, and        taken responsibility which is what
sibility and accountability, you          I think it wasn’t so much of an     responsible at the time, the point      we did have EMT but it seemed           we have seen a lot of is that we
cannot fix something without           organizational failure as it was       was we were in the middle of it         like everybody was doing their          are going to do this or that. Yeah
acknowledging that it’s broken.        leadership, leaders at multiple        and no one stepped up. We had a         own thing and elected offices were      great, but we can fix those things
We saw some huge failures by           levels. There was no unity of com-     few elected officials doing some        doing their own thing, and at the       moving forward, but until you
city and county leadership during      mand, no unified communication,        good things and I give them credit      end of the day the people who paid      acknowledge that you actually
the freeze, now we understand that     lack of communication with the         for that, but they were operating       the price were the residents. You       failed, and acknowledge that you
you can’t control the weather. The     public, with the county and city       independently where they would          and I are able bodied enough to         did something wrong, then really
power outages were the failure         leadership, elected officials, city    go to their precinct area and hand      take care of ourselves through the      it all looks like all you’re doing
of leadership at the state level,      manager, county manager. There         out water or food baskets but           cold, but there are a lot of senior     is putting on smoke and mirrors.
but the local response was also a      are plans in place, emergency          overall, nobody wanted to take          citizens and disabled residents that       Read the Full Inter-
failure. We had a complete fail-       operations written and for some        charge of the crisis. It was handled    just do not have that ability. They     view at
ure with a lack of preparedness,       reason it seems like nobody fol-       in an incoherent way, absolutely.       suffered significantly, I talked to
16                                                                         La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                   13 de Junio de 2021

   Compost Queens Wants to Help You Help the Environment
Interview by Julia Aguillon                      business can call the Compost     won’t get bugs in there,” said
Article by Jackie Velez                          Queens to collect food scraps     Jaceldo.
  Kate Jaceldo, co-owner of                      for composting. The team             Compost Queens also of-
Compost Queens, sat down                         goes about this mission by        fers educational workshops
with La Prensa Texas to                          giving you the material to col-   through Facebook and Insta-
discuss her business and Com-                    lect your food scraps. Then,      gram for those who want to
post Day, which is on May 29.                    they come to your residents or    learn the process of compost-
  If you’re looking for a way                    business to take the scraps and   ing.
to better the environment by                     compost it on local farms.           So, for Compost Day on
learning how to compost,                            In addition to providing the   May 29, if you want to start
Compost Queens will gladly                       service for homes and busi-       helping the environment
help you.                                        nesses, Compost Queens sells      and are ready to learn about
  Compost Queens is a small                      Bokashi flakes for those who      composting, Compost Queens
business that helps the com-                     want to compost at home.          is there to help you help the
munity compost organic mate-                        “You combined a little bit     environment.
rial by turning it into organic                  [of Bokashi flakes] with food        What do you say, San Anto-
matter to create healthier soil                  scraps in an air-tight bucket     nio? It’s time to do your part
                                                                                                                      Jaceldo. “So, to me, it’s a no-   Website -
and plants.                                      and just keep layering that and   and save water, energy and
                                                                                                                      brainer, if you can compost Instagram
  “We’ve been in business for                    it’s basically going to ferment   fuel by composting.
                                                                                                                      your food waste, you should       -
four years,” said Jaceldo, who                   your food scraps, so that it         “When we send our food
                                                                                                                      do it.”                           compostqueens/ Facebook -
was influenced by her mother                     doesn’t smell super awful like    to the landfill it’s a liability
                                                                                                                        For more information on
to garden and compost.                           a lot of people think about       for all of us, and when we
                                                                                                                      Compost Queens, please visit:     compostqueens
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     Dr. Mario Longoria: Latinos in American Football
By Dr. Ricardo Romo                  years, the information I gath-      played in
   I recently read an excellent      ered is a story in itself              professional football in 1929.
review of a new book by Mario          because the athletes shared          Jesse Rodriguez...1929
Longoria and Jorge Iber, Lati-       with me both their concerns         (Courtesy Salem University
nos in American Football: Path-      and their elation about their       Athletics).Mario Longoria col-
breakers on the Gridiron, 1927       football careers. One athlete,      lection.
to the Present. The review, pub-     Alex Bravo (Los Angeles Rams           In retrospect, this was the
lished in the prestigious journal,   and Oakland Raiders), asked         kick-off of a research project
Choice, commented that based         me, “Why do you want to know        that has lasted into the 21st cen-
on personal interviews and           about my football career...         tury. The more I researched, the
related research, “the authors       no one else did.” That is how       more I found. Once I identified
tell stories of hardship, rac-       the interview began. I replied,     the players’ collegiate and pro
ism, dedication, and triumph...      “That is exactly my purpose...I     football teams, I then embarked
The careers of distinguished,        want to document your football      on the task of writing letters to
trailblazing players and coaches     history and those of other          Sports Information offices of
and their successes in memora-         Mexicanos/Latinos...and I         countless colleges and universi-
ble games are recounted.” This       hope to tell your football story    ties and pro football teams.
essay is based on an interview       and those of others like you...”       Romo: Where are the Mexi-
with Mario Longoria about the          Romo: What got you started        can/Latino football athletes
book.                                in thinking about College or        from?
   Mario Longoria, a San Anto-       Professional football?                 Dr. Longoria: The football
nio native and graduate of John        Dr. Longoria: During my           story begins with a Cuban
F. Kennedy High School in            early college years, we acquired    immigrant in 1927 who was
the Edgewood District, served        another roommate who hap-           followed by two Spanish-born
in the U.S. Navy during the          pened to be a member of the         immigrants in 1929 and 1930
Vietnam War. Following his           UCLA football team. He was          respectively who learned the
honorable discharge in Au-           Efren Herrera from Mexico           sport well enough to compete at
gust of 1970, he relocated to        who was on an athletic scholar-     both the collegiate and profes-
Los Angeles where he and his         ship. It was during these times     sional football levels.
military buddy from the U.S.         as we sat on the apartment floor       Since then there have been
Marine Corps, Anthony Zapata,        having dinner that we discussed     hundreds of both native-born
shared an apartment in West          football and the possibility of     and immigrant Latinos who              Rene Ramirez of Hebbronville, Texas, was a UT Longhorn half-
Los Angeles while attending          other Latino players like Efren     played or competed in the            back chosen to the All Southwest Conference Team in 1959. He was
Santa Monica Community               Herrera on both collegiate and      sport at all levels...Today...our    one of the first selections of the Buf alo Bills in the American Foot-
College on the G.I. Bill. Dr.        professional football teams. We     research has identified several       ball League expansion draft in 1960, but did not pursue a football
Longoria earned a B.A. degree        initially could only recall about   thousand Mexicano/Latino                          career. Photo collection of Mario Longoria.
from California State Univer-        (10) Latino players and this        athletes with documentation
sity Northridge and a Ph.D in        short list prompted me to think     of their participation in high       straightforward and sincere. I      names and criticized openly by
English from The University of       about researching the sport to      school, college/university, and      heard stories of success and        coaches, opponents, and the
Texas at San Antonio.                see what and who would turn         professional football history.          accomplishment, as well as       press, but he never wavered in
   Romo: What is your new            up.                                 Mexican/Latino native-born           disappointments, missed op-         his unquenchable desire to play
book about?                            Romo: Who are the Mexi-           athletes comprise the majority       portunities, and mistreatment.      and win at football. Even in
   Dr. Longoria: The book is         cano/Latino football players?       of those athletes.                   But the memorable parts of          defeat, Kapp won because he
a story of Latinos’ struggle,          Dr. Longoria: As a result            Romo: Is there a particular       these inquiries and discussions     never accepted the meaning of
perseverance, and achieve-           of wondering who played, I          story or player who is more          provided valuable insights into     the word defeat and constantly
ment in a grueling sport . It is     began my search back in 1981        memorable?                           the athletes’ character as Mexi-    pushed forward. When not on
a story of Latino athletes who       by going to the main library in        Dr. Longoria: After giving        cano/Latino men as well as          the football field, Kapp was a
did not allow other people’s         San Antonio, Texas. There, a        the question some thought, I         athletes’ mindsets that are more    Chicano at heart. He loved his
views and prejudices to dis-         resource librarian provided me      found it difficult to narrow my      collective than individualistic.    culture and his family, and
courage them from pursuing           with the Roger Treat Football       response to any one story or            If I may, I will cite one          he was constantly educating
their desire to participate in the   Dictionary, a book published in     player. My research experience       significant story: Joe “Tough-      players and the media whenev-
sport of football. Each of their     Canada. The book provided a         with all the individual players      est Chicano” (Garcia) Kapp is       er they commented ignorantly
stories is unique although the       year-by-year history of the NFL     to whom I spoke was a prideful,      at the top of the list for many     about who he was...
circumstances for each of the        along with rosters of the play-     memorable, and educational           reasons that I might describe as      Romo: Dr. Longoria, con-
athletes were basically racial       ers. This was a revelation and      experience. As I asked the           his unimaginable determination      gratulations on your excellent
in nature. During the numerous       there I found, for example, the     questions about their interest       and strength of character. Joe      book. A most worthy endeavor.
interviews I conducted over the      name of Jesse Rodriguez who         in football, their replies were      was called many derogatory
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