Mobile Network Architecture Evolution toward 5G - IMDEA Networks ...

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Mobile Network Architecture Evolution toward 5G - IMDEA Networks ...
LTE-Advanced Pro

                               Mobile Network Architecture
                                  Evolution toward 5G
         Peter Rost, Albert Banchs, Ignacio Berberana, Markus Breitbach, Mark Doll, Heinz Droste, Christian Mannweiler, Miguel A. Puente,
                                                    Konstantinos Samdanis, and Bessem Sayadi

The authors discuss 3GPP                                  Abstract                                             further services such as small data services as
EPS mobile network                                                                                             well as machine type communication (MTC)
evolution as a whole, ana-         As a chain is as strong as its weakest element,                             services. Meanwhile, cloud computing technolo-
                               so are the efficiency, flexibility, and robustness                              gies and cloud concepts have gained momentum
lyzing specific architecture   of a mobile network, which relies on a range of                                 not only from the information technology (IT)
properties that are critical   different functional elements and mechanisms.                                   perspective, but also within the telecom world.
in future 3GPP EPS releas-     Indeed, the mobile network architecture needs                                   Integrating cloud concepts into 3GPP EPS allows
es. In particular, they dis-   particular attention when discussing the evolu-                                 support for novel and emerging services. On the
cuss the evolution toward      tion of 3GPP EPS because it is the architecture                                 other hand, it requires novel architectural con-
                               that integrates the many different future tech-                                 cepts, which natively support cloud technologies.
a “network of functions,”      nologies into one mobile network. This article                                  However, the static assignment of functionality
network slicing, and           discusses 3GPP EPS mobile network evolution as                                  to network elements and the strong functional
software-defined mobile        a whole, analyzing specific architecture proper-                                dependencies within each network element make
network control, manage-       ties that are critical in future 3GPP EPS releases.                             it difficult to support the required flexibility of
ment, and orchestration.       In particular, this article discusses the evolution                             future 3GPP EPS deployments.
                               toward a “network of functions,” network slicing,                                   The following sections detail concepts that
                               and software-defined mobile network control,                                    could contribute to the evolution of 3GPP EPS
                               management, and orchestration. Furthermore,                                     in order to provide the required flexibility for
                               the roadmap for the future evolution of 3GPP                                    supporting network services with diverse require-
                               EPS and its technology components is detailed                                   ments, to enable diverse mobile networks deploy-
                               and relevant standards defining organizations are                               ments, and to provide a higher degree of context
                               listed.                                                                         awareness. Specifically, the next section intro-
                                                                                                               duces relevant concepts such as flexible function
                                                      Introduction                                             composition, network slicing, and software-de-
                               The Third Generation Partnership Project                                        fined network control. After that we provide an
                               (3GPP) evolved packet system (EPS) of Long                                      overview of the standardization roadmap, and
                               Term Evolution (LTE) refers to the logical                                      the article concludes in the final section.
                               architecture composed of the radio access net-
                               work (RAN), called the evolved universal ter-                                                Mobile Network Evolution
                               restrial radio access network (E-UTRAN) in the                                  In order to support diverse services such as
                               case of LTE, and the evolved packet core (EPC)                                  eHealth, the Internet of Things (IoT), and
                               as defined in [1, 2] and illustrated in Fig. 1. The                             vehicular-to-everything (V2X) in future mobile
                               objective of this logical architecture is to enable a                           networks, we see a need for enhancing the
                               flat IP-based network and provide a standardized                                EPS toward a flexible mobile network accom-
                               set of network elements and network interfac-                                   modating novel architectural principles while
                               es. Standardized elements and interfaces enable                                 maintaining backward compatibility. Such an
                               operators to integrate equipment and implemen-                                  evolved EPS architecture must support legacy
                               tations from different vendors into a single sys-                               radio technologies as well as novel radio access
                               tem, while ensuring interoperability. The design                                interfaces such as millimeter-wave (mmWave) or
                               of a logical architecture satisfies requirements                                centimeter-wave transmission. It should accom-
                               originating from use cases that are expected to                                 modate emerging processing paradigms such as
                               be of particular interest for 3GPP EPS. So far,                                 mobile edge computing (MEC) and cloud-RAN
                               the aim of 3GPP EPS has been mainly the pro-                                    (C-RAN), while enabling flexible deployment
                               vision of mobile broadband service, for which                                   patterns based on small, micro, and macrocells
                               the system makes very efficient use of available                                and allowing programmability to support very dif-
                               spectrum.                                                                       ferent requirements in terms of latency, robust-
                                   So far, past releases (i.e., Rel-11, Re-12, and                             ness, and throughput.
                               Rel-13) studied and specified how to integrate                                     Based on this, we see two main objectives

                                      Peter Rost and Christian Mannweiler are with Nokia Networks; Albert Banchs is with IMDEA Networks; Ignacio Berberana is with Telefonia I+D;
                                  Markus Breitbach and Heinz Droste are with Deutsche Telekom; Mark Doll was with Alcatel Lucent and is now with Nokia; Miguel A. Puente is with ATOS;
                                               Konstantinos Samdanis is with NEC Europe Labs, UK; Bessem Sayadi was with Alcatel Lucent, France, and is now with Nokia.

84                                         0163-6804/16/$25.00 © 2016 IEEE                                                       IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016
that must be addressed by an evolved 3GPP EPS
                                                                                              Operator’s IP services
    Multi-service and context-aware adaptation
of the mobile network, which implies that the
mobile network needs to adopt its operation                      Control layer                  Rx                     SGi             Data layer
based on the actual service requirements and
the related context. The context includes deploy-                                                       Gx
ment properties, transport network properties,                   HSS                   PCRF                                  PDN-GW
and service properties, as well as available RAN
technologies.                                                              S6a                                         S5
    Mobile network multi-tenancy, which aims to
reduce capital and operational costs by allow-                                                S11
ing infrastructure providers to make the best                  MME                                                           S-GW
use of available resources, including spectrum
                                                                                 S1-                      1-U
and infrastructure. Hence, multiple tenants may                S1-MME               MM                   S             S1-U
                                                                                         E                                                    EPC
share resources within the mobile network while
offering diverse services.                                                                                                              E-UTRAN
    In order to achieve these objectives, the fol-
lowing main functionalities should be supported
and will be further detailed in the following sec-
tions.                                                             eNB                                        eNB
                                                                         LTE-Uu                          LTE-Uu               LTE-Uu
    Network of functions: Traditionally, mobile
network functions are readily grouped into net-
work entities, each responsible for a predefined
set of functions, and interfaces connecting these
entities. Using a flexible “network of functions”
allows adaptation to diverse services, and optimi-    Figure 1. The (basic) 3GPP evolved packet system.
zation using different software rather than using
different parameterizations. Each block may be
replaceable and could be individually instantiat-     limited. For instance, it is possible to collocate
ed for each logical network running on the same       EPC elements, such as gateways, with a base
infrastructure. However, it must not imply a mul-     station in 3GPP EPS. However, it is not possi-
titude of interfaces, as detailed later.              ble to only place parts of the functionality of a
    Network slicing allows the same mobile net-       gateway or mobility management entity (MME)
work infrastructure to be used by multiple differ-    with a base station. Similarly, it is possible to
ent operators, including vertical market players,     fully centralize RAN functionality using the com-
each implementing its own logical network, for        mon public radio interface (CPRI) and central
example, a logical network for mobile broadband       baseband units. However, such deployments
with very high throughput, a logical network          use non-virtualized baseband units at the cen-
connecting a massive amount of sensor nodes           tral location; hence, it is rather relocating func-
(including indoors), or a logical network provid-     tionality that does not exploit all characteristics
ing critical infrastructure connectivity for traf-    of cloud computing. It is further not possible to
fic management or energy control. Hence, each         only move parts of the RAN functionality except
network slice fulfills different requirements and     in a proprietary way [3, 4].
serves very different purposes.                           The decomposition of the mobile network
    Software-defined mobile network control is        functionality would imply a stronger decou-
required to flexibly control both a flexible net-     pling of logical and physical architecture than in
work of functions as well as a set of network slic-   3GPP EPS as illustrated in Fig. 2, that is, phys-
es. This control must be programmable in order        ical network functions (PNFs) may be executed
to adapt the network behavior to the current          on bare metal, while virtual network functions
requirements. This functionality goes beyond the      (VNFs) may be executed on local or remote data
separation of the control and data planes, includ-    centers (referred to as edge and central cloud
ing the control of RAN functionality as well as       in Fig. 2). Bare metal refers in this case to the
the mobile network control plane.                     non-virtualized access to radio access resourc-
                                                      es, for example, through digital signal proces-
           Network of Functions                       sors (DSPs), rather than on cloud computing
The objective of a mobile network architecture        platforms. Hence, depending on the use case,
is to allow for integrating different technologies    requirements, and the physical properties of the
and enabling different use cases. Due to the part-    existing deployment, mobile network functional-
ly conflicting requirements, it is necessary to use   ity is executed at different entities within the net-
the right functionality at the right place and time   work. This imposes a number of challenges; for
within the network. In order to provide this flex-    example, the system itself must not become more
ibility, it has recently been discussed whether the   complex, and the introduction of new interfaces
network functions virtualization (NFV) paradigm       should be avoided as much as possible. Hence,
should be adopted in the mobile access network        the VNF assignment should exploit an effi-
domain, that is, enabling mobile network func-        cient control and orchestration plane as further
tionality to be decomposed into smaller function      described below. Furthermore, the coexistence
blocks that are flexibly instantiated.                of different use cases and services would imply
    So far, the degrees of freedom for assigning      the need to use different VNF allocations with-
network functionality to network entities is very     in the network. This is further elaborated later

IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016                                                                                                             85
Network slicing is cen-
                                                                                                                          Edge cloud
     tered on the concept
                                                      Edge cloud                                              Orchestration and
     of deploying multiple                                                                                      management
 dedicated logical mobile
                                                     VNF                                                         Controllers
     networks with varying
     levels of mutual isola-                 Bare metal
 tion on top of the same
 infrastructure. A network
                                                     PNF                              SDN-enabled transport
     slice is a collection of                                                                      network
                                                                                                                                          Central cloud
     mobile network func-                                                                                                      Orchestration and
 tions and a specific set                                                                                                       management
     of radio access tech-              Bare metal                                                                                Controllers
                                                                   SDN-enabled transport
     nologies necessary to                                         network
 operate an end-to-end
 logical mobile network.

                                Figure 2. Relationship of functional assignment and physical architecture.

                                using the network slicing model. The challenge                     access technologies (RATs) (or specific RAT
                                of avoiding many additional interfaces may be                      configurations) necessary to operate an end-
                                addressed by a flexible container protocol on the                  to-end (self-contained) logical mobile network.
                                user [5] and control planes. The mobile network                    This set of network functions and configurations
                                must further integrate legacy technologies as well                 may be combined such that slice-specific data
                                to guarantee that it can operate with existing net-                and control plane functionality is tailored to the
                                works.                                                             requirements of considerably different use cases,
                                    The main benefit of the described architec-                    network customers, or business models. Con-
                                ture is the possibility to exploit centralization                  sequently, network slicing is a technology that
                                gains where possible, to optimize the network                      enables both multi-tenancy and service-tailored
                                operation to the actual network topology and                       composition of mobile networks.
                                its structural properties, and to use algorithms                      Network slicing leverages the economies of
                                optimized for particular services, that is, optimize               scale to be expected when running multiple log-
                                through dedicated implementations instead of                       ical mobile networks on top of a common infra-
                                parameters.                                                        structure. In this sense, network slicing is an
                                    Table 1 lists examples where the operation                     evolution of network sharing, which has been a
                                may be optimized through different VNFs. For                       key business model for mobile network operators
                                instance, it may be possible to use a flexible air                 to reduce deployment and operational costs. In
                                interface numerology and, depending on the                         3GPP, the System Architecture 1 working group
                                network terminal, different coding strategies,                     (WG SA1) conducted a study on actively shar-
                                multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) modes,                       ing RAN resources while maintaining sharing
                                and framing structures, which are optimized for                    policies and providing flexibility for on-demand
                                throughput, delay, or reliability. However, the                    resource sharing within shorter time periods [6].
                                upper layer packetization may still be the same                    Architecture and operations that enable differ-
                                for all use cases, which allows the same software                  ent mobile operators with a separate core net-
                                implementation to be reused. Another example                       work (multi-operator core network, MOCN) to
                                includes cooperative transmission, where gains                     share the RAN are specified by WG SA2 [7]. In
                                are highly dependent on the environment; for                       general, sharing of resources can be divided into
                                example, if the system is not operating at full                    three categories: static [8], dynamic (e.g., spec-
                                load, cooperative scheduling may perform as effi-                  trum sharing [9]), and mixed resource allocation
                                ciently as cooperative multipoint transmission,                    (spectrum sharing and virtualized resource block
                                whereas at full load the gains depend highly on                    sharing [10]). While passive and active sharing
                                the number of interferers and channel knowl-                       solutions, for example, for network elements
                                edge.                                                              or medium access control (MAC) schedulers,
                                                                                                   are partially used and standardized today, these
                                                network slIcIng                                    sharing concepts are based on fixed contractual
                                Network slicing is centered on the concept of                      agreements with mobile virtual network oper-
                                deploying multiple dedicated logical mobile net-                   ators (MVNOs) on a coarse granularity basis
                                works with varying levels of mutual isolation on                   (monthly/yearly) [11].
                                top of the same infrastructure. A network slice                       NFV, and software-defined mobile network
                                is a collection of mobile network functions (or                    control and orchestration enable a new level of
                                groups of functions) and a specific set of radio                   sharing by decoupling infrastructure resources

86                                                                                                                   IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016
from application software, and by a split of the
                                                        Network functions                Relevant parameters
control and data planes. This significantly sim-
plifies the partitioning of network infrastructure
                                                                                         Highly depends on carrier frequency (e.g., sub-6 GHz or mmWave),
resources among different operators (or ten-            Cell discovery                   MIMO technologies (e.g., beamforming).
ants). Further, slices can be isolated from each
other to allow for an adaptation of security mea-                                        Mobility may not be required by some services (metering), or only
sures according to service-specific requirements        Mobility                         very locally (enterprises), in groups (trains), or at very high speed
(flexible security) and for securing parallel oper-                                      (cars).
ation of multiple services or tenants. While isola-
tion between network slices is highly important,                                         Carrier aggregation may not be needed in each scenario as it also
                                                        Carrier aggregation              impacts battery consumption; it could further include very distinct
it finds its limits where available resources need                                       spectrum.
a common control (e.g., the radio scheduler): If
the required isolation level cannot be preserved,
a security weakness in one slice can be exploited                                        Multi-connectivity could include different network layers (micro/
                                                                                         macro), different technologies (WiFi/LTE), and different spectrum
to attack another slice. Strong security measures       Multi-connectivity               (sub-6 GHz/mmWave). It may further be implemented at very dif-
to maintain the isolation between multiple ser-                                          ferent layers (e.g., among others) depending on deployments.
vices and tenants operating on a shared infra-
structure platform must be mandatory for all                                             The actual connectivity may be based on bearers (high throughput)
services and tenants.                                   Connectivity model               or connectionless (IoT). In the connectionless case, many non-ac-
    Mobile core network elements rapidly evolve                                          cess stratum (NAS) functions are not needed.
toward “cloud readiness” (i.e., deployment in
data center environments). Consequently, each                                            Coding techniques may vary depending on the use case, for exam-
network slice can be composed from dedicated,           Coding                           ple, block codes for short (sensor) transmissions or turbo codes for
                                                                                         high throughput.
customized instances of required network func-
tions (NFs) and network elements (NEs). Alter-
natively, slices can share function instances in                                         Depending on the current load, deployment, and channels, tighter
                                                        Multi-cell cooperation           cooperation (joint Tx/Rx) or looser cooperation (ICIC) is possible.
particular cases (e.g., for storage-intensive com-
ponents like subscriber databases). In the RAN
                                                                                         Depending on the use case requirements and available spectrum,
domain, extended sharing concepts facilitate the        Spectrum access                  possibly different spectrum access strategies may be required (e.g.,
exploitation and management of radio resources                                           licensed, unlicensed, license-assisted).
offered by the owner of the network infrastruc-
ture to tenants. In this multi-tenant ecosystem,                                         Depending on the applicable access control and accounting/
                                                        Authentication, authorization,
classic tenants such as mobile network operators                                         charging policies, AAA functionality is different and may be placed/
                                                        accounting (AAA)
(MNOs) and mobile virtual network operators                                              instantiated in different locations.
(MVNOs) coexist with vertical businesses, for
                                                                                         Depending on the user context (children) and the requested ser-
example, utility companies, automotive and man-         Parental control                 vice, the parental control function becomes part of the service chain
ufacturing companies, and over-the-top (OTT)                                             for according service flows.
service providers such as YouTube and Netflix.
These tenants relate to network slicing in the         Table 1. Examples for functional optimization.
sense that a tenant may instantiate and make use
of one or more slices. Figure 3 shows how the
different NFs may be instantiated on different         that context, software-defined network (SDN)
network elements depending on the network              functionality has recently gained momentum as
slice (service), that is, physical NFs would be        a new approach to performing network opera-
deployed on non-virtualized hardware, different        tions. With traditional SDN, control functions
levels of edge cloud instances would provide vir-      are decoupled from the data plane through a
tualized resources (e.g., closer to the access point   well defined interface and are implemented in
or exploiting points of presence) in addition to       software. This simplifies networking, provides a
a central cloud. It further shows the virtualiza-      higher degree of flexibility and enhanced scal-
tion layer, which is responsible for multiplexing      ability, while reducing cost. Indeed, by simply
requests from different slices operating on virtu-     modifying the software of the control functions,
alized resources toward physical resources.            SDN allows the behavior of the network to be
    Beyond multi-tenancy, network slicing addi-        flexibly changed, considering specific services and
tionally serves as a means to deploy multiple ser-     applications.
vice-tailored mobile network instances within a            Following the paradigm of SDN, the con-
single MNO, each addressing a particular use case      trol of the mobile network architecture adopts
with a specific set of requirements (e.g., mobile      the software-defined mobile network control
broadband or IoT). In that context, the aforemen-      (SDMC) concept focusing on wireless-specific
tioned “network of functions” concept enables the      functions. Our SDMC approach resembles SDN
joint optimization of mobile access and core net-      by splitting wireless functionality into those func-
work functions. Each network slice is composed of      tions that are being controlled and remain rela-
functions according to service needs; for example,     tively stable, and those functions that control the
low-latency services require the allocation of most    overall network and are executed at the control-
network functions at the edge.                         ler. However, our SDMC concept is specifically
                                                       devised to control mobile network functionality,
     Orchestration and Management                      and it is not limited to data plane functions, but
As mentioned before, an essential component            includes control plane functions of the mobile
of the mobile network is the efficient orchestra-      network, both of which can be placed arbitrarily
tion and management of mobile network func-            in the edge cloud or the central cloud, as shown
tions through a low-complexity interface. In           in Fig. 2.

IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016                                                                                                                          87
Adopting a logically cen-
     tralized control unifies
 heterogeneous network                                                                            SDM control and orchestration

                                                                                                                                                                              Network slice 3
                                                                                                                                                            Network slice 2
     technologies and pro-                                                                      NF 1

                                                                                                                                        Network slice 1
  vides efficient network                                                         NF 2
      control of heteroge-
                                                                       NF 3
  neously deployed net-
                                                              NF 4
 works. In particular, the
     network control must                           NF 5

 consider evolving traffic                                                                                                                                Tenant 1
                                                                     Compute                  Compute                     Compute
     demands, enhanced
                                                                      Storage                  Storage                     Storage                        Tenant 2
  mobility management,                                               Networking             Networking                   Networking
 and dynamic radio char-
                                                                                         Virtualization layer
                                                                     Compute                  Compute                     Compute


                                                   special            Storage                  Storage                     Storage
                                                  hardware           Networking             Networking                   Networking

                                                   Physical            Edge                     Edge                       Central
                                                     NF                cloud                    cloud                       cloud

                                Figure 3. Network slicing concept.

                                    To enable the SDMC paradigm within 3GPP                  ager needs to interact with 3GPP policies, that is,
                                EPS, where wireless functionality is controlled              the policy and charging rules function (PCRF),
                                centrally, we collocate the SDMC within the                  via a new network interface called ItfPolicy, to
                                3GPP network management system. This takes                   enable flexible policy provision for multiple ten-
                                advantage of the legacy performance monitor-                 ants and network innovation.
                                ing, forming a logical global RAN information                   The key advantages resulting from the pro-
                                base that can be used by the SDMC to control                 posed approach include the following.
                                various network functions. The control of wire-                 Flexibility: One of the problems that net-
                                less networks comprises, among others, chan-                 work operators are facing today is that while
                                nel selection, scheduling, modulation and coding             wireless equipment is quite expensive, this is
                                scheme selection, and power control. Figure 4                very rigid and does not adapt to their needs. By
                                illustrates the SDMC architecture showing the                using SDMC, operators would be able to fit the
                                main functional features and operations. With                equipment to their needs through simply repro-
                                a software-defined approach, all these functions             gramming the controller and thus reducing costs,
                                could be performed by a programmable soft-                   while being able to scale up and down virtual
                                ware defined mobile controller, which provides               functions, also enhancing reliability.
                                very important benefits for the operation of the                Unified Management: Adopting logically
                                mobile network.                                              centralized control unifies heterogeneous net-
                                    However, it is essential to enhance the cur-             work technologies and provides efficient network
                                rent 3GPP Type 2 interfaces (ItfN) between the               control of heterogeneously deployed networks.
                                network management system and the network                    In particular, the network control must consid-
                                equipment to allow the SDMC to provide net-                  er evolving traffic demands, enhanced mobility
                                work programmability and support for multi-ten-              management, and dynamic radio characteristics.
                                ancy. Those enhancements should reflect SDN                     Simplified Operation of the Wireless Net-
                                capabilities such as network abstraction and con-            work: With SDMC, network operators only need
                                trol providing sufficient network management                 to control a set of logically centralized entities
                                flexibility. Interfacing the SDMC with the net-              that run the entire network, which, depending
                                work management system in such a manner can                  on actual latency requirements, possibly includes
                                also enable multi-tenancy support and network                heterogeneous radio technologies.
                                programmability taking advantage of the 3GPP                    Enabling Network Innovation: By modify-
                                Type 5 interface. This allows receiving network              ing the controller functions (i.e., SDMC Apps),
                                sharing requests from MVNOs [12] and offering                many new services that were not included in
                                a means of network resource acquisition to OTT               the initial architecture design can be enabled by
                                providers and verticals via the SDMC north-                  modifying the network behavior to introduce ser-
                                bound application programming interface (API).               vice-specific enhancements within a few hours
                                In addition, the northbound interface offers the             instead of weeks [13].
                                capability of flexible provision of the so-called               Programmability: By adapting the functions
                                SDMC Apps. To accommodate the related ser-                   such as scheduling or channel selection to the
                                vice requirements of multi-tenancy and SDMC                  specific needs of the applications or the scenario,
                                Apps, the infrastructure provider network man-               significant performance gains can be achieved.

88                                                                                                              IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016
By adapting the func-
                                                                                 Multi-tenancy support
                                                                                                                                   tions such as scheduling
                Updates QoS Innovation                                                                                             or channel selection to
                                                                                                                                    the specific needs of
               Algorithms        Orchestration                                                                                     the applications or the
                                                                                                         Sharing operator
                           SDMC apps                 Tenant A            Tenant B                        network manager           scenario, significant per-
                                                                                                            Tenant C               formance gains can be
       Northbound-API (SDN)                                                                                                        achieved. For instance,
                                                                                                    Type 5 interface (3GPP)
        Power efficiency            Software defined mobile network controller (SDMC)                                                the controller has a
        network slicing                                                                                       Itf-policy           global view of the net-
                                  RAN            Infrastructure provider network manager
        etc.                   info-base                                                                                           work, which allows for
         Type 2 interface (Itf-N) (3GPP)                                                                                           optimizing the resource
         with SDN related enhancements                                                                                      PCRF
                                                                                                                                   allocation and schedul-
                                                                                                                                   ing across multiple BSs.


                                                            X2              X2

Figure 4. SDMC architecture and operations.

For instance, the controller has a global view                         • It is anticipated that the timeframe for pro-
of the network, which allows for optimizing the                           posals will be focused on 2018.
resource allocation and scheduling across multi-                       • In 2018–2020 the evaluation by independent
ple BSs.                                                                  external evaluation groups and definition of
    Inter-Slice Resource Control: Following the                           the new radio interfaces to be included in
network slice concept described above, infra-                             IMT-2020 will take place.
structure domain-hosted SDMC allows the infra-                             Similar to previous mobile network genera-
structure provider to assign unutilized resources                      tions, 3GPP is expected to also be the leading
to support third party services. Hence, the SDMC                       standardization body for 5G, and the correspond-
can allocate a network slice with a specified net-                     ing roadmap is shown in Fig. 5. 3GPP has start-
work capacity, a particular split of the control/                      ed to work on 5G in both the SA and RAN
data plane, and a selection of VNFs.                                   working groups. The current 3GPP Release 13
                                                                       and the coming 3GPP Release 14 will provide
         stAndArdIZAtIon roAdMAP                                       enhancements to LTE-Advanced under the
The International Telecommunication Union                              name “LTE-Advanced Pro.” This will become
Radiocommunication Standardization Sector                              the baseline technology for the evolution from
(ITU-R) is developing a longer-term vision of                          LTE-Advanced to 5G. In parallel, 5G scenarios
mobile networks and their evolution toward 2020                        and requirements will be studied, which likely
and beyond. It provides a framework and over-                          demand a revolutionary new architecture pro-
all objectives of the future developments of 5G                        viding greater flexibility, as stated in the previous
systems (referred to as IMT-2020) which involve                        section. This work is expected to be completed
several steps:                                                         by mid-2017.
• In early 2012, ITU-R embarked on a pro-                                  SA1 has been working on a “Study on New
   gram to develop “IMT for 2020 and                                   Services and Markets Technology Enablers”
   beyond,” setting the stage for fifth gener-                         (SMARTER) since April 2015. As a result, four
   ation (5G) research activities, which are                           additional study items have been created that
   emerging around the world.                                          include three vertical industries and one hori-
• In 2015, ITU-R finalized its vision of the 5G                        zontal group. The verticals are enhanced mobile
   mobile broadband connected society, which                           broadband (eMBB), critical communications
   will be instrumental in setting the agenda                          (CriC), and massive IoT (mIoT); the horizontal
   for the World Radiocommunication Con-                               study is on network operation (NEO). The latter
   ference 2019, where deliberations on addi-                          deals with, among other issues, network slicing,
   tional spectrum will take place in support of                       interworking, and migration, as well as fixed-mo-
   the future growth of IMT.                                           bile convergence (FMC). In March 2016, another
• In the 2016–2017 timeframe, ITU-R will                               study item for 5G vehicular-to-anything (V2X)
   define in detail the performance require-                           communication was agreed. SA1 plans to finalize
   ments, evaluation criteria, and methodolo-                          its studies in June 2016 and then start normative
   gy for the assessment of a new IMT radio                            work in 3GPP Release 15.
   interface.                                                              SA2 targets to finish its “Study on Architec-

IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016                                                                                                                     89
The mobile network             2016.3                                        2017.6                             2018.9                                    2019.12
                                                                                                    Rel-15                               Rel-16
 architecture evolution as                             Rel-14                                    (initial 5G)                      (comprehensive 5G)
 discussed in this article              5G SI(s): Scenario and requirements ...
 impacts many different             SI: HF (> 6GHz) channel model
     network components.
                                                                                                Other features/enhancements
     Hence, in addition to            5G SI(s):         New RAT framework                  High-frequency-specific
     3GPP other standards                                                                      feature design
     developing organiza-                                                                  5G phase 1 WI(s)                       5G phase 2 WI(s)
                                      Start with restricted spectrum
 tions will participate in            range                                   Fundamental features of new RAT:                Extension to full spectrum range,
                                                                              restricted spectrum range, support              other features and enhancements.
     the definition of the                                                    both eMBB and IoT                               Meet all IMT-2020 requirements
  future mobile network
                                 ITU process                                                                         Proposal                           Spec

                             Figure 5. 3GPP LTE standardization roadmap toward 5G.

                             ture for Next Generation System” in September                              tions (SDOs) will participate in the definition
                             2016. An important topic in this study will be                             of the future mobile network architecture. Most
                             the interface between the LTE-Advanced RAN                                 notably, the following SDOs will be involved in
                             and a future 5G core network (CN). SA2 has                                 addition to 3GPP:
                             agreed to follow the Next Generation Mobile                                    •The European Telecommunications Stan-
                             Network (NGMN) alliance, in particular Option                              dards Institute (ETSI) NFV industry specification
                             3 detailed in [12]. The new 5G CN will be able                             group (ISG) has created a framework for virtual-
                             to support a new 5G RAT as well as an evolved                              ization of network functions. This framework has
                             LTE-Advanced and other RATs such as IEEE                                   been applied successfully to VNFs, mostly in the
                             802.11. This enables 5G network terminals to                               CN. In the RAN, where hardware still plays an
                             move between 5G and the evolved LTE-Ad-                                    important role, implementation of NFV concepts
                             vanced without any interworking between the 5G                             is more difficult [14]; for example, the C-RAN
                             and 4G CNs, and thus provides a sound migra-                               concept with a fully centralized and virtualized
                             tion path from the LTE-based RAN to 5G.                                    RAN was among the first use cases, already dis-
                                 The RAN working groups are targeting the                               cussed in 2012 in ETSI NFV. However, as of
                             first true 5G features to appear in 3GPP Release                           today, there are no large-scale commercial imple-
                             15 (i.e., in the second half of 2018). This implies                        mentations. In order to gain more impact, the
                             that 3GPP will complete its initial 5G specifica-                          ETSI framework must be extended to be appli-
                             tions right before the Olympic Winter Games                                cable not only to virtualized hardware but also to
                             2018, which will take place in Korea. The focus                            non-virtualized, bare metal hardware [14].
                             in this 5G “Phase 1” will mostly be on enabling                                •The ETSI MEC ISG is looking at how to
                             new spectrum in high frequencies above 6 GHz.                              provide IT and cloud computing capabilities
                             More features for implementing architectural                               within the RAN in close proximity to mobile
                             enhancements will follow in 5G “Phase 2” with                              subscribers, allowing content, services, and
                             3GPP Release 16 (i.e., by the end of 2019) in                              applications to be accelerated, and increasing
                             time for their submission to the IMT-2020 as well                          responsiveness from the edge.
                             as the Olympic Summer Games 2020 in Japan.                                     •The Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
                                 Despite these planned architectural enhance-                           is the leading force in the development of open
                             ments, further efforts are needed by 3GPP and                              standards for the adoption of the SDN con-
                             other standardization bodies to accomplish the                             cept. However, in order to provide the benefits
                             migration from 3GPP EPS toward a new 5G                                    described above, the SDN protocol functional-
                             architecture. A completely new type of inter-                              ities developed by ONF (e.g., OpenFlow and
                             face has to be designed and standardized when                              OF-Config) need to be extended to cope with 5G
                             the “network of functions” is going to replace                             requirements and toward 3GPP EPS.
                             today’s “network of entities,” as pointed out ear-                             •The Internet Engineering Task Force
                             lier. Furthermore, the use of network slicing for                          (IETF) is also considering the use of Internet
                             multi-tenancy and multi-service described above                            protocols (e.g., IPv6 and IP Multicast) in 5G net-
                             requires a flexible execution environment that                             works, although the work required does not have
                             is capable of supporting the diversity of network                          a clear scope yet. There are proposals for using
                             functions in parallel. The application of SDN                              IETF developed protocols such as locator/ID
                             concepts promising this flexibility to mobile radio                        separation protocol (LISP), host identity proto-
                             networks is, however, still in an experimental                             col (HIP), and information-centric networking
                             phase, although the C-RAN concept, RAN virtu-                              (ICN) to address shortcomings of the current 4G
                             alization, and their expected centralization gains                         CN for the support of additional 5G functional-
                             have been discussed for several years.                                     ities (e.g., reducing network latency or support-
                                 The mobile network architecture evolution                              ing new mobility models). IETF is also working
                             as discussed in this article impacts many differ-                          on the development of an architecture for ser-
                             ent network components. Hence, in addition to                              vice function chaining that includes the necessary
                             3GPP, other standards development organiza-                                protocols or protocol extensions for the nodes

90                                                                                                                     IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016
that are involved in the implementation of ser-                                   pean projects 5G-NORMA and METIS-II, and business unit projects on 5G
                                                                                  architecture. He serves as a member of the IEEE ComSoc GITC, VDE ITG                 It is in our opinion of
vice functions, as well as mechanisms for steering                                Expert Committee Information and System Theory, and as Executive Editor of
traffic through service functions.                                                IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.                                         high importance to
   conclusIons And further chAllenges                                             A LBERT B ANCHS [SM] ( received his M.Sc. and Ph.D.               consider the future evo-
                                                                                  degrees from UPC-BarcelonaTech in 1997 and 2002. He was at ICSI Berkeley
This article discusses the evolutionary 3GPP EPS                                  in 1997, at Telefonica I+D in 1998, and at NEC Europe from 1998 to 2003.            lution of 3GPP EPS not
mobile network architecture, and the need to pro-                                 Currently, he is an associate professor with the University Carlos III of Madrid,   only as the introduction
vide a flexible architecture that integrates differ-                              and has a double affiliation as deputy director of the IMDEA Networks insti-
ent technologies and enables diverse use cases.                                   tute. His research interests include performance evaluation and algorithm           of a novel air interface
                                                                                  design in wireless networks.
We introduce and explain various concepts such                                                                                                                        but as the evolution of
as the transition from a predefined set of functions                              IGNACIO BERBERANA ( received his M.S.
                                                                                                                                                                       one mobile network
grouped into network entities to a flexible network                               degree in mining engineering from Madrid Polytechnic University in 1987. In
of functions, the network slicing concept, and soft-                              1988 he joined Telefonica I+D, where he has worked mainly in wireless com-           architecture toward a
                                                                                  munications, including several European projects (CODIT, MONET, Artist4G,
ware defined mobile network control, orchestra-                                   iJOIN). Currently, he is responsible for the Innovation unit in the Radio Access      “system of systems”
tion, and management. In addition, the relevance                                  Networks direction of the Telefónica Global CTO office, dealing with long-
of different standards defining organizations has                                 term evolution of mobile access, including 5G systems.                               where many different
been outlined and their roadmap has been detailed.                                                                                                                    use cases, technologies,
                                                                                  MARKUS BREITBACH ( is working as a senior
    It is in our opinion that it is highly important                              expert in the area of end-to-end network architecture. Before joining Deutsche       and deployments are
to consider the future evolution of 3GPP EPS                                      Telekom in 2006, he developed concepts for UMTS base stations and their
not only as the introduction of a novel air inter-                                HSPA schedulers for a major infrastructure supplier. In the last years, he has        integrated, and the
face but as the evolution of one mobile network                                   been working on network virtualization. Holding both a Ph.D. in electrical
                                                                                  engineering and an M.B.A., his ambition is to design innovative network                operation of each
architecture toward a “system of systems” where                                   concepts that fit well into the surrounding business picture.
many different use cases, technologies, and                                                                                                                           system is tailored to its
deployments are integrated, and the operation of                                  MARK DOLL ( received his Dipl.-Phys. degree                actual purpose.
each system is tailored to its actual purpose.                                    in physics from Technische Universität Braunschweig in 2000 and his Dr.-
                                                                                  Ing. in computer science from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in
                                                                                  2007. At KIT, he worked on mobility, multicast, and QoS support for the
                          AcknowledgMent                                          Internet. Upon joining Nokia Bell Labs, his work shifted to EPS CoMP and
This work has been performed in the framework                                     EPS air-to-ground communication for aircrafts and now focuses on post-cel-
of the H2020-ICT-2014-2 project 5G NORMA.                                         lular “user-centric” wireless access for 5G. He acts as 5G NORMA’s technical
The authors would like to acknowledge the con-
tributions of their colleagues. This information                                  HEINZ DROSTE ( works for Deutsche Telekom in
reflects the consortium’s view, but the consor-                                   Darmstadt on mobile communication related projects. Antennas and radio
tium is not liable for any use that may be made                                   wave propagation belong to his knowledge field as well as system-level
                                                                                  simulation and radio network planning. His current R&D activities at Telekom
of any of the information contained therein.                                      Innovation Laboratories focus on the optimization of EPS and EPS-A deploy-
                                                                                  ments where he is acting as senior expert and project manager. He is actively
                               references                                         contributing to the EU funded R&D project 5G NORMA.
[1] 3GPP, “TS 36.300; Overall Description; Stage 2,” tech. spec., 2013.
[2] 3GPP, “TS 23.401; General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Enhancements for        Christian Mannweiler ( received his
      Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Access,”       M.Sc. (Dipl.-Ing.) and Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) degrees from Kaiserslautern Uni-
      tech. spec., 2015.                                                          versity, Germany, in 2008 and 2014, respectively. Since 2015, he has
[3] P. Rost et al., “Cloud Technologies for Flexible 5G Radio Access Networks,”   been a member of the Network Management Automation research group
      IEEE Commun. Mag., May 2014.                                                at Nokia. He has co-authored numerous articles and papers on future
[4] D. Wübben et al., “Benefits and Impact of Cloud Computing on 5G Signal        mobile network technologies and architectures. He has worked in several
      Processing,” IEEE Signal Processing Mag., Oct. 2014.                        nationally and EU-funded projects covering the development of cellular
[5] A. de la Oliva et al., “Xhaul: Toward an Integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul        and industrial communication systems, among them H2020-5G-NOR-
      Architecture in 5G Networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 5,        MA, FP7-C-Cast, FP7-METIS, BMBF-SolarMesh, BMBF-PROWILAN, and
      Oct. 2015.                                                                  BMWi-CoCoS.
[6] 3GPP, “TR 22.852, Study on Radio Access Network (RAN) Sharing
      Enhancements, Release 12,” tech. rep., June 2013.                           MIGUEL A. PUENTE ( received his M.Sc. in tele-
[7] 3GPP, “TS 23.251, Network Sharing; Architecture and Functional Descrip-       communications engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
      tion, Release 12,” Dec. 2013.                                               (UPM) in 2012, including an information technology Master’s degree from
[8] S. Paul and S. Seshan, “Technical Document on Wireless Virtualization,”       the University of Stuttgart (2010–2012). Since 2012 he is with Atos Research
      GDD-06-17, GENI, Sept. 2006.                                                & Innovation in Spain, where he is involved in European research projects
[9] Y. Zaki et al., “LTE Wireless Virtualization and Spectrum Management,”        addressing 5G, EPS, Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud/Edge Computing, QoE/
      Proc. IEEE/IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conf., Budapest, Hun-        QoS optimization and recursive Internet architectures. From 2014 he is a
      gary, Oct. 2010.                                                            Ph.D. candidate at UPM.
[10] T. Guo and R. Arnott, “Active RAN Sharing with partial Resource Reserva-
      tion,” Proc. IEEE 78th VTC-Fall, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 2013.                 KONSTANTINOS SAMDANIS ( is a senior researcher and
[11] ITU-T Y.3011, “Framework of Network Virtualization for Future Networks,”     backhaul standardization specialist with NEC Europe. He is involved in
      Next Generation Networks-Future Networks, Jan. 2012.                        research for 5G networks and active in BBF on network virtualization, and
[12] NGMN Alliance, “NGMN 5G White Paper,” tech. rep., Feb. 2015.                 published numerous papers/patents. He has served as a Feature Topic
[13] C. J. Bernardos et al., “An Architecture for Software Defined Wireless       Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine and IEEE MMTC E-Letters,
      Networking,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 3, June 2014.              Co-Chair of IEEE ICC 2014 and EuCNC 2015, and edited Green Commu-
[14] Small Cell Forum, “Network Aspects of Virtualized Small Cells, Release       nications (Wiley). He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from Kings
      5.1, Document,” tech. rep., June 2015.                          College London.

                                                                                  BESSEM SAYADI ( received his M.Sc. and
                              bIogrAPhIes                                         Ph.D. degrees from SUPELEC in 2000 and 2003. He is a senior researcher at
PETER ROST [SM] ( received his Ph.D. degree from             Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs. He has worked on several nationally and EU-funded
Technische Universität Dresden in 2009 and his M.Sc. degree from the Uni-         projects. He has authored over 60 publications. He holds 20 patents and has
versity of Stuttgart in 2005. Since May 2015, he has been member of the           more than 25 patent applications pending in the area of video coding and
Radio Systems research group at Nokia Germany, contributing to the Euro-          wireless communications.

IEEE Communications Magazine • May 2016                                                                                                                                                          91
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