Microbial load in unpasteurized milk obtained from selected milk outlets in Kawempe division

Microbial load in unpasteurized milk obtained from selected milk outlets in Kawempe division
MedDocs Publishers

                                                                                                               ISSN: 2637-4927

                                                              Annals of Biotechnology
                                                                                                   Open Access | Research Article

     Microbial load in unpasteurized milk obtained
     from selected milk outlets in Kawempe division
                  of Kampala, Uganda
John N Kateregga1; Collins Atuheire1; Esther Nabatta1; Samuel Majalija1; James G Ndukui 1,2*
 College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University-Kampala, Uganda
 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
Nairobi, Kenya.

   *Corresponding Author(s): James G Ndukui                              Abstract
  Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College                     Background: Milk consumption and demand has in-
  of Health Sciences, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agri-              creased drastically over the past years in response to ex-
                                                                     panding human population in Uganda and world at large.
  culture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya.
                                                                     Despite this, many residents of Kampala city obtain milk
  Email: ndukuiga@gmail.com                                          from shops supplied by milk vendors, who in turn, collect
                                                                     it directly from farms. The microbial load of this unpasteur-
                                                                     ized milk is not known, yet it could expose the population to
                                                                     milk-borne diseases. The purpose of this study was to deter-
                                                                     mine the level of bacterial contamination of unpasteurized
Received: Nov 06, 2018                                               milk sold in different milk outlets in Kawempe Division, one
Accepted: Mar 25, 2019                                               of the five divisions of Kampala City.
Published Online: Mar 29, 2019                                          Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 50
Journal: Annals of Biotechnology                                     milk samples were collected from bulk tanks in different
Publisher: MedDocs Publishers LLC                                    locations of Kawempe Division i.e. Kamwokya, Kalerwe,
                                                                     Mulago, Bwaise and Kawempe. The samples were taken
Online edition: http://meddocsonline.org/                            to the Central Diagnostic Lab of the College of Veterinary
Copyright: © Ndukui JG (2019). This Article is distributed           Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity of Makerere
under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0                  University and cultured using suitable media. Total aerobic
International License                                                counts, Staphylococcus aureus counts, coliform as well as
                                                                     E. coli and Salmonella counts were determined. The preva-
                                                                     lence of Brucellain the milk samples was determined using
Keywords: Unpasteurized milk; Total plate counts; S aureus;          the Brucella milk ring (Rose Bengal) test. The bacteriologi-
coliforms; Brucella                                                  cal indices were compared with UNBS and WHO acceptable
                                                                     standards. ANOVA was used to compare levels of contami-
                                                                     nation in various locations. All differences were considered
Abbreviations: Cfu/g: Colony Forming Units Per Gram; DDA:            significant at p
Microbial load in unpasteurized milk obtained from selected milk outlets in Kawempe division
MedDocs Publishers

     Conclusions: This study has shown that the raw milk                      Materials and methods
 sold in outlets of Kawempe division does not meet the set                    Study design
 standards and hence not safe for human consumption. Food
 safety authorities should be strengthened and more restric-                  This was a cross-sectional study in which the level of con-
 tions put on the sale of low quality milk.                                tamination of unpasteurized milk was determined in randomly
                                                                           collected samples from the different milk collection outlets. Fif-
   Background                                                              ty samples were collected from the five selected milk vending
                                                                           outlets in Mulago, Kawempe, Kalerwe, Bwaise, and Kamwokya
   Milk and its products are excellent high quality foods provid-          parishes of Kawempe Division of Kampala city. Total aerobic
ing both culinary and nutritional values. The constituents may             counts, Staphylococcus aureus counts, coliform as well as E.
vary with breed, type of feed, stage of lactation, season and age          coli and Salmonella counts were determined. The prevalence
of cow among others, and also individuals of the same breed.               of Brucella in the milk samples was determined using theRose
Thus, it serves as an excellent medium for bacterial growth                Bengal test.
where under inappropriate conditions it acts as a carrier for
disease causing pathogens from cows to humans (zoonosis).                     Sample collection and processing
Freshly drawn milk from the udder of a healthy cow should                     The samples (50 in total) were purchased from the differ-
be free from micro-organisms. However, contaminations have                 ent milk vending outlets in a systematic simple random method.
been reported and this has been attributed to the movement of              The sample size was determined by the standard formula [11]
pathogens up the teat canal and/or their presence at the lower             and was based on the assumption that 50% of milk sold by the
ends of the teats [1,3]. Some studies have also showed that milk           vendors is unsuitable. Samples were collected in sample bottles
contains low numbers of commensal micro-organisms less than                and placed under ice in a cool box and immediately transported
500 bacteria per ml, usually the coagulase negative, nonpatho-             to Central Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medi-
genic micrococci and streptococci although coliform bacteria               cine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity of Makerere University
are also common [3,4].                                                     for analysis. Samples were collected in such a way that 500ml
   Microbial contamination of milk depends on the storage                  of milk were picked from 10 different vending outlets in each
temperature, the time elapsing before collection and the initial           parish. Using a sterile pipette tip, the milk was serially diluted
microflora [5]. When milk is cooled to
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and coagulase [14].                                                    (10%), Kamwokya (10%) and lastly Kalerwe (0%) as shown in
                                                                       Table 1.
   Detection of salmonella species
   The procedure was done basing on ISO 6579: 2003 method-
ologies. Hundred (100) ul of the original sample was inoculated            The total aerobic count reported in the study was generally
into 9.9ml of Rappaport media (Oxoid limited, England), incu-          high for all the five study areas with Kalerwe having the highest
bated at 42oC for 24 hours then followed by inoculation onto           whereas Mulago having the least this could probably be due
XLD agar (Mast Group Limited, UK) with further incubation at           to the high numbers of rubbish heaps that originate from the
370C for 24 hours. Red yellow colonies with black centers were         market. The study corroborates with [17] which reported an
observed. A colony with the distinct features was then picked          exceptionally high total aerobic as well as coliform counts. The
and sub-cultured then confirmed using Indole, methyl red, cit-         high total aerobic counts were probably due to poor hygiene
rate and hydrogen sulphide production [13-15].                         and management practices whereby the milk was kept at tem-
                                                                       peratures higher than 4 ̊C, milking of very dirty cows and in ad-
   Milk ring test (MRT) for brucellosis                                dition the cows could have been suffering from mastitis [18].
   The test was carried out by adding 30ul of the Brucella anti-       Kamwokya had the highest staphylococcus counts whereas Mu-
gen to 2ml of the unpasteurized milk then incubated at 370C for        lago had the lowest counts (Table 4) which could probably be
1 hour. A blue ring above a white milk column indicated positive       due to the fact the milk received in Kamwokya was got from
whereas no ring indicated a negative test [16].                        mastitis infected herds.

   Quality management                                                     Staphylococcus aureus is often found in raw milk and its
                                                                       products due to contamination caused by poor hygiene condi-
   The systematic random sampling method was used to collect           tions or the origin of the milk, which can come from mastitic
a representative sample from the milk sold. Aseptic techniques         cows. According to a study done by the National Research Insti-
were employed during processing to prevent any possible for-           tute in Poland, 32% the bulk tank milk contained Staphylococ-
eign contamination. Proper labeling and identification was done        cus aureus. This prevalence being much lower than that of this
for the different samples going to be processed. The media was         study which reported a prevalence of 40%-100% could be due
prepared and sterilized by autoclaving at 121ºC for 15 minutes         to variation in environmental conditions or better enforcement
before pouring it on the petri dishes to cool. The samples were        of milk hygiene standards in developed countries.
processed as soon as they are collected to prevent any disrup-
tion to its integrity.                                                     The very high counts in Bwaise could probably be due to its
                                                                       location in a swampy area. The high coliform count in the dif-
   Data analysis                                                       ferent areas could probably also be due to poor hygiene prac-
   The results were recorded in Microsoft Excel software and           tices whereby the milk gets into contact with feces of healthy
exported to SPSS.16.0 for analysis. In this case ANOVA and chi         animals, use of equipment that are not cleaned thoroughly,
square statistical tests were performed. Then tables were drawn        milking of dirty cows or cows washed with contaminated wa-
to demonstrate trends and comparisons of the results. The bac-         ter. Since coliforms are mastitis causative agents it could also be
teriological indices determined were compared with acceptable          due to milking of cows infected with mastitis. Studies in Tanza-
levels set by the UNBS and WHO.                                        nia by Swai (2011) reported a coliform count of 3.0x106 which
                                                                       is much lower than that reported in this study. This could be
   Ethical consideration                                               due to the good hygiene practices and enforcement exercised
                                                                       in Tanzania. According to Bramley and Mackinnon (1990), coli-
   An ethical clearance was sought from College of Veterinary          forms multiply rapidly in the environment; therefore their pres-
Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity Ethical Review              ence in high numbers in food products is conclusive of improper
Committee. In addition, the study was further approved by              handling and contamination. E. coli is the most prominent fecal
student’s research review committee of the College.                    coliform and its prevalence is indicative of fecal contamination
   Results                                                             of the milk. E. coli is a reliable parameter for fecal contamina-
                                                                       tion of water sources and hence its presence in milk is not only
    The mean total aerobic counts ranged between 7.3x107cfu/           an indicator for fecal contamination but also an indicator for
ml and 1.67x108cfu/ml. The mean count was highest in samples           over all sanitary condition of the dairy farms and the different
got from Kalerwe and lowest in samples got from Mulago (Table          selling points (bulk tanks). With revolutionary advances in mod-
1). However there was no significant difference (p= 0.515) in          ern medicine, there has been heavy reliance on the availability
the mean counts of samples from all places as shown in Table 4.        of effective antibiotics to manage infections and enable invasive
The total aerobic counts of all the milk samples obtained from         surgery due to emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, how-
all places did not meet the UNBS standards for milk meant for          ever novel approaches are necessary to prevent the formation
human consumption.                                                     of biofilms on sensitive surfaces such as antimicrobial nanoma-
   The mean Staphylococcus aureus counts ranged from                   terials that are derived from biological polymers or that rely on
1.97x105 cfu/ml to 1.97x108cfu/ml. Results showed that sam-            the incorporation of natural compounds with antimicrobial ac-
ples obtained from Kawempe had the highest mean counts and             tivity in nanofibers made from synthetic materials is timely, that
those from Mulago had the lowest mean counts. Comparison of            will help to hinder these micro-organisms [19].
mean counts of the samples from the different places showed               According to studies elsewhere, the prevalence of E. coli,
a significant difference (p=0.039, ANOVA) in Staphylococcus au-        especially the Enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC), strain is usually
reus counts (Table 4). Mulago area recorded the highest num-           very low, less than 1%. For example in July 2007, US Department
ber of samples that passed the UNBS standard for Staphylococ-          of Agriculture (USDA) reported that nearly a quarter of the raw
cus aureus counts (60%), followed by Kawempe (20%), Bwaise             milk collected from 861 farms in 21 states contained bacteria

Annals of Biotechnology                                            3
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linked to illness. Among the results 3% of the samples had                             possibly leading to more Brucella free herds.
Salmonella and 4% had types of E. coli that cause diarrhea and
gastrointestinal illness. Less than 1% had the most dangerous                             Conclusion
forms of E. coli. However in the presence of unhygienic
                                                                                          The study shows that there is a considerable level of bacterial
handling practices of milk and the numerous opportunities for
                                                                                       contamination in raw milk especially E. coli. Most of the milk
contamination from the producer to the consumer, the potential
                                                                                       samples did not meet the safety criteria recommended by the
for their propagation and dissemination is real. According to
                                                                                       World Health Organization and the Uganda National Bureau of
Grimaud (2008), Enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC) was present
                                                                                       Standards. These levels may be capable of causing disease to
in raw milk in Kampala city which was in agreement with Grace
                                                                                       humans which is therefore a health risk to milk consumers. This
(2008), who indicated that EHEC exists in Kampala city and
                                                                                       calls for measures by the dairy farmers, milk transporters and
hence Kampala milk is unsafe. However according to [20], the
                                                                                       sellers as well as health inspectors to minimize this problem.
prevalence of EHEC was less than 1%.
   Kawempe had the highest salmonella counts. Salmonella
contamination of milk could probably be due to poor sanitation                            We thank the staff of the Central Diagnostic Laboratory -CO-
in terms of equipment which could have got into contact                                VAB for their cooperation and assistance during laboratory anal-
with fecal matter. Salmonella gets into milk majorly through                           ysis of the samples, especially Mr.Steven Kakooza. This research
contamination with both human and animal feces; it can also get                        was financed by internally raised resources by the researchers.
into milk through handling teats with dirty hands by the milkers.
According to studies in Tanzania [21], Salmonella prevalence                              Authors’ contributions
was reported in 10.1% which is lower than the prevalence of                               JNK, EN, JGN, and MS conceptualized the project, performed
salmonella reported in this study. This could indicate higher                          most of the laboratory experiments and wrote the manuscript.
levels of poor hygiene and fecal contamination in Kampala.                             CA assisted in statistically analysing the data. JGN assisted in
    According to [22], 56% of the samples at the collection points                     drafting and finalizing the manuscript. All authors read and ap-
in Tanzania were positive for Brucella; a prevalence value much                        proved the final manuscript.
higher than reported in this study. This could probably be due
to high levels of vaccination in Uganda compared to Tanzania

           Table 1: Conformity of microbial counts of milk samples with UNBS standards

                                             Bwaise                Kawempe                     Kalerwe                 Mulago                 Kamwokya
                                      Pass            Fail      Pass        Fail         Pass        Fail       Pass           Fail         Pass       Fail

         Total aerobic counts          0%          100%          0%         100%          0%        100%         0%         100%            0%        100%

         S. aureus counts             10%             90%       20%         80%           0%        100%         60%        40%             10%        90%

         E. coli counts                0%          100%          0%         100%          0%        100%         0%         100%            0%        100%

         Coliform counts              20%             80%        0%         100%          0%        100%         0%         100%            0%        100%
      Key: The mean total coliform counts ranged from 1.9690x10 cfu/ml to 4.3120x10 cfu/ml with Kawempe having the lowest mean
                                                                              8                          8

      counts and Mulago having the highest value. Comparison of the different parishes showed that there was no significant difference
      the mean total coliform counts (p=0.700). The mean E. coli counts ranged from 1.24x108cfu/mlto 3.63x108cfu/ml. Kawempe had
      the highest mean counts and Kalerwe had the lowest mean counts. Comparison of mean counts of samples from the different
      places showed that there was no significant difference (p=0.466) in the mean of E. coli (Table 2).

   Table 2: Mean microbial counts in milk samples from the different parishes

                                                                                   Sampling sites
 Parameter(cfu/ml)                                                                                                                                            P-value
                                  Bwaise                     Kawempe                   Kalerwe                Mulago                      Kamwokya

 Total aerobic counts       1.0320x109 ±7.51x108      1.2740x109±7.85x108     1.6710x109±2.38x109        7.3800x108±3.59x108          1.0670x109±4.80x108     0.515

 S. aureus counts           1.9870x106 ±4.59x106      1.9690x108±1.76x108     1.3932x108±3.42x108        1.1080x106±2.75x106          2.2760x108±2.42x108     0.039

 E. coli counts             2.9124x108±3.44x108       3.6300x108±5.52x108     1.2350x108±6.96x107        2.3750x108±2.30x108          1.6500x108±1.59x108     0.466

 Coliform counts            3.2280x108±3.74x108       1.9690x108±1.76x108     3.1000x108±3.42x108        4.3120x108±6.47x108          2.2760x108±2.42x108     0.700

Key: Out of the 50 analyzed milk samples, 52% contained Salmonella. Samples from Bwaise and Mulago contained the highest percentage of
Salmonella (80%) this was followed by Kawempe which had 10%, Kamwokya and Kalerwe samples did not have any Salmonella. There was a
significant association (p=0.000, Chi Square) between sampling locations and Salmonella prevalence (Table 3).

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     Table 3: Salmonella prevalence in milk samples from the different sampling sites

                                                                        Salmonella spps status
         Location          Samples (N)
                                                           Present                               Absent

 Bwaise                        10                         80.0% (8)                              20% (2)

 Kamwokya                      10                              0% (0)                          100.0% (10)

 Mulago                        10                         80.0% (8)                             20.0% (2)

 Kawempe                       10                        100.0% (10)                             0% (0)

 Kalerwe                       10                              0% (0)                          100.0% (10)

 TOTAL                                                         52.0%                             48.0%

Key: X2: 37.179, P: 0.00: spps: Species, N: Sample Size
The samples from all different collection points did not contain any Brucella antibodies as shown in Table 4.

     Table 4: Brucella antibody prevalence in milk samples from the different parishes

                                    Brucella Status
         Place                                                                         Total
                          Present                     Absent

 Bwaise                     0%                        100.0%                       100.0%

 Kamwokya                   0%                        100.0%                       100.0%

 Mulago                     0%                        100.0%                       100.0%

 Kawempe                    0%                        100.0%                       100.0%

 Kalerwe                    0%                        100.0%                       100.0%

 Total                      0%                        100.0%                       100.0%
Key: %:Percentage
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