MICROPRO AST - Performance Evaluations ISO 13485:2016 - Tulip Diagnostics

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MICROPRO AST - Performance Evaluations ISO 13485:2016 - Tulip Diagnostics
ISO 13485:2016

                                    Performance Evaluations

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing System
Performance Evaluations                                                                   ISO 13485:2016


      S.No.                              Name of the Publications                             Pg. Nos.

        1              Comparison of Micropro MIC system against Vitek 2 compact system         110

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing System
Performance Evaluations                                                                         ISO 13485:2016

                                      External Evaluations

      S.No.                                    Topic                                               Evaluated by

        1              Evaluation of Micropro AST with the conventional Kirby Bauer Method         Goa Medical
                       for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing                              College & Hospital,
                                                                                                   Bambolim, Goa

        2              Evaluation of Micropro AST with the BD Phoenix for Rapid Antimicrobial      Infexn Labs. Pvt.
                       Susceptibility testing for all sample types                                 Ltd., Thane,

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing System
110                                     Antimicrobial resistance / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 101(S1) (2021) 8–119

0263                                                                                     0264

Comparison of MicroproTM MIC system against                                              Save Carbapenem Campaign: Laboratory
Vitek 2 compact system                                                                   assessment of carbapenem devoid antibiotic
                                                                                         combinations against multidrug resistant gram
A.K. Bari 1,∗ , A. Poojary 2 , P. Divekar 3 , L. Gurav 4 , J.
                                                                                         negative bacilli
Pereira 5 , R. Kokare 5 , S. Rohra 2
                                                                                         R. Tellis
  Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Pathology and
Microbiology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India                                                 Yenepoya University, Microbiology, Mangalore, India
2 Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Microbiology,
                                                                                             Background: Infections caused by MDR gram negative bacilli
Mumbai, India
3 Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Pathology and                                             (MDR-GNB) are a therapeutic challenge to clinicians and Combina-
                                                                                         tion antimicrobial therapy with empirically selected antibiotics is
Microbiology, Mumbai, India
4 Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Department of                                             often used to treat these infections. This approach is poorly guided,
                                                                                         as the antibiotics selected may not be optimal because of different
Pathology and Microbiology, Mumbai, India
5 Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Dept of Pathology &                                       killing activity. This study aims to determine in-vitro efficacy of
                                                                                         antibiotic combinations devoid of carbapenems to explore poten-
Microbiology, Mumbai, India
                                                                                         tial synergy between antibiotics of different chemical classes.
    Background: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) is the                            Methods and materials: Prospective, experimental descriptive
cornerstone for managing bacterial infections but is a costly affair                     study of 85 MDR-GNB isolated from clinical samples. MIC of cef-
in most developing nations. Absence of AST data is known to lead to                      tazidime, amikacin, imepenem and ciprofloxacin was determined
irrational use of antibiotics paving the way for antimicrobial resis-                    by broth micro-dilution. Invitro effect of CAZ-AMK, CAZ-CIPRO,
tance amongst bacteria. The VITEK 2 compact (V2C) (bioMérieux)                           IMP-AMK & IMP-CIPRO combinations studied by checker-board
is a popular yet expensive choice for automated AST in develop-                          assay.
ing nations. In order to optimize the use of anti-microbial agents                           Results: ESBL, AmpC & MBL production was seen among 62.35%,
the availability of a cost-effective, robust, reliable, and accurate                     27.05% & 44.70% of the MDR-GNB respectively.
AST system comparable to other well-established AST systems like                             27.05% co-produced multiple ␤-lactamases.
Vitek is the need of the hour.                                                               MIC90 ranges for CAZ: 16–≥1028 ␮g/ml, Amk: 0.25–≥
    Methods and materials: 600 non-duplicating pathogenic iso-                           256 ␮g/ml, CIPRO: 0.25–12 ␮g/ml and IMP: 0.125–512 ␮g/ml.
lates Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 101), Escherichia coli (n = 96),                            CAZ-AMK and IMP-AMK combinations showed synergistic
Salmonella spp. (n = 42), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 100), Acine-                       effect in >85% of MDR-GNB with FICI ≤0.5.
tobacter baumanii (n = 71), Staphylococcus aureus (n = 93) and                               Higher rates of indifference & antagonism observed with com-
Enterococcus spp. (n = 97) were included in the study. The panels                        binations having fluroquinolones.
used for MicroproTM was GP1, GN1 and GN3 while P628, N280                                    Conclusion: In-vitro antimicrobial activity of antibiotic com-
and N281 cards were used for V2C. Both the systems are princi-                           binations having 3rd or 4th generation cephalosporin with
pally based on BMD assays. AST was performed in accordance with                          aminoglycosides was comparable to that of imepenem mono or
the manufacturers’ guidelines. Interpretation’s were done as per                         combination therapy.
Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines (2018).                          Combinations devoid of carbepenems to be advocated to pro-
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853                           long the clinical usefulness of this antibiotic group.
and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 were the quality control
strains tested.                                                                          https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.09.307
    Results: The Categorical and Essential Agreements (CA and EA)
for Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Pseu-                      0265
domonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanii, Staphylococcus aureus
                                                                                         The determinants of presumptive antibiotic
and Enterococcus spp. were within the acceptable limits (≥90%) as
                                                                                         prescribing behavior among early career
per CLSI guidlines for Verification of commercial microbial identifi-
                                                                                         physicians in Delhi, India
cation and antimicrobial susceptibility testing systems. The Major
errors (ME) and Minor errors (MinE) for Klebsiella pneumoniae,                           S. Basu 1,∗ , N. Bhatnagar 2
Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acineto-                      1 Maulana Azad Medical College, Community
bacter baumanii, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp. were
                                                                                         Medicine, New Delhi, India
reported to be 1.4%, 7.6%, 4%, 1.6%, 3.1%, 6.6%, 3.2% and 5%, 4.4%,                      2 Army College of Medical Sciences, Community
4.9%, 5%, 3.8%, 4%, 2.8% respectively. The cost per reportable test
                                                                                         Medicine, New Delhi, India
(CPRT) for MicroproTM (2.82$) is approximately half of V2C (4.87$),
whereas the capital investment for MicroproTM is 7041$–8453$ and                            Background: Over-prescription of antibiotics by physicians is
for V2C is 20429$–23247$.                                                                a major cause of increasing antimicrobial resistance globally. We
    Conclusion: The results reported by the cost-effective, robust,                      conducted this study to identify the factors that influence pre-
reliable, and accurate MicroproTM AST system are comparable with                         sumptive antibiotic prescribing behaviors of early career physicians
the well-established automated VITEK 2 Compact system.                                   during outpatient care in Delhi, India.
                                                                                            Methods and materials: We conducted a cross-sectional study
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.09.306                                               among 125 prescribers affiliated to a premier medical college
                                                                                         in New Delhi, India. The study sample comprised of 60 first
                                                                                         and second year postgraduate resident doctors from clinical
                                                                                         departments, and 65 medical interns who had completed at-
                                                                                         least eight months of their stipulated one year of internship. We
                                                                                         collected data from the participants during September-October’
                                                                                         2019 after ethical approval. Data was collected using a self-
Performance Evaluations                               ISO 13485:2016

                               EXTERNAL EVALUATIONS

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing System
TM                         TM
                           Evaluation of Micropro ~ AST with BD Phoenix
                    for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of all Sample Types

   To assess the performance of Micropro ~ AST for rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing.
                                            TM                                                   TM
   To compare the performance of Micropro ~ AST by comparing the results with BD Phoenix .
   To derive “Correlation Percentage” which describes the percentage similarity or correlation of
             TM                              TM
    Micropro ~ AST results with BD Phoenix .
   To assess the performance of individual antibiotics by comparing the results of Micropro ~ AST and BD

Study Methods:
   50 samples were used for the evaluation performed under the supervision of Dr. Sonal Bangade at Infexn
    Laboratories Pvt Ltd.
   The Micropro ~ AST reagents bearing Lot No. P150218, N150218, U200218 were used in the evaluation
    and the performance was compared with the results of BD Phoenix .

Sample wise AST Report Analysis

                               Panels                       Percentage Correlation
                     Gram Negative Pathogens                         92
                     Gram Positive Pathogens                         90
                     UTI Pathogens                                   95
                     Overall                                         92

Antibiotic wise AST Report Analysis
When comparing individual antibiotic performance, an agreement of 84 – 100% has been observed between
          TM                      TM
Micropro ~ AST and BD Phoenix .

                                                      TM                              TM
After comparing the percentage similarity of Micropro ~ AST results with BD Phoenix , an overall correlation
percentage of 92.3 % was observed.
Antibiotic wise AST report analysis showed an overall correlation percentage of 92 %.

The primary role of clinical microbiology laboratory personnel is to provide the information with which physicians
can diagnose and treat the infectious diseases. If a communicable disease is present, the identification of a
specific pathogen is of utmost importance to a hospital epidemiologist or public healthcare worker.
However, the two most important pieces of information for a clinician are;
     1) Whether an infectious agent is present, and
     2) Which antimicrobial agent should provide adequate therapy?
The most widely used conventional method for antibiotic susceptibility testing includes the disk diffusion method
which takes about 12 to 16 hours. The later generation testing methods include Broth Microdilution method and
are associated with instruments. Use of instrumentation can standardize the reading of end points and often
produce susceptibility test results in a shorter time period. Sensitive optical detection systems allow detection of
the even subtle changes in bacterial growth. Micropro            ~ AST is a system intended for Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing of most pathogens involved in various samples of UTI, GI, GT, ENT, CNS, Blood etc. within
5-8 hours.

Study Method:
1. Patient samples received were inoculated on plates and incubated overnight.
2. Culture plates with positive results were received and registered with unique Sample ID and Tray ID.
3. A total of 50 positive samples from various clinical sources were tested for this evaluation.
4. Culture suspension with McFarland standard 0.5 was prepared from each culture.
5. For detailed SOP refer Micropro ~ AST packinsert attached.
6. Results obtained from both the methods were noted down and compared.
7. All the results were tabulated together and “Correlation Percentage” is calculated.

Samples used for evaluation:
Urine, Sputum, Pus, CVP TIP, ET TIP, CSF
Micropro ~ AST Kit – Lot No: P150218, N150218, U200218.

                                                              TM                   TM
The test procedure, as mentioned in the packinsert of Micropro ~ AST and BD Phoenix .

Observations and Results:

                      Sample wise AST Report Analysis for Gram Negative Pathogens
  Sample ID                Pathogen                Total Antibiotics    Tally Correlation percentage
 72012496         Escherichia coli                                24               22                92
 72030208         Escherichia coli                                24               24               100
 72030364         Escherichia coli                                24               17                71
 71974835         Escherichia coli                                20               19                95
 72031282         Escherichia coli                                24               19                79
 72006709         Escherichia coli                                24               24               100
 72031053         Escherichia coli                                24               20                83
 72030208         Escherichia coli                                24               24               100
 72026451         Escherichia coli                                24               21                88
 72031283         Pseudomonas aeruginosa                          21               19                90
 72031078         Pseudomonas aeruginosa                          21               19                90
 72030839         Pseudomonas aeruginosa                          21               20                95
 71980195         Klebsiella pneumoniae                           23               21                91
 72031052         Klebsiella pneumoniae                           23               22                96
 71979306         Acinetobacter baumannii                         23               21                91

72019882    Acinetobacter baumannii                     23            23                 100
72030923    Proteus mirabilis                           18            16                 89
72031281    Morganella morganii                         23            23                 100
72031037    Burkholderia cepacia                        19            17                 90
                                                 Cumulative Correlation %                92

                       AST Report Analysis for Gram Positive Pathogens
Sample ID              Pathogen               Total Antibiotics    Tally      Correlation percentage
72031621    Enterococcus faecalis                      11             10                 91
72031620    Enterococcus faecalis                      11             9                  82
72023423    Enterococcus faecalis                      11             9                  82
58544657    Enterococcus faecalis                      11             9                  82
72019804    Staphylococcus aureus                      18             16                 89
72031447    Staphylococcus aureus                      16             15                 94
72031456    Staphylococcus aureus                      18             18                 100
                                                 Cumulative Correlation %                90

                           AST Report Analysis for UTI Pathogens
Sample ID         Pathogen         Total Antibiotics      Tally           Correlation percentage
78769948     Escherichia coli               20               19                    95
72026126     Escherichia coli               20               19                    95
71980608     Escherichia coli               20               19                    95
72019654     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
71977313     Escherichia coli               20               19                    95
84415736     Escherichia coli               20               19                    95
60131693     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
96528887     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72026221     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72019502     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72030782     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72030800     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72030777     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
70030776     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72030771     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
69181321     Escherichia coli               20               18                    90
84035012     Escherichia coli               20               20                    100
72030922     Escherichia coli               20               17                    85
72026330     Escherichia coli               20               17                    85
72026466     Escherichia coli               20               13                    65
                                      Cumulative Correlation %                     95

Antibiotic wise AST Report Analysis
             Antibiotics                   Total Cases       Tally   Percentage
Ampicillin                                      45            40        89
Tobramycin                                      43            41        95
Ciprofloxacin                                   49            46        94
Gentamicin                                      44            35        80
Nitrofurantoin                                  49            46        94
Norfloxacin                                     45            44        98
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole                   43            39        90
Ceftriaxone                                     43            39        90
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid                     49            48        98
Chloramphenicol                                 28            26        93
Doxycycline                                     24            16        67
Amikacin                                        40            36        90
Levofloxacin                                    39            38        97
Tetracycline                                    35            30        86
Cefazolin                                       40            39        98
Cefepime                                        40            39        98
Ceftazidime                                     40            39        98
Aztreonam                                       40            39        98
Meropenem                                       39            36        92
Piperacillin/Tazobactam                         39            38        98
Ampicillin/Sulbactam                            35            31        89
Cefoxitin                                       19            19        100
Imipenem                                        18            15        84
Penicillin                                       9             7        78
Teicoplanin                                      9             9        100
Erythromycin                                     9             7        78
Clindamycin                                      4             3        75
Oxacillin                                        4             2        50
Linezolid                                        9             8        89
Vancomycin                                       9             9        100
Moxifloxacin                                     4             3        75
Rifampin                                         3             3        100
Azithromycin                                     3             3        100
Fosfomycin                                      21            21        100
Total Cases                                     970          894        92

Sample wise AST Report Analysis

                              Panels                           Percentage correlation
                       Gram Negative Pathogens                          92
                       Gram Positive Pathogens                          90
                           UTI Pathogens                                95
                              Overall                                   92

Antibiotic wise AST Report Analysis
When comparing individual antibiotic performance, an agreement of 84 – 100% has been observed between
          TM                      TM
Micropro ~ AST and BD Phoenix .

Sample wise AST Report Analysis for Gram Negative Pathogens
Antibiotics panels were run of both MicroproTM ~ AST and BD Phoenix and reports were collected for further
analysis. Both manufacturers have different sets of antibiotics for Gram negative, Gram positive and UTI panels.
Against one patient ID, the results of antibiotics common in both the panels (for MicroproTM ~ AST and BD
Phoenix ) were compared and a tally score was obtained and correlation percentage was calculated.
The results obtained were tabulated for each patient ID for the three panels GN, GP and UTI.
The overall correlation percentage obtained was 92.3 %.

Antibiotic wise AST Report Analysis
Out of the common antibiotics compared in both the systems, individual antibiotic performance was also
Total number of cases was noted against each antibiotic, and the tally score was obtained based on the number
of cases the results are in agreement. The results obtained were tabulated for each antibiotic for all the 50
                                                                         TM                       TM
cases. An agreement of 84 – 100% has been observed between Micropro ~ AST and BD Phoenix .

Less than 80 % score was also obtained for few antibiotics, which may be due to insufficient sample size.

With Micropro ~ AST system, susceptibility test results can be delivered rapidly.
Micropro ~ AST system and computerized user interface are convenient to work with.
Sample preparation and result interpretation requires less effort and expertise.
With a cumulative Correlation Percentage of 92 %, Micropro ~ AST system is an ideal tool for routine
susceptibility testing in microbiology laboratories.

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