MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council

Page created by Jimmie Bishop
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
    Character Study Appendix
    Consultation summary
Page 201

                           Allies and Morrison   Solidspace
                           Urban Practitioners
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Consultation summary
           Merton Council was very keen that            The second part contains a summary of
           this Character Study had an extensive        the comments that were received about
           programme of engagement to help test         each neighbourhood, including direct
           the emerging ideas and ensure that           quotes from the surveys.
           local residents were happy with the way
           their neighbourhoods were represented.       Workshop
           Covid 19 hit shortly after this study was
                                                        Separate to this survey, a short survey for
           commissioned which has meant that the
                                                        community groups was also undertaken,
           plans for consultation have needed to be
                                                        as well as a stakeholder workshop to test
           adapted and evolved to take an online
                                                        ideas and emerging proposals. A write up
           and digital form. Over 450 people have
                                                        of this workshop is included within this
           contributed to the engagement process
           which is an incredible achievement given
Page 202

           the recent challenging context.
                                                        Public consultation
           Quotes from all of the engagement events     The draft document was published for
           help to illustrate this report and ensure    public consultation for 6 weeks
           the voice of local residents is recognised   from Monday 8 February 2021. Feedback
           within this study.                           from the consultation period was
                                                        reviewed and resulted in amendments to
           Online public survey                         the final adopted version of the SPD.
           A digital survey was designed and went
           live online between 7 September and
           5 October 2020. 416 people responded
           to this from within all areas of the
           borough. The survey was designed to
           test the proposed neighbourhoods and
           review their boundaries. We also wanted
           to understand what people valued
           about each neighbourhood and better
           understand what could be changed and

           This report contains a summary of the
           responses to this survey, beginning with
           a review of changes to neighbourhood
           boundaries as a result of comments.
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
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Survey - Boundary changes...
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
5 sub areas...


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                                 Figge’s Marsh
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council 6
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MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Neighbourhoods review
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MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• What are Merton Park’s boundaries?
                                                                                                        • Some think Kingston Road is the
                                                             Old Merton                                   northern boundary, others think Merton
                                                                                                          Park extends beyond Kingston Road into
                                                                                                          Wimbledon Chase area.
                                                                                                        • General agreement that the tram line
                                                                                                          forms the eastern edge, although
                                                                                                          acknowledge Old Merton Park on other
                                                                                                          side of tramline.
  Page 207

                                                                                                        • Some think the Merton Park area should
                                                                                                          be in Wimbledon, not Morden.
                                                                                                        • Some people think it’s its own piece -
                                                                                                          different to Wimbledon and Morden
                                                                                                        • Merton Park is more contained? Defined
                                                                                                          by the arts and crafts houses and
                                                                                                          gardens of the John Innes developments
                                                                                                          / the John Innes Estate and the
                                                                                                          Church / original Garden Suburb and
                                                                                                          conservation area / parish boundaries
                                                                                                          of St. Mary’s Church?

                                                                                                        “Merton Park’s boundaries are defined by railway
  Existing boundaries for Merton Park                                                                   and tram lines, then within that area by age and
             Residents who disagreed with the boundary and described their neighbourhood as Merton Park type of housing. Morden is the major shopping
                                                                                                        centre on the southern perimeter”
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Possible moves...

Most popular
Page 208

                    Proposed change:
                    Move boundary northwards to
                    Kingston Road (but include the
                    Kington Road frontage within
                    Wimbledon Chase)
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• Some consider Haydons Road in Wimbledon, not Colliers Wood. Extend Queen’s
  Road sub area to Haydons Road? Or Haydons Road goes into Wimbledon?

• Queen’s Road area seen as South Park Gardens to some - rename?

• Boundary of South Wimbledon? Does it need to move north into Queen’s Road area
  / Haydons Road area? A couple of people in Queen’s Road area feel they are in South
  Wimbledon, but others nearby see themselves as in Wimbledon or central Wimbledon.
• Boundary between South Wim and Colliers Wood the Wandle - this would tie in with lots of
  people west of the Wandle in the Haydons Road area describing themselves as being in South
  Page 209

  Possible moves...                       Proposed changes:
                                          Leave Haydons Road in CW but Queen’s
                                          Road to extend a little eastwards.

                                          Acknowledge South Park Gardens within
                                          character area but leave area as Queen’s
                                          Extend South Wimbledon boundary north-
                                          east to take in the Wandle.
MERTON Character Study Appendix - Consultation summary - Merton Council
Summary of key comments on boundaries
Proposed changes:
  Page 210
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• Relationship between Raynes Park, Cannon Hill and Wimbledon Chase - should
  Raynes Park extend southwards to Cannon Hill Lane?

  Possible moves...

                                                         Proposed changes:
                                                         Take the south side
                                                         of Bushey Road into
                                                         Raynes Park but not the
                                                         whole way
  Page 211

                                                         Mawson Way relates
                                                         south so leave in
                                                         Cannon Hill
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• Relationship between Raynes Park and Copse Hill with Wimbledon:
  Some people feel Raynes Park should be smaller and further to west?
  Some people feel like the Copse Hill area, especially north of Copse Hill itself is in Wimbledon
  Postcodes in the current ‘Copse Hill’ area identify as living in ‘West Wimbledon’

  Possible moves...
                                                                   “Raynes Park is a smaller
                   Make this green
                                                                   area than shown on the map,
                   and Copse Hill?                                 bounded by the A298, Lower
  Page 212

                                                                   Downs Road, Arterberry Road,
                                                                   Montana Road, Conway Road,
What would                                                         Hunter Road, Pepys Road,
                                                                   Cottenham Park Road, Oakwood
this become?
                                                                   Road, Cambridge Road”
Park / West                                                        OPTION 1: Copse Hill becomes a
Wimbledon                                                          Wimbledon neighbourhood.

                                                                   OPTION 2: Copse Hill deleted as
                                                                   neighbourhood and northern half
       Shrinken                                                    becomes part of Wimbledon Com-
       Raynes                                                      mon and southern part becomes
       Park                                                        Raynes Park.
                                                                   OPTION 3: Leave as it is
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• West this a neighbourhood?
  Rename Grand Drive West Barnes - lots of people in the Grand Drive area describe themselves
  as living in Raynes Park or West Barnes - would perhaps be more relatable than Grand Drive.
• However is West Barnes larger than this? Looks like it extends into Motspur Park too...maybe
  best to leave as is!
• Grand Drive should take in Parkway
• Aboyne Drive should move into Shannon Corner - doesn’t fit with Copse Hill - barrier
  of A3...and Carter’s Estate in Shannon Corner too?
                                                       Proposed changes:
  Page 213

                                                       Keep Grand Drive as Grand
                                                       Drive but reference West
                                                       Barnes in report

                                                       Move Parkway into Grand

                                                       Move Aboyne Drive into
                                                       Shannon Corner
Summary of key comments on boundaries
• Streatham Road - some people feel they living in Tooting! Reference in report?
• Figge’s Marsh feels like it should be in the centre of the neighbourhood

                                                         Proposed changes:
                                                         Include eastern side of
                                                         Figge’s Marsh into the
                                                         Figge’s Marsh area
  Page 214

                                                         Reference relationship
                                                         with Tooting
Page 215

Neighbourhoods feedback summary...
Q6 Sub-area’s compared..                                     9.0

average scores                                               8.0

                              Safety                                                           Environment




   Page 216


Traffic & parking                                            0.0                                             Housing

                  Streets & spaces                                                             Economy

                                                         Amenities & facilities
              Colliers Wood            South Wimbledon       Mitcham              Morden   Raynes Park        Wimbledon

What do you think is special about            Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you           neighbourhood that need improving?
live?                                         Why?                                                             19 responses

• The attractive, human scale, Victorian      • South Wimbledon station - needs greening
  and Edwardian buildings                       and junction improvements. How can this
• Tree lined streets                            become more of a destination? Leisure, culture
                                                and community uses?
• Green spaces and city farm
                                              • Parks needs to have better facilities (Cafes,
• Local high streets for shopping, dining       more gardens rather than just grass etc...).
  etc with an independent offer
   Page 217

                                              • Housing estate behind South Wimbledon tube
• The community feel in various groups          needs to be maintained better.
  of streets and South Wimbledon as a
  whole - family friendly. Active community   • Kingston Road - public realm and
  and residents groups with events - use of     development sites (car garages, vacant hall)
  schools at weekends by community and        • Support local shops by investing in public
  faith groups                                  realm, widen pavements and shopfronts             “I like that Wimbledon town
                                                improvements. Protect space for businesses        centre is busy, urban and
• Easily accessible to central London and                                                         vibrant. But that surrounding
  Surrey                                        (no more resi conversions)
                                                                                                  residential areas are peaceful
• Historical interest (Nelson’s Ownership     • Dominance of traffic and improved cycling         and have historic character”
  of Property In The Past) and proximity to     and linked paths
  Merton Priory.                              • Diversification of retail on Merton High Street   “Kingston Road needs
                                                                                                  improving - both in terms of its
                                              • Litter/fly tipping/potholes
                                                                                                  public realm but there are also
                                              • Better integration of new development style       sites along it, like car garages
                                                with existing character of the area.              that make the road look messy.
                                                                                                  These could be redeveloped
                                                                                                  for new homes”
6 South Wimbledon
Q6 neighbourhoods..                    Transport
South Wimbledon

                       Safety         6.0                  Environment




 Page 218


 Traffic & parking                    0.0                                Housing

              Streets & spaces                             Economy

                                  Amenities & facilities
                                     6 South Wimbledon
Colliers Wood

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need improving?
live?                                        Why?                                                              25 responses

• Independent restaurants and community      • Retail parks as opportunity for change
  assets (Merton Abbey Mills), the           • Redevelopment of former Virgin Active site,
  Wimbledon Brewery coffee in the              North Road needed urgently to provide
  wood, pub, Wandle community centre           affordable housing
• Heritage buildings - the abbey and mills   • Recreation grounds - improvements and
• Victorian terraced houses - attractive       maintenance
   Page 219

  streets                                    • New housing areas must have good access
• Community spirit, safe and friendliness      to sustainable transport modes and better
• Green spaces - Wandle trail and park         bin storage
                                             • Lots of comments about rubbish problems
                                                                                             “ the buildings in Colliers Wood have
                                             • Need for a community focal point/hub;
                                                                                             been improved, but there is more
                                               more variety of amenities (e.g. a cafe,
                                                                                             work to do to make it seem like a
                                               space for creative business).
                                                                                             busy London Borough - currently the
                                             • High street should be made more attractive    high street seems left behind and the
                                               with better street-scaping and greenery -     shopping centres seem like car parks
                                               issue with current traffic dominance          with shops. There needs to be more
                                             • Too much car parking and dominance of         dedicated community space.”
                                               vehicles deterring cyclists
                                                                                             “The retail parks are very badly
                                             • Parks and Wandle trails need better upkeep    designed, taking up a huge footprint
                                               - cutting back weeds to help widen paths.     with ground level car parking on
                                                                                             prime land, and encourage people
                                                                                             to drive the quarter mile between the
                                                                                             shopping hubs.”
Colliers Wood

What do you think is special about            Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you           neighbourhood that need
live?                                         improving? Why?                                                      12 responses

• Parks, natural green spaces and trees       • Haydons Road - busy and unpleasant -
• Good transport links and access to            particularly to the northern end - where
  services                                      it meets Durnsford Road/Plough Lane -
                                                a barrier to moving around
• Residential streets - good mix of housing
                                              • Wandle paths - wonderful but need
   Page 220

• Merton Abbey Mills and river corridor         better maintenance. And better care of
                                                other green spaces
                                              • Traffic - rat-running on Poets
                                              • Shops - could be put to better use - pop-
                                                up or temporary uses?
                                              • Prevent motorcycles using cycle only        “Need a better quality of new housing -
                                                access roads                                too many poor-quality flats being built”
                                              • Litter issues and better street lighting
                                                                                            “Attempts to make the area more built
                                                                                            up because Wimbledon is fashionable
                                                                                            are making things significantly more
                                                                                            cramped and stressed (and being near
                                                                                            industrial areas along the Wandle
                                                                                            compounds this - two different reasons
                                                                                            to build up the area which are in direct
                                                                                            conflict with what works for the other;
                                                                                            neither works for residents)”
Q6 neighbourhoods..
Colliers Wood
                      Safety                                                   Environment






Traffic & parking                               0.0                                          Housing
  Page 221

             Streets & spaces                                                  Economy

                                           Amenities & facilities
                       1 Colliers Wood   1 Colliers Wood District Centre   1 Haydons Road

What do you think is special about          Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you         neighbourhood that need
live?                                       improving? Why?
                                                                                                               3 responses
• Village atmosphere                        • The village requires further investment
• Proximity to amenities of village shops     given it is such a significant draw
  and restaurants                           • Traffic and pollution
• Open spaces of the common and parks       • Curation of shops in village - less
   Page 222

• Easy access to the transport system         charity, less chain and less vacant
  including rail and underground and tram   • Wimbledon stables - cleaning

                                                                                        “Proximity to amenities of village shops
                                                                                        and restaurants together with the
                                                                                        closeness of the open spaces of the
                                                                                        common and parks”

                                                                                        “Proximity to amenities of village shops
                                                                                        and restaurants together with the
                                                                                        closeness of the open spaces of the
                                                                                        common and parks”
“Wimbledon town centre
                                                                 needs to be pedestrianised
WIMBLEDON TOWN                                                   for character and to
Wimbledon                                                        encourage footfall and
                                                                 local businesses”

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                              46 responses
• Strong blend of commerce, culture,         • Concern about high-rise development
  retail and residential.                    • Traffic - congestion and rat running on
• Green spaces and leafy feel                  residential side streets
• South Park Gardens                         • Cycling - comments to improve the
• Wimbledon tennis as a key draw               Broadway
                                             • Find a way to give restaurants
    Page 223

• Sense of community - schools, library
  and churches and within each small           space for outdoor seating - further
  residential neighbourhood                    pedestrianisation?

• Variety of shops and services              • Vacancy on the high street - need for
                                               shop front improvements
• Entertainment (theatres/cinema)
                                             • New affordable homes with gardens          “Feels very suburban even though I am
• Connections                                                                             close to more urban facilities with lots of
                                             • Street scape in general - poor paving,
• Low-rise quality and characterful            street furniture, lighting etc.            conveniences.”
  residential streets - consistency is key
                                             • Aim for high quality new development in    “The natural habitat that was
• Historic landmarks - on Broadway and         the high street                            incorporated in the original lay-out of the
  also old Pelham school
                                             • Maintenance regime for new tree            roads and its houses, such as the front
                                               planting                                   gardens and grass verges with their trees
 “A mix of closely related residential                                                    and shrubs. Also the original architecture
 houses of all types coupled with almost     • More music and arts
                                                                                          of the older buildings, with their pitched
 adjoining in some cases, commercial         • Kingston Road - opportunities for          roofs, stainglass windows, boundary
 buildings. A contrast of accessible           improvement                                walls, front garden paths, gates and
 retail areas, leisure facilities and                                                     front door porches. All these features are
                                             • Vacancies in centre court - no reason to
 attractive residential architecture”                                                     being lost at an unprecedented rate.”
                                               go here

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                         7 responses
• Quiet suburban feel                        • Undeveloped plot of land next door
• Green spaces and street trees - close to     to Sainsbury’s on George St could be
  the common                                   either turned into a larger supermarket
                                               or accommodation or offices (NOT high
• Local low rise shopping centre which is      Rise)
   Page 224

  useful without being a ‘destination’.
                                             • Concern about scale of new
• Adjacent to the town centre and the          development
  village for amenities
                                             • Parking - not enough, too expensive and
                                               no monitoring
                                             • Pedestrian connection along the railway
                                               - litter and graffiti
                                                                                         “A quiet suburban feel of the
                                             • Affordable housing                        neighbourhood, the presence
                                             • Traffic and aim quality                   of wonderful green spaces, the
                                                                                         access to a low rise shopping
                                                                                         centre which is useful without
                                                                                         being a ‘destination’. ”

                                                                                         “Low rise different properties
                                                                                         with gardens which retain the
                                                                                         character of the past.”

What do you think is special about         Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you        neighbourhood that need
live?                                      improving? Why?
                                                                                                        2 responses
• A village feel close to the city         • Natural children’s play areas on the
• Green spaces                               common on Cannizaro Park

• High quality homes                       • Increasing number of vacant shops

• Close to shops, services, cultural and   • Street clutter improvements
  community facilities
   Page 225

• Not dominated by high-rise

                                                                                    “I really praise the way Merton
                                                                                    has kept its libraries open, and
                                                                                    re-thought their uses.”

                                                                                    “It has the feel of a village but is
                                                                                    a part of London and very close
                                                                                    to the city”

What do you think is special about             Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you            neighbourhood that need
live?                                          improving? Why?
                                                                                                                    35 responses
• Full of trees and hilly hedges               • Traffic and run-running
• Green spaces and sports facilities           • Support for better cycle provision
• Family oriented with good schools and        • Support local parades and shop front
  community spirit - the John Innes Society,     improvements - more shops, cafés and
   Page 226

  the Merton Park Ward Residents’                restaurants
  Association, St Mary’s Merton and            • Retain mix of residential and
  other local groups.                            employment
• History and characterful streets with        • Litter, potholes and fly tipping - better
  variety and interesting history - John         cleaning
  Innes and St Mary’s church
                                               • Public realm improvements including
• Well cared for by the residents                                                             “Cycling is ignored and its the way
                                                 tree management and wider pavements
• Nelson Hospital valued                         needed
• The town centre has a mix of business        • Lighting at night at the station and step-
  and residential areas.                         free access                                  “Heritage and community cohesion with
• Well connected with good transport           • More community spaces and gym                long term stability.”
  links                                          equipment in parks for social gatherings
                                                 and public toilets                           “Recycling and rubbish bins are very
                                                                                              unsightly in front gardens. A scheme
                                               • More electric charging points and car        to encourage householders to have a
                                                 clubs                                        small shed or at least a cover, perhaps
                                                                                              with a living roof, would help to cover

What do you think is special about        Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you       neighbourhood that need
live?                                     improving? Why?
                                                                                                         5 responses
• Green space                             • Too many charity shop
• Detached large houses                   • Traffic, congestion and poor road
• Peaceful                                  condition

• Historic urban environment and Listed   • Changes to individual dwellings -
  Buildings                                 basement construction
   Page 227

                                                                                “Wimbledon has everything, vibrant
                                                                                area, good shopping, great selection
                                                                                of restaurants etc, great transport links,
                                                                                and open spaces with the Common.
                                                                                Just a great place to live!”

                                                                                “Stop giving planning permission to
                                                                                noisy construction of ‘vanity’ basements
                                                                                that blight the landscape for a year or

What do you think is special about       Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you      neighbourhood that need
live?                                    improving? Why?
                                                                                                           20 responses
• South Park Gardens and other green     • Concern about the negative character
  spaces                                   developing on the Broadway - poor
• Terraced housing - quiet residential     quality new development - need tree
  streets with historic character          planting and greening
                                         • Haydons Road - negative impact of
   Page 228

• Local schools
                                           traffic and poor quality buildings
• Convenience of neighbourhood
                                         • More independent shops and too much
                                         • Traffic and car parking concerns
                                         • Need better cycle lanes
                                                                                 “An indoor market like the one Wimbledon
                                         • Concern about tall buildings and      used to have and a fishmonger and butcher
                                           development of extra storeys on the   in the high street would be great.”
                                           existing blocks of flats
                                         • Public realm - street clutter         “The Broadway is becoming too concrete
                                                                                 and losing the charm and character of the
                                         • More affordable housing
                                                                                 area. Too many ugly new blocks that keep
                                         • Retain front gardens                  going higher”

                                                                                 “New buildings which are too bulky for their
                                                                                 surroundings with unattractive facings using
                                                                                 cheap materials which require more upkeep
                                                                                 than they are likely to get.”

What do you think is special about     Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you    neighbourhood that need
live?                                  improving? Why?
                                                                                                              3 responses
• Quiet residential area               • Concern about adjacencies of industrial
• Multi-cultural neighbourhood           sites in close proximity to residential
                                         areas, damaging local green spaces
• Close to good transport links and
  convenient for shopping,             • Need more community resources

• Near to high quality green spaces.   • Public art
                                       • Step-free access to station
   Page 229

                                       • Traffic and disjointed cycle lanes
                                       • HGVs particularly from waste disposal

                                                            “Awkward misuse of industrial sites in close proximity to
                                                            residential areas, and these damage the integrity of local
                                                            green spaces”

                                                            ““Wandle Trail” is just a sleazy short-cut through industrial
                                                            scrubbery. No attempt to either cultivate or “re-wild” the
                                                            nearby former sewage works.”

                                                            “Pedestrians and cyclists should come first in highways
                                                            terms. Lack of safe cycling provision between this
                                                            neighbourhood, Wimbledon, Wandsworth and Morden
                                                            puts many vulnerable road users off”

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                      1 responses
• Green space - Wimbledon Common             • Schemes to reduce through traffic
• Excellent transport - TfL and SW Rail as   • A greater variety of shops in village and
  well as A3                                   town centre
• Wide range of services/shops
   Page 230

                                                                                           “Wimbledon Village and
                                                                                           Town both need a greater
                                                                                           variety of shops and a
                                                                                           scheme to reduce through

What do you think is special about          Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you         neighbourhood that need
live?                                       improving? Why?
                                                                                                                  9 responses
• Green suburban area with trees in the     • Reduce congestion by encouraging
  street-scene                                other modes of transport
• Good transport access                     • Wimbledon Park - poor maintenance,
• Classic terraced housing interspersed       excessive events and projects. Need for
  with blocks of flats                        free to use facilities

• Leopold Road shopping parade              • Public realm improvements including
   Page 231

                                              more benches
• Concern the character area is too large
  and heterogeneous                         • Wimbledon station - a neglected, run-
                                              down look
                                            • St Georges carpark needs to be
                                              improved to make it encouraging and       “The heritage value of the Grade II*
                                              inviting for use.                         Wimbledon Park is being degraded by
                                                                                        insensitive planning, poor maintenance,
                                            • Elm Grove ‘business estate’ needs a
                                                                                        excessive events and projects”
                                              formal plan for the future - concern
                                              about residential conversion
                                                                                        “Too much parking allowed half on and
                                            • More EV charging points                   half off the pavement. Cars do seem to
                                            • Bike storage in streets to encourage      have priority here”
                                                                                        “Wimbledon hill road needs updating to
                                                                                        make nicer and greener, its a poor looking
                                                                                        public space. Need to return more streets
                                                                                        to tree-lined as over the years too many
                                                                                        trees have been cut down”

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                                5 responses
• Good access to green spaces                • Concern about golf course
• Golf course and tennis club                  redevelopment

• Consistent housing types in grid pattern   • Durnsford Road itself felt to be
  with no through traffic                      unpleasant
   Page 232

• Good transport links                       • Litter and rubbish
                                             • Protect front gardens
                                             • Concern about damage to Wimbledon
                                             • Better access in Wimbledon Park e.g.
                                               path around the lake
                                             • Better access to sports facilities for all

                                                                                            “Wimbledon Common is
                                                                                            my favourite feature, it is a
                                                                                            great open space right on
                                                                                            our doorstep.”
Q6 neighbourhoods..                                Transport
Wimbledon                                         9.0
                                Safety                                      Environment
            Traffic & parking                     0.0                                    Housing
 Page 233

                       Streets & spaces                                     Economy

                                             Amenities & facilities
                       5 West Wimbledon      5 Durnsford Road           5 Leopold Road
                       5 Merton Park         5 Parkside                 5 Plough Lane
                       5 Queen's Road        5 Ridgway                  5 Wimbledon Chase
                       5 Wimbledon Common    5 Wimbledon Major Centre   5 Wimbledon Town
                       5 Wimbledon Village   5 Worple Road
Raynes Park

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?                                                     9 responses

• Green spaces - Sir Joe hood Memorial       • Bellway need to open the Sports Field
  Playing Field, Bushey Mead and               for children’s sport and community use;
  Cannon Hill Common.                          they must not be allowed to build on it.
• Excellent local schools                    • Improve railway bridges, particularly in
                                               Cannon Hill Lane
   Page 234

• Quiet residential area with varied house
  types                                      • Burlington Road between the West
• Limited shops including the parade on        Barnes level crossing and Shannon
  West Barnes Lane, and the corner shop        Corner is in need of some regeneration.
  on Seaforth Avenue.                        • Improvements and maintenance to
• Established sense of community with          pedestrian connections - e.g. the
  residents association - community hubs       alleyway that leads between Burlington     “I believe that green spaces are what
  include West Barnes Library (very active     Road and the A3                            make Raynes Park, and to a greater
  as social centre) Sacred Heart School,     • Public and community projects:             extent Merton, special. There are
  Raynes Park high School, the churches        Shannon Corner needs to be tidied          large park spaces that are largely
  (St Saviours, Holy Cross, The Lighthouse     up - let’s have some artwork from local    left to be wild apart from trails and
  in Seaforth Avenue). The Residents’          schools.                                   certain fields”
  Association Pavilion, the Paddock          • Traffic on Grand Drive turning side
  Allotments and other halls, e.g. the                                                    “Varied residential - it’s quite mixed
                                               roads into ‘rat-runs’ and concern about    up, so there tend not to be too many
  Scout hut in Motspur Park, are well          increase in development causing more
  used; also several sports clubs.                                                        concentrations of one type of housing
                                               congestion                                 or people”
                                             • Improvements and increase in bus
Raynes Park/Wimbledon

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?                                               3 responses

• Green feel and green spaces         • Need better transport links - more
• Quiet                                 regular buses

• A village atmosphere                • Traffic speeds too high
                                      • Access into Coombe Lane from cul de
                                        sacs needs improving.
                                      • The bridge over the A3 - negative
   Page 235

                                        impact and issues with pedestrian safety

                                                                                   “The Copse Hill/West
                                                                                   Wimbledon area benefits
                                                                                   from large amounts of
                                                                                   green space and a village
Raynes Park

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?                                          2 responses

• Green spaces                        • Area around the station needs
• Community feel                        improving

• Low rise and comparably more        • High street ‘lacking’ with no community
  affordable housing                    offer
   Page 236

                                                                                  “Train stations need a

                                                                                  “There is no community hall
                                                                                  with events”
RAYNES PARK                                                                          responses
                                                                                     in Shannon
Raynes Park                                                                          Corner

What do you think is special about         Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you        neighbourhood that need
live?                                      improving? Why?                                                    20 responses

• Quiet residential street with many       • Traffic flow and parking concerns - road
  nearby schools - ‘village’ feel            systems make it hard to navigate by bike
• Parks and access to green open space -   • Better use of empty land - ‘pointless
  Holland Park and Cottenham Park            green triangle in the middle of roads’
• Excellent transport links                  and ‘vacant plots not being developed
                                             quickly enough’
• Characterful historic terraced streets
   Page 237

                                           • More restaurants
• Community feel and projects such as
  Lantern Arts Centre, Cavern Freehouse,   • Poor repair of streets and pavements
  MyRaynesPark Festival, Love & Dye          and street clutter
                                           • Poor condition of the station and the
                                                                                      “Raynes Park centre is overly dominated by
                                             surrounding area
                                                                                      high traffic roads and suffers from a poor
                                           • Deteriorating maintenance in the parks - quality public realm as a result; I would be
                                             new children’s play area                 keen to see one side of the one-way system
                                           • Vacant shops and buildings needing       removed, in order to create more public
                                             attention                                space and improve the quality of the urban
                                           • Improved pedestrian routes between
                                             green spaces and wider pavements         “Section of “dual carriageway” on
                                             near schools                             Kingston Road is completely unnecessary
                                           • Concern about loss of local                and could be removed and used to create
                                             employment sites to housing                more public space.”
                                           • Concern about development on green
                                                                                        “We need to make it better for pedestrians
                                             space and adding additional storeys
                                                                                        and cyclists and reduce the motor traffic”
Q6 neighbourhoods..
Raynes Park
                      Safety                                                         Environment





  Page 238

Traffic & parking                                   0.0                                            Housing

             Streets & spaces                                                        Economy

                                                Amenities & facilities
                                4 Grand Drive        4 Motspur Park      4 Raynes Park

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?                                                   10 responses

• Green spaces - Morden Hall park,    • Improve Morden town centre - so much
  Ravensbury Park, Wardle River         potential
• Local shops and services            • Community and heath uses in Morden
• A range of housing types              Centre

• Local transport connections         • Street improvements - improve road side
   Page 239

                                      • Walking and cycling infrastructure
                                      • Traffic and car parking on pavements
                                      • Litter and fly-tippng
                                                                                  “Great on green spaces. Quite
                                                                                  alright on transport. Not so great on

                                                                                  “Morden high street is an
                                                                                  abomination, it needs a lot of
                                                                                  updating and renovating. It is
                                                                                  amazingly located right by Morden
                                                                                  Hall Park and the Tube station, yet
                                                                                  it looks so run down! It has so much
                                                                                  potential, but all the attention goes
                                                                                  to Wimbledon and SW postcode

What do you think is special about          Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you         neighbourhood that need
live?                                       improving? Why?
                                                                                                   8 responses

• Green spaces                              • Concern about the decline of the high
• Green feel - grass verges, trees, parks     street and vacancies
  and green spaces                          • Reduce street clutter
• Good transport links                      • Litter and street cleaning
   Page 240

                                            • Maintenance of green space and more
                                            • Traffic
                                            • More affordable housing

                                                                                      “The amount of parkland
                                                                                      and green space in
                                                                                      Morden is something

                                                                                      “Local high street decline
                                                                                      due to loss of much needed

What do you think is special about         Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you        neighbourhood that need
live?                                      improving? Why?                                                    9 responses

• Park and green feel - Morden Hall Park   • Ravens Park needs investment
• Tube station                             • Better local facilities and shops and
• Independent retail                         restaurants - less vacancy

• Safe                                     • Sport and leisure facilities
                                           • Proposals that move cars away from
                                             town centre - pedestrian friendly spaces
   Page 241

                                           • Deer Park Road - lots of construction
                                           • Hamseys Bed Centre - potential site

                                                                                     “Morden Hall Park and Morden tube
                                                                                     station are major factors. Few good cafés
                                                                                     and restaurants have also popped up in
                                                                                     past year. Quality public art and community
                                                                                     projects are practically non-existent.”

                                                                                     “Town centre dominated by motor traffic”

                                                                                     “On some roads cars are parked on a
                                                                                     sidewalk - it doesn’t look nice and can make
                                                                                     it hard to walk”

What do you think is special about             Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you            neighbourhood that need
live?                                          improving? Why?                                                      32 responses

• Green spaces - John Innes                    • Rat-running
• Tree lined streets and greening - holly      • Better community and leisure facilities in
  hedges                                         Morden
• Friendly / community / village feel          • Greening in the town centre
   Page 242

• Schools and sports ground                    • Better connection between green
• Historic buildings - church, Victorian and     spaces
  Edwardian homes                              • Return the town centre to 2-way traffic
• Variety in architecture and types of           and create a pedestrian friendly area
  homes - houses and flats                     • Sites: car park behind the tube, Kenley
                                                 Road, Sandbourne Avenue, the White           “Morden town centre buildings need
• Restaurants and evening entertainment                                                       smartening up and the car parking behind
                                                 Hart pub - a new community centre
• Cafés with outside seating in Morden                                                        the tube. Morden needs help to become
                                               • Kendor Gardens needs investment              more than just a transport hub”
• Good transport links
                                               • Street cleaning and rubbish
• Diverse community                                                                           “Merton Park is nice and doesn’t need
                                               • Poor retail to resi conversions
                                                                                              much. If you are talking Morden then it
                                               • Public realm improvements - cracked          needs a lot, around crown house is terrible
                                                 pavements                                    (civic centre ugly), crown lane shopping
                                               • Concern about height and density of          parade looks bad & dated. Morden
                                                 new homes - should be matched with           station and shops feel like the 1980s”
                                                 infrastructure provision
                                                                                              “The McCarthy and Stone development
                                                                                              on the old hospital car park shows what
                                                                                              is possible. Change doesn’t have to be
                                                                                              cheap and nasty.“

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?                                                        7 responses

• Green spaces                        • Public realm - de-clutter and damaged
• Quiet residential area                pavements
                                      • Improve cycling provision
                                      • Litter
                                      • Vacant shops
   Page 243

                                      • Parking problems
                                      • Use raised table junctions not road
                                        closures to prevent rat-running

                                                                     “Generally quiet, good quality residential area”

                                                                     “No matter how good the public transport, cars will
                                                                     always be needed in this type of location. This must
                                                                     be acknowledged in planning. Loss of front gardens
                                                                     for parking has reached a tipping point where
                                                                     there may soon be no place to park on the street.
                                                                     Additional yellow lines and EV parking further reduces
                                                                     this and compels people to apply for crossovers. This
                                                                     creates a poor walking environment where pedestrians
                                                                     walk in the street rather than the ‘rollercoaster’

What do you think is special about     Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you    neighbourhood that need
live?                                  improving? Why?                                               25 responses

• Green spaces and woodland            • Morden Town centre regeneration
• Multicultural area                   • More collaboration like that with The
• Low rise quiet suburban character      Sound Lounge, for vacant properties

• Good bus links and relatively good   • Prevent HMOs
   Page 244

  wider connectivity                   • Traffic management
                                       • Car parking problems
                                       • Better children’s pay equipment - Joseph
                                         Hood Recreation Ground
                                       • More street trees and biodiversity
                                         planting                                   “Some time ago the
                                       • Concern about high rise development        Council consulted on
                                                                                    the redevelopment of
                                       • Convert shops to housing
                                                                                    Morden town centre.
                                       • Affordable housing                         What happened? The
                                       • Cycle safety - along Martin Way            pedestrian area either side
                                                                                    of the tube station, where
                                                                                    people wait for buses, is
                                                                                    particularly poor. The town
                                                                                    centre would benefit from
Q6 neighbourhoods..                                     9.0
Morden                                                  8.0
                             Safety                                                 Environment






 Traffic & parking                                      0.0                                       Housing
  Page 245

                  Streets & spaces                                                  Economy

                                                    Amenities & facilities
             3 Cannon Hill            3 Lower Morden                3 Morden          3 Morden District Centre
             3 Morden Park            3 St Helier                   3 Merton Park

What do you think is special about     Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you    neighbourhood that need
live?                                  improving? Why?
                                                                                                          18 responses
• History - cricket green buildings    • Fly tipping
• Green spaces / commons - the field   • Any way to improve transport
  has a country feel                     accessibility?
• The Wilson hospital                  • Conservation areas need better
   Page 246

• Interesting mix of uses                maintenance and enforcement for
                                         inappropriate development
• People and community feel
                                       • HGVs should not be allowed to park in
• Good transport                         residnetial areas
                                       • Pavement parking is a problem
                                       • Better playgrounds                       “We are a mixed area and we all get
                                       • Regeneration of empty buildings          along”
                                       • Sites: The London Road between the
                                         Cricket Green and the Tramlink has       “Green spaces such as Cranmer Green,
                                         many areas awaiting redevelopment,       London Road Playing Field and Mitcham
                                         The Burn Bullock                         Common could do with some nice little
                                                                                  food outlets: local bakery, a pop-up coffee
                                       • Pubs overlooking the green: vacant       van, a nice cafe.”
                                         - find new use for community or
                                         affordable housing                     “Mitcham town centre desperately needs
                                       • High street feels neglected - Better   TLC. Its run down, dirty, unattractive shops,
                                         shops and restaurants - reduce vacancy no draw to it at all. It feels like it has
                                                                                been neglected for a long time compared
                                       • More affordable housing                to neighbouring areas like Wimbledon,
                                                                                tooting and Streatham”

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?
                                                                                                   7 responses
• Green open spaces                   • Affordable housing
• Sense of community                  • Street cleaning and flytipping
• A mix of urban and more rural       • HMO issue
                                      • More diversity of shopping in town
   Page 247

                                      • Traffic congestion and parking concerns

                                                                                  “Mitcham is unfortunately
                                                                                  known as the ‘poor relation’ to
                                                                                  Wimbledon, and this appears
                                                                                  true on so many fronts.”

                                                                                  “Its urban with a nice mix of
                                                                                  concrete and tress and grass
                                                                                  areas. There is a good selection
                                                                                  of people most polite and

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?
                                                                                                       11 responses
• Well located - zone 3               • Regeneration of Mitcham town centre
• Green spaces                        • Traffic congestion impacts on buses
• Diverse community                   • More frequent rail services
• Strong connection to Wandsworth/    • Cheap new development that does not
   Page 248

  Tooting for shopping                  fit in with surroundings
• Convenient shops                    • Services and leisure to compete with
                                      • More trees on residential streets
                                      • Antisocial behaviour
                                      • Investment in cycle infrastructure     “New housing being built is ugly and
                                                                               overpriced and doesn’t take into
                                                                               consideration increased impact on public
                                                                               transport or the architectural style of the
                                                                               neighbourhood (see the new Graveney
                                                                               Mews development which is an ugly
                                                                               collection of yellow bricks right in the
                                                                               middle of 3 Edwardian terraced streets).
                                                                               Building should be built to better fit in their
                                                                               surroundings. ”

                                                                               “More investment in parks would also
                                                                               be great - Figge’s Marsh used to have
                                                                               beautiful flowers beds.”

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                      2 responses
• The common                                 • Fly tipping
• Green space with eco possibilities lined   • Better transport connections
  by early 20thC housing                     • Better local shopping
                                             • Eco friendly development on the edge
                                               of the common
   Page 249

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                        13 responses
• Green spaces - Figge’s Marsh               • Streetscape on London Road from
•    Tooting over ground and easy access       Amen Corner to Figge’s Marsh is poor
    to Tooting Broadway                      • The traffic calming design by Figge’s
• Tooting is natural centre for the area -     Marsh/Bruce Road isn’t in keeping with
                                               the quality of the neighbourhood
    Page 250

  not Mitcham town centre.
• Some attractive Edwardian buildings        • More tree planting

• Family sized homes                         • Fly tipping, street lighting and road
                                               repair. Cost of car parking
                                             • Figge’s Marsh - needs investment
                                               including better boundaries
                                             • HMOs
                                             • No closure of streets without
                                               consultation                             “The natural neighbourhood
                                                                                        centre for shopping and leisure
                                             • Disused spaces which could be            is Tooting. There is no natural
                                               developed eg along Streatham Rd          connection to Mitcham town
                                             • Improved amenities eg range of shops/    centre.”
                                               cafes in Mitcham town centre
                                             • Better bus links to Tooting Broadway
                                               and other major transport hubs eg        “London Road is shabby and
                                               Streatham common station                 dirty.”

What do you think is special about           Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you          neighbourhood that need
live?                                        improving? Why?
                                                                                                        3 responses
• Open spaces close by                       • Morden has vacant shops which could
• Local history and heritage                   be re-purposed perhaps?

• Multi-cultural community.                  • Mitcham has pound shops and charity
                                               shops but supermarkets seem not to
• Community Centre in the heart of the         survive there.
  Phipps Bridge Estate.
                                             • Repair work to streets is slow to
   Page 251

• Most high-rise blocks have been              happen.
                                             • Our estate has a litter problem (Phipps).
• Some good schools.
                                             • Car parks look increasingly rough and
• Local children’s play-park is one of the     seem not to be maintained well.
  best in Merton.
                                             • More use of open spaces and more
• Good Bus and Tram links.                     project work with young people are
• Deen City Farm is excellent.                 very much needed.
                                                                                           “I value the Community
• Some local shops. Lots of larger shops                                                   Centre in the heart of the
  nearby                                                                                   Phipps Bridge Estate. The
                                                                                           Local children’s play-park is
                                                                                           one of the best in Merton. ”

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?
                                                                                2 responses
• Working class community             • Regeneration of the area
• The library and community centre    • Rubbish and fly tipping
                                      • Safety on the common
   Page 252

                                                                    “Mitcham is run down
                                                                    generally, the buildings
                                                                    are looking neglected.
                                                                    The residents no longer
                                                                    take pride in the area and
                                                                    rubbish is dumped on every
                                                                    street corner and against
                                                                    bins and trees. All of the
                                                                    above scenarios require

What do you think is special about            Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you           neighbourhood that need
live?                                         improving? Why?
                                                                                                              30 responses
• Shops and services                          • Mitcham high street feels uncared for
• Green spaces                                • Rubbish and street cleaning
• Well connected to central London            • Tree maintenance and planting
• Historic features like cricket green area   • Need better shops, cultural activities,
• Diverse and tolerant community                leisure, sports facilities
   Page 253

• Dean city farm close by                     • More police presence - antisocial
                                              • Neglected private homes
                                              • More space for walking and cycling -
                                                better cycle connections
                                                                                          “Green spaces everywhere yet very
“We have a mural on the wall of the           • Support for a better market in Mitcham    well connected to public transport to
perimeter road, painted by some of            • Car parks suggested as development        get to central London”
the children that live on the estate 17         sites for new businesses and housing
years ago. Most of them still live here
or are still connected to the area.                                                       “The madness of allowing buses
To this day the wall has not been                                                         through the centre of Mitcham again
graffitied on”.                                                                           cutting through the heart of what could
                                                                                          have been usable social & pedestrian
“Greater variety of independent shops                                                     space”
and cultural activities to support art,
music etc.”

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?
                                                                                                           6 responses
• Green spaces - Cricket Green, The   • Need a community centre to bring
  Canons and Mitcham Common             people together
• Village feel                        • Better street cleaning and flytipping
• Community / belonging                 issues
   Page 254

• Good places to play for children    • Congestion

• Shops and services                  • Better care of public spaces - planting,
                                        new equipment

                                                                                   “Green spaces - these
                                                                                   could be improved by
                                                                                   putting in things like exercise
                                                                                   equipment and making
                                                                                   them more accessible ad
                                                                                   improving the play areas”

What do you think is special about    Are there any areas in your
the character of the area where you   neighbourhood that need
live?                                 improving? Why?
                                                                                                            6 responses
• Green spaces and rivers             • Traffic and congestion
• Family homes                        • More diverse shops and leisure uses
                                        and activities for young people
                                      • Public realm - reduce street clutter,
                                        repair pavements
                                      • Vacant shops eg tyre shop on London
   Page 255

                                        Rd opposite to Mitcham Tram stop.
                                      • Neglected private homes

                                                                            “Would love to see more independent shops,
                                                                            cafés and restaurants. Also an arts space with
                                                                            cinema, work out classes, workshops etc”

                                                                            “Closure of Bishopford Road bridge has
                                                                            temporary improvement to local traffic levels but
                                                                            long term access issues”

                                                                            “Unfortunately the biggest street problem of the
                                                                            Mitcham neighbourhood is constant litter and
                                                                            fly-tipping. This really makes it hard to like the
                                                                            neighbourhood. And includes parks.”
Q6 neighbourhoods..                                       Transport

                               Safety                                                     Environment





 Page 256

    Traffic & parking                                    0.0                                            Housing

                     Streets & spaces                                                     Economy

                                                     Amenities & facilities
            2 Church Road          2 Cricket Green      2 Eastfields          2 Figge's Marsh       2 Mitcham
            2 Mitcham Common       2 Pollards Hill      2 Rowan Road          2 Streatham Road      2 Mitcham Bridge
Page 257

Page 258
Page 259
Page 260
Page 261

Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners is not responsible for nor shall be liable for the consequences of any use made of this Report other than that
for which it was prepared by Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners for the Client unless Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners provides prior written
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solely in accordance with the Client’s brief and instructions and without any knowledge of or reference to any other parties’ potential interests in or
proposals for the Project.

Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners accepts no responsibility for comments made by members of the community which have been reflected in this report.
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